04-27-20 Board of Review MinutesCITY OF OTSEGO BOARD OF REVIEW OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2020 5:30 PM 1. Mayor Jessica Stockamp will call the Board of Review to order. Mayor Stockamp called the Board of Review to order at 5:30 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Tom Darkenwald, Corey Tanner, Jason Warehime and Tina Goede. Staff: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director, City Planner, Daniel Licht (*) and Tami Loff, City Clerk. Attending from the Wright County Assessor's Office (*); Wright County Assessor Tony Rasmuson, Appraiser Mike Vanderlinden, Commercial Appraiser Lori Thingvold, and Appraiser Jaimee Jensen. This meeting is proceeding under MN State Statute 13D.021 allowing members to appear by telephone or video conference due to the ongoing health pandemic and state of emergency. For the record, the Mayor, all Council members, and certain City staff were present in-person. Those indicated with a (*) attended via video conference 2. Comments by the Assessor. Jaimee Jensen, Wright County Appraiser, stated the purpose of this Local Board of Appeal and Equalization is to review the 2020 assessment for taxes due and payable in 2021. The Board does not have the authority to open any prior year's assessment. The Local Board does not have the authority to grant an exemption or to remove a property from the tax roll. A quorum must be present and at least one of the members must be trained and certified under MN Statute 274.014. Minnesota state law requires Assessors to value property at 100 percent of the market value however the statutes allow the Assessor to be within a range of 90 to 105 percent of market value. Appraiser Mike Vanderlinden stated residential land and buildings increased 4.74% in Otsego based on 390 qualified sales. He further stated commercial & industrial values increased approximately 5.46%. He stated in reference to the current pandemic; 1 year ago, we had 58 sales, at this point of time we have 42 sales. There was a noted typo on Page 1 of the 2020 City of Otsego Assessment information presented by Wright County; should be 2019 not 2017. CM Darkenwald asked for clarification on what dates can be used for evaluation. Appraiser Mike Vanderlinden said sales from the last quarter of 2018 and first three quarters of 2019. 3. Review Valuations of Property Owners, Open Forum: Steve Kavan, 118-800-261200, 118-800-262106, 118-254-002010, and 118-254-002020; owns four industrial guided parcels that Wright County has an estimated value of $1,172,100 and he feels that is too high. He is asking the City Council to adjust the value to $513,000 which is what he purchased the properties for. CM Tanner motioned to accept Wright County determination of $1,172,100. Seconded by CM Warehime. CM Darkenwald said he is not comfortable with motioning this evening as he would like Wright County to come up with options and additional information. CM Goede agreed with CM Darkenwald. CM Tanner rescinded his motion stating it is due to that he feels it's important to have full City Council support. Motion was rescinded. The City Council concurred to have Wright County bring back comparable comps for PIDS 118- 800-261200, 118-800-262106,-118-254-002010, and 118-254-002020. Jim Freeland, 118-190-012150, 8900 Kahl Way, Riverwood National, Wright County is recommending reducing to $542,500 from $569,900. Mr. Freeland feels $505,000 is more in line based on comparative sales. The City Council concurred to have Wright County bring back additional comparatives. Travis Wims, 118-339-001010, 8853 Kahl Way, Riverwood National, Wright County is recommending no change from $485,800. Mr. Wims is requesting $470,000. He recommended reviewing the comparative sale for 9206 Kaeding Avenue. CM Darkenwald stated he would like to have a copy of the comparatives that Wright County has referred to. The City Council concurred to have Wright County bring back additional comparatives. Charles Kolles, 118-500-221201, 15509 90th Street, questioned why his property is commercial and the property behind him is not. City Planner Licht explained that the comprehensive plan guides his property for commercial and the property to the south is guided residential. Mr. Kolles said his property value went up 58% due to the commercial valuation. Last year it was $278,300 and this year the value is $441,700. Mr. Kolles is requesting his zoning be returned back to residential. The City Council concurred to have Wright County bring back additional comparatives. Katherine Mathison Coles, 118-500-221202, 15613 90th Street, stated last year value was $261,200 and this year the estimated value is $438,600. Ms. Mathison is requesting to evaluate at residential valuation, not commercial. It was noted this is a split class property; there is an extra building on the PID with commercial use. Wright County Assessor Tony Rasmuson stated that it is required that they value at highest and best use. The City Council concurred to have Wright County bring back additional comparatives. Mark Ford, 118-500-264414 and 118-500-264101, said he owns two parcels along the Mississippi River and one of the lots is unbuildable. The value increased from $5,600 to $51,000 for an unbuildable lot. He stated that is a 500% increase and that is not acceptable. Wright County has stated they thought it was a buildable lot and is recommending reducing the value to $26,200. Mr. Ford is requesting the value at $8,000. The City Council concurred to have Wright County bring back additional comparatives. Doug Andrews, 118-190-012160, 8899 Kahl Way, Riverwood National, Wright has recommended to reduce the value from $625,000 to $581,700. Mr. Andrews is asking for the value at $525,000. Mr. Andrews stated last year's value was $609,800. The City Council concurred to have Wright County bring back additional comparatives. Wright County is recommending the following: 118-081-000044; from $159,700 to $151,600 and 118-081-000116; from $159,700 to $151,600. CM Darkenwald motioned to decrease values for PID's 118-181-000044 and 118-081- 000116 as recommended by Wright County Assessor. Seconded by CM Tanner. Roll Call: those for; Goede, Warehime, Stockamp, Darkenwald, Tanner. Those opposed: None. Motion carried 5-0. CM Darkenwald motioned to continue the Board of Review on Monday, May 11, 2020 at 5:30 PM at Otsego Prairie Center, 8899 Nashua Avenue NE. Seconded by CM Warehime. Roll Call: those for; Goede, Warehime, Stockamp, Darkenwald, Tanner. Those opposed: None. Motion carried 5-0. Recessed at 7:54 PM. CV 4�Lv",! olmyt� M or Jessica Stockamp Attest•�kLPL- Tami Loff, Clerk