ITEM 3.3A Pay Estimate #12g Otsego MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner May 26, 2020 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 3.3A STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: I THE CITY OF OTSEGO: Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. X Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends City Council approval of Pay Estimate #12 to RL Larson Excavating, Inc. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Pay Estimate #12 includes payment for placing concrete pedestrian ramps at Mason Avenue, spreading top -soil along the boulevards and trails, and hauling away excess material. The remaining work includes pavement of the trails, spreading additional top -soil and turf establishment. In accordance with Minnesota Statute, the City is withholding 5% retainage of work completed, which accounts to $273,698.66 at this time. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Pay Estimate #12 POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve Pay Estimate #12 in the amount of $63,240.27 to RL Larson Excavating, Inc. for work completed on the 85`h Street and Maciver Avenue Improvement Project. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: 403-Municipal State Aid for Construction Yes 408-Otsego Creek Trunk Storm Water 601-Water Utility 602-Sanitary Sewer Utility PAY ESTIMATE #11 CITY OF OTSEGO 85th Street and Maciver Avenue Improvements Project 17-03 S.A.P. 217-102-009 and S.A.P. 217-113-001 May 20, 2020 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 13400 90th Street Otsego, MN 55330 RE: 85th Street and Maciver Avenue Improvement Project, Improvement Project 17-03 SAP 217-102-009 and 217-113-001 Contractor: RL Larson Excavating, Inc. Contract Amount: $5,199,858.37 Award Date: June 10, 2018 Completion Date: August 15, 2019 Dear Honorable Mayor and Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above -referenced project by RL Larson Excavating, Inc. crn Schedule „A" - Streets ITEM NO. SPEC, NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USED TO DATE EXTENSION 1 2021.501 Mobilization 0.81 LS $185.000.00 $ 149,850.00 0.81 $ 149,850.00 2 2101.505 Clearing 7.14 ACRE $3.675.00 $ 26,239.50 7.98 $ 29,326.50 3 2101.505 Grubbing 7.14 ACRE $3,400.00 $ 24,276.00 7.98 $ 27,132.00 4 2104.502 Remove Concrete Structure 5 EACH $250.00 $ 1,250.00 5 $ 1,250.00 5 2104.502 Remove Sign 6 EACH $40.00 $ 240.00 6 $ 240.00 6 2104.502 Salvage Casting 5 EACH $100.00 $ 500.00 4 $ 400.00 7 2104.502 Salvage Sign 4 EACH $40.00 $ 160.00 4 $ - 8 2104.503 Remove Curb & Gutter 1983 LF $2.00 $ 3,966.00 2.153 $ 4,306.00 9 2104.503 Remove Fence 2840 LF $1.50 $ 4,260.00 6,215 $ 9,322.50 10 2104.503 Remove Pipe Culverts 432 LF $7.00 $ 3,024.00 304 $ 2,128.00 11 2104.503 Remove Pipe Drain 880 LF $6.00 $ 5,280.00 1,260 $ 7.560.00 12 2104.503 Sawing Bit Pavement (Full Depth) 292 LF $2.00 $ 584.00 267 $ 534.00 13 2104.504 Remove Bituminous Pavement 765 SY $4.50 $ 3,442.50 770 $ 3,465.00 14 2105.507 Common Borrow (LV) 1000 CY $4.00 $ 4,000.00 1,250 $ 5,000.00 15 2105.507 Common Excavation (EV) 130838 CY $4.00 $ 523,352.00 131,664 $ 526,656.00 16 2105.507 Subgrade Excavation (EV) 6724 CY $2.35 $ 15,601.40 7,144 $ 16,788.40 W 2105.607 Haul & Dispose Excess Material (LV) 6289 CY $2.50 $ 15,722.50 6,289.00 $ 15,722.50 18 2105.607 Salvaged Topsoil From Stockpile (LV) 34653 CY $3.90 $ 135,146.70 35,733 $ 139,358.70 19 2211.509 Aggregate Base Class 3 or 4 47178 TON $8.00 $ 377,424.00 47,178 $ 377,424.00 20 2211.509 Aggregate Base Class 5 Mod 32761 TON $12.60 $ 412,788.60 31,163.9 $ 392,665.14 21 2215.504 Full Depth Reclamation 6967 SY $2.00 $ 13,934.00 7,723 $ 15,446.00 22 2221.509 Shoulder Base Aggregate Class 2 69 TON $35.00 $ 2,415.00 55.59 $ 1,945.65 23 2232.504 Mill Bituminous Surface (2.0'1 42 SY $30.45 $ 1,278.90 42 $ 1,278.90 24 2357.506 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat 2914 GAL $2.10 $ 6,119.40 3,160.0 $ 6,636.00 25 2360.509 Type SP 12.5 Non Wear Course Mixture (3,C) 8195 TON $65.00 $ 532,675.00 7,703.76 $ 500.744.40 26 2360.509 Type SP 12.5 Wearing Course Mixture (2,B) (Trail) 2128 TON $74.00 $ 157,472.00 1,867.0 $ 138,155.04 27 2360.509 Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture (3,C) 6556 TON $74.00 $ 485,144.00 6,533.15 $ 483,453.10 28 2502.502 4" Precast Concrete Headwall 4 EACH $400.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 29 2502.503 4" Perf PVC Pipe Drain 3028 LF $6.00 $ 18,168.00 2,070 $ 12,420.00 30 2502.503 8" PVC Pipe Drain 400 LF $15.00 $ 6.000.00 553 $ 8.295.00 31 2521.518 4" Concrete Walk 15744 SF $3.50 $ 55,104.00 13,122 $ 45,927.00 32 2531.503 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design B418 34971 LF $11.60 $ 405,663.60 26,711 $ 309,847.60 33 2531.503 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design Sumnountable 628 LF $14.45 $ 9,074.60 631 $ 9,117.95 34 2531.504 6" Concrete Driveway Pavement 677 SY $56.00 $ 37,912.00 879.0 $ 49,224.00 35 2531.618 Truncated Domes 120 SF $59.00 $ 7,080.00 184 $ 10,856.00 36 2540.602 Salvage & Install Mail Box Support 6 EACH $200.00 $ 1,200.00 5 $ 1,000.00 37 2557.603 Barbed Wire Fence 950 LF $6.00 $ 5,700.00 $ 38 2563.601 Traffic Control 2 LS $6,450.001 $ 12.900.001 2.00 $ 12,900.00 S:\MunicipaNAOTSEGO\396\PAY ESTIMATESXOT396 PE.xtsx PE -1 PAY ESTIMATE #11 CITY OF OTSEGO 85th Street and Maciver Avenue Improvements Project 17-03 S.A.P. 217-102-009 and S.A.P. 217-113-001 esla acneuwe 9ITEM NO. �+ - SPEC. NO. a rev o..r ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USED TO DATE EXTENSION 39 2564.518 Sign Panels, Type C 472 SF $47.25 $ 22,302.00 495.5 $ 23,412.38 40 2573.501 Stabilized Construction Exit 1 LS $9,000.00 $ 9,000.00 1 $ 9,000.00 41 2573.502 Storm Drain Inlet Protection 96 EACH $125.00 $ 12,000.00 81 $ 10,125.00 42 2573.503 Sediment Control Log Type Straw 145 LF $3.15 $ 456.75 340 $ 1,071.00 43 2573.503 Silt Fence, Type MS 25392 LF $1.68 $ 42,658.56 21,462 $ 36,056.16 44 2574.508 Fertilizer Type 1 1726 LB $0.68 $ 1,173.68 1,600 $ 1,088.00 45 2575.504 Erosion Control Blanket- Category 3 189.00 SY $2.10 $ 396.90 7,808 $ 16,396.80 46 2575.505 Seeding 14.4 ACRE $265.00 $ 3,816.00 10.1 $ 2,676.50 47 2575.508 ISeeding Mixture -25-141 751 LB $4.46 $ 3,349.46 570 $ 2,542.20 48 2575.508 Seeding Mixture - 25-151 204 LB $5.25 $ 1,071.00 50 $ 262.50 49 2575.509 Mulch Material Type 1 29 TON $280.00 $ 8,120.00 18.0 $ 5.040.00 50 2580.501 Interim Pavement Marking 1 LS $0.01 $ 0.01 $ - 51 2582.503 4" Solid Line White - Paint 26179 LF $0.09 $ 2,356.11 25,800 $ 2.322.00 52 2582.503 4" Solid Line Yellow - Paint 3220 LF $0.09 $ 289.80 3,261 $ 293.49 53 2582.503 8" Solid Line White - Paint 253 LF $1.58 $ 399.74 254 $ 401.32 54 2582.503 12" Stop Line White - Paint 125 LF $3.80 $ 475.00 40 $ 152.00 55 2582.503 24" Solid Line Yellow - Paint 537 LF $4.00 $ 2,148.00 781 $ 3,124.00 56 2582.503 8" Dotted Line White - Paint 196 LF $3.15 $ 6VA0 90 $ 283.50 57 2582.503 4" Double Solid Line Yellow- Paint 15543 LF $0.17 $ 2,642.31 14.218 $ 2,417.06 58 2582.518 31x6' Crosswalk Blocks White -Paint 144 SF $4.00 $ 576.00 360 $ 1,440.00 59 2582.518 JPavement Message Paint 652 SF $5.80 $ 3.781.60 433 1 $ 2,511,40 Total Bid Schedule "A" 3 J,b54,J10.VZ a CIU Jl:lIe ITEM NO. UUIU - SPEC. NO. 2501.502 ITEM DESCRIPTION 18" GS Pipe Apron ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 UNIT EACH CONTRACT UNIT PRICE $300.00 CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 300.00 USED TO DATE 1 EXTENSION $ 300.00 60 61 2501.502 24" GS Pipe Apron 2 EACH $500.00 $ 1,000.00 2 $ 1,000.00 62 2501.502 1211 RC Pipe Apron 2 EACH $700.00 $ 1,400.00 4 $ 2,800.00 63 64 2501.502 2501.502 15" RC Pipe Apron 18" RC Pipe Apron 6 3 EACH EACH $700.00 $800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 2,400.00 4 4 $ 2,800.00 $ 3,200.00 01.502 21" RC Pipe Apron 3 EACH $850.00 $ 2,550.00 3 $ 2,550.00 01.502 24" RC Pipe Apron 4 EACH $900.00 $ 3,600.00 6 $ 5.400.00 01.502 27" RC Pipe Apron 2 EACH $1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 2 $ 2,000.00 01.502 36" RC Pipe Apron 3 EACH $1,500.00 $ 4.500.00 3 $ 4,500.00 01.502 72" RC Pipe Apron 2 EACH $3,200.00 $ 6,400.00 2 $ 6,400.00 01.503 15" RC Pipe Culvert Design 3006 CL III 48 LF $45.00 $ 2,160.00 48 $ 2.160.00 01.503 J 36" RC Pipe Culvert Design 3006 CL III 138 LF $100.00 $ 13.800.00 120 $ 12,000.00 01.503 72" RC Pipe Culvert Design 3006 CL III 138 LF $320.00 $ 44,160.00 128 $ 40,960.00 01.603 Outlet Structure 31 LF $665.00 $ 20,748.00 31.00 $ 20,615.00 03.503 12" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V 88 LF $36.50 $ 3,212.00 88 $ 3,212.00 03.503 15" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V 5059 LF $41.30 $ 208,936.70 5,104 $ 210,795.20 03.503 18"RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V 1661 LF $44.30 $ 73,582.30 2,226 $ 98,611.80 503.503 21" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III 1802 LF $48.00 $ 86,496.00 1,868 $ 89,664.00 78 2503.503 24" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III 869 LF $59.00 $ 51,271.00 869 $ 51,271.00 79 2503.503 27" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III 1837 LF $69.50 $ 127.671.50 1,149 $ 79,855.50 80 2503.503 30" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III 292 LF $78.30 $ 22,863.60 339 $ 26,543.70 81 2503.503 36" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III 114 LF $105.00 $ 11,970.00 239 $ 25,095.00 82 2503.503 44" Span RC Pipe -Arch Sewer CL III 65 LF $155.00 $ 10,075.00 65 $ 10,075.00 83 2503.503 18" CP Pipe Sewer 766 LF $35.50 $ 27,193.00 766 $ 27,193.00 84 1 2503.503 24" CP Pipe Sewer 2057 LF $64.00 $ 131,648.00 2,057 $ 131,648.00 S:\Municipa1W0TSEG0\396\PAY ESTIMATES10T396 PE.xlsx PE-2 PAY ESTIMATE #11 CITY OF OTSEGO 85th Street and Maciver Avenue Improvements Project 17-03 S.A.P. 217-102-009 and S.A.P. 217-113-001 Bid Schedule ITEM NO. 85 "B" - SPEC. NO. 2503.503 storm newer iconunueul ITEM DESCRIPTION 27" CP Pipe Sewer ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1052 UNIT LF CONTRACT UNIT PRICE $54.00 CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 56,808.00 USED TO DATE 1,052 EXTENSION $ 56,808.00 86 2503.503 36" CP Pipe Sewer 1770 LF $66.50 $ 117,705.00 1,760 $ 117,040.00 87 2506.503 Construct Drainage Structure Design 2'xT 121 LF $500.00 $ 60,500.00 125.50 $ 62,750.00 88 2506.503 Construct Drainage Structure Design 48-4020 322 LF $425.00 $ 136.722.50 325.00 $ 138.125.00 89 2505.503 Construct Drainage Structure Design 60-4020 91 LF $565.00 $ 51,471.50 91.00 $ 51.415.00 90 2506.503 Construct Drainage Structure Design 724020 41.4 LF $560.00 $ 23,184.00 42.47 $ 23,783.20 91 2506.503 Construct Drainage Structure Design 84-4020 26.5 LF $785.00 $ 20,802.50 26.48 $ 20,786.80 92 2506.503 Construct Drainage Structure Design H 8.8 LF $500.00 $ 4,400.00 6.50 $ 3,250,00 93 2515.504 Articulated Interlocking Block Open Cell, Type A 295 SY $60.00 $ 17,700.00 295 $ 17,700.00 Total Bid Scheaule -w' 4 - -- -- ALTERNA ITEM NO. I E Lila PE NO. scneaule -v - vvatenuaur ITEM DESCRIPTION E TIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRA T UNIT PRICE NTRA T AMOUNT USED T DATE EXTENSION Mobilization (Watennain) 0.09 LS $185,000.00 $ 16,650.00 0.09 $ 16,650.00 2611 Connect To Existing 16" DIP Watennain 2 EA $1,250.00 $ 2,500.00 2 $2,500.00 2611 6"Gate Valve & Box 6 EA $1,200.00 $ 7,200.00 1 $ 1,200.00 r942021.501 2611 8" Gate Valve & Box 9 EA $1,600.00 $ 14,400.00 1 $1,600.00 2611 12" Butterfly Valve & Box 1 EA $2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 2611 16" Butterfly Valve & Box 15 EA $3,000.00 $ 45,000.00 2 $ 6,000.00 100 2611 Hydrant 6 EA $4,200.00 $ 25,200.00 1 $ 4,200.00 101 2611 6" Ductile Iron Pipe CL 52 30 LF $30.00 $ 900.00 6 $ 180.00 102 2611 8" Ductile Iron Pipe CL 52 430 LF $40.00 $ 17.200.00 48 $ 1,920.00 103 2611 12" Ductile Iron Pipe CL 52 40 LF $52.00 $ 2,080.00 $ - 104 2611 16" Ductile Iron Pipe CL 52 4092 LF $60.00 $ 245,520.00 278 $ 16,680.00 105 2611 16" Ductile Iron Pipe CL 52 (Extra Depth) 560 LF $66.00 $ 36,960.00 $ 106 2611 4" Insulation 192 SY $40.00 $ 7,680.00 $ - 107 2611 Ductile Iron Fittings 7865 LB $2.60 $ 20,449.00 893 $ 2,321.80 108 2611 Testing Watennain 1 LS $500.00 $ 500.00 1 $ 500.00 -!Ga 911 total did bcheaare _.u_ a --I -- ALTERNAI E Lila scneaule -u - aanrtary rur ueu-oi E T ATED CONTRACT CONTFUUT U ED T TEM NO. SPEC. NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DATE EXTENSION 109 2021.501 Mobilization (Forcemain) 0.07 LS $185,000.00 $ 12,950.00 0.07 $ 12,950.00 110 2621 Connect To Existing Forcemain 2 EA $1,500.00 $ 3,000.00 2 $ 3,000.00 111 2621 8" HDPE DR-13.5 Forcemain Pipe - Horizontal Directional 837 LF $48.00 $ 40,176.00 837 $ 40,176.00 Drilling 112 2621 8" HDPE DR-13.5 Forcemain Pipe 4546 LF $21.50 $ 97,739.00 920 $ 19,780.00 113 2621 10" HDPE DR-13.5 Forcemain Pipe - Horizontal Directional 837 LF $54.00 $ 45,198.00 837 $ 45,198.00 Drilling 114 2621 10" HDPE OR-13.5 Forcemain Pipe 4551 LF $24.00 $ 109,224.00 920 $ 22,080.00 72" Diameter Air Valve Manhole 115 2621 Includes Combination Air Valve, Ball Valve, fangs and 3 EA $17,500.00 $ 52,500.00 1 $ 17,500.00 labor 72" Diameter Cleanout Manhole 116 2621 Includes all DIP pipe, fittings and labor (exterior valves paid 3 EA $19,500.00 $ 58,500.00 1 $ 19,500.00 separately) 117 2621 Forcemain DIP Fittings 2680 LB $5.75 $ 15,410.00 008 $ 4,646.00 118 2621 Testing Forcemain 1 LS $4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 1 $ 4,000.00 119 2611 8" Gate Valve & Box 6 EA $1.600.00 $ 9,600.00 1 2 $ 3,200.00 120 2611 10" Gate Valve & Box 6 EA $2,400.00 $ 14,400.00 1 2 1 $ 4,800.00 rota) Bid scneaule "u" a quA,val. -- -- -- Change Order NO.1 - street ana storm aewet ESTIMATED NTRA T NTRA T U EDT ITEM NO. PE NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT DATE EXTENSION 1 12021.501 IMobilization 0.14 LS $185,000.001 $ 25,900.00 1 0.14 $ 25,900.00 Change Order No.1 - Street ana storm newer v -- - ---- SAMunicipaMOTSEGO\396\PAY ESTIMATES\OT396 PE.xlsx PE - 3 PAY ESTIMATE #11 CITY OF OTSEGO 85th Street and Maciver Avenue Improvements Project 17-03 S.A.P. 217-102-009 and S.A.P. 217-113-001 Channn Artier Nn 1 - Watermain ITEM) NO. SPEC. NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT TRA T UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT ED T DATE EXTENSION 2 2021.501 Mobilization (Watermain) -0.08 LS $185,000.00 $ (14,800.00) -0.08 $ (14,800.00) 3 2611 Connect To Existing 16" DIP Watermain 0 EA $1,250.00 $ $ 4 2611 6" Gate Valve & Box -5 EA $1,200.00 $ (6,000.00) $ 5 2611 8" Gate Valve & Box -8 EA $1,600.00 $ (12,800.00) $ 6 2611 12" Butterfly Valve & Box -1 EA $2,200.00 $ (2,200.00) $ 7 2611 16" Butterfly Valve & Box -12 EA $3,000.00 $ (36,000.00) $ 8 2611 Hydrant -5 EA $4,200.00 $ (21,000.00) $ 9 2611 6" Ductile Iron Pipe CL 52 -25 LF $30.00 $ (750.00) $ 10 2611 8" Ductile Iron Pipe CL 52 -382 LF $40.00 $ (15,280.00) $ 11 2611 12" Ductile Iron Pipe CL 52 40 LF $52.00 $ (2,080.00) $ 12 2611 16" Ductile Iron Pipe CL 52 -3802 LF $60.00 $ (228,120.00) $ 13 2611 W' Ductile Iron Pipe CL 52 (Extra Depth) -560 LF $66.00 $ (36,960.00) $ 14 2611 4" Insulation -192 SY $40.00 $ (7,680.00) $ 15 2611 Ductile Iron Fittings -7220 LB $2.60 $ (18,772.00) $ 16 2611 Testing Watermain 0 LS $500.00 $ $ Change Order No.1 - Watermain $ (402,442.00) $ (14,800.00) Chance Order No.1 - Sanitary Sewer -ITEMu SPEC. ESTIMATED CONTRACT CONTRACT USED T NO. NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DATE EXTENSION 17 2021.501 Mobilization (Forcemain) -0.03 LS $185,000.00 $ (5,550.00) -0.03 $ (5,550.00) 18 2621 Connect To Existing Forcemain 0 EA $1,500.00 $ $ 19 2621 8" HDPE DR-13.5 Forcemain Pipe - Horizontal Directional 0 LF Drilling $48.00 $ - $ - 20 2621 8" HOPE DRA 3.5 Forcemain Pipe -3644 LF $21.50 $ (78,346.00) $ 21 2621 10" HOPE DR-13.5 Forcemain Pipe - Horizontal Directional 0 LF Drilling $54.00 $ - $ - 22 2621 10" HOPE DR-13.5 Forcemain Pipe -3643 LF $24.00 $ (87,432.00) $ 72" Diameter Air Valve Manhole 23 2621 Includes Combination Air Valve, Ball Valve, fittings and -2 EA labor. $17,500.00 $ (35,000.00) $ - 72" Diameter Cleanout Manhole 24 2621 includes all DIP pipe, fittings and labor (exterior valves paid -2 EA separately) $19,500.00 $ (39,000.00) $ - 25 2621 Forcemain DIP Fittings -1255 LB $5.75 $ (7,216.25) $ 26 2621 Testing Forcemain 0 LS $4,000.00 $ $ 27 2611 8" Gate Valve & Box 4 EA $1,600.00 $ (6,400.00) $ 28 2611 10" Gate Valve & Box -4 EA $2,400.00 $ (9,600.00) $ - Change Order No.1 - Sanitary Sewer $ (268,544.25) $ (51550.00) Total Change Order NoA $ (646,086.25) $ 5,550.00 Order No.2 ITEMy NO. SPEC. NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION EST MATED QUANTITY UNIT ONTRA T UNIT PRICE TRA T AMOUNT U EDT DATE EXTENSION 1 2211.509 Aggregate Base Class 5 Mod -11600 TON $12.60 $ (146,160.00) $ 2 2211.509 Aggregate Base Class 5 Mod (City Provided Reclaim Mated 11600 TON $9.10 $ 105,560.00 10,065 $ 91,591.50 Change OrderNo.2 $ (40,600.00) $ 91,591.50 Change Order No.3 ITEM NO. MnDOT SPEC. NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USED TO DATE EXTENSION 1 2211.509 3" minus Aggregate Base Stabilization (CV) (8" thick) 3760 TON $25.25 $ 94,940.00 3,745 $ 94,572.87 2 2105.507 Common Excavation (EV) (7" removed) 1900 CY $4.00 $ 7,600.00 1.900 $ 7,600.00 3 2105.607 Haul & Dispose Excess Material (LV) 2240 CY $2.50 $ 5.600.00 2,240 $ 5,600.00 Change Order No.3 $ 108,140.00 $ 107,772.87 S,.\MunicipallAOTSEGO\396\PAY ESTIMATES\OT396 PE.xlsx PE-4 PAY ESTIMATE #11 CITY OF OTSEGO 85th Street and Maciver Avenue Improvements Project 17-03 S.A.P. 217-102-009 and S.A.P. 217-113-001 Ch.— rimier Nn_4 ITEM NO. MnDOT SPEC. NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USED TO DATE EXTENSION 1 2105.504 Geotextile Fabdc Type 5 1420 SY $3.25 $ 4,615.00 1,400 $ 4,550.00 2 2105.507 Common Excavation (EV) (12" removed) 470 CY $4.00 $ 1,880.00 472 $ 1.888.00 3 2105.607 Haul & Dispose Excess Material (LV) 610 CY $2.50 $ 1,525.00 565 $ 1,412.50 4 2211.509 3" Minus Clear Aggregate Base Stabilization 900 TON $48.59 $ 43,731.00 552.4 $ 26,841.12 5 2211.509 Aggregate Base Class 3 or 4 (10" thick) 710 TON $8.00 $ 5,680,00 $ 6 2502,502 4" Precast Concrete Headwall 1 EACH $400.00 $ 400.00 $ 7 2502.503 4" Perf PVC Pipe Drain 120 LF $6.00 $ 720.00 $ Change Order No.4 $ 58,551.00 $ 34,691.62 Change Order No.5 ITEM NO. MnDOT SPEC. NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USED TO DATE EXTENSION 1 2502.503 6" PVC Pipe Drain 24 LF $11.00 $ 264.00 24 $ 264.00 2 2502.503 12" PVC Pipe Drain 499 LF $40.00 $ 19,960.00 499 $ 19,960.00 3 Dralntile Connection at Manhole 11 EACH $120.00 $ 1,320.00 11 $ 1.320.00 4 Connect to Existing Field Draintile 11 EACH $500.00 $ 5,500.00 11 $ 5,500.00 5 Misc. Storm Structure Adjustments 1 LS $2,545.00 $ 2,545.00 1 $ 2.545.00 6 2105.507 Common Borrow (LV) 19174 CY $6.60 $ 126,548.40 19,174 $ 126,548.40 7 2105.607 Haul & Dispose Excess Material (LV) 14135 CY $2.50 $ 35,337.50 14,135 $ 35,337.50 8 2360.509 Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture (3,C) - Density Decuction 1 LS $ (5,694.38) $ (5,694.38) 1 $ (5,694.38) 9 2611 18" Hydrant Extension 1 EA $1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 1 $ 1,200.00 10 Conduit Grossing Installation 756 1 LF 1 $9.93 $ 7,507.081 756 $ 7,507.08 Change OrderNo.5 $ 194,487.60 $ 194,487.60 Bid Schedule "A" $ 3,584,378.02 $ 3,436,990.69 Bid Schedule'B" $ 1,353,430.60 $ 1,362,307.20 Bid Schedule "C' $ 444,439.00 $ 53,751.80 Bid Schedule "D" $ 462,697.00 $ 196,830.00 Change Order#1 $ (645,086.25) $ 5,550.00 Change Order#2 $ (40,600.00) $ 91,691.50 Change Order#3 $ 108,140.00 $ 107,772.87 Change Order#4 $ 58,551.00 $ 34,691.62 Change Order#5 $ 194,487.60 $ 194,487.60 TOTAL $ 5,520,436.97 $ 5,473,973.27 SAMunidpal\AOTSEG0\396\PAY ESTIMATES\OT396 PE.xlsx PE - 5 PAY ESTIMATE #11 CITY OF OTSEGO 85th Street and Maciver Avenue Improvements Project 17-03 S.A.P. 217-102-009 and S.A.P. 217-113.001 Total Work Completed to Date $ 5,473,973.27 LESS 5% RETAINAGE $ 273,698.66 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #1 $ 554,377.50 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #2 $ 1,048,322.85 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #3 $ 205,349.74 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #4 $ 78,332.39 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #5 $ 633,214.32 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #6 $ 456,885.86 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #7 $ 1,339,610A1 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #8 $ 604,264.72 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #9 $ 114,886.25 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #10 $ 98,782.83 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #11 $ 3,017.77 WE RECOMMEND PAYMENT OF: $ 63,240.27 APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR: RL LARSON EXCAVATING, INC. Certification by Contractor: I certify that all items and amounts are correct for the work completed to date. ENGINEER: HAKANSON ANDERSON Certification by Engineer: We recommend payment for work and quantities as shown. OWNER: CITY OF OTSEGO Signed: S:\Municipa1\A0TSEG0\396\PAY ESTIMATES\0T396 PE.xlsx PE-6