ITEM 3.7A Pay Estimate #44P 0 tSTe F Co MINNE.SOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner August 10,2020 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 3.7A STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: I THE CITY OF OTSEGO: Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. X Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends City Council approval of Pay Estimate #4 to Municipal Builders, Inc (MBI). ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: This payment is being made for work completed through August 1, 2020. Only paving of the driveway, site restoration and well start up remain. City staff is awaiting results from water quality tests prior to placing the well on line. Work completed to date is $457,948.12, and in accordance with Minnesota Statute, the City is withholding 5% retainage of work completed, which accounts to $22,897.41 at this time. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Pay Estimate #4 POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve Pay Estimate #4 in the amount of $245,870.45 to Municipal Builders, Inc., for the Well #9 and Pumphouse #1 Improvements, City Project No. 20-04. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: Fund 601— Water Utility Yes PAY ESTIMATE CITY OF OTSEGO Well #9 and Pumphouse #1 Improvement Project August 5,2020 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 13400 90th Street NE Otsego, MN 56330 RE., Wall#9 and Pumphouse 91 Improvement Project Contractor, Municipal Builders, Inc, Award pale: Mar 24, 2020 Completion Data: July 9, 2020 Door Honorable Mayor and Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above -referenced project by Municipal Builders, Inc, ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USED To DATE EXTENSION 1 Mobilization 1 LS $27.000.00 $27,000.00 0.90 $24,300100 2 Remove Watermein Pressure Valve Manhole 1 EA $1,200.00 $1.200.00 0.00 $0.00 3 Removal A Disposal of Edsting Antenna, Transformer, Electrical Meter 1 LS $1,160,00 $1,15o,00 0.00 $0.00 4 Cut Off and Dispose Existing Abandoned Wall Pipe I LB $1,500.00 $1,500.00 0.37 $555.00 5 Abandon Usling 6' Pipe inplace and Cap at Main 1 LS $1,800.00 $1,800.00 1.00 $1,800.00 6 Milt Bituminous Surface (1.5'Thkk) 14 By $30.00 $420.00 D.DD $0.00 7 Sawing Bituminous pavement (Full Depth) 40 LF $3.60 4140.00 40,00 $140.00 8 Remove Bituminous Pavement 35 SY 38.00 $280.00 36.00 4280.00 9 Remove Chain Unk Fence 120 LF $10.00 $1,200.00 0.00 $0.00 10 SalVage Aggregate Base Class 6 28 CY $12.00 $338.00 28,00 4330.00 11 Site Grading 1 LS $2,600.00 $2,600.00 0.00 $0.00 12 Class 5 Aggregate Base 122 TON $20.00 $3,418.00 119.00 $3,332.00 13 Type SP 12.5 Non Weadng Course Mbdure (2,S) 66 TON $145.00 $9,570.00 0.00 $0.00 14 Conarete Pad with Conduits (8"Thlok) 48 SF 360.00 $2,880.00 40.00 $2,880,00 16 Install Bollards (City Supplied) 4 EA $400.00 $1,600.00 D.00 $0.00 16 Connect To Edsting watermaln 1 LS $1,200.00 $1,200.00 1.00 $1,200100 17 Install 10' Gale Valve and Box 1 LS 0.800.00 $3,800.00 1.00 $3,800.00 18 Ductile Iron Fillings 286 L86 $6.00 $1,710,00 285.00 $1,710.00 19 10' Watennaln Ductile Iron CC62 120 LF $137.00 $16,440.00 120.00 $18,440.00 20 Site Cleanup, Establlshment turf and Controlling Erosion 1 LS $3,500.00 $3.600.00 0.30 $1,050.00 21 TosSng (Pressure and accede) 1 I LS $760.00 $750.00 0.00 $0.00 Total Bid Schedule "A" ar,r o„ t,.d,d. W. _ W.0 ae $82,392,114, $57,823.00 ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USED TO DATE EXTENSION 22 Ddll & Drive 24' Casing 60 LF $105160 316,000.00 81.00 110,795.00 23 Drill 23' Open Hole 263 LF $165.00 $41,745.00 168.00 $27,720.00 24 Furnish 6lnstafl 18' casing 255 LF $95.00 $24.225.00 249.60 $23,655.00 2$ Furnish & Install Grout 20 CY $650.00 $13.000.00 20.00 $13,000.00 26 Drill 1T Open Hole 03 LF IIWA0 V0,375.001 76.00 $9,600.00 27 Plumb and Alignment 1 LS $500.00 $500.00 1.00 $600.00 28 Furnish, Install and Remove Development Equipment 1 LS $3,600,00 331600.00 1.00 $3.600.00 29 Weil Development 60 HRS $395.00 $23,100.00 60.00 $23.700.00 30 Haul SlandslansAway 26 CY $14.00 $350.00 0.00 $0.00 31 Furnish and Install Well Screen & Grovel Pack 75 LF $325.00 $24.376.00 80.00 $26,000.00 32 Pitless Adapter 1 LS $64,600.00 464,600.00 I'm $64.600.00 33 Discharge Piping 10' Din 250 LF $6.00 $1,500.00 260.00 41,500.00 34 OBchAMOTeaenl8'Castng, 1`198Cap 1 LS 4825.00 $825.00 1.00 $826.00 35 furnish and Install 125 HP Pump and Motor 1 LS $89,262.00 389.252,00 0.00 $0.00 36 Fumish,Install and Remove Test Pump Equipment 1 LS 46,600,00 $0,600,00 1.0o 46,600.00 37 Test Pumping 200 KW 15o HP Pump 60 HRS $106.00 $9,750.00 33.00 $6,435.1)0 38 WatarAnalysls STD Menu With Radlonuculiclde i LS $1,050.00 $1,850.00 1.00 $1,650.00 39 Data Logger For Test Pump Recording 1 EA $325.00 $325.00 1.00 $326Ao 40 video I" 1 LS S1,400.00 $1,400.00 0.00 $0.00 41 Comma Log i LS. $1,800.00 $1,800.00 0.00 $0.00 42 O&M manuatWell Report 1 LS $J76.00 $175.001 0.00 $0.00 Total Bid Schedule"0' $335,247.00 $225,305.00 PAY ESTIMATE) CITY OF OTSEGO Well #9 and Pumphouse #1 Improvement Project ITEM NO, ITEM DESCRIPTION EST161ATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNITPRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USED TO DATE I EXTENSION 43 Remove Existing Pumphouso Pipe and Appmrlenances 1 LS 34.000.00 $4,000.00 1.00 54,000,00 44� Furnish and Install Ductile Iron Pipe and Appurtenances I LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00 1.00 $20,000.00 45 install V Badger Maq Motor (city suppRod) 2 EA 4400.00 4800.00 2.00 5800.b0 46 Painting And/Or Repaint AllDuctile Iron Pipe 1 LS $3,000.00 $3,000.00 1.00 $3,000.00 47 Testing (Pressure and Bacteria) 1 LS $1,000,00 St,000,00 0.00 50,00 wtat uta scneawe -u- PIA 4r1.e A,Ae ••n•� _ c,..,a,.., $28,800.00 $27,800.00 ITEM No, _ ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED .QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USED To DATE EXTENSION 48 Conlml Panel w/VFD and Controls + Instruments 1 LS $60,000,00 300,000.00 0.99 $19,200.00 49 Panel DlsoonnaclSW 1 LS 35,950,00 $5,960,00 1,D0 $6,069,00 50 Generator Receptacle 1 LS $1,933.00 $1,933.00 1.00 51,933.00 51 Electrical Mob, Circuitry, and lnstalil misc. 1 LS 38,110.00 $8,110,00 0.60 $4,055,00 52 Furnish and Install Antenna Pole 1 LS $1,800.00 $1,800.00 0.00 $0,00 63 Electrical Main 300A Feadorin Conduit 175 LF $51.00 $8,926.00 175.00 $8,925.00 $106,728.00 $100,073A0 REM N0. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CQNTRAcT UNITPRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USED TO DATE E TENs1oN 1 Mlnar Electrical and Mechanical (o Chemical Feed Rooster Pump 1 LS $4,756.51 $4,768.61 1.00 $4,766.61 1 Total Bid Schedule. Minor Work Order#2 14,756.51 $4,756.51 CONTRACT I USEDTO $7,900.00 $7,980.00 ITEM NO, ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT I UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USED TO DATE EXTENSION 1 Well#2 Line Double CheckVaNa Assembly 1 LS $10,556.66 $10,5m.68 1.00 S10,668.68 2 Well 09 Line Double ChockValve Assembly 1 LS $10,556.60 s10,556.66 i.00 310,558.68 3 Well DO Line Double Check Valve Assembly 1 LS $13,D97.29 $13,D97.29 Leo $13.007.29 Total Bid Schedulo "A" Total Bid Schedule "e" Total Bid Schedule "C" Total Bid Schedule "D" TOTAL BID SUMMARY Total Minor Work Order #1 Total Minor Work Order#2 Total Change order#1 TOTAL APPROVED PROJECT TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE LESS 6%RETAINAGE; LESS Pay Estimate #1: LESS Pay Estimate #2: LESS Pay Estimate 03: WE RECOMMEND PAYMENT OF: $34,210.61 $82,392.00 $335,247.00 $26,800.00 $106,728.00 $563,167.00 $4.756.51 $7.080.00 $34,210.61 $600,114.12 APPROVALS: CONTRALTO MUNICI AL UILDERS, INC. CertIn y ntra or; I co Ify ihat items and amounts are correct for the work completed to dale Signed: r /" Data V S7 ENGINEER: HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC, Certllica000�y l±r1 naer, e r m d payment forwork and quan00es as shown. Signed:��,6j Title: c2 Date 5 a20 OWNER: CITY OF OTSEGO Date $34,210.61 $57,823.00 $225,305,00 $27,800.00 $100,073.00 $411,001,00 $4,768.61 $7.980.00 $34 210,B1 4b7,948,12 $457,948,12 $22,897.41 124,226.00 $41,118.78 $123.83u0 $245,870,45