06-22-20 City Council MinutesOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER MONDAY, JUNE 22, 2020 Call to Order. Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Tom Darkenwald, Jason Warehime, Corey Tanner and Tina Goede. Staff: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director; Dave Kendall, City Attorney; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; and Tami Loff, City Clerk. This meeting is proceeding under MN State Statute 13D.021 allowing members to appear by telephone or video conference due to the ongoing health pandemic and state of emergency. For the record, the Mayor, four Council members, and certain City staff were present in-person. Those indicated with a (*) attended via video conference. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Open Forum. Mayor Stockamp stated item 8.1 will be moved to open forum due to residents being present for this item. 8.1 West Wastewater Treatment Facility. AE2S Engineer Scott Schaefer (*) and Utility Operations Manager Kurt Neidermeier (*) gave an update on the recent odors at the West Wastewater Treatment Facility. Resident Adam Powers, 7437 Lamont Avenue NE, submitted to the City Clerk an online petition asking the City to take action on the odors at the West WWTF as soon as possible. Mr. Powers stated their request is as follows; 1. Provide short term solution to reduce odors coming from the facility until a long term solution is available; 2. Budget for a long term solution to eliminate the odors coming from the plant by the end of fiscal year 2020; and 3. Include in the long term plan an alternate access to the facility which does not create more traffic on the neighborhood roads. AE2S Engineer Schaefer stated the Master Plan identified construction of the new east Biosolids processing facility, which will be operational in May of 2021 which is the long term plan being that it will eliminate storage at both facilities and will eliminate the outside odors. Utility Operations Manager Neidermeier explained the hauling of materials to an off-site location for the short term solution. The City Council all spoke with desire to get the odor resolved. AE2S Engineer Schaefer stated the hauling should eliminate the current odor and then City staff can assess thereafter. CM Warehime asked for timeline of moving the product. AE2S Engineer Schaefer stated that the material will be hauled to Buffalo and/or Big Lake and it will be determined on when they are able to receive the materials. He estimated weeks to a month to get all material moved. Mayor Stockamp motioned to authorize an amount not to exceed $200,000 to have the West WWTF tanks emptied and hauled. Seconded by CM Tanner. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. Page 1 of 4 Open Forum: Raymond Richter, 8767 Odean Avenue NE, stated he received a citation and stop order on an accessory building that has to be removed due to being too large. He said he adjusted to meet requirements and is at 1488 square feet for both of his accessory buildings, and he explained he feels the building is not being measured correctly by the City. He also spoke on desire for a fence permit which he is not able to get until these other issues are resolved. City Planner Licht explained the city code. Code Enforcement officer to meet with Mr. Richter on requirements. The City Council asked for a follow up on this item. 2. Consider Agenda Approval. CM Darkenwald motioned to approve as written. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Consent Agenda. 3.1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. June 8, 2020 Meeting. B. June 8, 2020 Special Meeting, 3.3 Project Payments: A Water Tower 2 Reconditioning Project Construction Management & Observation Services. B. Pav Annlication #4 - Water Tower 2 Reconditioning Proiect. C. Pay Estimate 01 - Parrview Avenue ana dt5.,, Street rro)eci. D Pay Estimate #2 - Well No. 9 and Pumphouse No. 1 Improvement Project. E. Pay Application #2 - East WWTF Biosolids Project. 3.4 Adopt Resolution 2020-38 Approving Transfer of Funds. 3.5 Accept Quote and Approve Server System Replacement. 3.8 Motion to Call a Special City Council Meeting on Monday, June 29, 2020. 3.9 Approve an Extension to Record the Final Plat of Hansen Heights. 3.10 Adopt COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. 3.11 Motion to Hire Seasonal Street and Park Maintenance Employees. 3.12 Approve Chanae Order Proposals No. 2 and No. 3 for the East WWTF Biosolids Project. CM Darkenwald motioned to approve. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Development: 4.1 Harvest Run East: A. PUD -CUP Amendment Reqardinq Side Yard Setbacks for Lots Zoned R4 District. City Planner Licht presented the staff report. The developer is requesting an amendment to the PUD -CUP to reduce the side yard setbacks for the lots zoned R-4 District to allow a 1,240 square foot garage. He further reviewed that the Planning Commission consensus was that the City allows the requested 7 foot side yard setbacks in R-5 and requires 10 foot setback within R-4 District with intent and did not support allowing the request. Developer Tom Bakritges, Capstone Homes, was present and reviewed the reasoning for the request of the change from 10 feet to 7 feet. CM Warehime, CM Tanner, and Mayor Stockamp all spoke with concern of the change. CM Darkenwald motioned to approve PUD -CUP amendment for Harvest Run East subject to the findings of fact and decision as presented and subject to the conditions stated therein. Seconded by CM Goede. In favor; Darkenwald and Goede. Opposed; Tanner, Warehime, and Stockamp. Motion failed 2-3. 6/22/20 CM Warehime motioned to deny the request to amend the PUD -CUP for Harvest Run East based upon the findings of fact and decision as presented. Seconded by CM Tanner. In favor; Warehime, Stockamp and Tanner. Opposed; Darkenwald and Goede. Motion passed 3-2. 5. Parks and Recreation: 5.1 Consider Resolution 2020-40 Accepting Bids and Awarding Contract for Pickle ball Courts. Parks and Recreation Director Demant stated during the Parks and Recreation System Master Plan the pickle ball courts were identified as a high priority by surveyed groups. At the May 11 City Council meeting, the City Council approved plans and specifications and ordered advertisement of bids. He reviewed the bids; recommending the low bid from Sunram Construction Inc. The project cost is under the estimated in the CIP for a total project cost of $176,823. CM Warehime and CM Goede both spoke in opposition stating they would like to see the funds used for something more universal as an indoor facility or gym. Mayor Stockamp and CM Tanner spoke in favor noting the Parks and Recreation Commission has been working on this for years. CM Tanner motioned to adopt Resolution 2020-40 accepting bids and awarding contract for the Prairie Park Pickle ball Courts, City Project No. 20-07 to Sunram Construction, Inc. in the amount of $151,223.00 and to approve $20,600 for the features purchased and installed by the City as identified in the cost estimate. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. In favor; Tanner, Darkenwald, Stockamp. Opposed; Warehime, Goede. Motion carried 3-2. 6. Public Works: 6.1 Cost Sharing Request — CSAH 42 Watermain. CM Darkenwald stated he will be abstaining from the item and removed himself from the dais at 9:32 PM. This item is a follow up from the June 8, 2020 City Council meeting at which the City Council requested additional information. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report; noting that the City did previously pay the developer $17,000 for an easement for the watermain and the watermain requiring lowering is within that easement. Further, the City Attorney has reviewed the Development Agreement which states the Developer shall install and pay for all required improvements. CM Warehime asked if the City has had any similar situations to this. City Engineer Wagner said yes within Harvest Run East where the developer paid 100% of the improvement. CM Warehime motioned to deny a cost sharing request by Darkenwald Real Estate for the trunk watermain related to the Riverbend North development. Seconded by CM Goede. Motion carried 4-0. CM Darkenwald abstained. CM Darkenwald returned to the dais at 9:40 PM. 7. City Council Reports and Updates. No items. 8. Staff Reports and Updates. 8.2 Waterfront East Street Lighting. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty stated Elk River Municipal Utilities (ERMU) has requested to replace the 12 decorative lights within Waterfront East with LED lights at no cost to the City. If the City should want the acorn style it would cost $12,000 for the upgrade. After discussion the City Council concurred to install the free LED lights. 6/22/20 8.3 COVID-19 Updates. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty asked for some direction on COVID-19 status; The City Council concurred to continue the no code enforcement citations, no peddler license should be granted and to continue the no utility billing penalties for another month. The consensus was to bring back the utility billing item in August for review. Parks and Recreation Director Demant presented a splash pad operations plan for reopening the splash pad. The City Council concurred as presented with signage stating use at your own risk. He further discussed Parks and Recreation programming with hopes to move forward with some programing in July. The City Council supports the return of programming and bringing back recreation staff as needed. 9. Adjourn. CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. Adjourned at 10:15 PM. (; PhIlyor Jessica Stockamp ATTEST: SMII��Ny-1 *a, V Tami Loff, City Clerk 6/22/20