ITEM 2.12_1 TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP REPORT DATE: 25 June 2020 ACTION DATE: 8 August 2020 RE: Otsego — Michels Corporation TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND Michels Corporation has submitted plans for development of Outlot C, Bury Industrial Park for construction of an office, shop/service building, storage building, and outdoor storage yard. The subject site is located west of Kadler Avenue, north of 70th Street. The proposed development requires consideration of applications for preliminary/final plat, site and building plan review, and an Interim Use Permit for outdoor storage. A public hearing to consider the proposed development has been noticed for a special meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on 29 June 2020 at 7:0013M. A special meeting of the City Council is to be held immediately following the Planning Commission meeting to consider the applications. Exhibits: ■ Site Location Map ■ Existing Conditions ■ Site Plan (2 sheets) ■ Utility Plan ■ Grading Plan ■ Planting Plan ■ Office building elevation and floor plan (2 sheets) ■ Shop/service building elevation and floor plan (5 sheets) ■ Final plat 1 ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is zoned 1-2, General Industrial District. The proposed construction contractor facility is a permitted use within the 1-2 District subject to site and building plan review in accordance with Section 9 of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed use also requires consideration of an Interim Use Permit for outdoor storage of construction equipment. The Interim Use Permit is to be evaluated based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 11-5-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for future industrial land uses within the west sanitary sewer district. The proposed development of a 56.94 acre lot for a contractor business is consistent with the City's economic development goals to encourage industrial development to create employment opportunities and expand tax base within Otsego. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The table below summarizes existing and planned land uses surrounding the subject site. The proposed development of an industrial lot with a contractor business use that includes outdoor storage will be compatible with existing and planned land uses in the area. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Industrial A-1 District Agriculture East Office/Warehouse A-1 District Agriculture Rural residential dwelling South Industrial 1-2 District Industrial West Industrial A-1 District Agriculture 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The development the proposed lot will comply with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The subject site will be accessed from Kadler Avenue. Kadler Avenue is designated by the 2012 Transportation Plan (as amended) as a commercial/industrial roadway. Kadler Avenue has been improved to an industrial section roadway consistent 2 with the requirements of the Engineering Manual and Subdivision Ordinance from 70' Street to the north line of the subject site and has adequate capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed development. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The subject site is located within the West Sewer District where the City anticipates immediate development of the uses guided by the Future Land Use Plan. Sewer and water utilities are available at the subject site with capacity to service the proposed use along with other City services as required. Buildings. The proposed development includes construction of a 7,700 square foot office building, 31,000 square foot shop/service building, and 16,800 square foot storage building. The site plan illustrates a future 6,900 square foot addition to the office building. ■ Exterior finish. Principal and accessory buildings within the 1-2 District must have exterior finishes using materials required Section 11-17-4.E.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. The submitted information includes floor plans and building elevations for the office and shop/service building. The office and shop/service buildings are to be constructed of precast concrete panels with grooved sections and painted surfaces. The proposed exterior materials comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed storage building is required by Section 11-17-4.E.1.a of the Zoning Ordinance to use the same exterior finish materials as the other 2 buildings and is to be subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. ■ Height. Principal and accessory buildings within the 1-2 District are limited to a height of 4 stories or 48 feet as required by Section 11-86-9 of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed office building is 2 stories and 25 feet in height. The proposed shop/service building is 32 feet in height. The height of the office and shop/service buildings comply with the allowances of the 1-2 District. The height of the storage building must be verified at the time a building permit is requested. ■ Building Coverage. Section 11-86-8 of the Zoning Ordinance limits building coverage to 50 percent of the lot area. The proposed office, future office, shop/service, and warehouse buildings cover 57,700 square feet of the 54.65 acre subject site. The proposed 25.1 percent building coverage of the subject site complies with the Zoning Ordinance. Outdoor Storage. Section 11-86-5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance allows outdoor storage as an interim use within the 1-2 District. The outdoor storage within the subject site includes materials, vehicles and equipment. The area is to be secured by a fence and screened from view of adjacent properties and the public right-of-way by a fence and landscaping discussed in subsequent paragraphs. The surface of the outdoor storage area is shown as gravel and 3 includes the area surrounding the warehouse and shop/service building. The outdoor storage areas and an access route to the warehouse and shop/service buildings can be maintained as gravel based upon storage or use of vehicles that would damage an improved surface. However, we recommend that the site plan be revised to extend asphalt or concrete surface from the storage yard entrance to the fuel island and the area around the shop/service buildings. Landscaping. The submitted plans include proposed landscaping for the site around the office portion of the development and outdoor storage area. The landscape plan must be revised to reflect the construction of a permanent cul-de-sac for 73rd Street with trees required on the north side of the roadway, west of the wetland area. The trees surrounding the outdoor storage area must be revised as minimum 6 foot tall evergreen trees spaced 25 feet on center the full exterior perimeter of the outdoor storage area, including the east lot line south of 73rd Street and adjacent to the wetland at the northwest corner of the subject site. The quantities and types of plantings illustrated on the landscape plan are appropriate for the subject site and comply with the requirements of Section 11-19-2 of the Zoning Ordinance. The sizes of the proposed plantings included on the landscape plan comply with Section 20-19-2.13.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 5-2-3.B.4.b of the Zoning Ordinance requires installation of an irrigation system within turf areas of the subject site to provide for maintenance of the plantings. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. Lots within the 1-2 District must have a minimum area of 2.0 acres and minimum width of 200 feet to a public street. The subject site is 54.65 acres in area. The proposed lot has 1,230 feet of frontage to 73rd Street measured at the front setback line. The proposed lot complies with the minimum requirements of the 1-2 District. The table below summarizes relevant setbacks applicable to the subject site for principal and accessory structures and uses. The site plan complies with required setbacks. Streets. The preliminary plat of Bury Industrial Park anticipated extension of 73rd Street the full -width of the subject site west -to -east. The proposed dead-end of 73r6 Street results in a permanent cul-de-sac of approximately 1,250 feet in excess of the 500 feet allowed by Section 10-8-5.C.2 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The permanent cul-de-sac is justified by the physical barriers created by wetlands to the north and west of the subject site and existing development to the south of the subject site in accordance with Section 10-8-5.C.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance. rd 73rd St. Kadler Ave. North West South East Required 30ft. 30ft. 25ft. 20ft. 25ft. 20ft. Office 240ft. 80ft. 290ft. -- -- -- Shop/Service 330ft. -- 160ft. -- -- -- Warehouse 330ft. -- 190ft. -- -- Fuel Island 40ft. -- -- -- -- -- Outdoor storage -- -- 80ft. 40ft. 40ft. 20ft. Streets. The preliminary plat of Bury Industrial Park anticipated extension of 73rd Street the full -width of the subject site west -to -east. The proposed dead-end of 73r6 Street results in a permanent cul-de-sac of approximately 1,250 feet in excess of the 500 feet allowed by Section 10-8-5.C.2 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The permanent cul-de-sac is justified by the physical barriers created by wetlands to the north and west of the subject site and existing development to the south of the subject site in accordance with Section 10-8-5.C.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance. rd The length of the proposed cul-de-sac is the minimum necessary to provide access to the two lots that will access the roadway, and given that use of the street is limited to just 2 uses, the proposed length of the cul-de-sac is acceptable from a traffic and public safety standpoint. Access to the portion of PID 118-800-271400 to the north of the subject site will require direct access to Kadler Avenue, which is acceptable for a commercial/industrial collector street and ability to provide more that 500 foot separation distance from 73rd Street as required by Section 10-8-5.B.4.c of the Subdivision Ordinance. The submitted plans provide for extension of 73rd Street from its current temporary terminus the along the full -width of Lot 1, Block 1 Bury Industrial Park. The existing right-of-way for 7311 Street is 80 feet in width. The proposed preliminary/final plat provides for a permanent cul-de- sac turnaround at the terminus of 73rd Street having a radius of 60 feet. The street section for 73rd Street is 46 feet wide. The right of -way and street section for 73rd Street are consistent with the requirements of Section 10-8-5.B.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance. Right-of-way dedication and construction of 73rd Street is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Access. The subject site is proposed to have 3 accesses to 73rd Street. There are 2 accesses for the proposed office building along the north side of 73rd Street and 1 access to the contractor storage yard at the terminus of 73rd Street. The proposed easterly access is setback 170 feet from Kadler Avenue and the 2 accesses are 120 feet apart exceeding the requirements of Section 11-21-6.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. The accesses are 30 feet wide, which may be allowed by Section 11-21-6.C.2 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow adequate turning movements. The proposed access to the storage yard is 55 feet wide to accommodate 2 lanes of traffic divided by a center island with a guard booth. Off -Street Parking. The table below summarizes off-street parking for the proposed use required by Section 11-21-8 of the Zoning Ordinance: Use Requirement Area Required Stalls Office Proposed 1 stall/200sf. 7,700sf. 35 Future 6,900sf. 32 Shop/Service 1 stall/1,OOOsf. 31,OOOsf. 28 Warehouse 1 stall/1,OOOsf. + vehicles 14,OOOsf. 50 vehicles 13 50 TOTAL 158 The site plan illustrates area for 229 off-street parking stalls. A minimum of 158 off-street parking stalls must be constructed with the first phase of development with the balance allowed to be shown as proof -of -parking for the planned expansion. The site plan shows 7 van accessible disability parking stalls, which exceeds ADA standards. Parking stalls are shown to be 9.0 feet wide by 18.5 feet deep (with available 2.0 foot overhang) accessed by 30 foot wide drive aisles. The dimensions of the off-street parking comply with the provisions of Section 11-21-7.A and B of the Zoning Ordinance. The off-street parking area is to be surfaced with asphalt and surrounded by perimeter concrete curb as required by Section 11-21-7.C.3 and D of the Zoning Ordinance. The curb at the driveway entrances must be extended to intersect the curb of 73rd Street. The design and construction of the off-street parking area is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Fence. The site plan illustrates a fence at the perimeter of the subject site, which extends across all of the site entrances. No details have been provided for the fence. Section 11-19-4.1-1 of the Zoning Ordinance allows the height of the fence to be up to 8 feet. Fences in the required front yard along 73rd Street must be at least 75 percent open. Section 11-19-4.H.3 of the Zoning Ordinance allows solid fences to be constructed only of non -wood maintenance free materials such as vinyl, synthetic or composite products, or similar materials as approved by the Zoning Administrator, or chainlink. The gates in the fence at the west end of 73rd Street must be setback 70 feet from the right-of-way line to avoid semi-tractor/trailers from obstructing the public street. Gates at the driveway entrances to the office area of the subject site must be setback a minimum of 30 feet from the right of way line for this same purpose. The fence must be setback 10 feet from the property line abutting 73rd Street for City access to the drainage and utility easement dedicated at the perimeter of the lot and to allow for snow storage. A fence permit is required to be approved by the Zoning Administrator prior to construction. Fuel Island. The site plan identifies an outdoor fuel island located within the storage yard. This use would be considered to be an incidental accessory use to the proposed contractor facility. Fuel pumps will be required to be located upon raised concrete islands with a minimum height of 6 inches and protected by concrete bollards. Installation of the fuel tanks and ongoing maintenance of the fuel island is to be subject to review and approval of the Fire Marshall. Exterior Lighting. The submitted plans do not include an exterior lighting plan. The developer is required to submit a plan indicating the location, type, height, and illumination pattern of all proposed exterior lighting. All exterior lighting must comply with the provisions of Section 20- 16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. The exterior lighting plan is subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator prior to issuance of a building permit. Trash. The site plan does not identify an enclosure for exterior storage of trash and recycling containers within the subject site. Section 20-18-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance requires an enclosure at least six feet in height and constructed of materials consistent with that used for the principal building if trash and recycling containers are to be stored outside. If outdoor storage of trash and recycling containers occurs, plans for an enclosure must be submitted prior to issuance of a building permit and are subject to review of the Zoning Administrator. IN Signs. The submitted plans do not indicate a proposed freestanding sign but do show a wall sign on the office building. All signs must comply with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance. A sign permit is required prior to placement of signs upon the subject site. Grading Plan. The developer has submitted a grading plan for development of the subject site. Wetlands at the northwest corner of the subject site and adjacent to 73rd Street must be surrounded by a 20 foot wetland buffer as required by Section 11-16-5.F of the Zoning Ordinance and be platted within an outlot to be deeded to the City. The developer is required to pay a storm water impact fee for Otsego Creek as part of the development agreement as a condition of final plat approval. All grading, drainage, wetland impacts, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Utilities. The submitted plans include a utility plan for connection to sewer and water utilities available to the subject site within the 73rd Street right-of-way. The site plan includes a "non - potable water supply" at the fuel island. The utility plan does not indicate extension of water service to this location. No private wells will be allowed within the subject site and all water services must be connected to City utilities pursuant to Section 8-1-3 of the City Code. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The developer will pay utility availability charges for sewer and water with approval of the final plat in accordance with Chapter 6, Section 1 of the City Code. Utility connection charges for the proposed use will be collected at the time a building permit is issued in accordance with Title 8, Chapter 1 of the City Code. Easements. Section 10-8-12 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of the proposed lot as well as over stormwater drainage facilities or public utilities. The final plat illustrates 10 foot wide drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of the lot as required by Section 10-8-12.A of the Subdivision Ordinance. All other drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Park Dedication. The Parks System Master Plan does not identify acquisition of park land within the area of the subject site. Where no land is required to be dedicated, Section 10-8-12 of the Subdivision Ordinance does not require payment of a cash fee in lieu of land for park system purposes for industrial uses. No park dedication is to be required for the proposed preliminary and final plat. Development Agreement. The developer is required to enter into a development agreement with the City related to the final plat as provided for by Section 10-10-4 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The development agreement is to be drafted by the City Attorney and is subject to approval of the City Council. The final plat and development agreement are required to be recorded within 100 days of City Council approval as provided for Section 10-5-3.13.8 of the Subdivision Ordinance. 7 RECOMMENDATION The proposed Michels Construction is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for economic development of industrial uses in the area north of 1-94. Furthermore, the proposed development generally complies with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance subject to minor revisions. Our office recommends approval of the applications as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval of a preliminary/final plat, site and building plans, and conditional use permit for Michels Corporation subject to the following conditions: Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. The exterior finish of the proposed storage building shall comply with Section 11- 17-4.E.1.a of the Zoning Ordinance and use the same exterior finish materials as the office and shop/service buildings, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 3. The site plan shall be revised to extend asphalt or concrete surface from the storage yard entrance to the fuel island and the area surrounding the shop/service buildings for vehicle access, subject to review and approval of City staff. 4. The landscape plan shall be revised to: Provide trees surrounding the full exterior perimeter of the outdoor storage area as minimum 6 foot tall evergreen trees spaced 25 feet on center, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. b. Specify installation of an irrigation system within turf areas of the subject site. 5. Right-of-way dedication and construction plans for 73rd Street shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. The curb at the driveway entrances shall be extended to intersect the curb of 73rd Street; the design and construction of the off-street parking area is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. Fence: The material and construction of the fence shall comply with Section 11- 19-4.1-1 of the Zoning Ordinance. The gate at the storage yard entrance shall be setback a minimum of 70 feet from the public right-of-way. The gates at the office entrances shall be setback a minimum of 30 feet from the public right-of-way of 73rd Street. d. A fence permit shall be required prior to installation subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 8. Fuel pumps shall be located upon raised concrete islands with a minimum height of 6 inches and protected by concrete bollards with installation of the fuel tanks and ongoing maintenance of the fuel island subject to review and approval of the Fire Marshall. 9. A photometric lighting plan shall be submitted to demonstrate that all exterior lighting complies with the provisions of Section 20-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 10. All signs shall comply with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and a sign permit is required prior to placement of signs upon the subject site, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 11. All utility services shall be connected to City sewer and water systems and all utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. The developer shall pay utility availability charges for sewer and water upon approval of the final plat in accordance with Title 8, Chapter 1 of the City Code. 13. The final plat shall be revised such that wetlands and required wetland buffers shall be platted within outlots to be deeded to the City. 14. All grading, drainage, wetland, and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 15. The developer shall pay a stormwater impact fee for Otsego Creek upon approval of the final plat. 16. All drainage and utility easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7 17. The developer shall execute a development agreement as drafted by the City Attorney and approved by the City Council. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request does not comply with the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Motion to table. C. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney 10 Site Location Map Overview Legend Roads CSAHCL — CTYCL MUNICL PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits ❑ c ❑ t Parcels 15638-n_ALTA EXISTING CONDITIONS SURVEY 0( / / � �_ I I • / / / / �/ / � � � f ZINE OF 91F 9x1,HEAm' 1/425-�,lla,f'>: -. � I I ti_ Y)]. b b A 0 100' 200' 1 I I r—w-- r ----v ]V n f .--� � 9 � l j � - — -- f T___1 ,i , � �:a,<.-v � — ,-:r \ .((' T �' • i I AMM w�,rx 9.e - ----- �IW <ricwzzumi' W w✓_ // �-^R/ /ay.R VEY LINE-��- zs�-- w —. 587'1935E 243.08 � /':- \ \ I I 1 \ / / '! � / \ \ / �/� w I `• 7 / � ---- mss' %"�-.-` r / / I o III xx � N9r- I 1 - �\ \ -.._ 1 ..�• / � as9- r � ( 4,�' ,--' � ..9w _ % �-.-- 1 f_� >� _• = �m.s I 311 Iti n�-I , i SIII i I I I Iwra r 1 f E 1 e 34e� » l� wwjeeLa� r m �. I / \ ,991e _ �6�`a =\� l �' ~ �I i ' g 73RD 5',TR�2 T NOR 9 T — ,s l er_�9"� �a>s o� M_`__ N \ /� \ ( r _ —'—' �`.,\<'-,a.: wpb ^_ m /L,i r `-S TT = --_ _ = _ \� — ; ° — ,� pis ex`u� 1�>a« N m, Yw�tn,Caw=99e4, 9x4 „9v ail S v r 014 L SURVEY FOR: MICHELS CORPORATION 11 PROPERTY ADDRESS: m/ 7423 Kadler Avenue NE, Otsego, Minnesota. -0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: :9er.s Outict C, BURY INDUSTRIAL PARK, Wright County, Minnesota __ f Rtf ' f ( \ I � r F CERTIFICATION: -i I .-w�auaL- as %-= = = �!.-�� ��..= — _ _ 9r*]\ J / / -9» _--_ I �''- I hereby certify that this survey was prepared n me or under my direct supervision =- 'en�\\ and that I am a y Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. cul LI ve m)_ L I Dated: October 8, 2019 f� %i% J%'/r//i = _ _ > 1\i j /a3' -✓ 1 "'9,M1 I I Updated: June 3, 2020 (Site topographyupdated) 4- Andereon E sneering of Minnesota. LLC sw,x uNF raNE.x99s1.., l sau,xrAsr , a ar --. I / I _- -` �'+>y >r..¢ / r ➢ \ I i°°x s)�ow+J D9NN°tl! \ 64f 1tErr 7 °j1il'l/•�^ E°.miAarrs rµm° vu*11 bY• _ __ J :J — �— 1-- -- % 7 , g --_= _ Jack Balks 589350 1330124 - Minnesota License No. 20281 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Sia, 99 n nlcr aiava 091 \ NOTES: IL o f \ v T 1. The horizontal datum and bearings ars based on the Wright County Coordinate System NA083 (2011). \ 2. The vertical datum Is NAVD 88. The site bench mark is the top nut of the hydrant located 800 feet east of the southwest comer of Outlot C (depicted hereon). Elevation = 979.73 feet. LEGEND 3. The area of the property described hereon is 2,393,723 square feet or 54.9523 acres. ■ CATCH BASIN —Ecvu— COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION JUNCTION BOX —ss— GAS MAIN CURVE TABLE 4. The location and extent of underground utilities, if shown, ore based upon existing drawings provided by the utility LENGTH RADIUS DELTA Chd.Brg. companies, above ground evidence and Gopher State One Call markings per ticket numbers 192562875 and 192562876. CULVERT > SANITARY SEWER There is no guarantee as to the accuracy or the completeness of this information. The size and location should be C7189.45 740.00 14.40.07• S8234'59•E considered approximate. Additional underground utilities may be present. Verification of the existence and location of all ® ELECTRIC BOX —»— STORM SEWER C2 149.39 660.00 12'5807 S81 -43.59-E utilities should be obtained from the utility owners prior to any planning or design. In accordance with Minnesota Statute, 0_HANDHOLE COMMUNICATIONS —uE— UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC C3 1 149.39 1660.00 112.58'07• N45 -23.05"E the location of utilities shall be confirmed prior to any demolition or construction. ZS HYDRANT — I — WATER MAIN a STORM MANHOLE 5. The tree information shown hereon was collected during the field survey by non -forestry trained Anderson Engineering of CONCRETE SURFACE Minnesota survey personnel. Tree sizes are estimates and locations are accurate to plus or minus three feet. POST INDICATOR VALVE Qs SANITARY MANHOLE BITUMINOUS SURFACEh I 0 100 200 6. No title work was provided for the preparation of this survey to verify the legal description or the existence of any V easements or encumbrances. �A� + SIGN GRAVEL SURFACE p WATER VALVE yy E 7. According to the City of Otsego, the subject property is zoned 1-2 District and has the building setback requirements listed FOUND IRON MONUMENT WETLAND SCALE IN FEET below. It is recommended that the property owner obtain a zoning letter from the City to verify all conditions that affect the • S property through the city zoning ordinance. This survey does not purport to describe all conditions contained In sold ordnance. CONIFEROUS TREE J BUILDING SETBACKS Rear = 25 feet 0 DECIDUOUS TREE Side = 20 feet From centerline = 65 feet Right-of-way lines = 30 feet Q U W ysO W � a Of +111-- p Z r J 0 L 0 UJ Q Z6 e L Q� 0 �U O ♦ /) `ice ' A z N �� ti0 U5 L EXISTING CONDITIONS PROJECT# 15638 DAT%/17/2020 REVISION I DATE DRAWING # V1.0 PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) 11R ... —on L MAY -7 :s f y W W W �0 Y ice/ as N PARKING/STORAGE (10 ACRES) RD��D�xc sEre.« uxE 40 �NDN MN: TOP NUT EL—TON = 9 9.79 rcc? (x FV D,29)�\ I 1. ALL DIMENSIONS TO FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON PLANS. 2. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH 2018 EDITION OF MN/DOT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS (INCLUDING SUPPLEMENTS), AS APPLICABLE. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH STATE, CITY AND COUNTY PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN THE AREA OF CONSTRUCTION, PRIOR TO BEGINNING THE WORK. 4. NEW CONSTRUCTION FEATURES SHALL MATCH IN TO EXISTING WHERE APPLICABLE (PAVEMENTS, CURBS, SIDEWALKS). PROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITIONS AT MATCH -IN POINTS. 5. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING ALL HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROLS. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY CONSTRUCTION PERMITS REQUIRED TO PERFORM ALL THE WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL POST ALL BONDS, PAY ALL FEES, PROVIDE PROOF OF INSURANCE, AND PROVIDE ANY NECESSARY TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR THE WORK. 8. CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE SAW CUT IN FULL SECTIONS. 9. PROTECT EXISTING UTILITIES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 10. SUBSTITUTIONS FROM INFO. SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. ---------1 11- P�DI",D n.ue uD N DDa I ss I O �iiii„ iiiiiiiiil llllllllll 111111 n 1 o T s,.\ — –�-NEW 73RD STREET EXPANSION I u"sc"Mn'1`9 virs Pu:•^' POND «�« „ cl \ Y I \\ I `0.8ACRES I DEDICATED ROW I I ! F �g OTSEGO, MN ZONING ORDINANCES PROJECT DATA t 3m NEW OFFICE ,IC D s � – I N cG 73RD gTREET II WAREHOUSE -OFFICE 1STALL /200 SQUARE FEET _ = LOT SIZE 2,360,343 SF (54.65 AC) §I I BUILDING DATA PROPOSED OFFICE: 7,700 SF WAREHOUSE -OTHER 1STALL/1,000 SQUARE FEET+I STALL PER COMPANY VEHICLE NOT STORED IN PRINCIPAL FUTURE OFFICE: 6,900 SF .I CALCULATION(S) SHOP/SERVICE: SHOPISERVICE: 31,00D SF �76'I k WAREHOUSE: 14,000 SF / 1 DOD =14 STALLS WAREHOUSE: 14,1 DO SF COMPANY VEHICLES (EST.): 50 VEHICLES = 50 STALLS ZONING DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS 39+31+14+50=134 STALLS "ml, (INITIAL DEVELOPMENT) 35 SPACES - PROOF OF PARKING •, F ZONING DISTRICT 1 -2 -GENERAL INDUSTRIAL PUBLIC STREET CENTERLINE SETBACK 65 FEET PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SETBACK 30FEET 17I DRUN-nxo Un SIDE YARD SETBACK 20FEET PER Pu, REAR YARD SETBACK 25 FEET MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE 50% OF THE TOTAL LOT AREA 11 P.Q.D. naueoom�D MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 45 FEET OFF STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS WAREHOUSE -OFFICE 1STALL /200 SQUARE FEET CALCULATION(S) PROPOSED OFFICE: Q3 9,600 SF / 200 = 39 STALLS FUTURE OFFICE: ® 9,600 SF / 200 =15 SPACES (PROOF OF PARKING) WAREHOUSE -OTHER 1STALL/1,000 SQUARE FEET+I STALL PER COMPANY VEHICLE NOT STORED IN PRINCIPAL © STRUCTURE CALCULATION(S) SHOP/SERVICE: 16,600 SF / 1 DOD = 31 STALLS (ROUNDED) WAREHOUSE: 14,000 SF / 1 DOD =14 STALLS COMPANY VEHICLES (EST.): 50 VEHICLES = 50 STALLS PARKING TOTAL 39+31+14+50=134 STALLS (INITIAL DEVELOPMENT) 35 SPACES - PROOF OF PARKING (FUTURE DEVELOPMENT) I S I 1.411 1-11 nD �- KEYNOTES 0 0 100' 200' 10 GUARD HOUSE Q2 SCALE Q3 DIESEUGASOLINE FUELING STATION ® NON -POTABLE WATER STATION Q DUAL -HEIGHT PEDESTAL WITH KEYPAD © CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER oxelmizub PROPERTY LIMITS – • — . — . – CONSTRUCTION LIMITS — ADJACENT PROPERTY – — — — – BUILDING SETBACKS --------- PARKING SETBACK DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT NEW CONCRETE C&G D NEW GRAVEL _- NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT O NEW CONCRETE PAVEMENT ® NEW EQUIPMENT/MATERIAL STORAGE 16 NUMBER OF PARKING STALL IN SECTION 0 N� mC i Om - Q) o'er � g c os 'N Lu `£o_ D a .s. SITE PLAN PROJECT # 15638 DATE 6/17/2020 REVISION DATE DRAWING # C2.0 r--- 8''i -20F xTIEx µpa 164 g�� z . r 0 40' 80' N 30' .. ><I N88'69'18'59'1 2"E 1 INSET 1 1•-10 0 10' 20' N 66 rn 9, Ix t Li�A 24.3' � I - xr=ss°. -Et 4SEEINSET1 --------------- Eq 10 FUTURE OFFICE NEW OFFICE 185 L--------------- xv- I I FT i O L— -� 0 -- -_ — Palo W W W W • �' — 30' 9,zs KEYNOTES D NEW CURB & GUTTER W W i i 30' I i 1 � Q NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT - t S88`59'12"W3Q NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK _ ,_ x --_ x x 140.00 s SHEET NOTES �x\ ------------ LEGEND LEGEND I 1. ALL DIMENSIONS TO FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON PLANS. 2. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH 2018 EDITION OF MN/DOT STANDARD---- - ___ - ---- ---- I - S%S • 4, x\R3 - -.-_ — _ I PROPERTY LIMITS CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS (INCLUDING SUPPLEMENTS), AS APPLICABLE. __ .,. -- '' - E - 5„ 194.1 — --- _ _ J — — — • — CONSTRUCTION LIMITS ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH STATE, CITY AND COUNTY PERMIT _ • — • — . — . — — . x REQUIREMENTS. x—x� — — ADJACENT PROPERTY 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN THE AREA OF ``_ _-' i-: {. - " - -- ., _ _ - - ,1 - — — — — — BUILDING SETBACKS CONSTRUCTION, PRIOR TO BEGINNING THE WORK. IN WHERE — — — — — ----- -"�--a@„�"x - -- �,,, . "—+ - — --"--••�� �2„_ --------- PARKING SETBACK 4. NEW CONSTRUCTION FEATURES SHALL MATCH TO EXISTING SMOOTH `} n_ ��«'� :` °'�y�'_ A'�`�""-.,� �— '_'- = APPLICABLE (PAVEMENTS, CURBS, SIDEWALKS). PROVIDE s + DRAINAGE AND UTILITY TRANSITIONS AT MATCH -IN POINTS. EASEMENT 5. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING ALL HORIZONTAL AND <�x�9w:- "'s-- �'”"—___` �'_—> VERTICAL CONTROLS PROPOSED CONCRETE C&G 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO` `° ' =--_�__ PROPOSEDASPHALT CONSTRUCTION. �°�s �y�—_ = PAVEMENT T THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY CONSTRUCTION PERMITSy— REQUIRED TO PERFORM ALL THE WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL POST ALL 0 PROPOSED CONCRETE BONDS, PAY ALL FEES, PROVIDE PROOF OF INSURANCE, AND PROVIDE ANY I _ C0M"� —;— °RNy PAVEMENT NECESSARY TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR THE WORK. NO PARKING ZONE 8. CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE SAW CUT IN FULL I SECTIONS. 9. PROTECT EXISTING UTILITIES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. HANDICAP STALL DESIGNATION 10. SUBSTITUTIONS FROM INFO. SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE REVIEWED AND NUMBER OF PARKING STALL IN 16 APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. SECTION Q U K W W � a 0 0 Z J c O ^O Lu yLZ0 CL5 Cy) Q Q' L0 z o �c 3 _ U0 N �O ti U SITE PLAN ENLARGEMENT PROJECT # 15638 DATE REVISION DATE DRAWING # C2.1 N AS w w w w w w w VAS % 4 r w w •23 LF 30" RCP ST Q 1,00% j FES -03 `�INII 953.77 -- - RIM 958.02 7' INV 954.00 (30" OUT),,.. / 'INV 954.00 (30" IN) ST@O.0,0,y,--,- _16 LF 30 RCP FES-01 .- INV 954.00 POND OUTLET STRUCTURE 2 ,•=w MIRFA 30 LF 24V RCP ST Q 1.00% ,.C.30 RIM 955.37 INV 955.30 (24" OUT) 2'SUMP e� '..N (D ?POND INLET STRUCTURE r -m x xxz x x x x x x x x x x z x x z z x x CB -07 RIM 973.87 AS -AS- -AS -AS-AS-21S-AS-AS-AS - - - INV70.37(12"OUT) 39 LF 12" RCP ST Q 1.00% ( RIM 974.80 INV 969.98 (12" IN) .. .. .. .. INV 969 .9B (12" OUT) - RIM 8974.96 V 968.82318°1 OUN) .. 8x6x8 TEE exl BITEIii: INV 969.32 (12" IN) 6" HYDRAN,' 174 LF 8"WM 3 LF 8"W�I 8 'WM 1-�_-1.-I�-I-I . 1�1-1e-I-h•I-1-1-1 °ll --i-1-9= - _ - g _ SAN @ O LF 6 PVC SAN Q 1.00% 100 L� 6 PVC SAN @ 1 00% . 100 L� 6'PVC SAN Q 1.00% ' %75 LF 6" PVC SAN 1 00% 90 LF fi" PVC SAN Q 1.00% 89 LF 6' PVC x 1.00% . '6x8REDUCER .' 15 LF 6"WM - _ fl,I C0.7 I 6' GATEVALVE .. e" WM CAP ...-...: -. ..-._-_' ___ - - ' = RIM 973.12 HYDRANT I Co2 CD -3 C04 co- C0.6 I 195751 .. 6' HYDRANT (SEE MECH FOR CONT.)' , RIM 973.80 RIM 974.23 RIM 975.14 - RIM 974.09 RIM 973.61 .; C0.1 ' - -82 LF fi" PVC SAN @ 1.00% CBMH-11 1.962.05 I. 961.05 1.960.05 1.959.30 I. 958.40 -' " RIM 973.80 RIM 971,94 1.96295 ... INV 968.08 (18" IN) 6" SAN SERVICE ' ' INV 968.08 (18" OUT) INV 963.00 (SEE MECH FOR CONT.) - LL 74 LF 18" RCP ST @ 2.87%� 8 _2 RIM .95 1 .. _ ,_..:.__:,' .__.r- _ �. _-. • __ _-' _ / 95( B91N) INV 96595(18'OUT) C8 _....... I ss7za - RIM 171'1.25 : .. - .. 24 LF6" PVC SAN 1.00% .:. .......-:.c..__.___...__. _. .":'------------- 6 S RIM 970.8co-4 .., . _ _ .. " AN SERVICE INV 957.48 . i(SEE MECH FOR CONT.) 195641 LF 6 PVC SA Q 00% 68 LF 6 PVC SA @ 83 N 1. N 1,00% ..:, .. Ir VVM .._ .:... -. ,.;.. �� 15 LF 5" WM I 1 --- / / I (SEE MECH FOR CONT) 50 LF 8" ' WM 149 LF 6'WM I 6' HYDRANT -- - �� ., l � ,: -� � � SF_ - , ���� ` � RIM 967.77 SF �$F --- SF �. ���� INV 963.31 ('111- OUT) - -' SF \ �\ � INV FES -15 INV1963.56 (15' IN) \\ 964.95 = r • � �� '�^ �� . _ w w w w •v w w w w w v. w o w w w V. /�� .� W •v_",rw '" w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w /i ---�� w wwww w w w w w w w �<A. � s l 0?0 _ w w X04 Oe 5q idi w w w w www wwwww www w wwww j\I 0'l•/ I �F.x6��' F 12" RCP ST @ 1.009/6 LF 12' RCP ST @ 2.37% CB -0s RIM 974.39 INV 970.89 (12" OUT) kB-- SMH-01 RIM 974.53 INV 956.66 (8" OUT) 0' BEND, x z }27 LF 8" PVC SAN @ 0.60% +' 142 LF S' PVC SAN @0.60% I�I N 56 LF 16" RCP ST Q 3.44% I I I�I I INV 962.601� ! I SBLF21"RCPST@2.01% CBMH-13 RIM 968.02 y INV 964.02 (18" IN) INV 963.77 (21" OUT) 8x5x8 TEE ! TRIM 968.30 •,INV 954.84 (8" IN) ( INV 954.74 (B" OUT 87 IF 118" RCP ST Q 0.50% I I� II FES -18 I 0 RIM 966 ' I 5 .. _, \�� �w \•�w w ww\ w w w w w w w,1, w w,,, w w�, w w�, w ww w wV• w ww w �w/ jw/ / f// INV 962.88 (W IN) O -- 60 LF 15" RCP ST@1.94% INV 962.87 (21 i SS LF 21"RCPST _ m ...... .. CCBMH-15 BMH-04y � I BRIM 968.99 w w// / �- RIM 967.09 3 ym _- INV 965.64 (18"OUT) ��--•'-'� // INV 964.42 (15'IN) FES -04 INV 965.64 (15" ]IN) / ) INV 964.32 (15 OUT) INV 96680 x x x x •Yp �i _ x� x x x {� m m EXSMH-03.. -- 482 LF 8" PVC SAN @ 0 484 LF 8" W M -(-1-1-J-1-1-I 8" GATE VALVE GATE VALVE LF 5" WM SF .- , SF _ RIM 970.11: 45 LF 18" RCP ST @ 0.50% CORE -DRILL EXISITNG MANHOLE- - INV 951.50 (8" OUT) INV 951.70 (8" IN) 1 I 1 1 �1-1 1-ELI-I� 1RP F - 74a LF 21" RCPST @ 0. E ' FCONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAINN ' �F. - -`6" HYDRANT WV 965.42 (- -INV 965.42 (2 .II --------- ------fl /- - - -1- ----------------------- 965.20 _- _-- 965.20 SHEET NOTES 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH 2016 EDITION OF MN/DOT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS (INCLUDING SUPPLEMENTS), AS APPLICABLE. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH STATE, COUNTY, AND CITY PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN THE AREA OF CONSTRUCTION, PRIOR TO BEGINNING THE WORK. 3. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING ALL HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROLS. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY CONSTRUCTION PERMITS REQUIRED TO PERFORM ALL THE WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL POST ALL BONDS, PAY ALL FEES, PROVIDE PROOF OF INSURANCE, AND PROVIDE ANY NECESSARY TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR THE WORK 6. PROTECT EXISTING UTILITIES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7. SUBSTITUTIONS FROM INFO. SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE REVIEWED ANDAPPROVED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. 8. STORM SEWERS SHALL BE CLASS IV REINFORCED CONCRETE. WATER TIGHT JOINTS MUST BE USED AT ALL CONNECTIONS, INCLUDING STRUCTURES. THE INSTALLATION SHALL COMPLY WITH ASTM C1479 AND MNDOT SECTION 2503.03 � c.,� TAPPII I Irxelmilk PROPERTY LIMITS -<«-<«- PROPOSED DRAINTILE - ' - ' - ' - CONSTRUCTION LIMITS PROPOSED WATERMAIN + 1% FITTING -1 1 EXISTING WATERMAIN < EXISTING SANITARY SEWER O PROPOSED SANITARYMANHOLE « EXISTING STORM SEWER AND CLEANOUT PROPOSED WATERMAIN o @ 0 PROPOSED STORM INLETS < PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED STORM SEWER FES Wt TRASH GUARD AND RIP RAP B" 11.5' BEND II N y I SMH-03 RIM 968.90 CUT IN MANHOLE INV 953.11 (8" IN) INV 949.50 (8" IN) INV 949.50 (8" OUT) f _1' N 0 40' 80' Q U K W yS o W a Q W � O z IW o J 7 0 m ^0^ Ld y.Lz0 co >Lo 0 v (D (o cn3 z m(1) N �0 UTILITY PLAN PROJECT# 15638 DATE 6/17/2020 REVISION DATE DRAWING # C3.0 SHEET NOTES 1. ALL DIMENSIONS TO FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON PLANS. 2. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH 2018 EDITION OF MN/DOT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS (INCLUDING SUPPLEMENTS), AS APPLICABLE. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH STATE, COUNTY, AND CITY PERMIT REQUIREMENTS.. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN THE AREA OF CONSTRUCTION, PRIOR TO BEGINNING THE WORK. 4. NEW CONSTRUCTION FEATURES SHALL MATCH IN TO EXISTING WHERE APPLICABLE (PAVEMENTS, CURBS, SIDEWALKS). PROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITIONS AT MATCH -IN POINTS. 5. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING ALL HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROLS. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY CONSTRUCTION PERMITS REQUIRED TO PERFORM ALL THE WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL POST ALL BONDS, PAY ALL FEES, PROVIDE PROOF OF INSURANCE, AND PROVIDE ANY NECESSARY TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR THE WORK. 8. CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE SAW CUTIN FULL SECTIONS. 9. PROTECT EXISTING UTILITIES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 10. SUBSTITUTIONS FROM INFO. SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. 11. OWNER/CONTRACTOR TO HOLD PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. LEGEND 0 100' 200' U a U W yS o W Q a x 0 a 0 0 110 z- 0 J 0 0 LLI Qz0 0 Q LL0 C-)iz �o z m ami U_ GRADING PLAN PROJECT# 15638 DATE 6/17/2020 REVISION DATE DRAWING # C4.0 PROPERTY LIMITS .. — . — • - CONSTRUCTION LIMITS EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR sss PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR sss PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR x959.4 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION $IB -1 SOIL BORING LOCATION DRAINAGEARROW PROPOSED CONCRETE C&G U a U W yS o W Q a x 0 a 0 0 110 z- 0 J 0 0 LLI Qz0 0 Q LL0 C-)iz �o z m ami U_ GRADING PLAN PROJECT# 15638 DATE 6/17/2020 REVISION DATE DRAWING # C4.0 —�1 NATIVE SEED AREA W b SEE ENLARGEMENT, 2/1-1.0 N .4 Accolade Elm � , PLANTING PLAN LEGEND / 2-1/2"CAL. B&B Red d' NATIVE SEED AREA t 7 Pine f, 6' HT. B&B MnDOT MIX 35-241 •, F77 TURF SEED AREA NATIVE - C MnDOT MIX 25-131 SEED c WASHED AREA u : '� ROCK MUCH RIVER All 12 WHITE FIR B&B 6' HT v DIERVILLA LONICERA'COPPER' I /./ / • . . • ., .'• / s°'°o�'s®� as®�s�i.� v � • �' ;' ry: y�� � . • / i5 2BaYT �►.4,�®® �a��G1�wPd�Va���j���%�� e� 0®��/G1:I®e��. aR`-Ij�i �`.a�6�IVE I' _ l�. EfJ 7 i /i��o. i'dt 6' HT. . PINUS RESINOSA • ��� QTY COMMON/ BOTANICAL NAME CONT. SIZE 21 COMMON HACKBERRY B&B 2-12"CAL CELTS OCCIDENTALIS ® 3 AMERICAN HOPHORNBEAM B&B 2-12"CAL / OSTRYA VIRGINIANA ® 33 j,,'j B&B 2-12" CAL - �• //ice / � \ �_ \ QUERCUS ELLIPSOIDAUS ® 41 ACCOLADE ELM B&B 2-12"CAL ULMUS X'ACCOLADE ORNAMENTALTREES QTY COMMON/ BOTANICAL NAME CONT. SIZE Q 6 SPRING SNOW CRABAPPLE B&B T CAL MALUS X' SPRING SNOW Ma 10,0���r�����0�1 NATIVE SEED AREA W b SEE ENLARGEMENT, 2/1-1.0 N .4 Accolade Elm � , PLANTING PLAN LEGEND / 2-1/2"CAL. B&B Red d' NATIVE SEED AREA t 7 Pine f, 6' HT. B&B MnDOT MIX 35-241 •, F77 TURF SEED AREA NATIVE - C MnDOT MIX 25-131 SEED c WASHED AREA u : '� ROCK MUCH RIVER All 12 WHITE FIR B&B 6' HT v DIERVILLA LONICERA'COPPER' I /./ / • . . • ., .'• / 14 SCANDIAJUNIPER CONT. 5GAL JUNIPERUS SABINA'SCANDIA' .4 • • '� / •'•_ ' •. • 1 • ' // // 8 Amber Jubilee Ninebark GAL PONT 6 AMBER JUBILEE NINEBARK CONT. 5 GAL / / / ' • / Q 6 Blue Muffin Arrowwood Vibumum• / PHYSOCARPUS OPUUFOLIUS'JEFAM' / . / / SGA %CONT../ / / / • ' // / B Scandla Juniper/, 10 ALPINE CURRANT CONT. 5 GAL POLY EDGING !/ jr(' 5 GAL. CONT. TURF SEED AREA _. RISES ALPINUM' Copper Low Bush Honeysuckle 3 //� Swndia Jumper O 6 BLUE MUFFIN ARROWOOD VIBURNUM CONT. 5 GAL /5/GAL. CONT. W VIBURNUM DENTATUM'CHRISTOM' TM TURF SEED AREA /// Qk— PLANTING PLAN -OFFICE BUILDING ENLARGEMENT TREES NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY o 10, 20- 2 ,•=m PLANTING PLAN PROJECT # 15638 DATE 6/17/2020 REVISION DATE DRAWING # L1.0 ABIES CONCOLOR ® 7 RED PINE B&B 6' HT. PINUS RESINOSA DECIDUOUS TREES QTY COMMON/ BOTANICAL NAME CONT. SIZE 21 COMMON HACKBERRY B&B 2-12"CAL CELTS OCCIDENTALIS ® 3 AMERICAN HOPHORNBEAM B&B 2-12"CAL OSTRYA VIRGINIANA ® 33 NORTHERN PIN OAK B&B 2-12" CAL QUERCUS ELLIPSOIDAUS ® 41 ACCOLADE ELM B&B 2-12"CAL ULMUS X'ACCOLADE ORNAMENTALTREES QTY COMMON/ BOTANICAL NAME CONT. SIZE Q 6 SPRING SNOW CRABAPPLE B&B T CAL MALUS X' SPRING SNOW 14 SCANDIAJUNIPER CONT. 5GAL JUNIPERUS SABINA'SCANDIA' .4 • • '� / •'•_ ' •. • 1 • ' // // 8 Amber Jubilee Ninebark GAL PONT 6 AMBER JUBILEE NINEBARK CONT. 5 GAL / / / ' • / Q 6 Blue Muffin Arrowwood Vibumum• / PHYSOCARPUS OPUUFOLIUS'JEFAM' / . / / SGA %CONT../ / / / • ' // / B Scandla Juniper/, 10 ALPINE CURRANT CONT. 5 GAL POLY EDGING !/ jr(' 5 GAL. CONT. TURF SEED AREA _. RISES ALPINUM' Copper Low Bush Honeysuckle 3 //� Swndia Jumper O 6 BLUE MUFFIN ARROWOOD VIBURNUM CONT. 5 GAL /5/GAL. CONT. W VIBURNUM DENTATUM'CHRISTOM' TM TURF SEED AREA /// Qk— PLANTING PLAN -OFFICE BUILDING ENLARGEMENT TREES NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY o 10, 20- 2 ,•=m PLANTING PLAN PROJECT # 15638 DATE 6/17/2020 REVISION DATE DRAWING # L1.0 THERMALLY I1,15ULATED HOLLOW METAL SERVICE DOOR- MIN. U -VALUE .G n north exterior elevation 3/1611= F-011 THERMALLY BROCEN ALUMINUM — 5TOREFRONT WINDOW5 W/OPERABLE AWNING WINDOW - PROVIDE INSULATED GLA55 WITH MIN. U-VAWE OF .29 AND MIN. SHG C FINAL COLOR TO BE 5ELECTED FROM MANUFACTURERS FULL RANGE OF COLOR5 Mr.) EXP05ED— AGGREGATE G' -W HIGH BAND - FAINT COLOR I THERMALLY IN5ULA-ED HOLLOW METAL 5ERVICE DOOR -MIN. U -VALUE .G DYP.) n south exterior elevation 3/1611= V-0° CC WIILDEGS.NGROLD, LLC d1iT.NLWC�DS REmm. IVIS M. AwiNEGDRA'NNYSN E FX WWPPO SWOF& DMM GOLP,LLC. THESE DRAWING., NPAPT ORINWr10.EANEwTM E 9EPRO W CED. CNNLGD. COED Oa P5FMO M.Y1Mw PMttINT T -N WJNER WRwIRFlRST OMISS GllKUEDBI5MWWREN PEiNI5E0N G&LE DFiIAY GRODP,LLC. PROJECT # 20-009 DATE 5-26-2020 REVISION DATE DRAWING # LA3 0 Q U W ys o � a a 0 0 O Z IIS c J O cck ip caL /O LU i:f Z o L Q L0 O _ �Uc� �cZ ca o cj) i U �o C'CCflAIGMTBLUE OE6IGN GRWP, LLC mm.AWTHmREsem s iHBOEBxiI Aum nese NGs DaAYAARL Tr¢ ERCLI, PRDPBRYDFBLUEDESIG4 GRODIG 1HESED )TTS,INi PAR MTN OR IRMO.EAAENOTTDBE REPRDDUCED.CYAWED.CO%EDOR AssIDNED To AHY neem PMtt a ANr ftN810R MANNERWIIHOIITF&Si 08TAMwG THE Et(PRE6ED WRrtiEA If RulssmN of BLUE DEsmx Gaow. uc. PROJECT # 20-007A DATE 6-9-2020 REVISION DATE 1 4-29-2020 DRAWING # A2.0 70' S'-0- 7' O 5' 0' 7 G' 12'..^' " G' S' C 7-0' 5'-0' : 7'-C' S'1Y 9' 6' I HOUR :R HWR RP ROUP. i Ii , ____— i --_ §24'8' 112-4 I B' -3'h• - - I $ °` I 12'-7' !7-9' I& -y' - m. oAlce T. 12 ' 03e E 102 IC3 O Iw § "' I I - 12'-7' 17.9` Rim dace 0032 mz as O B' -y' ince *, p - 0 - - - § _ --- -� office UP s� 1-- ml - F n �I -- DN sgtr 101 _ _ __® IDI ALL IN cROR NAIL FRAMING TO BE 3-SIb•STEEL-E 12- SND FRAMING ® 16' O.C. (ALL WALL51 UNLESS \� office NOTED OTHERwSE-ALL WALU' NILTHIOUC555) ' T—� 10 f1E EXTENDED TO DECKON ALLi100R5 (IYPJ _ � tf 1 I UP GN dalr 1 _ N _ II'O :u $ $ Q ( I' -C 9'4Y 24'-I I' 25'8': B" b_ $ "' - - $ :. : tabu 1 office - _ i m Q _ u. ---- --! cubes ', YRE DA50)) 1 I abu DD9 --- ---- --I ALL INTERIOR WALL FRAMING TO B` 35/B' STEf1 5NDFWINGO ICO.LA W m)UNU:55 NOTED CTI ALL W_ ( ILKNf555) - 765E EVfENDED i ECK oN Au FLOORS (I1'P.) fv ---- - " - OFFICE fpRNrrURf 15HOWN DN`HEDI by OMER D� = - �= F L, b i` TY - TIER_TiZ �_3,f—y sj c.-�_ ___-6'5TUL 5NDWALL OFFICEF �RNINRE � ®16'O.C.-IXTEND 1 (SHOWN DA511ED) TO DEC.:TT'.) ,F .B1'ATi?� : �_ A1.b�..H��il � fel __ .___ ____ basement 6D5 B02 E� t _ b F § T a I I 1 I 1 i 1 L a6� f IHR RATED WAIL5 er -SEFSHEEI A0.1 —- —___ _—_—______ I -- lir-T F'�If Y7r-TY�F ,->rd'-T6' '-B:T�f-2-e 7, B'z MecheNal b_ - 2 777 _—_—_ 1 _ BO6f O I `P - OI-, -' 1 N women 1 I HR RATED VIAILS SEE 5HETTAD. 1 i 12' -GQ I'O a g•�. I � 1 e 6'S75EL SIJD WALL-' / BOB o @ 16- 0. Exup b TO DECK M.) N �I - ' IT 1O 1 _— I v •^' - 9-0' djl - 4 H § '^ � - - d - � $ _ L o I_ § § I b b - � 4 $ § N $ M _ _— --___ -I b w c§R - vesegk 015 ® F •I? § a - _ 4 n _ 5 § $ I i cllhe §-I C{f 6' STEEL STUD WALL 16' O.C. -dTEND TO DECK ITYP.) I ; ______ ________ __ --1� -' i s 1 117 b 113 1� I I� e B3' I: I M 1 women �•,. F ..:. I - 1 ' -� I 117 o v _ 1 ; 14'-I I' In eco cubes___ _______ } I ;18� 65TEEL5TUDV/ALL®16' D.C.- DXTEND TO DECK M?J ---------- _-__-___24'-1 � O Ix IHR. I6ce CHASE 11t dfice WALLS 1138 5`•t b ®, SLEET A0.1 5� � '[.¢ IIS nR rnASE 15, SEESnEEf A0.1- 5.-6. 6 II• -fie• 3. $ 24-11' � -I HR CHASE WAUS SEE 5IEET AO.I Y - 014 I I R.T ' I _ IEE HKk5 wADs - 5@5n@T ADI i' 5,-6. 12'-7' � B'CMU W'NL--• OIF SEE 51RUCf. sMll DtBr q EP _ r _.b : I : I � N_ G' 51M STUD WALL 16' _ O.C.-J(IEND TO DECK OYPI D1T §_ ________________ ___ - b iD b `_' n $ F I i i - I I j i - 013 g b O Ijj .. 8.6. I�.^ jug \ ���✓Cu _J i -' - 017 a J s i 7 16 14'-ri' } oIT 'cP - v sVll :19 § A- � n �I \"'/ :` � 2j - bes iD18r 6'Sf£I. STUD 1@ [G. OC. EXTEND QDFCKm.) , - --- — : 20 24'.1 j 3'{P : § Nbu 021 OI9 OHM Z. basement[` IL _ . - b OHFICE FURNITURE ^' (SHOWN DISHED) c I -By OWNER 6'STEELSND WALLS 16` O.C. - nmDTO DECK (IYP.) �p O ° j § $ $ '^ -OFFICE FU2N(fURE I.,. D ED) 1-BYOWMBL; 024 once f; 2 $ p OLgn� UP 1 $ o IHR RATED b'cMU—� WALL -SEE SHEET AD,I - I BID maflaM I-0. 1 t _Y - B _ _ _ . ____ ______ ___ abu 126 4!'4ROOF HATCH- PWDE WALL MWN.1dw, S:EEL LADDER - THF. s1aB - -__ _ _— — 179 :2B 6- : 6'-' '.. - 1Y-3�' —_ _-- pry n�ljl I ._ I W lO O I_. b I I 4127 a125' ,,, m ahir - J2bL DTT UP CN 1 I ____ ____ ____ , Bu j F - _- _ _ � b b - B S -IP ycej b, - 12'-9 z' _ 021. § - a>—_ 6'-'J'z' 6'-O I I " O UIQ 025 c024 1� �f b a _ nOUP-- ekuamr I POUR elHa� 52 ._ 5-0' �. - -0•..... FOUR— 20i' ' _ I _ - I --I H WR— P I :-.._.52' S'-0' II' -O � I HOUR __� 9fi :- ... 5'-0' I HOLR -- F A4 � � _ 35'-6' ISO 9,'6. P4 2C-4' 2C-0' a 35'd' basement floor plan ® L_","_ v -OIL NORTH n first floor plan © 1/811_1!-011 NORTH n ground floor plan 1/811_1/ -OD NORTH Q U W ys o � a a 0 0 O Z IIS c J O cck ip caL /O LU i:f Z o L Q L0 O _ �Uc� �cZ ca o cj) i U �o C'CCflAIGMTBLUE OE6IGN GRWP, LLC mm.AWTHmREsem s iHBOEBxiI Aum nese NGs DaAYAARL Tr¢ ERCLI, PRDPBRYDFBLUEDESIG4 GRODIG 1HESED )TTS,INi PAR MTN OR IRMO.EAAENOTTDBE REPRDDUCED.CYAWED.CO%EDOR AssIDNED To AHY neem PMtt a ANr ftN810R MANNERWIIHOIITF&Si 08TAMwG THE Et(PRE6ED WRrtiEA If RulssmN of BLUE DEsmx Gaow. uc. PROJECT # 20-007A DATE 6-9-2020 REVISION DATE 1 4-29-2020 DRAWING # A2.0 -0 PREPIN15MED METAL COPING - FINAL COLOR BE SELECTED FROM MANUFACTURERS FULL RANGE OF COLORS (TYPJ zI 1 ROOF LADDER -SEE H DETAIL 7/A5.1 �+4z - 1 2' HIGH PAINED 1 N'All 2' HIGH PAINTED i PREFINISHED METAL COPING -FINAL COLOR TO BE SE(ECTED FREFINI5HED NE -AL COPING - F114AL COLOR TO BE SELECTED BAND - PAINT P -I BAND -PAINT P -I FROM MANUFACTURER'S FULL RANGE OF COLORS (ivP.1 FROM MANUFACTURER' FULL RANGE OF COLORS (TYP.) EL. 12.-0' TD. WPll EL. 1204 B.D. BLVD ROOF DE LADR-5EE ' I LINE OF MEZZANINE FLOOR a (5H WN DASHED) I — SMOOTH -Rom FLAT GRAY INSULATED (R-28.2) NGZ t - 8' HIGH BAND- PAINT COLOR 3 PRECAST WALL PANELS - PAINT I 1 EL. IOdA'. COLOR 2 �FTD. BUD 1 I RRii°L2 I I RAYNOR (OR EQUAL) INSULATED 4' HIGH PIPE BOLARD - PAINT - OVERHEAD DOOR- MIN. I VERIFY 0:OLOR W/OWNER U -FACTOR OF .19 ; I I i t LJ .. .-. ; j I THERMALLY INSULATED HOLLOW METAL , , 5ERVICE DOOR -MIN. U-VAWE .6 (tYPJ i . I I I THERMALLYBROKENALUMINU -STOREFRONT 1 I I WINDOWS - PROVIDE INSULATED OF .29NITH MIN. I i U -VALUE OF .29 AND MIN. SHGC OF .29 ((YP.) -FINAL COLOR TO BE S-LECIED FROM MANUFACTURERS FULL i RANGE OF COLORS (fl'P) SEE 3/A3 3 FOR DETAILS 1 L— -- ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- -- - -- ---- -- -- - -- - -- - - - -- - --- -- ------ -- - -- ---L- - ---- - ---- - -- - - ------------------ -1 partial 12 south exterior elevation 3/1611= 1'-011 4H11T -0 PREPIN15MED METAL COPING - FINAL COLOR BE SELECTED FROM MANUFACTURERS FULL RANGE OF COLORS (TYPJ 1 2' HIGH PAINED BAND -PAINT P -I ROOF DE LADR-5EE ' a DETAIL 7/A5.1 — b 1 I FLAT GRAY b INSULATED FP5CA5T WALL PANELS - PAINT COLOR 2 llllllllll' i77I 4H11T I RAYNOR (OR EOUAy INSULATED I i I I 4HIGY. PIPE BOLLARD - PAINT - I I I OVERHEAD DOOR - MIN. I I I VERIFY COLOR WIDMER GRAY 2'-0' HIGH I FIAT GRAY 2'-O' HIGH ( I I BAND - PAINT COLOR I BAND - FAINT COLOR I j i U -FACTOR OF i I i .19 u .i partial south exterior elevation I 1 1 3/16" =1 A-011 Q U LU wvs a ovv H x c� o z IIS o J c: O `v L ^O^ w� L 0 aLT> o �5 zc a G 3 z �� 1—O U ©GDPYRIGXf EWE DESIGN GRDLP, LLC 2!'1D Ill ftXRRS RE5 W+c1.. 1H6 DESIGN App TNEGE DFA'NNGGARETIE IXLt1�frE PpOFE11YDF �DEGGN GROIP, LLC 1NSEDRAVIINGE, NPARt CR INNMD:Ek?_NOTIDXE REFAWJL® LMPNGED, LDRED OR AGA'G`FD DANYIMIRD PAftfIINANY FOR110R L441�Eft YA1lIGNT FlRST 09iNNdIG ME X DFt M W0 RBI P-ERNIESON DF&Iff DE -+IDN GROUP. LLC. PROJECT # 20-0076 DATE 6-9-2020 REVISION DATE DRAWING # LA3 92 L(REVEAU 2' HIGH PAINTED PREFINI5HED METAL CAPING - FINAL BAND - PAINT P-1 COLOR TO BE SELECTED FROM ROOF SCUPPER r -0, SCUPPER (�MANUFACS FULL RANGE OF / ` I COLORS CYF.) CYP.) wVStgtenor elevation 3 3/1 2• HIGH PAINTED - BAND -PAINT P- I 111111111111 � _ 4' HIGH PIPE 5Z LL ARD - PAINT - VERIFY COLOR W%OV, vER u I L -- - -------------------------'- ------ ---------- partial J 71 south exterior elevation 3/1611= 1'-011 FREFINISHED METAL COPING - FINAL COLOR TO BE SEL, FROM MANUFA.CTUP.ER5 fU'LL RANGE OF COLORS (TYP.) FIAT GRAY INSULATED (R-28.2) PRECAST WALL PANEL5 - PAIN COLOR 2 IIIIIIIIIIII, (_ RAYNOR(OR EQUAUINS OVERHEAD DOOR- MIN. U -FACTOR OF .19 DOCK 5EAL AND lMffLTffl RAYNOR (OR EW L) IN51 5MOOTH TROWELED OVERHEAD DOOR 8' HIGH BAND - U-fAC"OR Of .19 -MIN. PAINT COLOR 3 — RETAINIKG WALL -5EE 5TRUCT DOCK LEVELER- VERIFY MFR. SIZE AND MODEL W/OWNER (TYP.) L—, ==Kim��II�\N��� 3'-G' HIGH GUARD ON BOTH 51DE5 OF LOADING DOCK RAMP WALL - PROVIDE INTERMEDIATE RAIUNGS TO RE5TRICT PA55AGE OF A 4' SPHERE �_-- (TYPj - i� P FLAT GRAY 2-V HIGH BAND - PAINT COLOR I wVStgtenor elevation 3 3/1 2• HIGH PAINTED - BAND -PAINT P- I 111111111111 � _ 4' HIGH PIPE 5Z LL ARD - PAINT - VERIFY COLOR W%OV, vER u I L -- - -------------------------'- ------ ---------- partial J 71 south exterior elevation 3/1611= 1'-011 FREFINISHED METAL COPING - FINAL COLOR TO BE SEL, FROM MANUFA.CTUP.ER5 fU'LL RANGE OF COLORS (TYP.) FIAT GRAY INSULATED (R-28.2) PRECAST WALL PANEL5 - PAIN COLOR 2 IIIIIIIIIIII, (_ RAYNOR(OR EQUAUINS OVERHEAD DOOR- MIN. U -FACTOR OF .19 DOCK 5EAL AND lMffLTffl RAYNOR (OR EW L) IN51 5MOOTH TROWELED OVERHEAD DOOR 8' HIGH BAND - U-fAC"OR Of .19 -MIN. PAINT COLOR 3 partial south exterior elevation 2 3/1611= 1'-011 FLAT GRAY 2'-0' HIGH --/STEEL 5'AIRS - W/PAINTED BAND -PAINT COLOR I PIPE HANDRAILS - B EQUAL R507'MAX. AND7 Pm! EQUAL T5 Q I I" MAX — RETAINIKG WALL -5EE 5TRUCT DOCK LEVELER- VERIFY MFR. SIZE AND MODEL W/OWNER (TYP.) L—, PROVIDE I-1/2'DIA PIPE RAILING - 3'-G' HIGH GUARD ON BOTH 51DE5 OF LOADING DOCK RAMP WALL - PROVIDE INTERMEDIATE RAIUNGS TO RE5TRICT PA55AGE OF A 4' SPHERE (TYPj EL. I Z� i 0. V/4L EL. 25� -.0. BAND EL.IZ d.0. dPNO m �-y— � nRsrrleca RETAINING WALL - 5EE 5TRUC. ©COPfMWIILUE DEGIGNGPOLP, LLC 2- ALL WGRIS RESEAVEO. OILS DESIGN Aro THEx DM'NPlGR ARE rHE EXclusrvE maERTroP N.»E DESIw GPOIP. LLC. PGSE ORAVIINGE, N PART GRIN VMR.EARE NGTTOBE iEFAO W CEO. C WNGED, COPIED 0.i PSEIGVED-GAMY 1HIP0PPAI FCA1 OR NAN NER K1INOUT RnT FlRGT ODiPININGMEEMPREGSE0 W1drIB1 PERHISS DN CF&VE DEi!�' BRWP. LLC. PROJECT # 20-0070 DATE 6-9-2020 REVISION DATE DRAWING # .A3.,Zl LYntJ LSJ�� E F ` I G I o-1 Area p - Floor Plan © NOTE-I:UNLE55GMRFARM INDICATED CNTHE DRAWNGJD5ALL @INrR10R SND AND51DE W ONSARE TT TTEgDT0B0TOLIOFDFLI NOTE-2:All INWrrI N5.210N5TO PR3.5@'$TFLSND$@ISO.C.WW .W,51G. SIDE W50JND BATT ATTEIJ INSDUTTONIN N EAWALL. WALLS DEN0IED WTrt AN 5-2 DESIGINTICN AP.E 6' SiHl5ND5 16' O.L.W5/8' EA 51DE WSOOND BATT ATTENUATION INSUU110N IN EACH WAL '/$n_1 NORTH 0 B C A G 7 9 10 34'{' 3'{' 4 12'17 ISO 12'-0 ISO 12'O 16'4 12'4 194 2'-8': 3'4 10-0- 18'4 SQ v oa � o= t 3� �a° N p s OAF O Op u 471 v ° IS 3'O N 6 o b mol re r 6, STEEL PLATE COVER OVER 10 TON BRIDGE CRANE OIL PIT -SEE /4. I - VERIFY FINAL MFR. W/ONMER OW.) /MODEL IIT ;a' 1 II F ------ u -- —� _ h_ __ v _ 4 --� equ 118 O ..- �I L 1 --. II III & i' g I •�; ;! ; ; -10' :n 1 I ° I I „ I I i s F-C-� -l. - G --��-[ - r " N - _ ------------- -- F I�IilWhmom ii 113n _ m; A-2.2-2.2 4 STEELSTAIRAND HANDRAILS - VERIFY W/OWNER IF 5TAIR5 i8 l ; _-_ ARE TO BE PAINTED OR GALVANIZED (1YP.) III ��' O Y w'177n �;i Anil 1 L 8 q TI Il az.z d'l bll 1 ' 1 b ���5-2 WALL TYPE I Ell- te r, nD , H ..IIIk:w II illL r ---- - ---------- 1 lU LL - E2 I ! A2.2 A 2 o1Rce 10➢ a ---- �: F'CJ �'_ & L._7-{^ �E7 --}{.-', � 1-i i. n b i - :{ 3' 0'-9 FREIGHT ELEVATOR 5-2 WALL - VERIFY FINAL TYPE S' -I' L A 14 O MODEL, MFR 2 _ Icy W/OWNER C`17.JI- r > meth O ffice q a 5-2 WALL TYPE W tlbule \J Ye 107 a, n 30'-4' 1- 4' HIGH FIFE BONARD - PAINT - VERIFY FINAL COLOR W/OWN , 0 14'-3' % 0 a — 103 3'A' - 0 �..� ° ..116 0 }'{ p 114 -. - O ;-�..1! R ° _ 14'-5' L3O{' !4L' 1141 JJ SQ 19-9' I'-0 _ r 'n 28-I I' 2%10 29-10 26- 33'-0' LYntJ LSJ�� E F ` I G I o-1 Area p - Floor Plan © NOTE-I:UNLE55GMRFARM INDICATED CNTHE DRAWNGJD5ALL @INrR10R SND AND51DE W ONSARE TT TTEgDT0B0TOLIOFDFLI NOTE-2:All INWrrI N5.210N5TO PR3.5@'$TFLSND$@ISO.C.WW .W,51G. SIDE W50JND BATT ATTEIJ INSDUTTONIN N EAWALL. WALLS DEN0IED WTrt AN 5-2 DESIGINTICN AP.E 6' SiHl5ND5 16' O.L.W5/8' EA 51DE WSOOND BATT ATTENUATION INSUU110N IN EACH WAL '/$n_1 NORTH 0 B C A G 7 9 10 Q U W 0 yyy,...•WWW,,,..�jr1T � CC z O Z J 0/ m `v L O LU Qz0 m Q QLo Utz z NN �0 U_ CCOMRGM BLUEDESIGNGPO LLL M4tl. ALLmCNTGREEERd AO 1DESKY AIA I NESE DRnVn NGS- TE Ilii—NE PPOPEAIY O -M l iESGN GPOM. LLG iHEGE ORAIYNGG, IN PIJli OR M WHO.E AxENOTTOeE REFAOWCED.CNM1GEp DCMEDOR nss iGxED rD nRr T xllA RMtt w ANr wxu GR wwxeRwmmurPwsr OBrNN NG M%IXPPESBEDWRIr1EN PEP UIS SAN OP &UE CESIGV GRODP, LLG PROJECT S 20-0078 DATE 6-9-2020 REVISION DATE 1 4-29-2020 DRAWING 8 2.01 z� 3 U g bb = v oa � o= 3� �a° N p s OAF O Op u O Co�R N r �E o Q U W 0 yyy,...•WWW,,,..�jr1T � CC z O Z J 0/ m `v L O LU Qz0 m Q QLo Utz z NN �0 U_ CCOMRGM BLUEDESIGNGPO LLL M4tl. ALLmCNTGREEERd AO 1DESKY AIA I NESE DRnVn NGS- TE Ilii—NE PPOPEAIY O -M l iESGN GPOM. LLG iHEGE ORAIYNGG, IN PIJli OR M WHO.E AxENOTTOeE REFAOWCED.CNM1GEp DCMEDOR nss iGxED rD nRr T xllA RMtt w ANr wxu GR wwxeRwmmurPwsr OBrNN NG M%IXPPESBEDWRIr1EN PEP UIS SAN OP &UE CESIGV GRODP, LLG PROJECT S 20-0078 DATE 6-9-2020 REVISION DATE 1 4-29-2020 DRAWING 8 2.01 H F77 Area C- Floor Plan ® B C A -1/8'=l--O' NORTH 8 F-1 Area B - Floor Plan © �-I: ONt65 OORTARTEINDICATE ON YE DRAW NGS,ALLINTERORSTUDSANDIDE WONSARETO EXTENDTON INT0LMOFDECK IN NOTE-2:All DWiThRRARTRIE51 N 9O3.SID'STELSUDS5@ I -O.,M5 EA.SIDEr%VWDBATTATTENW TI INSOIATipIN &0'I WL WALLS OENOTEW7TN AN 5-2 DESIGNAPON AAE f75TFELSNDS ® 16'O.C. WIS/B'fA. 51DE 1-hAUND BATT ATTENUATION INSUUTION W "WALL /8U_1 r -QR NORTH FB C A C'CO°YRIGNT lli.— GIGN GROUP.LLL 2it0.I11RIGHTGRE:ERVE➢.—DESIL3: ANO TNESE GMNINGS ME 11f EMLNIENEPROPFRYOP. DESIGN GROLP, NS IRPSEDRANOTM,IN PMi ptIN WHD:E MENOTTO BE REPROg1CfD.LWNGED, WPIFDOR A550NED TO ANY TNIIm PMI- M ANY EgNNORAME W :D RAST OBL/JNWG THEE%PRESSRO WRRIEx PERNI<EgN OF &UE pESIGN GROUP. LLL. PROJECT- # 20-0076 DATE 6-9-2020 REVISION DATE 1 4-29-2020 DRAWING # ® 11 v � � 3 Q o tA 0� ELL • i .a 3� gas' — a T C'CO°YRIGNT lli.— GIGN GROUP.LLL 2it0.I11RIGHTGRE:ERVE➢.—DESIL3: ANO TNESE GMNINGS ME 11f EMLNIENEPROPFRYOP. DESIGN GROLP, NS IRPSEDRANOTM,IN PMi ptIN WHD:E MENOTTO BE REPROg1CfD.LWNGED, WPIFDOR A550NED TO ANY TNIIm PMI- M ANY EgNNORAME W :D RAST OBL/JNWG THEE%PRESSRO WRRIEx PERNI<EgN OF &UE pESIGN GROUP. LLL. PROJECT- # 20-0076 DATE 6-9-2020 REVISION DATE 1 4-29-2020 DRAWING # ® 11 176'-0' 'Om o O o -.h... Ltote . H Ii i% FO H is bli b T r i... 11 LVSa�, 4_ _ .I'. P aa 40_0• 87 26-E' 2b' -b' 28'5' 29-5' F R 8 6 C D El I o � 5-G b B° Ml B' F- NYi O Sap b K F first floor plan -- ,/811=1 /-0- NORTH a U W 'VS g W a a 0 x 0 � o Z II" — 0 J 0 Cu L- O0 Lu z O > L0 O Q Lo c� U �-)zzc � � G O Co CV � z - 0 U_ G GOPYRIGHt BLUE DESIGN GROUP, LLC 20fi PLL MGNTGREGER- —DESIGN MD TNEGEDPM1YRNGSNRETNE _SIVEPROPEiRY OF BLUE DESIGN GPOUP, LLC. THEGD.R INGG.1— OR IN —UE -NOTTO BE REPR— ED.GW GED.—MR PSS IGED TO FNY iH IRO P.Vitt M M'Y FORNOR MMME RE.r. Uf Fl0.5T OBTUNMGf UE OEGN GROUP FERNISGION Of UE DEGICII Gfld1P. LLC. PROJECT # 20-0070 DATE 6-9-2020 REVISION DATE 1 4-29-2020 DRAWING # X2.0 0 c un � o^ LM 3� I �z� �3 N =�5 _€ O N; 1� S Li1 w m o a U W 'VS g W a a 0 x 0 � o Z II" — 0 J 0 Cu L- O0 Lu z O > L0 O Q Lo c� U �-)zzc � � G O Co CV � z - 0 U_ G GOPYRIGHt BLUE DESIGN GROUP, LLC 20fi PLL MGNTGREGER- —DESIGN MD TNEGEDPM1YRNGSNRETNE _SIVEPROPEiRY OF BLUE DESIGN GPOUP, LLC. THEGD.R INGG.1— OR IN —UE -NOTTO BE REPR— ED.GW GED.—MR PSS IGED TO FNY iH IRO P.Vitt M M'Y FORNOR MMME RE.r. Uf Fl0.5T OBTUNMGf UE OEGN GROUP FERNISGION Of UE DEGICII Gfld1P. LLC. PROJECT # 20-0070 DATE 6-9-2020 REVISION DATE 1 4-29-2020 DRAWING # X2.0 MICHELS OTSEGO ADDITION KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Otsego, LLC, a Wisconsin limited liability company, fee owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: OUTLOT C, BURY INDUSTRIAL PARK Has caused the some to be surveyed and platted as MICHELS OTSEGO ADDITION and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use the public ways and the drainage and utility easements as created by this plat. In witness whereof said Otsego LLC, a Wisconsin limited liability company has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of 20_ , OTSEGO, LLC Signed STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of Otsego LLC, a Wisconsin limited liability company, on behalf of the company. its 20_ , by , the Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires: I, Jack Balks, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey, that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of , 20_. David Anderson, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 43501 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this day of 20_, by Jack Bolke, Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 20281 Signature Printed Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires: of CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA This plat of MICHELS OTSEGO ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held this day of , 20_. and said plat is in compliance with provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. Mayor Clerk WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of , 20_. Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.21, Sudb. 9, taxes payable for the year 20_ on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day of , 20_. Wright County Auditor/Treasurer by. Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this day of 20_. at o'clock _. M. and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. , Sleeve , as Document No. Wright County Recorder ANDERSON ENGINEERING ENGINEERING • ARCHITECTURE • LAND SURVEYING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE RHFFT i OF 9 RHFFT MICHELS OTSEGO ADDITION I L O T O -- NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF '6 6Z� m " < SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 121 NORTH, RANGE 24 WEST O f N H FOUND WRIGHT COUNTY C.I.M. F- . �.1 I- O N r 13 "n I...LVVO I—a'f ...1 F. rP Iivuv STRZ ,i. B I 589'56'59"E i C K 2664 I I QUARTER OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 121 NORTH, RANGE 24 WEST " la r 914.72 POND / '--EDGE — �~ '-NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST OF WATER----. ELEVATION=949.3 FT. �`.`�— r QUARTER OF SECTION MAY 22, 2017 1V 27, TOWNSHIP 121 (NGVD 29) NORTH, RANGE 24 WEST (N / L 1 I I I I I FOUND WRIGHT COUNTY �� /� E Y _/ V U R C.I.M. {:E.' �� / _..�S /i� �lp -------------- / 587'19'35'E 223,08 —/ I L O T O I '6 6Z� m " < U O f N H I BENCH MARK: TOP NUT HYDRANT -- F- . �.1 I- O N r ELEVATION = 979.73 FEET (N.G.VO. 29) \ '• rrC p V I.JL\iV I—�.Y .JI IIVR1, "n I...LVVO I—a'f ...1 F. N Iivuv STRZ ,i. B I L O C K SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE I I QUARTER OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 121 NORTH, RANGE 24 WEST " la U7 O I Z I I I I I I 3 o� u' 0TJIi110 11-94 \�z V� SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 121 NORTH, RANGE 24 WEST FOUND 1 1/2 INCH PIPE WITH CAP E) DENOTES FOUND WRIGHT COUNTY MONUMENT 0 DENOTES FOUND 1/2 INCH IRON MONUMENT 0 1 EAST QUARTER CORNER OF----, SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 121 NORTH, RANGE 24 WEST S89'56'59"E 2552.03 FOUND WRIGHT CO. BRASS CAP ` — — — — — — — — 71637.32. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 7501 Cl 73RD STREET NORTHEAST-/-. 2.81 � f z f i W 33 00 mo O o I O 1- --------------------------------------- T ---- - - - - - T r— ----- _ TI sl -------------------- - - I 302. — J — 140.00 173.86 –3 302.74 N90V0'00"W 338.72 75 N90W'DD'W oo N9o'Oo'00'w I I I N88"59'12"E , o , ---- DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT ---------------- II I o I w PliO `C s xl1 t Iall ,rii oS84972'W ' z I LJ ;I co 3 149.31-88 w <} �n S'59'12'w �I I I 0 I ------------` P� o F- I EDS QEONEATED /``` \) of II N88 -59'12"E ------------ _ o I'II 140.00 589'55'02"E 675.51T L=189.45 i LG— — rfl ro S7 73RD S R,,= xDR;r+E1s; R=740.00 1 1 � N .4- I A=1407.. 5 94.19 _ _ oD o 14,55"E o L_149.39 Z I R=660.00 \'A=92'47'46" 4=12'58'07" L=16.20 R=10.00 I- ) / A / I h — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I '6 6Z� m " < U f N H I BENCH MARK: TOP NUT HYDRANT -- F- . �.1 I- O N ELEVATION = 979.73 FEET (N.G.VO. 29) \ '• rrC p V I.JL\iV I—�.Y .JI IIVR1, "n I...LVVO I—a'f ...1 F. N — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — H U I I 6Z� m " < N89'55'02"W 1330.24 f N I BENCH MARK: TOP NUT HYDRANT -- 75 -c 115 o& ELEVATION = 979.73 FEET (N.G.VO. 29) \ '• rrC p V I.JL\iV I—�.Y .JI IIVR1, "n I...LVVO I—a'f ...1 Iivuv STRZ ,i. PARK q D L7 IILJT IR11 P„RK \ ,•J^"1 ^CnnAln ^nnlr/n Al PARK �vvil Tl7 ii✓ulTll'A SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE DRAINAGE AND UTIUTY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS NO SCALE BEING 10 FEET IN WIDTH AND ADJOINING EXTERIOR LOT ONES AND RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THIS PLAT. BEARING NOTE: THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 121 NORTH, RANGE 24 WEST, IS ASSUMED TO BEAR SOUTH 1 DEGREES 0 MINUTES 48 SECONDS EAST CURVE TABLE LENGTH DELTA RADIUS Chd. Brg. Cl 131.22 125'18'22' 60.00 SBO'19'53"E C2 32.76 373705" 50.00 S5546'59'E 0 100 200 300 SCALE IN FEET 1 INCH = 100 FEET VICINITY MAP NN Vl DE Ih VVVS . z 6 5' E � 5 SECTION 27. TOWNSHIP 121 NORTH, RANGE 24 WEST NO SCALE ANDERSON ENGINEERING ENGINEERING " ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 81NEET 2 OF 2 BNFETS H U 6Z� m " < f N W rc Y Z V; � 75 -c 115 o& � a q I :r I ! h' iC 75 33 I SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST--, QUARTER OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 121 NORTH, RANGE 24 WEST FOUND WRIGHT COUNTY C.I.M. ANDERSON ENGINEERING ENGINEERING " ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 81NEET 2 OF 2 BNFETS