ITEM 4.2 Parkview GrandOtsTY F O MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 10 February 2020 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Planner Licht City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 4.2 — Parkview Grand STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: I THE CITY OF OTSEGO: Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. X Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of a PUD-CUP amendment and site/building plan review for Parkview Grand. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No Held by Planning Commission 3 February 2020 BACKGROUND/J USTI FI CATI O N: Kuepers Inc. has submitted plans for development of Outlot A, Parkview Retail with a 70 unit apartment building. The subject site is zoned R-7, High Density Residential District and governed by a PUD-CUP approved by the City Council on 22 July 2019. The proposed development requires consideration of a PUD- CUP amendment related to the building, site and building plan review, and final plat. A public hearing to consider the applications was held at the Planning Commission meeting on 3 February 2020 at 7:0013M. Mr. Steve Kuepers was present as the applicant to provide an overview of the development and agreed to the conditions recommended by City staff. The property owners to the west and north asked questions regarding the screening. The Planning Commission recommended that the screening on the west property line and the northwest corner of the subject site be added to. There were no other public comments. The Planning Commission also asked about the developer's experience with similar projects, which Mr. Kuepers addressed. The Planning Commission also discussed the elevation of the proposed building with the internal garage stalls at grade. This was explained as a function of both the ground water elevation and stormwater management needs for the subject site similar to that of Guardian Angels Riverview Landing. The Planning Commission closed the public hearing and voted 7-0 to recommend approval of the applications as outlined in the attached findings of fact and decision. The applications also include a request for final plat approval as the subject site is Outlot A, Parkview Retail Addition. The final plat of Parkview Retail has not been recorded as of this date so approval of a final plat for the subject site is premature. The final plat and development agreement for the subject site will be placed on future City Council agenda for approval pending recording the final plat for Parkview Retail. I SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: I ■ Planning Report dated 27 January 2020 ■ Findings of Fact and Decision POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve a PUD-CUP amendment and site and building plans for Parkview Grand (Outlot A, Parkview Retail) subject to the conditions stated in the findings of fact and decision as presented. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: N/A TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP REPORT DATE: 27 January 2020 ACTION DATE: 14 March 2020 RE: Otsego — Parkview Grand Apartments TPC FILE: 101.01 BACKGROUND Kuepers Inc. has submitted plans for development of Outlot A, Parkview Retail with a 70 unit apartment building. The subject site is zoned R-7, High Density Residential District and governed by a PUD-CUP approved by the City Council on 22 July 2019. The proposed development requires consideration of a PUD-CUP amendment related to the building, site and building plan review, and final plat. A public hearing to consider the applications has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 3 February 2020 at 7:0013M. Exhibits: Site Location Map Architectural renderings (8 sheets) Parkview Grand Apartments development plans dated 10/22/19 (25 sheets) ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is guided by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan for commercial land uses. The Parkview Retail preliminary plat modifies the area plan adopted by the City to revise the street layout and provide for more developable lots to maximize the access and visibility from 90th Street (CSAH 39) and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 39) for businesses. The realignment the street layout within the preliminary plat provided opportunity to zone the subject site for multiple family use west of Parkview Avenue that will provide a transitional land use between planned commercial and low density residential uses, expand housing options within Otsego, and provide increased market support in proximity to planned businesses. The proposed development is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The subject site is zoned R-7, High Density Residential District. Multiple family dwellings are a permitted use within the R-7 District. The PUD-CUP approved with the preliminary plat of Parkview Retail included the following additional conditions related to development of the subject site with multiple family uses: The proposed exterior finish for the principal building and any accessory buildings shall comply with Section 11-17-4.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The principal building shall utilize a flat roof design. 3. A minimum of 1 off-street parking stall per dwelling unit shall be provided within an enclosed underground garage below the principal building. Surrounding Uses. The subject site is surrounded by existing and planned land uses shown in the table below. The proposed multiple family use provides for a desirable land use transition between the commercial development within the Parkview Retail preliminary plat, planned Parrish Meadows development to the south, and future low density residential uses to the west of the subject site. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Commercial B-3 District Coburns; vacant East Commercial B-3 District Undeveloped South LD Residential R-6 District Parrish Meadows West LD Residential A-1 District Rural Residential Building Height. The proposed building has a flat roof as required by the PUD-CUP approved with the preliminary plat and includes a garage with 3 stories of dwelling units above measuring to a height of 48 feet. The garage is at grade on the subject site due to the elevation of the water table that makes an underground garage not possible. Buildings within the R-7 District are limited to 3 stories or 35 feet, but Section 11-17-3.A of the Zoning Ordinance allows increases in building height as a conditional use when a demonstrated need is established for the increase in height and said increase will not violate the intent and character of the zoning district in which the structure is located. The underground parking garage is a specific requirement imposed by the City for the proposed use. With the building off -set to the east and north portions of the subject site, the distance between it and adjacent residential uses is maximized while the use of the property continues to function as a transition into commercial uses to the east and north. The additional story of building height is to be accommodated by the amended PUD-CUP. Exterior Materials. The proposed building uses a mix of high quality materials including brick veneer, stone veneer, cement fiber panels, and cement fiber lap siding to create a variety of texture and colors and a flat roof that will be complementary to commercial uses to the north and east of the subject site. The combination of brick, stone, and glass finishes exceeds 65 percent Grade A materials as required by Section 11-17-4.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed exterior of the building complies with the Zoning Ordinance and the PUD-CUP approved with the preliminary plat. Landscaping. The submitted plans show proposed landscaping including shade trees in the yards along 88th Street and Parkview Avenue spaced 30 feet on center, sections of evergreen trees along the west lot line, and ornamental and evergreen trees at the perimeter of the building. The landscape plan is to be revised to provide a continuous row of evergreens along the west lot line and ornamental trees within the parking lot island at the north end of the 2 freestanding rows of stalls. The types of proposed plantings are appropriate for the subject site and sizes comply with Section 11-19-2.13.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. An irrigation system is planned as required by Section 5-2-3.C.1 of the City Code. Lot Requirements. Within the R-7 District, lots are to be a minimum of 20,000 square feet in area as required by Section 11-68-6.A.3.a of the Zoning Ordinance. The subject site is 151,456 square feet in area and exceeds the minimum lot area requirement of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 11-68-6.A.3.b of the Zoning Ordinance further requires that there be a minimum of 2,500 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit for multiple family uses. The lot area per unit requirement is subject to further allowances as provided for in Section 11-68-7 of the Zoning Ordinance: ■ For each underground parking stall: -300 square feet/dwelling unit ■ Adjacent to a commercial lot: -300 square feet/dwelling unit ■ For each unit with more than 2 bedrooms: +300 square feet/dwelling unit ■ Maximum area reduction allowed: -500 square feet/dwelling unit The subject site is within 200 feet of the lots within the Parkview Retail plat that are zoned commercial to the east and north. There is also 1 underground parking stall per dwelling unit within the principal building. As such, the minimum lot area per dwelling unit requirement is to be reduced to 2,000 square feet. The lot is large enough to accommodate 75 dwelling units at 1 dwelling unit per 2,000 square feet. The proposed 70 dwelling units are within the lot area per unit requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Finally, the Section 11-68-6.A.3.a of the Zoning Ordinance limits the floor area ratio of the principal building to 0.7. The floor area ratio of the proposed building is 0.54 without the garage and 0.72 with the garage. The building includes the 70 apartments as well as a fitness center and community room. As the underground garage is an amenity specifically required by the PUD-CUP governing the subject site and the proposed number of dwelling units complies with the lot area per unit requirement, the additional floor area to accommodate the garage is to be allowed by amendment of the PUD-CUP. 91 Setbacks. The table below outlines the setback requirements applicable to the subject site. The drive aisle and access to the parking lot at the north portion of the site is setback only 10 feet from the north property line where 15 feet is required. The site plan must be revised to provide the required 15 foot setback. The developer indicates that the drive aisles can adjusted to meet the setback requirement. All other elements of the site plan comply with required setbacks. 88th St. Parkview Ave. West South Parking ROW Side/Rear Required 35ft, 35ft. 10ft. 20ft. 15ft. 5ft. Proposed 67ft. 35ft. 90ft. 130ft. 10ft. 30ft. Pedestrian Access. Construction of 88th Street and Parkview Avenue within the Parkview Retail plat will include a 5 foot sidewalk abutting the subject site. The site plan makes provision for connection to the sidewalk on 88th Street via an internal sidewalk along the front of the building and out to the public street. The building illustrations show a deck on the east side of the building with 2 sets of stairs down to the lawn. Sidewalk connections from these stairs to the sidewalk along Parkview Avenue are to be added to the site plan. Vehicle Access. The subject site abuts 88th Street and Parkview Avenue to be constructed within the Parkview Retail plat. Access to the surface and garage off-street parking for the subject site is from 88th Street. The proposed access aligns with the most westerly access to Coburn's on the north side of 88th Street and is setback 160 feet from the 88th Street and Parkview Avenue intersection. The location of the proposed access complies with Section 11- 21-6.B of the Zoning Ordinance. There is a second access to the garage off-street parking from Parkview Avenue. This access is setback 290 feet from the 88th Street and Parkview Avenue intersection, which complies with Section 11-21-6.B of the Zoning Ordinance. The submitted plans show the previous layout for street accesses on the east side of Parkview Avenue. The proposed access to the subject site and an access across Parkview Avenue are off -set. The access for the subject site and/or the outlot east of Parkview Avenue will need to be revised to eliminate the off -set, subject to approval of the City Engineer. Off -Street Parking. Section 11-21-8 of the Zoning Ordinance requires the proposed apartment to provide 2 off-street parking stalls per dwelling unit or 140 parking stalls based on 70 dwelling units. The site and building plans provide for 142 parking stalls including 70 garage stalls below the building as required by the PUD-CUP approved with the preliminary plat. 0 The surface parking stalls are designed to be 9 feet by 20 feet accessed by 26 foot wide drive aisles. The dimensions for the interior parking stalls have also been designed to meet these requirements allowing for parking of a full range of vehicle sizes within the garage. The dimensions of the parking stalls comply with Section 11-21-7.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. A landscape island is to be added at the north end of the two freestanding rows of parking to direct traffic entering the subject site and circulating the parking area. Section 11-21-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that off-street parking areas be surfaced with concrete or asphalt and Section 11-21-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance requires that concrete curb be placed at the perimeter of off-street parking areas and islands within the area. The site plan includes construction details for the off-street parking area consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance that are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Outdoor Uses. The site plan indicates there is to be an outdoor pool and playground area to the west of the building at its southwest corner. The structures comply with the principal building setback of 10 feet from the west lot line. The pool is to include a building that uses the same materials as used for the principal building. The outdoor pool must also be enclosed by a fence meeting the requirements of Section 11-18-5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. Waste Storage. The submitted plans show locations at each end of the garage of the principal building for interior waste collection and storage. Exterior Lighting. Section 11-16-6.0 of the Zoning Ordinance regulates exterior lighting so as to prevent glare from being cast to adjacent properties or public streets. All light fixtures must be installed with a 90 degree horizontal cut-off to direct light down to the ground and freestanding lights are limited to 25 feet in height. The intensity of light cast at the property lines cannot exceed 0.4 foot candles. The submitted plans include a photometric lighting plan indicating the type, location, height, and intensity of all proposed exterior light fixtures that comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Sign. The submitted plans include a proposed freestanding sign to be located at the northeast corner of the subject site as shown on the landscape plan. The sign is setback more than 10 feet from property lines as required by Section 11-27-3.B of the Zoning Ordinance. The single sided sign has an area of 18 square feet (not including the structure) and is to be 5.5 feet in height. The area and height of the sign are within the allowances of Section 11-37-5.B.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. A sign permit is required by Section 11-37-7 of the Zoning Ordinance prior to placement of the sign upon the property. 5 Park Dedication. The final platting of the subject site triggers park dedication requirements as established by Section 10-8-15 of the Zoning Ordinance. The Parks and Trails Master Plan map does not identify acquisition of additional public park land from the area of the subject site. Park dedication requirements for the subject site are to be met by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land of $2,640 per dwelling unit ($2,640 x 70 units = $184,000) at the time of final plat approval. Grading. The submitted plans include information regarding grading, drainage, and erosion control. There are no wetlands within the subject site. The proposed development requires payment of a stormwater impact fee for the North Mississippi drainage area at the time of final plat approval. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues are to be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Utilities. The subject site is within the East Sewer District and sewer and water utilities are available at the property. The developer has submitted plans for connection to sewer and water utilities. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The developer will be required to pay utility availability charges at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the City Code and City fee schedule. Utility connection charges for the proposed apartment building will be required to be paid at the time a building permit is issued in accordance with the City Code and City fee schedule in effect at that time. Easements. Section 11-8-12 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of all lots, over stormwater areas, and over public utilities. Drainage and utility easements are shown at the perimeter of the proposed lot in compliance with the Subdivision Ordinance. Additional easements may be required over stormwater management facilities and utilities. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Development Agreement. The developer is required to enter into a development agreement with the City related to the final plat as provided for by Section 10-10-4 of the Subdivision Ordinance. Approval of the site and building plans and PUD-CUP is also to be addressed within a performance agreement in accordance with Section 11-4-7 of the Zoning Ordinance. The development agreement is to be drafted by the City Attorney and is subject to approval of the City Council. The final plat (and development agreement) is required to be recorded within 100 days of City Council approval as provided for Section 10-5-3.13.8 of the Subdivision Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION The proposed Parkview Grand Apartments comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and PUD-CUP approved with the Parkview Retail preliminary plat. The proposed final plat complies with the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. Our office recommends approval of the applications as outlined below. 0 POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval of a PUD-CUP amendment, site and building plans, and final plat for Parkview Grand subject to the following conditions: The site plan shall be revised to provide that all drive aisles are setback the required 15 feet from the north lot line abutting 881h Street. 2. The site plan shall be revised to provide sidewalk connection(s) from the building entrance/stairs on the east side of the building to the sidewalk along Parkview Avenue. 3. The access to Parkview Avenue for the subject site and/or the outlot east of Parkview Avenue to shall be revised to eliminate the off -set, subject to approval of the City Engineer. 4. Construction details for the off-street parking area shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. The outdoor pool shall be enclosed by a fence meeting the requirements of Section 11-18-5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. A sign permit shall be required prior to placement of the sign upon the property in accordance with Section 11-37-7 of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land of $184,000 at the time of final plat approval in accordance with 10-8- 15.N of the Subdivision Ordinance. 8. The proposed development shall require payment of a stormwater impact fee for the North Mississippi drainage area at the time of final plat approval. 9. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues are to be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 10. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. The developer shall to pay utility availability charges at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the City Code and City fee schedule. 12. Utility connection charges for the proposed apartment building shall be paid at the time a building permit is issued in accordance with the City Code and City fee schedule. 7 13. All easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 14. The developer shall enter into a development agreement with the City as drafted by the City Attorney approved by the City Council. 15. The final plat shall be recorded within 100 days of City Council approval as provided for Section 10-5-3.13.8 of the Subdivision Ordinance. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is does not comply with the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Motion to table. C. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney Site Location Map �fw T Z- +r P 1,1,8.0.9 1,18038001040 �_ - - . , ... � , a - _ `�+ � � ter.°• � - GH ST;NE _ 118500115440;1'" - - 11u .n 1. -� �11:8057 118500221205 -- w 118500221206 = 1 823900aj;020- cn,: 39; �11�8500221301 '� s 'z !-_ w '.1,182520000;110' a 1,18252002010 n Overview Legend Roads CSAHCL ^— CTYCL — MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits ❑ c El 0 Parcels [_ NWI(DNR) \\■1 *■■�� I■■ ■■ ►l■■, all all ■■3 is [a ,� � „ .\ r■� ■■ r■� �■I s,� 1111 \� Of ■\■1 �,■ ,, Imo■ i ■� �■� 1■ ���■i- .�■� i■� �� �� ��1 t 11 ;; ' 1, �,I 11 i �- I .. ,.■ ... ���, ��j 0�r ICI I�� �r �,��I ►� ���ll 'Mi �,r��-.. ■0 t1� p i!i l.11 WOO, Mai Opt 11 11111 i �r I�p11 a ��' ■I p 111'1 11 •d 11 O .ram. - 1 � ��i►��� jf N j ` I� 11 �� Ili � �,, I � � �� IA� ,. , �A Pt .,I I �� �� 11� 111. � • '�� III li 11 . III I ' - _ � ��In � �,I!I� ul ��; i1 ►!� � �I'�'I11 � - �� I�� ��� Al ' i� , � r �� I• �!. - �i■ �■ °jl II I �■RIM �■ ,,, „ ,I.I�I� ■r r I' jr�� III. 11. �� J FuSol ii i u r n 11FIF 7�9Ffll IFF --own r ��'I L li -74 L,: l7t _7_ Illp Ell Uri", IF- DESIGN TEAM OWNER: *00000000000= OF OSTEGO, LLLP. 17018 COMMERCIAL PARK ROAD BRAINERD, MN 56401 PHONE: 216-8294707 GENERAL CONTRACTOR I ARCHITECT: KUEPERSINC. 17018 COMMERCIAL PARK ROAD BRAINERD, MN 66401 PHONE: 218-62"707 CIVILENGINEER: CAM ION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC 1800 PIONEER CREEK CENTER MAPLE PLAIN, MN PHONE: 7634794242 ELECTRICAL' KMI MECHANICAL BRAINERD, MN PHONE: 21845441829 MECHANICAL ENGINEER NISTLER ENGINEERING, LUC. ST. STEPHEN, MN PHONE: 320.291-1686 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER SANDMAN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS BRAINERD, MN PHONE: 218-824-1585 PARKVI EW GRAND APARTMENTS APARTMENT BUILDING CODE NOTES BUILDING DESCRIPTION APPUCABLE CODES: BUILDING TYPE: 2012 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE APARTMENT BUILDING- 70 TOTAL DWELLING UNITS MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE (MSBC)-2015 MINNESOTA ENERGY CODE- 2015 BUILDING/SITE AMENITIES: MINNESOTA ACCESSIBILITY CODE -2015 IN-SUILDING PARKING GARAGE (1 STALL PER UNIT) OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS: IN -UNIT HVAC SYSTEMS DECKS BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R-2 OVER S-2 (MIXED USE) COMMUNITY ROOM CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-A EXERCISE ROOM FIRE SUPPRESSION: SPRINKLED PER NFPA 13 THEATER ROOM ELEVATOR OUTDOOR POOL 8 POOL BUILDING ALLOWABLE AREA (PER FLOOR): OUTDOOR PLAY SET BASIC ALLOWABLE AREA PER IBC TABLE 503: R2,VA • 12.000 SO.FT. BUILDING SIZE: AREA MODIFICATIONS PER IBC 606.3 SPRINKLER SYSTEM INCREASE: I. 2 LEVEL I PARKING AREA- 27.384 SQ.FT. GROSS ALLOWABLE AREA PER FLOOR •12,000+(12,000)2-36,000 SO.FT. LEVEL 2AREA-27,191 SQ.FT. GROSS LEVEL � .9Q.FT. GROSS ACTUAL AREA PER FLOOR: LEVEL 4 AREA-27.191 SQ.FT. GROSS LEVEL 1 •27,384 SQ.FT. 1 BED UNIT AREA -730 SQ.FT. LEVEL 2 = 27,191 SO.FT. 1 BED CORE UNIT AREA -682 SQ.FT. LEVEL 3. 27.191 SQ.FT. 2 BED UNIT AREA -1.048 SQ.FT. LEVEL 4 = 27,191 SQ.FT. 2 BED CARE UNIT AREA -988 SQ,FT. 2 BED END UNITAREA-1,116 SQ.FT. ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT: 2 BED LARGE UNIT AREA -1,126 SQ.FT. BASIC ALLOWABLE HEIGHT PER IBC TABLE 503: R2,VA• 3 STORIES 2 BED LARGE TYPE A UNRAREA -1,126 SQ.FT. 213ED TYPE A UNIT AREA -1,048 SQ.FT. HEIGHT MODIFICATION PER IBC 504.2 SPINKLER SYSTEM INCREASE • 1 STORY TOTAL UNIT MIX ALLOWABLE NUMBER OF STORIES - 3 - 1 -4 STORIES ill UNITS -19 STRUCTURAL DATA: 1 BED CORE UNITS -4 2 BED UNITS, SOIL BEARING CAPACITY m 3,000 PSF (PRESUMED) 2 BED CORE UNITS-6 ROOF LOAD - 48 PSF (SNOW LOAD) 2 BED END UNITS -12 FLOOR LOAD • 40 PSF AT UNITS 2 BED LARGE UNITS - 2 • 100 PSF AT CORRIDOR AND COMMON AREAS 2 BED LARGE TYPE A UNITS -1 • 125 PSF AT STORAGE AREA 2 BED TYPE W UNITS -1 WIND LOAD • 115 MPH SITE DATA: SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS PARKING DATA: PARKING GARAGE STALLS - 70 SITE STALLS • 72 TOTAL PARKING STALLS =142 Sheet Usl Number Sheol Name 1 nenby mM1lfy 1M1e1 NY pbn, epodAm W n, or npoM1 wm Euyllmrse4pmM1Xeq uMeriM Yweo M6bY opnll em• MbmeoY. Nems: cMlsbpnerJ. WlmpnM1Alp sbe.a: Kuepers Inc. Parkview Grand E Pmloq mmMr 07.18•w0ot Pm D1 y AuNor cn.waer T.1 Title Sheet r«RryW.SSt lacy PARKVIEW GRAND ��,�:a�lvaab aw. pe.,m�pmpmry,pm.e,,h.ro N.r — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ovammvARrvrewttwu waFnr<mmy Hsmeau I NlMammnlpbnpmyaeoMpbttedaPAFNNEW CMrv6 T .ama,ae a.pmem.ro Ir.mgmprope.m®, e.ya R,,,7i7 C ...,, :'L.,, Va ? N Ur�C,1MN[SN — — _ _ _ HOCK RRMfIt. 6b % Nam¢fib ey Nom<nll. MR1Netlil.IF.G9 SMROF ?ARRL`iii ,,.E,,:lE r-'.S.A.H. VIfWIn'MAPMOTTOfG(q c+ 4 sfcnoprzz rowNswP,zuFANcfv - fi4Nnrvmmtw,a4,wMNp.ebaurm.M4_[ga m�M' — — _ of h.npyam. QQ Gopen rm SS fir °�' e01� mmNiF�iv nF.sr c SGIf IN m� tm ,wa°aorffr Nomry pwlk Counry. HNnmao MyeommlWon4pev I numroWmF ww. eonm.q<mtlrymm NRplm.mplmnmeerm.a.m..coral,.a,pp.,wmwm.Nm�pmyu,m,.aN.esFm.,wNwNm.aNem.am ptotnpwpDrenawlFb my,bwhM1� Smc aO1111O1aMnpmm,m�werlmdxmbm,NNNMIMnrmmlx�mmgmx�fFS01axw6).marnerymroatlb° aauFa. a•,Mwn maNMlapn mspNc.mFxpwunwn an,nmmmmbbNewNhPbr I opraNR—mya _ I Hmp.•aouF,.m�.rinus�w ��� I� surzor y nasmm Hmnmam I courvrror rn,/a.ppNg Swwyoh 4almum xn, orbiewkeye hraenrc N4_myo/ m�byamrowwFr umm.Na svu Nomryvmmi e.-. mnry MNm,.m ,�.... Hrr*m Ion Npsa urr rouaot my ov omao. HwNoarA fiRpbrapARFYI[W GRAND w aproMandpmplMOYN.<q eeunrtl awe GWaov.,a MMvommpmpubrmnmpNavlM1eHNe_epy a � aepblw N..mwbpm»rmm.p�.eN..aMlnnmpwsww�.c:.m..soxumM1az Mmar my UUR WNIYMTCOYNTYFUFWroR IM�ymnl/yNmNo.coNonnxlNMNnmmSmwln SgbnSFSNI, SUA6 rL W,worMbmmv..Nweoppo�aa W, .Y a _ wFRM1rcowryxumgar n.hwa.n,—e2,ommma.erm.ps..mlmo- r=, pmFN<amns^Rlaa WFIaM rovN,Y AUONONIPMfvFW .,,� , .. , m, soxpzt,sway.M,.ww+•rmu.rm.m_a.�MN.aM1.ml.nam. aalno-.ao-.w F a,W,�mm�. Mlm�.,pm small,s...l..mrz m.apn,mddmmNFrN.aaabar ammemoe.ra — NNFhr CounryAueMrnr.mme� .pub wFlcMicavNrYPfroFOrR rM,corm.RpumrmnlmFpmar..gmabm.anaarN.�mryF.m,a.rmR.�a�mo- e.ra .rmA_.M...ewo.aFlrmaNcwxrtrromm. ...._ oom.mrhm wnsm ca,armmm, Westmod Professional Services, Inc. LEGEND PROPERTY UNE -_-880=__ mow CONTOURS �900— PROPOSED CONTOURS _____---- EASEMENT UNE — SETBACKS —WET— DEUNEUED WETLAND EDGE �P—va— STORM 5EWLR > SANITARY SEWR —1 — WAIEFIMN —v—v— PENCE —a—a— OVERHEID POWER LINE —K—�c— UNDERGROUND EIECIRIC orb CULVERT • SOIL BORING SANRARY SEWO? MANHOLE ® vNRARr cLFUHaa • STORM SEWER MANHOLE p STORM SEWR CATCH BASIN WATER OAIE VALVE �( HmRWf ^^^^ EXISTING TREE LINE wLE7 PROTECTION ®ROLW LYJNSTRf/C!!ON ENTRANCE r SILT PENCE PARKVIEW GRAND APARTMENTS OTSEGO, MN DDYT 1[7 `T I AflATIONI PROJECT DIRECTORY 92h EARS INC CHRIS RAIYANN 17018 COMMERCIAL PARK ROAD BRAINERD. MN 55401 PH. 218.829.0707 EMAIL' CRAIMANN•XDEPEA�.CpA MQUEFB:. CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. MARTY CAMPION 1800 PIONEER CREEK CENTER MAPLE PLAIN. MN 35364 PH. 763.479.5172 EMAIU N -A PION-AYPIDNEN .. nN A7iRV1Y0R WESTWOOD SV. N. E ENGINEERING Slat IZTHCLOUD. S. N. SUITE 208 ST. CLOUD. MN 5830.T PH. 320,253.9495 GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS: 1. THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 'STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION' LATEST EDITION & SUPPLEMENTS. 2. CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA (CEAM) STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATIONS. (LATEST EDITION) 3. ALL APPLICABLE FEDERA4 STATE AND LOCAL LAWS AND ORDINANCE PALL BE COMPLIED WITH IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT. 4. CITY OF OTSEGO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS & DETAILS. WARNING- THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL IDOSTING UTILITIES THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND/OR RELOCATION OF UNES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 46 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATICNS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES CABLES. CONDUITS PIPES. MANHOLES. VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO TIE OWNER. CALL BEFORE YOU OC GOPHER STATE ONE CALL TWIN CITY AREA: 851-454-OD02 TOLL MEE t-eoo-uz-nae N q 1000 zoao aun•c acxt w r¢r N •LINIEP9IR•=RRn*LeRCPI...In9 • r=h,,1— �^I•wIby—. m PARKVIEW GRAND APARTMENTS PROJECT N0: CAMPION a�Fy--L„„ v •vPtN^• M �� rm•> COVER SHEET '"r°t''E"H" KUEPERS INC. 1 ENGINEERING P.a eo.2w P 19-040 Y=pl• PkF. YN 55D5n of MYn••otP. 4 NO. DATEDESCRIPTION 611 SERVICES, INC. F=—47n-5ns iV Fmc 7a3-47 5172 O1 t4/2020 A REW _ E-Ya1: -I,,WPD1 OTSEGO MN ISHEET NO. 1 OF 10 SHEETS 61/14i2o2o VICINITY MAP Ji�v i;vi.' as gym' ;fv' � I1 I l; POSSIBLE ENCROACHMENTS Qi mnsuwomsammx,owadur \ I LOT uanumnA•mu,,�nnsr(ml I --------- ___------- __---- _________ /T I I I SITE---- 41�<n Houw bran xpnr¢ 871 orcallSli m 41�<n Houw bran xpnr¢ 871 orcallSli m II I I LEGAL DESCRIPTION (PER TITLE COMMITMENT NO.1526597) 'l � r Wbur.nw+rrt,uWcrn m,rr I I � I II I IR � I nw�nvtdWw,u.r WnedWa.erawd+wLLnanwWy,:arpa WWcript Nn�rwvYrwpra � rNM(Mr4mafxman4MO,n n9-�<--.J. i_ 1�C C wµwgrwwurr,mrdwdn.u.uCir'w'dWMw.Prr;i.Lv.WMIyw�ItmluH,AwwtiNVl�.�r.wY .. — `,`� ��, ` ✓N WSwMOwdwYrMnreOwrdWrrMrWM..Ia.sdmtlfMWnM.xwy�eMu.,,.s�Y1W,.rv MnptwwrciWrv,rwrt.ma.dA,.ftM,wwrrWMWx.Mr.sPwrdWrrMr ,�r.,''w..'s.M VJlIip 12 : I IT�aMuo. rrovfMrwl.Yf.M..bvdl,N,llrrrwwtidMrW. I ,m.naWrrm..iw.>dwWw..o �anmwa �,�+i.o.wa,rywc..nx.+�rr.aa.aw.r.+.�ay t.�a.br. uou wrre„rrrr.w.w� A I OF HE • T. ,... , / r am,rr.eu.ox..nt.�..Y,rao. r,arw.w,r..+(.rrrr+o,.nr,�x I ■ aww.d,n.r.urrx.rar,.Ywwu�w,.,.�"."r`ir..wro.ar(r.ura.rawwxro.rw.. I ` 1.• \ R �V GI �uvtrnn.,.+n�Y a.isr�r('..,osi�Y)nph.ww•w",rryNes�rMrarWrt LEGEND 1 OL?LOT A i I I I I<� I :?- I GENERAL NOTES ,wbm.xu. � �\ i \.� C I I I j4a j �: I + ,urd.a4r+.orxo.rae,r.we.wuamr.rr.rarwb..a I \ 1•� I , a w��.a..rn.rw"uP.x.worx�Y.n..m(r..oa..wr�wr-vr — — �� wrw � i \ ` I I I I l�j I '� � I s�yor.r.ywwuuwssrt>svcanrwr.c ______ cawtxrua � I \ I I`C 1 � c,wn..w.rrewr.,+rwr..Lncwanrrw.wn _ _ �)vMw.�+wx,h«iwbauartr�wretw -++.+•x+vt nnruw w � I '__ I — — — _.II. — — — — — — — — — — — — — J F.: � U;.ur+Wrs.r,Wnwr.ra.�Y.rawrrmu,An.�rW — _ h' � T4—,7. (ouuo"onrwranr,..0 R 1 o l� � san.r'�»__• I i ;C 4'] r aWr......r.rwrrwYxuw.nwmra.+r.�w,p+aw.r.�.tive.n...r�dr.nw w�xw rmmnnrnnvn.aw � � i , :,' I I cC �^ '� 'a �'r�i w.�`,..a� rw"'r"wwir` w•••••,••'�uw.uor.r,.rr.w..r.wm,...,�.. I .W :� I (!1 ,2 � wW"Fw.Iwa.r..MMwYYwsNr.elwirwN.µYlN�olwrwyW/�r..plM.,q+Yw,�.d I _� �_ I f� vv,..vr ii I 1 rt I wre.aw.uu..u.u.w�r�arAru EXCEPTIONS (PER TITLE COMMMMENT NO. 1526597) X _ ., � I l ~ � \ na w nA A t , �• I q , nC I,rhwr..w..w.rrww+rwa..�Yreu..rwn..awr...ar..w..e..a C) aaa'"mna"01�1°°'•+ruwrw....wrrraaa�n.rn+++wrrr ror•r'�+dwamu.sw..x �+ �nau(Yemaw,ax(unYo 6 wrwrWwr+wWa.wv.r.+�rw�a»n»wwnwn [ Ctb �a �m....'"'wau°'"Y"aia+.o%wm»«'ua.rw,"'�'abw.awr�wrrrw".•,d.,(.wsas. Yii \ / / I I � �� I "Ftrw;.. :� �"wwnrt..nmxir'x••rr�....i.aw.,nn..m.rw.rr.xx.d i / n� wwrw.,.twwW�.audrxr wswuY•w•y..r.uwrwYrrwaweur(rAy I / / C) 11GWMr'�i"ma x�'orax�"� �'�,rnWbxws'radruw.l. a.IWnowwvnnwvad I / urw•,.s.va.��.wss.+�>rsr.re..rrrrs,mram+ 23 i wiur. o`w(ws(tnm �"( a M pP 3 a CERTIFICATION ruin,wane"cwns�imcwumnam,i:sasaaarae,,, a ia,..r,.naas.,xay.m( - -�- PPEPAPEa fOP: AbStVVood Kuepem, Inc. PARKVII=W GRAND APARTMENTS I ALTA/NSPS : aP w'— xLand Title Survey �1 wrd.Otsego, tsego, MN YY�,wwrrY.r PROJECT NUMBER 0026035.00 aATe 01/03/20 WARNING: I THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL I _ !„ .y`�' / EXISTING UTILITIES THEY SHALL COOPERATE WIN ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN � e T. , uy .A MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND/OR RELOCATION OF LINES _ w nwm N ry o THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 657-ISI-0002 c `w'' S " ' T(_G 1 j'B I 5T c �, _� ,, x w I. &I for LATCIAp/�1. BLOCK 2 �E: �8;�+u AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR ME LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND I-° m - ° i�,'yl u _ k1 CUM------'----------J WIRES, CABLES. CONDUITS. PIPES. MANHOLES VALVES OR OTHER BURIED .+ '"'. '" f• --- STRUCTURES BEFORE DICING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE } S e 0C V \ I 1 �- ' �. •- - ' ' nlpa J'T' Nn9•ATATE xssSs THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. `I I L-TR' CALL BEFORE YOU DTO88T EET GOPHER STATE ONE CALL PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION: rktmSLR TYAN att AREA fist-4s4-000z HTY' TOLL FREE 1-800-252-I166LOT 1, BLOCK 1 PARKVIEW RETAIL — — — — — — — :�'BSs� R1-1 BEET I /JlTli '•Tiy I, f LEGEND w WAVYam RAMP -- • $ N 1 a_ I PROPERLY LINE MOLE: .BRUMNWS P ''^ } __ •.pr4r x 'I I MLIIIES SHOWN IN 8NH STREET AND __.A�' _ G EXISTING PROPOSED C NUBS PASWEW AVE ARE PROPOSED. -_-- N _--_, 2 mart no•,t_ ' EASEMENTCONTOURS _ LOCAt1LV ETA ELYELOPM ARE RE1t 1 8612 CONOPEE _________ EASEMENT LINE PAANWEW RETAIL DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY - - • �'U a '8�' - S w SEIBACXS PUNS CUTTER cm)> ry ; ' O •„ t `� 1 -WET- OEUNFATED WMANO MCE I RAMPPET .� STORY SEMDt MIX 20.0 20A 2ID' �— SAIIITARY SEWER- -I — WAIERMIN 4' WO: WHITE PAW— I4. I -x-v- FENCE) I ,Q 5' WOE -m-rc- W HELD POWER UNE ". I SIDEWALK. TYP I I m I 1 Q I -u-u- UNDERGROUND ETECBIC it • SOBORING ' CUCULVERTLTSANSEWER "HOLE L 2TA; a -••-I TCt�IVS 121ITARY • Ln I ® SARTORI CLEAHOU i t E • STORM SEWER "HOLE I I SI N a l •, O STORM SEWER CATCH BASIN 1 m 0 I b �� I I I Do I Q pG WATER COTE VALVE ADA PARIONc SON, TYP (sEE DUAL)- V I `•i— " w HYDRANT PALMED HANDICAP SYMBOL _ z I « ` O W' W/.ID�.E.� N.C. ACCESS AISLE 1 TL • ' A w I oil • 4 e O z TH NE 114 EXISTING TREE UNE (TYP) WDH TOM Ir I SIgH C- 'Q NUT P/HOR-GRIN MRI LETTERINGTE OF i I a< a TOWARD MIT,CENTERED I�AE Roca CONSTRUCYN2N EvrRArJCE l i o v I I I VIZ i I I 2U Z� I �Io Ili I -0�T- 5/LT FENCE r i i 8612 P O W •Q.Y I _ ? m I I� I p ,Jr _.. _..�.. _.._ PPoNClPAL STRUCTURE SETBACK o M '�) - - - - _ - - �r - _ _ i _ - tNi - - - - - - - - - - - - ti I' 4i NE4V1' DULY BYNMINOf/S I+m RAMP. rm "RETAIL n mF RAN Netts• _ ' 'Ap PED RAMP 0' ,P. PED RAMP I iq I 4 j ISiI 1. �D.6AND COSTINGOCONDITIONWFORNIVON PER SURVEY PREPARED BY WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL 6 6_ I Q 2 ALL oD5DNG CONDITIONS SHNL IE VERIFIED BY THE GDN,RAG,GR J ! I z a REFER TO ARamECTURAL PLANS FOR BUILDING DIMENSWNS AND LOCATIONS OF Evers. RAMPS. I a WOE RE:866i.72 H-3 CONCRETE APRONS Ave STOOPS. 4. ALL PAV04W STRPWG SMALL BE 4• WOE LINES. SIMPEO USING HGH VISTIITY TRAFFIC AND I 510EWALK E rt..1 �. �E�057.213 (N I y HIGHWAY APPROVED WHITE PANT. PROVIDE APPROPRIATE SNSPNG AND PAVMIT UNRI NGS FOR ALL n \ () I O 4 HANDICAP PARKING AND ACCESS ASIES. 5. Dd0R5i0N5 TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALE ALL gYEN5i0N5 ARE 10 BACK OF CUR. EDGE O I I O 8' WIDE CONCRETE SMVALL OR I)ETDOR MUM UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. - Ie • a SIDETIAN. AT �rM1x' `•./ 1�.y3 I S. UNLESS OTHERWISE INOICATED ON THE PUN. COMRCTIXt SHALL PROVIDE CONTROL, JOKM POOL BUILDING h 16 1 POOL ENTRANCE / _ ~��• I I 9 Z. CONSiRUOON JOINTS. AND EXPANSION JOINTS IN SLAB ON GRADE SIDETALLS AND CONCRETE ORM165. , / CBMH-103 BY O'MERS � _Q CONTROL MW MAXIMUM SPACING WALLS - 8' D.C. AL OTHERS - 10' O.C. SAW CUT CONTROL I / RE.868.64 JOINTS MINIMUM ONE-WMRFR CONCRETE THOWNESS. EXPANSION JOINT WX91W IP _ �� IE-861.05 (N) I I jilt SPACTNC: KAM - 24' O.C., AL. OTHERS - 40' O.C. DOWEL ALL EXPANSION/ IE.Bfi1.50 (SW) JOINTS - YAOMW 24. O.C. (5E) ^ fR3 7. PEDESTRIAN MAPS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT ALL LOCATIONS WHERE SDEW/L( MEETS CUR. - / �� .dP ZM GGBMH-102 (1) N 8. WHEN DOING ANY WORT( WITHIN THE PUBIC NIGHT OF WAY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE j I ,�` / •b E••866.6M1 _ REMOVAL UM IIS WITH THE CDY. �.l________ __________� _J m'yY. E-860.62 (NY!) I W 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPOORBLE FOR ENSURING THAT ALL SOWAXS AND ACCESS ROUMEE TES T HIM DUTY �\ IE=B60.41 (SE) CONTRACTOR V ADC BITUMINOUS MNDOT GU IDS FOR y wI_" I I d tO. CONTRACTOR STALL VEWFY CONDUIT REOUIF01E05 FOR POWER AND R IBOATKKN L 11. CONTRACTOR? SHIN. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING WITH TE TIRE MARSHAL TIE LOCATION O FIRE LANE SICNACE AND GLARE MARIWHCS (IF NEEDED), M _ RANGE 23 zl cu ro cuss W SSOCO I Al 12 SO NEN USHALL SHALL BE UNDERGROUND WITH A. MUWGRO LOCATIONS WITH UTILITY IDBMXS. ALLIE=880.00 I V TS 13. MEETINGLVALKS 2% G BE CONSTRUCTED MUST WITH A YED AN CROSS SLOPE OF 2S. ANY SOTO '• ElCE1NNG 2S CROSS SIDPE MUST BE REVIVED AND REPLACED AT CONRACIOR'S EXPENSE. / zm I S. STOP SON MARCH EX Elf.,1 m l.PRIOR 10 SEATING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR S. VERIFY THAT ARAND T All PERMITS APPROVALS RI-i, OO'14T0� , CURB s CUM I I AArowIX HAVE BEEN OBOWEA M CONSTRUCT" SHALLBEGIN UNTIL THE CONTRACTOR HIS RENEWED ILL ! 8 �' NW µT rax�[N1, RM91 4 PLANS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS APPROVED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHOWD6. Nn9•dn'Tx. £ E vim- •�^i __- 2 WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED W ACCORDANCE WITH THE RAYS AND SPECIRGiONS AND 111E REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS OF THE LOCAL COrF7WNG AAITIIXDY. THE SONS REPORT AND -_ __ _ _ _ _ -'--v7�-1_ 3 my 1s=;•»lm1^m RECOMMENDATION SET FORTH TIEPIN ARE A PAR OF THE REDURED CONSTRUCTION DOCUIENRS AND v v v mnron lrncmcllnmu Puw smvrcrYosrmrn Y m- I IN CASE OF CONFLICT SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED OIHERWV E ON THE M PLANS THE CONTRIDIOR SAL. NOTIFY THE E4GINEOR OF ANY DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE SOTS V REPORT AND PANS. f¢ aW+NAc mAl[ 16i $ N • CMI Enpinoo,lnp Runt PMnnlnp Y Ty Na q.c 1 PROJECT N0: CA 600Pb�p G� ar th..bwlPm-Ibym.a PARKVIEW GRAND APARTMENTS SITE PLAN P.O. B.x 2. my dI . t .Apr Ow =4 ftt 19-040 x ENGINEERING A, R.M. MN 5m. I aR . am I P N EPIW.r NO. DATE DESCRIPTION ifl SERVICES, INC. ftm 714��Z °"a .r aYMM.Orolto.4/2020 KUEPERS INC. iV A A RLV .5 E-Met: m=a"omA a Pa.I•w. u nA _ - pB01 o.L. OTSEGO, MN SHEET NO. 3 OF 10 SHEETS 01l14/ 1020 WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS W ALL EDaSiWG UTIUTIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL U1IUTY COMPANIES IN ono n w tt ' MAINTAINING THEIR QRWCE AND/OR RELOCATION OF ONES THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-434-0002 N �•� s oS 4 $ 3 ^�'us"-pw rl-'' i �w'�'Y` ', i Z� r AT IS15T 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR TIE LOCATIONS OF ALL BURIED 'y °i > ml=1u� w y- y � ewe' qy� - mom WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES. MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER RUPED- ba THE MOVES BEND dGED RIE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR THE �'-^ y am THE MOVE WHEN DAMAGED WRING CCNSIRUCTON AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. ,I,fGNa 'O _ _-»�» l a f_,r\� '• I . ,I cALL eEFaRE You Dlc 68TN STREET N£' GOPHER STATE ONE CALL !� y' �M°• —' �—' �— _ — TWN CITY AREA: 651-/64-0002 — — — — .__ _ �I r .-v '�- - - RE- 88-TH �fI2E�°CUE•— TOLL FREE 1-800-252-1166 upnAHvmu ' n r 8- I m- STREET al j wu_snTB.(BY DTIENs I � 5y5 I -- CONNECT TO E)L B' DIP WM r I LEGEND _ _.. ..__... 6 Wwwr __ -I =�-�-" -..PROPFRIY UNE NT'•'OP•w --BOO -_- E%ISTING CONTWRS PAPoMEW AVE NATEN PROPOSED. ND I _. _ LOCATIONS AND aEVATCM NEE PER • — • — • — • — • ?• _________ PROPEASEmS WMURS PAPKWEW MALL DEVILOPMED PRE)MBMR, ; �4 ,� I ; I INE PLANS I u — SEDYCNS —WEN— dI1NFATD WETLWO EDGE I a —q--q— STORM SEWER I I I I r 4A >— SANDARY sEYER m .0___ I I U I 1 —1 — WATERWN I I glmFmG mGr JPA-�� i Q. —W—.— FlNCE I I � rauNrNr rmuppW _ —:—a— CVERIAM POWER UNE I N UNDERGROUND EECIRIC I 10 �I T hT/S f. 721 lima CULVERT I - z ::1 o If w$ I I I O • SOIL DOM 0 R I m SANITARY SEWER MANxOIE I I 9U) �¢rorvi ® SWDARY CLFANDUT I GOO 1 • SlatM SEWER WHOLE � I z i STORY SEWER CATCH BASIN I —t (. 71b A w I N I;/I4 I O I TN « NE 114 I IZ DO WATER GATE VALVE xYDRArD I I a as EXISTING TREE UNE a INLET PROTECTION ROCK CONSIR!/CllY1N ENTRANCE I I O> I i IQ ' O �; _ Su.T HENCE I I a m j e I U I 2 _.._.._..-.._ PRIVVIRAL STRUCTURE SETBACK 1 r � so I ly utt L! I_ I O VE HEAT DUTY ST MINWS HID W/ PN•&S!.](VET6FY) I I I I -' NOTES:I e' cv 6' PVC a 2WF ( " �� Ex HYD BOI Q Q I.VARY AM EDOSTINFO O CONDITION RMATIox PER SURM PREPARED BY WESTWOOD PROFSSONAL SERVICES r Nv eSa]a I %' - _ •1\• 2.TE LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF ALL EMS NG UTILITIES SHNL BE VERIHED BY THE C•OMWCTOR PRIOR TO axsTRUCTION. THE ENGINEER SAL BE P MECIAN CONTRACTOR TOI�/ NOTFED IrmYTELY OF ANY CON6UCIS. AD%SEMIII--SANITARY MH-O Z I ].THE CONTRACTOR SHNL PROTECT ALL EASIBD MORES AND FACKMES TO ALLOW PROPER FUNCTIONING WRING AND AFTER CONSTRUCTION. •T d NWAd•lMG. INSTALL 1 (�. RE.86].]2 SUPPORTING SMUCIURM F RWIRkD. MALL BE SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR AS WORN INCIDENTAL TO THE CONTRACT. IN YECHWAL ROOM MMI IE.85].20 (E) A THE CONTRACTOR SAL MYEDYTELY NOTIFY ENE ENGINEER OF ANY CONFUCIS BETWEEN IXISING VACATES AND THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION. THE n uq < ENCNOE R WILL COORDINATE WTM UDURY COMPANY IN WESIKKN ro OETEl011NE THE NEED FOR RELOCATION OF THE .TOPING UTILITY. VERIFY LOG110N m / / �) IEm85T.10 (N) I I R S.EKSTNG CONDDIO6 SUCH AS SAND M YANNOLES Ofl VALVE BOXES WALL BE IDENTIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND TIESE SAL BE REPO TIED ro UNE O usurly rrn r'mwuprtAWrn� c /- % / a-Ovvp �, O ENGINEER P6OR TO EXCAVDION BY THE CONTRACTOR ONCE COMRUCTION HAS BEGUN. ALL DAMAGE M UNDERODUID UT41F5 WILL BE A59(TYE) ro FMVE ®I CAUSED BY WE CONTRACTOR, ANO RErAi6 NECESSV SHAL BE PRFORIFD BY THE CONTRACTOR AT WE CONDUCTOR'S EIOENSL SIRE CdRRALTdR SHALL COORDINATE WITH THE IDCN. JURISDICTION ro OBTAIN FERYf15 Ni0 YEIER FOR WATER SOWiGE NL ASSOCYIED COSiS 9LNL I d DIP WATERrm FJL E / • Z BE INCIDENTAL TO THE CONMMCM INCLUDING DISPOSAL OF TEST PLATEN INTO CLAYS SWARM SEWER SMELL WE COITRALTOR SHNL NOT OPERATEI GATE VALVFB OR HtdUVIS ON TIE CRY WATER SYSTEM WITHOUT RRST RECEIVING CIO' AMMAL � / ( J COMH-103 BY OTHERS O ].TIE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOdY THE CITY ERGINEE3t AND THE PROJECT ENGINEER Q HOURS PRIOR M STARIING WOO OR AS REWIRE B7 THE CITY. I 6' WATER �WC� E6} / RE-666.6A a. THE CONTRACTOR WALL KEEP ACCESS ROADS CLFM OF COIL OR OTHER DEM. AND PERFORM DAVY SRFET CIFANING AS REOMED. PoSIINA pGWCE CONTROLLED WITH EROSION CDKMOL AND EROSION PREVENTION FEAWRM AS REQUIRED SHALL BE PERFa6m. NERS g I / r IE••BBtAS (SE) IL CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE AND MO ECT THE MANAND MONUMENTS SET FOR THE SUBDIVISION OF LAND. I 10. TIE CONTRACTOR SHALL SC MULE ME SOWS ENGINEER TO FIMIATE C RdIGTION OF ALL CONTROLLED RLLS IN A TIMELY FASHION. DOMN TESTSyA , MH-102 (1) ry SAL MEET UNE FOLLOWING: b .� CH &D NSD' TESTS SHALL BE TNQN ON ALL TRENCHES AT LOCATIONS AS DETERMINEDTH EY E ENGINEER OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE II //• j aqD : • RE.BGG.64 B.SH SHALL 3 PET OF STAND D PROCTOR. OXIMBEAM TOR UPPER FcEr. IMPROVED SHALL THAT NE WHIM =ER44OPTIMUM WSALL CONTENT. COMPORWDN mil_______ ____________J _mil � `860.62 (SE) HE O MEET HOOT. PAY FOR AlCOMP. I N TESTING. TIE UPPER AREAS. CUYP/CTIL UEL BEE AR GRADING ARDS SHALE BELL1 BE 0.1'C Y IE=860.41 (SE) Cy 11C THE OVER ftSHNU.TESTING PAY FOR LL COME DDKN 1FSTNC. R0' ORES CONCH FAIL ro MELT ME ABPJ^ SSNDVDS SHNL BE coRIECTm M'0 RE-TEBTED BY THE OWNER'S LAND AGENT AT HIVE WNINSTME'S EO'ENSE R 12. SANTARIC SCOTER AND WAlE16YPR SHALL IE INSPION AT ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON TIE PAN. T 13. WHERE WATEDYN WST BE LOWERED ro AWE CONFLICT WITH ANOTHER UTUTY. THE COST OF BENDS, FRANCS, ETC. SHAM. BE CONSIDERED / 21 FAS-ADO (1) ].1 CU vD CLASS III MPRAP RANGE 23 O34MAC ro THE L PROVILT. IE=660.00 1 FIELD MKidt SHALL ONSMU TE/NRMY 9 TRAFFIC CONTROL IN COMPLIANCE 1WiF1 UNE WNflEM MNCOS'TEFORAWTY 1PARi1C CONNROL ZONE UY0U15 Imo./` . CDN YAM AL WE REIN ININ AAVOR V RI TRAVEL WAYS. to INGS. STRR SMLL BE REEPONSdE FOR VEER AND T Of THE OWAL OF E BE RE UTILITIES LISTED di THIS PAN POOR ro ORS D97 OF ANY FlDIWS, mRd.Tu11Es, GVTINcs, ETC. ENGINEER AND THE omvEN Suu. War DE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DISCREPANCIES FdNO As DEPTxs ARE I EPNAm. �T 16. CONTACT OR FOR INSPECTION WITH PLOW GU CONNECTINGTAGENCY YO EXISTING C DO FOR n. EME CONTRACTOR ro COMPLY wrtx Al REGULATORY ADENcr PERMIT tDNIXIDNS FOR PERMITS 08OYED BY SANER AND FOR PFAYDS aerNNm By B. ALL W WNRMORME .9 1a ALL ErAl PERFORMED AND uAivRlNs USED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LRILIIIES ulTsr carFORu ro THE arc of Ec LINE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND IARYS 1B. suarATRr SEWER sEnnas PINL SE 6^ PVC STIR CUT. 20. ALL SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE CASTINGS SHALL BE ADJUSTED WITH LAUTECH HOPE AMSIMG RINGS. 2I.WNER SOME SHALL BE 6' DIP CL 52 g MALL OTEIOMN SOIL BE MSEALID WITH B COVER MINIMUM. g uwsaY LOCATION of FIE DEPARTMENT O(Mli TIaN (FOG) WTH YEdNNIrx ENGINEER MWECT TO REVIEW BY TIE FIE CHIEF. 24CINSr SERVICES 5' INTO THE BLRLDING. VERIFY LOCATION WITH MECHANICAL ENCINUM °® a GDAPKI xuc N rezT N • CINI Enginppanp •Iona Pivnnlnp WDy c Nat •aA< .t PROJECT NO: CA .Pa ^^•b••^o�^•a^ym•' PARKVIEW GRAND APARTMENTS SANITARY SEWER&WATERMAIN P P.Q.Bp. z4q aar my aw t •AxNpaO Spa (Rat PLAN 19-040 ENGINEERING =mhl N 35J5q i m a am LED P d EngMp� KUEPERS INC. K. DATE IEs�Pnar( dll SERVICES, INC. 1. iuin-i.2 u A • r ^ •ter u a01"aiAhOzo DATE! N�Mq T� E—Ycq:mwnpanOapbmq.an OTSEGO,MN SHEET NO. 4 OF10 SHEETS 01/14/2020 WARNING: as x RADCNRE9CHPaDIE ^^ ^�, j I THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALUNG FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL ---I •+t° ...'� +� I I a / EDSTNC UTUTIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE W,TH ALL UTIUTY COMPANIES IN vmuPuvc smutTunc ramxv ,fj ° w m VvW-1 '^ ^,", j 91H / MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND/oR RELOCATION OF LINES xv. gym+ THE CONTRACTOR STALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 671-474-0002 mz za•u¢• xrzusA nzur i - w dam'="" "' ,�' r; ATLEAST L HOURS INS. ADVANCE PIPE, FOR OTHE ,VLOCATIONS LVESOR OTHER BURIED g�v •-," wiz �'�' ` ••______________ w1RE5. CABLES. CORE DINS. PIPES. MANHOLES. VALVES OR OTTER BURIED STRUCTURES BEND DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE xz RN nMxax rvzoa a�^ C n • • -gyp ..o THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DUPING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OMNER �E, �,.p�, ,I CALL BEFORE YOU OIC _ LION v - :----»--I-» `i>— x'I i GOPHER STATE ONE CALL >�-_— REEr Nq ,1,9AIII TWIN aTY AREA: 651-45s-OOD2 - > - RE-8&h1 TOLL FREE 1-800-252-1166 nrnArurpuwR�1m rs 9 g ; se rH 5wt°KL�r r I.- rr •Arnr zus�n ., � . 9!t•. __ _- _ — I LEGEND r ----------- ,� UTILITIES SHOWN IN BUM STIFFS AND ----- - _ ', .Stiff • mcxr - r PROPERTY LINE PALOVEII AVE ARE PROPOSED. V 1 - nl In � w rmmvznm•vv.N ' EXISTING CONTOURS LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS ARE PER I — • — • lt, ! BOO— PROPOSED CONTOURS PAfIXVF.W RETAIL DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARYI e- rvLON'' O S 1 _________ FASOJENT UNE RUNS CBMH 2 SETBACKS PoM885B4 I J• NE WV.B54. —WET— OEIINFATID WE1lAIID EDGE 5W WV-BFA00 STORM SEWER S INN -woo I I SANITARY SEWER u' or t2' RCP o 0.45.IIii II j _- OQ II p;Ii' i ffi runRxrrmRpotwwrma rnuurRnW-II �-__,JIrl_y;t 2 FERCFS OEFAD POKER LINE RV OUTBU417 12' V 121UNDERGROUND OLECTRD ,_ CULVERT 2 - ;AIL II�k4b V g I I O O SOIL I" I d F gg W H9 SAN SEWER MANHOLE ® swrtAm' cLFANOur I � m o u I � � I • SroRY SEWER MANHOLE � I Z n I L'I W « • «--«— I� � O � ■ STORM SEWER UTCM BASIN z N1l,%4 O ITH NE 114 WATER�TE viiYE Of I p3 I 4 EOSRNC TREE LINE I I - a <a I GAI �kJ' I Ijf INLET PROTECIK.W I O• 7J I � bw i". ,]� � I ROCK aDMSTAUCTION E/riravaaE CBLWI 1 I I O� I I 1j I I Q I � I SILT FENCE S Ew .m3.19 Ld xx _I - IJ _.. _..-.. _..- PRVNaPAL STRUCTURE SEMCW HEAVY DUTY SRUNINOUS 111PPP I s r e' we o z.oD- DES: sTRW x > I ,.BOUNDNY AND EDSRNG aDNa,IOH INFORMATION PER SURrM PREPARED BY WESIM000 I'ROFEER10N1L SERVICES. N -"2' g I �> ��., I I a i 1 ZTHE !LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF AM. EDSIINO UTILMES STALL BE VERIE E BY THE CONMACIIXN PRIOR TO p, ITAAY MH-3 I WNSTRUCIION. THE ENGRKM SKNL BE NODRED WMEDIAIS TELY OF ANY CO FUCS kNV -N.,1 RE+BGI.]2 J.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT AL EXISTING UTURES AND F/@1RES TO ALLOW PROPER FUNCIpNWO DUPNG AND / I ' 1E>m 20 ING""T AFTER CONSTRUCTION. SUPPORTING SIRUCNNED PES. F REDU. SOUSUBY L BE PPLED THE CONTRACTOR AS WORK R. I/y/Tqq// / / - "357.10 (N) AL TO THE4.THE CONTPACIOR SHALL III MTELY NOTIFY THE ENGBHEER OF ANY CONn= BERLFEN EI(ISTING UTNRES AND THE PROPOSED CONSMUaDR. THE ENGINEER WILL mODINATE WITH VERY COPANY W OIES M TO OETERMWE THE O U NEED FOR RFLDCATION OF THE DISIM UIRITY. 7.THE WNTRACTOR SHALL KEEP .ACCESS ROADS CLEAN OF SOL OR OTHBt DEBRIS . AND PERFORM ALLY STREET GLEANING A5 REQUIRED. POSME DRAIMCE CONTROLLED WITH EROSION Owns I AND IMOSWWN PREYWIKKF X' MEASURES AS REQUIRED SALL BE PEFORMED. • �-CBMH-103 BY OTHERS ,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE AND PROTECT THE MARKERS AND MONUMENTS SET FOR THE SUBDIVISION OF LAND. R91:570H2O I / / RE<B68.GA THE CNNIRACIOR SHALL MULE THE SOILS DONEER TO FACILITATE CERTIFICATION OF ALL CONIROLLED RUS W A - I ( IE=UB1.05 N INWNIB284 V TIMELY FASHION. DENSITY TESTS SHALL MEET THE FCUUW : SE INI .BB284 I % 1E.BBI.SO (SY/) A � TESTS BE TOO ON ALL TRENCHES AT LOCATIONS AS DEREFRED BY THE ENGINEER OR HIS R.88I.50 (SE) ^ I� WITHIN 3 FED OF PAVEMENT SUBGNW- CONTRACTOR STALL UTUM 9PRO'ED SOILS TAT ARE WITHIN TIM IS OPTIMUM / CBMH-1022 (1) N MOISTURE CONTENT. COMP/CIION SHALL MEET I00X STANDARD PROCIO. BELOW THE UPPER MEET, COMPACTION • aR ,S RCP O 0.45% 6' oT ,S' RCP O 0��pF9 / % �hq R =AGG.6 SHALL BE 95X GRAWNO MURANCE SHALL BE 0.1'. ------ ------------J -J e •//{`` E-5G0.G2 (NAY) a. THE OWNER SHALL PAY FOR ALL COMPACTION TESTING. ANY AREAS WHICH FAIL TO MEET THE ABOVE STANDARDS 1 FEES 2 j IE-860.4I (SE) V kN.WIL41 15' RCP IY STALL BE CORRECTED AND RE-TESRD BY THE (WNER'S TESTING AGENT AT INC THE CAIIRENT EIPENSE 882.50 'RCP e 9.CONIFN:fOH S/W1 PROVIDE TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL N COMPLIANCE MAIM THE CIFIFffNE IODOT'IFMPJP.Yit' 1RA@1C COTIIRJL ZONE UYOUS FlE1D MANULL' iDR CONSTRUCTION ADMONT AM 1RAVE. WAYS 10. CONTACTOR SMALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VE FICKTDN OF TIE DEPTH OF ESWNG UTUTIES USIED ON THIS PUN a 4 A11 / 21' FES-t00 (I) 1 PRIOR To aROEAWc aF Ax'Y FTTWcs. slRucnlaEs. GLSTINR. Era. ENGITFfWR AID THE owWER STALL NOT BE o¢ O \ ` ].1 Cu ro cuss I9 RIPRnP RANGE 23 F470WRE FOR NIT' DMCa ANGES FOUND AS DEPTHS ARE ESTIMATED. 7 IE=UUO.m I. CONTACT CRY FOR INSPECTION PRIOR TO T/3NNECRNC TO EESTING CRY =1113. I IN 12 ALL WOO( PEIFDRMED AND MATFRW.S US) FOR CONSIRUaION OF VnUOES MUST CONFORM TO THE CRY OF OTSEGO SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS. RETANING WALL. TYP 13.AL STORY SEWER MANHOLE CASIWGS SOUL BE ADJUSTED WERE LAOTSCH HDPE ADIUSTING RINGS. GTWBASW aSTNGS SHALL BE ADJLISIEO WITH CONCRETE NAUSINC RINGS. 14. ALL STORM SEWER STRICTURES SIALL HAVE INTEGRAL PRE- CONCREEE LONE SECTIONS Wilt A MINIMUM V D® SUMP. —NE IM',•F5270_� _ _ im+wizw mzun _ _ _ � No°"•c�iTi� / —.--z .—.—z—v— y,2' PCP? ZLvk I A m — 4� PORN:.KR1L N F¢i ' N • CIA!ERpinevtlnp •lanE PlRnnlnp I n y c Nat • PA.. qN:T t (PROJECT N0: CARRION ImPY-C, p��, Q:m aa. p:�. �a AaLQ PARKVIEW GRAND APARTMENTS STORM SEWER PLAN 19-040 nENGINEERING P•� p Y2i�YN 57D59 Ian ° Mrly ,, "° P i wimIEM_ NO. DATE DESaaPTN GI1 SERVICES, INC. I"°zN;,;.;;-,;, f '. a, 4/2020 KUEPERS INC. II —RET9Raxs iV E-M.. mcanpbnOcanpknn9.mzn M°„ ,p,p, pit„ OTSEGO, MN SHEET NO. 5 OF 10 SHEETS DA 01/14/2020 THE CON ACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL - I vCALLING ^-_ EKSTNG UTILITIES THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTUTY COMPANIES IN s �,,, ga:;�,mp Fm% MAINTANING THEIR SERVICE AND/OR RELOCATION OF LINES. m m N N n o o"L• ,u 1 CSyy f 1 Y m THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-434-0002 .- Q1 �. o r Q _ • #` cR 1 V AT LEAST A3 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND "' �"O m > I, X` �WSiE i I; a• / I m ma.� 68 _ WIRES. CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES. VALVES OR OTHER BURIED 8=';0 ' ° uNwv. -- m j•, -•Ri--------'------J I STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING ME CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE 1 $ u'� l - �-�p-\-�^a� • . -'r- a=` M E ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO ME OWNER. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG r)Qnl,7 \ ->.- ,- \=�.,,..,_}�'� • 1 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL r rksrREEr n�/ ' THAN CITYAJRFA: S- ssi-SAS-- ao°z u.mwP TOLL FREE 1-800-232-1168 tKs'. - - - - - .--��--)- - - - - - 'fU(t88hi�a�Sh'REET-°N& - - -•�"=� -- - - MUTES SIKWN IN 0NH STREET AND ��. PNPROPOSED.NEW AVE ARE PROPOSED. m'mMJ R•.., �a I �_�R1 STREET CAL b HOURS BEFORE DIGGING, LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS ME PER \ ` Y _ _- - - a• a _ __ _ _ _ -_ _ _ STARE 011E C I PNIMEW REUI, DEVELOPMENTRII T PYNA TWIN CI HART \ I 06 H _. _ _ $ wN I ..✓� 5�i,. _ __ 1 TWIN CITY AREA e51154-0002 MN. TOLL FREE 1-800-252-1100 PAS _____ C 1. CONSTRUGION SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE GOVERNING CODES ME CO 2. NTRACTOR SAIL TAME ALL PRECULTIONS NECESSARY TO AVOID PROPERTY MWCE TO MA10ENT PROPERTIES WRING THE COHSn=nON PHASES OF TILLS PROJECT. ME CONTRACTOR WILL BE HEN SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES TO THE ADJACENT PROPERTIES OCCURRNG WRING THE CONSTRUCTION PLUSES OF THIS PROJECT. I II ^� JI\ I s ]. THE CONTRACTOR MUSE CONTACT ALL APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES AT (FAST 48 HOURS BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION TO REQUEST EXACT ` I FILOON OF E ISTN: UTILITIES. IES. SBE THE RESPONSBUTY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO RE111CA1E ALL RIILITIFS WHICH CONFLICT TH WITH E PROPOSED IYPROVEMENIS SHOWN ON ME PLANS. THE LOCATIONS OF SMALL UIMIES SHALL BE OBTAINED BY ME CONDUCTOR f \ \ BYELD GGRLLNG GOPHER STAATE ONE CALL(1-800-T32-116I). \ u4'ly 4. ME CONTRACTOR SHA L M NI ME LOCATIONS OF EOSC GTE VALVES AND MANHOLES WITH STEEL FEIY POSTS PRIOR TO BEGINNING h CBURER 5.0' GRADING 5. SALTY NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: IN ACCORDANCE WITH GFNWALLT ACCEPTED CMSTRUC POULTICES ME CONTRACTOR WILL BE SOLELY I > 1 Usua[rvr rcnmcA.rnrmc. TAUT rAtrW-•__,_.J,;_ R HH.. AND COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDITIONS ON RE JOB ME NCWDIN: SAFETY OF ALL BISON' AND PROEtiY DURING : I I � C PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK THIS REDUREMENT WILL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NDRIUL WONRIC HOURS. THE DUTY - _ I ~ OF WE EEREFR OR ME DE\LLOP01 TO CONDUCT CONSTRUCTION REVIEW OF THE CONTRWM' S PERFORMANCE R NOT INTENDED TO N i r Y(rN5 121 I �' INCLUDE REVIEW OF THE ADEQUACY OF THE COWFACMS SAFELY MEASURES IN. ON OR NEAR THE CONSTRUCTION SITE 6. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AND MANONING TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SUCH AS BARRICADES. WARNINGI :or�P \ O SIGNS. DIREcnaML SIGNS. FL LIEN AND UKHTS TO CONTROL THE MOVEMENT OF TRAFFIC WHERE NECESSARY. TRAFFIC CMTRDL DEVICES SHALL CONFORM ro APPROPRIATE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STAIDAI05. III' I i Ib I Z 7. ME CONDUCTOR SMALL RESTRICT ALL GRADING AND WNSIRUCIION AC TTIES TO AREAS OMMATED ON ME PLANS. ACTIVITIES PROHIBITED \ .. , I •n ^ $W I Q OUT= ME CONSTRUCTION DOINOARIES INCLUDE. BUT ARE NOT UYRED TO: STOCKPILING SOILS AND OTHER MATERIAL STORK c EWPIFM OR OTHER MACHINERY, OdVMG VFNIOLFS. LEADING OR SMUNG OF ANY "WASldfl= OR OREH roKc MATERIALS. B ALL SOIL 1ESiNG SLAL BE COIIPLEIED B/ THE OAEH'S SOILS ENGINEER. THE CONDHILTOR SHALL BE RFSPOISIBLE FOR COORDINATING ALL REDURFD SOL TESTS AND INSPEaIORS WITH THE SOILS ENGINEER I _ :� = t 'i :1 w I Nih I T <` 9. -; I IL NE 1�4 PRIOR OR TO PLACEMENT OF ASTRUCTURE OR PAVEMENT. A TEST ROLL WILL BE REQUIRED ON THE SIBWAOE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FROM A LOADEDCROSS WEIGHT TANDEM AXLE TRUCK WITH A CWEIGHT OF 0TONS. THE TEST ROU NG SOUL BE AT THE DIRECTION OF THE .� SOILS BROWER AND SOUL BE COYPLFED IN AREAS AS DIRECTED BY WE SONS ENGINEER. ME SOILS ENGINEER SHAH DETERMINE WHICH Z o O \a I Q SEC DONS ARE UNSTABLE CORRECTION OF ME SUBG ADE SOLI SHALL BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WE REQUIREMENTS OF THE \ a ¢ I SOBS ENGINEER AND AS SPEc61ED. - <d f 0. ME EaSTOG TOPSOIL ON THIS SITE VARIES IN DEPTH. IT IS ME CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TUT ALL SURFACE VEGETATION AND ANY r _ TOPSOIL OR OTHER LOOSE. SOT OR OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL BE REYDVED FROM ME PAR0G LOr, AND BUILDING PAD AREAS �- I � \ _ O' H PROM TO PLACEMENT OF ANY EMBANKMENT N ACCOMWNCE WITH THE 500.5 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION Di THE SOILS ENGINEER. \ I Z 11. FABW IOIEHT MATERIAL NOT PLACED N THE SfREEL PARIONG LOT OR BUILDING PAD AREAS SOUL BE OOMPACIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE QUALITY COMPACTION MEMOO AS OUNNm N TIN/0pT 2105�F2 OR AS DM17M BY THE SOTS DICKER \ \ •. 12 D(CAVATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF REMOVING UNSTABLE OR UNS MAG E 50115 SOUL BE COMPLETED AS REAUI ED BY THE SOILS M 88]A Cl I f r ++ i� I -'II, ENGINEER. EYBAIHYENr MATEIRAL PL 63 IN WE PAIMG LOT SAAL BE COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFIED DENSITY \ h ; I - \ - _ _ _ r r. - - - - `\-� / V L = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -•. -: -I. LU METH00 AS OUTLINED IN MN/DOT 2103 1. EMBANKMENT MATERIAL PLACED W THE BUILDING PAID AREA S ALL BE OD PACIEU IN `\ n \ / I Z I z ACCORDANCE WITH RE SOILS REPORT. \ I Mm �� m D I JD. TaFrvNCES: .ME SHEET AND PIRIDNO LOT SIBGP.ADE FINISHED SURFACE ELEVATION SMALL NOT VARY BY MORE LIMN 0,03 FOOT ABOVE OR 0.10 9 yy 41 FIT DEN*. RE PRES""ED OVATION OF ANY PONT WHERE MEASUREMENT 6 MADE�°t N.AFEAS WHICH ARE TO RECEIVE TOPSOIL SULL BE GRADED TO WITHIN 0.20 FOOT ABOVE OR BELOW THE REWIRED ELEVATION, UNLESS DPECTED BY THE BMRNEER I f 8' PJC G 2.00% tavwe_ sxALL BE cRADEO ro IRus oR MINUS I£ INCH OF WE SPECIFIED THICKNESS. I - - •MBA' r I `G 14. OISINSED UNS ACED OBTAINED. ro IMMEDIATELY RECEIVE FOUR INCHES OF TOPSOIL, SEED AND MULCH AND BE WATERED UKnL A HEALWY S7AND Of MASS IS SPOT 3 15. OT ELEVATIONS SHOWN INOIOAE FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED x 18. PROPOSED CONTOURS ARE ro FINISHED SURFACE GRADE.- 8]O 1 y, ENBARY 1AH- = IE+857.2T m857 10 (N) E4 ME CGTPAGOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAROMED THAT ME LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATON OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS \ 'n • BASED ON RECORDS OF WE MA DI UIIUTY ODMPANES AND, WHFAE POSSIBLE. HIE6URETHBNiS TNOTI IN THE FIELD. ME NFOmUTION IS NOT I i ro BE FETED ON AS BEING D= OR DOYPIEfE ? . / CBAIH-IO3 BY OTHERS ME CONDUCTOR MUST CONTACT ALL ME APPROPRIATE UOTY COMPANIES AT LEAST b HRS BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION TO REQUEST EYACT IFEae6G, yy FIELD LOCATM OF UMMM IT STALL BE ME RESPONSIBILITY OF ME CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE ALL DIMING UNTIE$ WHICH CONFLICT WITH 6� e� .05 neJ j /"' / lemasl.zO THE PROPOSED OPROIEYENIS SHOWN ON WE PLANS. THE LOCATIONS OF SAW. UIMSOUL BE SBE OBUI ED BY THE CONTRA= BY CAWNC CI / `. / IE=B61.05 (SE) GOPHER STATE ONE CAL AT 801IN OR 031-434-°002 i - '.AB \/ TJ• .�/r REM86G.6A (I) ry INFILTMIKN MASH GRADING a . 1. WE CONDUCTOR SOUL AVOID COMPACTING THE BASIN BOTTOM. RUBBER MFD EDUIPAI M SHALL BE PRONBTIFD WHEN WORIOI° N WE �- --- '�/ / // E=8Oo 62 RnV) - HL _ _ h 'ry � T.98e.0 . T \ •Y lk -, � IE.°fn nt f•fl -. . BASIN AREA. T_e71 I ' $ e-ees5 - .`P/ ) � LEGEND 2. BASIN BOr10Y5 UP TO THE HIGH WATER ELEVATION SELL BE RESTORED WITH MNDOT SEED MO( 03-261. 8.868.0 ( , q S6 J V SWRNRi SEWER "HOLE 3. INFILTRATOR BASIN SU11 BE BEEN 17-1 . WE FINAL FIEVATKKI UNTIL SITE GRADING A SIBST/NIWLY COMPLETE ONCE � �y\� � 21• PROPERTY LANE ® SANITARY CIEANOUT UPTJUUACT VEGETA DE HAS F 12' 18AND EE ME BASAL SINL BE fORIDFD ro FINISH GRADE ELEVATION. WE MA1NE SOILS 4:1 T h J,1 CU YD CL _IDUSTIND CONTOURS BECOIPAUTm TO A DEPTH OF 12'-18 AND WE BASIN RESTORED. �_.. 6y PROPOSED CONTOURS • STORY SEWER MANHOLE N BOTOM.pBp'3 ` EASEMENT UNE 9 STERN SEWER CATCH BASIN n OJTION NOTES: HW1a865A _ I SETBACI6 WATER GTE VALVE y. ME COKIP.1CfOR IS SPECIFIC ALY CAUTIONED THAT ME LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF EIOSMG UOITHS A5 SHOWN ON THESE PLANS 5 IS OF WEr ppJNGTEO WETANO EDGE ( H}pRUVR �. IUSEO ON PEWR05 ME VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES AND. WHERE POAIBIE. YFASTNFlIEN15 -IN N WE FEN. WE INFOTIMA710N NOT TO BE RELIED ON AS BEND EXACT OR caMPUETE ' /. ee3 e68 854 _ aR,Qo -N-n- STORM SEWER EaSTING WE UNE sq"ARYME CONDUCTOR MUST CONTACT AIL ME APPROPRIATE UNEAST UTILITY COMPANIES AT LALB HOURS BEANS ANY EXCAVATION TO REQUEST EffACT e]1 70 - "• - -'- WATEAWM WES IMET PROTECTION FIELD LOCATION OF UTUOES. R SVLL BE WE RESPONSIBILITY OF ME CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE AL EOSRN: HIDES WHICH CONFLICT -- - -- ,`•-- - vf'Hrlrw Ara,_A_•_ FENCE ROCK WAV57RUCDON ENTRANCE /.. WITH WE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON ME PLANS WE LOCUTIONS OF SHALL MUIIES SHALL BE OBTAIED BY THE CONTIUCiOt _. _.._- - BY CALLING GOPHER STATE ONE CAL AT NO-252-11N OR e51-/3/-0002 _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ -... -� A e-5B8.0 OVERHEAD POWER UNE B.558A --. � m- -u-ur- UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SILO FENCE CULVERT Q ^° -• SOIL DMNC HEAVY DIRY B/TR/MINOUS N • GMI En0InnPG • W^I PI...III Y c-ey .t N • q Hk I PROJECT NO: N CAMPION ImP.'-'* Mom,,, W��tHc.n.�P.PInabYm.Q PARKVIEW GRAND APARTMENTS GRADING PLAN 4 /n P.O. eo« uI ^a• mY ao-.It .1P•�H+.W I^a u.e 19-040 w ENGINEERING yp. R..' YN 35330 i �I . aI N ..a P a..MK KUEPERS INC. SERVICES, INC. Pw a "'--a' 2 ^Wa . P • al Mnn••a I. DA No. DATE I°6kaaPs°N E-Yc1:]m3aan4PMn4awnPb^ml.c°m ..M ., _ ...,,, �.°.�•1L�020 OTSEGO. MN SHEET NO, 6 OF 10 SHEETS 01/14/2020 WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL tl97E. $�'%I x o'o E)ISITNG UTIUMM THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN UTILIIIED SHOWN IN BBtH STREET IRO �y-I y, MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND/OR RELOCATION OF UNES PMIMEM AVE ARE PROPOSED. im ^wrN n v �I m °�' m m Rb o o LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS ARE PER 9 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-4!1 -0002 PARMMEW RETAIL DEVELOPMENT PRELMWMY �. Nis w eA: m y "-� Y J ° : K" �EaY 1� I; f AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND RIMS `o° m " '. " - • • 5e ' _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ -./ WIRES. CABLES. CONOITS PIPES, MANHOLES VALVES OR OTHER BURIED '.-'^ & ` ..� BP ' _ -- STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE x o -- AB �- _ -� ^ • J`-i`' N THE MOW WHEN DAMAGED WRING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG �Pq"IONP----�. REST NI; ,1YII 9 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL TWIN an AREA: e51-454-0052-- E TOLL EPEE 1 BDD-252-11166 wrw STREE T\, eys n s — PROPERTY LINE m SANITARY SEWER "HOLE =BBO= ® SANITARY CLFANOUT �900� PROPOSED COMMIS EXISTING CONTOURS O SNRN SEWER 4ANXOli I - --- __--__-_-_ --------- EASEMENT LINE p STORM SEWER CATCH BASIN I �I b).5 - o P' v^It.' h rcn,anin+rwuwr II SEAKIS WATER GKTE VALVE I 6 ! 0009E, uIr / m •• 1 -WET- OELNEATED WEI AND EDGE x( HYDRANT I 'o^^/ _ _ o W l O I I T _. STORM SEAM I- —�� MISTING SANITARY SEWER MISTINGTREE LINE —I — WATERMWN INLET PROTECIION —.—a— FENCE ROCK COA57NUCTON ERORANCE \ I GUTTER 4 —a—u— (NEIHEAD POWER LINE ® 8 _ SO' I n 1 I i G,UNDERGI� r I C ROUND ELECTRIC ----------0.-- S/LT FENCE d I m I uswnPvmmnxav R�u.mantTW--c-_; 1_i�wQ W CULVERT .:i SOL BORING HFAW DUTY B/NM/NWS LTA, CaHma. I ml I.;�ls 1. 721 I I g v 1. ALL EROSION CONTROL AA SILTATION CONTROL WILL COMPLY WITH MINNESOTA'S BEST YANAAIINr PRACTICES MANUAL AND PEGIUTKNIS O I C� H., m I• I I O THE CITY. 2 THE CONTRACTOR MOLL BE FAMILMR WITH AND FOLLOW ALL REQUIREMENTS O THE MPG NPDDS PHASE A PERMIT FOR CONST81OgN "I' • - KNII IFS MMU NG BUTT NOT LIMITED10: WEEKLY EROSION CONTROL INSPECTIONS. INSPECTION AFTER 0.5• RANFNL OR MORE AIO I '- �..- m DOCUMENTATION O ALL CORIECINE MEASURES. BY BEGNMON CONGRUCMN, THE CONTRACTOR ACIOIOWEDCES THE TERMS OF THIS PERMIT AND IDE AGREES TO All BY T U. I m F Z J (N x THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PFFTOMM ANY CORRECTIVE MEASURES ORDERED BY THE CITY OR THE MPG WIDEN 24 HOURS OF NOTIFICATION.I 1II —.£ i•1 - A w I ' Am • m 4 I\ I j; NE 1/4 ALSO. ADO INIAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES DEFINED NECESSARY BY EITHER E ER THE CRY OR THE MICA STULL STA BE WUED WITHIN 24 HOURS I 1 - C7^ O I TH OFNOTIF"TION.{or5� .q ti ANY DEPOSITING OF SILT OR WD ON NEW OR LYISfING PAVEMENT, N TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASINS OR W DUSTING .STORM SEWERS OR SWALESASSSSMA BE REMOVED .AFTER ECH PAN AND AFFECTED AREAS CLEANED. REMOVAL FROM EXI" ZING PAVEMENTS SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED 5. THE CONIW6fat STMLLASSIIYE COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONTROLLING AL SILTATION NCWDWG BUT NOT UWTED TO ROLL( ENTRANCES D. AND/OR SILT FENCES, CONTROL SHALL COIYENCE WITH GRADING AND CONTINUE TIROUaH011T THE PNOIEUr UNTIL KCFPfANCE OF THE WOO I \ ~ I I IZ I BY THE OWNER. THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY IKUM ALL DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION AS REWIRED TO PREVENT EROSION AND THE Z' DEPOSITING OF SILT. THE OWNER WY, AT HIS/HER OPTION DIRETT THE CONTRACTOR W HIS/HER METHODS AS DEEMED FR TO PROTECT '13W 4 1 G Q � I \ I � / �,� v I O PROPFRIY AND WPROVEIIE TS. n I eIT e. ANY DEPOSITING OF SILT N 1WAES OR ENSfNG STORM SEWER SPAL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH RAIN AND AFFECTED AREAS CIEW4D TO THE \ M _ — _ _ II _ _ _ - _ T "^ I 1m7 7 '7, SAITSFACIeON OF THE OWNER ALL AT THE EXPENSE OF THE COMVCSILT FENCES THE FENCES SHALL REMOVEDBREMOVEDANO THE SILT REMOVED FROM THE PONDING AREAS Elf THE CONTRACTOR AFTER TIE TURF IS ESTABLISHED. r 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WIM AND THE MONITORING REWIPE)1ENTS OF THE YPCA PERMIT. 9. ALL DISTURBED AREAS. IXCEPT ROADWAYS, PARIIING HAS, BVUDIC AREAS, AND SDEYl SHALL BE RESTORED WITH A M.A 4 PlCIES g/WL. SEEDED AHIl MUt.CM (TYPE I). SEIDING SITYL BE IN A.CORD44CE WITH MNDOT SPECIFICK 12575, SIB MIX 22-111 O JI I • .6as �x I f V) L J CBS/ACRE (OR APPfAVED EfAAL). DONHI)fT SEEDING AREAS SHALL OD 5®ED AND MULCHED IN ICCOiD1NCE WITH 1DA70T SPECIFIGipNS. ` STRAW MULCHING OMNITY BRILL BE 1'AO TONS PER ACRE. FERIN7FR (ID-10-20) SIMIL BE APPLE) AT A RATE OF 2W POIMOS PFR KITE I \ ` \ f B• PJC O 2.00E (COD BE OMITTED N IVYASGPED AREAS IF WNDSCAPED SEEDNG S DONE CONWRRENT.1). MNDOT SIB MO 21-113 APPLIED AT A RATE - OF nO LBS/KITE SHA1L BE usm FOR TEMPORARY SEEDING IF NEEDED. I >.' °�' - 'O'�P e. IIEILTHAIION BASab sxA1 BE SEEDED wTH LWGOT sEn Mlz 33-2N WITH xYDWLILIc W1W%. ._ — I 1'y KUEPERS INC. x 10. CONSMA000N SHALL PROCEED N THE FOLOMNG SEWFNCE SANITARY MH-3 17018 OACHRI MIMERCIAL PARK ROAD N CONITUCTOM SIVEL SCHEDULE A PIE-CONSfRUCDON MEEOA WITH THE CITY. \ _ _ ,,.INSTALL EROSION GaTROA MEASURES AND ROCK CONSTRICTION ENTRANCE. - _ \ \ 1 ° EE BB,y6 . (E) 13RAINERD, MN 56401 Tr CONTACT CITY FOR "PRO"' O' DR SAN CONTROL NSO U "'. 4 1, vT•uT y IE-83].IO (N) PH. ERR, 9.0707 4 d.WTTNN EROSION MEASURE PI AT FENCE, ROCK ODNSTHUCTOLE ENIONG. I ___4 I \` EMNL• CRAMANNOKUEPERS.COM YAINfILN ALL SEDIMENTATION PINES. COMPLETE SITE GRAONC IOIDUNGMO. /. -I \ �. Y. COSTAL SEE) AND WWI OM AREAS THAT ARE HOT TO BE HUT) SURFACES. 11. AL SHOO SEWER INLETS ,OHO FARED ERA SECTIONS SIMLL BE AOECDATELY PROTECTED BEFORE AND AFTER PAVEMENT CD4ZMJ TOM UNTIL. �.\ .a w m Y4, '/ " / G SWPPP DESIGNER ALL D151UREED AREAS ARE STABLIM CONIRAOOR SHALL PLACE MINA FAMG AND GRAVEL OVER AL CATCH WIN ORATE INLETS UNTIL - O` \ `� / VN>CAMPION PAVING SURFACES NE PAVED TRIO TIE IANDSVPING S COMPLETED, 2 \ \ ` `�� MARTY CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. R 13. STOCKPILE AREAS WHIaH ROM OR THE SITE FOR MORE THAN SEVEN DAYS SHA1 BE SEEDED. MULCHED. AND SURROUNDED EY SAT FENCE I i � O \ � / � 1J. BA LOTS SI BE IRMALED AT PIPE INLETS AND OUTLETS UNTIL RIPRAP S INSTALLED. PERMANENT ENEFY DISSEAEIS SHALL BE �, 8] A / \/ —CBMH-IDS Br OTHERS 18DO PIONEER CREEK CENTER INSTALLED WITHIN 24 HOURS of CONNECTION TO A SURFACE WATER 869 MAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359 TALL EROSION AND SIMI CONTROL PRACTICES MUST REMAIN W VICE UNTO. THE SITE SOLS HAVE BEET PERMANENTLY STAEUIED AND SHALL I W \ \/ 1 / IEm8O1.05 IN) eE REMOvm WITHIN DO DAYS ➢EREATDL Y \ \ / / IE-es LSO (SLY) PHONE (763) 479-5172 15. ALL SOCHPILES OF SOIL OR OTHER MATERA S SUBIECT TO EROSION BY WING OR WRIER SI BE COVERED, VEGETATED, ENCLOSED. FENCED 1 ° \c / / IEIGI.05 (SE) EMAIL MCAMPIONOCAMPIONENG.COM 7 ON THE DOWN GRN)MNT SUE OR OTHERWISE EFECIIV'FLY PROTECTED FROM EROSION IN KCORWKE WITH THE AMOUNT OF TIME THE T / \• yC�'F COMH-102 (I) EROSION CONTROL INSTAI I FR MATS' WILL BE ON SITE AND THE MABFR O ITS PROPOSED USE B In / / RE-866.64 ta. LOMIIIXN OF CONCRETE WASHOUT AND HVARDOU IMTIX8AL5 STORAGE STEEL BE DETERMINED PgOM TO START OF TANSTMICDOH. THE \ \ / / E.860.62 (NLV) NAME: SWPFP WILL BE UPDATED AND U)CATIONS ADDED AT TIME TIME - -�-------� ----- ' /f: IE=860.M11 (SE) CONTACT: 17. TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT STADA17ATON SIWL EE INITIATE) IMMEDIATELY TO LIMIT SOL EROSION AND SHALL BE COMPLETED NOT UEFA THAN / , V i-868.0, • \ P ADDRESS: SEWN DAYS AFTER THE CONSOI COON ACTIVITY IN THAT PORTION OF THE SITE HAS TEYPORAf6LY OR PERMAENTLY CGSFD. INIINIED IMMEDIATELY WARS TAOA AN ACTION TO COMMENCE STABIU ATOM AS SOON AS PR/CTCIEE, BUT NO LATER THAN TE END O THE WOR( DAY. FDLIAN'INC THE DIY MFMN REEL FMRI-aSTURBPIC ACTIVITIES HAVE IEMPoR1AllY OR PERMWENRY CEASED. INITIATED Sf/$ITAIION 5 '\ T� `�yV� `'\ / `\ , 21E FES-T00 (I) PHON DEFINED As COMPLETING ONE (OR MORE) OF THE FOLLOWING: SOIL PREPARATION FOR voommoN. MULCHING (oR OTHER WDN-VEGETATIVE , 4:t �a 6 ].t CV YD CVSS III DORIP(1) RANGE BYP), SEEDING/PWTRA, OR SCHIEDA c SMBIUTATI N MEASURES TO BE FULLY INSTALLED AND COMPLETED WITHIN THE 7 DAY TMETRAE. I ��_ d`' m till coNTRAcioR IN Ia. THE CONTIMGTOR SHWL PRGMDE AND INSTALL A Bill MAILBOX (INCIDENTAL,). INSTALL SILT FENCE' DONTOM.g�p.5 NAME: AROItA IaND IWlL-eeTs.oi W� IYMEDLATELY AFTER _ - /. / ' cONTAcr: POND GRADING lll��� l _ _ 864 �862 ¢ \t �' ADDR I i PHON ' 8 t. TEMPORARY EROSION BLANKET SHALL BE BIODEGRADABLE DOULIX-NEr STRAW (NORTH AIEWIN GREEN SILO OR APPROVED EDUAQ TEA Ong - P P __ Y. 3 ER081oN CONR20L oUANTITIES: �.., 3 EROSION MATS SH A L HAVE A MINIMUM FUNCTIONAL LONGEVITY O 1D MONTHS. B- IT B.866.0 _—"�'=-•--+�— SITE RESTORATION - 3 AC g L EROSIONaAR¢T RAGES PLACED ON SLOPJ. OR GRATER SHALLBE ROLLED DOWN SLOPE AND — I MINIMUM yr AND STAPLED AT L' D.C. / SILT FENCE - 2270 LF q 3. CONSTRUCT A Mir ANCHOR TRENCH 3' BEYOND CHEST AND TOE OF SLOPE STAPLE EROSION BAWET IN TRENCH AT V O.C. / INLET PROTECTION - 8 EA 4. EOF'S SHALL BE STAMM WITH MWDOT TW CATEGORY 1 TURF REINFORCEMENT WT. 1. ENTRANCE- / ROCK CONSTRUCTION 1 EA txAFMEc acA1c N N¢T sp 1 f N • cMl En01n..AWO W LpnC PI.nnInO A Y — ° N. 4p.°10Pa CAMPION W�py, u� ..P. K°.b—p p-1bym.> PARKVIEW GRAND APARTMENTS STORM WATER POLLUTION PROJECT N0: P.o. G.. m Ga. mY elr.°t .uP—.- mB IN.t 19-040 ENGINEERING M.T. PbW MN 5115E 1 .. ° dil n ..B P a En,h— PREVENTION PLAN xa DATE DEsxaPn6x k SERVICES, INC. m. - 7^J-4n-e172 W^a . i a .°w. KUEPERS INC. Fme ~ 7WJ-4M-4242 01 4/2020 A REVISIONS E-MLA: mcanTHmW�."Plm�a.cwnv M M P - t(no1 D.W. OTSEGO, MN SHEET NO. 7 OF 10 SHEETS 61/14/2020 1 1 HYDRANT LOCATOR ROD (FULLY WRAPPED FIBERGLASS) S FT LENGTH RED/WIIITE WITH STAINLESS STECL 9PRIND MOUNT � 2 1/2" NOSE CONNECTION '/ I- 4 1/2' PUMPER CONNECTION IZT9SIMff-IA9MIKKId411.W-1 _U i�•.r / 1•I.:.& I STANDARDLATENO. 14Aid iS■I/��\\�G5 � R YINIYUY C.B. "', - FIJNY LINE TO INVERT PIPE OIA MIN. DEPTH MINIMUM DEPTH WITH 2 RINGS to LI IN. 49 IN 1 IN. l! IN. 2t L HEIGHT OF VALVE BOX TO BE ADJUSTED TO FINISHED GRADE ABOVE CURB -APPROVE. LOCATOR RO. HYDRANT PARKER OR EAPPRO�VEDCEGLUAL [ HYDRANT 49 HYDRANT BRAIN I WIN. 2 LAYERS PWTIC 4 MIL ,1 YIN. THICKNESS CRUSHED ROCK 1 cu. YD. CONCRETE ABS B1N LOCK t BASE BUCK THE VALVE1 O 16' MINIMURATION RANT SEPARATION FROM 1. W GRAINS BELOW WATER SANITARY SEWER BE PLUGGED AND THE HYDRANT WON METAL STRIP AND THE NO'. PAINTED BUCK. 2. ALL BE— GROUND NUTS, BOLL HYDRANT AND VALVE ROODING SHALL BE CORE -BLUE STAINLESS STEEL INSTALLATION Ots STANDAR203LATE -19-1a c� JCV 1 LARG 1/2 PIPE SECTION OF LARGEST DMY,A PIPE ` li 1— ( ' T GROUT BOTTOM TO SLOPE TOWARD PIPE AS SHOWN SECTION A -A BY ARROWS CASTING NEENAH 3067 OR EQUIVALENT WITH IN. OR OR GMT[ ADJUSTINO RINGS) PtER STD PLATEL114 L /COVER SUB / Yn/GOT 102TA YA%IYUY . STEPS AS PER + •. RECAST SEGMENTS AS RIMDISTANCE FROM STEP FIRST STEP IS 24" "' I YN/DOT ST..ABC REQUIRED IN 1 FOOT 416GJ MULTIPLES T"YE O.C. PRECAST LOWER SECTION A 1 SEAL PIPE MINIMUM 36" HIGH MAXIMUM WITH GROUT I 45" HIGH MR/DOT PLATE 4.51. LOWER SECTION Le IRA. ae IN. " NOTES- '-P 1`YANNOLE INVERT SHALL BE y" 1 I a tl REINFORGNG: SINGLE LINE STEEL MARE FABRIC SLOPED TO PROVIDE SMOOTH FLOW FORM RUM TO OUttET. 48 INCH DIAMETER SHALLOW R UiSS TH. oiiNia (SEE SECTION A -A) DEPTH CATCH BASIN a� IN.FOOT STANDARD STORM MANHOLE - CATCH BASIN MAXIMUM 24 INCH DIAMETER PIPE SIZE MINIMUM COVER FLOW ONE - TO TOP OF PIPE = 2 FEET NO SCALE NO SCALE Ots- STANDARD PLATE NO.R Ots °� STANDARD PLATE NO.R' i• ¢ rLa-la JP, N • CMI EnRInwIInO •IARC PbnnNO Y Not — PI.. .,w 7 CA feao Plm.r G..k ENGINEERING P.0. B. 24B a mOd N.. N.n pr.Pand ,y m. Ynd.r my 6kwt wp—l— m6 IN.t Y i11 SERVICES, INC. °0I� %°`b MN a l PAmr. T6a-LTR-ant 6m�• "" P, or u:: 1.51 OE RON ROA90NS Fat M-LN-4242 /V E-Md: —plm6 plm�,9.avn 0 u .. _ ,00m n.. ADJUST TO FINISHED VSOUDCONCRETIEBLOOKS S SPECI%ED X ASSEMBLY VALVE A BLOCKS WRAPPEDWITH ERS OF 4 YIL CWATERMAIN. SOLID CONCRETE BLOCKS VARICSIN 4' THICK 1N 6'X W CONCRETE BLOCKS YIN 4' Tf11CK MIN e' X 12' /BALL VALVES SHALL BE NTTED WITH EXTENSION STEMS. TO BBINC THE OPERATING NUT TO BE 2' FROM THE SURFACE. 2. LOREBE W GROUND I IN LTSTAINLESSS.AND ROODING SHALL BE EL TYPICAL RESILIENT WEDGE VALVE & BOX INSTALLATION 10` h UNDER WATERMAIN ee NO SCALE R lu O9STANDARD PLATE NO.' I see 205 x GROUT BOTT04 TO SLOPE TOWARD PIPE AS SHOWN BY ARROWS. A \ A %PE • TOP VIEW . .,.B NEENAM SO., OR EQUIVALENT WITH DL OR DR GRATE ADJUSTING RINGS) PER STO PLATE 414 GROAT INVERT AS -Er• .>..-•. L .I SHOWN ABOVE RGCTANGUW SECTION A -A NOTES 1. CONCRETE BASE SHALL BE 6' POURED IN PUCE OR S' PRECAST SUB. L RIJNtORLINC SHALL BE SINGLE LINE STEEL WIRE FABRIC HAVING AN AREA OF NOT LESS THAN 0.12 S0. IN, PER TOOT DF HOW. 2' x 3' CATCH BASIN NO SCALE I, - OtSP�iD STANDARD PLATE NO. 9/ PARKVIEW GRAND AP) KUEPERS INC. FORM 1/2 PIPE a GTGW OF LARGEST GMYEIER PIP[ IY _ Ir •1 I— I GROUT BOTTOM TO SLOPE TOWARD PIPE AS SHOWN SECTION A -A BY ARNOWS ME # CASTING (SCE A CB SCHEDULE). ADJUSTING lj( ))PER TE STDPUTE4144U4 DISTANCE NOW RIM &MH PREASTECCENIRST STEP IS 24'. REDUCER SECTI STEPS AS PER MN/DOT STANDARD PLATE 4160J 6' BASE FOR ALL MANHOLES _ LESS THAN 14 FT. DEEP INCREASE BASE 2' PER 6 FT. MANHOLE INVERT SHALL BC CONCRETE SW OF DEPTH BEYOND 14 FT. 5' SLOPED TO PROVIDE SMOOTH PRECAST BASE MAY BE USED FLOW FROM IsmTO OUTLEt FOR MANHOLES LESS THAN 14 R. DEEP STORM SEWER STANDARD MANHOLE � " NO SCALL 4141A ( O µc^� STANDARD N0. FRAME A CASTING PER MNA LB SCHEDULE CONCRETE ENCASED I PAVEMENT ADJUSTING RINGS Vv+:";S`i Mn/DOT PLATE )� n� �.•�� 402M A% 4 RINGS. LIAX 1' ,• yJ•)•t%• ••• CHIMNEY GROVT PERJOINT. RARER OF AOJuaTMENf •�I + `. =;'•• HEIGHT MINIMUM RINGS SHALL BE MAX 16' MINIMIZED TO THE EXTEM PCSSIBIE, I.E. ..• ,,.L. USE (2) 4' RINGS �-�- �i--r;� ::lv�• IHMAO GF RINGS NOTES, 1. PRECAST CONCRETE OR BRICK CHIMNEY RINGS MAY BE USED MR ALL CATCH BASINS. OUSTING STORM MANHOLES. AND ANY NEW MANHOLES OUTSIDE OF PAVED AREAS AND WITHIN CURB AND .—lL 2 STORM MANHOLES WITHIN PAVED AREAS SHALL. USE HDPE 'PLASTIC' RINGS AND CONFORM TO STD PULE SOB S. CONCRETE ENCASED ADJUSTING RINGS MR/DOT PLATE "ZIM, A SHIPS USED FOR LEVELING SHALL BE METAL OR CONCRETE STORM MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT RINGS i i L�A�pLF� STANDAR413LATE N0. 4TS I Gt7DETAILS SHEET NO. 8 OF 10 19-040 it-�t Ei P/ AHH,HE=i Yfc L cycr�c SO USE O0 FOR PIPE (SEE R1. PL SPL 3110 FOR EpUMUIV. D) (I)tCONCRETE 7 1 ARTICULATED CONCRETE BLOCK SHALL BE A HANDPLACED INTERLOCKING CONCRETE BLOCK SYSTEM. CABLE CONNECED CONCRETE BLOCK MAT. OR APPROVED EQUAL 0 FOR PIPES GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO MG', USE Z.0' 0 CEOTEKTILE FABRIC PER W/DC SPEC. 3733. FABRIC SMALL BE OVERSIZED A MINNIM OF 12' AND COVER THE WIRE MCA UNDER THE BLOCK MAT AND E%TENO UNDER THE CULVERT APRON 3 a . Q IF A CABLE CONCRETE SYSTEM IS USED, YU1FPtE MATS MUST BE TIED TOGETHER LL PER MANUFACTURERS SPEC. AND ACABLES PROTRUDING BEYOND THE FINISHED 4--SEWER RDROP INLET WITHGRATEMPDOT 2573MACHINE SLICED OR M FF (MONO -MONO FABRIC) PREASSEYBLEO C nUUE0WITN 1.O' CLEAN 3 1 2' HARD SURFACE ROC%' OR B" SILT SOCK / BOVE GROUND OPTION PUBLIC ROAD AS APPROVED BY •TD• THE COY ENGINEER 4,K./y LV O'XO' EARTH FILL I AN AODII— 1.- OE GEOT—LE LNG[ B' MINIMUM 1'%lJAHD "DUMB I"L WOOD MATERIAL CEOTE%TIG ATE SHALL BE B' APRON 3" YIH. GREATER ON ALL SIDES C THE INLT COVER. S' POSTS - O' MA%. ON CCNTER 1--2' WASHED ROCK SID GEOTEE - UNDER MINIMUM Y PENETRATION INLET COVEN. WOOD 2"XA" EXTENDED REF. MNDOT 365G B" BEYOND GRATE WIDTH � �L ON BOTH SIDES. Y Q ALL GEOTE- USED FOR INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE G4Q MONDNLAMENT IN BOTH DIRECTIONS, MEETING SPEC. 3BB3 NO SCALt N FOR MACHINE SLICED. SILT FENCE 8 ® WIMCO'S MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF ABOVE. NO GCALE OJ ALL DROP INLET PROTECION SHALL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO WINTER FREEZE, DROP INLET PROTECTION NO SCALE i`�/ 11 I STANDAR500 LATE NO. a$ +� / {/- ��,p� I STANDAR50PLATE N0. _-_ &O PLAN VIEW OF RAMP ARMX. ,0,1 9GM ELEVATION OF RAMP 2 I[D FT. M FEAREA 1/T"Aqo® AMC WAut SECTION A -A 1 TINNGiI➢ o��w//ppcpp��MG � .CUE I[M MS[Rrs m N[ErRi 1wt R GiK �M�GWe N _NODvns U A D[SBLi OFaF M ttRIA K iY TAD: i VANQ Wm1 uNW ILOCx[. F111PIL MNnm 6 Pat D• CDY NOoxfs. T-VARIABIE B x 6 x lO/10 WWY �23 NOIE DEPTH CONCRETE SHALL BE GIT TYPE Of CURBB DETERMINED ANO GUTTEE R SECTION AA 3 Jy g A-] •�. ��Pr ir'..Wf�yM•"'E JI y.R OLPAN$ION JOINT A CONCRETE CURB AND CUTTER TYPICAL CROSS GUTTER NO SHALL (�.{S190 I STANDAR505LATE NO. L DESIGN B L NOtES, 'r'1K fOY DESIGN V .nsFane (A I STANDARDPLATENO. 0 —STREET SIGNS BRACKETS AS BY ENGINEER ER _ SCCONOARY SIGN POST SHALL BE PLACED IN A IZ' DLL X 2' DEEP HOLE FILLED WITH CONCRETE FURNISH AND INSTALL NEW SIGNS SIGN SIGN COLOR SIZE COMMENTS NUMBER RT-1 STOP 3O'x 3D' pN RED STRER NAYC WHRE ON GREEN O' PUTES ALL. INTERSECTIONS rows SHALL DE --AL .. STEEL Pam, THE Pon SRALL GE IIEEDNO ,,CBOT AWIN ° ° aNL[ ,4 OAUDE B. Ip B GALVANRE SR[L SIDN BAH IT", — BE AWYWUY. ME SNPIs — DECxOICN[D Ua lull IN AN "I WCI6TEAHa I.C. MOVE F. — SIGN. STIMEET NAME MCWE MI¢TB as HAVE MG �IMIE BY PB.—C SIGN (AST.tt�VD[I).-..D LADE VP RETR .—CTIK MCNS AND PQTAUMOM of SIGNS SMALL BE IN ACCORDNICE WITH THE UIWESOTA MANUAL ON UNIEGRI, TRAFFIC CO— DMCES' _ _ w wo JL^R1IWTIL AGUTTER [N'� V '.� S STANDARD PLATE NO.e ��}p 1� V 6J STANDARD PLATE N0. ,P,�Cya( CONCRETE CURB AND ^ 701 , 702 --- 71O6, _ N • CMI EBBIneeHnp • InnO PlDnnlnO —by hm b— by ma m an ua, PARKVIEW GRAND APARTMENTS CAMPION X PlDnerGeekLn�, --I udw EYctaupMMa ENGINEERING �°�� py„ Yp SS3S9 I Dm R ems• II P i wID�G°wiR. ^ KUEPERS INC. p , �wpxs SERVICES, INC. art 7711—B°=N3s z E-YDe mwnpr001A:WaDIW�.,R.�O 0, .nD2D „ �. ,. _ ,DW„ a.r.. OTSEGO. MN STANDARD PLATE NO. 805 DETAILS 9 OF 10 SHEETS 19-040 1 HANDICAP PARI(ING SPACE WITH HWDICAP PARKING SIGNS, PAINTED INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL 12X18, OR PER LOCAL OF ACC6SIBIUTY WITH CODE CONTRASTING SQUARE BACKGROUND, CENTERED rurtrigiTOWARD DRIVE AISLE HANDICAP SIGN SPPACEE ED CTENTEFt HEAD OF NO STRIPE PARKING g PARKING VEHICLE to ACCESS HANDICAP PARKING ACCESS REQUIRED AISLE AISLE WITH PAINTED 12- UFl� F32. HIGH LETTERING OF ' NO IMR L TOWARD CENTERED TOWARD ORNE ISLE VAN HANDICAP VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING ACCESSIBLE SIGN, 12'K76', OR PER NLOCAL CODE, AS OTE SEE PLAN FOR PARKING LAYOUT HANDICAP SIGN APPLICABLE 4' WIDE PAINTED STRIPING NOTE: AT 4' AND AT 2' O.C. AT BOTTOM OF SIGNS TO BE ACCESS AISLE MOUNTED 60'-66' FROM PARKING GRADE. SEE SIGN POST L ® FACE OF CURB INSTALLATION DETAIL a 10' DIAMETER CENTER SIDEWALK N SYMBOL IN PARKING STALL ALL UNES TO BE 5' WIDE NOTE: HANDICAP SIGN CENTERED N Sy� STRIPPING TO AT HEAD OF SPACE, 2' MIN MATCH PARKING, AN O 8' MAX FROM FACE OF , UNLESS PER CURB Q LOCAL CODE HANDICAP PARKING HANDICAP SYMBOL 20' TYPE YVUV t15 WEAR CWRSE SPEC 2060 A1L1210C LICK COAT PER MV 0' BIRIYP10li5 RISE COUR6E IfrT1eZ108 SPEC 238f1 9' CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE SPEC 3138 (I= CRUSHED) ACTED SUBGRWE HEAVY DUTY PAVEMENT SECTION 3" x 3' OPENING (MIN.) OUTLET PIPE - NOTES: 1. PROVIDE POURED CONCRETE INVERTS. 2. GROUT LIFT HOLES. 6' INV. EI GROUT ALL DOGHOUSES, PLASTER OUTSIDE WITH 6" COLLAR, STRIKE INSIDE LEAN 167LF-12' RCP O 0.60%� EL. -862 GRATE 12"OUTLETI EL = PIPE 862.50 HINGE ASSEMBLY 4-1/2' STAINLESS STEEL ANCHOR BOLTS AND }' x 4' x 4' CUPS I }' x1—}' SS FLAT BAR RING TWO—PIECE POND SKIMMER GRATE, HOT —DIP GALVANIZED 8 EL. = 865.50 EL —5,8" REINFORCED CONCRETE WEIR, _ KEYED INTO WALL OR ATTACHED W/ — — = RESAR DOWELS (p4 6�. �—III—III— O 8' SPACING). MIN._ TERPROOF GROUT �ITI�II �IS� 281F -12" RCP EL. 861.D0 I—III—TIT—T'T�..� cl 6' PRECAST BASE WITH 2' _ _I _ 11=I1 1I=1 LEAN GROUT OR 8' 1 I�I POURED SLAB ON 6' COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE BASIN 1: OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE WATER RISER DETAIL }` N • Chni EnGlnaoAnG.—I, 1." ' y CORK' ae.Y mi. Pan, q.cmm— PROJECT N0: CAMPION eWPY—kMC��, a�ath..b-eP —iby —. PARKVIEW GRAND APARTMENTS DETAILS P.o. B.. zw ..°.F mr ar..t ..prM ..a tn.t ° ENGINEERING Y.M. *1 YR eme° I a.. NIY B. ..d P —II M °.19-040 Ro. ogre o¢aaPnav ill SERVICES, INC. P°°^' T°3 .T° S,Tz y� KUEPERS INC. iV Fac - 10 Ot t�/2020 A REMsaxs E—Ra: m.anpbnOcm1pM�rq.can Y . _ 1YW1 o.t.: OTSEGO, MN ISHEET N0. 10 OF 10 SHE I01/14/2020 SQUARE u— POLE BOLT PATTERN PER MAWFACTURER (4) j' DIA. ANCHOR WLTa B' LENGTH .I- WITH J' H..K B' MIN. VOLT PROJECTION BOTTOM NOT R.UBH WITH CON.. "ERT. w •J TIM GOTTOM U' DIA. CONCRETE BABE faONO-tUBE) w JO' E%POaURE ABOVE GRADE BRO N FINISH EXI-IIMD WRPACM 4000 PBI cONCRETE I] POLE LIGHT FOUNDATION DESIGN WI BCALB we. FO' PLANTING LEGEND - SITE TREES: oLAgC w E.R - rrcu aLAuca DEvaArA �J,� TOTAL TReEB • 70 1Ri • NORWAY OPRIICE - PKL'A ABMs TOTAL TRePD . Q • ` BURR OAK - OIaR.CU4 H.Y.I¢OG4RPA .�•p� • B ] B ]' CALIPER •M�•2{f.' TOTAL TRPE9.l AUTUMN BLACC MAPLP • ACER x RFTIAMY BNB ]' IPBS TOTAL TREEIBMS • D O r,-WORRE FLOWB31N6 CRAG - HAWJ •PRdIFIRRE B N B I.B• CALIP62 TOTAL TREES • B ELEV a' HT. AWM. FENCE AT PLAY BET AND POOL ENCLOp1REB 10 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING LEVEL I PARKING - 10 STALLS FFE (GARAGE) 870.0 FUTURE PARK VIEW AVENUE IMF I LANDSCAPE PLAN s LLI eCAl61". Edo' LANDSCAPE NOTES: I. LANO—C ARe4B TO Rmleve SOD. REIe1NTION BABM AReAS SHALL BE Be.— MNDOT MO). i LAWN IRRIGAION SYSTBI TO Be IWTAW AT ALL BOD AREAS 4 pIRl1B B®0. J. SOD SHALL BE OILTUReD KBNTUCKY &LEGRAa9, LANO—Ft! CONTRACTOR W W WATER AT TIME OF INSTALLATION AND ROLL ALL BOO AB NeED® TO ABWRe SMOOTH TURF AREAa, ALL II—M GREATER THAN J TO I SHALL BC STAK®. 4. ALL SHRURPLBVe p — TO LANDSCAPE ROCK ON WEED BARRIER PABRIG a. ALL AR— UINMRC WD AND ROCK TOUCH SHALL NAPE =MMERONL GRADE BLACK POLY eDGER. i. ALL.—m STEM TRee SF —SHALL Be 6TAK®. 1. PLANTING W L TO BE A H-I MIXTURE WITH I PART PPAT, I PART SOIL 4 1 PART 8ANO, a. LOOAm ALL IRIm. BY AOTIIAL LOCATION IN TNe FIB.D PRIOR TO PLANTNG OPBS V— SITE LIGHTING LEGEND: oC P4 • P M MOUNTED WMINAIRe - 4' B IARE ]O' Pole - RAO LIGHTING NAT J BOO ALL PDX MOUNTED WMINAIReS — Be MOUNTED ON A CONCRETE BARB THAT B A MITI 90- ABOve RNI eO GRAVE AT PARKING LOT O WP-1 •WALL PACK LUMINAIRE - RAB LIGHTING SLJIt B NOIe, ALL DECKS TO NAVE A UULLL MOUNT® IXIeRIOR LIGHT THAT IS MAWALLY CONTROLL® BY THE TENANT - PATRIOT LIGHTING - SONOMA IOLIBTTSPT OR EQUAL ZONING NOTES: SITE INFORMATION: LOT AREA, —L-OTAREA • 51,196 &F, ( JAIL A(—) OBNSITI' CALCULATION& pASeD ON R-T MILTIPLE FAMILY REBIDeNCE DISTWCn OW 6.F. PER &F, DWUNIT - DDDUCT SOO FOR OR ON UNDERGROUND BRCI PER UNIT UN • DEDUCT JOO S.F. FOR NPIGHBCOMMERCIAB PER UNIT- DEDUCTION LIMIT OF BOO &VeR UNIT NR - 1 0 TOTAL OWPIWNG aNlm % ]000 B.P. REQUIReO HOp00 &F MIN LOT 5- REOW— bE]BACKS BASMD ON R-1 - FROM YARD DEIBACK • Jw - REAR YARD SETBACK. JO• - ACLe600RY 6TFUCTIRE SETBACK . 10' MM. PARKING CALOULATIONS� �8TJ010 PER Lit JJNT UNIT %l0 • 140 STALED REWIR® -TO LeVLL I PARKNG STALLS PHONIC® - T] RIRFALe STALLS PROVDED - TOTAL PARKING BTALL9 • 41] aTALLa USABL@ OPeN OPAOe c4LCJILATION& e • TO UNITS %B - 6,F. • 6],BOO B.F. - USABLE OPPN SPACE AT 5WI.OING - PAST SIDS . ZOO D.F. - USABLE OPEN SPACE AT BUILDING 1 WEST , • Jt F, S.F. • TOTAL USABLE OPEN SPACE PROVIDED • 6JAAO &F. MONUMENT BEE SHEET U s J REYI5I0N9 DATE l7 f 1 f O 9 PLAY 'SET � (n J POOL bd-b O O sip eTA„Pm DDND. DECK O O w oI v P a aE 0 f i z ♦ o O 2_ Q `"' O O � per.• •a�'°" 'U w € 00 a�:'� ®®® 0 QO. ®®®®® ®®®®® ®®®®® °O' O aQ rrYNY ®® ®® 76 UNIT APARTMENT SUILDINC, (� 4 ® O O Lu A m N r , O W V Q PAVER LANDING 0 0• ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ®® ® ® ®® ® O _ ,y '��Y• PLANTING LEGEND - SHRUBS: PAYER LANDING . O TOTAL aRIwANce eewhceDeRRr-AnEUNrw�lER NowRuoo . n xc..-ArsFORA ® Gi auRu-Dueu r�AwlNeo eRANeEmr - wawewn aevucl3u3.vn — p GA4N NINEwa TOTAL B 8 n - nAnocA Pvs owuw so • 39 LANDSCAPE PLAN - SNRUB PLANTINGS AT BUILDING PERIMETER 13 ODALPi 1133' • I'L' ih s ]$[ iER TOTALN RIIBO GRA09 - �4lAHAr.,eo°w0 AulnRaFa • M �B OI-I}I104 DRAWN OlR E 1'•'4 1�,f LrtiA PRINce000PIISA-DHFtn TOTAL BNRllBO JAPoIG YITILE • JI RCWcf90' AtE DI-U-30 OGLE L 1 . ^ L pi —g. Ae - 3ruGA aCOfOEMALLlO 'NaLYaIi03r' — uwlDo. n REv1910N9 DAT= DOIIptP dGNAGE - BFE dGN BY ELeMENfB INC. 1RT. 3%B peAM - eUPPORiO BIGNAGE .TONE CAP M1L.'L' pRACKETPOWDER COAT® BLACI4 y f]PEA COWMW 6IN68 dDED - TYP. AT EACH BRLETY- TRAN HD• - IGN _ ID2S+ V r I y „ I •I 4 eiGNAGe ARe4 0 I r 1 PER dDE • IB eD.rr. f!) JM' THRUEOLT6 feTAINLEBB 6iEPU• p AT EACH pRACKet � � � 4 u � 1 "1 I L BtoNe veneeR maTw auILDINw - _ - e�� n L * I,• I I''I b%16 COWMN pLOm 1 • I I I CORE -POUR cmu COLUMN w U) •4 VERT. REBAR• TYP. � — - - — - _ S �� yqq U 'I < I 1 TRT. DU BeAM - d1PPORTO dGNAGE S I I• 1 �� GRADe — - - � � I 1 I I Trl.�c� ' •T !• .I I T°� e� f 1 ° I •I I .0 • 1• I: r ° ' • • e' da CONCREre I,ONO-nlpe m � ' I I•• . I, 1 i � 0��� N O I I 1 I ' I'. 1• . i I j I �I - I .11 I' 1 ' I t I. 1 ' I • r z YZ TYPICAL ELEVATION •Q Lu xnLe. ve• . fv' ue ecALeve• . I'O• � GENERAL NOTES: DO 1. SIGN ILLUMINATION: GROUND MOUNTED FLOODLIGHT LUMINAIRE - EACH SIDE: RAB LIGHTING X34 (^� o 2, SIGN ILLUMINATION: SIGN LIGHTING TO CONCENTRATE THE ILLUMINATION UPON THE PRINTED AREA OF THE v � 0 p 00 0 0 O O SIGN FACE. NO ILLUMINATION MAY EXCEED ONE FOOT-CANDLE OF ILLUMINATION AT THE PROPERTY LINE N o 00 O 00 O O 00 O 00 3. LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS: SIGN BASE TO BE LANDSCAPED WITH SMALL SHRUBS A MIN. OF IS INCHES W m IN HEIGHT AT PLANTING TO PROVIDE CONTINUOUS SCREENING OF THE SIGNAGE BASE LANDSCAPING TO EXTEND A MIN. OF 2 FEET FROM THE SIGN BASE ON ALL SIDES. 00 O 0 L.L. O O O O O o LANDSCAPE LEGEND: U < iy m t Q • TINY WINE NINEBARK ' PHYSOGARPUS OPULIFOLIUS O O O O O O 00 Op O 0 0 0 0 0O O pp HEMEROGALLIS ' STELLA DE ORO ' O O 0 0 0 O O - 00 00 00 00 O LED ROODLIGNT,� 041}I101 RAB XM DRAWN CHECKPD • HYDRANGEA PANICULATA ' LITTLE LAMB' c�R onre ecALe IpaO LIJ OCAlE•WIB'.Y-O' J DWG. VP UP spy o 0 0 � REFUSE ENCLOSURE PLAYSET ,� S' ALUM. FENCE AT POOL E PLAYSET EN ENCLOSURE to LER W J LLlm SE roSURE i— v � Lu ce DO L Q JILDING Inc. PmN,—"ot-lg-- I h... 1olwig1 ommey AWWr I aM—o Chocket A1.1 Overall Floor Plan e..en e DECK OFF 1 BED 216 215 COMMUNI ROOM 217 ED REV. 218 E In.n e.nrcy,n.tui. W n n�.n..wcmmmnl�n:m sWlun. pen yme or untlnmyalnc,e Mtin. o�eanmaamaunaerm. m.+.ivn smm of Nem.: cna.mpnor J. n.im.nn,Nn sbn.s 2 BED 214 218 2 BED �'�,' SIPPER LOSS� 1 ED REV 213 �— 200 % 220 1 BED 209 2 END EV ' 212 1 � 211 �\ BED R 210 — 1 BED 202 \ 203 ED LA E TYPE 201 `2 ED TYP A 224 221 CORE AIR 223 B D ENO I w v_' LL O� N _ Cb Cb m Z L j N C' CL.6 G 208 2 BED 204 11 BEDR 222 N W W U X ' STAIR 205 BEO CO 208 w m F. Q 2 W BED E 20T U Z < Q D] n� d Q C 3 Y R d 1 Level Ove II Plan Kuepers Inc. Parkview Grand Apts P.O.— Ot-19assa Pem 10/22119 nxii° AWhsr cn —d Checker A1.2 Overall Floor Plan t118'a 1'-W ..pa 1 DCORE _ _ ED CO Inam aeym.o.lwWe�amvairee wvlpw�%aw�:�e umilem. 316 317 euwnea Amnnea eMmuw lvx.oflMdlW pl 2BED 315 2 ED REV 318 Name: DM1Nlopne.J. Rnm.nn,Pe. st= ' BED R - I - 2BED one: taa-2ety 374 319 2 BED 313 /� 320 BED R FITNESS CENTE ED EN 321 N Q I� 372 328 `/C7 ` / 311 BED LAR E 2BED N BED R 370 t BED � 301 324 I B CORE _ cp � 1 BED 302 323 W m N 309 BED RE . 303 - / A Z 2 D END EV' 308 2BED 3D4 ' BED 322 Aat h W 'o F— WLij x 3D5 8 U Q co STPJR BEDC E W �. Q uv 3D6 = W ` tt u BED EI Q 3W Q co m Q Q C f6 3 Y 7 v I Overall Plan 1 Kuepers Inc. Parkview Grand Apts wvl.n—r01-79-ma I Dew iD122118 D—by Aulhaf I`~dby Chevker A1.3 Overall Floor Plan swl. 1116'. t'-0' 4>7 na e..od ma om. 1B DCORE — — ED CO In.m ammNamtuh pNa.p.d1M'+Ibroorrvwnw.. pmwm srm.orwa.rmraima.vw.rolon.m,n.liom. mre.ob OA,uumd uMmN. dw.mw sm.of 28ED 41 17 ED REV 418 418 BED R — — 2 BED Name: CM1Nmph.,J.Pelmann,.W ekn.a: 414 lI 419 o-uso,s iuow<.w,a 2 BED ED RE e 413 BED R � � ED EN 1BED 412 V) BED LAR E'' 401 424 p Cn BED R (�f 410 1 BED CORE TAIRI J t BED 409 2 ED END E 408 BEO R 2BED �� 404 BED R 403 402 423 431 - B END R 422 a� Ob m N A CZC < V0 W 8 F— W X STAIR p BED CO E 408 U Q � Lu On BED E = W 407 U Z Q Q m rn a Q c D7 C� 3 Y a t Level4 Overall Plan Kuepers Inc. Parkview Grand Apts pmhdnumwr 0l•19•ma °em 10/22/tB °by Author °Aea� Checker Al A Overall Floor Plan ewh i/18' � i'-0' 11i111 11 nl 11u Id i� 11 I1Ii11 1!1 1!1 i!i i!i Hil i!i i!i i!i 11 11 1111 11 11 1I �1,11 II 11j11 1u n x o T_lit 5dq 1!1 1�1 5 1�1 1!1 ' 1!1 1�1 1�1 1�1 11 111(11 11 11 1� 11 II 11 �'11 n 11 11 1 11 ... ... ... ... 6 ... ... ... ... sic r 1I 1I Irl 11 11 1I 1�1 IL ■a I1 11! 11 I1 I! 1!1 II II Irl II 1!1 1!1 11 11 1!1 i!1 I::I 1� n II 11 n 11 111 1�1 11 1I a3 I,�� ,11 1�1 1�1 11 11 rs... -..: i�i i�i Ln1® P' ■■■■ 09 11 Mos.. ... ... n■ 1111 'all I', 1 if I IN ,''' 11 ,I, 11 G!� fill �`f ll: 111 11 1'1' I1' �jl MI 11 Ili[-' 11 lip III --�.f� i _ilE I g'm I 11 11 ■� �t G'� t .�11 II '■1of pla I 11 11 ■� ct E� II■;A—Hw 11 0 iiiiio t'I r 1 1 ��'�0o 11o�;�� 1� i t Frr11111G61■1■I i!i Hi _IN 11 US 'H�� C[] r is m p 1 I�I 11 i m 1 11 IN loil ON Cl1 (LAP 00. PANEL) PAPER O_ BIIINO 1R• OSB SHEATHING (APPLY VERTICALLY) TYPE'B'UNITNOTES: (NOTES REPERENCE LANGUAGE IN TH-16 MINNESOTA ACCESSIBIIRYCADE). '.TIRE PRIMARY ENTRANCE DDOR MUST HAVE 2 UBER PA9LBgGE ODORS SHAELLIIUVE niI.EM OPENING OF3ISM'MIN. (1DwA1.1) s REINFORCEMENT (WOOD BLOCKING) SHALL BE INSTALLED FOR FUTURE GRAB RAN a SHOWER 11'-Y 1d-i01N' b'•B tl4' xXe SN s—r O.C. 1:111EIIEMENTSIOING B' FIBEPOU95 &LTi00.-r 0MIL. POL WORRETARDER vD• TYPexcrPsuM eD. 11FLY VERTICALLY) i -TYPICAL EXT. BUILDING WALL 7HR IBC TABLE 721.1(2) MATERIAL 76 REM NO. 78-7.3 KNEE CLEARANCE AT ACCESSIBLE LAV REQUIRED 2X8 PLUMBING WALL 2%8 PLUMBING WALL VANITY 34' H7.J'L 6EATBAT TOILETS, BATH NBS ANDSHOWER C SM (B NAYHA 110w.11AR 0. INKS AMYHAVEACLEARFLOORSPACE FOR PARAU-ORNERWARDAPPROACH (10w.1T11). I O --21AYER3-ETy .I-- fo O REF.-- SIM. STONE VENEER OR BRICKVENEER SYSTEM EXPANDED WIRE MESH OVER PAFER 1R'OSBSHEATHING(APP-PITICALLY) I I 80'VOX58'D I I 0. A CtEA0.FLO0R SPACE PoBRIONfO FO0.A PNULIELORFOftWAROAPPROAGNTOTHE OOKTOPANDOVENSHALLBEVROWDED it0w.122A1a IDw.1x3A). CLEAR FLR. SPACE W O — _ 2%38NDSAT td O.G. e'FlBERGVSS BAT(50.31 eME.PoLYVAPORRETARDEA 0.ACLEARFLDOR SPACE PoBRIONED FORA LELAPPROMID—THEREPRIGERATOA/ SHALL BE PROVIDED(tow.tz261. RABIE PARTS FOR UGWINO=NTROW. LECTRICALSWRCHESANDRECEPTACLEOU1LE19, PANELBOMDSSHALLCOMPLYWRNSECTIONS I I I TFREpEE£R BATH2 1 I 30'X48KITCHEN ?A7 I l CLEAR FLR. I 1 SPACE0F\EHVIRONSID-CONTROLS,ELECTRICAL'oI _-J L____� ___ 1 I 1d-bY°' _ —" UTILITY 2A1 / 2A2 D ' b______ I ei \ \ bm'TYPE%GYPSUMBD.(APPLYVE0.TICALLY) .L iHR IBC TABLE 721.12 MATERIAL 161TEM NO. 16-1.3 elII'ttPE%GYPSUM UDSSTAOCEREO AT1VO.C.ON STOILET MIN. CLEAMNCEbHALLCOMPLYWffH SECTION 10w.11A,12 r ------- 30-X60- CLEAR FLR.SPACEd-11G9' d-et 4'-e 1R' i I °I STURNING RADIUS2UVER51fCERTAINTEE_—_J \ I I 1NSUUTION TNe TOPL BOTTOMPLATES SNDINBUUtION: ouTAT ATLEK 2-31-BARWALLeONLY: INw4'ISLAND AsAeASSLAY RTOO EMepentl Uyme pruMerL SEEBUIIDINGTYPEWTYPICALBXTERIONINTERIOR FRAMING DETAIL-BEE°/ADa `_ _ _ _ _ _ _ iWA TYPEXGTPSUMBD. 7HR N..h Nemc GMMpMrJ.WMem,AM 61pna:_ z SHOWERRUB COMPARTMEEN-E.WIaSHELFB GA FILE NO. WP 33 OION BEEN PREAOCNED WOH 'SOMAS N ESPRIOR TRAP. 2ATCYPBU ROD STC 50-NRCC TL-93-24NSTWALISTIUTHAVE WALUTON. EADH TUB TRAP. TMP. SHOWER TO WATER CLOSET PEFUNGEPENETRATINO NATEDFLOORSYSTEMSMUST BE INSTALLED WITH A FIREAESISTNE UMD MEMBRANE PENETRATION SYSTBM. I EJ RESIUENI CHANNEL 4. THE REQUIRED MINIMUM THICKNESS OF GYPCRSTE FUE. TOPPWO MATERWLSHALLBEMAINTAINEDPER THE BESIGN UIITNG UNOERALLTIIRa 0. EACH NBSKOWER TRM SNALL BE PROVIDED WITH AN ACCESS PANEL 0.TUB5HOWER COMPARTMENTS AND WALLS WITHIN WIINCHE—AWATEA SETSHALLBESNEATHED wTrH wATERRESISTWE-MeB. I I I _______ b'•e 1R' •_e1lY S b �/-.l b �� D " b'•AaM• 30'X 48' CLEAR FL SPACE F----T---- CLEAR FURL I I I SPACE I BATH I 2X6 PLUMBING I I® I WALL VANITY38'HT. I II - I 3D' %48' 2 BED TYPE A CLEAR FLR. 1 SPACE 226 I d-111R' —STUDS AT 10.O.C. SOUND 11 BUUTION: a-1R'FIBERGlA93 INSUUTION BM'TTEXCYPSUMBe. 3 GA FILE NO.WP3243TfTIQN 1 HR STC 50-64-OL 08-0907, 93-GB 1R•OYPSUM RD. xxe UDIIATIVO.C. a0 NBINSUUTIONATBEDROOMS, BATHS a UTIUTYROOMSONLY tR'GTPSUMBD. 4-TNT. UNR WALL -NONRATED tR•cYPaUM eo. SOUNDDSAIUkTI NA M8, (n O CO I� 0 N = VJ Lu Dp N Z x U Q W Co W 0 b Li BEDROOM 2 2A5 BATH9S UTUTYROOM60NLYD -- 1R'OYPSUMBD. F-TNT. UNR WALL -NONRATED = 2 Z e pc w �. 2 UYERSSMttPE%GYPBUM BD. TXASTUDATI O.G. Q m Fn SOUND INSUUTION: Q. 2-RS YtR' OU59FIBER INSUUTION 'MROAP Q T%Aatuontt—E C TIAYERS 6ATTVPE%GYPSUM tY xala 8-ELEVATOR-HAFTWA112HR GA FILE NO. WP 3820 src 59 - RAL n73-22a, 7a9-73 3 BEDROOM 2A4 UYERSMd TYPE%GYPSUM BD. IYASTUD AT iPO.C. SouND INsuuTKNI: 2 wreRastm OL45S FIBER INSUUTION 11,21YERS-TYPe.. � y (6 C 'ARGAP TXASTRDATIe'O IL DECK ❑ VPSIIM SD. 5A-ELEVATOR-HAFTWALL2HR GAFSg NO. WP 3820 �`. HVAC _® STC 59 - RAL TL73-224, 7-30-73 Kuepers Inc. NOTE: SEE BUILDING TYPE VA TYPICAL SLEEVE RO: 29-1/8 X2&118' ❑ EXTERIOR/ INTERIOR WALL FRAMINGDETAIL 4/A6.8 BTM. OF RO AT 61/4'A,F.F, xLAYERBtlm-TYPE%GYPaGM BB. S ruoaarnccEREODADAT1e•aa. oNTU.Parkview Grand Apts SOUNDINSUUTION: 2 UYERST-iR'CERTNNTEED BIER. ASB BMIXA1ION or PmMNmmB.r 01-79-NI00( MM 10M22119 D—BI' Author Checker -0. x urERsadTYPExcrosuM m. JL , I H 1 Dwelling Unit Plan O Onllina 1/2 Unit Plan - Two Bad Typo A 7 •STAIR SHAFT WALL 2HR GA FILE NO. IS 3915.18-70 wall TVoes • 1'-0' As IndlWted FIBERCEMENT SIDING (LAP OR PANEL) pp TTS-1 OV TYRE'B'UNIT NGTEffi GUILOINO PpPE0. MIN EBOTAACENCE11ANG WGI7IN THE x015 !-Y OSB SHEATHING (APPLY VERTICALLY) xXstuosAT is G.c. THEPR 1. IMARYENTRANCEBOORMUSTHAVE 0• FIBERG,ASS BA A MIN. BY CL OPEN INO(SECTION 401). OMIL POLY VAPOfl 0.0TAROER 2 USER PASSAGE DOORS SHALL HAVE A CLEAR OPENING O­MIN.(10MS 1) SICTYPE%GYPSUMm.(APPLYVERTICALLY) B. RNI�FOREO FOA Ov000 BLocswc)s"ALL SLEEVE RD: 29-118`X 29-11W NOTE: SEE BUILDING TYPE VA TYPICAL FUNREOMBepaa RN_ BTM. OF RO ATBtl4'A.F.F. EXTERIOR/ INTERIOR WALL FRAMING PLAN 9E4T9 AT TOIL[T SATH TUB°ANDSHOWER DETAIL 4/A5.8 1-TYPICAL EXI'. BUILDING WALL iHR co TB,I o!°."' IBC TABLE 721.1(2) MATERIAL III ITEM NO. ig-1.3 A.'�RINPKSMMAy HAVE CLEAR FLOOR SPACE A LLEL ORFORWARDAPPROACH "� b SIM. STONE VENEER OR BRICK VENEER SYSTEM QACIEAR)FID°RSPACEPOSRIONED FORA HVAC DECK M EfWANOEDWIRB..HOVER 2 UYERSTYPE'GPAPEN PAMIIEL OR FOILWARO APPROACH TG THE COOKTOP AND OVEN SHALL BE P0.0NDED 1IY OSB SHEATHING (APPLY VERTICALLY) (te0e.1z2B.1 atOM.lx3.4). C gtO SNDSAT1—C. IPARFLGORSPACEFOSITIONEOFORA IY FlGERGLASSBATTsa31 PAMLLELAPPROACHTOTHE PFFRICERATORI a MIL POLY VAPOR 0.EtAmER FREEZER 91MLL BE PR W IDEO (1 GBa.12x.$). T.OPERABLE U. FOR LIGHTING C.%.L. SWTYPEXOYPGUM BD, (APPLYMeRYC uEY) ELECTRICALSWRCHESANDRECEPTACLEOUTLETS, ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS, ELECTRICAL BEDROOM IBC TABLE 721.1A-TYPICAL E%T. 1BUILDING WALL 1HR P�2L OARDGSHALLCOMPLYWITHSECTIONS 2B4 (2 ) ILETMIR CLEAMNCE SNALLCOMPLY WTOI MATERIAL 181TEM NO. 16-1.3 M SECTION iB 11.B.12 Ga•TYPE %GYPSUM B0. 9fe STUDS STAG° ERm AT 1C O.C. ON 9©TOPaBOTTOM PLATE. SOUND INSUU x LAYERS I—ERTAIN,Em Y•e tM' RBEROLASS INBULATION CENEAUU... ES: MnbYwnllybm Ud. Nw,• NBwlbmprnppA,n. 1.8EE BUILOINGTYPEVA TYPICAL EXTERIDMNTERIOR ATECVlLTa BaNGR WALLS ONLY: p�nd by me or uMarmydl FulNrvblonantl NM lama WALL BUILDING EVSEEUAe9 AOO T/te'APA MTm WALL aHG.TRINO du Llwm.d AmNISQUTdrtWlpw.alSm BMbM lR TOONCSIOC Mb : RSHOWENNBCOMPARTMENTSMUSTBEINSTALLD S ° S eM'iTPEE GYPSUM BO. Fbmm CAM1bpMIJ. Rehwnm AlA AONNSTWPLLSTHl NbUVE BEEN PR CKEDWRH X ejlwd; GYPSUMAS3EMBU SPRIORTOMSTALLA 11. 2-PARTY WALL PARTITION iHR B EACH TUB T . SHOWER TRAP. WATER CLOSET GAFILENO.WP 3380 wb:lluzame uwM.fE ABBte PIPE FLWGE PENETRATING MTED FLOOR SYSTEMS Zge STC 50 - NRCC TL-93-249 MUST BE INSTALLED WITH A FI EGIETNE LISTED 2BED BEDROOM 4.NEPE UWEEO MN MUMTHICKNESGOFG RETE 213 286 I t TION SYSTEM. HESMEMCHANNELm. FLOOR TO PPINGMATERIALSHALLBEM NEDPER THE DESIGN USTIN° UNDER&I-7UBS u. 2X0 STUOSAT iCO.C. AFACH TUBSHOWERTMBHALLPBE PROVIDm WRSOUNOINSUUTION: H S1?FIBERCLA39 ANACCESS PAN EL S.NWITHIN CHES IF A YO RCTMENTSANOWALLSNTNED INSULATION O WITHWl OFAWATER GLOSETSSO. BE SHUNm NPTYPEX—EIVIBD. U W O WGH WATER RESISTNE GYPSUM B0. ZBa � _ 3• CORRIDOR WALL PARTITIONIHR N GA FILE NO. WP 3243-090 CLEAR FLR, SPACE STC SD-54.Ors OB-0907, 93-0e J ob crosUM SD. _ I zm ENCLOSURE AT ROOF j I VANITY DRAINS -UNITS: xx°sruoSATfa•O.c. W m N 1 213,219, 313, 319, 413, 4t8 1 1 2X6 PLUMBING SOUND INSULATION AT BEDROOMS, Z b BATHSS UTLffY DOOMS ONLY C —_ _ ____ WALL G b 1!Y GYPSUM B0. J4WW X56-D r•efz e•-B 1/r � r I CLEAR FLR. SPACE 4 - INi. UNIT WALL •NON RATED I I I �, I-_ W x 1 BATS 30'%48" ,rs•GYPSEM So. U Q I � I CLEAR FLR, SPACE b W m I 2B3 I WIC 60UNDINSULl NATBEDROOMS, ~ Q --- ---_ J o-- BATH9l UTILTTYHOOMBONLY 2B8 1'-1• f?GYPSUM °D. r-AaM• QG Z �1:T —0 5-INT. UNIT WALL -NONRATED K Q i� � Y-e' Y-0BN• ? 1:11LAYERIORY-11111"U"RE, Q m _ _ — — — _ _ SIM SNDATUFMC. N b SOUND INSULATION: Q 2 LAYERS B•12' C ISLAND I 707 ____________ _ 4 OIASIIRDER INSULATION Q 4 t•AIRGAP -� SB2 2xA3N0AT1e•O.O f------ -----1 I SLAYERS Ne'TYPEXGYPSUM BO. � o I I I o ` I I 1 ° (-----------1 g-ELEVATOR SHAFT WALL2 HR 0 UTILITY I 1 ______ G o GA FILE NO. WP 3820 I 58'W X80'D I KITCHEN I ° ° , I STC 5B-RALTL73224, 730.73 %j 282 CLEAR FLR. 281 I d) BATH2 11 1['­R5WTYPEXGYPS urEas aM•TYPExOYPsuM eD. SPACE 1 I) 2B7 1—STU.ATfe•°.C. -> I I I�.__O__ I.1 Zul"'EDINYfTnON: Y fr•ewr ____ GLA.B FIBEfl INSULATION co L I I to PNR OAP 4 I I I _____ I _ _ xrwsno pna•o.c. �\ UMBD. 2XB WALL __—____ aEF. O O —I /} (� n° I I --------------- O _iV ./ I fiA GA FILE NT SHAFTWALL 2 HR SHE & ROD b O GA FILE NO. W P 382D 3 STC 58 -RAL TL73-224, 7-3D-73 - - - - - xuvERssn•TYPExGYPSUM aD. Kuepers Inc. °-e,lA• Y.a,a' =RTUOSSTAG°ERE°AT,°•°. °" Parkview Grand Apts Y-10' 2%O TGP a BOTTOMPUTES 30' X 4B' 48' IN 56' D 2 LAY2-1lLAx•TCERTAINTEED Pnpmnumb.r o.I. CLEAR FLOOR SPACE CLEARFLOORSPACE FIBERGLASS INSULATION Oi-79-xlcu 7D122/19 VANITY36'HT. 30'X4W S RSWTYPEXGYPSUM90. Dj°ixn °y AUULOf °�Uitl III, Checker 2X6 PUMBING WALL CLEAR FLOOR SPACE 7- GA FILEHAFTWALL2HR A8.3 GA FILE NO. WP 3970 STC 54- NEC 2377, 6•t 9.70 �pwellinG Unii Plan -Two BOtl r1Wan Tvoos Dwelling Unit Plan Sul. As InGILeIBtl TYPE TI' UNIT NOTES; MIN ESO A ACCESSIBILnYCOOE).TME2016 9DTOIUET .i. 5 iO1LET MIN.CLURANCE 91MLL COMPLY WIM ECTION tDa0.11.a.12 OENERALNOTES: f SEE BUILDINO TYPE VATYPICAL ExTER101UNTEMOR WALL FMMIND DETAIL -SEE I A9.e 2 SHO.M—O COMPARTMENTS MUST BE INSTALLED OAINST WALLS THAT HAVE BEEN PREAOCED WITH GYPSUM ASSEMBLIES PRIOR TO INSTALUTION. MEMBRANE PENETRATION SYSTEM. 4THE FLOORiOPPINOO �ITERIAALSNHACLLSE MAINTAINED PER THE DEMON USTING UNDER—E. b. UCH TU MS11—R TRAP M—SE PROWDED WITH AN ACCESS PANEL IMINESOFAINATERWATER CL09ETS—BESHEA1HED WITH WATER RESIME GYPSUM BD. m HVAC SLEEVE RO: 29-IIW X29-IIW STM. OF RO AT 8114- A.F.F. 9P E b b Y•0' 2 DECK BEDROOM 84 18,P 12.2— b 2 I BED 211 30'X48• Ia9 I CLEAR FLR. SPACE VANITY 36' HT. I I I PLUMBING WALL 4 I I I CLEAR FLR. FLR. SPACE B jc)l 1ArH831 1 I CLEAR FLR. SPACE I T ' b T-d' •ILL' 4• ISLAND I D °D KITCHEN 1B2 P-Lw• iO II 2X6 PLUMBINGTILInWALL O _$_ ,i1IIII �A S_H_E_LF_u___ . O O L'•b trs' Mv (.1 OwelllnG Unit Plan -One Betl 112' =1'-0" IN FIBER CEMENT 9101N0 (LAP OR —11 BUILDING PAPER Z09B SHEATHING (APPLY V ERTCALLY) 3TUDSATlVMC. CFI IERGLA9SBATT9R31 b MIL POLY VAPOR RETARDER Nb' TYPE %GYPSUM BD. (APPLY V ENTI—Y) 1 -TYPICAL EXT. BUILDING WALL 1HR IBC TABLE 721.1(2) MATERIAL 161TEM NO.16.1.3 IFSIM, STONE VENEER OR BRICK VENEER SYSTEM EXPANDED WIRE MESH OVER 2 UYERBTYPETTPAPER 12.09BSHEATHINO(APPLYVERTICALLY) 2%L IMERGUSUM— L• FS BATT9 R•2t b MILPOLYVAPoR-11 LL•TYPE %GYPSUM DD. (APPLY VERTICALLY) 1A -TYPICAL E%T. BUILDING WALL 1HR IBC TABLE 721.1(2) MATERIAL 161TEM NO.16.1.3 dYTYPEx GYPSUM M . MT-0 OT,O MUTESAT IO.O.C, ON SOUND IN9U—MM: 2 UYERS ltrs• TAINTEPD BEROWSIN AT LlVlLi La RWALL9ONLY. p00 TNTAPp LLSNlAlNM b ASASE UYlRTO ON. SIDE W TYPE%GYPSUMBU. 2-PARTY WALL PARTITION iHR GA FILE NO. WP 3380 STC 50 - NROC TL-93.249 SN'ttPEX GYPSUM B0, RESIJENT CHANNEL 2X9 STUDS AT Ib' O.C. SOUND INSUUnON: a.1?HBENGIASS ISUUTION TYPExcrnauM eo. 3-CORRIDOR WALL PARTITION 1 HR GA FILE NO. W P 3243 STC 60-54. OL 08.0907. 93-08 IFm•cwsunl ao. 2XLSTUDSATIS'O.C. BOUND IEUUnON AT BOM EDROS. BATHS a UTILITY ROOMS ONLY IfYOYPSUMBD. d - INT. UNR WALL - NON RATED In' GYPSUM B0. 9NSTUOSATI9'O.C. COUNOINSU= NATBEDROOMS. ATHSLURUTYROOMSONLY -GYPSUMM). -F 5 - INi. UNIT WALL - NON RATED 2 UYERS 91a TYPE X —UM BD, 2%CSNDATIs•O.C. SOUND IN9UUTION: 2'WAS 9-LY CLASSFMER SMUUTION 1•AINOAP —STUD.- -1—MU.... 8 - ELEVATOR SHAFT WALL 2 HR GA FILE NO. WP 3820 STC SB - RAL TL73-224, 7-30-73 =RTto pE. GW9UMBD. SOUND INSUON: UTIurERs 2-trs• IBER 1NsuunoN t'AIR GAP D AT 10.O.C. 3 UYERS LT TYPE % GYPSUM BD. BA - ELEVATOR SHAFT WALL 2 HR GA FILE NO. WP 3820 STC 59 - RAL TL73-224, 7.30-73 x ureRs bre'ttgexcmbuM Bo. IDM ST UDS STACOERf D AT IL• O.C. ON 2X0 TOPLBOTTOMPUTES UTION: �UYE IS 2-UI CPRTNNTEEO 59 N9UUTION 2IUYERs Lm•TYPE —UMOD. 7 -STAIR SHAFT WALL 2HR GA FILE NO. WP 3910 STC 54 - NGC 2377.5.19-70 N W Cz Lu Wm L1JH U U a U) a Kuepers Inc. Parkview Grand Apts PmIMnMnI»r 01-19-ma Om 10M Mwn LY Aulhm —by CRE A8.10 Dwelling Unit Plan V Wk AM M!"m ........... NEW MEMO .......... BuNgammom mummmomm W W W cc 3 Ij ,ice' OtsF e o MINNESOTA ✓ APPLICANT: Kuepers, Inc. 4 February 2020 FINDINGS & DECISION PUD-CUP amendment/ Site and Building Plan Review APPLICATION: Request for a PUD-CUP amendment and site and building plan review approval for development of a 70 unit multiple family use to be known as Parkview Grand. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 10 February 2020 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the properties is Outlot A, Parkview Retail. B. The property lies within the East Sewer District and is guided for commercial uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned R-7, High Density Residential District in accordance with the ordinance and PUD-CUP approved by the City Council on 22 July 2019. D. The developer is proposing develop a 70 unit multiple family use on the property; multiple family dwellings are a permitted use within the R-7 District. E. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the request with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 11-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The subject site is guided by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan for commercial land uses. The proposed preliminary plat modifies the area plan adopted by the City to revise the street layout and provide for more developable lots to maximize the access and visibility from 90`h Street (CSAH 39) and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 39) for businesses. The realignment of the street layout provides opportunity to include a multiple family use west of Parkview Avenue that will provide a transitional land use between planned commercial and low density residential uses, expand housing options within Otsego, and provide increased market support in proximity to planned businesses. The proposed development is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The subject site is surrounded by existing and planned land uses shown in the table below. The proposed multiple family use will provide for a desirable land use transition between the commercial development within the preliminary plat and approved Parrish Meadows single family villas and future low density residential uses to the south and west of the subject site. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Commercial 8-3 District Coborns East Commercial e-3 District Undeveloped South LD Residential R-6 District Parrish Meadows (SFV) West LD Residential A-1 District Rural Residential 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: The proposed preliminary plat will comply with the applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, City Code and conditions of the PUD-CUP governing the property. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject site is accessed via public streets including 90th Street (CSAH 39) and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) that are designated as minor arterial roadways with sufficient capacity to accommodate traffic that will be generated by the proposed development. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The subject site is located within the East Sewer District. The City has planned for development of this intensity within this area of Otsego and has adequate capacity to provide required utilities, transportation, and other services required for the proposed uses. F. The planning report dated 27 January 2020 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC, is incorporated herein. G. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on 3 February 2020 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice; based upon review of the application and evidence received, the public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission recommended by a 7-0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: 1. The subject site shall be developed in accordance with the Site and Building Plans and other information submitted to the City, except as may be modified herein subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator, and: a. The landscape plan shall be revised to provide a continuous screen of evergreens a minimum of 6 feet in height with intermixed shade tree along the west property line and northwest corner of the subject site. 2. The site plan shall be revised to provide that all drive aisles are setback the required 15 feet from the 2 north lot line abutting 88th Street. 3. The site plan shall be revised to provide sidewalk connection(s) from the building entrance/stairs on the east side of the building to the sidewalk along Parkview Avenue. 4. The access to Parkview Avenue for the subject site and/or the outlot east of Parkview Avenue to shall be revised to eliminate the off -set, subject to approval of the City Engineer. 5. Construction details for the off-street parking area shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6.. The outdoor pool shall be enclosed by a fence meeting the requirements of Section 11-18-5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. A sign permit shall be required prior to placement of the sign upon the property in accordance with Section 11-37-7 of the Zoning Ordinance. 8. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land of $184,000 at the time of final plat approval in accordance with 10-8-15.N of the Subdivision Ordinance. 9. The proposed development shall require payment of a stormwater impact fee for the North Mississippi drainage area at the time of final plat approval. 10. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues are to be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 11. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. The developer shall to pay utility availability charges at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the City Code and City fee schedule. 13. Utility connection charges for the proposed apartment building shall be paid at the time a building permit is issued in accordance with the City Code and City fee schedule. 14. All easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 15. The developer shall enter into a development agreement with the City as drafted by the City Attorney approved by the City Council. 16. Approval of the final plat and development agreement shall be subject to review and approval of the City Council upon recording of the final plat of Parkview Retail. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 10th day of February, 2020. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor Attest: By: Tami Loff, City Clerk Review No. 1 �Halcanson UlAnderson ENGINEERING REVIEW Residential Subdivision for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner David Kendall, City Attorney Chris Raimarm, Kuepers Inc. Marty Campion, Campion Engineering Services, Inc. Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Date: February 10, 2020 Proposed Development: Parkview Grand (Apartments) Street Location A portion of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 22, T121, R23. of Property: West of Parkview Avenue and South of 88th Street. Applicant: Chris Raimann Developer: Kuepers, Inc. 17018 Commercial Park Road Brainerd, MN 56401 Owners of Record: Parkview Partners LLC P.O. BOX 128 Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 Purpose: Parkview Grand is a proposed 3.52 acre, 70 residential unit apartment building in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer), and Wright County TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE FINAL PLAT CONSTRUCTION PLANS TITLE SHEET EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE PLAN GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS SANITARY AND WATERMAIN PLAN STORM SEWER PLAN DETAILS SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT WETLANDS OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION 2 1 P a g e INFORMATION AVAILABLE Final Plat for Parkview Grand, 10/15/19, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Construction and Grading Plans Plans for Parkview Grand, dated 1/14/2020, by Campion Engineering Services, Inc. Storm Water Management Plan for Parkview Grand Apartment, 1/8/2020, by Civil Methods, Inc Additional Information Final Plat for Parkview Retail, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Preliminary Plans for Parkview Retail Development, dated 7/15/19, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Hydrology Calculations for Parkview Retail, dated 7/15/19, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map 3 1 P a g e FINAL PLAT Provide a 20' wide (minimum) easement centered on the watermain pipe from the ROW to the hydrant(s). See comment #11 below. CONSTRUCTION PLANS (CIVIL PLANS ONLY) Title Sheet 2. Provide an approval signature line Ronald J. Wagner, City Engineer. 3. List benchmark(s) and datum. The datum shall be 1929 NGVD. We recommend providing this information on each plan sheet. ALTA/Existins! Conditions 4. ALTA shall be signed. Site Plan 5. Please provide a top of infiltration basin "contour" and label the NWL and HWL elevation labels on the site plan. 6. The parking lot/driveway along the north property line shall be setback a minimum of 15' from the right-of-way (ROW). 7. Removed the Shed shown along the Parkview Avenue ROW. (All sheets except existing conditions) 8 88' Street and Parkview Plans will be completed by the City Engineer's office. Those plans will be prepared to match the shown "future" street and utilities as much as feasible but coordination between the developer's engineer and City Engineer will be necessary. Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan 9. Label the proposed Finish Floor Elevation for the building (and/or garage and 1st floor). 10. Do not label any of the utilities along 88th Street or Parkview Avenue as "existing" as they have not and will not be installed until the summer of 2020. 11. A maximum 300' spacing (150' radius) between hydrants is needed for high density residential. Another hydrant appears to be necessary near the NW corner of the building. All watermain and hydrants shall be covered by easements. Hydrants will be placed on the east side of Parkview Avenue with appropriate spacing to cover the west portion of the apartment building. 12. The invert of the sanitary sewer stub at the ROW does not agree with the manhole invert, invert at the building or the grade of the service pipe. 4 1 P a g e Storm Sewer Plan 13. The FES 4 in the NW corner of the site is intended to take storm water from the property to the west but this area is not accounted for in the Storm Water Management Plan. The drainage from the properties to the west have been accounted for with the revised City Trunk storm sewer along 88th Street. Therefore FES 4 can be eliminated and a swale/grading shall direct the runoff north along this west property line towards 88th Street where it will be picked up by the 88th Street storm sewer. 14. Hakanson Anderson has completed preliminary storm sewer design along 88th Street and Parkview Avenue. The Parkview Grand Apartment site discharge has been accommodated within the downstream pipe. But the inverts that can be provided at the proposed discharge point (at the Outlet Control Structure) cannot be achieved. The lowest elevation that can be provided at this point is 863.29 (862.50 is shown in the plans). And that elevation requires the 12" outlet pipe from the OCS to be upsized to 18" and flattened to 0.26%. This invert is being controlled by the existing 42" pipe to the north at 88th Street. 15. Provide the NWL, 2-yr, 10-yr and 100-yr HWL elevations for the infiltration basin. Grading and Erosion Control Plan 16. See comments 13 and 15 above. Details 17. The invert at the Outlet Control Structure shall be revised. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 18. All City and NPDE requirements appear to be met. Storm water discharge from the site will be accommodated for in the downstream City storm sewer. 19. The assumed infiltration rate is based on observed soils and soil boring. Upon completion of construction the actual infiltration rate(s) shall be verified. 20. The invert at the Outlet Control Structure shall be revised. WETLANDS 21. No comments. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 22. No comments. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above items being addressed. 5 1 P a g e