01-14-20 Public Safety MinutesOtsego Public Safety Commission Meeting Date: 01/14/2020 Time: 183o hours Call to order: 1837 Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and Council Members Jason Warehime and Corey Tanner Commissioners: Chairman Bill Abderhalden Vice -Chair Dan Freiberg Paul Fields Jim Breitbach John Braun Vern Heidner Greg Hubbard - excused David Greeman - excused Public Safety Officials: Deputy Jason Oltmanns- WCSO Chief Mark Dickinson- ERFD Chief Brad Feist- RFD Steve Dittberner- ER Ambulance Brian Nord- Allina 1. Approve Agenda: Motioned by Bill Abderhalden and seconded by Jim Breitbach. Approved unani- mously z. Approve meeting minutes from November 13, zozo. Motioned by Bill Abderhalden and seconded by Dan Freiberg. Approved Unanimously. 3. Open forum Updates: Elk River Fire Department - Mark Dickinson -Had 457 calls in 2019 with 105 to Otsego. Roughly 8o related to fires -8 Structure fires in Otsego for 2019 Elk River Ambulance -115 Calls with 74 transports in 4th quarter of 2019 -Experiencing approximately a 2:45 minute delay from WC dispatch to Allina -Elk River Ambulance is willing to post a unit in Otsego pending a facility to house the unit and crew. Albertville Fire Department- -Not Present Rogers Fire Department -Switched to a new fire reporting software -Had two mutual aid calls to Otsego for structure fires in December Wright County Sheriff's Office -Deputy Jason Oltmanns will be replacing Deputy Thole's shift. Allina Ambulance -Put an extra unit out between io:oo AM and io:oo PM for weekdays to support extra demand Old business: New business: -April PSC meeting will discuss fire station study results. Next meeting *Februaryii, 2020 Prepared by: Bill Abderhalden