ITEM 3.2Z3-2 TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP REPORT DATE: 12 February 2020 RE: Otsego — Utilities; E-WWTF Biosolids Building TPC FILE: 101.01 BACKGROUND The City of Otsego has initiated improvements at the East Waste Water Treatment Facility (E- WWTF) to provide for further processing of liquid waste from both the E-WWTF and West Waste Water Treatment Facility (W-WWTF) into a more solid material for disposal off-site. The proposed improvements require consideration of a conditional use permit amendment to allow for the facility expansion. A preliminary and final plat has also been prepared to combine the two existing parcels that comprise the E-WWTF into a single lot. A public hearing to consider the CUP amendment and preliminary/final plat has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 18 February 2020 at 7:OOPM. Exhibits: ■ Site Location Map ■ Site Plan ■ Landscape Plan ■ Storm Sewer Plan ■ Process Flow Diagram ■ Preliminary/Final Plat ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is zoned INS, Institutional District, which allows wastewater treatment facilities as a conditional use as provided for by Section 11-90-6.N of the Zoning Ordinance. An amendment of the existing CUP is required for the proposed E-WWTF Biosolids Building project. 1 Biosolids Building. The proposed E-WWTF Biosolids Building project has been planned as part of the Wastewater Master Plan adopted by the City Council on 22 January 2018. The Wastewater Master Plan establishes long term plans and implementation phasing for expansion of the City's wastewater utilities in conjunction with development to meet future service needs. The E-WWTF Biosolids Building project consist of construction of an approximate 18,000 square foot building where additional processing of liquid waste from both the E-WWTF and W-WWTF is to occur that results in a more solid material (biosolids) as a final byproduct of the wastewater treatment process. The biosolid material is disposed of off-site either through land application or at a landfill. The additional processing of the liquid waste will result in odor mitigation from the current practice of outdoor storage of liquid material. A granular activated carbon odor control system is included in the proposed project. The proposed East Solids Phase 1 Building also includes administrative space and vehicle storage for the Utility Department. Lot Requirements. Section 11-90-7.A.8 of the Zoning Ordinance specifies that lots developed with WWTFs must have a minimum area of 15 acres. The 2 parcels that comprise the E-WWTF have a combined area of 17.82 acres. The proposed preliminary/final plat combining the 2 existing parcels exceeds the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Setbacks. Section 11-90-6.N.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum 75 foot setback from property lines for WWTF structures. The proposed E-WWTF Biosolids Building is located on the north portion of the E-WWTF site away from existing residential dwellings to the south and west. The proposed building is 120 feet from the closest lot line (north) and complies with the setback requirement stated by the Zoning Ordinance. Building Exterior. The exterior of the proposed E-WWTF Biosolids Building consists of precast concrete, metal, and translucent panels and class windows with a flat roof. Section 11-17-4.D.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires principal buildings within the INS District have an exterior comprised of 65 percent materials defined as Grade A or precast concrete panels with a textures or formed surface. The proposed precast concrete panels comprise 74.9 percent of the total building exterior and 83.4 percent of the east elevation facing Randolph Avenue (although two storage silos are located east of the building obscuring it from view). The proposed exterior finish for the proposed E-WWTF Biosolids Building complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Building Height. Section 11-90-8 of the Zoning Ordinance limits the height of principal buildings and accessory structures to 40 feet. The tallest roof of the proposed East Solids Phase 1 Building is 34 feet above grade. Not shown on the submitted plans are solar panels that may be included as part of the project mounted on the high roof of the proposed E-WWTF Biosolids Building. The project alternate installation of the solar panels on the roof will also comply with the 40 foot height limit. 2 There are two storage silos on the east side of the principal building that are 56 feet in height. The first silo is included in the currently proposed project, and the second silo would be installed with a future capacity expansion. Section 11-17-3.8.10 exempts structures related to essential services from the height limits of the Zoning District in which they are located. The silos store lime used in the processing of the liquid waste to produce the biosolids for disposal essential to the operation of the proposed E-WWTF Biosolids Building process and overall operation of the E-WWTF. Although exempt from the height limits of the INS District, the location of the silos more than 120 feet from the closest property line (in excess of the minimum 75 foot setback) mitigates the potential effects of the height of the structures. Landscaping. A landscape plan has been prepared for the area to be disturbed to the west, north, and east of the proposed E-WWTF Biosolids Building. The majority of the area will be planted with native grasses and forbs consistent with green initiatives at City facilities and to minimize maintenance needs. A mix of shade, ornamental, and evergreen trees are provided along the north property line to provide screening for future low density residential development guided for the adjacent property by the Comprehensive Plan. The types of proposed plantings are appropriate for the subject site and the sizes of the plantings comply with the requirements of Section 11-19-2.13.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. Access. The E-WWTF is accessed from Randolph Avenue, which is designated as a major collector street by the Transportation Plan. No changes to the access to the E-WWTF are proposed as part of the E-WWTF Biosolids Building project other than installation of an automated gate in place of the existing manual gate. The proposed E-WWTF Biosolids Building is to be constructed to the north of the existing access drive within the E-WWTF. Off -Street Parking. The proposed E-WWTF Biosolids Building includes 3 interior bays large enough to accommodate a semi -tractor trailer and 2 smaller drive through bays for Utility Department vehicles. Six off-street parking stalls are located to the east of the proposed principal building at its southeast corner near the entrance to the administrative area. The proposed stalls are designed to comply with the dimensions required by Section 11-21-7.B of the Zoning Ordinance and include 2 disability van accessible stalls. The proposed interior and exterior off-street parking stalls are adequate for the proposed E-WWTF Biosolids Building. Signs. Section 11-37-5.D of the Zoning Ordinance establishes sign allowances for uses within the INS District. The proposed E-WWTF Biosolids Building is planned to include a City logo on the east elevation of the building, which will be visible from Randolph Avenue. Section 11-37- 5.D.3 states that there is no limit on the area for a wall sign within the INS District. All signs are to be subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. Exterior Lighting. Any exterior lighting to be install at the E-WWTF as part of E-WWTF Biosolids Building project must comply with Section 11-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Lighting must be downcast with a horizontal shield. Lighting cast to property lines cannot exceed 0.4 foot candles. All exterior lighting is to be subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 3 Easements. Section 10-8-12.A of the Subdivision Ordinance requires that drainage and utility easements be dedicated at the perimeter of platted lots. The required drainage and utility easements must be 10 feet in width. The proposed preliminary and final plat illustrates the required drainage and utility easements as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Grading. A grading, drainage, and erosion control plan has been developed for the E-WWTF Biosolids Building improvements. All stormwater management issues are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Utilities. The proposed E-WWTF Biosolids Building will be connected to City sewer and water utilities. All utility issues are subject to review by the Utilities Department and Building Official. Criteria. The proposed conditional use permit amendment is to be evaluated based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 11-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Plan establishes that expansion of wastewater utilities is to be phased to accommodate service demands for development to ensure the financial stability of utility operations. The City has adopted the Wastewater Master Plan to coordinate and phase expansion of WWTFs to provided needed capacity and improve operational efficiency. The E-WWTF Biosolids Building improvement project is included within the Wastewater Master Plan and is proposed for implementation based on established trigger events. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by the existing and planned low density residential land uses. The required setback from property lines for the E-WWTF buildings and proposed landscaping will create separation and a buffer from surrounding residential dwellings. The construction of the proposed E-WWTF Biosolids Building will also eliminate long-term liquid storage at the E-WWTF reducing odor generating operations. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed E-WWTF Biosolids Building improvement project complies with the appliable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual. 2 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The subject site is accessed from Randolph Avenue, which is designated by the Transportation Plan as a major collector street. The proposed E-WWTF Biosolids Building will not result in a substantial change in the traffic generated by the E-WWTF. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed E-WWTF Biosolids Building project is necessary to provide utility capacity for forecast development and increase efficiency in operations for the City's wastewater treatment systems. RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends approval of the applications subject to the conditions outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval of a conditional use permit amendment for the E- WWTF Biosolids Building project and a preliminary/final plat for the E-WWTF, subject to the following conditions: All signs are to be subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 2. All exterior lighting is to be subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. All stormwater management issues are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. All utility issues are subject to review by the Utilities Department and Building Official. 6. All utility issues are subject to review by the Utilities Department and Building Official. 5 B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney Kurt Neidermeier, Utility Manager Col oe 9 9 0 4 9 9 9 3 EXISTING FENCE F&13'CHAINUNK• RIBBON TYPE CURB \ \ \ • •� WALK GATE ^ AT BITUMINOUS ETMP A 1 1 I SPROPOSED EE SHEET C108 STORM DRAIN , o SEE SHEET C113 88 W W W `Y - /TRANSFORMER PAD W W o. °✓ W W W W / YARD UTIUTIEs Y .✓ W W1 °Y 9. 1�1+ SEE SHEET C113 Y W W W W W W W✓ EQUIPMENT PAD W W ✓ ✓ w .✓ .✓ W ,L, SEE PROCESS FOR DETAILS Y W Y W Y W W W VI CONCRETE DRIVEWAY WY W W W W W W W ✓ Y W Y W W W ✓ W ✓ W W W W Y W W W V l' W W W W W ✓ W QT, F&I 10' CHAINLINK EQUIP GATE&3' LJL�L 10 100 *> F-1FjF- 7. .,9{.48 / BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT ®\ MECHANICAL EQUIPMEL CONCRETEAPRON _ _--------- W W 'E:8 50 i 1 FDC LOCATION, SEE ARCHITECTURE ANDMEP LL DRAWNGSFORDETAILS 5 OF EXISTING FENCE FABRIC IS WITHIN 21NCHES 1� 07 _\C LIME SIL06-00 O'I I F&I R CONCRETE SIDEWALK ELECTRICAL SERVICE FOR = GATE OPERATOR:w:. CURB &GUTTER (C) A �•� STD. PLATE D412 r ; yy GNZ's � N PE LL B D 10;00 894.78 \ BITUMINOUS I II ADJUST ENTIRE BOUNDARY FENCE SO BOTTOM OF EXISTING FENCE FABRIC IS WITHIN 21NCHES OF GROUND LEVEL II I I w I t ods AT GRADE JUNCTION BOX SEE ELECTRICAL FOR DETAILS ro•�t GATE CONTROLLER I D v O EXISTING GATE II I i`f = a a (C) ' J _I i c?) GV GV ACV–} G,, GV ROADWAY CHAINLINK g' �'� ° y � GyVV - _ PEDESTAL MOUNTED CAMERA ANDD CARD READER WALK GATE 5 / / e • i - L,.i r — �, I (SEE ELECTRICAL SHEETS FOR DETAILS) /! • CURB & GUTTER BACKFILL WITH CLAY TO CREATE F&I Y CONDUIT / / / STD. PLATE D412 BARRIER BETWEEN RAIN GARDEN I; I I I F&I DETECTOR LOOPS IFOR n FOUNDATION GRANULAR BACKFILL GRANULAR BACKFILL AND �. GATE OPENER O I ItI (SEE ELECTRICAL SHEETS A. / / 4 FOR DETAILS) ,.J • WIDENED ROAD SHOULDER TO I o o I O� I}I m ACCOMMODATE TRUCK MOVEMENTS I /• S I'� tr 4• I -r y - I S o I I a$ I TYP. o0 0 z z . I III I / 0 SLUDGE { I 1 STORAGE NPT: 206*52.57 6 4.94 141 & /4 o? v SLUDGE STORAGE N0.2 i MHT HT SS '. $8 i ss° MHN r _ 205+00 204+00 I II MH f �RIM ELEV. = 894.27 ; i; p--------�--------- — J GB i MLSS / I RIM ELEV.=801.83 I ! I y" / MH13 MIPI CLARIFIER SPUTTER BOX II I /SLUDGE "`-� p0?OA� / 95 SS S SS I STORAGE �3, I I SLUDGE \\ // y / STORAGE CLARIFIER I CLARIFIER NO. i NO.2 I ss �r $CUM I I \ / LS. SS SS — SS III I MH15 MH14 I I Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. 0 Water Tower PI Business Ctr 6901 E Fish Lake Rd Ste 184 Maple Grove, MN 55369 0 (t) 763-463-5036 (f) 763-463-5037 0 www.ae2s.com O 0 40 NORTH Scale in Feet CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCTION SIGN: THE PROJECT SIGN IMAGE WALL BE PROVIDED TO cc THE CONTRACTOR IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT TO EXTACH ERIOR G AD 8' IMAGE TO MOUNTED EXTERIOR GRADE PLYWOOD, MOUNTED TO WITHSTAND 60 MPH WANDS. THE IMAGE SHALL BE PRINTED AND MOUNTED INA FASHION TO WITHSTAND WEATHERING, FADING, AND CHIPPING FOR THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 14 DAYS AFTER NOTICE TO PROCEED AND NOTED LOCATION WITH NEW -MATERIAL CONSTRUCTION TO RESIST WIND LOADS TO MAINTAIN A PLUMB .LEVEL AND SECURE ORIENTATION IN ALL DIRECTIONS. PERFORM MAINTENANCE AS NEEDED FOR ANY DETERIORATION OR DAMAGE. UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT, REMOVE SIGNS, FRAMING, SUPPORTS AND FOUNDATIONS AT THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT AND RESTORE THE AREA TO PRE -PROJECT CONDITIONS. C7 Z ❑ J Z) m Q W w m0 z LL LL LU 06 0 U H U o W O LU O DRAWNGTYPE CONSTR. PREPARED BY MEB 4ECKEDIAPPROVE CDM I CDM DATE JAN 2020 PROJECTNUMBER X5409-2017-0 FACILITY SW C106 ¢ <OW� W Wa=� a a a (C) N yy GNZ's � N u _Vap0 0. W F O 005 CUC W a u 0 ic-w¢wC,w � ~ANO L1J N O CIL '10 �w N jW �z p mUmj= cc m 00 �W Z WwQ¢ w ti N =maw CAC O 0 40 NORTH Scale in Feet CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCTION SIGN: THE PROJECT SIGN IMAGE WALL BE PROVIDED TO cc THE CONTRACTOR IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT TO EXTACH ERIOR G AD 8' IMAGE TO MOUNTED EXTERIOR GRADE PLYWOOD, MOUNTED TO WITHSTAND 60 MPH WANDS. THE IMAGE SHALL BE PRINTED AND MOUNTED INA FASHION TO WITHSTAND WEATHERING, FADING, AND CHIPPING FOR THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 14 DAYS AFTER NOTICE TO PROCEED AND NOTED LOCATION WITH NEW -MATERIAL CONSTRUCTION TO RESIST WIND LOADS TO MAINTAIN A PLUMB .LEVEL AND SECURE ORIENTATION IN ALL DIRECTIONS. PERFORM MAINTENANCE AS NEEDED FOR ANY DETERIORATION OR DAMAGE. UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT, REMOVE SIGNS, FRAMING, SUPPORTS AND FOUNDATIONS AT THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT AND RESTORE THE AREA TO PRE -PROJECT CONDITIONS. C7 Z ❑ J Z) m Q W w m0 z LL LL LU 06 0 U H U o W O LU O DRAWNGTYPE CONSTR. PREPARED BY MEB 4ECKEDIAPPROVE CDM I CDM DATE JAN 2020 PROJECTNUMBER X5409-2017-0 FACILITY SW C106 PLANT SCHEDULE TREES CODE QTY BOTANICAL/ COMMON NAME SIZE CONT. 0 AM 2 ACER SACCHARUM'GREEN MOUNTAIN' TM / GREEN MOUNTAIN SUGAR MAPLE 2.5" CAL. B&B s fa ,'-`�r.�:.�Tw 'f ` , .�lw,,+` ` ---- ` —+. — _ —• rw.-. . . r �'�.:`% `�,. i / %.'�/j / moi%. v -i s y:` `ii—r 7- �,Ii ',i` : :' .i,i - wf �:.I l% .�✓fir`-�/ � « `ir` ��r� rir�� Y _ +: ,+ �� --_--- _ ��, % r , r'. `r ",``r`, f:. -'f y r f ,%,I'{ r `r%�,•, i � i . AG 6 AMELANCHIER X GRANDIFLORA'AUTUMN BRILLIANCE'/ AUTUMN BRILLIANCE SERVICEBERRY 2" CAL. B&B IV BR 5 BETULA NIGRA / RIVER BIRCH 2.5" CAL. B&B PR 6 PINUS RESINOSA / RED PINE 6' HEIGHT B&B IR QB 2 QUERCUS BICOLOR / SWAMP WHITE OAK 2.5" CAL. B&B NOTE: PRELIMINARY QUANTITIES PROVIDED AS A COURTESY TO CONTRACTOR; CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING QUANTITIES PRIOR TO BID. r1awhoAR'-wold NATIVE Y GRASSES -� «k STORMWATER BASIN SEEDING NATIVE - GRASSES & FORBS - SHRUBS CODE QTY BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME SIZE CONT. `==„ CB 39 CORNUS SERICEA'BAILADELINE' TM / FIREDANCE DOGWOOD #5 CONT. O s fa ,'-`�r.�:.�Tw 'f ` , .�lw,,+` ` ---- ` —+. — _ —• rw.-. . . r �'�.:`% `�,. i / %.'�/j / moi%. v -i s y:` `ii—r 7- �,Ii ',i` : :' .i,i - wf �:.I l% .�✓fir`-�/ � « `ir` ��r� rir�� Y _ +: ,+ �� --_--- _ ��, % r , r'. `r ",``r`, f:. -'f y r f ,%,I'{ r `r%�,•, i � i . •"� �r ,r . w .' w` `. w`+`.`.` . ORGANIC MULCH BED •• STORMWATER BASIN SEEDING _---- __ 1 IV 3 ILEX VERTICILLATA'JIM DANDY'/ JIM DANDY WINTERBERRY #5 CONT. O IR 21 ILEX VERTICILLATA'RED SPRITE'/ RED SPRITE WINTERBERRY #5 ® RL 16 RHUS TYPHINA'LACINATA' / CUTLEAF STAGHORN SUMAC #5 CONT. RC 24 RUBUS IDAEUS 'CAROLINE'/ CAROLINE RASPBERRY 91 CONT. GROUND CVR CODE QTY BOTANICAL /COMMON NAME NOTES PC -02 NATIVE GRASSES BLANDING'S TURTLE MODIFIED MNDOT WOODLAND EDGE SOUTH & WEST (SEE SPECIFICATION) FRIENDLY `J+++++`*++*++* PC -03 LAWN TURF +'+++*- MNDOT LOW MAINTENANCE TURF 25-131 PC -06 STORMWATER BASIN SEEDING MNDOT DRY SWALE/POND 33-262 :E CIVIL 2 A 3 -PR 5 -BR ORGANIC MULCH BED 3 -PR 12'CLEAR ZONE MIN., TYP. 2 Q 12 -RC -AG /` ffr +��, `+�l / `�-. '.l} i '�: r�`� I.+�r`f:` i"Ti` rr+r moi+ r4'✓. �'✓ry;a.`�i,*_-_``;���I I .///� I - •r,r ";"* .� j= "% .=�=`— -%`"i%='=y/_ '-r,a/`_ �r: -Irtr % r+'/�-Is`: r�'� =.irr rYr` `==„ /- I-! f=�'+—lI`�`+-- � — � y�— s fa ,'-`�r.�:.�Tw 'f ` , .�lw,,+` ` ---- ` —+. — _ —• rw.-. . . r �'�.:`% `�,. i / %.'�/j / moi%. v -i s y:` `ii—r 7- �,Ii ',i` : :' .i,i - wf �:.I l% .�✓fir`-�/ � « `ir` ��r� rir�� Y _ +: ,+ �� --_--- _ ��, % r , r'. `r ",``r`, f:. -'f y r f ,%,I'{ r `r%�,•, i � i . •"� �r ,r . w .' w` `. w`+`.`.` . 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RAIN PELL COURT ROAD SEE RAIN GARDEN ENLARGEMENT PLAN 3/ L5D1 SCALE: Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. 0 Water Tower PI Business Ctr 6901 E Fish Lake Rd Ste 184 Maple Grove, MN 55369 0 (t) 763-463-5036 (f) 763-463-5037 0 www.ae2s.com ORAWINGTYPE CONSTR. PREPARED BY MJR CHECKEDIAPPROVED MW/TW DATE JAN 2020 PROJECT NUMBER 05409-2017-003 FAauTY SW DRAY NG NORTH Ll 60 r I \1 wFm (D Z I 0 �d Wd LU I J a O2 w zo a m 0 j50 Wninous Sa'se-- W CCm a Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. 9 Water Tower PI Business Ctr 6901 E Fish Lake Rd Ste 184 Maple Grove, MN 55369 0 (t) 763-463-5036 (t) 763-463-5037 0 www.ae2s.com - O D 20 NORTH Scale in Feet Is -I U NOTE: FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION (FFE) EQUALS ELEVATION 100.00 ON ARCHITECT, STRUCTURAL, AND PROCESS DRAWINGS GENERAL NOTES 1. INSTALL MARKERS AT THE LOCATION AS NOTED IN THE CONSTRUCTION NOTES. MARKERS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY STANDARD PLATE 803. LEGEND (WHITE ON BLACK FOR ALL]: OCS =OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE CO =CLEAN OUT (INCLUDES NYLOPLAST & DRAINTILE STRUCTURES) FES = FLARED END SECTION wFm (D Z n: 0 �d Wd LU RCP FLARED END SECTION [WITH MARKER] J a O2 w zo a m STANDARD PLATE 402 & 407][WITH MARKER] a DIAMETER NYLOPLAST STRUCTURE [SEE N LU O.z F4 s DETAIL 1/C512][WITH MARKER] Q O4 48' STORM MANHOLE [SEE STANDARD PLATE 4081 O 0 ~O Z 2wLL0 w p US O DRAINTILE CLEANOUT [SEE DETAIL 3/C512][WMTH O u O ayWQ U U, Z w © 6' PVC SCH 40 DRAINTILE m O W 2 K 6' FOOTING DRAINTILE [SEE PROCESS ANDO (D F STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR DETAILS] of O1-- MNDOT CLASS III RIPRAP AND (n OINSTALL B GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE IVF--(� O (j) cc r:XH dw 0 C0 Q� �z N LLI w 0 uZrw moo` �� a o o Ww �� z .Poz U� c O D 20 NORTH Scale in Feet Is -I U NOTE: FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION (FFE) EQUALS ELEVATION 100.00 ON ARCHITECT, STRUCTURAL, AND PROCESS DRAWINGS GENERAL NOTES 1. INSTALL MARKERS AT THE LOCATION AS NOTED IN THE CONSTRUCTION NOTES. MARKERS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY STANDARD PLATE 803. LEGEND (WHITE ON BLACK FOR ALL]: OCS =OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE CO =CLEAN OUT (INCLUDES NYLOPLAST & DRAINTILE STRUCTURES) FES = FLARED END SECTION ' DRAV41IG TYPE CONSTR. PREPARED BY MEB CHECKED/APPROVED CDM / CDM DATE JAN 2020 PROJECT tiWSER SW C111 (D Z CONSTRUCTION NOTES 0 O RCP FLARED END SECTION [WITH MARKER] J O2 48' OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE [SEE m STANDARD PLATE 402 & 407][WITH MARKER] 3O24' DIAMETER NYLOPLAST STRUCTURE [SEE DETAIL 1/C512][WITH MARKER] Q O4 48' STORM MANHOLE [SEE STANDARD PLATE 4081 O 0 ~O Z US O DRAINTILE CLEANOUT [SEE DETAIL 3/C512][WMTH D_ O Lu CULVERTMARKER] U, Z w © 6' PVC SCH 40 DRAINTILE m O W 2 7 6' FOOTING DRAINTILE [SEE PROCESS ANDO (D STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR DETAILS] of O1-- MNDOT CLASS III RIPRAP AND (n OINSTALL B GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE IVF--(� O (j) I C0 Q LLI 0 W O ' DRAV41IG TYPE CONSTR. PREPARED BY MEB CHECKED/APPROVED CDM / CDM DATE JAN 2020 PROJECT tiWSER SW C111 FEW -459 SF EAST MATERIAL LEGEND PRECAST CONCRETE METAL PANEL TRANSLUCENT PANEL GLASS MATERIAL TOTALS PRECAST CONCRETE, 12,051 SF - 74.9% OF TOTAL EXTERIOR METAL PANEL, 1,345 SF - 8.4% OF TOTAL EXTERIOR TRANSLUCENT PANEL. 2,463 SF -15.3% OF TOTAL EXTERIOR GLASS, 228 SF -1.4% OF TOTAL EXTERIOR NORTH OTSEGO EAST WWTF BIOSOLIDS BUILDING CITY ELEVATIONS JAN 2020 1 AE2S 05409-2017-003 1 © 2020 JLG ARCHITECTS 0 8 16 32 DESIGN FOR LIFE MATERIAL LEGEND PRECAST CONCRETE METAL PANEL TRANSLUCENT PANEL GLASS UTH OTSEGO EAST WWTF BIOSOLIDS BUILDING CITY ELEVATIONS 0 8 16 32 JAN 2020 1 AE2S 05409-2017-003 1 © 2020 JLG ARCHITECTS DESIGN FOR LIFE I �g rl TWAS DELIVERED FROM WEST WWTF BY TANKERTRUCK I POLYMER SOLUTION FEED POLYMER ^ PUMPS TOTES / \ eLI-NU bu—POLY lJ AGIN—H G B END —J TANK r ---r3 � I PLANT WATER II II TWAS II FEED I I PUMPS 1 II I 2 II TWAS HOLDING TANK I 3 Lam`?'- 11 I II EXISTING CENTRATE FERRIC AERATION Q STORAGE BLOWER i L— FERRIC FEED PUMPS LA LCHEMICAL STORAGE BUILDINI --- —r- CENTRATE HOLDING TANK L—• TO HEAD TO EXISTING OF PLANT TWAS HOLDING TANKS SULFAMIC CENTRIFUGE UNIT No. 1 CENTRIFUGE UNIT No. 2 LIME SILO UNIT No. 1 BIOSET T WIN SCREW AUGER UNIT No. 1 FUTURE LIME SILO t UNITNo.2 I I I I I I I I FEED PISTON PUMP1 BIOSET REACTOR UNIT No. 1 LEGEND NEW FUTURE ---------a BIOSOLIDS FLOW -------- TWAS FLOW --------> CENTRATE FLOW - ------- ...... LIME FLOW • ODOR CONTROL FLOW --------4 POLYMER FEED FLOW FERRIC FLOW -------� PLANTWATER FLOW OL—J EQUIPMENT ® BUILDING LIMITS ROLL -OFF PRE- FILTER I I I I ITER 4 L., J SIDE -DUMP TRAILER R CONTROL UNIT ' PRE- FILTER Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. 0 Water Tower PI Business Ctr 6901 E Fish Lake Rd Ste 184 Maple Grove, MN 55369 0 (t) 763-463-5036 (t) 763-463-5037 0 www.ae2s.com NOTE: GENERAL BUILDING ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM NOT SHOWN. O a W 0 Z 0 J m U) 0 00E- C9O vj Lu U) (D(nZ o LL LL Sm6� 0 0 C7 W >> I F O O I -VO a LLl 0 Ill U) F- 0 DRAWNGTYPE CONSTR. PREPARED BY EM CHECKED/APPROVED JBB / SHS DATE JAN 2020 PROJECT NUMBER '05409-2017-00 FACILITY GEN DRAW NG P003 I I L_ --I r-------� II I CENTRIFUGE I UNIT No.3 II FEED _{----- r IG PISTON ---- IPUMP2 --- I I I II BIOSET TWIN I � --------- i^ BIOSET REACTOR i ------J---�1 �— SCREWAUGER---{' UNITNo.2 f II UNIT No.2 `/ \`--------J' I CENTRIFUGE I I L-------� UNIT No. 4 ~ ROLL -OFF PRE- FILTER I I I I ITER 4 L., J SIDE -DUMP TRAILER R CONTROL UNIT ' PRE- FILTER Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. 0 Water Tower PI Business Ctr 6901 E Fish Lake Rd Ste 184 Maple Grove, MN 55369 0 (t) 763-463-5036 (t) 763-463-5037 0 www.ae2s.com NOTE: GENERAL BUILDING ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM NOT SHOWN. O a W 0 Z 0 J m U) 0 00E- C9O vj Lu U) (D(nZ o LL LL Sm6� 0 0 C7 W >> I F O O I -VO a LLl 0 Ill U) F- 0 DRAWNGTYPE CONSTR. PREPARED BY EM CHECKED/APPROVED JBB / SHS DATE JAN 2020 PROJECT NUMBER '05409-2017-00 FACILITY GEN DRAW NG P003 I;- 5 e8s s�e 2Ey` 6- E§S, jEe� zJ I \nf I I .1 � r � 1 r R 1 I � r I I♦ 6 i N r� 3 3r 1 61, , l�iiff i I y{h{%�S kkI �i I�a I IJ �J I I ral 1 ' Y 1 a o� 1 iv=� #^9 I;- 5 e8s s�e 2Ey` 6- E§S, jEe�