ITEM 1 Propsed Field House------------------ - - - -- =D C I , I , I , I , D �� , I -------------------- Programmed Space (Referendum) Additional Walking Track Instead of considering "what will an additional $X buy us?" it would be better to look at it as "if we contribute $X amount, what are the spaces overall that we would be able to consider as part of community accessible?" as it will be more than any single individual space. • During school hours, community access limited to certain areas • After School hours and weekends, broader discussion on total spaces available for Community use • Additional discussion required regarding operational or Joint Powers agreements as needed Meeting Notes: ISD 728 / City of Otsego Planning Assumptions What is programmed? • (3) Basketball Courts (50'x85') • Assume 10-12' overrun under baskets • Assume 6' between courts • Overall "box" 175' x 105' = 18,375 SF To add a Community Walking Track: • Assume 10' wide around entire perimeter of gyms • 560' (lineal) x 10' = 5,650 SF • Also adds SF to floor level o District could put other spaces below track as possible (toilets, storage, etc.) but not to the extent necessary to be 100% utilized o Assume 65% District utilization 0 5,650 SF x 1.35 Utilization = 7,625 Total SF • Additional "community" needs? 0 Toilets, Lobby, Entry, etc. 0 1,000 SF? o 8,625 SF x $250/SF = $2.15M Construction • x 1.2 Project Costs = $2.5M +/- Other Considerations? (TBD) • Meeting Rooms (800 SF each?) • Community Changing Rooms (500SH) • Additional Court (6,300 SF) For reference: Mora First Light Space = 5,300 SF (in addition to Walking Track) For planning purposes, use this formula for preliminary $: Additional SF x $250 / SF x 1.2 Project Costs (No FF&E) or x 1.3 (Includes FF&E) Additional Project Budget Needed Example: 5,300 SF (Mora Reference) x $250/SF x 1.3 (includes FF&E,) $1, 722,500 (Plus Walking Track = $4.3M Total) S:\ISD728\Planning\2020\Community Center\Otsego Notes.docx �t 101-011 132'-4" INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #332 Mora Public Schools Wellness Center �1MAM LEVEL PLAN iov MAIN LEVEL PLAN Comm No: ONE2016390