ORD 08-22ORDINANCE NO.: 2008-22 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING POLICIES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF STREET LIGHTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: . Section 1. Section 2-4-2.K of the City Code is hereby amended to include the following additional provisions: 7. Above Standard Street Light Operations and Maintenance Rates: a. Commercial: $222.00 acre/year. Section 2. Section 5-7-8 of the City Code is hereby repealed in its entirety and amended to read as follows: 5-7-8 RESERVED. Section 3. Chapter 6 of the Otsego City Code is hereby amended to include the following Section: SECTION 8 STREET LIGHTING Section: 6-8-1 Purpose 6-8-2 Definitions 6-8-3 General Provisions 6-8-4 Standard Street Lighting 6-8-5 Above Standard Street Lighting 6-8-6 Installation 6-8-7 Operation and Maintenance Costs 1 6-8-1: PURPOSE: The purpose of this section is to establish policies and regulations for the uniform installation and efficient operation and maintenance of street lights along public streets and trails to ensure adequate visibility for vehicles and pedestrians and to protect public safety. 6-8-2: DEFINITIONS: The following terms shall be defined as follows for the purposes of this Section: Above Standard System: Street lighting that exceed basic illumination needs established by this Section for aesthetic or unique vehicle and/or pedestrian traffic situations including but not limited to: A. Any system with fixtures spaced more closely than necessary to meet the standards for traffic or pedestrian safety. B. Use of non-standard lighting units. Lighting Unit, Type I: A single arm Shepard's hook aluminum pole with the luminarie mounted at the downturned end of the pole and also having a decorative base cover and one banner bracket.. Lighting Unit, Type II: A straight round tapered steel or aluminum pole and cobra or mongoose or shoebox style luminaire mounted either at the top of the pole or at the end of a mast arm. Lighitng Unit, Type III: A straight round aluminum pole and top mounted lantern or globe luminaire. HPS: High Pressure Sodium. LED: Light Emitting Diode. Property owner: The person or entity identified by Wright County property tax records as the owner of a parcel of land. Standard System: Street lighting that fulfills basic illumination standards as established by this Section. 6-8-3: GENERAL PROVISIONS: A. The City Engineer shall plan the Street Lighting System. B. All street lighting fixtures and materials shall be listed and approved by Underwriters 2 Laboratories, Inc. (UL). C. All Luminaries shall be controlled by a photo cell to be oriented north to the extent practical. D. All fixtures shall comply with the Otsego Standard Lighting specifications and sheets included in the Engineering Manual and the following minimum specifications: E. Finish shall be factory applied polyester powder paint with paint chip supplied to the City Engineer for approval prior to installation. F. Installation of non-standard fixtures or above standard systems shall be allowed upon approval by the City Council provided that: The non-standard fixtures or above standard system shall be consistent with the minimum efficiency, durability and maintenance specifications of this Section as determined by the City Engineer. 2. Those requesting installation of the non-standard fixtures or above standard systems shall be subject to an agreement assigning responsibility for installation, maintenance, operating and administrative costs incurred that are in excess of standard fixtures or standard systems. G. All lighting units installed as part of the Street Lighting System shall be supplied with a manufactures warranty meeting the following specifications: 1. The luminaire electrical system consisting of a core and coil ballast, starting aid, capacitor and wiring inside the lighting unit will be free from defects for a period of five (5) years from the date installation is complete and accepted by the City of Otsego: 2. The luminaire housing shall be free from defects for a period of two (2) years from the date installation is complete and accepted by the City of Otsego. H. The location of the street light system within the public right-of-way shall comply with the specifications of the Engineering Manual and Chapter 6, Section 6 3 Type I Type II Type III Luminaries HPS HPS HPS Wattage 70 150 Horizontal Cutoff 90 Degree 90 degree 90 degree* Pole Type Aluminum Steel or Aluminum Steel or Aluminum Luminaries Height. 15 feet 30 feet E. Finish shall be factory applied polyester powder paint with paint chip supplied to the City Engineer for approval prior to installation. F. Installation of non-standard fixtures or above standard systems shall be allowed upon approval by the City Council provided that: The non-standard fixtures or above standard system shall be consistent with the minimum efficiency, durability and maintenance specifications of this Section as determined by the City Engineer. 2. Those requesting installation of the non-standard fixtures or above standard systems shall be subject to an agreement assigning responsibility for installation, maintenance, operating and administrative costs incurred that are in excess of standard fixtures or standard systems. G. All lighting units installed as part of the Street Lighting System shall be supplied with a manufactures warranty meeting the following specifications: 1. The luminaire electrical system consisting of a core and coil ballast, starting aid, capacitor and wiring inside the lighting unit will be free from defects for a period of five (5) years from the date installation is complete and accepted by the City of Otsego: 2. The luminaire housing shall be free from defects for a period of two (2) years from the date installation is complete and accepted by the City of Otsego. H. The location of the street light system within the public right-of-way shall comply with the specifications of the Engineering Manual and Chapter 6, Section 6 3 of the City Code. 6-8-4: STANDARD STREET LIGHTING: The standard street lighting system shall consist of the following: A. Type II lighting units shall be installed: At all corners of a four way intersection of two arterial streets or at each corner of the approaching vehicle lane of an arterial street at a "T" intersection with another arterial street. 2. At the corner of the approaching vehicle lane for all intersections with arterial streets. 3. At two (2) opposing corners of a four way intersection of two collector streets; or at the corner of the approaching vehicle lane of a collector street intersecting another collector street at a `T" intersection. B. Type III lighting units shall be installed: 1. Every six hundred sixty (660) feet along both sides of urban collector street streets off -set such that there is one street light approximately every three hundred thirty (330) feet on alternating sides of the collector street. 2. At two (2) opposing corners of a four way intersection of two local streets or a local street with a collector street; or at the corner of the approaching vehicle lane of a local street at a "T" intersection with another local or collector street. 3. At the terminus end of a cul-de-sac street. 4. At the point of deflection in the alignment of a single curved street where the interior angle is one hundred thirty five degrees or less. The lighting unit is to be located on the interior of the curve unless a sidewalk exists on the outside of the curve and then the lighting unit shall be located adjacent to the sidewalk. C. Residential Street Lighting: 1. Within residential subdivisions developed within the Sanitary Sewer Service District defined by the Comprehensive Plan, one (1) Type III lighting unit shall be installed: a. On one (1) side of a public street at the mid -point of a block longer than nine hundred (900) feet. If a sidewalk is located on one side of a 4 street, the light unit shall be installed on the same side of the street. b. At mid -block access points to off-street trail corridors. D. Industrial Street Lighting. Within industrial subdivisions, one (1) Type II fixture shall be installed every six hundred sixty (660) feet along one side of local industrial streets. E. Other. Street lights shall be installed as Standard Street Lighting as determined by the City Engineer and/or Public Works Director to address unique vehicle traffic, pedestrian or public safety issues. 6-8-5: ABOVE STANDARD STREET LIGHTING: The following street lighting shall be above standard systems and shall be installed in addition to the lighting required by Section 6-8-4 of this Section: A. Commercial Street Lighting. Within subdivisions developed within the Sanitary Sewer Service District defined by the Comprehensive Plan, the following street lighting shall be installed: a. Alternating Type I and Type II lighting units shall be installed along both sides of local commercial streets spaced one hundred fifty (150) feet between fixtures. The alignment of lighting units on opposite sides of the same street shall be off -set such that the Type 1 and Type II lighting units are approximately across from each other along the length of the street. B. Other. Street lights shall be installed as Above Standard Street Lighting as determined by the City Engineer and/or Public Works Director to address unique vehicle traffic, pedestrian or public safety issues. 6-8-6: INSTALLATION: A. New Subdivisions. Street lighting shall be installed by the developer at their cost in all new subdivisions in accordance with this Section and the Subdivision Ordinance. B. Existing Developed Areas: Street lighting shall be installed in developed areas of the City in accordance with the following provisions: 1. The City shall establish a program for installation of street lighting along 5 arterial and collector streets defined by the Transportation Plan in accordance with this Section as part of the Capital Improvement Plan. 2. Within existing developed areas and along local streets, street lighting shall be installed: a. At the direction of the City Council. b. Any property owner may request installation of a street light upon a local street benefiting their property by submitting a petition to the City Clerk subject to the following procedures: 1. The petition shall include the following information: a. The name, address and phone number of a Petitioner's Representative. b. A map or other description indicating the street(s) upon which the light(s) are to be located and number of lights being requested. C. Signatures of a minimum of sixty (60) percent of the property owners within six hundred sixty (660) feet of a proposed street light location approving of the proposed installation. d. Provide a written statement as to the demonstrated need for the requested street light(s). 2. Upon submission of a complete petition, the City Clerk shall schedule consideration of the petition for a City Council meeting occurring not more than thirty (30) days from the date which it is received. 3. The City Engineer and/or Public Works Director shall prepare a report to the City Council regarding conformance with the provisions of this Section and recommendations as to the need for installation of street lighting requested by the petition. 3. The cost for equipment and installation of street lighting within existing developed areas shall be assigned at the direction of the city council. In 6-8-7: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS: Charges for electricity and maintenance of street lighting shall be made against all property benefited by the streetlights in accordance with the following provisions: A. Standard Street Lighting. The costs of operating and maintaining the standard street lighting system shall be financed as part of the General Fund. B. Above Standard Street Lighting. The costs for operating above standard street lighting systems shall be funded through establishment of a special service district pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 428A.02 encompassing all benefited property: 1. In accordance with Minnesota Statues 428A.02, Subd. 1, the City of Otsego hereby establishes a special service district to fund the on-going operation and maintenance of the Above Standard Street Lighting System described in Section 6-8-5 of this Chapter. 2. Special Service District Boundaries: a. The special service district shall include commercial properties classified as such under Minnesota Statues 273.13 and zoned Business District or PUD District allowing commercial uses as defined by Section 20-50-1.0 of the City Code. b. Hearing. 1. The City Clerk shall set a public hearing public hearing for the City Council to consider adoption of a map establishing the defined Above Standard Street Lighting System Special Service District for the next calendar year no later than November 30 of each year or the prior special service district boundaries approved by the City Council and published shall remain in full force and effect. 2. Notice of a public hearing to consider adoption of amendments to the Above Standard Street Lighting System Service District boundaries shall be given by publication in at least two issues of the official City newspaper with a minimum of fourteen days (14) between said publications. 3. Notice of a public hearing to consider adoption of amendments to the Above Standard Street Lighting System Service District Boundaries shall be mailed to the property owner of each parcel to be included in the special service district not less than ten (10) days before the date of the hearing. 7 4. The public hearing shall be conducted not less than three (3) days after the date of the second publication of the notice in the official City newspaper. 5. A copy of the notice and a list of the property owners and addresses to which the notice was sent shall be attested and made a part of the records of the proceeding. 6. Failure of a property owner to receive said notice shall not invalidate any such proceedings as set forth within this Section provided a bona fide attempt has been made to comply with the notice requirements of this Section and Minnesota Statutes. 3. Above Standard Street Lighting service rates shall be charged in accordance with charges incurred to the City and estimated costs for future maintenance and replacement of lighting units associated with the Above Standard Street Lighting System and established annually by ordinance in Section 2-4-2.K of the City Code. 4. The charges for Above Standard Street Lighting shall assessed to all properties within the Special Service District established by this Section in accordance with Minnesota Statues 428A.05. C. New Subdivisions. In new subdivisions in which standard and/or above standard street lighting systems are installed, the developer shall make payment to the City in the amount set forth by Section 2-4-2.K.6 of the City Code for each lighting unit for the estimated cost of operation and maintenance of the street lighting system within the subdivision for a period of two (2) years. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and publication according to law MOTION BY: CM Dan Scharber SECOND BY: CM Vern Heidner ALL IN FAVOR: Stockamp, Heidner, Darkenwald, Scharber THOSE OPPOSED: NONE Absent: Thorsted ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 24th day of November, 2008. CITY OF OTSEGO amp, Mayor ATTES)(.��Xjj. L�jj)n!4k1Nm\jM(1-V\. Ju y u A Zoning Administrator/City Clerk SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO.: 2008-22 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING POLICIES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF STREET LIGHTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 2-4-2.K of the City Code is hereby amended to include the following additional provisions fess for Above Standard Street Light Operations and Maintenance Rates. Section 2. Section 5-7-8 of the City Code is hereby repealed in its entirety and amended to be reserved for future use. Section 3. Chapter 6 of the Otsego City Code is hereby amended to include the following Section: SECTION 8 STREET LIGHTING Section: 6-8-1 Purpose 6-8-2 Definitions 6-8-3 General Provisions 6-8-4 Standard Street Lighting 6-8-5 Above Standard Street Lighting 6-8-6 Installation 6-8-7 Operation and Maintenance Costs Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and publication according to law MOTION BY: Scharber SECOND BY: Heidner ALL IN FAVOR: Darkenwald, Heidner, Scharber, Stockamp THOSE OPPOSED: None ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 24th day of November, 2008. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Jessica Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk This Ordinance is published in summary form pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 412.191, Subd. 4 and 331A.01, subd.10. Complete copies of the ordinance are available for inspection by contacting the City Clerk, Otsego City Hall, 8899 Nashua Avenue, Otsego, Minnesota 55330 during regular office hours. Published: Star News 12-17-08 2