07-21-20 Parks & Rec PacketPARKS Recreation otsegoparksrec.com Call to Order Roll Call: 1. Open Forum. PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA Tuesday, July 21, 2020 6:00 PM Prairie Center NOTES/ACTION 7/21/2020 2. Consider Agenda For Approval. 3. Consider the Minutes: 3.1 June 16, 2020 Regular Meeting. 4. Unfinished Business. 5. New Business 5.1 Otsego Lions Park Project Ga -Ga Pit 5.2 Improving River Access 6. Parks and Recreation Update. 7. City Council Reports. 8. Adjourn. The next regular Parks and Recreation Meeting will be August 18, 2020 at Prairie Center at 6:OOPM "OTSEGOPARKSANDRECREATION, THROUGH ITS EMPLOYEESAND VOLUNTEERS, IS COMMITTED TO PRESERVING HERITAGE WHILE PROVIDING QUALITYAND INNOVATIVE SERVICES, PARKS, AND PROGRAMS TO RESIDENTSAND VISITORS, " ITEM 3.1 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION Prairie Center June 16, 2020 6:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Angie Dehn called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Angie Dehn; Commissioners: Matt Killam, Kitty Baltos Doug Cassady (*), Angela Hilde(*), Jim Breitbach(*), Liz Benoit(*) City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp(*) Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director. This meeting is proceeding under MN State Statute 13D.021 allowing members to appear by telephone or video conference due to the ongoing health pandemic and state of emergency. For the record, the chair, other commissioners and staff were present in- person. Those indicated with a (*) attended via video conference. 1. Open Forum. 2. Consider Agenda Approval. Parks and Recreation Director Demant requested to add ITEM 5.2 Review Splash Pad Quote to the agenda. Commissioner Baltos motioned to approve the amended agenda. Seconded by Chair Dehn. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider Meeting Minutes. 3.1 May 19, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Cassady motioned to recommend to the City Council to approve all meeting minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Killam. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Unfinished Business, 5. New Business. 5.1 Wayfinding Signages. Parks and Recreation Director Demant presented memo. Chair Dehn questioned if the city had designated trail heads. Demant stated not at this point but that could be implemented during the planning stage. Commissioner Killam questioned smaller directional signs within the parks. Demant stated implementation of these signs would work well at Prairie Park. Commissioners Baltos and Dehn recommended trail and loop signs and Demant agreed it was a good idea to list the distances of the park trail loops. ITEM 3.1 Chair Dehn motioned to recommend to the City Council to approve park wayfinding signage including small directional signs in Prairie Park, trail loop signage in city park/trails and other park signs for the 2021 Capital Improvement Plan. Seconded by Commissioner Killam. All in favor. Motion carried. 5.2 Review Quote of Splash Pad. Parks and Recreation Director Demant presented memo. Demant reviewed history, maintenance issues, budget and features of the splash pad. After discussion, the commissioners decided to proceed with the recommended features except the Alto toddler feature. Commissioner Killam motioned to recommend to the City Council to proceed with the updates and recommended features, except the (Alto) toddler feature to the splash pad. Seconded by Commissioner Baltos. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. Parks and Recreation Update. Parks and Recreation Director Demant presented report. Demant discussed the opening of the splash pad, farmers market, recreation programs, Prairie Center flooring and the new city round abouts. 7. City Council Reports. Mayor Jessica Stockamp presented City Council Report. 8. Adjourn. Commissioner Killam motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Chair Dehn. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:28P.M. Written by Connie Schwecke, Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant CITY OF OTSEGO PARKS 80 Recreation olsegoparksrec.com TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks and Recreation Director Demant DATE: July 16, 2020 RE: Otsego Lions Club Project Proposal- Ga -Ga Pit Background: Item 5.1 Otsego Lions Club are the Pride in the Parks volunteer group for Prairie Park. As part of their responsibilities, they continually look for ways to improve the park experience for park users. As part of this process, the Lions Club has approached Staff with the idea of building a Ga-ga Pit at Prairie Park. Ga-ga is a fast -paced, dodgeball-style game played in a fenced -in court (often hexagonal or octagonal) with a single ball and two or more players. Like dodgeball, the object of the game is to knock out your opponents by hitting them with the ball. Unlike dodgeball, however, the ball can only be hit with open hands and is in almost constant motion. Players strike, jump, and run to avoid being hit and are eliminated only when struck on or below the knee. GaGa actually translates from Hebrew as "touch -touch" and is a variation on dodgeball. To some it is known as Israeli Dodgeball, Octo-Ball, or Panda Ball. It is commonly believed that the game was brought to the US Jewish summer camps by Israeli camp counselors The pit is octagon and is typically 20 feet across with the section dimensions measuring at 3'x8'. The pit entry point is typically lower to allow participants to step over the boards in order to enter the play area. Staff is proposing placing the pit between the basketball court and sail structure shelter located south of the splash pad. The Lions Club has filled out a project request form which contains information regarding how the Ga-ga pit would enhance the park system and how it would be maintained. Requested Action: Staff is requesting that Commissioners review the information included in this memo and provide a recommendation to the City Council on how to provide with the installation of the Ga- ga Pit at Prairie Park. Enclosures: Project Proposal Worksheet for Ga-ga Pit Item 5.1 A= 20ft. B 8ft v. A=-20ft. Rmlltt. B 8ft v. A=-20ft. Item 5.1 Ite)n 5.1 ------------ GAGA PIT ----------------- DIFFICULTY: COMPLEX irla 4 VOLUNTEERS 1. Sort all materials into piles by like items to ❑ 6 HOURS 1. ensure you have materials needed to complete V project. MATERIALS 2. Take every 2x12x16ft boards. Cut each into (2) ❑ 96" pieces, for total of (24) 2x12x96" pieces. PREP Pencil 2� (12) 2xl2xl6ft boards 3. Take (5) of the Ix6xI2ft boards. Cut each into ❑ (6)1x6xl2ft boards (4) 36" pieces, for total of (20) Ix6x36" pieces. safetygiasses BUILD (24) 20206"beveled 4. Take the remaining 1x6x12ft board. Cut into (1) ❑ pieces 36" piece and 3. (3) lx6x24" pieces 5. Beveled Edge Cuts Take all (24) the (21)1x6x34' pieces 2x12x96"pieces cut in step 2. Beveve! both ❑ (16) 3' hinges 3. ends with the saw set at 22.50 to make (24) 2Ib2"deckscrews 2x12x96" beveled trapezoid pieces. .. BUILD LIST PREP 1. Sort all materials into piles by like items to Miter saw ensure you have materials needed to complete ❑ Circular saw (optional) project. If there is grass in the gaga pit space, Tape measure remove it. Pencil 2� Assemble the eight sides. 7 of them will have carpenter's square (3) 2x1206' pieces laid next to each other. safetygiasses Use the 1x6x34" straps to attach together. ❑ BUILD There will be (3) straps per side, one in center Level and one on each side 10" from the edge. Pencil 3. Assemble the final (acrd 8th) side using 2 of the saletygiasses 242x%'pieces, and the (3)1x6x24'" pieces ❑ Tamp (this will be the entry in,/out of Gaga Pit for Tape measure smaller children). Will Screwdriver bit 4. Connect sides together forming an octagon using two hinges per corner. One hinge will r--, connect the top 2x12s and otherconnects lul bottom 2xl2s. There will not be a hinge on the center 2x12s. 5. Finish the octagon and prepare the bottom. It can be asphalt, concrete, limestone, de- composed granite, sand, or packed down dirt. kaboorri Make sure your Gaga Court is actually an octagon and doesn't resemble an egg -shape. C! CITY OF C PARKS Recreation o[segoparksrec.com TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks and Recreation Director Demant DATE: July 16, 2020 RE: Improving River Access Background: Item 5.2 At the May, 2020 Parks & Recreation Commission meeting, Commissioners assigned prioritized 8 initiatives identified in the masterplan. Those eight are: 1. Wayfinding (Park Signage) 2. Improve River Access 3. Partner with School District to Improve Athletic Fields 4. Prairie Center Improvements 5. Classify City Owned Open Spaces as Greenways or Natural Areas 6. Athletic Field Improvements 7. Highlands of River Pointe Improvements 8. Develop New Neighborhood Parks The Parks and Recreation Commission provided a recommendation on wayfinding at the June meeting. The next initiative to review is improving river access. The masterplan lists improving Nashua and Carrick's Landings with accessible non - motorized boat landings, parking areas and add signage. Also, add paddle port facilities at two points in Otsego, potentially at Norin Landing and Carrick's Landing. Finally, work with adjacent communities to determine best local paddling routes. Map river kayak and canoe routes and provide information online (distance, time, and access points). River Access and Recreation With over twelve miles of river frontage, there are many opportunities for river recreation in Otsego. Current river access is provided at Norin Landing and Nashua Landing. Carrick's Landing has parkland adjacent to the river, but does not provide formalized access. The Mississippi River through Otsego is classified as a Recreational Wild and Scenic River by the MN DNR. Potential improvements and recreation facilities include: Item 5.2 • Paddle Launches gradually sloped aggregate or paved area located at a river's edge should be in an area where there is not a swift current should be close to parking for loading/unloading canoes, kayaks, and paddleboards could include rental kiosks with paddling equipment signage should indicate paddling routes, maps, and general safety guidelines. • Overlooks should be in areas with desirable viewsheds and prominence of site lines facilities could include boardwalks or piers over the edge of the river interpretive signage should describe the view and importance of the area should be close to parking lot or trail access selective tree clearing should be utilized to open up views. • Beaches should be located in areas where there are natural sandy beaches ensure that current is not swift, and if so, identify with signage selective tree clearing should open up views benches, picnic tables, and natural play features (boulders, logs, etc.) should be located on high ground parking lot or trail access should be nearby. • Fishing piers should be located in areas of shallow water where fish gather should be designed to be ADA accessible with walkways from parking areas or trails railings should be designed to facilitate fishing pole access and protect user from slipping into the water. Requested Action: Staff is requesting that Commissioners review the information included in this memo and provide a recommendation to incorporate improving river access into the CIP discussions.