Debt Service Budget SummaryCity of Otsego Debt Service Fund Budget ‐ 2021 Revenue & Expenditure Summary Actual Actual Year‐to‐Date Budget Budget 2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Revenues Taxes 655,000$           734,293$           ‐$                          746,757$           749,551$           Special Assessments 659,067             517,085             31,929                423,349              397,433             Utility Availability + Connection Charges 3,939,956         4,880,689         1,065,108         1,881,750           1,900,550         Investment Interest (net) 181,310             498,018             ‐                           ‐                           ‐                          Interfund Transfers 308,610             301,579             ‐                           133,950              141,000             Bond Proceeds 110,984             ‐                          ‐                           ‐                           ‐                          Subtotal 5,854,927         6,931,664         1,097,037         3,185,806           3,188,534         Expenditures Capital Outlay 20,955               ‐                          ‐                           ‐                           ‐                          Principal 1,160,000         1,185,000         655,000              3,665,000           3,770,000         Interest 1,060,485         1,024,203         390,531              780,250              683,581             Fiscal Agent Fee's 75,843               73,433               1,245                  4,750                  4,750                 Debt Service Amortizations (78,881)             (78,883)             ‐                           (78,882)              (153,611)           Transfers Out ‐                          ‐                          ‐                           ‐                           ‐                          Subtotal 2,238,403         2,203,752         1,046,776         4,371,118           4,304,720         Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 3,616,524$        4,727,912$        50,261$               (1,185,312)$        (1,116,186)$       Description  ‐  1,000,000  2,000,000  3,000,000  4,000,000  5,000,000  6,000,000  7,000,000  8,000,000 2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Actual Actual Year‐to‐Date Budget Budget Principal Interest Revenues