ITEM 4.1 GRC; The VillageF Otsego MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 10 February 2020 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Planner Licht City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 4.1— GRC; The Village STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: I THE CITY OF OTSEGO: Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. X Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of a PUD Development Stage Plan. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No Held by Planning Commission 3 February 2020 BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Central Minnesota Properties has submitted plans for development of a 190 unit multiple family building upon Lot 1, Block 4, Great River Centre of Otsego 2"d Addition. A concept plan was previously reviewed in accordance with Section 11-36-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance to provide comment to the developer as to the acceptability of the land use. The proposed development requires consideration of an application for PUD Development Stage Plan approval. A public hearing to consider the application was held by the Planning Commission meeting on 3 February 2020 at 7:OOPM. Eric Schultz and Rick Schultz of Central Minnesota Properties were present as the applicants along with their architect Graeme Mahler. The developer agreed to the recommendations outlined in the Planning Report. The one public question was if the building would be pet friendly, which Eric Schultz indicated it would be. The Planning Commission closed the public hearing. The Planning Commission asked questions about space within the building for resident storage, timing for the first and second phases, and the developers' experience. These questions were addressed by Eric Schultz. Having no other questions or concerns about the project, the Planning Commission voted 7-0 to recommend City Council approval of the application. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: ■ Planning Report dated 27 January 2020 ■ Findings of Fact and Decision POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve a PUD Development Stage Plan for Lot 1, Block 4 Great River Centre of Otsego 2nd Addition subject to the conditions outlined in the Findings of Fact and Decision as presented. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: N/A TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: REPORT DATE ACTION DATE RE: TPC FILE: BACKGROUND 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com Otsego Planning Commission D. Daniel Licht, AICP 27 January 2020 25 February 2020 Otsego — Great River Centre; the Village PUD Development Stage Plan 101.02 Central Minnesota Properties has submitted plans for development of a 190 unit multiple family building upon Lot 1, Block 4, Great River Centre of Otsego 2nd Addition. A concept plan was previously reviewed in accordance with Section 11-36-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance to provide comment to the developer as to the acceptability of the land use. The proposed development requires consideration of an application for PUD Development Stage Plan approval. A public hearing to consider the application has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 3 February 2020 at 7:0013M. Exhibits: ■ Site Location Map ■ Mahler & Associates Architecture plans dated 09-12-2019 (18 sheets) ■ Schultz Engineering & Site Design plans dated 12/26/2019 (11 sheets) ■ Photometric plan dated 12/6/2019 ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is located within the Great River Centre of Otsego development. Great River Centre of Otsego is within the larger commercial area planned adjacent to the TH 101 and CSAH 39 interchange that is to be the primary location for retail, service, and office businesses in Otsego. The Great River Centre of Otsego was approved as a Planned Unit Development District that does create opportunity to include residential dwellings either as stand-alone uses or mixed use buildings. Allowance of residential uses this area of the Great River Centre of Otsego is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and objectives outlined in the GRC PUD Site Design Guidelines related to development of multiple family dwellings. Zoning. The subject site is zoned PUD District in accordance with the ordinance and PUD Development Stage Plan approved by the City Council on 13 March 2006. The PUD District includes establishment of Site Design Guidelines that provide for standards above that required by the Zoning Ordinance for allowed uses, building architecture, and site design. The PUD District defines three subdistricts including large merchandise/highway commercial, village commercial, and office warehouse district. Great River CentorProject Area and Silo Map The subject site is located within the village commercial subdistrict that is within the area bounded by CSAH 42, 85t" Street, Quaday Avenue, and 87t" Street. The Site Design Guidelines promote a mix of residential, commercial, and office buildings within the village commercial district to provide for a high density commercial core that is supported by larger retail at the perimeter of the Great River Centre of Otsego development. The proposed multiple family dwellings will be compatible with the smaller scale existing and planned commercial buildings within the village commercial district. Under a PUD District, the established zoning standards for a particular use within a conventional zoning district are presumed to be appropriate unless modified to meet a specific design objective consistent with the intent of the underlying requirement. Standards for a potential multiple family use of the subject site is to be based upon the requirements of the R-7, High Density Residential District and the PUD Site Design Guidelines. Building Exterior Finish. The PUD Site Design Guidelines include provisions related to architecture calling for buildings designed using clean functional lines oriented in a horizontal fashion with high pitched roof sections. The building entrance and wall sections along the structure feature flat roofs in contrast with the pitched roof of the main section of the structure. Additional metal finished pitched roofs are added along the main roof to break up its horizontal mass. The overall character of the building exterior is consistent with the GRC Site Design Guidelines. The PUD Site Design Guidelines also incorporate recommendations for appropriate exterior finish materials. These material requirements have been standardized within the Zoning Ordinance by Section 11-17-4.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance requiring 65 percent brick, stone, or glass to be used for the building exterior with remaining materials allowed to be stucco, EIFS, fiber panels/siding or decorative metal. The proposed exterior finish materials consist of brick, stone and CMU veneers, cement fiber siding panels, steel trim and formed stone finish concrete panels at the base. Brick and stone materials are used for more than 65 percent of each elevation and for 78 percent of the total exterior materials exceeding the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and PUD Site Design Guidelines. Building Height. Buildings within the R-7 District are limited to a height of 3 stories of 35 feet. The PUD Site Design Guidelines establish building height regulations within Great River Centre of —\\ Otsego that would apply to the subject site. These Block, Lot3 � Lott - height standards were established to ensure that .a view corridors of the SuperTarget building from TH Lot4;' N.E.' 101 and CSAH 42 are maintained while also '' ;R --- _— allowing for variation in building heights within the a Lot Great River Centre of Otsego. The subject site is ,t allowed to have a building height up to 40 feet or 3 stories. The building is proposed to be 3 stories in Bt 1 z height, but measures 41.5 feet above grade due to i �°' the underground garage and pitched roof. The - - 'NE 65thSt Maximum Bldg Ht.24' additional building height is allowable under the (tstory) PUD District to accommodate the garage amenity l � h1(axim�)BldgHt. 28' 0 and aesthetics of the pitched roof encouraged by 1,;!i ManmumBkWHL35' f� the PUD Site Guidelines. Maximw„B"HL40' (3 story) Landmark O Dwelling Units. The table below charts the number of dwelling units within the proposed apartment building by bedroom. The area of each dwelling unit is subject to Section 11-17-6.B of the Zoning Ordinance that specifies minimum floor areas for each dwelling unit type. The floor area of each of the apartments comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Unit Min. Floor Area Proposed Floor Area Disability Units Number of Units Percentage 1 bedroom 700sf. 814sf.-980sf. 4 53 27.9% 2 bedroom 780sf. 1,102sf.-1,268sf. 4 136 71.6% 3 bedroom 860sf. 1,568sf. 1 0.5% TOTALI 8 190 100% Lot Area. Section 11-68-6.A.3.b of the Zoning Ordinance requires multiple family uses within the R-7 District to have a minimum lot area of 20,000 square feet. The subject site is 380,123 square feet (8.73 acres) in area and exceeds the minimum lot area requirement. Section 11-68- 6.A.3.a of the Zoning Ordinance also requires a minimum lot area of 2,500 square feet per dwelling unit. The lot area per unit requirement may be reduced through the following schedule of allowances set forth by Section 11-68-7 of the Zoning Ordinance. ■ Underground parking stall/du: -300sf ■ Adjacent to commercial district:-300sf. ■ Each bedroom more than 2/du: +300sf. ■ Maximum reduction/du:-500sf. The maximum 500 square foot per dwelling unit reduction allowance would apply to the subject site based on underground parking and surrounding commercial uses. At 190 dwelling units and a minimum of 2,000 square feet per dwelling unit, the lot must be at least 380,000 square feet. There is 1 proposed 3 bedroom apartment within the building that would require an additional 300 square feet or a minimum lot area of 380,300 square feet. The Planning Commission may consider allowing flexibility for the lot area per unit requirement as part of the PUD District or require that the 3 bedroom dwelling unit be converted to a two bedroom dwelling unit. Floor Area Ratio. Section 11-68-8.13 establishes a maximum floor area ratio for buildings within the R-7 District of 70 percent. Floor area ratio is determined by dividing the gross floor area of the building by the lot area. The proposed building has a gross floor area of 261,291 square feet (not including underground parking) and the lot area is 380,123 square feet. The floor area ratio for the concept plan is 69 percent and complies with the Zoning Ordinance. Setbacks. The proposed site plan provides that the building is to be located on the south side of the site extending along Parson Avenue, 85th Street, and Quaday Avenue. This presents a building forward design with surface off-street parking and outdoor amenities to the rear of the building adjacent to the stormwater basins along the north line of the subject site. The arrangement of the proposed building, outdoor amenities, and surface off-street parking is consistent with the recommendation of the PUD Site Design Guidelines. The PUD Site Design Guidelines establish a setback requirement of 30 feet from 85th Street and Quaday Avenue. A 10 to 20 foot build -to setback line is required along Parson Avenue to provide a closer building location along the village commercial street. The building setback 30 feet from 85th Street and Quaday Avenue and 15 feet from Parson Avenue, which is consistent with the approved plans for the Edina Realty and Lil Explorers buildings to the north of the subject site. The setbacks from public streets comply with the PUD Site Guidelines. Vehicle Access. The site is proposed to have two accesses. One access is to be off of Parson Avenue at the northwest corner of the subject site. The 2 lane access is setback 10 feet from the north property line and 385 feet from the Parson Avenue and 85th Street intersection. The 0 second access is a 2 lane driveway from Quaday Avenue at the northeast corner of the subject site. This access is 10 feet from the north property line, approximately 180 feet from the driveway to Twin Cities Orthopedic and 320 feet from the Quaday Avenue intersection. Both access locations comply with Section 11-21-6.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. Off -Street Parking. Section 11-21-8 of the Zoning Ordinance requires apartment uses to provide 2.0 off-street parking stalls per dwelling unit. With 190 dwelling units, 380 parking stalls are required. The site and building plans provide for 410 parking stalls with 217 garage stalls below the building and 193 surface parking stalls. The number of off-street parking stalls exceeds the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance by 30 stalls. Based on a requirement of 1.0 enclosed stall per dwelling unit, 27 of the surplus stalls are located within the garage. The surface parking stalls are designed to be 9 feet by 18 feet accessed by 24 foot wide drive aisles. The dimensions of the parking stalls comply with Section 11-21-7.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. The dimensions for the interior parking stalls have also been designed to meet these requirements allowing for parking of a full range of vehicle sizes within the garage. Section 11-21-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that off-street parking areas be surfaced with concrete or asphalt. Section 11-21-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance requires that concrete curb be placed at the perimeter of off-street parking areas and islands within the area. The site plan include construction details for the off-street parking area consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The construction details for the off-street parking areas are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Pedestrian Access. The site plan indicates construction of pedestrian sidewalks within the subject site on the north side of the building that extend along the building and out to Parson Avenue and Quaday Avenue, as well as to the outdoor amenities on the north edge of the site. A pedestrian sidewalk is also extended the full width of the subject site along the north line. A pedestrian connection to the north between the stormwater basins without Outlot B, Great River Centre of Otsego 2nd Addition to provide pedestrian access to future commercial businesses can be constructed when the commercial properties to the north are developed. This pedestrian corridor is to be overlaid by public sidewalk easement. The submitted plans show construction of a 5 foot wide concrete sidewalk along 85th Street and Quaday Avenue abutting the subject site. On Parson Avenue, the developer will construct a 5 foot wide sidewalk from 85th Street to the north line of Outlot B, Otsego Great River Centre 2nd Addition to connect to the sidewalk to be constructed by Lil Explorers. Indoor and Outdoor Amenities. The submitted plans propose a number of indoor and outdoor amenities for the multiple family building. Indoor amenities are to include a swimming pool and hot tub, entertainment lobby, and sitting lounge. These would be located on the first floor at the center of the building extending out to an outdoor patio and green lawn for games on 5 the south side of the building. On the north side of the building, there is an outdoor pool as well as putting/chipping green and sports court and children's playground across the parking lot. Section 11-18-5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance requires the outdoor pool to be enclosed by a fence meeting the requirements of Section 11-18-5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. Landscaping. Section 11-19-2.13.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires a landscape plan that provides for installation of plantings including shade trees along 85th Street and Quaday Avenue at 60 feet on center, at the north line of the subject site at adjoining the outlot with storm water basins, the immediate perimeter of the structure, and the perimeter/interior of off-street parking areas. The developer has submitted a landscape plan that provides for appropriate. The trees proposed in the yards adjacent to Parson Avenue, 851h Street, and Quaday Avenue are to be moved to the boulevard consistent with GRC Site Guidelines requirements. The sizes of the proposed plantings comply with Section 11-19-3 of the Zoning Ordinance and an in - ground irrigation system is also to be installed for all lawn and landscaped areas as required by Section 5-2-3.C.1 of the City Code. Signs. The architectural plans include illustration of potential sign concepts for the subject site: ■ The developer proposes to locate monument signs at the site entrances from Parson Avenue and Quaday Avenue. These signs are to be limited to a maximum 25 square foot sign area and 40 square foot monument area consistent with the GRC PUD Site Guidelines and setback 10 feet from property lines as required by Section 11-37-3.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. ■ A sign is proposed to be mounted on the outside face of the retaining wall supporting the outdoor patio on the south side of the building. Provided this sign is installed in lieu of any other wall signage, it can be allowed at this location up to 100 square feet within the PUD District as part of the PUD Development Stage Plan. ■ A sign permit is required by Section 11-37-7 of the Zoning Ordinance prior to placement of any permanent signs upon the subject site. Waste Storage. The submitted plans show locations within the principal building for waste collection and storage. Exterior Lighting. Section 11-16-6.0 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes performance standards for exterior lighting so as to prevent glare from being cast to adjacent properties or public streets. Light fixtures must be installed with a 90 degree horizontal cut-off to direct light down to the ground. Light poles are to be limited to 25 feet in height. The intensity of light cast at the property lines cannot exceed 0.4 foot candles. The submitted plans include a photometric lighting plan indicating the type, location, height, and intensity of all proposed exterior light fixtures that comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. E0 Street Lighting. Great River Centre of Otsego requires installation of standard (intersection) and above standard (streetscape and pedestrian) street lighting as specified by Title 8, Chapter 8 of the City Code. The location and type of street lighting to be installed is to be determined by the City Engineer based on City standard fixtures. The developer will be responsible for the cost of the fixtures, installation, and 2 years of operation for street lights adjacent to the subject site as required by Section 8-8-7.0 of the City Code. Park Dedication. Park dedication requirements for Great River Centre were satisfied at the time of final plat approval for the initial development. However, development of the subject site with a residential use not anticipated at the time of final plat approval may require additional dedication in accordance with Section 10-8-15.N of the Subdivision Ordinance. ■ Commercial park dedication fee: ■ Residential park dedication fee: 8.37ac. x $7,000/ac. _ $58,590 (credit) 190du. X $2640/du. _ $501,600 The difference in park dedication fees in lieu of land dedication for the subject site based on commercial versus residential use is $443,010 that the developer will be required to pay with a development agreement. Utility Plan. The subject site is located within the east sewer district and sewer and water utilities are available to the subject site. The developer has submitted plans for connection to City utilities that are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The developer must pay utility availability charges for the lot with the development agreement and pay utility connection charges based on the proposed number of dwelling units at the time a building permit is issued based on the City's current fee schedule. Grading Plan. The developer has submitted plans for grading, drainage, and erosion control for the subject site. The subject site is within the floodplain and will require fill to raise the grades of the site to elevations necessary for a Letter of Map Revision approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to remove the subject site from the floodplain in compliance with Chapter 94 of the Zoning Ordinance. The elevation of the underground garage is allowed be below the 100-year floodplain elevation provided the criteria regarding floodproofing set forth by Section 11-94-7.C.10.b of the Zoning Ordinance are met. All grading, drainage, erosion control, floodplain, and wetland issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Phasing Plan. The proposed apartment building is to be constructed in two phases. Phase 1 consists of the lobby section of the building and the dwelling units to the east. There are to be 100 dwelling units in Phase 1. Parking for Phase 1 will include construction of 103 of the garage stalls and 123 surface off-street parking stalls exceeding the minimum requirement of 2.0 stalls per dwelling unit. A temporary access to 85th Street will be provided east of Parson Avenue until Phase 2 is constructed to minimize the amount of pavement reclamation. The PUD Development Stage Plan application is being considered for the entire development requiring only a building permit and performance agreement in the future for Phase 2. 7 Development Agreement. Section 11-36-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance requires the developer to provide construction and warranty securities for the public and private improvements as part of the development of the subject. Performance requirements and securities are to be outlined within a development agreement. The development agreement will be drafted by the City Attorney and is subject to approval of the City Council at the time of consideration of the PUD Development Stage Plan. RECOMMENDATION The proposed Village apartments are a high amenity market rate residential use consistent with the City's policies for multiple family development, allowed by the GRC PUD District. The proposed use is compatible with and will provide support for surrounding commercial land uses and is adequately served by existing transportation and utility infrastructure. Our office approval of the PUD Development Stage Plan application subject to the conditions stated below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval for the proposed PUD Development Stage Plan for Lot 1, Block 4 Great River Centre of Otsego subject to the following conditions: 1. The subject site shall be developed in accordance with the PUD Development Stage Plan and other information submitted to the City, except as may be modified herein subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 2. The landscape plan shall be revised to install the proposed front yard shade trees within the boulevard spaced a minimum of 60 feet on center, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 3. The outdoor pool shall be enclosed by a fence meeting the requirements of Section 11-18-5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The following signs shall be allowed subject to issuance of a sign permit: The subject site shall be allowed 1 sign at each access to a public street with a sign area not greater than 25 square feet and monument structure area not greater than 40 square feet. b. A sign not to exceed 100 square feet shall be allowed to be installed on the retaining wall supporting the outdoor patio on the south side of the building. 5. The developer shall install street lighting as required by Title 8, Chapter 8 of the City Code, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land of $443,010 at the time a performance agreement is executed based on a change in land use in accordance with 10-8-15.N of the Subdivision Ordinance. 7. All utility issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer; the developer shall pay utility availability and connection charges at the time a building permit is issued. 8. All grading, drainage, erosion control and floodplain issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. The developer shall enter into a development agreement with the City as drafted by the City Attorney and approved by the City Council. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan Great River Centre of Otsego PUD District. C. Motion to table. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk David Kendall, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL — MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits ❑ c ❑ t ❑3 Parcels WIoPOSPDUSE 190 APARTMENT UNIT BUILDING WITH UNDER WILDING PARYJNG LANDUSESUMMARY Im Mu • oeo,ln.mn. 1 IMPERVIOUS SURFACE P¢NaNL`C s BLOCK 7 E. NSF 9ADINM AND mK wA10. 59Fi. I�Iw. mYT. 4:4fI. � Y10.1w. 9Art. PERVIOUS SURFACE ww IN,on.SM. mesa LYw5Ul9b - 1wAlx mrt. amlmo o1,m IN@S91lIC - vAm sort. OUROT A rumNwm A-mrt. Aw4 sort. urt MM . NW.54R. us MINIMUM FIAORAREPER OWEWNG UNIT ICNAPM 17j — —— SIZE I! I�w,�u RAm� wIa snvL Iws n¢ mLAeNe RN uxli ft u„m� an w4 mn. w�®iwrwmcsuwr.N 1v4 mn. Nwmwl Iwls I M4Nw1 w 3Yn. 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DNnuc ,m NUP vmN NwuE a maw m awxo Noxa xm1 °°° urwlm rRa Nw lrlol xRN, tM. m wr Ix a[n. t"0p Mpfl m numxc saNPa ar x• NNmN. w xa 1Nw wnRna aw¢ � e Par 1nNwm a�xuruwrv� �nnl m ma mm t P�a�W�f >1NL^ ]ANm Ai INBNPr Ram�9�N'S N xY -w' INN nww .PP¢ IV9NRw6 A. axAN �� w X \ � rlae�.:m suP� Rr tw. vs my Pwna a � auu � § \j rb• awn r xr �xNE ma � z � —�" _ \ autwelNmi twx wnlm Ix mo womE a 1 � a w t e NN axoms wxms /\\� P 7. a wcr uuuN w mnrcr mM �I�' m s o i� HyyYN \� aaNm�sz � oc� as w[ wNNUNRm '�� �Nxm a[ rt :7 nwvm mlx rw°ix"'enR� \ uP"Neelm n�uu N wau"P'P� art�cluavNwi�Pw \ � �u�Iam u°"ma.+� ' :1 N PUL[ N nwwc so& ..•.'•.,,fir";. �: uoauNtm awx avntl WIn&vyurvffiPM R 1 um Prus a onnoPuaE tRus xmtTs. xN 3 gE7�1NINC WAIL. GUARDRVL DEPIL 2 UNDSGPE PLANTING DETAIL AS-101 w I FL�O LEGAL DESCRIPTION ® INDtCATES STORM MANHOLE fxbtGTEs S[5N d/L•x � � DSGITES STOaMSEIVERLWE LaµI.DIW I.CRCATRIVERCRMRDOFOI52C0 gxCDNDADDOION.•mvJing r (\ Ya G'LWV1®PoN 9.ION I i — SNDICA,Pw•SAMTAPYSeWERLWE ® SI.gICATES SANfTARYMANHOLE � ATICATES gI1VMiNW55UPPA[E m emvedtivH:lMaor, WrlpM1:hunry,Mlmea. �J f rm uuxrmngms I e INDUATEs uTCHDnsw-Tn..mww.nwre.a..wo.bel.a.•wawwnk*smuD.wmmlw..a W 5� p sINRWRa —•-- w°zuTEs uNDERCRWNDwnTm waf �.Dn�m.xw.m•aex. PAwl..nnnlomfu.•..�.x...oe.RF..tlmn.n••.. 5.. I uLw uxx ra¢R/nx1L � .. SNDzcnTEs wnmva.ve wa=:�nm:mr<umw.fa.oM.R.yexnmm�w N.rou•. I---W l� I :--.-.._ wDzcnrEs uNDEPaRWNDsns mw.K•A•wtltl..w•�.'••rW.mPl��••nx.le<•f..Pa..w °A`OKx� BLOCK i _,_—.--,_ LJDICATES VNDERGRWND ELEOD4'C v INDruTES HfDRnNr cc c.��.•�a.v�.zm.nl-zowzz-Naa.w Rrwf.x•x.1nu�.x,f9,2�°ef. Q¢ I a� wlrt x� I i tt sNDun,ES PowmPo� a•. u, YP..tl.,v.n....m..a.uRra.•1nKx®n��e.ltl aao-aa ��,[�, i ��y,:erg'tM SNDSGIESNONMONUMEN, PIACFD O �7 I (T� I INDIC.ITESINONMONUMENTPOUND IN°SCAIF'ELECfpic PEDPSTAL of INDIG1e5,ElEPHONEPEDFSTAL O r••' 1 • �II i +.%r _0o°wwxar�NR_K K ______.�_......... ______ ___- _________________________ ouaor �Gba,O e MNN IO rm�,n1S1IFRK i T7i't 1 U 1 W ourzor a _- •• wvv�u.l P x�,o�E�KHx =-- - ------ �- '=____-_�==--=-=�fij; ,g ] , Q I- ® — — ---- — --- — — I — — — -- — —_ ------ ®®------------------ ___ - _---__-__- _----------------- _- _ - - - CHNNLINK FENCE OEfaL � 11 � 0.__.,______________ ^Se9°42'9", 99a:a0. _ ______-__-___---___ II - '� "•" '4-YbNKm. pqS t''.\ `R@MMv.I9t°• .C';>_ _ ,— 1 t —I¢ � xRxmuNl Flat i l �-F .�{{�-•.:. x IRui° .:. .:.•" ' � ® �:. � �� - - - - - - - - - N ARE I xD,.'rm BLOCK zi elli - I • -1: E ',r. ;, _ - •� / R e — I � y Z RO Ya RW RP. % A/ DR., ' SEGO N 0 a vlrm. cE BEraL I . •:I : 11 / of p ppl�p z LL a I I I'sN� I: •.� �11'c � �-- . , w • / D,F,�,� p P � � [ awaDw "xr snat a woL DHe ' 1' I ' — - r `�i' ,• -n.IIR w o z x� .. �P� � 1 IMD[;,R� DID[ �� �x s� �g gRM MR[ ."% '�� a /• j • \♦ • a o '�nM�xxx,R[ I 1 •.. .° -- 2g - %>�`•-� / (, I ER♦ ooY` w o nM — I 1 °aA \`GREP� E OF 8 'P:[ jvxx mvi =" .—,___ t«... - Ja._..__._.--.Po_ -. s•c 1w¢ m: --® l�%! �� BLOCK 7 r — — — -f — = — — ---I —'-- ��—.— --= �.— ON E B5TH srneer pg5R0 Pppl� x gP n, xx — — OTSEGO COMMERCIAL PARK UTT 4 4 H.C. PaiKING SIGN i SrrE PLAN M o m"a swt mmaMf Y/alRaxr sru[elrcx mce vv rNt x•,m[Csnm¢-Ixlmwmut axrrvao ___���_-_ �_ _ _ -_-____ rgP N PAGgID vai¢ __-N rusxw wD[ ec: T PP[ FlII � w I,wnt e PWINDRg IuxmuP PAmac saran, Hung[ f vm xc Iwaxc z �g_p� 1 oom'z°YDD'rypwpuis/w�i�' °2 °n vrmlc zmnmc m. sP,¢ PMrt s,mD, pI rar. Dig gwc l ..- 1 �, muP.w,m e:°[° �MN° � g o N? w PAttuuT PoM OR P.MW MggF fWI1C NO Ivmwr%N10R r 1 a `NanRm mxmLr[ rwRN s C, L 1 m z z �,g PMNYIG lvxfg•sw Rx srnrt �._ aaE RMgg me Mim ______� �S lra cgxcrcrz mnwc ; � a w � s � � fly-'oHNFAA^ E ¢ Y cmi F a O PK IPNXI� 5'gOWlf aOEgV%� i m SIIEPLW AS-102 B NO PARKING-FlR LANE SIGN B H.C. PARKING SYMBOL r SIOEN'aJC CURB -CM 0 L 6 SIOEWaJC OETaI s e.1 D oETAIL cn W FF W ec U= II �(�r CL W-414 Q Y � Q i aa q. ¢c; ' oa�Rrx xmu Z 0 LL w o ZOf ® a z G I FIF FlAOR OVERPLL PUN O w � r E�w, i 7�NN 1�-+Yd a O FlRSIBOOR-OVEMIL A-101 [goal MINE ;Mm • - ---- - ---- MO. is C3 .......__ ........ ........................................................ .... ................. Lm 11 1 1 MR[m -11 ou mmu. o l U l� l_J l____ ---_ �'� LLL.I U= ur lu — TO l U J V Yd r m Q< J= I � F cr L g � .113 n� Ei}�• E PWEO E--LF-71 xlf 6 4Sg N OOR a-VOZAEL PUN_(fl O yOy ui IJ F u Z E IUp SECOMROOR-O4FIWL A-102 • a• a � • —I 1 FE M III , II III Ili � �:a�j III � I'I III®#m':i� I-I1711#�" �I 11 I� • �I ■ : - ♦Milllj It 111,� I:• �: ti,,�>ai l �� • ... �' TI #1 Onu#1 I �1 �As#1' #1 plc• ■ pna#1 col N � � � e !.. , - -- ---_. i� ! [ell _•JI#®'SS. �1 : [ell �iJl#®'dS� �l � [97 �jJ#�i'Si i� � � [el�,� _ ��==i -- - - - • #E7a a[� M'� ooSpry.�� .. pne#1 -- q — ©--.1 N r 1� B �1 ■ r I I A I I III�I��id �■IJ—,gi� 1—II■IJII� �l�ll�l_! . 1 L� 0SECOND FLOOR - v w W U= =- O v i LULi y C,- A LL = 1 QJ l I = 3 44— g I .u� [w, C) u u L of w ® U TMlgrPLO OR OVEML PI 1� o w se 7 RULMR-OVEPALL A-103 T) LLJ <m C) nF a/ LU 814 SF. 1314 SF. 0 1 -1 BATH I (TlPE 3) MIRRCRM I SED-1 BAN I (TYPE S) z ui U) i z x bol owW UNF —S 815 SF. 815 SF. A-1 05.1 2- �ilm- -T, �-,, E 8) - MIRRORS) (.)-I1l BED-1 BATH 11 (ME EQ II■� li■ � �I4 �14 � ® i �I I.4 r�lr1 Mil) ' � �II II � � ■il � ��Q9 Lu „F W U= Orn� UJV s UJ R Q m ~ =a Dm I 4 e k W U Qa � F �I } z 0 954 SF. 814 SF. 2 t 9E1-1 Sant -DEN - t E 8 01,Ag IA- - H.C. CME A) w o 0 fl� z z � SB 9 8 s emxoou trvwcSM.O E � � Q �• r ,- ire. - s � - o * oWDWW� mNINiNa BQI10 ➢ C p = y w yy Y d A1H RM. mm Ow 0 - a 30 9< uHlrawus 980 SF. 9eo sF. A-105.2 3M 1 EEO-t 9ATH-0EN - II E B - MIRRORED y t BEO-1 BATH-0EN - 11 E 0 ��■ ICI _,.= � r� ���.� LLJ uj OF- Lu czx 1,102 SF. 1,102 SF. &�6-2 BATH - I "E 8) - MIRROREDI �MTI Ld LIVING RW, BEDROOM Eel I- V 0- U/ Y \E: -j- t tg=rt FEW= ;.-I 0 RQMAY r) r) r) r) ,j 29 7X vowe DIH RM. Eol 0 1 0 MICH 6H . eb BAMM.'/ ama CLOSET VNRPVWS 1,121 SF 1,221 SF. -105.3 BED-2 BATH - MIRRORED11 (TYPE B) - MIRRORED 17 CIWE B) A �I ■ a ,ITT LLJ DG Qac �y U= w �3 ry= ^M IBM M, im�m Q a Iff c } O 1,102 SF. 1,102 t l2 BED-2 BATH — III E B — MIRRORED t 2 BED-2 BATH — III E B Z J F h x Z Z „ io•d 11 0 u, I B7O 2 � W BmO t uRIRM. U Y Yd ?d IT .If UND � O ui ui �O8 a6s= * FNF INO p oHNya a. �a a'd cLosEr eam NM. it-o• e�e c-I UNRPUNS 1,104 SF. 1,104 SF. A-105.4 2M 2 BEO-2 BATH —IIII E B — MIRRORED BED-2 BATH — IIII E B p r i; ag ME \l= DIDIET p r �Up e U`^Ia w 0o pEj gtl Yi - CLIx 9 � X7 HALLWAY W� + (] = 3 SON ED G '� _ N_r WRGHEN/DINING BBH RM. CLDSEftP O = -,r lAl & a tRV, 1,105 SF. 1,105 SF. >' O Q H 1M 2 BED-2 BATH - V E B - MIRRORED 2 BED-2 BATH - V E B Z O -1 O V)Z Z d O s lilt 4 h O w �aa 4�o¢�Nm M IB RHARI 1,102 SF. A-105.5 2 2 BEO-2 BATH — H.C. E A W GG DEN ¢ o U� Qr m h uMxQ mROOM 4 Q W <� a'-o• C '-0 - tJ'-9 tVd r g ,� YN J•- y- LA tt L rv= e \ / - WU oY J $ DW Et_i - Q 'tyn ET O t J MRHFN/OINWcCLOSET C g ENWf BOTH RM 1 n-o• v-r >- O 1,221 SF. 1,221 SF. 1M 2 BED-2 BATH -DEN - I E B - MIRRORED P 2 BED-2 BATH -DEN - I E B Z O 'F- -- W O (n Z Z ,a-0• a O N Al mm �'I�Rpy V' G >v DIDO 2 W 'D RmO , uHOM. If �j e.r r -e Ir-a o' s a 4 WLLLWAY w / 0 _ - 3 O yb W Ok ND DW MWz� 4 E Q -E. DEN I�zrOU� gCHEN/OININ °'-6• Bent wa. cwsEr4 ® \ 1 yi5 I�te 5 - a � ?I°.1 ;*Pms 1.221 SF. 1,268 SF. A-105.6 2 BEO- HOTFt-OEN - 11 E B -MIRRORED 2 2 BED-2 BOTH -DEN - 11 E B -I LLJ -------------- F-A nEN 0 un CEO 0 LMNO RM. DO B WW Lu mosa ftLwAy "' •• Lul • UNDO DW miN RM. IDINII 17 < aNi� : i E, R� ENrRT LOSEFm L li o 1,242 SF. 1,242 SF. cr .Aq< -.2 BATH -DEN - III (TYPE B) - MIRRORED (�-2 BATH -DEN - Ill MME 8) z c) P5 0 z z (L 0 MIN— 1, Ire, g- i Iffi I' UNITPLMS 1.242 SF. 1,242 SF. -2 BATH -DEN- Ilti (�E 8) -MIRRORED 9-1 BATH -DEN - IN O�E E _ �O5. 7 ) �� I III �' ■II I�� : ,® � �4 ��® ,1 -- III r�� �. D•1 � _ t a II■ '� �4��11 de�l�I��I WPF rr I— W ec U= Or^^ WNallml Qa 3a F Z 1,568 SF. `�em-�z enn�-ow - i Rae e) Z OO w O ~/ Z Z d O U 0 F w oww 1"mz C u puns A-105.8 ®o-� �o-PRFN9.DI�RD1,.1 ®o-�q�RP�Nx ■�-qoI MRmI LI ■ p- �ATA,m :,aE ALB ®p - Rawl wuc Pxn./ PMOMTOI 4 FRONT ELEVATION - BETWEEN ENO AND STAIR MOWELEIA70N - STAIR h MOVE -IN LOBBY 2 ELEVATION — MECH. DOOR - Iflhl .. .. •• IULWI iL.ri .. .. ..i ial �uIW _lull L9W MONUMENT $IONAO B ENO ELEVATION — DRIVE UNDER > WKMUF�MRM O MWUFACTURM' CERIEMEEo O MANUFACTURER GABPA MANUFACTURER NICHIM O MANUFAL-RIRBt NICHIHA OO MANUFACTURER Bom O MANUFACTURE DOW O MANUFACTURER: PROCUCTUNE MNONARN PROOUCTUNE MBi SCAM PROpUCFMNE AAOLWALLF/NELABRU6 -TUFFBLCM PROOUCTUNE gMFN51gI5EAIF5-RBA® PR000CTUNE WN61NxNIECMP15BgB -RLLMBMLiNXBPA PRODUCTUNE GMA9ONTUt IDM MOOUDTUNE -PALMMRMM MVANOMSTONEWFMM PRODUCTLNE DOLOR COLONKMATE - COLOR CWRD0 DOLOR PEWIEN MLM LUS 001.011-MTI. I COLOR IRONSTONE DOLOR AORAME COLOR MBROWNBLEND I COLOR 2 RACK ELEVATION - BETWEEN DEN TOWER h ENO STNR RACK MEVATION - AT ENO STAIR Nr.�c yB7A��ELEVATON - MECN. DOOR 3 BACK ELEVATION - DEN TOWER s ,�I I OUTLOT A BLOCK 2 I OTSEGO COMMERCIAL PARK /1 INFILTRATION BASIN #1 (IB7) I � .N uq n t. �, r � �. 15 { �8 Vl I OJN .03 "e Z �` I a8 P s LuoE ae zV, RIT zo �LL Ww c BCO< JyF 9 I p (SEG( coin co %Pj R� o�R a GR THE �GEN BLOCK 1 1 TN 8 NZZ n INFILTRATIONPBASIN #2 (IB21 �� s „r MA6i£R GRADING PUW ° m CMi oP 1 PALMEPT D BL[� HEIGHT OF VALVE BOX TO BE ADJUSTED TO RNISNCD OMDE ey [%PENSION qDo n �vALVE BOX ALIGNMENT BCACTIOM OACMHG DIP 0 ICELIL SNp 6.0 R MIN DIP iCE PLUG SDUD CONCRETE BLOCK TE VALVE BACK YALVE LOCATION LINE WHERE HEGR WAU( OR MN 4" THIDR MIN OR ON PROPERTY RE POSIBZE IN "NoBOUL-RIN. RR FROM GREATER THAN 2" SERVICES WATER SERVICE DETAIL NO SEAL[ Otsego STANOAR2D LATE NO. OT VALVE BOX TD BEE ADJUSTER TO 11'1pYOPRORANTLINUIXEH R ROD PACER tRADIC MHO[ HYDRANT OO PROVES COUAL GRADE ABOVEVE OUR. CURB VALVE LODATTON 2 "ET Or CURB UNDISTURBED IRRRENSION GDIL 3' NIHUN S EPARARON FROM 0 g STORM SEWER W/ I NSUlATIONO HYpMNi DMIN IN. R uYERS Or USTIC !MIL WATER.. VALVE EO% RIN. THICKNESS AMCNMEHT DEVICE •: j; T;: CRUSHED ROCK OI CU. Y0. COREtE THRUST '`✓.:• ,TT.: �•' BLROK k BASE TIC BACK THE VALVE e" MINIMUM j N IROM SEPARATIO f SANITARY SLW[R 1. OE pRAINS BELOW WATER TABLE To BE PLUCCCp AND THE HYDRANT TAOCEO WITH METAL STRIP AND THC NOZZLE Z X. ALL BELLOW GROUND NUTS, BOLTS. AND 5 HYDRANT AND VALVE HP R-ING SHALL RE GORE-BLUC ON SIB STAINLESS STEEL INSTALLATION L OLSe P o STANDAR20b LATE No. STANDAR2 2LATE NO. PUPESEKE THE OY PLUG MOWW12PLUCS (Lr. 90"BEND) 1R BRING (43" REND) AND E/0G B-CEIS") B" 0.0 CUYtlr 0.13 CUYtl. 0.05 -4. R. 0.27 G- 0.X, cP P, E.G. CUYtls 0.]2 CUYtl, 0.48 CUYd. 0.14 CUYtl. 0.32 CN- 0.23 CUYd. 0.21 CUYtl. is" 033 CUYd. 1.)] GUY'. 9 CUYtl. 20" 0.82 CUYtl. ].30 CUYd. 0.03 CUYtl. 2!' 1 1.34 CUTUI 1 3.21 CUYd. 1.6] CUYtl. 1. COVER FITTNDS ENCASED IN CONCRETE WITH POLYETHYLENE OR BUILDING PAPER PRIOR TO POURING. X. CONCRETE BLOCKING SHALL BE POURED AGAINST FIRM. UNDISTURBED CBOUNO. 3. CONCRETE SHALL MEET THE HDOUIREMENTS FOR CRADE B CONCRETE IN CONFORMANCE WITH MP/DOT 4. AU. 4ETAL PARTS OF RE ROD OR STRAP TYPE RES(NGIRS SHALL BE GALVANIZED OR COATED WITH ASPHALTIC TYPE RUSTPROOFINC. i�Se�o STANDARD LATE NO. 02 NH- ,NON ADJU. TO FINISHED GROUND AS SPECIFIED ...� D�RIR WNw,NR MR. vALVE BOX ASSEMBLY SECTION A -A -1 AxO umxO rm Xoo eurz Sm -BASE. VALVE 2 BLOCKS TO RE WRAPPED WITH 2 LAYERS OF 4 MIL PLASTIC y F -:ucxuurt uu mRx ,I.0 i DEVICE 4- _ uPlxrs 1. A:IM t4] Y W COFNINCRCTE BLOCKS MIN 8" % 12" ....... ........,.. 1N.4TAELLSVALVLS IN- BE PITTED WITH C%TCNSION STEMS. TO BRING THE 2. ALL BELOW GBOUN� NUTS. NUT BOLTSTEELD ROODIOM NG SHALLC B'E CORE-oLUE OR 31D STAINLESS TYPICAL RESILIENT WEDGE VALVE &BOX INSTALLATION 10" &UNDER WATERMAIN NO SCALE STANDARD PLATE NO. 0 / IJ-Se�o VIN1I J -MANHOLE NOTCS: INLT 1.RmMFLOW S, u °ate `[6e:OLOU .-I SANITARY SEWERx9ST.cAANDARD MANHOLE M otgeko STANDAR300�TE N0. HYDRANT LOCATOR ROD (PULLY WRAPPED p4'° RBERGL155) S R LENGTH RN/WHITE WRN tl STAINLESS STEEL CLOSE STYLE SPRING MOUNT Q 2 1/2' NOSE CONNECTION kiy' l 1/2" PUMPER CONNECRON U y�g n S �YYYY@; I 2Zp5 1. x3' BOAXER" SECTION tl y r 2. GRADE NANO OPERATING NUT 99 3. PAINT BARREL SECTION RED TO 4. DRAW HOLES ABOVE NORMAL WATER NOMINAL ABLE TO BE OPEN. DRAIN HOLES uuSS a GROUND BELOW NORMAL WATER TABLE To BE i 2 MNE DRAIN LUGG%H0 SL HALL BETTAGGEDGWITH EnED QY 8 3/B A METAL STRIP AND THE NOZZLE S PAINTED Ruch I.. S. ALL CAPS HAM. BE FITTED WITH L2] STANDNPE CHAINS. BOTTOM a ALL BELOW GROUND NUTS AND BOLTS I o SHALL BE CORE -BLUE ORSTUNSIB ¢a> V LFS$ STEEL Z Z W$ z 8 a'� CLBpt ZW PACER TRAFFIC FLANGE HYDRANT (OR ANO SEDWL) (l.l GIF- JN Ol.Se'O STANDARD PLATE N0. _�z (. 203 U 0wW Axx. IMMINI[RDN[9WR Yxm [�xYTBP° o D�/T9 n• ABAXU.- WxO, mAT a[ [ OR ...ROM 9 W N Pv 8 rvO :M P-G. DWI STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND CASTING [°x[ (Au -I- v[vI WXUIE WAR .r -GX Alm GTIHm M[m[YRR-11 ON 9m[P COV[A� •SANrtART PIF EQUAL MC[ , RrAm x[a LGei ,/4'• wiawm u ax , - TomirR GAADT L9xa 00o M WATERPROOF FRAME AND oLLa[ TORaCDAYaJNs YOAaxPIRNE19 N Z L PRIOR THE WAvkk 2 "DTI -NL :9MD RA:i MRN �, uT a SANITARY MANHOLE FRAME AND CASTING tTt(� STANDARD PLATE NO. IT R.Jearo 307 STANDARD CffY " - DEraLs C2-10 IxiirAo Or (p TO mxnuu n - uAx Ie .ceniiir Ixpu.[ 1.c INC IIYI 1. ^ nPLYLMrt[xC mxcixAi uul�lKNRm cM I-F U. IMAF'PG oN[ pup uiM¢NMwnitl srf ntl1 wNmM N. Wo c FU ( MANHOLEMANHOLE AUR TMENT RINGS RINGS s xa . i x J-cn `O STANDARDPLATEN0. 0 A� .... ? .i.... PLAN VIEW OF RAMP EELEV TIDN DE RAMt►1ATION DE RAM RAMP Z wux !����--E11C�EClIY.LON A -Ala 6 COTEA AT nON or Am E ID. VAT cumANR[ Pr a. vino wnx tuna xnaNr..Nuu axowx B row a can. x.RxTs q PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP ,!-Se ` O STANDAR.DiLATE NO. a 1 INSPECTION TAB [%}ERNAL SEAL HRC PLASTIC' PINGS I.TTHE ADJUSTMRT RINGS AND FRAME SHALL BE SCALED WIVA AN EXTERNAL RUBBER SEALING SLESG� C SYSTEM 'INC R APPROVED EOUALY 2. THE SEAL SHALL BE MADE OF CPDM RUBBER WITH A MINIMUM THICKNESS Or 60 MILS AND SEALED WITH A NON -HARDENING BUTYL RUBBER MASTIC. EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL NO SCALE OLSe `O STANDAR31 PPLATE NO. �VAPoABIE 6 x 6 x 10/10 WWMI I BEYTH OF CONCRETE SHALL CURB AND'GNNUM iYPC OF SECTION M u r - A I g IN CRA ~ EXPANSE. i` A x CONCRCTE RRB e ANB GUTTER TYPICAL CROSS GUTTER t x0 Sc"LC O.!-Se `O STANDARD PLATE NO. LL 702 INTERNAL MANHOLE JOINT SEAL ALL SEALS SHALL BE INSTALL[. PER RA MANUFACTURES SPECIFICATIONS. N AROUNDAREA JOINTSBRUSH ANOISKBROMPRIORO JOINT TIPLACING SEALS. —EKPANSIIN BANDS L. —fl[STRAMINo NOOP CC RED P—To RUBBER ELCCVE GN JOINT F LESS THAN S. (FDR USC 11oRrc p MµHOLLLE ABLE 1. RUBBER SLEEVE SHALL BE A MIN. OF 3/16' THICK. JOINTS 2. 1 3/H' WIDE "'AN" N B."'. I6 CAUSE FROM 3' STAINLESS STCCL ALL NUTS. DOLTS OR SCRCWS SHALL BC STAINLESS STEEL ABOVE THC S. RESTRAINING HOOP SHALL BE 3/16" BRA. STAINLESS STEEL PLACED BmEEN PLEATS OF WATER TABLE TO RU..R SLCEVE. 1G' BELOW INC INFI-SHIELD EXTERNAL QATOR WRAP WATER TABLE) 1. EPDM [LEKIBLE RUBBER SLCCVE - ILS THICK NON -HARDENING BUTYL MASTIC Q11IR ADHESIVE - 30 MILS THICK EE�G' MIN.GENTCAEO V MIN. JOINTMANHOLE JOINT SEAL RO STANDAR31 PLATE NO. II°II Pn II 'I'i'�iI�llRtll' '�.Ali=1f-IF'liellF1'H=N�III'-kll T SIT= - _ =Tr I=11�=11Rn=B='Lir"n=Tip �CONCRETESIDEWALK SECTION (PUBLIC) xwSECTION (PUBLIC) xw =11�11' Ilill�11�gg 11�11111�11�11�1_I� i=Tl=il=ii=if= -Ti=T_ril=n-n 11=II-II- II -III_ I��111 - l� n CONCRETE SIDEWALK SECTION (PRIVATE) xD m E! �oolme""nre I�- y��F' IvuNplbCOum 2 "+ ss�waul �au�� 2N ryay �i D q: n �B,e6L=A[>m �BRUMINOUS PAVEMENT SECTIONPAVEMENT SECTION 5 �€� >r =o Lu 8 PES 3 S s xO.GucxwAr INx�"POT[�InO[wJAvnll �QY g z yyt W UJ N� kp ON �ONCRE(E APRON/PAVEMENT SECTIONAPRON/PAVEMENT SECTION �� amm nMImNN�iLR°XBAuu \`�Qe.�4 �ul� _ Onewe=wx=e 8 x AY�mo,A cw Gr:x °rc"IMN—AWGP. ..Fm APRON/FLOOR SLAB JOINT REINFORCEMENT xD $ b d 1 1Of [ Awe ilxm VOw°IvoexaanNa pJ Z L I ,IZFN1at�,2�8 O=N m KT.y 5 d �LLm O¢lR". A woew ACIm tt 6 THICKENED EDGE SIDEWALK (PRIVATE) STO CfIY CEFAItS. STANOMO OETAIL9 C3G 10 ) PIPE BEDDING DETAIL ISTORM SEWER) xo n CATCH BASIN IMNDOT DESIGN "H") ryR /1 CURB &GUTTER )MNDOT B612) ,00,x�mK, rcx °rcr' SIDEWALK DRAIN #3 (�~ x m�roi°rrrcunmxrmeunrcrcaiow r 3 STORM MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN X° nax.orn 2�CURBAT RAIN GUARDIANrC� rn �:w�r.0 rtrcr w�" 10 SIDEWALK DRAIN 04 �~ 4 LIFT STATION #2 r LOTION #3 '- - -- --------------------------------------------', i� DRAIN 0 Y.b e s 8 Y� s g� 3 z g a w Xmg g W Z 'r Z v5 N, zo WW os JN q U) a g o 0 �m i wk z z z o 7E aa�� 4 0 � �iffli 1� C4-10 OUTLOT A BLOCK GRADING NOTES: OOTSEGO COMMERCIAL PARK INFILTRATION BASIN NOTES: jj1j11 I 11 1 � I � L;� it Ilerol�� I I � a .vBgnT.^w 1 I II p O 4r r I 9i Lu; f Zw fill zo kq, wW BLOC Fy g i )I,F ra.ee .v J ,» i /OF o� PDT c R �V Mv.�waBo OF7771. �GENTRE ' BLOCK 1 O�SEGO/A (�C TO�'�ARB:B60.90 (BBWNM) 1 RD o __rNur NrRR�wr— 1 �I�1 w RBam� 1 w ob m ° .o,u ° "° s ^INFILTRATION BASIN #2 (IB2)�� "u TI- .M.INQ PLnN ° C5 -10 a�°clon, vaW.m..mmm..ne. 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(�' VEL12 .ae -----g----- (DCONC __HOU_ . -+��,� MENEM <. _ ;I /r .. � f► � •,�� � ���� '�� I mapm— ei e Jn-ns..v .xw�ea.�.9'.w vay!i ,w��w, , r /■■■B I _ , —. �II�1� sar "�: waxr N'N""'•"�: �� b.�lwwar."X��rti'^�%�'!^ "'°"2N��' . �T G r �rr.rr ■■■■0 BLOCK UTILITY AND SURFACING NOTES: I I d M; ro I � m ufr I i t �I i°Ir(r L I� I a�e s s;8 iirv. iaiey CCap i I I pr— ZIr L � ZZZ r W r- y Z a �LLgs ,�r GREPT z� w a r BLOI / a 0 P:y co Pp( / \E\ R'No EN RE �F BLOCK 7 �lC \ 0 Ro Ppp� T 1 Ww bbW gi ZZ w N PLAN C9 oP 10 " 1 I 'I 1 � • �� _ B • .� • • 1. JI.i7.�� ��� �- v'�,•'�' �,. • • _ 99 I g NOLLdiaos30 jai a, ii ��^. a �� R /.� _= c�`w,✓,✓%/�R/fin. i-�P91--- O tsTY F o MINNESOTA 9 APPLICANT: Central Minnesota Properties 4 February 2020 FINDINGS & DECISION PUD Development Stage Plan APPLICATION: Request for a PUD Development Stage Plan for development of a 190 unit multiple family use to be known as The Village. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 10 February 2020 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the properties is Lot 1, Block 4, Great River Centre of Otsego 2"d Addition. B. The property lies within the East Sewer District and is guided for commercial uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District in accordance with the ordinance and PUD Development Stage Plan approved by the City Council on 13 March 2006. D. The developer is proposing develop a 190 unit multiple family use on the property; the PUD District and PUD Site Design Guidelines allow for a multiple family residential use of the property subject to approval of a PUD Development Stage Plan E. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the request with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 11-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding The subject site is located within the Great River Centre of Otsego development. That is within the larger commercial area planned adjacent to the TH 101 and CSAH 39 interchange as the primary location for retail, service, and office businesses in Otsego. The Great River Centre of Otsego was approved as a Planned Unit Development District that does create opportunity to include residential dwellings either as stand-alone uses or mixed use buildings. Allowance of residential uses this area of the Great River Centre of Otsego is consistent with the following policies of the Comprehensive Plan related to development of multiple family dwellings: Recognize the need to develop of a variety of twin homes, townhouses, and multiple family dwellings to supplement conventional single family homes giving due consideration to local market demands and desired community character. ■ Promote development of twin homes, townhouses and multiple family dwellings adjacent to areas targeted for commercial development to provide ancillary market support. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The property is located within the village commercial subdistrict of the GRC PUD District that is within the area bounded by CSAH 42, 85r" Street, Quaday Avenue, and 87rn Street. The Site Design Guidelines promote a mix of residential, commercial, and office buildings within the village commercial district to provide for a high density commercial core that is supported by larger retail at the perimeter of the Great River Centre of Otsego development. The proposed multiple family dwellings will be compatible with the smaller scale existing and planned commercial buildings within the village commercial district. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: The proposed development will conform to all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual except as specifically modified by the PUD Development Stage Plan. 4. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The proposed use is accessed from public streets with capacity to accommodate the traffic that will be generated. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The proposed use is within the East Sewer District where the City has adequate utility, transportation, and other service capacity. F. The planning report dated 27 January 2020 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC, is incorporated herein. G. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on 3 February 2020 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice; based upon review of the application and evidence received, the public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission recommended by a 7-0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: 1. The subject site shall be developed in accordance with the PUD Development Stage Plan and other information submitted to the City, except as may be modified herein subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 2 The landscape plan shall be revised to install the proposed front yard shade trees within the boulevard spaced a minimum of 60 feet on center, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 3. The outdoor pool shall be enclosed by a fence meeting the requirements of Section 11-18-5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The following signs shall be allowed subject to issuance of a sign permit: The subject site shall be allowed 1 sign at each access to a public street with a sign area not greater than 25 square feet and monument structure area not greater than 40 square feet. b. A sign not to exceed 100 square feet shall be allowed to be installed on the retaining wall supporting the outdoor patio on the south side of the building. The developer shall install street lighting as required by Title 8, Chapter 8 of the City Code, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land of $443,010 at the time a performance agreement is executed based on a change in land use in accordance with 10-8-15.N of the Subdivision Ordinance. 7. All utility issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer; the developer shall pay utility availability and connection charges at the time a building permit is issued. 8. All grading, drainage, erosion control and floodplain issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. The developer shall enter into a development agreement with the City as drafted by the City Attorney and approved by the City Council. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 101" day of February, 2020. CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor Attest: By: Tami Loff, City Clerk