ITEM 5.2 Reducing Speed Limit0 otsll F O MINNESOTA C. DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner April 27, 2020 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #i: City Engineer Wagner City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 5.2 STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. X Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends reducing the speed limit on Odean Avenue between CSAH 39 (90`h St) and CSAH 38 (70`h St) to 40 mph and placement of an all -way stop control at the Odean Avenue and 751h Street intersection. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The Public Works Subcommittee (PWSC) met in December 2019 and again in April 2020 to discuss traffic control on Odean Avenue and Citywide residential collectors for consistency purposes. This discussion came about due to a change in the Statute regulating speed limits. In May 2019, Minnesota Statute 169.14 was amended to allow cities greater authority over establishment of speed limits: Subd. Sh.Speed limits on city streets. A city may establish speed limits for city streets under the city's jurisdiction other than the limits provided in subdivision 2 without conducting an engineering and traffic investigation. This subdivision does not apply to town roads, county highways, or trunk highways in the city. A city that establishes speed limits pursuant to this section must implement speed limit changes in a consistent and understandable manner. The city must erect appropriate signs to display the speed limit. A city that uses the authority under this subdivision must develop procedures to set speed limits based on the city's safety, engineering, and traffic analysis. At a minimum, the safety, engineering, and traffic analysis must consider national urban speed limit guidance and studies, local traffic crashes, and methods to effectively communicate the change to the public. The change allows individual Cities to set speed limits under its jurisdiction with completion of an engineering study that establishes a basis for local speed limits different than those established by Statute. The memo presented to PWSC (attached) contained the following items for review 1) History of Odean Avenue 2) Average Daily Traffic (ADT) counts on Odean Avenue and other residential collector streets 3) "Speed Wagon" data collected on different residential collectors 4) Density changes along Odean Avenue, current and near future 5) 75th Street and trail connection It is City staffs position that because Odean Avenue is no longer rural that a recommendation is being made that it be posted 40 mph to be consistent with all other residential collector streets within the sewer districts. Other speed limits for Odean Avenue between 55 mph and 40 mph were discussed by the PWSC. The alternative speed limits may be appropriate based on data collected from the City speed wagon as to the 851h percentile speed of vehicles traveling the roadway. However, with the rapidly changing character of the corridor with development occurring on both sides of the right-of-way and the importance of consistency for like -streets to help driver awareness, City staff recommends 40 mph. City staff also recommends that an all way stop be placed at the Odean Avenue and 751h Street intersection (two residential collectors) to be consistent with other like intersections in the City. A suggested minimum ADT for a cross residential collector street entering the heavier traveled residential street would be 750 ADT. The all way stop is prudent due to the pedestrian crossing volume using trails alongside the residential collector streets. The speed limit and traffic control changes proposed for Odean Avenue would be more consistent with other residential collector streets in urbanized or urbanizing areas of the City. This would be a proactive change that future users and residents of the area will not have to adjust as the City continues to grow. Existing users and existing residents will have to adjust, but evidence shows speeds along Odean Avenue have already adjusted down over the years as traffic, conflicts, and distractions have increased. The introduction of an all -way stop at 75th Street and Odean Avenue would also be consistent with collector to collector traffic control and would be a positive safety upgrade for pedestrians seeking to cross Odean Avenue at this intersection. All six (6) of the existing residential collector -to -collector street intersections in the City are either controlled by roundabouts or all -way stops. The Odean Avenue and 75th Street intersection is the only intersection controlled by a 2-way stop. The memorandum also included City staff's recommendation of setting a speed limit of 40 mph on all City residential collector streets once they are included within or abut the sewer districts. Reasons for supporting residential collector street having a consistent 40 mph speed limit are: 1) They are designed for 40 mph or greater 2) They have limited access to City residential streets 3) The City prohibits new direct driveway access and removes existing as development allows 4) Pedestrian and bicycle traffic are provided a paved trail to allow horizontal separation 5) They are constructed with extra width which allows a) Space for turn lanes to remove some conflicts of movement b) For emergency parking c) Increases sight distances There is one exception to the recommended residential collector street speed limit of 40 mph, which is Page Avenue between 85th Street and 90th Street (CSAH 39). The speed limit of this sections is 35 mph and is appropriate given the unusual number of driveways accessing the west side of street along this section. Establishment of a 40 mile per hour speed limit for residential collector streets within or abutting the sewer districts would be implemented through adoption of an ordinance and then posted on specific street sections. The Statutory notice requirement for ordinances to be posted on the City website 10 days prior to consideration means that the proposed regulation can be considered at the May 11, 2020 City Council meeting. City staff is seeking direction from the City Council to proceed with adoption of an ordinance establishing local residential collector speed limits of 40 miles per hour consistant with the recommendations of the City Engineer. Lastly, during the April PWSC meeting, there was discussion of speed limits on local residential streets. The PWSC concurred to recommend no changes at this time to the current 30 mph speed limit. I SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: I Engineering Memo to PWSC Exhibits POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to direct City staff to prepare an ordinance establishing a speed limit of 40 miles per hour for residential collector streets within or abutting the sewer districts for consideration at the May 11, 2020 City Council meeting. Rl1DGFT INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: N/A N/A Main Office: -- Hakanson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 AO 427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 Anderson Phone: 763/I www.haa-inc.com MEMORANDUM TO: Public Works Sub Committee FROM: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E., City Engineer MEETING DATE: April 15, 2020 RE: Odean Avenue Speed Reduction Odean Avenue/751h St Stop Sign Local Residential Speed Limit CC: Tami Loff, City Clerk Kevin Lamson, City Street Manager Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director At the December meeting, the Public Works Subcommittee discussed speed limits and traffic control on Odean Avenue between 70r" Street (CSAH 38) and 90rh Street (CSAH 39). It was determined at that meeting that additional information should be gathered by City staff. Some of the information would be required to be obtained from the City's "speed wagon". The "speed wagon" cannot be placed along streets during the winter due to plowing needs and safety concerns. In May of 2019, Minnesota Statute 169 was amended to allow cities greater authority over establishment of speed limits. New language of statute included below: Subd. 5h.Speed limits on city streets. A city may establish speed limits for city streets under the city's jurisdiction other than the limits provided in subdivision 2 without conducting an engineering and traffic investigation. This subdivision does not apply to town roads, county highways, or trunk highways in the city. A city that establishes speed limits pursuant to this section must implement speed limit changes in a consistent and understandable manner. The city must erect appropriate signs to display the speed limit. A city that uses the authority under this subdivision must develop procedures to set speed limits based on the city's safety, engineering, and traffic analysis. At a minimum, the safety, engineering, and traffic analysis must consider national urban speed limit guidance and studies, local traffic crashes, and methods to effectively communicate the change to the public. The change allows individual City's to set speed limits under its jurisdiction with an engineering report/study. We now have collected the data requested and have compiled it within this memo for review. Odean Avenue. City staff is providing the Public Works Subcommittee information regarding Odean Avenue speed limits, traffic control at Odean Avenue and 751h Street, and speed limits on local residential streets. Page 2 Odean Avenue Speed Limit. Odean Avenue, a residential collector street designated by the Comprehensive Plan between 701h Street (CSAH 38) and 901h Street (CSAH 39) has a posted limit of 55 mph. This speed limit is consistent with the rural, wide, and straight nature of the street since it became a City street in the late 1990's. The street was reconstructed with curb and gutter and 44' wide (two 12' travel lanes and two 10' wide shoulders) in 1999 and the design criteria at the time was for 55 mph design speed consistent with State statute. A Mn/DOT speed study would have been required to be completed under the State statute in order to potentially reduce the speed limit. Odean Avenue between CSAH 38 to CSAH 39 has changed drastically in the last 20 years. Traffic volumes have increased from 1,700 Average Daily Trips (ADT) in 2000 to 2,185 ADT in the most recent count taken in March of 2020. This is over a 25% increase in traffic volumes. The current 85th percentile speed on Odean Avenue is 53mph which is below the posted and the average speed is 45 mph. Generally, 85th percentiles are approximately 4mph above posted. Many developments have also been approved for undeveloped parcels abutting Odean Avenue since 1999. These include a total of 460 lots within Crimson Ponds West, Ashwood, and Hansen Heights. Other development projects are on the horizon along Odean Avenue within this corridor including the first Otsego based fire station at the 75th St and Odean Avenue intersection. Based on the increase in traffic volume and development abutting Odean Avenue, all of these increased conflicts and distractions warrant a change in the speed limit for Odean Avenue from 55 mph to 40 mph from CSAH 38 to CSAH 39. Other collectors in the City are posted 40 mph and this is appropriate. Collector streets are designed for 40 mph or greater, have limited access for City residential streets and the City minimizes driveway access and removes them as development allows. Additionally, pedestrian and bicycle traffic are provided a paved trail to allow separation. Collector streets are constructed with extra width which allows for turn lanes to remove some conflicts of movement, allow emergency parking, and increases sight distances. The one exception to the residential collector speed limit of 40 mph is Page Avenue between 85th St. and 90" St (CSAH 39). The speed limit of this sections is 35 mph and this is appropriate given the unusual cluster of driveways accessing the street. Other speed limits for Odean Avenue between 55mph and 40mph have been suggested and make some sense based on the 85th percentile, but with the rapidly changing corridor and the importance of consistency for like streets to help driver awareness, I would still recommend 40 mph. ■ Odean Avenue/75th Street. Odean Avenue between CSAH 38 and CSAH 39 intersects two residential collector streets at 85th Street and 75th Street. The Odean Avenue/85th Street intersection is controlled as a 4-way stop. The ADT for 75th St at Odean Avenue is currently 765 ADT. The Ashwood plat was Hakanson IIIAnderson Page 3 approved in 2018 and extended 75'h Street to the west of Odean Avenue. Currently, the intersection of 75'h Street and Odean Avenue has a stop condition only for east -west traffic on 75'h Street. The intersection of 75'h Street and Odean Avenue is also a prominent trail crossing which is concerning at current Odean Avenue traffic speeds. The traffic on 75'h Street is quickly increasing with the build out of Crimson Pond West and Ashwood and traffic increases on Odean Avenue are noted above. Based on all of these increased conflicts and distractions along this corridor, it is my professional opinion an all way stop at 75'h St is warranted and a change in speed for Odean Avenue from 55 mph to 40 mph from CSAH 38 to CSAH 39 is warranted. The speed limit and traffic control changes would be more consistent with other residential collector streets in urbanized areas of the City. This would be a proactive change that future users and residents of the area will not have to adjust as the City continues to grow on this corridor. Existing users and existing residents will have to adjust, but evidence shows speeds along Odean Avenue have already adjusted over the years as traffic, conflicts and distractions have increased. The introduction of an all -way stop at 75'h Street and Odean Avenue would also be consistent with collector to collector traffic control and would be a huge safety upgrade for pedestrians seeking to cross Odean Avenue at this intersection. All 6 other collector -to -collector intersections in the City are either roundabouts or all -way stops. The Odean Avenue and 75'h Street intersection is the only intersection controlled by a only 2-way stop. Local Streets. I have also been doing research regarding 30 mph and 25 mph speed limits for local residential streets. I have researched 20 mph also, but that seems only to be warranted when pedestrian and bicycle traffic is a larger percentage of the street use more commonly found in major cities. Lastly, I have had discussions with the neighboring Cities of Albertville and St. Michael. Both have stated they would like to have matching speed limits to reduce driver confusion when traveling between the cities. At this point I will lay out conclusions from previous studies and let the Public Works Subcommittee review and comment. 1) Stopping distance for a vehicle (includes reaction time) a. 30 mph = 109 feet b. 25 mph = 85 feet C. 2) Posted speed limits do not always impact driver behavior a. Street width b. Traffic volume c. Pedestrian or bicycle traffic d. Street design (radii of curves) e. Enforcement 3) MNDOT and law enforcement have supported 30 mph due to: III Halcanson ---Anderson Page 4 a. Currently most drivers do not exceed the speed limit and it is a perception from many residents or pedestrians that vehicles are in exceedance when they actually are not b. Law enforcement has the ability to write a ticket if they believe a vehicle is not driving appropriately for the current condition. "No person shall drive a vehicle ....at a speed that is greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions." c. Uniformity of speed limits across the state (and adjacent communities) is a key principle to preserve. d. Limited staff to enforce the existing speed limit let alone a lower speed limit. e. Pedestrian accidents tend to be in crosswalks of major streets and not in residential areas 4) In areas changed to a 25 mph speed limit, the number of vehicles exceeding 35 mph was lowered nearly 30% and those vehicles exceeding 30 unph were lowered almost 9.0%. 5) Cost to change signs was also a consideration against changing the speed limit. Kevin and I have estimated how much it would cost in Otsego. Currently, there is 108 30 mph signs. To change all of these to a new speed limit would cost nearly $13,000. IIIHakanson Anderson City of Otsego Residential Collector Data April 2020 Street Name Termini MNDOT 2018 ADT City 2020 ADT Posted Speed Limit 85th % # of DW per mile # of Streets per mile Maciver Avenue 60th St to 70th St 2500 2170 40 47 2 7 Maciver Avenue 70th St to 80th St 2150 40 1 7 10 Maciver Avenue 80th St to 85th St 55 2 3 85th Street Maciver Ave to Mason Ave 55 0 1.9 85th Street Mason Ave to Nashua Ave 575 55 59 2 2 85th Street Nashua Ave to Odean Ave 1400 40 20 8 85th Street Odean Ave to Page Ave 950 40 11 7 85th Street Page Ave to Parrish Ave 3350 2020 40 2 16 Nashua Avenue 90th St to 85th St 890 40 13.1 5.7 Odean Avenue 70th St to 75th St 2050 2185 55 53 23.3 5.8 Odean Avenue 75th St to 85th St 2050 55 7.2 9.3 Odean Avenue 85th St to 90th ST 1950 55 18.2 13 Page Avenue 78th St to 85th St 1250 40 1.3 9 Page Avenue 85th St to 90th ST 1050 35 23.1 11.5 Quaday Avenue River Road to 70th St 2750 40 5.9 5.9 75th Street Page Ave to Quaday Ave 765 40 37 0 10.5 78th Street Odean Ave to Page Ave 2950 40 0 8.2 City of Otsego Residential Collector Data April 2020 Street Name Termini MNDOT 2018 ADT City 2020 ADT Posted Speed Limit 0 85th / # of DW per mile # of Streets per mile Maclver Avenue 60th St to 70th St 2500 2170 40 47 2 7 Maclver Avenue 70th St to 80th St 2150 40 7 10 Maclver Avenue 80th St to 85th St 55 2 3 85th Street Maclver Ave to Mason Ave 55 0 1.9 85th Street Mason Ave to Nashua Ave 575 55 59 2 2 85th Street Nashua Ave to Odean Ave 1400 40 20 8 85th Street Odean Ave to Page Ave 950 40 11 7 85th Street Page Ave to Parrish Ave 3350 2020 40 2 16 Nashua Avenue 90th St to 85th St 890 40 13.1 5.7 Odean Avenue 70th St to 75th St 2050 2185 55 53 23.3 5.8 Odean Avenue 75th St to 85th St 2050 55 7.2 9.3 Odean Avenue 8Sth St to 90th ST 1950 55 18.2 13 Page Avenue 78th St to 85th St 1250 40 1.3 9 Page Avenue 85th St to 90th ST 1050 35 23.1 11.5 Quaday Avenue River Road to 70th St 2750 40 5.9 5.9 75th Street Page Ave to Quaday Ave 765 40 37 0 10.5 78th Street j0dean Ave to Page Ave 2950 40 0 8.2 I O } ~ F U� O _A Z O Z o i O O O N O 1 O O O O O O O N O V A F- F F O cl 0 Q Q Q E 8 #