06-29-20 Planning Commission Agenda"IV SPECIAL MEETING TY OF Ot�e Q PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Monday, June 29, 2020 MINNESOTA 7:00 PM Otsego Prairie Center Call to Order Roll Call: 1. Announcements: 2. Public Hearing Item: 2.1 Michels Construction A. Site and Building Plan Review B. Interim Use Permit for outdoor storage C. Preliminary/Final Plat of 1 lot 3. Adjourn. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: THE PROCEDURE FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS IS WRITTEN ON THE BACK OF THIS AGENDA. THANK YOU FOR TURNING OFF YOUR CELL PHONES. NOTES: 1. Members of the Planning Commission may participate in this meeting via electronic means as provided for by Minnesota Statutes 13D.015. The City shall, to the extent practical, allow a person to monitor the meeting electronically from a remote location. 2. There may be a quorum of the City Council in attendance at Planning Commission meetings only for the purpose of observation and to receive information.