Memo Storm Water CIPMang Main Office: ..Hal(anson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-052 lAnderson- www.haa-in . ori MEMORANDUM TO Lori Johnson, City Administrator : Ronald J. Wagner, P.E., City Engineer CC: Dan Jordet, Administrative Services Director Tani! Loff, City Clerk Brad Belair, Street Sitpei isor DATE: N vem b er 25, 2013 R : 1 Storm Water CI As requested, this memo explains the $75,000 requested for Otsego Creep clean up and the issues regarding the project. Currently, the public works crews review the status of the creek for downed trees and during winters with little snow cover and thick ice they clear those trees from the creek. Liftle to no excavation takes place and no permit is required. Brad and his staff` secure right of trespass over sections of the creek that are not covered by D&U, Obtaining permission from landowners has not been an issue in the past nor is it anticipated in the future. The $75,000 was the cost estimated to clean excavate bottoln and slopes) the section of creek north of 83dto Mason Avenue. The cost basis included DNR permits to complete the pork as well as City crews' time and rental of needed equipment and is based upon previous project costs from the section north of 901 Street completed a few years ago. The difference between the too sections is the City has casement for the portion north of 90t" Street and does not for the proposed section. This section is through farm fields and pasties. The stream has vertical galls and a vee;fir narrow defined creek section. Wetlands are along much off'this section which complicates the permitting process but with the track record we established with the t" St section, we envision obtaining a permit will be much easier. Another issue is the creek was straightened through this section at some point between 1963 and 1991, The DNR may want the creek's original route restored and the property owner will likely not. The need for the improvement is tip for discussion. Due to the narrowness of the creek, the creek overflows its banks nearly every spring. This does little damage to the farmers' fiefs or pastures. It aloes however impact 4 or 5 residents who use 87th Street to access their homes. "' Street is also overtopped nearly every year for a short period of time a day or two) and is generally passable as it is usually only a few inches veep. Other than improving the creek section and keeping the culverts open this is unavoidable due to the elevation of the street and surrounding topography, Our recommendation would be to leave the funding in the C1P for the 5th year of the C11 and let the project be Omplaint driven or development driver.