ITEM 2.12_7 OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL February 3, 2020 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Black called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Pam Black; Commissioners: David Thompson, Vern Heidner, Alan Offerman, Richard Nichols, Aaron Stritesky, and Charles Foster; Absent: Commissioners: Jim Kolles; City Council: CM Tom Darkenwald. City Staff: City Planner Daniel Licht and Administrative Assistant Kelly Thelen. 1. Announcements: City Planner Licht announced Bethany Benting, new Deputy Clerk, will start taking minutes on the 18th meeting. 2. Consider the following minutes: 2.1 Planning Commission January 6, 2020. Commissioner Stritesky motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Offerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Public Hearing Items: 3.1 The Village. A. PUD Development Stage Plan for a 190 unit apartment building. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. Applicant, Eric Schultz, developer and owner of Central Minnesota Properties, was present and agreed with the staff report. Eric Schultz introduced his father Rick Schultz and architect Graham Mahler. Mr. Mahler said since the building is long in nature they have added to the design with the vertical elements, colors, and definition to exceed the PUD Site Guidelines. Eric Schultz summarized the two phases, the unit sizes, a decrease in the number of exterior surface stalls per the concept plan recommendations. Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:20 PM. Kathy Coles, 15613 90th Street Northeast, asked if the apartment building was pet friendly. Eric Schultz said yes. Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission February 3, 2020 Page 2 Vicki Eckman, 10706 73rd Street Northeast, expressed concern regarding the location of the proposed apartment. City Planner Licht reminded that this project is within the Great River Centre development, not Kittredge Crossings. Ms. Eckman apologized for her confusion. Chair Black brought the discussion to the Planning Commission members at 7:24 PM. Commissioner Thompson questioned what kind of storage is available for the units. Eric Schultz replied there is opportunity for storage in the garage, which might not be necessary with the mini -storage use across the 85th Street to the south. Commissioner Thompson mentioned tenants could have two parking stalls and store items in the empty stalls. Eric Schultz responded use of a garage stall would not be allowed and added there will not be storage allowed on the decks. Commissioner Foster asked how quickly the first phase will be leased and when they will start second phase. Eric Schultz answered they pre -lease six months prior to completion and it will be 16-18 months to build first phase; leasing has been very good in the area with low vacancy rates so they are hoping to start second phase right away. Commissioner Foster wanted to know how many projects the developer has completed. Eric Schultz shared his Dad has been in real estate since 80s and owns 300 units in St. Cloud, Sauk Rapids and Sartell area. Eric Schultz reminded the Planning Commission that the City of Sartell provided a letter of recommendation for the concept plan review. Eric Schultz commented he owns four buildings with 30 units but will be moving to Otsego to own, manage, and live at the development. Chair Black returned to the public for additional comment at 7:29 PM. No comments made. Chair Black closed the Public Hearing at 7:29 PM. Commissioner Offerman commented to the developer his appreciation of detail to the building design to set precedent for future builders. Commissioner Foster asked if all units will have a deck. Eric Schultz replied all units will have a balcony. Chair Black inquired if they are the leasing agent or will hire a leasing company. Eric Schultz said he will be in charge with an assistant to show the units. Chair Black Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission February 3, 2020 Page 3 confirmed Eric would be a resident manager. Eric Schultz answered yes and maybe an additional caretaker. Commissioner Stritesky motioned to recommend approval for the proposed PUD Development Stage Plant for Lot 1, Block 4 Great River Centre of Otsego subject to the nine conditions. Seconded by Commissioner Offerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.2 Kuepers: A PUD -CUP amendment and site and building plan review for a 70 - unit multiple family apartment building. B. Final Plat. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. Applicant, Steve Kuepers, Kuepers Inc, was present and agreed to the staff report. Mr. Kuepers stated they have a family of companies to build and manage 15 current properties. Mr. Kuepers shared this is the sweet spot for the size of building. Mr. Kuepers continued this project is consists of one- or two-bedroom units, all two- bedroom have two baths, big deck on outside, storage lockers in the garage and a few rooms on second and third floor, and a big pantry off the kitchen within the units. Mr. Kuepers added the building is pet friendly with a requirement for registering pets and DNA testing for management control. Commissioner Foster questioned if Mr. Kuepers is from Brainerd Lakes area, how far out across Minnesota are they. Mr. Kuepers answered they are far south as Northfield, north to Warroad, east to Duluth, and west to Fergus Falls. Commissioner Thompson questioned the five foot additional setback needed for the off- street parking area. City Planner Licht explained the change required to the drive aisle that the project engineer indicates can be made without moving the building within the lot. Commissioner Thompson asked about the dimensions of the off-street parking stalls. City Planner Licht said the requirement is 20 feet but can include a two foot overhand of an abutting sidewalk and indicated that City staff will verify the dimensions on the plans. Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:49 PM. Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission February 3, 2020 Page 4 Bob Albold, 15565 90th Street Northeast, asked where garbage dumpsters are going to be located. Mr. Kuepers answered they will be stored within the garage. Mr. Albold asked about the fencing or line of trees to separate his land from the apartments. City Planner Licht responded the only thing proposed is trees, which is to be expanded to the full width of the property line. Mr. Albold asked about the site lighting. City Planner Licht replied the fixtures will be installed as required by the Zoning Ordinance so as not to cast light beyond the property line Kathy Coles, 15613 90th Street Northeast, asked about the line of trees on west side of property and northwest for shrub there. City Planner Licht said shade trees are planned parallel to 88th Street. City Planner Licht added the developer could add evergreen trees at the northwest corner of the lot. Ms. Coles was also concerned about dogs running in their yard. Chair Black brought the discussion to the Planning Commission members at 7:53 PM. Commissioner Nichols asked the difference in basements or underground garages since this one is above ground. City Planner Licht said the garage for the proposed building is at grade due to the water table and the proximity to the stormwater pond for this site. Commissioner Offerman commented on the trees to be required on the west property line should include adding deciduous trees for a mix of types. Commissioner Thompson asked if an irrigation system will be provided. City Planner Licht replied yes an irrigation system is required and suggested the Planning Commission may consider adding the following condition: 16 The landscape shall be revised to provide a continuous row of six foot evergreen trees intermixed with shade trees to provide year-round screening subject to review of the Zoning Administrator. Chair Black returned to the public for additional comment at 7:58 PM. No comments made. Chair Black closed the Public Hearing at 7:59 PM. Commissioner Offerman motioned to recommend approval of a PUD -CUP amendment, site and building plans, and final plat for Parkview Grand subject to the 16 conditions, as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Nichols. All in favor. Motion carried. Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission February 3, 2020 Page 5 4. Non -Public Hearing Items: 4.1 Comprehensive Plan; Report on multiple family land uses. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. Commissioner Thompson asked why Monticello was not included. City Planner Licht replied the report is looking at Otsego and cities toward metro area with similar land use and demographic profiles. Commissioner Offerman questioned if Windsong completely approved on Site #1. City Planner Licht stated Windsong stopped at the west line of the Kittredge Crossings PUD District and does not extend to Kadler Avenue. Commissioner Heidner asked if Site #4 is still subject to a 1,000 foot setback for feedlots. City Planner Licht replied that the existing farm within the property does not have a surrounding 1,000 foot setback and is outside of the 1,000 foot setback from the Berning Farm. Commissioner Thompson remarked about the traffic increase on Parrish Avenue Northeast for Site #9 with only two lanes that currently backs up. Chair Black commented that the issue is with the intersection in Elk River. City Planner Licht noted that a business development of the entire site would generate more traffic than a mixed use development including apartments. Commissioner Thompson said that with the two new projects approved tonight there should be a maximum number of apartments added per year. Commissioner Heidner added now with 300 new construction it is only a 5% type thing. Commissioner Thompson said it looks good now but if we get ahead of ourselves it could be problem in future. Commissioner Nichols said would like to see an additional map showing the recommended land use plan changes. Commissioner Nichols asked why nothing is proposed east of TH 101. City Planner Licht explained that City staff reviewed this area but the existing Wild and Scenic regulations create limits. Commissioner Offerman said he did not think that all of the sites in or adjacent to Kittredge Crossings Kittredge should be potential apartments. Commissioner Nichols said Commissioner Thompson is on course with restrictions as to both where apartments are allowed and how fast they will develop. Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission February 3, 2020 Page 6 Commissioner Heidner commented that mixed use is a great idea but apartments in first needs to ensure that the commercial also happens. City Planner Licht said the timing issue can be addressed through the zoning map approval process. City Planner Licht reminded the Planning Commission that the City can control the timing of mixed use development by not rezoning a property if concerned timing and infrastructure are wrong. Commissioner Nichols compared it to the beginning of the City with preservation of farmland as a priority directing what and when it can be developed. Commissioner Nichols continued that retail markets are dying and mixed use is not much for retail but office or service businesses. Commissioner Nichols says the scenario is similar to the idea of premature development. City Planner Licht suggested that the Planning Commission may consider touring mixed use developments in other cities as part of the effort to draft zoning regulations. City Planner Licht said the apartments approved to date increase the percentage of apartments to 8% of total dwellings. Commissioner Heidner said this is comparable to Maple Grove. Commissioner Thompson commented the percent is a rolling number because divided by total dwelling units and single family dwellings are also being added. Commissioner Foster noted that there are more apartment units being added to catch up to a baseline that the community wants. Commissioner Thompson did not agree with the need for more apartments for the community. Commissioner Nichols said he wants to see the percent of apartments to be consistent with that of the surrounding cities. Commissioner Foster would like apartments to stay less than 10% of the total housing units. City Planner Licht said that the timing for adding new apartment units can be controlled through the interim land use plan policies the City has in place. Commissioner Heidner said apartments are a buffer on a major corridor; some places here are set up that way, but some still need a buffer instead of showing up in the middle of nowhere. Commissioner Heidner continued people in apartments do not live there for long term but it could be changing. Chair Black added millennials jump from apartment to apartment for amenities. Chair Black inquired about gasline location near Site #10. City Planner Licht replied that the gasline is near site #10 but does not need to be moved for the multiple family project but would need to move for extension of Quaday Avenue and development of the property to the east. City Planner Licht recommended the Planning Commission to table the item for revisions to the report based on the Planning Commission discussion. Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission February 3, 2020 Page 7 Commissioner Heidner motioned to table. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. All in favor. Motioned carried (to table). 5. Update on City Council actions. CM Darkenwald updated the Planning Commission on recent City Council actions. 6 Update on future Planning Commission Agenda items. City Planner Licht updated the commissioners on possible future agenda items. Chair Black announced she will be stepping aside as Chair for the election of officers at the March meeting. 7. Adjourn. Commissioner Stritesky motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Foster. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:53 PM. Pam Black, Chair ATTEST: Kelly Thelen, Administrative Assistant