ITEM 3.2B SCC 11.12.2013 Minutes1 T' M 3.2M SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL November 1, 2013 Call to Order. Mayor r Jessica St cl' amp called the meeting to order at 8:20 PI' I. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica St ck mp; C uncilmemb rs: vera Heid n r, Jason W r him , Doug Schroeder and Tots Drknrld. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Dan J rd t, Administrative Services Director; loss D r ant, Parks and Recreation Manager; Brad B l ir, Street Maintenance Supervisor and Tari Luff, City Clerk. 11 2014 Budget discussion. City Administrator Johnson and Administrative Services Director J rd t reviewed the tax levy and general fund budget, City Administrator Johnson stated the tax levy information remains the sane as the information presented in September. She indicated the two outstanding iters in the General Fund budget are pay and the Public Works seasonal position. She stated that after further review Street Maintenance Supervisor Belau has withdrawn his request for one additional seasonal position= City Administrator Johnson further requested that the Council allow staff to make request for additional seasonal staff if the reed for additional staff changes due to additional projects= The Council concurred. There was discussion on the$34,917-surplus as outlined in the staff* report. City Administrator Johnson stated they would provide a recommendation on which bond fund the $34,917 should be applied based on the Council's initial desire to use the fords t reduce a future tax levy. Administrative Services Director J rdet and City Administrator Johnson will research tax levies and tax rates of surrounding communities, do analysis of bond fund levies, and review the 2013 General Fund balance needed to meet the City's Fund Balance Policy. The City Council directed City Clerk Leff to call a budget worksession directly following the regular scheduled City Council meeting on November 2 , 20131 The ADP job codes were distributed and discussed. CM Heidn r asked to attend a meeting scheduled with AIBP, Administrative Services Director J rdet presented a survey with the 2014 market rate adjustments in approximately 70 other cities. City Administrator Johnson requested input from the Council on 2014 employee compensation. The City Council directed City staff~ to pull additional information from compatible cities including specific position comparisons and whether the other cities are also including step increases. It was agreed that the comparable cities selected years ago were no longer comparable and that the City Administrator should recommend a new set of comparable itlsl . Adj urn. CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion Carried, Adjourned at 10:03PMR ATTEST: Tani Lof, City Clerk Mayor Jessica Stockamp