Debt Service Liability SummaryCity of Otsego Debt Service Fund Budget ‐ 2021 Summary of Bonds Outstanding Original 2021 Maturity Issue Balance Due Principal Balance Due Date Amount 12/31/2020 Payment 12/31/2021 Improvement Bonds 2010B General Obligation Improvement Refunding 12/1/2021 3,705,000$       480,000$            480,000$           ‐$                        2010D General Obligation Improvement Refunding 2/1/2028 1,220,000         805,000             90,000               715,000            2011A General Obligation Improvement Refunding 2/1/2028 4,640,000         2,365,000          415,000             1,950,000         2012A General Obligation Improvement Refunding 12/1/2021 1,400,000         195,000             195,000             ‐                         2018A General Obligation Improvement 2/1/2034 2,305,000         2,135,000          180,000             1,955,000         Subtotal 13,270,000      5,980,000          1,360,000          4,620,000         Revenue Bonds 2010C General Obligation Revenue Refunding 12/1/2026 21,300,000      10,580,000       2,410,000          8,170,000         2019A General Obligation Revenue Refunding 12/1/2026 3,525,000         3,525,000          ‐                          3,525,000         Subtotal 24,825,000      14,105,000       2,410,000          11,695,000      Grand Total 38,095,000$     20,085,000$      3,770,000$       16,315,000$     Description of Bond Issue  ‐  2,000,000  4,000,000  6,000,000  8,000,000  10,000,000  12,000,000  14,000,000  16,000,000  18,000,000  ‐  500,000  1,000,000  1,500,000  2,000,000  2,500,000  3,000,000  3,500,000  4,000,000 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 Principal Payments Bonds Outstanding