02-11-20 HPC AgendaOtsego Heritage Preservation Commission Agenda Tuesday, February 11, 2020 7:00 p.m. 1. Consider Agenda 2. Minutes review 3. OHPC projects a. Jacquie Rognli interview — Gail and Chris b. Photo organization — John i. Barn/school photos — John and Chris c. Old taped interviews — TS i. transcription d. Murder article for Otsego View — Cara e. Info re century home recognition — Cara f. Form a list of interviews we want to do i. Permission form — Cory ii. Pouliot, Praught, Shierts? iii. Spencers, Carol James, Kevin Lefebvre? iv. Andersons (daughter McAlpine), Kolles, Beaudrys? v. Tom Perrault? Tom Constant? Ron Black? vi. ? 4. camcorder tape - Heritage Day 1999 — Cory 5. Back up storage - TSS 6. FYI: SHPO conference is in Stillwater Sept. 16-18, 2020 a. When is Otsego Festival? 7. Computer news Note: There may be a quorum of the City Council in attendance from time to time at City Commission meetings only for the purpose of observation and receiving information.