ITEM 3.13.1 TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: REPORT DATE; ACTION DATE: RE: TPC FILE: BACKGROUND 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com Otsego Planning Commission D. Daniel Licht, AICP 11 February 2020 28 March 2020 Otsego — Riverwood Inn; Residential/Outpatient Treatment Facility 101.02 Riverwood Inn, located at 10990 95th Street (CSAH 39), operates as an extended stay transient lodging facility. The existing use is governed by a PUD, Planned Unit Development District approved by the City Council on 9 September 1991. Undeveloped areas of the site adjacent to the Mississippi River are also within the Mississippi Wild Scenic Recreational River District established in accordance with Minnesota Rules. NorthStar Regional (NSR) is a medical health provider for residential and out-patient mental health and substance abuse disorders. They proposed to acquire Riverwood Inn and convert it into a mental illness and chemical dependency residential treatment and housing facility for up to 120 men. The planned treatment programs would involve both in-patient and out-patient services. The PUD Development Agreement for Riverwood Inn specifies that any change of use is subject to amendment of the PUD District to be processed in accordance with Section 11-36-6.A of the Zoning Ordinance. A public hearing has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 18 February 2020 to consider the application. The public hearing has been advertised by notice published in the Elk River Star News (official City newspaper) and mailed to all properties within 350 feet of the subject site as required by Section 11-3-2.0 of the Zoning Ordinance and Minnesota Statutes 462.357, Subd. 3. Exhibits: ■ Site Location Map ■ Applicant information: o NSR Mission Statement o Philosophy of Care o Proposal for Co -Occurring Disorder Treatment o NorthStar Beacon July 2019 (4 pages) ■ Scott County Health and Human Services Division letter dated January 6, 2020 ■ Shakopee Police Department letter dated January 6, 2020 ■ Wright County Health & Human Services letter dated January 8, 2020 ■ City of Chaska letter dated January 8, 2020 ■ Carver County letter undated ■ Riverwood Inn Site Plan (2 pages) ANALYSIS Use. The existing use of the property allowed under a PUD District approved 9 September 1991 is as a conference center/lodging facility with a public restaurant limited to 77 guest rooms, 4 offices, 6 conference rooms, a shop/maintenance building, and public restaurant with capacity for up to 120 persons. The proposed use would be as a residential and outpatient treatment facility serving up to 160 men. Clients would be divided between 64 persons enrolled in residential treatment for up to 30 days and 96 clients in outpatient treatment for up to 90 days. The facility will be licensed under the Minnesota Department of Health as a room and board facility, as well as a 245 G residential and outpatient treatment facility by the Department of Human Services. The applicant will be required to provide the City on-going documentation of applicable licenses. Section 11-36-6.A of the Zoning Ordinance states that a modification from the terms of an approved PUD requires an amendment of the original approval. An application for amendment of the original PUD permit specifying the proposed alteration is to be processed in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-3-2 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 11-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance establishes that the Planning Commission is to consider the possible effects of the proposed amendment based upon (but not limited to) the following factors: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The subject site is guided by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan for commercial uses. This land use designation is unique north of CSAH 39 and reflects the existing commercial lodging facility allowed under the provisions of the 1991 PUD District. Continued use of the property for commercial purposes is challenged by its isolated location and competitive locations that have developed. The proposed medical treatment component of the proposed use is allowed as a permitted use within areas 2 guided for commercial use as a medical office. The Comprehensive Plan recommends that residential institutional uses be located for properties guided for medium or high density residential land uses with convenient access to commercial locations and transportation. The incorporation of an in-patient residential care component to the proposed use may be allowed through amendment of the PUD District. The construction of the existing buildings for lodging purposes creates opportunity for rehabilitation of the property for a residential and outpatient treatment facility as a viable use at this location. The subject site is adequately served by existing transportation infrastructure and the isolated location of the property may also be a benefit to the program. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by the following existing and planned land uses: Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North -- -- Mississippi River East Rural Residential A-1 District Rural single family dwellings South Commercial Rural A-1 District Rural single family dwellings Cultivated fields West Rural Residential LD Residential A-1 District R-3 District Rural single family dwellings Single family dwellings (acre lots) The existing commercial use of the subject site is buffered from surrounding properties by the area of the property and established vegetation. The change in use from commercial lodging to a residential treatment facility will not increase the intensity of the use and is not anticipated to effect surrounding land uses. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The use of the property is to comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, including applicable provisions of the approved PUD District, except as modified herein. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The physical size of the proposed facility is not expected to change as the use is changed from commercial lodging to a residential care facility. Occupants of the current use are dependent upon personal vehicles to commute to/from the subject site. The applicant indicates that the clients of the proposed residential treatment program do not typically have their own vehicles with traffic generation limited to employees or visitors. On this basis, traffic generation for the proposed use is expected to be less than that of the commercial lodging use. Access to the subject site is directly from CSAH 39, which is a minor arterial roadway designated by the Transportation Plan. This roadway has adequate capacity to accommodate the proposed use. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed change in use from commercial lodging to residential treatment facility will not affect the City's service capacities. City staff emphasizes that the criteria established by the Zoning Ordinance on which the Planning Commission is to base its recommendations specifically do not include consideration of potential impacts to property values. Information regarding potential impacts of a land use to property values is highly subjective and not considered reliable as even comprehensive real estate appraisals prepared by professional appraisers can provide widely different interpretations of property values. Furthermore, because subject site is zoned PUD District, there is always the potential that a use such as this may develop on the subject site and must be considered as part of any expectations regarding property value. Capacity. The allowed lodging use is permitted to have up to 77 guest rooms, with 4 persons allowed per guest room under State hotel license guidelines. The total guest capacity of the lodging use is 304 persons under the approved PUD District and State license provisions. The proposed residential treatment facility would be limited to 160 persons as a condition of approval. The applicant will need to provide the City with updated plans for occupancy of the existing buildings to designate office space, common space, meeting rooms, and residential rooms (with number of persons per room designated). Occupancy of the buildings for a residential and outpatient treatment program is to be subject to inspection and approval of the Building Official. The applicant also intends to utilize the former public restaurant for food service use related to the residential program. The kitchen and dinning areas will also need to be inspected by the Building Official and documentation of any Department of Health licenses that may be required must be provided to the City. Off -Street Parking. The site plan approved for Riverwood Inn included construction of 164 off- street parking stalls exceeding the 142 stall requirement for the conference center (102 stalls) and restaurant (40) stalls. The most applicable land use type evaluated by the Institute of Transportation Engineers to determine parking demand for the proposed use is nursing homes (Land Use 620). The peak parking time for nursing home uses occurs on a weekday with a range of 0.12 — 0.62 vehicles per bed or 0.48 vehicles per bed at the 85th percentile. Our office estimates the following 132 stall off-street parking demand for the proposed use. In -Patient: 64 beds x 0.5 stalls per bed = 32 stalls Out -Patient: 96 clients x 1 stall per client = 96 stalls TOTAL 128 stalls 11 The existing 164 existing off-street parking stalls exceed the estimated demand for the proposed treatment program use. The existing off-street parking area is in generally poor condition and is in need of redevelopment to conform to the standards set forth in Section 11- 21-7 for stall design and surfacing. The design and construction of the off-street parking area is to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The number of required off-street parking stalls may be reduced based on floor plans showing office and meeting room areas to be calculated at a ratio of one parking stall per 200 square feet. Access. The subject site is accessed from 1 driveway to CSAH 39. This access is poorly located as it is off -set west of the intersection of CSAH 39 and CSAH 19; the access is actually within the bypass lane for westbound traffic on CSAH 39 creating a dangerous condition. No changes are proposed at this time to the current access. However, City staff recommends that a condition of approval for any expansion of existing buildings or construction of additional principal structures be that the site access be realigned to the north leg of the CSAH 39 and CSAH 19 intersection to create a four-way condition. This will require future acquisition of property or easement from the abutting property to the east. Any changes to the existing access are also subject to review and approval of Wright County. Utilities. The subject site is currently served by on-site septic systems and private wells. The septic systems were cited for causing an imminent public health threat and converted to abandon the drain fields and utilize the septic tanks as holding tanks that are then pumped out. A condition of approval will be for the property owner to maintain a regular pumping schedule approved by the City Engineer and retain documents related to pumping or other system services. Exterior lighting. The submitted information does not include information regarding exterior lighting. Any change to the existing lights or addition of new light fixtures must comply with Section 11-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance to include submission of a photometric lighting plan. All exterior lighting is subject to review and approval of the Zoning Ordinance. Signs. There is an existing freestanding on the property. Any signs that are to be located upon the subject site must be identified and are to be subject to the allowances for the B-3, General Business District. A sign permit is required prior to placement of any signs upon the property. RECOMMENDATION Riverwood Inn presents the property owner and City with a challenge to identify and sustain a viable use of the property. Initially developed as a conference and retreat center, circumstances have changed to the point where the property owner is seeking a new use of the property. The proposed acquisition and rehabilitation of Riverwood Inn as a residential and outpatient treatment facility presents an opportunity for a potential long-term use of the facility that benefits from an isolated location accessible to regional transportation. Our office recommends approval of the proposed PUD District amendment subject to the conditions outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval of a PUD District amendment subject to the following conditions: 1. The allowed use of the property shall only be as a room and board facility licensed by the Minnesota Department of Health and a 245 G residential and outpatient treatment facility licensed by the Minnesota Department of Human Services. Use of the property as a 245 G residential and outpatient treatment facility shall be limited to 160 persons, including not more than 64 residential clients. 3. The applicant shall provide floor plans for use of all buildings to be occupied by the treatment program that shall be subject to review and approval of the Building Official. 4. The applicant shall provide documentation of any Minnesota Department of Health licenses that may be required for operation of the kitchen facility. 5. Off -Street Parking: There shall be a minimum of 128 off-street parking stalls in conformance with Section 11-21-7 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. b. The number of required off-street parking stalls may be reduced subject to approval of the Zoning Administrator based on floor plans showing office and meeting room areas to be calculated at a ratio of one parking stall per 200 square feet. 6. Any expansion of existing buildings or construction of additional principal buildings shall require that site access be realigned to the north leg of the CSAH 39 and CSAH 19 intersection to create a four-way condition, subject to review of the City Engineer and approval of Wright County. 7. All utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer; the property owner shall maintain a regular pumping schedule approved by the City Engineer and retain documents related to pumping or other septic system services. 8. Any change to existing exterior lighting or addition of new light fixtures upon the property shall comply with Section 11-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 6 9. Signs upon the property shall be subject to the allowances for the B-3, General Business District and require a sign permit prior to placement subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney 7 Site Location Map Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL — MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits ❑ C ❑ t Parcels io NORTHSTAR REGIONAL NSR Mission Statement The mission of NorthStar Regional is to provide kind, compassionate, and effective care for those with mental health and substance use disorders. We offer comprehensive, evidence -based treatment that addresses symptoms and behaviors, and the underlying conditions and causes. Whether it's outpatient counseling, residential treatment, or ongoing recovery support, our continuum of care provides individualized solutions in a confidential, safe, and supportive environment. At NorthStar Regional, you'll find the respect you deserve and the hope and healing you need. NORTHSTAR REGIONAL Philosophy of Care NorthStar Regional is a mental health and substance use disorder treatment organization with facilities in Scott, Carver, and Hennepin counties. Alcohol and drug use and mental health issues continue at unprecedented rates. Treatment programs are in short supply; the need is pressing and urgent. It is our philosophy that successful recovery must tackle substance use and emotional issues at the same time. Our programs help clients recognize destructive patterns, change their thinking, and develop specific life skills. Treatment for mental health and substance use disorders is designed for two primary reasons: 1) to reduce symptoms and 2) to prevent relapse. Consider the following foundational elements in our philosophy of care: 1) Treatment is a choice. Mental health concerns and substance use issues may have addictive behavioral patterns and biochemical determining factors. Neuro -chemical, social, economic, and environmental factors blend together to cause mental health and substance use symptoms. Regardless of the origins, treatment for the problem is a choice. Even if there is a court order for treatment, clients get more out of treatment when they engage their will and choose to be active and willing participants. 2) Treatment must be individualized. Co-occurring disorders are extraordinarily complex. Effective treatment, however, must be individualized. It must speak to a client's own issues and personal patterns. To reduce symptoms and prevent relapse, treatment must specifically target and treat both substance use and mental health disorders at the same time. Our counseling and treatment programs are designed to sharpen skills and develop existing strengths. We work with each client to address their unique mental health and substance use issues and create a personalized recovery plan. 3) Specialized interventions are necessary. Chronic drug and alcohol use and abuse can cause physiological and neurological damage. It can compromise intellectual functioning and reduce judgment, insight, reasoning, and processing ability. Memory may be impaired and mental processing speed is lowered. The ability to focus, concentrate, and sustain attention may be diminished. Many other factors, including withdrawal effects, sleep -deprivation, chemical imbalance, ADHD, anxiety, depression, thought disorders, nutritional deficiencies, detoxification complications, and increased stress levels further compromise the ability to reason. In addition, abstract reasoning is much more difficult. For clients suffering from these conditions, concrete and practical materials may be the most helpful. This is not meant as a harsh judgment, but rather a compassionate understanding of intervention requirements. Our secret to working with the complexities of co-occurring disorders is to avoid complex interventions and to instead make them simpler and more effective. We provide practical solutions that are easy to understand, process, and apply. 4A NorthStar Regional Philosophy of Care 1 4) Changing the way you think and what you believe will change the way you feel and behave. NorthStar Regional uses evidence -based practices such as Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Twelve -Step Facilitation (TSF) to help clients recognize past cognitive errors and create challenges for each thought distortion. Our therapy programs carefully examine common automatic negative thoughts, replacing inaccurate, exaggerated, and irrelevant thoughts with accurate, reality -based, and positive views and beliefs. Identifying and changing the deceptions and lies allows clients to change their thoughts, feelings, and actions as they move forward. 5) Making lifestyle changes prevents relapse. It is vital for clients to understand the signs and symptoms of mental illness and address worry, stress, anger, anxiety, depression, and many other emotional concerns. Clients are challenged to grow in problem -solving ability and psychological strength. Habits and routines that support drug and alcohol abuse and compromised mental health functioning will be identified. Ways to change habits, personal style, and routines are explored within group and individual sessions. 6) Embrace another chance. Clients with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders often arrive at their treatment center feeling discouraged. Mistakes and failures of the past are a primary motivator for seeking help. Past difficulties can interfere with the present moment. Previous relapse and failed treatment programs can add additional layers of discouragement. NorthStar Regional's programs are designed to develop hope, inspire motivation and encourage change. 7) Family Involvement in treatment works. Substance abuse treatment is often a monumental decision that can make an enormous difference in the length and quality of a client's life. Having the help and support of family members is a primary and foundational piece of a lasting recovery program. It is important to address the family's unique issues. Family counseling helps develop already existing strengths. It educates clients and family members about the chemical, social, economic, and environmental factors that cause and complicate mental health and substance abuse symptoms. Many families have been through numerous addiction -related troubles, including sobriety starts and stops, lengthy relapses, dangerous health problems, and broken promises. Our program and our materials are designed to address these complicated issues and develop hope. 8) Psychiatric access is important. Medications for co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders often provide substantial symptom relief and can be an effective part of treatment. Especially in the beginning of treatment, medications help clients focus more clearly and gain more from other therapies. Later, these medications may be used to sustain gains and keep a client's neurochemistry in balance. Untreated or undertreated mental health problems are a primary cause of continued use and a leading cause of relapse. To determine if medications will be helpful, a comprehensive assessment is conducted. This initial assessment is followed by regular visits to assure therapeutic effectiveness of each medication and to address any side effects. Specific addiction medications are used to reduce cravings, prevent overdose, block euphoric feelings, and deter future drug abuse. Our ability to provide prompt and consistent psychiatric evaluations and medication management is a vital component to integrated co-occurring treatment at NorthStar Regional. �/l Northstar Regional Philosophy of Care - 2 - 9) Attitude determines success. In recovery, having a positive, cooperative, and can -do attitude makes an enormous difference. Having a negative, defeated attitude sabotages progress in treatment and affects many others. NorthStar Regional encourages clients to believe the best, stay hopeful, and look forward toward a positive future. Changing one's outlook and mindset is a foundational part of building a solid long-lasting recovery. 10) Develop positive momentum. Throughout life, most people are interested, engaged, and involved at the beginning of a new process or project. As time goes on, motivation, enthusiasm, and energy may wear thin. Our team works tirelessly to keep zeal for recovery at high levels. We highlight past successes as reinforcement to continue and practice lifestyle changes. We encourage working together with a group to sustain lasting, positive momentum. 11) Receive from others. We encourage our clients to receive encouragement, support, and inspiration from others. Working together in a group can be very helpful in maintaining sobriety. A treatment program is a safe place to get support and discuss challenges as they come up. Others in the group can provide creative questions, stimulating ideas, and emotional support. We believe it is valuable to receive comments and guidance from those who have experienced similar struggles or situations. 12) Helping others is vital to recovery success. At NorthStar Regional, we know that our clients benefit as they receive advice, guidance, and information. We also believe that giving feedback and addressing the concerns of fellow group members is a vital component to one's own recovery progress. We encourage clients to generously and compassionately give to others in the community, and in so doing, they will enhance their own lives and enrich their own recovery. Making a Lasting Difference Emotional growth and recovery from a substance use disorder takes courage and persistence. We are proud of the men and women who use our services and are honored to be a part of their journey. �/l Northstar Regional Philosophy of Care - 3 - 4,1 NORTHSTAR REGIONAL Proposal for Co -Occurring Disorder Treatment Background Alcohol and drug use and mental health issues continue at unprecedented rates. Treatment programs are in short supply and the need is pressing and urgent. Current trends in behavioral health are embracing the co-occurring disorders treatment model, meaning that chemical dependency and mental health issues are addressed at the same time, in the same place with the same treatment staff. Residential treatment centers provide quality treatment with housing and board. Our proposed residential and intensive outpatient co-occurring treatment program would not only create additional jobs in the Otsego area through the hiring of staff — including nurses, mental health therapists, addiction counselors, technicians, cooks, dishwashers, maintenance workers, administrators, psychologists and psychiatry providers — it will help create a higher level of care for residents in the northwest metro area who suffer from the co-occurring disorders of mental illness and chemical dependency. NorthStar Regional Mission and Overview NorthStar Regional (NSR) is a behavioral health organization dedicated to helping people with mental health and substance use disorders move forward in hope. NSR provides residential and intensive outpatient (IOP) co- occurring disorders treatment; mental health counseling for individuals, couples and families; mental health IOP and group programs; psychiatry services; and sober housing. NorthStar Regional has treatment locations in Chaska, Chanhassen, Maple Grove, and Shakopee. Headquartered in Chaska, Minnesota, NorthStar Regional was founded in 2015 by Hal Baumchen, PsyD, LP, LADC; Jason Vanderscoff, LADC; and Thomas Winegarden, MD. We currently have a 48 -bed residential facility for men in Shakopee and a 16 -bed facility for women in Chaska. Proposed Treatment Services This project would enable us to combine the strengths of current services and provide needed residential treatment and housing for Mental Illness/Chemical Dependency (MI/CD) clients in Wright County. At completion, the proposed facility would house and treat up to 160 men (64 clients in residential treatment for up to 30 days and 96 clients in intensive outpatient treatment for up to 90 days). Additionally, houses in the community would be purchased to provide safe sober homes for clients following treatment. Personal success in recovery occurs when treatment focuses on the entire person, including but not limited to physical, mental, and emotional problems. Each client at this new facility would be treated holistically, addressing substance use, mental health and medical/psychiatric issues. This approach allows us to achieve the best treatment outcomes. Length of participation will vary as treatment plans are individualized, however, most clients in the residential treatment center will be there for 30 days. Following this, continuum of care options are available at counseling and housing facilities operated by NorthStar Regional. These aftercare options would include counseling, psychiatry services, intensive outpatient mental health programs, intensive outpatient chemical dependency treatment and sober homes. It is our intent to provide the highest quality of professional services on a campus that will reflect the standards, image and pride of the local community. 1045 Stoughton Ave., Chaska, MN 55318 952.448.6557 1 info@northstarregional.com I www.northstarregional.com A,A NORTHSTAR REGIONAL INSIDE New Men's Residential Treatment Center: Providing Hope and Healing in Scott County • Photos of the New Shakopee Residential Treatment Center More info, including how to make a referral At NorthStar Regional, our purpose is to help those struggling with mental health or substance use disorders move forward in hope. The NorthStar Beacon is published by NorthStar Regional, 1045 Stoughton Ave, Chaska MN 55318 952.448.6557 northstarregi onal. com O NORTHSTAR REGIONAL NorthStar Regional is pleased to announce the opening of its 48 -bed residential treatment center for men located in Shakopee, MN. This facility will provide treatment for co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders for adult men. After two years of dreaming, planning and numerous twists and turns common in de- velopment and construction, the new facility is finally a reality. Now that those last-minute touches are complete, we are ready to welcome the first residents in mid-July 2019. A Comfortable and Supportive Space Our new three-story treatment center features administrative offices, a state-of-the-art kitch- en, dining hall, a training room, admissions office, and a medical/psychiatry suite. The upper two floors contain double -occupancy rooms with private baths, group and indi- vidual treatment offices, common areas, and treatment tech offices. Clients can expect the support, encourage- ment, and the compassionate challenges that make long-term lifestyle changes possible. Designed for Treatment Our truly integrated co-occurring program treats each client holistically, addressing both substance use and mental health issues at the same time, with the same staff. The complex nature of co-occurring disorders requires careful planning and specialized knowledge in every aspect of treatment. The foundation of our program is a well-de- signed individualized curriculum developed by one of NorthStar Regional's partners, Dr. Hal Baumchen. Our unique materials are simple to use and were created to maximize impact and establish mastery -all aimed at reducing mental illness symptoms and pre- venting substance use relapse. A Growing Need The need for treatment continues to rise as the prevalence of drugs widens in the community. continues on page 2 NORTHSTAR REGIONAL Welcome to the NorthStar Regional Men's Residential Treatment Center! New Men's RTC, cont. from page I According to a recent article by South- west News Media, "Heroin, metham- phetamine, marijuana and cocaine have a significant presence in Carver Coun- ty, and of the four, only cocaine has decreased in the number of arrests and convictions, according to the officers' This widespread drug use and its' corresponding problems has prompted NorthStar Regional to expand residen- tial and outpatient services in Carver and Scott counties including this 48 -bed center for men in Shakopee and a 17 - bed center for women in Chaska which opened in March 2019. The center has 2 single and 22 double -occupancy bed- rooms, each with a private bath. Integrated Care Psychiatry services play an active and important role in the overall treatment of each client. It is our belief that medication and psychotherapy together often work better than just medications alone or therapy alone. NorthStar Regional provides psychiatric services by licensed, board-certified professionals for clients in our co-occurring disorder treatment programs, and for clients receiving individual and group mental health therapy, as needed. Following a comprehensive assessment, each client receives an individualized treatment plan. The client also attends mental health and substance use disorder treatment groups as well as receiving individual mental health counseling each week. Group rooms accommodate from 12 to 16 clients, and include large screen televisions for showing videos or presentations. The lounge area on each housing floor provides a place for clients to gather and watch TV, play cards, or just have conversations. Smaller seating areas on each floor provide spots for one- on-one conversations. A New Chapter People who come to our residential treatment centers have often had a long history of bad breaks, traumatic circumstances, and poor choices. A life of mental health and substance use problems is often accompa- nied by physical health issues, poverty, occupational pain, relational strain and criminal justice involvement. The life stories of our clients are often filled with discouragement. Rather than just one more bad break, treatment is an opportunity to interrupt bad patterns, break down walls, and overcome even the most stubborn obstacles. Residential treatment presents a chance to rewrite the story with a better ending -a new chapter where health, healing, and making a contribution to friends and family becomes more than just wishful thinking. The dining room accommodates up to 56 diners, served from the facility's commercial kitchen. Picnic tables on the treatment center's patio are a spot for outdoor dining or just getting some fresh air. A medical observation bedroom is locat- ed on the first floor. Expanding Hope For NorthStar Regional, a new center is excit- ing, not merely because it creates more beds, but because high quality available treatment options bring hope. In a darkened life where discouragement and disappointment have become the norm, every ray of hope shines brightly. The Mens Residential Treatment center is an outreach into the community designed to break the chains of addiction, bring encour- agement to the broken-hearted, and establish a life of healing and recovery. Together we make a difference. Proud to be your partner Here at NorthStar Regional, we are proud of the facilities and resources we make avail- able and grateful to be part of the recovery community. People with substance use and mental health disorders can and do get better, and we are honored to be a part of their recovery journey. Making a Referral To refer a client, schedule an assessment or learn more about our programs, please call 952.448.6557. Clients who have recently completed any assessments should fax them to NorthStar Regional (952.448.6047) prior to their initial appointment. NorthStar RegionaFs Residential Treatment Programs are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) and accept Rule 25 funding. We also accept pay- ment from most insurance plans, depending on the particular treatment program. *NORTHSTAR REGIONAL 1045 Stoughton Avenue Chaska, MN 55318 NorthStar Regional's Mission The mission of NorthStar Regional is to provide kind, compassionate, and effective care for those with mental health and sub- stance use disorders. We offer comprehensive, evidence -based treatment that addresses symptoms and behaviors, and the underlying conditions and causes. Whether it's outpatient counseling, residential treatment, or ongoing recovery support, our continuum of care provides individualized solutions in a confidential, safe, and supportive environment. At NorthStar Regional, you'll find the respect you deserve and the hope and healing you need. NorthStar Regional Residential Treatment Center Leadership Team JASON VANDERSCOFF, LADC, is the CEO of NorthStar Regional. THOMAS WINEGARDEN, MD, is the Medical Director of Stone Creels Psychiatry in Chanhassen, MN, and the Medical Director of NorthStar Regional. He is a Board -Certified Adult and Addictions Psychiatrist. HAL BAUMCHEN, PSYD, LP, LADC, is the President and Clinical Director of NorthStar Regional. He is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist (LP) with over 30 years of counseling experience. BRIAN LOOTS, LADC, is the Chief Operations Officer of NorthStar Regional and oversees all programming for the organization. LEA ATKINSON, LPCC, LADC, is the program director for the Men's Residential Treatment Center in Shakopee. Thank You To Those Who Helped Make This New Building a Reality NorthStar Regional would like to especially thank Scott County, the City of Shakopee, Jason Palmby, Craig Scherber, and our owners, directors and staff who have worked on the project. SCOTT COUNTY HEALTH and HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION ttGOVERNMENT CENTER 300 • 200 FOURTH AVENUE WEST • SHAKOPEE, MN 55379-1220 (952) 445-7751 • FAX (952) 496-8551 • FAX (952) 496-8430 • WWW.SCOTTCOUNTYMN.GOV PAM SELVIG Director January 6, 2020 City of Otsego City Hall 13400 90th Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 RE: NorthStar Regional Dear Mayor, Council Members and Staff: Scott County Health and Human Services is pleased to provide a letter of support for NorthStar Regional to establish a treatment center in Otsego. NorthStar Regional recently established an inpatient and intensive outpatient treatment program in Scott County. The process from planning, through construction to the service of clients went smoothly. Northstar Regional has been committed to strengthening the communication and collaboration between their services and the County. This was evident throughout the development of their program in Scott County, Jason Vanderscoff and others with NorthStar Regional have been excellent partners around needed services in the community. The addition of this provider will help reduce barriers for individuals to access needed chemical dependency services in our community. We would highly recommend NorthStar Regional for the development of similar services in other communities. Please feel free to contact me at 952-496-8492 if you have questions. Respectfully, Pam Selvig, Health and Human Services'D' ector An Equal Opportunity/SafetyAware Employer � SHAKOPEE POLICE DUARTWNT January 6, 2020 Mr. Adam Flaherty City Administrator City of Otsego 13400 90th Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Mr. Flaherty, Mayor and Members of the Council, JEFF TATE Chief of Police jtate@ShakopeeMN.gov Direct Dial 952-233-9421 I am writing in support of NorthStar Regional, their facility in Chaska was the first to partner with our department's Recovery Assistance Program. NorthStar Regional was an essential component in the development and implementation of this program. Throughout the last three and a half years, Jason and his staff have formed a true partnership with our department. NorthStar Regional recently opened a facility in Shakopee. I advocated for this resource in our community and knowing that Jason was involved, made it an easy decision. The presence of this treatment facility in our city has not been a burden on our police department or the City of Shakopee. I cannot say enough positive things about Jason and the pleasure he has been to work with. You can be rest assured that if Jason and his partners are involved, this project will have positive outcomes for your community. I would be happy to answer any questions or discuss any concerns you may have. I can be reached at 952-233-9421. Sincerely, r- ate Chief of Police COMMUNITY PRIDE SINCE 1857 Police Department ( 475 Gorman St. Shakopee MN 55379 I Phone: 952-233-94001 Fax: 952-233-38111 www.ShakopeeMN.gov �i147 Y Off, 2 Z i� 'Zl ,dy %e55 Health & Human Services Director Jami Goodrum Schwartz Fiscal, Technology &Support Social Services, Public Health Human Services Center 1004 Commercial Drive Buffalo, MN 55313 Ph: (763) 682-7400 Fax: (763) 682-7701 hsc-recePtionist@co.wrigl)t.rnn.us Financial Services Government Center 10 2-1 Si NW, Rm 300 Buffalo, MN 5.5313 Ph: (763) 682-7414 Fax: (763) 682-8920 hsfsprogramssnco.wright.mn.us January 8, 2020 D. Daniel Licht, AICP City of Otsego City Hall 13400 90th Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 To Whom This May Concern: Re: NorthStar Regional On behall'of Wright County Health & Human Services, I would like to express my support for NorthStar Regional's expansion of co-occurring disorder treatment services into Wright County, NorthStar Regional is a current treatment provider in Chanhassen, Chaska, Maple Grove, and Shakopee. The executive team has many years of experience in chemical dependency treatment, mental health counseling, and psychiatry. Their approach to treatment includes a continuum of set -vices including inpatient, intensive outpatient, and sober homes. The Riverwood site as proposed, is an ideal location given the size and scope of the project. We support this initiative and request that you consider NorthStar Regional's proposal to expand co-occurring disorder treatment services into Wright County. Sincerely, �1 ut .T ni Goodrum Schwartz ealth & Human Services Director An Equal Opportunity Employer January 8, 2020 City of Otsego Attn: D. Daniel Licht, AICP 13400 90th Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Mr. Licht: It is my understanding talking with Jason Vanderscoff that NorthStar Regional is working to develop a treatment center within the City of Otsego. The purpose of my letter is to share with you the services NorthStar Regional has established in the City of Chaska, and the benefit this has provided to our community. NorthStar Regional has been an important part of the Chaska community for several years. Starting as Five Star Recovery, they started in Chaska by providing day recovery center services for those experiencing chemical dependency issues. Since their establishment, they have greatly expanded the services they offer, including owning and operating group home facilities scattered throughout our community, converting underutilized historical properties into a treatment facility campus, and working with the City of Chaska to lease a historic mansion the City owns to utilize as a treatment center dedicated towards services for women. In each of the projects they have worked on, not only have they help to expand needed chemical dependency treatment service availability in our community, but they have also done it in a way that has enhanced underutilized properties within Chaska. They have truly been a "good neighbor". While I am aware that there is often a negative stigma that goes along with the establishment of a chemical dependency treatment service in a community, NorthStar has truly worked to put our community at ease knowing that they take it seriously to be viewed as a good standing member of the communities in which they serve. Jason will be the first one to acknowledge that chemical dependency treatment centers can have a negative stigma associated with them, but they have taken it seriously not to become a burden on the community, but instead something our community views as an asset. They are great in working with neighbors that surround proposed projects to keep them close to the planning of these treatment centers and have always done what they say they are going to do when implementing the plans to open a new facility. This integrity is noticed by our community leaders and creates a trusting relationship that makes the City feel that they are a partner with us in making our community a better place. MiIIHOSOta One City Hall Plaza 55318-1962 Phone 9521448-9200 www.chaskarnn.com At the same time, NorthStar is providing a service that is absolutely needed in all communities, as no community is immune to dealing with the issues of addition with some of its residents. What we have found is that by having these treatment services right in our community, it has made it easier for those needing help to seek out these services while still remaining closely connected to their family and friends, whom they do not want to be separated from while going through recovery. NorthStar has allowed us an opportunity to be able to help our own residents during difficult times in their lives and seek ways to improve the lives of both them and the rest of their families. That helps make an overall stronger community from our perspective. I do not hesitate in providing a recommendation for NorthStar Regional as they look to establish a treatment facility in Otsego. I think that you will find that they will provide a very valuable service to your community and do it in a way that you can feel proud they are in your community. If you should like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me at 952-227-7523. Sincerely, Ua- " Matt Podhradsl<y City Administrator City of Chaska �V41 Y VO 02P �" 2Z January 13, 2020 s m 0 0 Department of Human Services Q Office of the Commissioner Ad 444 Lafayette Road, N 7855 Saint Paul, MN 55155 Health & Human Services To Whom It May Concern: Director On December 17, 2019 Jason Vanderscoff, CEO, NorthStar Regional, requested a Jami Goodrum Schwartz Letter of Need from Wright County. Fiscal, Technology & Support NorthStar Regional currently provides chemical dependency services including Social Services, Public Health inpatient, outpatient, and sober living homes. NorthStar Regional is looking to Human Services Center purchase and remodel the current Riverwood site in Otsego to provide this 1004 Commercial Drive continuum of services. The geographic area that will be served will include all of Buffalo, MN 55313 Wright County and the surrounding Minnesota counties based on need and Ph: (763) 682-7400 caseload capacity. The agency was founded by an LADC with extensive CD Fax: (763) 682.-7701 experience, an addiction psychiatrist, and an LADC who also has a PsyD. All founders have current roles within the agency. Currently, NorthStar Regional hsc.receptionist,�?co.wright.mn.us currently is headquartered in Chaska and has a 48 bed residential facility for men, Financial Services 17 bed residential facility for women, 65 intensive outpatient with lodging beds, and 9 sober houses. Government Center 10 2n� St NW, Rm 300 MN Administrative Rule 9530.6800 & 9530.6810 require that the, "need far an Butfaio, MN 55313 additional or expanded chemical dependency treatment program must be determined, in part, based on the recommendation of the county board of Fax: (763) 6882-892-89420 Ph: (7733 6 commissioners of the county in which the program will be located..." hsfs rograms{� Wright County would support the possibility of expanding the treatment options p ca.wright.mn.us in our area for the increasing need of services. This Letter of Need/Support request was presented and approved by the Wright County Board of Commissioners on January 13, 2020, Wright County supports NorthStar Regional's request to add an additional facility location to provide inpatient chemical dependency services to both male and female clients. 5i/er l Jai, dru Schwartz Director of Health & Human Services i An Equal Opportunity Employer FIRST STREET CENTER AIAM ri Carver County Mental Health Program 540 East First Street Waconia, MN 55387 CARVER Phone(952)442-4437 COUNTY Fax (952) 442-3084 Jason Vanderscoff, CEO NorthStar Regional 1045 Stoughton Avenue Chaska, MN 55318 Mr. Vanderscoff: You have asked for a letter of recommendation regarding the impact your services have had on Carver County. We can wholeheartedly recommend your programs and services. We are impressed with the broad continuum of care that you offer and the quality of these services. The continuum of care meets the needs of those who struggle with substance abuse at every level. This continuum ranges from residential and intensive outpatient services for both traditional substance abuse and co-occurring disorders, mental health counseling and specialized psychiatric intervention, outpatient chemical dependency treatment, as well as sober housing, You offer gender specific residential chemical dependency treatment for both traditional and co-occurring disorders via 112 beds across our county or very near our borders, as well as 36 sober housing beds in Carver County and 24 in nearby Scott County. The range of treatment services plus the increased availability of residential treatment has made an impact for those we serve at First Street Mental Health Center. We support and appreciate the level of integration between mental health care and substance abuse treatment at NorthStar. NorthStar Regional offers a new specialty in addictive psychiatry with cutting edge medication treatment of substance abuse, especially the treatment of opioid abuse. This is Edtnd opportttnim Emplurer imperative in addressing the opioid crisis. It is impressive that you now have mental health providers and counseling services at all of your facilities, with a new emphasis in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and mental health related psychoeducation and skills building. This new emphasis on mental health is something that has been missing in the world of substance abuse treatment, and is now finally being offered to Carver County constituents. We have appreciated both the quantity and quality of services that NorthStar provides in Carver County. We recommend that NorthStar Regional be considered a viable, reliable option in delivering the same services to other counties. Sincerely, Diane Pagel M.A., L.P. Richard Scott, PHN, MPH, EdD Clinical Director, First Street Center Deputy Division Director of Health Services ?...... g...... .fly ��Iiic.:?.fi!e;%fS ��n�!??.Ft;£� i°3 f• fiE�� ri ECF^ lIn' r.•S�Ex?ei? '?s?EI fE:i j ?i`!e�1te?�;F pp i,. P�?i ���•Si1? S_0S[t�y?it:E£ 'fFl:f? S::`?].[etrr.F e•SieiiF%EI a` sf S. s`; t•ti[�'1s fFF^{S:i[r! £. itf; tt.f Tri ETE. IiL. 4'L•.? i :?=;?ii`?i•1 EE?j . ;-! :'if. i:rf gEi?icr[•7Fs e. irEi E?i?. ;gEF M! II g :E;i}eIsSES;i :. •. F::.e e?.::?'IEi�i S r 2iS�"ir5?s?z?�!i' E�a°ittie z 1 ',ft!•yo?? ;i e. i•S ��i1; Si':'� -Z-7- 5- BLUFFHOUSE P �10 A V SHOP 3" A V