ITEM 3.6 Pavementi ;, F Otsego MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Streets Department Street Operations Manager Lamson May 26, 2020 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 3.6 STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. X Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends the City Council accept the quotes for the 2020 crack filling project. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? FIS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Each year, as part of the City's Pavement Management Program, the City contracts out the crack filling of City streets which are part of the Proactive Maintenance Plan. Crack filling is being recommended on all City streets that will be receiving a fog seal. Some of the streets are recent overlay projects or newly constructed streets that will be receiving their initial crack fill while the majority of the streets being crack filled have already had a seal coat and the existing cracking filling needs to be over -banded as a routine repair. Staff has requested quotes from ACS and ACI and has received per pound quotes of $2.35 and $2.75 respectively with ACS being the low quote. Staff is recommending that the City contract with ACS to perform this year's crack filling project at a rate of $2.35 per pound for a total not to exceed the 2020 budget of $79,591. ACS has performed the City's crack filling projects in 2018 and 2019 and did a great job. Funding for the project will come from the Pavement Management Fund. The Public Works Subcommittee was presented with this information at its May 20 meeting and recommended that it be placed on consent agenda. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Quote - Asphalt Concrete Solutions, Inc. (ACS) • Quote - Asphalt & Concrete, Inc. (ACI) nr%r-q1 pl C 11A/lT1/lA1 r'00019;;P1_G Irly 1 Iv1• PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to accepts the quotes for the 2020 crack filling project and to approve ACS complete the project at a price of $2.35 per pound, with a total cost not to exceed an amount of $79,591. CI lr1/--CT IAICr%DRJI ATIMI pUW%OL.1 11V1 FUNDING: BUDGETED: Fund 201- Pavement Management Yes 10285 89th Ave. N Maple Grove, MN 55369 Proposal # 2020-1800 kcal Ph. (763) 424-9191 • Fax (763) 424-9190 ASPHALT & CONCRETE, INC. Date: Friday, May 8, 2020 1. Submitted To: Site Description: # S121608 Prepared By: Kevin Lamson Various Streets in Otsego Ben Hylla City of Otsego Otsego, MN 55330 Contact Information: 13400 90th Street NE Mobile: 763-688-5462 Otsego, Mn 55330 Site Contact: Office: 763-424-9191 Contact Information: Site Phone: benh@aciasphalt.corn Phone: (763) 238-5492 Site Email: Project Manager: Mobile: Mark Anez E-mail: klamson@ci.otsego.mn.us Mobile: 763-334-2373 Fax: mark.anez@aciasphalt.com Qty Proposed Service(s) & Description(s) Depth 9,454 Pounds Crack Sealing - Unit Price Per Pound $2.75 $25,998.50 Service Description Cracks 114" or larger will be sealed. Cracks are cleaned of dirt and debris A hot rubberized crack sealant is laid that leaves a 3"band on pavement. Crack sealer set up time depends on the air temp. (Vehicles need to be cleared and irrigation systems need to be turned off.) Cracks 114 or larger are mechanically routed out approximately I" by I". Cracks are cleaned of dirt and debris prior to placing hot rubberized crack sealer. Crack sealer will be placed, which leaves a 3"band on pavement. Crack sealer set up time depends on the air temp. ) Project Total: $25,998.50 Customer Initial Date www.aciasphalt.com TM FAMA ASPHALT CONCRETE SOLUTIONS BILL TO: JOB SITE: PROPOSAL: City of Otsego City of Otsego Prop# 20.0783 C/o City of Otsego 13400 90th St., NE Date 4/30/2020 attn: Kevin Lamson (763-238-5492) Terms Net 30 Days 13400 90th St. NE Valid May be withdrawn after 30 days 13400 90th St., NE Qty UM Item Amount 5,790 LF Cracksealing- Touch up 1. Blow out existing sealed cracks that have opened up with high powered blowers. 2. Fill cracks with a hot rubberized crack sealant, MNDOT spec. 3405. 15,618 LF Crack Sealing -Rout and Seal 1. Rout out all cracks 1/4" and larger to 3/4" x 3/4" 2. Clean out all dirt and debris with power blowers. (Heat lance if moist) 3. Apply a hot rubberized crack sealant, MNDOT spec. 3405, slightly lower than the pavement surface to prevent tear -out. 2.35/Lb. Will be billed in spring and fall Note Quantities are from roads provided from the city Total EXCLUSIONS: Landscape repairs, sod restoration, permits, bonds, testing, engineering/surveying, dewatering, removal of hazardous materials, unforeseen sub -terrain failure, damage to unmarked electric, sewer, water, irrigation systems, telephone lines, cable T.V. lines located on or near the construction area. It will be at no expense to the ACS to move or tow vehicles in the construction zone after the job has been scheduled. If area is not accessible due to any of these exclusions a re -mobilization or additional charges may be assessed. 1.5% slope is required for proper drainage, if the slope is less than 1.5% ACS will not be responsible for any ponding of water. ACS will not guarantee sealcoating from failure due to tree coverage, sap or low areas that hold water. ACS is not responsible for damage to garage doors that are not left open during driveway or apron replacement. DO NOT SALT NEW CONCRETE FOR 1 YEAR. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE Craig Granroth craig@acsasphalt.com 763-516-0549 Authorized Signature Title Date