ITEM 3.1ITEM 3_1 TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP REPORT DATE: 13 August 2020 ACTION DATE: 15 September 2020 RE: Otsego — ISD 728 Otsego Middle School TPC FILE: 101.02 Independent School District 728 (ISD 728) has submitted plans for development of a proposed middle school facility for grades 5 to 8 to be located at the southwest quadrant of MacIver Avenue and 85th Street. The subject site is 44.37 acres that was platted as Outlot B, Otsego E 8 School Addition approved by the City Council on 26 October 2015. The proposed Otsego Middle School development requires consideration of a Zoning Map amendment, Planned Unit Development -Conditional Use Permit (PUD -CUP), and preliminary/final plat. A public hearing to consider these applications has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 17 August 2020. Fxhihitc- ■ Site Location ■ Building elevations and exterior materials (2 sheets) ■ Building floor plans (2 sheets) ■ Paving and Geometric Plan (7 sheets) ■ Landscape Plan (6 sheets) ■ Grading Plan (7 sheets) ■ Utility Plan (7 sheets) ■ Preliminary Plat (7 sheets) ■ Final Plat 1 ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The 80 acre property northeast of MacIver Avenue and 80th Street was acquired by ISD 728 in 2006 for the purpose of developing both elementary and middle school facilities as guided by the following policies of the Comprehensive Plan: ■ Assist the school districts in locating sites for new facilities that are accessible, compatible with adjacent land uses and natural environment amenities, and offer the necessary land to meet the physical needs of the school use. ■ Promote school site design that results in the facilities becoming neighborhood and community focal points and gathering areas. The subject site is located within West Sewer District and guided for institutional land uses by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan in accordance with Resolution 2015-64 adopted on 26 October 2015 at the time Prairieview Elementary -Middle School was developed. Development of the proposed Otsego Middle School is consistent with the land uses guided by the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The subject site is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District consistent with the property being platted as an outlot at the time Prairieview Elementary and Middle School was developed in accordance with Interim Land Use policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. Development of the proposed Otsego Middle School requires consideration of a Zoning Map amendment to rezone the subject site to INS District, which allows middle school facilities as a permitted use. ISD 728 is also requesting a PUD -CUP related to lot performance standards and building exterior materials, which will be outlined in subsequent paragraphs. Consideration of the Zoning Map amendment and PUD -CUP are to be based upon, but not limited to, the following criteria: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The 2012 Comprehensive Plan establishes goals to provide for proper school facilities by working with School District officials to meet the needs of existing and future populations. The proposed Otsego Middle School addresses the increase in population occurring in Otsego (and the overall school district) and planned future growth needs. The proposed Otsego Middle School is also consistent with the policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan to develop facilities at locations where they will be neighborhood and community focal points, are accessible, and will be compatible with adjacent land uses. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 2 Comment: The table below summarizes the existing and planned land uses surrounding the subject site. The proposed Otsego Middle School will be compatible with existing and future land uses in the area, which is bounded by major collector roadways on 2 sides and planned to be surrounded by future low density residential neighborhoods. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential A-1 District Agriculture Rural Residential East LD Residential A-1 District Agriculture South Institutional INS District Prairieview Elementary/Middle School West LD Residential A-1 District Agriculture 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The development of the proposed Otsego Middle School will comply with the applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: Existing streets accessing the subject site include MacIver Avenue and 85th Street, which were completed in 2019 as residential major collector streets in accordance with the Transportation Plan. The capacity of MaclverAvenue and 851h Street provides necessary connectivity and access for the proposed Otsego Middle School with adequate traffic capacity. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The City has adequate capability, including sanitary sewer and water utilities, to serve the proposed Otsego Middle School within the West Sewer District. Exterior Materials. Section 11-17-4.D.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that the exterior finish of the north and west elevations of the proposed building that face public streets consist of 65 percent brick, stone, glass walls, or textured precast concrete panels. The other building elevations are required use these materials or precast concrete panels, rockface block, and/or EIFS materials for 90 percent of the area of each elevation. The building is to have 2 types of brick, glazed glass walls, 4 types of finished metal panels, and an architectural precast panel to create a varied appearance for the exterior of the building on all of the elevations that is enhanced further by its sectioned design to minimize mass. The use of Grade A materials on the north elevation is 51 percent of the wall area and 62 percent of the wall area on the west elevation facing 85th Street and MacIver Avenue, respectively, which is less than required by the Zoning Ordinance. The east and south elevations of the proposed building comply with the exterior material requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 11- 17-4.F.3 of the Zoning Ordinance allows exceptions to the material requirements subject to the following criteria being met: The proposed building maintains the quality in design and materials intended by this title. b. The proposed building design and materials are compatible and in harmony with other structures within the district. C. The justification for deviation from the requirements of this section shall not be based on economic considerations. The proposed exterior materials are durable and of high quality used as part of the overall architectural design of the proposed building that is an aesthetically pleasing design for a structure of this size. Furthermore, the proposed architecture and exterior finish of the Otsego Middle School is complementary to that of Prairieview Elementary -Middle School located on the same campus. Economic considerations as the basis for the choice of materials in the architectural design for the proposed building is not evident. The proposed architectural design for the Otsego Middle School satisfies the criteria established by the Zoning Ordinance for the use of the proposed exterior finish materials. Building Height. The proposed Otsego Middle School building has 2 floors with a total area of 168,698 square feet. The building is 39.8 feet in height, which complies with the 40 foot height limit for principal buildings within the INS District. Landscaping. The submitted landscape plan provides for installation of an extensive number of trees along MacIver Avenue and 85th Street, around the building perimeter, along the interior driveways, and within parking lot islands. The sizes of the proposed plantings comply with the requirements of Section 11-19-2.13.3 of the Zoning Ordinance and the types of plantings are appropriate for the subject site. Areas of the subject site shown to be sodded or seeded with turf grass, including the ballfields and playfield areas, are also identified on the landscape plan to have an irrigation system installed as required by Section 5-7-3.B.4.b of the City Code. The sloped area at the northeast corner of the property is to be planted with native grasses. Lot Requirements. The minimum lot area required for middle schools within INS District is 30 acres. There is no minimum lot width requirement in the INS District. The subject site is 44.37 acres exceeding the minimum lot area requirements established by the Zoning Ordinance. The intent to subdivide subject site as a lot for the building and off-street parking areas and outlots for the playfields and preserved area at the northeast corner of the subject site. The area of the lot and outlots are to be considered together under the PUD -CUP in relation to compliance with the minimum lot area requirements for a middle school within the INS District. 111 Setbacks. The table below indicates the setbacks required in the INS District and that the proposed site plan complies with the applicable setback requirements to all property lines. Vehicle Access. The subject site abuts MacIver Avenue and 85th Street, which were both constructed as major collector streets in 2019. The primary access and parking areas are on the west side of the building accessed from MacIver Avenue, whereas bus drop off and service vehicle access to the receiving area of the building are accessed off of 85th Street to separate the traffic flows. The paving and geometric plan shows a widening of the public streets at the driveway accesses to accommodate striping for left and right turn lanes into the subject site. The parking area driveway is designed to allow for 2 outbound traffic lanes and 1 in -bound traffic lane at MacIver Avenue for efficient movement and to minimize congestion during peak traffic periods. Buses and service vehicles will enter and exit the site at 85th Street via a 2 -lane driveway to access the east and south sides. A 20 foot wide fire access driveway extends around the northeast and southwest corners of the building for emergency vehicle access. Pedestrian Access. There are existing trails on the east side of MacIver Avenue and south side of 85th Street abutting the subject site. Construction of the turn lanes at the site accesses will require relocation of the trails to accommodate the additional roadway width. City staff recommends that the trails be shifted to maintain the existing boulevard width along the public streets for separation from traffic. Additional right-of-way or trail easement will be required to be dedicated on the preliminary and final plat for this purpose. A trail connection between the proposed Otsego Middle School and Prairieview Elementary -Middle School is shown on the paving and geometric plan. City staff recommends that the paving and geometric plan for the subject site be revised to include a trail along the south side of the public/staff parking area from MacIver Avenue to the building and along the west side of the bus and service vehicle driveway from 851h Street to the building. Off -Street Parking. Section 11-21-8 of the Zoning Ordinance requires 1 off-street parking stall per 7 students based on the designed capacity of the building for elementary and middle school facilities. The proposed Otsego Middle School has a design capacity of 1,200 students that equates to a parking requirement of 172 off-street parking stalls. The paving and geometric plan illustrates 299 off-street parking stalls to the west of the building and 32 parking stalls on the east edge of the bus corral east of the building. There are 8 disability van accessible parking stalls close the main building entrance on the west side of the building to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The number of off-street parking stalls exceeds the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Consideration may be given to not constructing the 37 parking stalls on the south end of the west parking lot to reduce hard surface. 5 MacIver Ave. 85th St. East South Required 30ft. 30ft. 100ft. 100ft. Proposed 620ft. 810ft. 300ft. 160ft. Vehicle Access. The subject site abuts MacIver Avenue and 85th Street, which were both constructed as major collector streets in 2019. The primary access and parking areas are on the west side of the building accessed from MacIver Avenue, whereas bus drop off and service vehicle access to the receiving area of the building are accessed off of 85th Street to separate the traffic flows. The paving and geometric plan shows a widening of the public streets at the driveway accesses to accommodate striping for left and right turn lanes into the subject site. The parking area driveway is designed to allow for 2 outbound traffic lanes and 1 in -bound traffic lane at MacIver Avenue for efficient movement and to minimize congestion during peak traffic periods. Buses and service vehicles will enter and exit the site at 85th Street via a 2 -lane driveway to access the east and south sides. A 20 foot wide fire access driveway extends around the northeast and southwest corners of the building for emergency vehicle access. Pedestrian Access. There are existing trails on the east side of MacIver Avenue and south side of 85th Street abutting the subject site. Construction of the turn lanes at the site accesses will require relocation of the trails to accommodate the additional roadway width. City staff recommends that the trails be shifted to maintain the existing boulevard width along the public streets for separation from traffic. Additional right-of-way or trail easement will be required to be dedicated on the preliminary and final plat for this purpose. A trail connection between the proposed Otsego Middle School and Prairieview Elementary -Middle School is shown on the paving and geometric plan. City staff recommends that the paving and geometric plan for the subject site be revised to include a trail along the south side of the public/staff parking area from MacIver Avenue to the building and along the west side of the bus and service vehicle driveway from 851h Street to the building. Off -Street Parking. Section 11-21-8 of the Zoning Ordinance requires 1 off-street parking stall per 7 students based on the designed capacity of the building for elementary and middle school facilities. The proposed Otsego Middle School has a design capacity of 1,200 students that equates to a parking requirement of 172 off-street parking stalls. The paving and geometric plan illustrates 299 off-street parking stalls to the west of the building and 32 parking stalls on the east edge of the bus corral east of the building. There are 8 disability van accessible parking stalls close the main building entrance on the west side of the building to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The number of off-street parking stalls exceeds the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Consideration may be given to not constructing the 37 parking stalls on the south end of the west parking lot to reduce hard surface. 5 Parking stalls are 9 feet wide by 20 feet deep and accessed by 24 foot wide drive aisles as required by Section 11-21-7.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. The parking areas, drive aisles, bus corral, and the fire lanes are all paved surfaces with perimeter concrete curb and striping as required by Section 20-21-7.C, D and F of the Zoning Ordinance. Exterior Lighting. Section 11-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes performance standards regulating exterior lighting requiring that all light be cast downward and that glare to public streets or adjacent properties be prevented. A photometric lighting plan for the subject site indicating the location and illumination pattern of proposed exterior lighting will need to be submitted with application for building permit to verify that proposed exterior lighting complies with Section 11-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 8-8-4.13.1 of the City Code requires installation of street lighting every 660 feet along major collector streets. Street lighting installed with the 85th Street -MacIver Avenue Improvement Project included street lighting only at intersections. With platting of the subject site, the exterior lighting plan for the proposed Otsego Middle School must include installation of the street lighting along MacIver Avenue and 85th Street in accordance with the City Code. Signs. Section 11-37-5.D of the Zoning Ordinance provides that uses within the INS District are allowed 1 freestanding sign with an area up to 100 square feet and up to 20 feet in height is allowed and must be setback a minimum of 10 feet from any property line. There is no limit on the number or area of wall signs for the proposed E-8 school. The landscape plan (Sheets L1.001 and L1.002) show monument signs at each driveway entrance. Allowance of 2 freestanding signs is appropriate given the separate entrances to 2 collector streets for the subject site and will aid in providing direction. Installation of freestanding and wall signs upon the property requires issuance of a sign permit approved by the Zoning Administrator. Trash. The floor plan for the proposed Otsego Middle School includes an engineering and receiving area at the northeast corner of the building, which is accessed via the service truck/school bus access from 85th Street. Section 11-18-4 of the Zoning Ordinance requires any exterior trash container storage be screened from view within an enclosure constructed of the same material as the principal building. Details regarding trash storage and plans for an enclosure using materials consistent with that of the principal building are to be submitted and are subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. Preliminary/Final Plat. The subject site is Outlot B, Otsego E 8 School Addition. The subject site must be platted for development of the Otsego Middle School and a preliminary and final plat has been submitted for the site as 1 lot. City staff is recommending that the preliminary and final plat be revised to plat only the building and off-street parking areas within a lot and plat the outdoor playfields and undeveloped northeast corner of the subject site as outlots. A revised preliminary and final plat are to be subject to review by City staff prior to City Council consideration of the applications. G Park and Trail Dedication. Section 11-8-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance establishes provisions for dedication of land or cash fees in lieu of land for development of the City's parks and trails system that would allow the City to require ISD 728 to dedicate 12% of the land being platted or an equivalent cash fee to the City to be used for park development purposes. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan and Parks System Master Plan policies promote joint use of City parks and school recreational facilities to maximize the benefits to both residents and students, who are constituents of both the City and School District. The proposed Otsego Middle School building is to include 3 gymnasiums, rooms for health and fitness, as well as boys and girls locker room facilities. The landscape plan illustrates an improved baseball field with backstop and outfield fences, dugouts, and bleachers; a large turf area for playfields; a hard court area with 2 basketball courts and other court sports; and an area designated for possible future tennis courts. These facilities and programing of them for community use contribute to expanding the parks system in Otsego available to the public and satisfy the intent of the City's park dedication requirements in accordance with Section 10-8-15.F of the Subdivision Ordinance. No park dedication is to be required for the proposed preliminary and final plat. Utilities. The proposed Otsego Middle School is to be served by municipal sanitary sewer and water utilities. A temporary lift station and forcemain was constructed along MacIver Avenue north of 80th Street with the Prairieview Elementary and Middle School project to provide service to that facility as well as for development of the subject site. The proposed Otsego Middle School (and Prairieview Elementary School) will eventually have a gravity sewer connection to the northwest at such time as a permanent lift station is constructed at Mason Avenue and 87th Street and trunk sewer is extended with development back to the ISD 728 properties. A trunk forcemain will need to be constructed across the ISD 728 properties in the future to convey wastewater from the Mason Avenue/87th Street lift station to the existing interim lift station (that would be removed) within the existing drainage and utility easement platted across Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlot A, Otsego E8 School Addition. The utility plan for the proposed Otsego Middle School must anticipate the need to connect to the future gravity trunk sewer at the east property line. Water service for the proposed building is connected to the existing services for Prairieview Elementary and Middle School and looped around the proposed Otsego Middle School insure adequate water supply and water quality for the proposed building. Locations for fire hydrants are to be subject to review by the Albertville Fire Department and approval of the City Engineer regarding fire protection. All water pipes are to be overlaid by drainage and utility easement. ISD 728 is to pay sewer and water availability charges for the platted area of the subject site as a condition of final plat approval, as well as sewer and water connection charges at the time a building permit is issued, in accordance with Chapter 6, Section 1 of the City Code. VA Grading. ISD 728 has provided a preliminary grading plan for development of the subject site. The grading plan provides for storm water basins along the west and north lines of the subject site abutting MacIver Avenue and 85th Street. The stormwater basins are sized to provide for water quality, infiltration, and rate control such that water leaving the subject site after development is not greater than predevelopment conditions. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. ISD 728 is required to pay a storm water impact fee for Otsego Creek based on the net area platted of the subject site as a condition of final plat approval. Easements. Section 10-8-12 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of 10 foot drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of the proposed lot to be subdivided for the proposed Otsego Middle School building and off-street parking areas. Drainage and utility easements also must be dedicated over storm water basins, the proposed water service loop, and future forcemain location within the subject site. The preliminary and final plat must be revised to include the required drainage and utility easements, which are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Development Agreement. The City Attorney will prepare a development agreement related to the proposed Otsego Middle School plat and site development to provide for construction of the project, completion of all public improvements, establishment of required securities, and payment of applicable fees. The Development Agreement is to be adopted by resolution of the City Council and executed prior to recording of the final plat. RECOMMENDATION The proposed development of the Otsego Middle School is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. City staff recommends approval of the applications as outlined below. POSSIBLE MOTIONS Decision 1— Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning Outlot B, Otsego E8 School Addition to INS, Institutional District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and criteria of the Zoning Ordinance. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance criteria. Decision 2 — Preliminary/Final Plat/Site and Building Plans/PUD-CUP A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of a Preliminary/Final Plat, PUD -CUP and site and building plans for the ISD 728 Otsego Middle School Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service; the City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. The site and building plan approval and the stipulations, limitations, and conditions therein shall be applied to the property in question as a formal agreement between the applicant and the City in accordance with Section 11-9-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. Relocation of the existing trails along MacIver Avenue and 85th Street shall maintain a boulevard separation from the back -of -curb and shall include dedication of additional right-of-way or trail easement, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. The paving and geometric plan shall be revised to include a trail along the south side of the public/staff parking area from MacIver Avenue to the building and along the west side of the bus and service vehicle driveway from 85th Street to the building, subject to review and approval of City staff. 5. A photometric lighting plan that complies with Section 11-16-5 of the Zoning Ordinance shall submitted with application for a building permit and is subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 6. Street lighting shall be installed along MacIver Avenue and 85th Street as required by Section 8-8-4.B.1 of the City Code. 7. All signs shall comply with Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and shall require issuance of a sign permit prior to installation, subject to approval of the Zoning Administrator. 8. Any outdoor storage of trash containers shall be screened from view within an enclosure constructed of the same exterior materials as used for the principal building in compliance with Section 11-18-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. All utility plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 0 10. ISD 728 shall pay sewer and water availability charges for the platted area of the subject site as a condition of final plat approval; sewer and water connection charges shall be paid at the time a building permit is issued, in accordance with Chapter 6, Section 1 of the City Code. 11. All grading, drainage, and erosion control plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. ISD 728 shall pay a storm water impact fee for Otsego Creek based on the net area platted as a condition of final plat approval. 13. The preliminary and final plat shall include dedication of drainage and utility easements as required by Section 10-8-12 of the Subdivision Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 14. ISD 728 shall execute a Development Agreement with the City prior to recording of the final plat, subject to review of the City Attorney and approval of the City Council. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is does not comply with the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney 10 ISD 728 - Otsego Middle School Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL ID— MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits ❑ c ❑ t ❑❑ Parcels rwo, 1 Independent School District #728 New Otsego Middle School SOUTH ELEVATION -CITY SUBMITTAL o iz za MON CITY SUBMITTAL I� f o iz za• 4 NORTH ELEVATION -CITY SUBMITTAL o it za• CITY SUBMITTAL ELEVATIONS Comm No: 192245 06 NORTH ELEVATION description area percentage image Grade A Brick 1 - Utility Size 777 ft2 12% color: capital iron spot Brick 2 - Utility Size 1,467 ft2 21% color: beige Glazing - Curtainwalls & Windows 1,289 ft2 18% Independent School District #728 EAST ELEVATION New Otsego Middle School description area percentage image Grade A Brick 1 - Utility Size 5,191 ft2 33% color: capital iron spot Brick 2 - Utility Size 1,832 ft2 12% color: beige Glazing - Curtainwalls & Windows 2,612 ft2 17% subtotal 3,533 ft2 51% subtotal 9,636 ft2 62% Grade B Grade B - Architectural Precast 90 ft2 1% Architectural Precast 107 ft2 1% color: matched to brick 1 color: matched to brick 1 subtotal 90 ft2 1% subtotal 107 ft2 1% Grade C Grade C Metal 1 -Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 1,092 ft2 15% Metal 1 -Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 2,430 ft2 16% color., dark grey color: dark grey Metal 2 -Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 1,073 ft2 15% Metal 2 -Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 1,168 ft2 7% color: light gray color: light grey Metal 3 -Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 1,308 ft2 18% Metal 3 -Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 1,542 ft2 10% color: blue color: blue Metal 4 - Steel Profile Panel 0 ft2 0% Metal 4 - Steel Profile Panel 681 ft2 4% color: dark grey color: dark grey subtotal 3,437 ft2 48% subtotal 5,821 ft2 37% TOTAL 7,096 ft2 100% TOTAL 15,563 ft2 100% SOUTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION description area percentage image description area percentage image Grade A Grade A Brick 1 - Utility Size 1,132 ft2 8% Brick 1 - Utility Size 3,410 ft2 19% color.' capital iron spot color: capital iron spot Brick 2 - Utility Size 4,627 ft2 32% Brick 2 - Utility Size 2,919 ft2 16% color: beige color: beige Glazing - Curtainwall & Windows 4,116 ft2 29% Glazing - Curtainwall & Windows 4,553 ft2 26% subtotal 9,875 ft2 69% subtotal 8,941 ft2 61% Grade B Grade B - Architectural Precast 128 ft2 1% Architectural Precast 132 ft2 1 % color: matched to brick 1 color: matched to brick 1 subtotal 128 ft2 1% subtotal 132 ft2 1% Grade C Grade C Metal 1 -Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 988 ft2 7% Metal 1 - Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 4,662 ft2 26% color dark grey color: dark grey Metal 2 - Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 1,159 ft2 8% Metal 2 - Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 701 ft2 4% color: light grey color: light grey Metal 3 - Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 1,315 ft2 9% Metal 3 - Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 718 ft2 4% color: blue color: blue Metal 4 - Steel Profile Panel 785 ft2 6% Metal 4 - Steel Profile Panel 636 ft2 4% color: dark grey color: dark grey subtotal 4,247 ft2 30% subtotal 6.717 ft2 38% 14,250 ft2 100% 7/232020 4:37:50 PM BIM36011192245 - ISO 728 - New Otsego Middle School/192245 New Otsego Middle School (Central) -t BIM 360:11192245 - ISD 72B - New Otsego Middle SchooI1192245 New Otsego Middle School (Central).rvt Totals 17,731 ft2 100% Material Tabulations Comm No- 192245 r I MAIN LEVEL OVERALL 1 �„ = zo,_o„ 0 15' 3D' Independent School District #728 New Otsego Middle School �oarvt s�,=_,so,�_�.. �a���,sa„1��,M-� ML PLAN Comm No: 192245 Wol �� UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SUBMITTAL I I � = 20_," I 0 75' 30' �u MECHANICAL Li MECHANICAL MECH IELEC �inw ioaeii STORAGE CLASSROOM WORKRM BOYS TOILET ELEC LOUNGE CLASSROOM n CLASSROOM MECHANICAL ESL I IN READING I CLASSROOM I CLASSROOM TERVENTI AVID IINTERVENTION I CLASSROOM I CLASSROOM I CLASSROOM STORAGE PLANNING SPECIAL ED PLANNING �u �1 i SPECIAL ED CLASSROOM I CLASSROOM I CLASSROOM I CLASSROOM I CLASSROOM 1111' WAa MECHANICAL SCIENCE SCIENCE SCIENCE LD Independent School District #728 New Otsego Middle School NOT,17 \ rem �R 1 PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.000 ABBREVIATIONS 04 YM CONC Conmb EILV F.N�n FFE MMM1ed Floor Derolbn IN MMaximum u I", RN INP. iimypl MUNlncO ullmwm MR umreml PROPOSED PUN SYMBOL CC__CN UMIIS PROPERIY UNE SAWCUT UNE (APF—) MOUNT UNE _MM WALL — ---- NEAW "I S PAVMFM MMI 0111Y CONCRETE CONCRETE/SIDE Nlt PA— MIIMINOIS TRML M CURB MO GUEIFR SLNNCU_ CURB IND liCI1FR O PEEEmIM CURB RAMP IL'Ln9BLE PARKNG mBW Lk RIGH PMKNO sOU_ MUNI N 100' 50' 0 100' 200' SCALE 11 - 100' PAVING AND GEOMErR11C MASTER KEYED NOTES IEYM NOBS ME CENOIM BY ® ON RAN. 11 WS B812 CONCRETE CURB AND OUCER REFER M EETAO 2,1- F21 ,1 SO NSTALL BIMTINOUS TRML REFER 10 DETML 10/C5.002 Q 019N HEAW-WIN BINNNOUB PAWRENr. REFER TO DML 5/CSA02 © I SCALL 8010 CONCRETE CURB AND OUCTEE REFER M DEMI. 14/CSD02. 5� NSTALL WEIRI FEW. REFER M CETIL 1/MC05 AND MOSCAPE MCHRECNRAL PINS ANO SPEC- — ❑F NAALL BIIUNINCUB PAAEMEM, I— 6 roWRH F S1WO PANDIEM BECTI.. FOR NI — 81180.45 REFER To ECML /CSML �) INSTILL M CONCRflE MRN REFER M DML 3/1CB= ❑B NSTALL CONCRI E PAVMEM. RFER To D.M. 2/C5A02 Q1 INSERT NRORAL MNCRTE CURS, MFFR TO DEIML 1/COMOY. O M ML CONCRI E WMX. REFER TO DETML 1/CS... 11 SCANDAIAP�MNRS-25)]50 AND MH/— SCM01M PURE )DIB. -O02 MR P ­CURB BW P. REFER TO MN/DOE 12 NSCML AMEMBIE PMKING SIM. REFER M EWL 7/C M NSOJL PRECAST CONCRETE KNEEL SrOP. REFER To CEIML 11/CS.M2 14 NSTNL SOFIRLL FETA REFER To OCMI 1/Cs.0C4 MO LUI0.AMPE AfR HI1MRIBE PLUS AND SPECIFlGOONS IB NSfN1 UGM-DItIY BIRNMOUS PAVEMENT. REFER M DETAO 4/M= 16 NSTALL BABKEIEML COURTS R6C4 M DETM. 4/C3.00] MO UI SPE MCHIrECINML PWS AND SPEMFICATANS. O NSCALL FOUR SOWRE SNUPING. REFER M DEML 0/MS IS N— XM SCOTCH SOMPING. REFER TO DEFNL )/C5.O05. 11 STRIPE CRCSSMUX STOP W. M' WIDE AND BNOE IN LWDF. Q -PE UME DELNFATKN, 4' MOE MO WHITE IN CM ­ Q PNM' TRARIC ARROM ANO NCBAGE AB AAWN. ® INSTALL STOP SIGN PER NNMUICO R1-1. REFER M DCAL 7/CS002 FOR SON POST MO MUNDAOML Q NAALL M Nor EN1M SON PER MNMUICD M-1. REFER M OMRL 7/C5D02 FOR WON POST MA MUNWON. N NSCALL LER NPN —Y SIM PER MN 4U1 O Rl-5. REPER W DCAO 7/M.W2 FOR SON POST AND FMIIOATON. ® INSTALL RKM BURN ONLY SON PFR NNMIFICO 0.T -S REFER M —M. 7/Oi0D2 MR AON POST MC FOUNMTKN. ri PMW NO PAR1fNG MFA 4' WIDE SMIPES, WNIIE IN COIDR SMPING FOR CROSS O SOL. E M SHOWN SPA® 4' MART. QC I— CONCRETE VAULY GIRIER REFER To .— B/M—. ® INSCUL SURMWMMIE CURB. REFER TO DML 1]/CSA02. Q MORS MURK ME NOT IN CONDYLE AND ME SHONN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. ® STMPE MUBIE YELLOW UNE OWNFATKML SIPPING SH- BE 4' WIRE WOH 4' BEIINFIIT SMIPES MO -OR N COLOR, NMEN510ES SHOWN ARE to CENTER OF NSA BEIWEC! snt P si PNM NO TRMIIC MEA 4' M OE SCOPES, YE11DM IN MMR. STRIPING MR CROSS ICH S— BE SPICED 4' MMT. ® INSTALL SMC- 10 -FEET ttmNsrr0N FROM Mia to 9012 MRB SECTION. Q N rf SMOOTH I— FRMS ON FROM WRNWMABLE CURE M 8612 CURB SECRON. p NsrM SMMTH IO-fYET TRANBOAN FROM FIAT CURB m 8612 CUM SEMM. ® PNM BUS PM— BTM15. RE)ER To C—L 5/CS—. ® MTALL CONMflE IbUMINMCE MIR REFER To DETML 2/CSD04. Q INSTALL CMCREM IUUN EWNCE MIP MO MMNIEIYNCE CURB. REFER M DCML 4/C5.M{. Q REFER to SMUCNRN CLOS FM HIDING DOCC MO - Fal ® WS U_ SM00TI1 10 -FET mMTAODN FROM INTECRY CONCRETE CURB TO BE12/B61B CCR® SEMON. ® INstN SMCOIH 10 -Mor TWJHRON FROM INTEGRAL CONCRETE CURB To — CURB SECTION. 4Q1 INSfN1 SMCOTH 10 -FEET TRANATIDN FROM INMDRAL MNCRLTE CURB to SURNOUNCABIE CUM SECOON. Q REIRF to SMUCNFIL RMS FOR STOUP OECNL Q NSML 25 -FOOT HM FAC POLE REER M DECML 4/CSM{. QH N6CR M LWDSCAPE RAMS FOR PLANIFRS AND BENCH OCAOA ® NAALL BINE PMIOHG —IM, 4' WIDE EWE -SPM ro BE INSTMIm BEFORE BUS SMPNG. y TMFA PILL HMW INTEGRAL CONMETE CURB AND BAEMUJU W BE FWSH RITH PROPOSm PAVMFM. 1RANSOAN M W. PAVING NOTES: 1.ALL MMDLRIONS ARE M FACE M MRB UNLESS NOTED OMERMSE 2ML CURB MD CUITIER 6 M E BB12 CONCRETE CURB AIA GUT F UNLESS NOTED OIHERWSE MNO SAEWAU( 6 To HAVE MMS THAN A 2R CROSS SLOPE OR NONE ION A 5% MNGOWII M S E. 4. REFER to ABCHTIECMRAL FTINS fl1R PROPOSED a..-UYMIC. S- Mu- ALL MUCITY OF MECO R BONS MO SPEORC—S WHEN H EN WOR SING IN PUBUC RK OF W V. S ALL PMANG SMS ME M BE B FEET ME BY 20 FEET IMA. UNLESS NOTED -E. 7. ALCE5 — MSLES SHALL BE "T"' PER 161 MOE I— 502). MUSE TRO RUBONIY 1-1 MOULD —U1A CURB RAMP OR ALC®BLE AMIE, TA PABI@1G' SIWL E PRINTEDNMSN_ ON 1HE SURFACE OF THE ACCESS NSE N TMYFl !�-0MMEDR CURBMGOr to COAND No ARKINGOMMS FOR FlAE PROIFCNON PURPOSES P4CFBIFNF OF FIRE WhS 0.REFER TO SIRUCNRLL P-MR SMP DETMS. ALL WAUrs ME ToIN BE CICSD ON THE COMB. 1O INSERT MPROFRATE EXPANSION MAWAL WHERE MNCRLTE S AOYCENr TO WILDING FAL£ 11. ALL FXPMSIM AND N19 (ATM JRMTS SIMLL E — PER EPECRIGTONS 12 IMUCH NEW PANCIENF IMO EXISIBIG PAVENEM. M ABRUPT GRADE ISM51MNH OR PMOING OF MIER MILL BE AUIIMM. 1]. BE NEW CONMCURS 0 /!10 CU- INTO EXISTING. NO ABRUPT GRADES 1RNSMONS OR PoNDINO OF COATER WILL BE N1DWE0. 14.MATCH NEW SIDEA'ALFt INTO EXISTING 90EWALK NO ABRUPT GRACE1RMAIIMS M PENDING OF CO01 ATER WBE At10WM. 15. SAWCUr ACSONG PA=—. SIDIBBAUC. MD CURB AND (MIM ro NEAREST 11 CM'­NFNCVAL UMrs WITH SBE CMOUMN MNTRLMR AND MISRAMON EIFNMaL 15 NSTIU. CRIME ENTRANCE PER CITY OF OISE00 STMDARM AND EPEA U— - MUIIW N1 CRY OF 01560 NMU_EN FOR TRAFFIC Co I 17. RFFW TO SPfCFlG110H5 MR, MMOE AER"C RM WM2Y PEOUfElEI115 R6OR to R/mE11T OF AIB-Blg wIHb4, THE WWROU D Q PANENEON RM MNUCi. 1 E N. IS FROND 010 S ICN WAS PREP VC B1 GUNDE LINO W SURING. B52 -BBT -2455. N URN AMIE INCOMEMNN1 B SHOWN rs iRLR1 A 2010 SUMEY AND A 2031 AIRhY FRVAE BY ANE LINO SIWNAp6. SLFNEYS WAS 0]MBtTM AT TIE PROPFRIY UE EIMEFIT PPANE NEW' FLMEMARY SCf1001 MO THE o — N. GISMO MMU, ro MIOP/4 Mt AMLL NII6Fr 9lA£Y NFarONTNNI 910MW rs ILOUMBE PRN1R STMF OF Mr6lRIlCRM. M AOMAFUL MIWLSATNXR MILL E PIFONCED idi AM SS11E5 THAT OMIM ONE EDR PENFMM eY PERFOCMNG 11E ABO£ NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Madver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11 5D 193rd Ave NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332Mnn®MSm .so W10M Sum PuJ,MN55101 wo[U . i 65112)7))3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 Fan: (763) 843-0421 —.bkbm.Lom CITY SUBMITTAL em�m,uywxws�p v. �pnvMx.we�.nan il.m ayum .1 N. C4.000 ABBREVIATIONS 9 BN B.rcM1 Noh MNC Cmuete EIEV dnuP6 I IX EdeUnq fFE MIeM6 Flan Devvlbn IIAY xulmum ux %dO - i.. M. TyI R Tk61 1N61UIOD Wnnreta M nual Dn UnlfP�m I 1 PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.00 PROPOSED PUN SYMBOLS mNslRurnal uwrs-•-•-•-•-•- PROPERTY UNE - - SNNdIr aDUTY BmMNd.6 PAVELENr LONCRES PAVFMFM/610EW'MN '.. . BOWBNOIs IIWL MT WPB Mi0 GUnM IURNWMN3U: dNB IND dJrim PEDESIIbW mrs RMIP ACC69BIE PMIOIHG SrMBOL SID. P irm s— mum N 30' W 0 30' 60' SCALE 1' - 30' ro ssxT u.6o6 mH PAHIHc PAVING AND GEOMETRIC MASTER KEYED NOTES KEYED NOTES MS — W ® M I -N. Qt Nm Lem THIS SHEET. 02 INSTAL. B—NOM — NEF01 TD DEr11L 10/MMI sQ Nm Ism THIS SMFEr. ❑{ usrAu sale c6xdclE ams AVD dNTM. REEET ro DEaL 1{/cs.aox I� INSTML BASEBML FFIU. RFFFA TO DI -I. 1/05A05 AND LVIDSfIPE MiCHf1ECI11PAL PVNS O INgM BOUNIN005 PAVe1EM. NnW IS TO IMMI FIDSRID PAVFNFM SECfgN. FOR BIDDING PIINP05M REFM TO pETNL /Cs.M2 Q Nor Ism THIS SHEm. � Nm Ism Txls sHEm. QI Nor USM TNI. SHFEr. 10 Nm Ism TNs SHEEP. 1�1 Nm USM THIS SHEET. 12 Nm ISM THIS SHFEi. 13 Nor USm THIS sHE .. R Nm Ism nHs sxEEr. tl Nm Usm 1X13 SNEIT. Q Nm usm THIS SHEET. 11 Nm uSM THIS s.— dl Nm Lsm T1s SHEET. Q Nm Ism THIS SNEEr. ® STI— LVIE D¢1NIXTON. 4' WIDE AND WHITE IN COmR Q Nm L6m THs SHEET. ® Nm Ism T1s SN— ® Nm l6m 1N6 SNEEr. Q Nm Ism 1Hs SHEET. ® Nm Ism Tis SHEET. ® Nm L6TlD THIS SHEET. Q Nm u5m TITS SXE£T. 0 Nor Ism TITS SN— Q Nm Ism THIS .— ® STRIPE DDUS.E YEWAT UNE DWNI-014. SII6PNG SXILL M e WUE WITH a e—N SNIPES MO Ya.1DW N CDIA0. dNmsprS SHOWN ME TD CENRT OF MSA BEM131H SNN£S. 01 PNM NO 1PI}T1C MFA a WIDE STRIPES. YELEIW IN m10R —.. FOR CRNA WTCN SHML U SPMED 4' 7® Nm USM THIS SH— Q Nm us. THIS m— F.1 Nor Ism MIS SXFET. ® Nm 05m T1s SHEET. M. Nm Ism THIS SHEET. �n Nm � Txs SHEET. Di Nm Ism Txs sxEEr. ® Nm Ism RIs sNFFr. ® Nm Lem 1Hs SNEm. N Nm Ism THIS SHEET. Q Nm Ism TNd SHEET. Q Nm USM THIS SHET:T. QN Nm Usm THIS SN— Na Ism Txs SHEET. ® Nm USED 1Hs SNFET. NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 183rd Ave NIN Elk River. Minnesota 55330 ,W101 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332 Mnnewu Sues, SWn Ol0Do0 SNm PaUL NON 55161 wolNocmm 1 6510ZI 3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis. MN 55340 Phone: (763) 643-0420 Fax: (763) 843-0421 NYwNv.bkbm.com CITY SUBMITTAL ®®® PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.001 1 PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.00 ABBREWTIONS e9 BY GDND Cenaele DEV D ,,In IX nr. q flE ea M.- FlDsvtbn MAI( YRtlmmn MIH R Ra6luem ttP. Typkal EDTMDICD M m Yonud an Unlfo�m PROPoSEO PIAN SYMBOLS WNSTRUCRON UMRS—•�•�•�•�•� PROPERTY TINE SAWWf NNE (APPROIL)-------- WiCTi UNE — �— —Hone PAVmFM CONCRETE �..:. PAVc?1EM/SIDEMAUt —HODS ML FIAT WTS ANO GUTIFI SIIRMWMMLE OUlS NO CUTHER Pmt51RW CURS RAMP ILCE59BI£ _NO SGN PMI(BIO STML U. N 30' 15 0 301 60, mmill SCALE 1e- W, tsr>s HO 9EEr U.000 iOR PAMHG PAVING AND GEOMETRnO MASTER KEYED NOTES IRTED NOTES ARE mFNNm W ® ON RAN. [1 1— BB12 mNCfETE CURB AND GUTHER REFEI TO 0— 2/CS.W2 n� IN— RRUNINOUs — REFNR TO DETAA 10/CS.W2. �0 INSTMI. HEAVT-SUIT SDUNINOUs PAYEMEHT. R6FR TO DETNL 5/010IM © mSTM1 5815 OONOfRIE R. AND GERIER ISFEi1 TO OETAL 14/OS.m2 �5 INSDNI S14b11 RTES. REIW 10 DETAR 1/CS.WS MD MNOSfME ARCHRFC —PVNS ANO .a— - ❑e xm Tam Txls sxEEr. Q Nm US. THIS SXFEf. Q N. Ebm NIS S.— Q Nm USES NIS S.— f0 NOf usm THIS SHEET. 11 IRETFR To MN/DOT SfµRIB DVtO PUNB S-287.250 ANOBNNa— MRNm SMIlD1RDPUWl21 RAMP. 12 NOT LS O IHS SHE1:T. 5 Nm Ism THIS SNEET. u Nm usm Ina sxEEr. Q NOT L6m THIS IN— Na LOEO THIS SHEET. I7 NOT Eem THIS SHEET. Q NOT LSm THIS SHFEt. Q MIM CROSS—C STOP BAR 24' WIDE AND WHRE IN Oo M Q SIRBE WIE OEUNFAOON, x- WIDE ANTI WNNE IN COmR 21 PNM TPMTIO -r MIO YFRdME m SIVOM1. ® INSTMI. SHOP SIGN PFR MNMURA B1-1. REF9i TO DETAIL 7/M.002 FOR SIGN POST AND .UN—. I7 Not USES THIS SHEE . O HIM mm INS sXFEf. ® -MST AND RW TURN ONLY SIGN PER M MMD RT -S RFfm TO DETAIL 7/C5.002 FOR SIGN Q NOT US. 1H6 SHE£t. ❑IO NOT US. THIS SHF£T. Q NOT ISE➢ THIS SNIT Q NOT USES NIS SHEET. O SIRIRSNIDESYEI R G�OIODR pIX�21O51. Sil.�5NW— - TO COI A of .�V✓EA SNIP s O PMM NO N -1C MFA e WDE SHIRES. YELIIIW IN OOmR Sn PING FOR DROSS WICH S— BE SPALED Y MMT. ® INSTM2 SMOOTH 10 -FEET HY 11 Droll B518 TO 8512 CURB AND CURFIt SECTION. ® Nm Usm IXCs SHFEf. Q% Nm US. IRIS SNFEf. ® NOT USES 1HIs W. Q NOT USES THS SH_ Q NOT L6m mrs SHIFT. Q NOT USED THIS IN— NOT 19D THIS SHEET. Q NOT ISm THIS SHEET. a Not LSm THIS SI — ❑u Not US. NIS SXEET. Q NOT LSm THIS SXEEf. Q NOT US. THIS SX— Q NOT USES THS SIIFET. Q Nm Ibm THIS SHEET. NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maoiver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NIN Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332Min..Som,Sdx IO2000 SeimP LA 55101 wdJswm 1 651 W M3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 Fax: (763)843-0421 Tvww.bktxn O CITY SUBMITTAL nnmynq nxU'u'uNi�dmib tlw�x"�.vam�nep�il�m eHuvca PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.002 I 83RD m i ABBREVIATIONS 9 Bu 0•nU Noh CONC Cmaate DEV Dewlb TyPiwln IX fiE MfeMtl Floor Dwotbn MIx uNwnMn YIN R RodlUem ITP. wmurcD rt ..nm uRnNm Pn umrom, PROPOSED PIAN SYMBOL mNSTRUCRIXI UMTS —• -•-'-'-'— PROPERTY UNE - - B— UNE (IAPROIL)-------- MATCH UNE •- ^' REWNING WALL HFAW OIIIY BfnBBN0U5 PAVEHEM CONCRETE SIDE— WNCRETE PAVe1EM — CURB ANO GUffER SURMWMIBIE CUTS IND CUnER PmF51RMl CUR® RAMP IC29BLE PARKMG SYMBOL SIGN PARKING STALL -U- PAVING AND GEOMETRnc MASTER KEYED NOTES IO:Ym NOTES ARE M_BY ® ON PUW. QI R6TALL B512 CONCI3TE CURB Mel CUDm. REFER ro DEWL 2/— NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 33--s—s- W1000 SMm Au1.M 55un .widaemn 165122JT3 �x Nm usm Txls sxFEr.BKBM Q INSTML CONOe:IE PAVFMFM. REFER �3 INSTALL NFAW-DUTY BINYTNOUB PAVE31ENf. RD1R 10 OETNL /CB... © Nm usm THIS sx¢r. ENGINEERS (] � MLmBecBME PDI . RErEI: U o ML 1/01005 MID w+osrwE ARCHnmruRAL nwrs 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Q INSTALL NOSE -DOWN CURB SECRON. REFER To DEBUL 4/C6.002 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Qi PSTALL nAT mNCRETE CURB REFER m DETALL 3/CSO02 Phone: (763) 643-0420 Fax: (763) 643-0421 to OE ML 8/-- W W W.bkbm.— Q O6OIlx MIEDRM mNLREIE CURB. REFER 10 OETML 1/CB.W2 Q INSTALL CONfAETE WA11L R— ro OETML 1/C5.002. it IN— PEOEBIRIW CURB RAMP. RDflt ro DETML 6/C— FOR PARM i n CURB RAMP. REFER TD MN/Dol so—M —N 5-28J]50 MID MN/OOl SYANOWO RATE JOTS. 12 Not use, RIS SHFEf. 13 NUT USED 1H6 SXEET. IV NOT USED IHS SHEEP. IS NUT ISm INS SHEEP. H NUT Usm 1H6 SHEET. 11 NOT (AFD lHls ax— le NOT Ibm IHS SHEEP. ie NCT IISEo IHS SHFEf. 0 NOT Ibm IHS SHEEP. i] NOT ISm RIS SHEEP. ® NDT (AID IHR SHEET. ® Not USED 1NIs W. i] NDT IJsm IVIS SHEET. °NCT--a- CITY ® Nm Usm THIS 91— Q INBTALL CONCI3EE — GUTTER. R— ro UErIl.e/C3.00J. Q INBTI7x BURMOUNTABIE CURB. REFER To OETML 13/C—ZNDT SUBMITTAL Wm IRIS V— g NOT USED IHS SN- 31NoT Usm INS 6H— ® NCT LSFD THIS SHEET. InmmuyuelulpnmiT.a a Q INSTALL SMOOTH 10-F12T TRAIT K FROM SURMdIMAB1E CUM 8612 CURB SFLTON. eabun+e•e'u EE .nennlcm Q INBTALL BWOIN 10 -FEET TRAIISnION n— F CURB To 0612 CURB SECIIIXL ,,.enmeNnaueeMaa MN ® PMNT BITS PARMWG I1LLB. lESFR ro .— 5/CS— ® INSTAL Co— YNMDWICE BTRIP. RESER ro DETML 2/CSJx14. Nevin0.BDM1I Q I— CplCIETE MMRn—CE BTRIP ANO EWNRHWCE CURB, REFERTO BETAR 4/C5ADA nec B2208 JUIY tT, 2020 HQ REFER ro BONCtIDM PWS iDR ENDING BOCK MID BTA66 (STALL SYOORI 1p-iF£f 1RWBRpN FR04 INImWl NNCREIE CURB To B612/BB1e CURB bTLfIIXL O ® USTALL SM00111 1p-fF£T nUNS ION FROM INfEBIW. mNCRETE CURB TD RAT CURB SECIKIM. l Ran— SYOOM 1D -n- TRWSIIpN FMM INImM1 CONCRETE CURB To BURMdWlTABIE CURB BECKON. Q RFFFA TO S1RUCnRM1 PWS FDR Sll10P pETAE Q SSTALL 23iO01 HN01 nAC FIXE REiER To CETML 4/CBADV. QN P6EA To VJIOSGPE PUBS FTM FVJODS MIO BENCH opMLi IM CUL BWE PARIUNG BnePING, a WIDE BWE SIRIRNG ro BE INSTALLED BEFORE BIS O SIIURNG. ® NOf Wm 1H6 SXFEf. BKBM4' 3M80 DYe: Juh 1r. 2020 Dawn' WH (Teck NPP (MBI PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.003 • ABBREVIATIONS 9 BM BemA Mark CONC Canvlb FIiV pawtM NW... n IX FNIB�N FFE M1�Mtl Flmr E.w6en MA% R gnlmum R RPtllu. IYP. TypiuN MHMUTUD NlnnwotR MRnuol m n 1 PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN 4.004 PROPOSED PLAN AVNBO R CONSTNUMON UMRS —•——•—•—•— PR➢PERIY UNE — — SVR2R ZINE (API—)-------- MICH UNE -- -- — -•• RETNNING WNL a— OMY BINIANCUSCONCRETE PAVCTIRf PAVEMFNT/SIDE_ FUi CURB MO CUTTER SURMOUMABIE CURB AND GURER PEDFSRN CUM —1 ALCESSIBLE —NG TOL SIGN __ STNL COUNT N 30' 19 0 301 W. SCALP T - 301 REFER TD liEf Cs.DGO im PANNB NOBS. PAVING AND OMETRn MASTER KEYED NOTES KEYED NOTES ME DENOIm BY ® ON PVN. �1 DSML 8612 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTER. RERA M DERNL 2/CS- 02 INSRNL BITUMINOUS TRM. RESER TO D 10/OSA02 Q3 I— HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS IRA— REEFER M DETNL /DSAO2. 04 Ps— BOIS CONCRETE CURB AND CUTER. Rear TO DERNL 14/CS.DO1 ❑5 I— aL5ERAI1 SND. REFER TO D_ 1/-- AND VNDSCME ARCHRECTUML —S AND SFp2FICATgNE O INSD11 BRUMINOUS PANFDENT, IMDR S TO WECH EXISTING P VELENT BECTON. EOR BIDDING PURPOSES REFER TO DETNL /C5.002 Q BSTNL MT CONCRETE CURE REFER TD DETNL 3/.— Q INGULL CCUCETE PAVE — REFER TO DETNL 9/GS.00L Q Ban— RR EG RAL CMDRIM CURB. REFER TO OML 1/CS= 10 I— CONCRETE WAUC REFER M DODUL 1/CSDM O I— PEDES RUm CURB RIND. REFER TO DETNL 6/CEW2 F R- CURB RA1R. REFER TO MN/DOT SRN✓QMO P 5-26).250 ANDMN/Wf MANNDAM PULE 761E 12 INSFNL ALCESNS -GM SIGN REFRF TO D—L 7/CS002 13 INSU -BT CONCRETE MM STOP. REFER TO DERNL 11/C5.002 11 INSTNL SOME FlED. RENFA TO GOAL 1/CSM4 AND UVROYAPE MCHRSOUML PUNS AND SPEdfMAIgN. IS INSRALL UGHT-DUTY BINMINGuS IYVEN M. RanER TO GErAL 4/CS= 0GRPUNS AND L Cts REFER Eo DOTAL 4/CSG03 AND UNDSCI ARCfRIFLRIML 17 INSTNL FOUR SQUARE STRIPING. BORER TO DETAIL 5/CS061. Q INSRNL HOP SMICH SROPINL RIDER TO DETAL 7/0— Q BINFE MOSSBNN STUP BIA 24' ROE AND WHOE IN COIDR Q GIBBS UNE DEIBRFADON. 4 WIDE AND W IN COLOR Q PNM TPMFTC ARROW AND VEEMGE M MOWN. ® INSOLL SIGN SIGN PER MNNUICU RI -1. REFER TO DEFAB 7/pAO2 TOR AGN DOST AND MUND TON. O INMALL DO NOT OVER AGN PER NNM= RS -1. REFER TO DML 7/Ca. MR SIM POST AND MUNW N. 0 ­ LETT TURN ONLY SICK PER NNUURM P15. REFER TO DETAL 7/CE002 FOR SIM POST AN MUNIVTON. ® INSTALL RSM TURN ONLY SIGN PER NINMUT M RO-6 REFER TO DERNL 7/CSA02 FOR SIGN CMT AND FWNDAD -N. O PNM NO PMgNO MEA• 4 WOE GROPES. WgTE IN Co— SROPINo FOR CROSS FNTCN SHN1 BE M SN_ SPACED 4' MART. Q INGrmu oMMETE vA11EY CTTTEII. NERR TO DETAR 6/65.003. ® INSTALL SURMOUMABLE CURB. RIEER TO DET- IS/CS— N TRgS COURTS ARE NOT IN CON RP AND ARE SIOMF TOR REFERENCE ONLY. ❑D STRIPE WUBIE YELIDW THE DRNUEON. SROPING SNNL BE 4- WIDE WRH a BEIWFDE SISTERS AND YeU11W N CLLR. DIMECSIOTS SHOWN ARE M CEDRER OF MFA ffIWFDI S7R1 4 0 PPAN BE 1RC AREA WIDE STRIPES. YE11DN IN COLDER FD SIRIM G R Moss NArM ® INSTNL SMODM 10 -FEET TRNSITDN RC1 8618 TO B512 CURB SECTION. MI INSTALL SMOOTH 10 -FEET TPANSIION RION SURNOUMABIE CURB TO 8612 CURB SECTION. Q NOT us. MIS SHEET. ® Na USED THIS SXFEf. ® INGRNL CONCRETE MNMENMCE SIRP. REFER TO DETNL 2/CS.WA I?] INS7NL CONOIEIE NNNTFNNIDE STOP AND MNMENANCF CURB. REFER TO D 4/Cs— NOT ISR THIS SHEER. O DISDLL SM 10 -RET ERMSTON FROM IMF AL CONCRETE CURB TO B512/BO16 CUTE SFON. ® NGDLL S— 10 -RET E N—N MM INTEGM CONCRETE CURB To — CURB SECTION. MGRALL SMOOTH 10i 1I NRSRgN FROM INIEDRN_ CONCRETE CURB TO SURMOUNG I CURB SECTION. Q NOT USED THIS SNRT. 0 Nor USE) THS ON— NOT USED THIS SIIEER. 0 NOT USED ROB SHEER. ® -ER NU. HECHT N1ESI4 CONCRETE CURB MD SIDE— TD BE -1H WTIH PROPoSR PAVEMEM. 1RMSRgN Or W. NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NIN Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332 �nnwM Suer. Sire W 20 W Sam Pou1.MN55101 wulda�wm 16513177]]3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown DT., Suite 700 Minneapolis• MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 F.: (763) 843-0421 NYww.bkbm.Corn CITY SUBMITTAL Inwnmvd�tuuntleed a�+�wm nu�elem Bary ua.� PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.004 1 PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN 4.00 ABBREVIATIONS BemASMoA CDNC Lanaeb I EI£V a..elw ExI.B,q� rtE nm.re n� ow0.� RM R ft Podlu. — MNYUICD Mlimwal b Morc,�aI an UnNerm MIX I I PROPOSED PIAN SYM90 I coxsmucnal uMlrs--•--- PRDPERIY UNXX E S—rr UNE CAPP—) --- —RING 1— I xuw olnr BINWNOa PAVdEM CO c— PAVF3IFM/sIDERNJ � :•i; � I � MT OJFa ANO GUrIFR ^ I SURMWMI-1£ CURB NIB DUrlElt I- Pm61r4W CUPS RWP I ACCE�BIE PAPM]NC SYMBCL i SIDN PARIDND In— mum N 30' 15 0 30' 60' mmlliiJ SCALE 1' - 30' m o — c4.DOD rw PAHxc / u NOf Lsm MMe IS sxF£T. Q xm usm Tx15 sxfET. / .•.•:' I ' 14 ; v�D sPmGMxim. Rb}R m BBrNL 1/CS.aM NID VNOYIPE NCWIECNRN PVNS IF51 BINMINDUS PA—Rt. REPFR ro D— 4/— / .. fx�. l� re xm usFn Txls sx¢r. Me u Nar Usm Tx15 sxFST. S1j s Nm Ism 1x15 sx¢T. e\ •'� I Q Rm Ism txs sNEEr. a r.1 Nm usm Me sxexT. Inc � I ®Nm Ism TxLs sNEEr. ¢ 0 Nm IIS. THD SHFEf. \ e \ DnC I>J Nm I.S. THIS SHEEP. ® Nm USM THIS SHEET. \ \ Nor lam MIS SHtEf. Q Nm USm THIS SHFE . F1\ 0 Nm lam IS SHEEP. USm MIS Txls Q Nm SHEEP. ® Nm I.S. THa SHEEP. \\ I \ 5f Nm usm MIS W. \V1, ® Nm Lsm Me sxE£T. QD Nm Vam M. aHFEr. Q Nm lam M. SNE£f. ® Nm Vam THIS SHFEf. \ ®Rm usm lxs sx¢T. Q NOr USm 1XIs SHEEP. 05e Nm usm lxs sxEEr. Q Nm Usm 1Ha SR— ®xm Ism 1Ns sxLET. 11 Nm —1 SHEET. Q Nm USm 1Ha SXFET. 0 Nm lam TILS SHEEP. QN Nm Ism HIES SHF£f. ❑u Nm USm MIS SHEEP. ® Nm USM MIS SHEET. NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Madwer Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NVV Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 333 Min nwn amn. awz F]A W Sum Nu1,AW 33101 welJveaw, 16313T/7T/3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Or., Suite 700 Minneapolis. MN 55340 Phone: (763) 643-0420 Fax: (763) 643-0421 bkbrn CITY SUBMITTAL PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.005 PAVING AND - OMEIRn- LM6S[E KEYED NOTES xEYm NON- ARE O OED B ® ON PVN. V Q Xm sm IHIa SNEER. Q3 INSTALL BITUMINOUS M- REFE11 ro DETNL 10/CSADi. � NDr usm 1NIs sxEEr. pp�� E+ Yz Q Nm use, M SHmET. QS Nm Usm me aI— Q Nm Usm 1X15 SxfET. p Nm USm 1X15 SR. - Is sxEET. ' L io RBr Lsm MIS SRI- Lr� I� Nm USm 1Ha aHFfT. / u NOf Lsm MMe IS sxF£T. Q xm usm Tx15 sxfET. / .•.•:' I ' 14 ; v�D sPmGMxim. Rb}R m BBrNL 1/CS.aM NID VNOYIPE NCWIECNRN PVNS IF51 BINMINDUS PA—Rt. REPFR ro D— 4/— / .. fx�. l� re xm usFn Txls sx¢r. Me u Nar Usm Tx15 sxFST. S1j s Nm Ism 1x15 sx¢T. e\ •'� I Q Rm Ism txs sNEEr. a r.1 Nm usm Me sxexT. Inc � I ®Nm Ism TxLs sNEEr. ¢ 0 Nm IIS. THD SHFEf. \ e \ DnC I>J Nm I.S. THIS SHEEP. ® Nm USM THIS SHEET. \ \ Nor lam MIS SHtEf. Q Nm USm THIS SHFE . F1\ 0 Nm lam IS SHEEP. USm MIS Txls Q Nm SHEEP. ® Nm I.S. THa SHEEP. \\ I \ 5f Nm usm MIS W. \V1, ® Nm Lsm Me sxE£T. QD Nm Vam M. aHFEr. Q Nm lam M. SNE£f. ® Nm Vam THIS SHFEf. \ ®Rm usm lxs sx¢T. Q NOr USm 1XIs SHEEP. 05e Nm usm lxs sxEEr. Q Nm Usm 1Ha SR— ®xm Ism 1Ns sxLET. 11 Nm —1 SHEET. Q Nm USm 1Ha SXFET. 0 Nm lam TILS SHEEP. QN Nm Ism HIES SHF£f. ❑u Nm USm MIS SHEEP. ® Nm USM MIS SHEET. NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Madwer Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NVV Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 333 Min nwn amn. awz F]A W Sum Nu1,AW 33101 welJveaw, 16313T/7T/3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Or., Suite 700 Minneapolis. MN 55340 Phone: (763) 643-0420 Fax: (763) 643-0421 bkbrn CITY SUBMITTAL PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.005 MATCHU1, ESEE SHEETC4.003 I I I I _ RUE PEE PIP RAP Ii UNIO PIAYEPdRw PEE � "kY PJV� NT 0- -� \ R �''U. o I I 01TU4W� ECJWY p � \ \ ' aN WIRT, \ \ \ \ \ Z I , P.1�al 1�- o II �J p f I IT WR IRON Xi a, EENE P [ONE Cq E p4 � TI CONCRETE ��/ CNlC cont +� PRAbP� NEW ESEMMTARY AA'0 1R00/E Sri/GgC luiPl 90r1/ SY A•£ r ABBREVIATIONS am9 . e.rcM1 Nak CONC O.naaEe El£V Bewlbn IX E Uq fPE MNMA FlO.r DrmlNn w% M.4mum wN wmm�m P bdiu. TP. 7.- uNuuru wnn...m Y.nua >, umr.ml PROPOSED PUN SYMBOLS CONSTRUMM MwR—•—•—•—•—•— P PENN UNE SW Nr UNE (APPnOX.)---_---- WTW U. �^ REfNXNG WNL H num DUry aIXpS PAVa1QR CONCRETE PAVclPlit/SIOEWN1f D MT ELRa ANU EUIIPn SUPNOVMABIE WF® ANO GUflat P!•D6 CURB —P ILCeS9stf PN2NNG SYw30L STEN PAPI@10 STALL COURT NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11 5D 193rd Ave NIN Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOID ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332 �n nwu Suxl, Sula W10(a SvmhW,MN55101 wnl&emm 1 651 IIY7n3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 043-0420 F—. (763) 643-0421 bkbnn.-. CITY SUBMITTAL InereeraM mNeuulwapmia m..e�m+tlem ewilun iry uansa CUIC I M.rtv EP209 O:X JuIY tT, 2Wd CONCRETE / COnCRfiE 1 PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.00 eNeN»: sbPI Dale: Juiv l7. tOS0 D. : wH Check NIA NIX PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.006 as I 4`9: : IIS./` }_'. ,.: ^:,''. ...•::,; :.'i: 'n. r{y I I �\:�\`���` .'--' .moi; .• MATCH LINE SCHOOL - \. , ,... —_~ - — — — OTSEGO MIDDLE �•-Y—....:-F,-�-...:.-': I -"v .,_�.',. s.�=:.'_"_'--`x---. �-,,.� � _ 1 .. .,,_'E'�_�-\`� `-�'-=. `--��;.. \ TCH LINE -SOUTH- \ 1 , . �. � �� ��' • .==; � , � � � ����-�--'� ; I � `__,_ ., \ � � SCHOOL II ! „ . ...;'?;. _ ,.-, -•' '` x r. �__ _.. �-_��`��' ❑ �:''V' \ A G RCIVIL PCA - �� 2' CONCRETE MAINTENANCE EDGE"'---.� 4 O, DIN \ N5 \ VING PER CIVIL PLANS M s as MULCH _ r • �' I I S MONDMENT TU F SEED �-' t:i �'�` I _ \ \ U - — Otsego, MN55330 III G ll 1.11 I II 1llilll\\ II - uRF NATIVE SEED/ I Am I ] � . k ^� E _ _���: _ �::- rsoD s h ,c TURF TURF SEED LINE I % \ Ma s - I ; ; ,. .: li.:;,:'y , d. _-. 1.: ,, . \\ �.n— " Independent School District#728 PROPOSED SCHOOL BUILDING \ \ I •• :{: :,�i,:':[-1'-�''['r,' } If ` ` J,,,r " 11500 193rd Ave NW -- �' Elk River, MN 55330 I:::`�.��' '"-' ...` r ` ,r ddocM. K,-- }::':�:: 1 I Gar IFF NATIVE SEED I i 1 —ENTRY PLAZAAREA SEE ENLARGEMENT PE ` `\.�`��'�-�� n �..• •:';;:T: T: :7: :'C1 t. TY'B' ' ( Y ENTRY -�^`��''-�`=`' ' z z TURFS "SOD 1 f€ r = �'^"`_-8=17� -`= - f{ \..x Pi=A1R EDGE I y -- "�-��"_"\;". e' .E . a`d'o:. :'rr'�•', \ , II'l I Aa : Y _ TURF SOD "`_..-`-` �- _ 'i%:� `-.. ROCK MULCH : DOCK MULCH l _� =-�� , 2CONCRETE MAFNTENANC }} EI _'t'INryt�Tly, Slap U E SI}OT E, TYP. \TURF SOD WOLD ARCHITECTS I •�' �, AND ENGINEERS { 7 L it R AVINGPER CIVIL PLANS dd BKBM ENGINEERS I I 3 2 \ 1 J I I _ I I r er ...... , . n. 01.11 !�fl , ........ � - .... _BACKSYO� FENCE, R}CNS]Tl0 diG , , �\ 3 " tOW.�h BL�AC1iERANta DUGOU'1; FENCE.... :- .: p :: .. .. .-..•:`':_ i 6120 Earle Brown Dr. Sults 700 Minneapolis,N 55430 ..' . ,�... � •. >.. .. ..... .r,. ::.:.: � �...,, .. -.., f.. �:• .: f:.;•, .✓_'� ~ - Phone: (763)843-0420 I I .... , .. . . ... . ....... , '' ,..,. .. . _..r.. .. ,'�.. ``'FtJ33�$EED':, :... ^: ,.'..::�. � ,•`. tet'• ✓' / , ..i. ..... _ � --- •... .. . . ... .. . .:. .�... -� .-.: ...:. ,�'._; . -._ _ Fax: 763 643-0421 ;t / 77 ...... ... ..-.. : .,•-..-: .. :.. .,,:.... �•�. �, / I ww�v.bkbm.rAm \ I SO BALL FIELD .. ,. Vic.. : .,,, .,. .... ..... .. ..'`.. w:.,:,, :`�.� �.''�•" / ,r I I .......::.:... ... ........... .. _. ,1. . , .'�• _ -- —�\\\\ III 1 L \ 1 i. .. .. .. .. _ .. ... .. .. . . .... F -D... .......... _. .. .. .. — I ., , ... , .\, , ':.... .... .. ........ :.. ..: STl G'STORM PONP 1 I 1 I ... _ ,..- ..:• ... ....:......•.;.: � .: - 'yrs � 1(r/�(- �� ,.. ,r .,. : ':� :..; , ,,:-: •:,..,:'\. ;.: ti, ,., , ,: .... TURF SEED II ra. /i' I I} I I \ \ \ 1 \ \ \\\\ EXISTING LANDSCAPE TO REMAIN F I .:: TOP GUARD:.:"a""•. ,t '�\\ \\\\= .ae-calf/ rl# -I PL+AY� UN f ,r- 1 � � 1 � \ I y •; d .'r 1 f ��$ACKSTOP'FENCE 1'ji[lil;SITIONING \ j T4>QwERe�zchEt.wpD�Gaut acs �� I a .�• \ \ i 1 II City Submittal d �\ PRELIMINARY I� .. - I - C /� Mw%.aw�umax pan�yaaro�w:,00nwa w,p.eary J I I ! Y EXISTING LANDSCAPETO REMAIN a -' I I r�aa_: \$ I" I I II 1 I 1 I I i ! I ` e t '\ �''� .: /f `•1` I 8 .�^Np BENNMN0.HA EERG. PIA I/ '1 EXISTING PRAIRIE VIEW ELEMENTARY BUILDING t 1 II II I I / I wN I I L r !VT (� \ I aNat, tU,9U I j tl I I I I II d 11 EXISTING S FTBALL FIELD _LH �\ Name LANDSCAPE LAYOUT PLAN \, ...� i. ��1 I �t aA- _ _ =� � I _ � I 1... SOUTH NOTES: 1. Refer to Sheets 1-1.003-1-1.006 for Details, Notes, and Requirements. 2. Refer to Civil Engineer's plans for grading, drainage, and site plan information plus Concrete p 40- 111' Specifications. 3. See written specifications for additional requirements. 4. Protect new improvements from damage during landscape work. � � . O O �% L 5, Refer to Sheet 1-1.001 for the North Landscape Layout Plan. SCALE, I" - 4o' -O' NORTH LANDSCAPE PLAN - SOUTH: Native Seed Required Maintenance - 3 Years: Netive Greaa am Fah a-- baglmdr. wkh-mnMa3) Yev t Ea[maanmenr mwlnp aeeamvl: 1) P,epae a le - Late Apol -May. 2) s.ad-May 1 -Jena 1. - M 1)non: 1) ory (40 kxhes)-mvy]0 days aherpkm'mg sett Sepember 30. ?)Weed Camol-morkgahaH help cwNal anmulwaetlr. SPIX sPaYlhhlMe vlc. Edebtl.hmenc Iran a<edmy: 1)Prepaa see -late A,Num early Seplanber. x) Seed - lope Sppan eel m finereup. Mdntmenn (follonM1,g�cwa 1J Maw (6JinAas)- bM. MaY.JunpmaJ,dr. 27 Weed Cmdml-mervg mnuM keepanaal wwda tlown Spol epnymitMe dc. Evome[lom 2) Gam: ¢ap�aaa 1b�krpAn egad bpl3il umwslnwPl clamed manprgs4 3)Naun9,eaa e<edpngemnu9. 4) If Here h atlush of ponlhkum an bma1 0, mor x mcean,Y V.2 Ndnimenre: 1)Mav(68 ,sI- ere nine Letwem Jum 1-Aago0labefineweedetttxeQ 2)Weai Cp .., awmJ,,.-.,Is weed: done. spm -pry m'alln etc E some �a..- ma r nn apeira m,an ma�dmar,a ne .:inns year. 1) Carer -111b- orale» winM dxetwo uaMin.Wpine,g. 2)0ra finn,ig clomps 1G inchezapambd➢inn, by sMl shwl. �3�e ik �en olgreMnfianfmt�ip.cyw�Sm®. uarg mm incl. Yem3 It Mo any dnacev-ay. 3) Wind Cabot-Spmspnyth'mks.mc. 4) Siks wudty do,KK repave mud, mivienancv do Ov,tl )war. End-: i) Plantig d.u8 begin bokkg &ea prate:-kll9assn. ibxen em. Naentma,me: 1)Wend LC-a Spm -.w.Mc. 2)aummB R5 }aarroki.nl ms- -ping art tan k pavmk. >1 Hayng 133 year avdpnlbx sunmerasadyma AnenmewM huming(mry v,bn.ne for Wmug) <) anmkgNm yaa. m a mwwa aaiymm ppmpgnappking-nom. Seeding Installation Method: SeeBng MMoas Mallwd t. drop See6ng Omo T,Iletl S''e. Thisktl+e-ffi„hN'mdMdfar�Ci,gmPraParad silm wrhaavxe onm Soman prd)eus N Sire Prapwetipn-The aim aMWtl be p,eparotlby kmnvg IppaaT m a mvimas clap& d13 intlrn. 8)f prude Ibvr-lheafndd 20ay.k tat 20h basedmamil realoagenerd,emnmerdatim ka 1610.10 (NPIa emnerdd D Ibshm. C)shad lnddlmma_. k allaseo us IwdM1aa,opaeativ rbl tlacceakly rd-asolypasm sredm be pametl. krepol seeds smdamNmeaee,N:g 8seaeedn9 and cp,dn amp sesdtdaesfor area placer,enl (&i0mrype). Thed,apseederdabM be equipped vrim a dnparka axanblym Rate Rea. _ Ei..11np-dame amps e,mlegnupped w8ha ocepudue ua ma .. en la, me -offiedhe omparked-avig me sewing b ensure seediu ianbd 11 Mulch - The -pe shWd be mulched art d'ucandarM k8owing a'tixy padmThe mndad mold, 11 MMYJTTvpa i d a rale of 2.9 tarehpe. Also see mmpdrry emcm amid for sadmwul'url anon. NATIVE SEED MIX: TYPE A Seed in bottom of beam In disturbed areas TYPE A (unless olhemlse noted on old plans). shall be: M.DOT N3S-241 seed mbiwe for at s,U,, drilled Into me topsoil layer at 36.5 IM par ame. Submit seed ink for approval. Grading and Emslon Cartrol par Civil Plans and Spedricaacns. Add 2016s per acre of V.DOT 21-111 Oak Cover Crop. Common Name scientific Name Rate(Ibfac) Rafe fkgrha) %of MIX Seeded sgft (by Weight) big bluestem Aradro tier cmurandir 2.00 224 SAB% 7.35 Indian Ararsa Sorgha frum nutans 2-00 224 5A8% e -S2 sideaats eine Bouteloua Curti doter 1-60 129 4.39% 3.53 little, bl.-tem S,JsUachyrium 1-60 1.79 4.39% 8.02 nodding wildrye Myrome, -.ade..is 1-1T 1.31 320% 223 slenderwherass Elimmus, trach solus 1100 11.12 273% 2.53 kaime 's brom Bmm-)ralmfi 050 0.56 1 1.37% 1.47 Prai edm gad fomEhehrol K 0-07 0.00 0.19% 0.39switch as Juanfoum v- alum 056 0.07 0.17% 0.32 Grasses Subtotal 10.00 1121 27.39% 35AS black ort sUsan Ru tbeekia hh-b 031 0.35 0.86% 1056 le ra""e d-- Dates urea 0.19 021 051% 1.03 Early Bunn-, Heiio is hefia th idea 0.13 0.15 0.34% 029 blue gisent hyssop Agawstahe(benicolum GAS OAT 0.15% 1.82 lead Plant Amo ha Cara-- 0.06 0.07 0.15% 025 Canada mak vetch AirsIS ca-derasis 0.06 0.07 OAT% am white Prairie, laver Dales -.dada 046 0.07 0.17% OA4 Canada tick trefoil Desmodium Camden.. 046 0.07 0.18% 0.13 stiBsurrn.- HeDanlhus cdf- 056 0.07 0.17% 049 wild bar of Monarda fisfolo- 046 057 0.17% 1.61 s51f oldenrod ory oneumm, rigiduan 0-06 057 0.17% 0.94 smooth aster S m h ofrichum faeve 0-06 0.07 0.17% 126 vemtn Vertena SmIcb 056 057 0.17:6 0.64 .Iden.) -and- r -I. aures 0.06 0.07 0.15% 023 common milkweed Asd D_04 0.04 0.10% 0-06 butberflmdk.-d Asd fes (u6emsa 0.04 0.04 0.10% 0.06 bluevervaum Verbersa h-tata 0.04 0.04 0.12% 150 rou h Waning star Liatris a- 053 0.03 0.08% 0.16 teat asing star Lhtd. oustahy, 0.03 0_03 009% 6.13 heath aster SymphyotrWID. erkojoi- 0.03 0.03 0109% 230 Forts Subtotal 150 1.68 4.11% 23.89 Oats Avena saliva 25.00 28.02 SE -5D% 11.14 Purpose: Cover" Cro Subbtal 25.00 28.02 6850% 11.14 12. Tob1 36.50 1 40.91 100.00% 70AS Pmpase: General mesio Prairie mo[ for -five roadsides, ecological restoration, or rvation cram bntin s Planting Ares Tallgrass Aspen Parklands, Pratte: Parkland, and Eastern broadleaf Forest Provinces. Mn100T Districts 2 west 38.4 Metro, G. 7 & B. Q NATIVE SEED MIX: TYPE B ®Beadle"TN-ofeinem basinre fordq,dareas TYPEB:(unlessolhervratnotedontiv0 Pbm).shat ba: MnDOT k35-221 seetl mkture for tlry soils, killed Indo Na mpsdl layer at 36.5 to per ave. Submit - ink for approval. Grading and Erasion Control par CIvO Plans and SpecMcaftm. Ind We an additional 1 bibs. per acre of Native Forbes Add 20b, pm ams of MnDOT 21-111 Oak Cover Crop. Common Name S.4 -Me Name Rate, OWS4 Rate(kyhe) faT eihn SeedalagR aideoals rmn Be..(.- urfrosodot 3.00 3361 612% 6.61 lEtle bluestem 5Gd2vchyrlum a- 3.00 336 822X 1653 noddmg --Id rye areum4-15 1.00 1.12 2.74% 191 eaer'a brome Bromus A.Imii 0.73 0.62 2.00% 2.14 big bluestem Andordii 0.70 0.76 1.92% 257 Indian gmaa hsarrunm nrrrsn, 0.70 0.76 192%. 349 blue grams 6.osak ue cradir. 0.50 OAF 137% 736 M L KorVrvie nron.rafh. a.25 026 0.69% 16.37 pram.dropaeed SDombolea hene-lanh, 0.12 0.13 0.34% 0.73 G- S,Wtotal 10.00 1121 27,42% 5930 brad, -eyed sawn Rudbeckf. hills 0.31 035 9A . 10.32 purple prome clover Dolce b-- 0.19 021 0.51% 192 hoary -We Verbena suede 0.13 o.1s 1 034% 129 lead lent am ha ar,aseena 0.09 0.10 016'14 BA2 blue giant hyasoP Aysaceft lionew Nm 0.06 0.07 0.17% 2A7 but Mymilkweed Aad -as fubems. 0.06 0.07 0.17% 0.10 Canada milk vetch Asfn .fuacenadenaH epos 0.07 0.18% 0,40 bid's loot coreopaia COmoPaJa Peemane 0.06 0.07 0.16% D21 white pined, darer DaW andids 0.06 0.07 0.15% 039 Canada tick trefoil I O amdium-.ad- 0.06 047 0.16% 0.13 attOsunflow.r N041 -hum, ucMams 0.06 0.67 0.17% 049 wgdbergamol Mos-fi tumea 0.06 0.07 0.15% 1A2 ati8 oldenrod OgganNnare-imostan 0.061 0.07 0.15% 093 Iarq.- a based tonue Pensremen manatiSom. 0.06 0.D7 0.17% 032 ....th seta Symphinodrifhom, Mere 0.06 0.07 0.17% 120 ou h brazen alar IV.W. as ora 0.04 044 a,12Ya 0.25 oldenrod Sorrds omm.m5a 0.04 0.04 0.10% 396 h¢elh aNer symphyotdchum ededtNe 0.04 0.64 0.1e1L 256 Forlas SUMotel 1.50 1.66 449% 2696 Data AveCover 25.00 ffi.02 66.49% 11.13 Cov<Cro Srtl4ohl ove Cr Dal 35.D0 28.02 68,49% 11.13 4....... '. TOFaI 36.50 40.91 100.00% 9739 Purpose: Geeandi ypmbiemhfor.-roaccu Pregame eon s. n, eeologial matorationa or eonxrvati.n Planting AI-:TEHe-Aspen Parklands, Prattle P.Mmud, End Provinces. MNOOT Ohbida 2 went 3B Metro. E -tern Bmadlesef Forest 6 T a 8. 12. NOTES: 1. Refer to Sheet 1-1.001 for North Landscape Layout Plan. 2. Refer to Sheet 1-1.002 for South Landscape Layout Plan. 3. Refer to Sheets 1-1.003-1-1.006 for details, notes and schedules. 3. Refer to Civil Engineer's plans for grading, drainage, and site plan information plus Concrete specifications. 4. Contractor to coordinate all work with ISD 728 Public Schools and Elk River School District Staff. 5. See written specifications for additional requirements, TURF SEED W - no d.nmeplan,Tud Saatled A,aa-be: Twin Cily Seetl CompenY'TUETUR Seca Mk, srometl Into ine Iopmlkyera1400.001bsger eve. Subme deet) ink mreppmval. Gntling a,d Eaelon Contra pw CNp Hm6aM SperMatlpm. 30% 2"a Millennium Tap Fecas so%Raind race Tal Posse i0% Bond Creeping Ras d Pew s% Carly Perennal Rye - 0S%Team Kan udy ausanu Seeding Maintenance: Seeding Installation Method: raysau,e,mps�dr=,axon I Mechanically aril rad seed into =trader prepared seed bet). Ensure drill makes no less than 3 passes in opposing directions, including 1 9a rm,a< ��a,�aartaaea.Mamea pass diagonally. Ensure seeded area still is property cemmded and a Mlrurt woma6.aaA amry inn -err 2b3.- light mulcn cover applied to the sudace per MnDOT seeding specifiatiom& requirements. Add Cudes Net -Free straw e'asion N.r.,mmwmmmaa.ra.m blanket on slopes of 5:1 or steeper. OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL 12220 80th Street Otsego, MN 55330 Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, MN 55330 n WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 33xMw aasnrer.9aavao00 a. t4uI,MN 55101 BAN -BOM ENGINEERS 6120 Earls Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55430 Phone: (763i Fax: (763) 843-0421 Www.bkbm,Com City Submittal PRELIMINARY rere �� amaewvMao� ew��l .N ��uW lanmopa amnM use• me lona al ine Shle m s,l W esmA DETAILS AND NOTES L1.003_ WASTE/RECYCLING RECEPTACLE --E_1 ;.";:: Irrigation Performance Requirements: CAST -IN-PLACE SEAT WALL, SEE DETAIL 1. IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHOULD AVERAGE 40(+1-) PSI AT THE BASE OF ALL SPRINKLER HEADS. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IF EXISTING BICYCLE PARKING RACK, PRESSURE DIFFERS. BUILDING PRESSURE IS NOT KNOWN. SEE DETAIL - Sa 6 Pe AW M L ','1;-'•.: 2 IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO PREPARE FULL IRRIGATION LAYOUT PLANS FOR LANDSGAPEARCHITECT'S REVIEW. LAYOUT WORKAS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE. THE CONTRACTOR MAY MAKE MINOR ADJUSTMENTS TO THE LOCATION AND SPACING AS NECESSARY TO ACCOMMODA7E ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS. HEAD LOCATIONS SHALL BE FLAGGED AND REVIEWED BY THE LANDSCAPEARCHITECT PRIORTO r ZO I4 ib 51 INSTALLli IG 3 3. COORDINATE SLEEVING AND IRRIGATION PIPE I HEAD INTERNAL PLUMBING INSTALLATION WITH THE WORKOF OTHERS. - - A ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS DETAILED ON DRAWINGS. (HOWEVER IF THE CONTRACT DRAWINGS ANN'ORSPELIFICATIONS DO NOT THOROUGHLY DESCRIBE THE METHOD ORTECHNIQUES TO BE USED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW THE INSTALLATION MEfHODSISSUED CAST -IN-PLACE RAISED BY THE MANUFACTURE ALL SUCH LITERATURE MUST BE SUBMITTED 48 HOURS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION FOR REVIEW ANDAPPROVAL BYTHE SEAT WALL & PLANTER, SEE DETAIL FSG: PQ4E::. .,. ., .,, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.) WOOD MULCH 5. CHECK AND VERIFY ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED SITE CONDITIONS,UTILITIES, AND SERVICES PRIOR TO TRENCHING. 6. LATERAL PIPING TO BE A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES DEEP AND MAINLINES A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES DEEP. 3O T. ALL MAIN LINE PIPING AND LATERAL PIPE OF I-1/2" AND LARGER SHALL BE PVC (SDR 261 CLASS I6D), HOWEVERTHE IRRIGATION FEED FROM THE PtA., y� BUILDING INTO THE LANDSCAPE SHALL BE COPPER ALL OTHER LATERAL PIPE OF 1-114" AND SMALLER MAY BE POLYETHYLENE SHALL BE PVC PSI). INCLUDE THRUST BLOCKINGAT TEE AND ELBOW POINTS. LL ;y{: B. ALL TEES AND ELBOWS (160 Q 4 :Q•:., pz ALL SPRINKLERS SHALL BE AS NOTED ON DETAIL 85PECIFICATION. LL LL '..Q: ,.(�.•-.- -:(i<,; .+, to. ADJUST HEADS FOR GRADE, AS NECESSARY, AFTER TURF GRASS HAS BEEN ESTABLISHEDANDALL SETTLEMENTAT HFJaD6 HAS OCCURRED. O 11. ALL AUTOMATIC CONTROLLERS, RISERS, BACKFLOW PREVENTERS AND HOSE BIBS SHALL BE SET PLUM. SPRINKLER HEAD RISERS, QUICK i �, • " " COUPLER VALVES AND ALL VALVES WITH STEMS SHALL BE SET PERPENDICULAR TO FINISHED GRADE. CL PLAZA AREA 4....... '. :.:.:':: APPROVED DIRECT BURIAL UNDERGROUND CONNECTIONS O Q ,. ; .,p ... - 1k1f2ERtE'IiVi Of2CEN1. Mi 12. CONTROL VALVE WIRES, INCLUDING THE GROUND WIRE, SHALL BE p12 GAUGE U.F.U.L SHALLBE MAGE WITH 3-M WIRE CONNECTORS (OBY)OR APPROVED EQUAL. N Z pia �•, :. nC`.Z: '.Q' 'Y�.•v�'t$' S LJ SE=E.bEr?dL5 OVER ALL MAIN AND LATERAL LINER. Q 13. TRACER -WIRE IS TO BE PLACED W PAVING PER CIVIL PLANS q < � .: • �'''�1 Q �} VU001).f•Yir7LC1 10. PLACE ALL VALVES IN APPROVED VALVE BOXES. CAST -IN-PLACE RAISED 15. USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL THREADED JOINTS. (j SEAT WALL & PLANTER, SEE DETAIL 16. BRAND EACH VALVEBOXWITH2"HIGHLETTERINGSHOWINGZONENUMBERANDCONTROLLERLETTER(soudeePLE'A3'J.THISSTAMPISTO MATCH THE ZONE SHOWN ON THE PLAN UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY LANDSCAPEARCHITECT. Sa •,. .,.- "' 1T. CONDUCT PERFORMANCE TEST IN THE PRESENCEO F OWNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF SYSTEM INSTALLATION 6 :,.;...'^`; i6. CONDUCT AND DEMONSTRATE WINTERIZATION AND SPRING START-UP PROCESS TO OWNER IN THE FALL OF COMPLETION. Hr «* « - "`•' 19. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL BE NOTIFIED TO VERIFY TRENCH DEPTHS BEFORE BACKFILLING. 20. IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE MECHANICAL ROOM WATER CONNECTION POINT WITH MECHANICAL ENGINEERAND PLUMBING WASTEIRECYCLING CONTRACTOR 30 RECEPTACLE 21. AFTER INSTALLATION OF DRIP IRRIGATION PIPE IS COMPLETE AND PRIOR TO SODDING OR MULCH INSTALLATION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO REVIEW THE INSTALLATION OF THE DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM. 8'BACKLEss Pe Aw M 2 e BENCH,TYP. ZO IA} IB 22. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO ADJUST HEADS IN THE FIELD TO ENSURE WATER DOES NOT SPRAY THE BUILDING FACE OR PAVED AREAS. o a° ENTRY 23. COORDINATE LOCATION OF ROOFTOP -MOUNTED ATMOSPHERIC MOISTURE(RAIN)SENSOR WITH OWNER AND ARCHITECT. 24. COORDINATE LOCATION OF SLEEVING UNDER PAVED AREAS WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR, EARTHWORK, AND PAVING SUBCONTRACTORS. 25. SUBMIT LAYOUT PLAN AND PRODUCT DATA TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW ANDAPPROVAL PRIORTO INSTALLATION. 26. 2T. IRRIGATION BID SHALL INCLUDE (1) FALL SHUT -DOWN AND (1) SPRING START-UP (SPRING OF THE YEAR FOLLOWING INSTALLATION). THIS PROJECT WILL USE HUNTER COMMERCIAL IRRIGATION PRODUCTS. 2 O2 0' 0' 20. PROVIDE THE OWNERWITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR CONTROLLER. POST IRRIGATION ZONE LAYOUT MAP AT 6"110"HUTTO THE CONTROLLER FOR REFERENCE. _ 29. PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH AN AS -BUILT PLAN (PAPER AND CAD.DWG) UPON COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION. ENTRY PLAZA AREA ENLARGEMENT: I SCALE: I"= 10'-0" NORTH OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL 12220 80th Street Otsego, MN 55330 Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, MN 55330 n WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 33xMw aasnrer.9aavao00 a. t4uI,MN 55101 BAN -BOM ENGINEERS 6120 Earls Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55430 Phone: (763i Fax: (763) 843-0421 Www.bkbm,Com City Submittal PRELIMINARY rere �� amaewvMao� ew��l .N ��uW lanmopa amnM use• me lona al ine Shle m s,l W esmA DETAILS AND NOTES L1.003_ NIOe1Cl: SVFREEd MNGMH MW3:SBFUT DacwmM: FNMucT:RaxrazxM RVI¢A1UMNiM IFAi:iHISLULTMIK.Y RIPdNNNDECLYPAEIE auLvmrs I. wTxrsuw.�HNprteaxrswxRexom �unxxrssNuwAnn¢ 2 sUNNNAYXTOYIANr£iPFRWA�IIIµYxPINNaFR14 1 eD:91ERANNNUYAIILNURCONYIriMIER l s11FNA16HM5bNIPA[IOAl01iUlAEAt®0n,11NNwpWPDMA9EAVUL�PNN1. FRONT ELEVATION: 1 SF' BACKLESS BENCH DETAIL 1.00 Nor ro sCA ISOMETRIC . � 3 SRI 35 spbsDnEebvs ^ sr sroR none TOP VIEW THE IANDSCAPELDtIiPACTOR IS RES"$MUEFOR —^ ss FURMSHINGANDWSTAWNGPRECASTCONCRETE SPLASH 9U0= UNDER ALL RAM LEADERS WNHIN + ,I� THEWD UUIIS.EEr Sn SHBLOCItSTOPRCX 1 AWAY FRDM IHE SUILDWG.ENSLIRELaiDSCME SIDE VIEW END VIEW EDGER IS LO SMT0ALL0WSToWMnR. AUGRAIE WrO IAWNaiEAs. P—IEW: GENEAALCON11UCiDRT0FURNISHAYD U. DB- PUSRAgl0.I,'BICYCLE S,SURFACE MOUM.SEESNEPIONFMiL Mo,S,SPAING,AND DuAnrm. MCI PDWDFNCWTelAGl( NDuxnxc AIPFACE r DuamlYa INSTaIAnQY INAD0USXSDLTFASTSNE TYPIS 3eMCHcONGN DUIGII9S Fµ51ENERs. FJfPOSEND MONS TWW IIHNLHTHRFAo AB D -SH. MT.PALM B1AtlI TO MATLX BICYCLE RD W W D FlNISN. SIDE FIEVATpN: FlELDMFRAlOurgNe PoRAPPROYAIPm S Ixsruunox.www.oENocoxllasSasia7a SUS HDPDMsNGSFORNENeYANDaFF— z BICYCLE RACK DETAIL our000aNlwcLE PAwwxG wAcm:l, 1.0 norm surf i LUJIIIIII�N__= III�IIII�_.R. �.l'_ mna-. 4FPA,MUNINP[fFPf.. DE,LNNigN aNFME UW.DWLtIfiMIREDYDDIG rrmvlprmssu4a¢a.mn FRANEaLMIWM oxDRram:RlarelAlx Dualnrc:l IANR I. roTwswuEumnucenuvseemxacrovaAeunsmrssvRrulvtt L SWIIP.YOL1MiA5NFwe Nuiwwvµ lNLN100AMSq 0. NIENUE�4F5<MIRY.ORiON]IDE0.4D8L.NWIIIINIWAIM1IAENDIMOANI4 3 WASTE RECEPTACLE DETAIL 1.00 xor rosw.E @PRECAST CONCRETE SPLASH BLOCK DETAIL 5 PLAZA ELEVATION'A-AA' too nor TD surf L Norm surf 7 GAME SHADE ANND CANTILEVER DUGOUT 1.00 B 20' FOUL POLE WITH GROUND SLEEVE ,. NOT TOSGa.E NDrrosWE DETAILS AND NOTES: SINGLE POST GOALSETTER BASKETBALL X566 EXTREME SERIES, 5" SQ. IN -GROUND POLE, 60" ACRYLIC BACKBOARD, STEEL HD BREAK -AWAY RIM, AND NYLON MESH NET. BACKBOARD PADDING: BLACK POLE PADDING: RED WRAP-AROUND POLE FOOTING SIZE PER POLE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. MIN. DEPTH: 60" BELOW GRADE. ACRYLIC BASKETBALL BACKBOARD AND HOOP, ONE PER END. 4 TOTAL FOR PROJECT. COLORED ASPHALT COURTS: FOREST GREEN. ALL MARKINGS TO BE NCM COLLEGIATE REGULATION DIMENSIONS. 2' WHITE FREE THROW LINE -NCM COLLEGIATE 2" WHITE THREE POINT ARGNGM COLLEGIATE 2"WIDE WHITE BOUNDARY STRIPE, TYP, FOLLOW NCAA COLLEGIATE SIZE REGULATIONS. REFER TO CIVIL ENGINEER'S PLANS AND DETAILS FOR COURT PAVEMENT AND STRIPING DIMENSIONS. SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS FOR ALL SPORTS EQUIPMENT SPECIFIED. 6 BASKETBALL COURT DETAIL HALF -COURT SHOWN 1.0 xorrOswE ��Drr MOP W. s " CHAIN LINK OUTFIELD FENCE DETAIL ,.oD xoTTDswE NOTES: 1. Refer to Sheet L1.001 for North Landscape Layout Plan. 2. Refer to Sheet L1.002 for South Landscape Layout Plan. 3. Refer to Civil Engineer's plans for grading, drainage, and site plan information plus Concrete specifications. 4. Contractor to coordinate all work with ISD 728 Public Schools and Elk River School District Staff. 5. See written specifications for additional requirements. OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL 12220 80th Street Otsego, MN 55330 Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, MN 55330 n WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 333MWwavSvcc SWvtY3000 AN�>SW.,AIx111D, ."Idxmm I A31 ur7n3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Sulte 700 Minneapolis, MN 65430 Phone: (763) 843-0420 FF(763) 843-0421 bkbrno City Submittal PRELIMINARY + ��wur<pan�xUAaUv,umwn bUm�npmeM DETAILS AND NOTES 51,- L1.004 Landscape Notes and Requirements: 1. Tree saucer for individual trees outside of a plant bed to be four inches (4") depth Western Red Cedar mulch for trees outside of a plant bed. Install per tree planting detail. Do not place mulch against tree trunk. Remove wire and budap from top third of root ball before final soil back -fill and mulch. Dyed or Colorized mulch is strictly prohibited. 2. Refer to civil plan sheets for grading, drainage, site dimensions, survey, tree removal, proposed utilities & erosion control. 3. All plant material shall comply with the latest edition of the American Standard for Nursery Stock, American Association of Nurserymen. Unless noted otherwise, deciduous shrubs shall have at least 5 canes at the specified shrub height. Plant material shall be delivered as specified. 4. Plan takes precedence over plant schedule if discrepancies in quantities exist. 5. All proposed plants shall be located and staked as shown. 6. Adjustment in location of proposed plant material may be needed in field. Should an adjustment be required, the client will provide field approval. Significant changes may require city review and approval. 7. The project landscape contractor shall be held responsible for watering and properly handling all plant materials brought on the site both before and after installation. Schedule plant deliveries to coincide with expected installation time within 36 hours. 8. All plant materials shall be fertilized upon installation as specified. 9. The landscape contractor shall provide the owner with a watering schedule appropriate to the project site conditions and to plant material growth requirements. 10. If the landscape contractor is concerned or perceives any deficiencies in the plant selections, soil conditions, drainage or any other site condition that might negatively affect plant establishment, survival or guarantee, they must bring these deficiencies to the attention of the landscape architect & client prior to bid submission. Plant bed drainage concerns during plant installation shall be brought to the attention of the Owner and General Contractor immediately. 11. Contractor shall establish to his/ her satisfaction that soil and compaction conditions are adequate to allow for proper drainage at and around the building site. 12. Contractor is responsible for ongoing maintenance of all newly installed material until time of owner acceptance. Any acts of vandalism or damage which may occur prior to owner acceptance shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Contractor shall provide the owner with a maintenance program including, but not limited to, pruning, fertilization and disease/pest control. 13. Warranty: The contractor shall guarantee newly planted material through TWO calendar years from the date of written owner acceptance. Plants that exhibit more than 50% die -back damage shall be replaced at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor shall also provide adequate tree wrap and deer/rodent protection measures for the plantings during the warranty period. Prune dead wood at 11 month and 22 month warranty review periods - use wound paint on trees. 14. This layout plan constitutes our understanding of the landscape requirements listed in the ordinance. Changes and modifications may be requested by the city based on applicant information, public input, council decisions, etc. 15. The landscape contractor shall be responsible for obtaining any permits and coordinating inspections as required throughout the work process. 16. Plant size & species substitutions must be approved in writing prior to acceptance in the field. 17. Irrigation: A new irrigation system is required. Irrigation contractor to provide a cost for a new commercial -grade, irrigation system, including sleeving under pavement to parking islands. Verify water service pressure and check local codes regarding building connection for irrigation. Irrigation contractor is to submit a proposed irrigation layout plan that utilizes a new connection in the proposed building mechanical room. Install controller, rain sensor, and plumbing connections to meet current plumbing code. Ensure head-to-head coverage of all turf and planted areas. Use commercial irrigation equipment with fully adjustable stream rotor and spray heads (see spec). Submit equipment cut sheets for approval. Coordinate as -needed sleeving under paving with excavation sub -contractor. Coordinate plumbing requirements with mechanical contractor. Ensure irrigation system is installed and functioning prior to installation of landscape materials. For newly landscaped areas not irrigated, the landscape contractor is responsible for watering and maintaining new plants and turf until establishment, through use of temporary irrigation, tree watering bags, watering truck, etc. 1B. All edger shall be professional grade black steel edger, 1/8" thickness. Anchor every 18" on -center (minimum). Submit sample. 19. Landscape Contractor is responsible for Coordination with the General Contractor, to protect the new improvements on and off-site during landscape work activities. Report any damage to the General Contractor immediately. 20. Uniess otherwise noted/indicated, all landscape beds to be a" inch die. local clean buff limestone over weed mat. Install per detail. Submit mulch sample for approval. 21. Where noted/indicated, landscape beds shall receive 4" depth of single -shred hardwood mulch. Do not install weed mat 21. All planting, seeding, and sodded areas shall be prepared prior to installation activities with a harley power box rake or equal to provide a firm planting bed free of stones, sticks, Construction debris, etc. 22. Turf Sodding and Seeding activity shall conform to all rules and regulations as established in the MnDOT Seeding Manual, 2014 edition, for turf bed preparation, installation, maintenance, acceptability, and warranty. Turf Seed installation to include TWO years of maintenance in the bid price. This includes mowing, weeding, & spot -spraying invasive weeds no less than 3 times per year. Maintenance also includes re -seeding bare patches larger than 3" in any direction, and fertilization no less than twice per calendar year. An acceptable stand of seeded turf is lush, full, and weed -free. 23. The Landscape Contractor shall furnish samples of all landscape materials for approval prior to installation. 24. The Landscape Contractor shall clear and grub the underbrush from within the work limits to remove dead branches, leaves, trash, weeds and foreign materials. 25. The landscape contractor shall contact Gopher State One Call no less than 48 hours before digging for field utility locations. 26. The landscape contractor shall be responsible for the removal of erosion control measures once vegetation has been established to the satisfaction of the municipal staff. This includes silt curtain fencing and sediment logs placed in the landscape. 27. The landscape contractor shall be responsible for visiting the site to become familiar with the conditions prior to bidding and installation. Coordinate with the general contractors on matters such as fine grading, landscaped area conditions, staging areas, irrigation connection to building, etc. 28. See Site and Civil plans for additional information regarding the project, including infiltration area soils and sub -surface drainage requirements and performance. 29. Topsoil Requirements: All graded areas of the site that are designated on the plan set for turf sod shall have no less than 6" of imported top soil, areas designated for shrubs, trees, and perennials shall have no less than 12" of imported top soil, meeting MnDOT classifications for planting soil for trees, shrubs, and turf. Slope away from building. 30. Landscape contractor must prove the open sub -grade of all planting areas after their excavation is capable of infiltrating a minimum requirement of 1/4 -inch of water per hour prior to installation of plant materials, topsoil, irrigation, weed mat, and mulch. Planting areas not capable of meeting this requirement shall have 4" diameter X 48" depth holes augured every 36" on -center and filled with MnDOT Free -Draining Coarse Filter Aggregate. Re -test sub -grade percolation for compliance to infiltration minimum requirement. BACKOFCURB. PER LANDSCAPE NOTES :1' OF EDGER IS EXPOSED ABOVE GRADE ///A IRI I I I SUB_G ETOORNNAWAY FROMITCHBUILDING WALLS & CURBS. NOTES: SEE PLAN FOR CROSS SLOPE DIRECTION. ROCK MULCH WIDTH VARIES, SEE PIAN, nPLANT BED / MAINTENANCE EDGE DETAIL 16 xo16x F: pwT ESTFxoro*xF®oFo I4°RID 2wio.xs°0forw'""F "•oo'P`"`xos;': IE mEEMTxE InkmATnGSIrewxElEvmPossrF. �� rwesoor awrmxsoti 6Bmr SP cxN� mAno` 2 DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING - SECTION 1.W npi TPscuE 3 CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING - SECTION HoreosrAiE u-- WWx�l. S M nm� - uckcmANw4ol BEs2 -pEpyo o�N PLAN VIEW xEn,INTCBUYBi E64reW 11N1CH uYF _ VIIIIIIII mISFEtE� uY. P6cu2M C' m v (5 NEW SOD TO EXISTING SOD DETAIL ,. NDTTD.UIE 0 ASECTION �AB.ML,aL6HAxT a. is*- -+' a .uxrNsos�Fxxo,Es. 7 TYP. PERENNIAL PLANTING - SECTION 1.0o NOTTO6c-ALE ��'►»����►� • � r"T, v1^Tk1'f 41)'7 1= ►:q.:.Z1.&JQ.ZI,4i►, 04 MMMMMM WNW - - - 41 4 .:.' 7 �rF SECTION VIEW 0 ' •' rte„ i PLANT SCHEDULE E,,VE///RG���PEEN TREES CODEBOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME5� CONTAINER Ott /� PD Pleas gMun'Oenaati Bbd Hllk SP,uce e'Nge B&B 41 PIPS Phuspond.mn Pnnaerov Pln. S'HS, B&B to OVERSTOflYTflEE COOS TANICAL NAME COMMON NAME 522E COMAINEfl } M ­-N.-d' N.aew..e Maple 25 - B&B 6 Am Acer xheemanr' Mmmo' CNabretl.n Mage 25•CLL B&B 2" 0.v A®rxh..menll'Sknnaslema Glen Meek TS'CaL E&B 2s Br Bella NMra BN., BIRA, 10 HL S&B 7 C. C.M.o leemalk Common Hadbmry 25 -LLL B&e 22 Ga K. M"cky Cotleehea 2S CaL B&B ,. PI .polus --loss o.wh, Aspen S5 B&B 33 oe Oue,c .P.old. N.e Pl Oak -L B&B 6 Or Muelwa rvb. N-110- 2S CaL B&B 26 Ts nm.medm.a'S.., S.nby Und.. 2.5 -GI. B&B 18 ORNFMENTALTFEES COME BOTANICALNAME OMMON NAME SIM COMNNEIt Ott ,IV% Ma M.adlaam.- Amur Y.- 25•Cel. B&B 18 Ms ma s'Spd.gS. sp,,S.-0.bAppl. I.S.- 8&B 31 Y O 5yanga 'N., .1, Wary Silk Japanese Tim We 24 CaL S&B 28 SHRUBS DE BOTANIC4L NAME COMMONNAM S. O.-INER 210 RS Rbuaaromaa®'G.- GIbLP. F.Sm Sum. S..L PM a7 (D Se splmas.bumMda'MMony Warerei AN h, W.2erer Spicae. 3 ,N. Pm 12 ANNIlA15TERENNWS CODE BOTANICALNMAE COMMON NAME SIZE CONTAINER OTy (D Aw Aa.r- .Pvpk' Wood.PUIPk 1 I Dal. Pot 2S OH, H.m.,ocalrsx Tiubyswlb, Ruby-Wyr, - Pa 32 0 P. PMmaub- Emerek Blue' EmmNa Bke Creeping PNlm +Paz Pa 4D OR9 RudBed 191da' GONsxlum' Bkd Ey. susv, 1S.1. Por W GM/S`ySFS CODE TANICAL COMMON NA SRE CONTAINER Ott V I1p2 Grass 1gaL Pd 38 GROUND COVERS CODE eOTANIULNAME GAMMON NPM SRE COMAINEfl SPACWG 31. Landscape contractor to provide nursery pull list (bill of lading) including plant species and sizes shipped to the site. Additionally, the NOTES E landscape contractor shall provide nursery stock traceability, proving none of the materials provided contain or are genetic strains of the 1. Refer to Sheet L1.001 for North Landscape Layout Plan. Pn P®prekn.k'Aemlrel' Ke.w.kv Blaegla.. 4.a ,.z.a.,a4n neonicotinoid family including acetamipdd, clothianidin, imidacloprid, nitenpyram, nithiazine, thiacloprid and thiamethoxam. 2. Refer to Sheet L1.002 for South Landscape Layout Plan. 32.Retaining wall engineering by others. Unless otherwise noted, retaining wall block to be County Materials Co., County Block Split -Face in 3. Refer to Civil Engineer's plans for grading, drainage, and site plan Buff. Submit engineered wall drawings to Civil Engineer for review and approval. Include cap blocks and pre -manufactured corner units of Information plus Concrete specifications. matching finish and color. Install per manufacturer's guidelines. 4. Contractor to coordinate all work with ISD 728 Public Schools and Elk River School District Staff. 5. See written specifications for additional requirements. DETAILS AND NOTES: OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL 12220 Both Street Otsego, MN 55330 Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River. MN 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 33: AiG.wv Svwx SW � CVSoxO .Inc u1.MN 55101 -11- 1651 xn�n3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis. MN 55430 Phone: (763) 843-0420 Fax (763)843-0421 V w .bkbm.com City Submittal PRELIMINARY Nw �•a'r u+x+p."�pm2eu�, arepl.x PewmeM u.�.��Ha�,MUK=NNa�I�D:A DETAILS AND NOTES L1.005 1 GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN FROSION CONTROL NOTES, 1. ALL EROSION CORRDL FACT MS SHNL BE INSTALED PRIOR TD MY SDE —'NO OPENATIONS. THE CRY ENGINEERING DERMIMEM MUST BE NOrFMD — WNP EGON OF WE INEGLUGION OF WE REQUIRED ERWION CONTROL FACMEB AND 1. TO MY ERODING OFERMON BONG CONNENCEO. WE CONTRAGIOR IS NEUMNSISIE To NHEDULE A —00 ON .RIDING —N. ON -SDE WITH WE tlTY. F —ED ON EENGV D DURING CONSMULmON, NL EROSION CONIIDL FMUIIE s SRN- BE RE5IGED ND N PUDE AT THE ONE OF UGTI GY. 2 AM EROSION CONG10. FMUnES DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE CDM BEFORE DURING OR AETOt WE GRN%NG ACTIVATES. SIVDL BE INDALLED T VIDR RE WEST. 5. NO OEVNTIOE SNNL BE RIDE FROM WE EIF/A1DMS SNOM ON WE APPROVED ERIDWG PEW. WIINOUT PRIOR MPROVAL FROM WE CML fH9NER. {. , ID Sob GRUIFR TAN 1.0 ANNE M MEUNED BY WE MPG FRMR R=' --'S, WE PFRYn MPIDCMr MUST KEEP M EROSION CONTROL ECIION G. INSPEDIION WST BE MADE ONCE VFRf — GTS AND —N 24 XOIRS ANTER EY1]lt RVN OTNT. WE INS—rON RECORD I15T BE MADE AVADABLE TO WE CMIY WIWN 24 HOURB OF NEOU— RDVIS FROM Ghat— —NOS OR APES (Tp4'OWM OR PERMWERD SWLL BE RGUM) M SEGIYENIArM BASINS OR MPROPRNTE ENERGY 4. DL4IPATOS M PREMM TGNYOM OF SEDNEM % OTFTCW M LATERAL CONE RS MD TO PREYIIR EROSION AND SENMEMATpN W1ETE RUNDFF RDN'S Rno MESE COAEMRS E. SDE MCFS RDA00 9X1 BE GPIDEB OR GHETMTSE PROTECTED RIIH SILT FENCER, DIVERSION CWNNLS, OR DIKES AND PIPES V PRfVENr SEDIMENT FROM E GIING WE SRM M THE ACCESS RONS SERE- oMBG R31P6/G,ieyaiS 9X1 BE SUeADED WTH CRUSTED ROCK WHERE THEY ANON E SBN6 PAVED ROLA 005 >. 5055 TPAGIED iFdM ME SMB! MOTOR YRILES OR EOAPNEM SN—BE CIF/NER OIUY FROM PAYED ROADWAY —ES OR MOTEAUENRY IF REDUESIED E GTI', 1XNUOIWT WE DUWTON G CONSIRUCRON. B.DUST CONTROL MEASURER si A FOED WHEN BE PERRMPFw001—f CONOMONS REQUIREM MO/OR DIRO.'TH IFD W E CDM. B. ALL EROSION GQMNL MOSURES SHALL E USED AND WINTNNED FOR WE W WTON OF SGE GORSMUCGON. F CONSMIICUGN OF—DONS OR NRM IVENrB OW ME OR INTERFERE WITH WERE EROSION CONWOL MO Es. TREY SHALL BE RESMON D M SONE THBR INIEHDOI NNCIpN AT TE END OF FMX GY OR AS SOON M ARID GONGTOE NDDW -- NE 10. NL NE DISTURBED DURING EGUEnaCWN SW11 BE RESTENER M SOON M KGREE. MEE MCH WYE BEEN FINISHED GRADED OR MEAS TWT RIVE SION o6MiBED AND FOR WINCH GRADING OR GE BUILDING GO161RUDDON OI—rDIS ARE NOT ACME -Y USDERBAY SHAM BE SEEDED MD UI -HED M SU FORM IN WE FON1MiNG I—GIMHS WITHIN 14 GMS: saaaa, Mus A lE]PORM! SIPAW RL YUH M R�BY FIENG a— M PRO — BE DSC -M a. MD MPEIER AA UNR. RITE IM.1 NOT LE4 T4N To SEEDS MD ORNOT LESS TAN BOS COVERAGE S IF 1HE GRADED MU S MTCPTR 10 BE E-DEURBED/EV= WGHN SIX MONKS. P�VIDE A TNPONRY VNEWRvE CONI WNSISING OF MINNESOTA DERMIYFN� OF WMSMRG-N (1NDOh SEED YNNRE 21-111 (OATS), EXE 21-112 (WINTER A—T). AT A RTE OF 100 POUNDS PFR AGE C. IF —ED NEA WILL NOT BE DEVDOPEO FON A PW00 GRUIER TAN N( MONTHS, PROVDE A SflNl-POOANFNT VEGETANE NIFA OF S® —REMNWT II -112 AT A RITE OF 40 PWNDS PER ACRE D. GRADING SONGS M WE EGIWN SEGURGI6 SWLL BE RMUNER UNDL NRF HAS GRMWTER AND SURVIVED A EU-OAY GROAIN6 PENVO. E REFER M LWOSGPE PUSS FOR PEWMI-NRF RES@ M. F. WHEREVER OTNER —ON MD SEDIIAOn' COMNL PWCGOS ME IWDNWTE TERPORNY ON-SITE SEDNENT 8151X5 TGT CONFORM TO WE CFOR ON -SERE ODENDOI WINS SHALL BE PWADED. c. YUTAN. MNOMULGH MO WMFERS WY NOT BE USED MR STMILOATON N BRINES OR DRMAGE ODCNFS UNLESS THE LONGDUDI- SPE 15 LESS TNM 2 PFRRT. H. RUNOFF 9— BE PEVBTED FROM ENRANG N- STNV SEWER GTOI BASINS PROVIDING WU ME NG NEEDED DURING CONSMUCTON. WXDE SIREN SCAR CATCH BASINS ARE NECESWY FGt SERE GRNWGE DURING MNMUOIONA RT FFNGE OR 9OINENT PFVIEDRON DME. M DETNLED SINE BE INSTALLED MD MNNTNNN NMUND ALL i—K WINS UNGL WE ilii RY MU M THE CATCH BASIN IS RESTORED. it. GRMING MTMUES PROPOSED M BEGIN ANTER OGMSER 15 WTL REWIRE M APPROVED PWSNG —UIE WE NEA OF AND TNT ME ORY WILL NDDB TO BE DISFARBED AT WE TME OF YEAR WILL BE SETFDELY UMIIED. WE CM WILL ALSO REQURE ADOTOIAL ENSION 00— D—ES, I.E. TENFGWY SEDIMIN WINS, 00RMMT SEEDING AND HKII WOES OF MPUQUGON OF BORT S® AND MUL- 12 DETER SLWKET AND RPWP SHNL BE INSTALED ON WE DONNSTRUM SIDES OF N- STORY SERER OUREIS 24 XOTIPS AFTER COFSMUCGON M INDICTED AND DETAUS. NL RPWP SRN- BE INSWLED WITH A RTN MAMBUL MEMWG WE MNWT SPECffIG1K1N6 FDR RPRM ND FRTER W RW 11 EROSION FIV-1-9lLLL E IISTNLID AND 1WMNNED AIDUXE WE PER --OF ALL PONDS WDMW OR ADWGOIr 10 WE MU 10 BE cRAOED U— NR WE TRIBIITAM NEA 10 WE PoMDS E RESTORE➢. 14. TO MNMIDE EROSION. ALL &I SIDHN- PES BBE DGAEED WITH A MN/DM SSBG CROAKY] SIWW EROSION CONTROL HANKERS ON STNED SGD. 1 ILCUMUUTON OF ALL 4DNI- OCWRRING N FORMS, NONM SEWERS AND DGCHEE 900E BE REMOVED PRIOR TOA WRING ND A rEF COMPLRON OF GRWING ACIMT¢ 1S EROSION NNWOL Ills AND O.D. S— BE REMOVED ONLY —TIE MFA WS REGIVID fEU1 STMGOATION OR M DIIECIFD BY WE CDM. GRADING NOTES, 1. THE EO— SINLL VSD WE SME REVIEW ALL COSTRUGTION DOCUMENTS AND TELO VEFFY WE -NG CON — AROft To BADBD. No MOUONAL COMPEN M WILL BE GIVEN FOR WIXN TNT GOULD RIVE Hd DENGTED BY A SERE VIER OR GONDBKGON D00UIDEM IE ER. 2 WE BFDy(GRWND GFORLATION WM PNEPMER BY SUNDE RIND SURVETTNG. 952 -BBI -2155. NoIE SURVEY NFGNMW SWININ 5 FROM A 5110 SONY AND A 2620 SURVEY HE0,1E BY 9ROE IND sLTeY016 SURVEYS WERE OWBND AT WE Pta f UNE BEIM'EET RARE VEN ELFDOTAM SCNO. AND WE PNP09D OIECA MIOOE SCX00. COOPMROIt SHNL SEnWY a— NFL%BAATdI 9KBN E —.m LABOR TO START OF (XIISRICRON. NO ADORIOHN. C01Pd5IDG1 WILL BE AEO DEB POR MY 693FS TNT GNU. RIVE BER PEVFNIEO BY PDEGNNG WE ABO£ ]. D 19 THE CIXD LT00.'S RL4YTISBuru s A ITN WE IDGTION OF N- ED<SGNC UNDIES. WE ' MM r ON VERRY WE IDGTON. U -VA ON MD NMR ALL E%INNG , OR IF b HOURS BEFORE COSIRUCIION STIAiS. WE ENCINFE /AOIREG OR OA'XER ODES NOr GUAWHIFE TNT ALL TILE MUIIES A.AE RIPPED, OR IF RIPPER. ME SIIOWN NRRECILY. 00MAGT CORER ONE AT 851-y51-oc02 f➢ft FlfLo LOGTNC ETOHIIXG UIIUnER. COMMA MIM OWNER F OYN.E OCCURS DUE TO CONSIRUCnOR 4. PROTECT ADL METING MUCNRES MD UGUn6 MIH ME NOT SCHEDULED NR RMN- 5. NOTEY CRY BUDDING IN— BEFORE WENGNNG MG IXGVATON WOW( m11YFNCEs WE COMPACTOR SHIL- .—N ADL MPU.—E PERMITS PROM TO STMT OF WNBRt1 N. B. ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS SNOM M -00, NR EUMPM ARE A BE UNDIDEMOD M YEW 018.00. 7. ALL SPOT U£RTIOIS ALONG TIE CLED-UNE INDICT: WE EIEVAIOTH N OF E .uTTR UN -ESE NOTED OWEBREE 1NO LMDSCMED SLOPED Mf M DB£ID 3:1 (] FEEr 14—M I Mor VERWA) UNLESS NOTED ORBI.S- 9. AC —ISIS —ING MFRS S—NOT RIVE E—Es N .WY DI—ONTNT EMC® 2i 10.PROVIDE POSUNE OMNAGE FROM BUILDINGS AT ALL Tub 11. UPON LOIRLTOI GTE WONC AND MIRY RGI WE CRMUCnXt GFNL 00— TNT ALL GRMING NO MM -r WM PDFONER IN WOO DANOE WAIN WE AlilphD DRIVING AND MUn' I'ERNM M AS -BUILT DBUDING AND UBDIY AAAI SYL E PERFDIEED BY A 1EG51QED LND SUNLTOX NRED BY 1XE COMRIVROR. SMREY SWDL E PRGDED TE Chi ENflFA i2 PRIOR TO ISSUMCE OF BANDING PENME, ALL NFGESSM,` EA09ON CONTROL DEMOB MUST BE IN PV[£ MD NNLTIO M W LL INSPEEr WE SE M 0EIERME In STABERY FGI BUMNG MIMES. IF WE PUBLIC MIRI6 RIVE Nor BEEN NEW -LED AT THE PORT, T WY E NECESSMY M eWWW BUILDING PERMIs FOR VWIOIS Los To &LOB WE CONTWDOR MEOIIATE SOME TO PERFORM TIS RCN. 11 ALL DEHDS GEARED N WE PROGLQ OF CLE -No AND CARTING WE SITE Si— BE RENOVED FROM WE BGE, WE INCUJM TREES AND SRJBS UNDER NO CIRCUI6FMDEG SNNL THIS TYPE OF WT E BURRED OR BURNED ON WE SIZE 14. WE LONTRMTUR NAY SRP MD S—GE TOFSOL MR PMENIVL RE -SPREADING ON WE SIZE, E MPROVER BY TME UNDSGPE MCHITECT AND/OR SPEOFIGTKNa SIX NEMER OF TDPSI%L - AFTER COMPMRON - SINE BE RE-SPRUD PRIG' M 5®NG MO LIUICXINO EXCFS TOPSNL WY BE RENOVED FROM ME sE PRO.IDING WERE IS MEOWIE MFGGL REUMRNG M PRIFERLY FINISH WE SIZE M NOTED ABOVE WE TOPSOL SIR -W. SIOCKRUNG MID RF-ERVDIN. SHNL E DONE N AGCOROVRE TI. AND NOTED ON, TIE MPROIER GINONG PVN AND SPFLRCATTH INONS. E CONIRICIOR SNI- FTO THE EWWR. ND FOR Mrr SSPED—ONS FSATOPSOIL IL OR —rDNB TEDUIREN- 16I11 CARTING WOUVROS s— E CONDUCED IN A MMIER TO MINIMM WE FIOIFHGN FOR SOE EROSIM EROSION COMNL ADEURER SHALL E INBGLED To FROR rr SERIMEM FROM RUNNING OFF ONTO IDAGFNF Mi—ANY GIYfE M ADAGENT PROPER IES MUST BE COIREGIED AND RESTORED M SOON M PERMISSION IS RIMED WE TIE A rr PROPERLY G-MR(S). IC IF CONSTRUCTION OF WE SE WORK PROCEEDS W ROU OI WE WINTER MOMHS NNY DIMERED MEAS WIBGE WE BUDDING FOOIABNE ME M E NIIYL-Y InNIMED MOR M MAWN 1, M FOLLOWS MEAS PUNNED M FEAR D— —EFnB E To RIVE Dues5 BASE I—, ALL OMER TSURBER MEAS ME M BE SEEDED. STRAW MUMH I—ED, MD DSC—GRED. 17. WNER MULLBN. ITA SWe WIGHNG SHNL BE DEFINER M MUMH WDERUL SFRFAD NFDt WE TOP OF SNOB SO TNT WE MULCH LEETS WROUGH THE SNOB AND .C. TO WE EXPoSED NNIS "a FROIDN GROUND MULCHING BHALL E DEFINED M —N WIEANL SPIE N'FR FROIDI a— MI11GH WT]EVS TNT DO Nor fEOWE DISC -ANCHORIN. X10 WE NIL WY BE PVDER BRFWW WoRGTIOR IULGH —ODDS TWT REQUIRE OEC-ANOIORNC WYBE ANCHORED WITH MDRNIILC NIL ETAMUIERS OR WY BE FRI DER To WE BOL BY MPLTNG WATER AT A RITE OF 2000 G -ONS PR ACRE OVER WE MH -H M A SUAYTTUDON FOR DEC-NICIDRING. IM WE CONTRACTOR sRNA UNE THE DET — AREA M MICR M POSSAI F WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332 MinnwMSmc. Suirc W300D SNnr Paul.MN 55101 WalM.awra 1 65122T �,3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 F— (763) B43-0421 www.bkbm.com CITY SUBMITTAL exl�inel Hlexday �wl�m euxl.m enNuae GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 2.000 N NEW OTSEGO KEYED NOTES ABBREVAMONS MIDDLE SCHOOL KEYED NOES NF DEROED w ® ON — BY Bs,d auaM CB CaW Basin �1 INSTALL ROOC GIONSMJ TION Offf— REFER M DEM. 1/Gs— RING Carcnb FLLV Dxatlan ❑2 INSTALL PERNETBR eKHON COMROL REFER TO DEGAS 2/01000 AND 3/61000. IX E.Wnq IN— IN- SEDNFM PI✓oR.'IKIN. REFER lO DEFNLS 4/C5.000, ANO 3/CSOOga xLi wall wail ural Otsego, MN 55330 am Maciver Avenue NE y N'PRD%TRITE U—DoN OF TEIFOMT' -rGUN L CONCRETE —H Our BIN. RFFR MN w... TO WE MINNfS9TAs NFD6/NS GE3IDAL SURDWA— PERMD FOR NNSWUCIION ,iTA1F Fqt MORE [[ MLS. Z CDNVNED WNCREE WA9IOUS ON 00WR- M NAGVE M ON-SGE GONDONNBN tMI11Ni NaGwd Wxbr Lxwl PVC PuW Al GHMdd. DELVERY TR _ E M ACCEPTMIE ❑5 WE' BAF AND WATER DIMITY 11EATYFM POND(B) ME TO BE OIN —.N TRUTARY MFR'S RCP RMGIRrce6 CanvetW A 1DDF Q A QQQF Independent School . GR A N 2GBLOATON IM TINE END G .WDNo OPERATIONS ON^C�E THE H15 BEEN IN .WED. REFOt TO ETNL FOR FlLTWTON BMIN E2 GROSS JQA DistrictdSECTION _EDI FDR FlLATIONI BASIN S — r ALLOWED ANDUC N TRAFFIC LTPRIOR 0(S IS NOT MOWED CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC S`CI E p - tpp' 11500 193rd AveAVe NW OSEN AREA HAS BEEN EXCAVATED. PRKKM TO FlEYL srAel(uAT1D1E. ImsER T . SOIL WITH MEDIIANICAL TILLER Wt TION ARFA(5) ARE N T BORROW SRES AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FTN2 11 Re Elk River, Minnesota 55330 APPROVED T'EYPOIWiT' SEDIMENT BASIN(S) ONCE aWN(S) SUBGRADE EIEVATON APPROXIMATE AREA IS 50.41 ACRES HAS BEEN EXCAVATED. COMWCIOR SHALL ENSURE THAT SAWS) FILTRATE AT MINIMUM RATE OF 1 -INCH PER HEXER USING A PERCOLATION TEST BEFORE FINAL ACCEPTANCE PERCOLATION TEST SHALL BE SIGNED BY A RECSIIIIED GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AND SUBMRIED TO THE CITY AND ENGINEER FOR REVIEW BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL. ] TEMK—rf 51TNW FIBER ON CO AL�MN/OGr ]RB5 CALORY EROSI © HµMTDL ❑j CMT IN CON— WNL REFER TE STRVCNPIL PWS MR DETNLS. REFER TO ARCHfECNPII PWS MR RMING AND FNL P1dYlECIION. . FROSION CONTROL NOTES, 1. ALL EROSION CORRDL FACT MS SHNL BE INSTALED PRIOR TD MY SDE —'NO OPENATIONS. THE CRY ENGINEERING DERMIMEM MUST BE NOrFMD — WNP EGON OF WE INEGLUGION OF WE REQUIRED ERWION CONTROL FACMEB AND 1. TO MY ERODING OFERMON BONG CONNENCEO. WE CONTRAGIOR IS NEUMNSISIE To NHEDULE A —00 ON .RIDING —N. ON -SDE WITH WE tlTY. F —ED ON EENGV D DURING CONSMULmON, NL EROSION CONIIDL FMUIIE s SRN- BE RE5IGED ND N PUDE AT THE ONE OF UGTI GY. 2 AM EROSION CONG10. FMUnES DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE CDM BEFORE DURING OR AETOt WE GRN%NG ACTIVATES. SIVDL BE INDALLED T VIDR RE WEST. 5. NO OEVNTIOE SNNL BE RIDE FROM WE EIF/A1DMS SNOM ON WE APPROVED ERIDWG PEW. WIINOUT PRIOR MPROVAL FROM WE CML fH9NER. {. , ID Sob GRUIFR TAN 1.0 ANNE M MEUNED BY WE MPG FRMR R=' --'S, WE PFRYn MPIDCMr MUST KEEP M EROSION CONTROL ECIION G. INSPEDIION WST BE MADE ONCE VFRf — GTS AND —N 24 XOIRS ANTER EY1]lt RVN OTNT. WE INS—rON RECORD I15T BE MADE AVADABLE TO WE CMIY WIWN 24 HOURB OF NEOU— RDVIS FROM Ghat— —NOS OR APES (Tp4'OWM OR PERMWERD SWLL BE RGUM) M SEGIYENIArM BASINS OR MPROPRNTE ENERGY 4. DL4IPATOS M PREMM TGNYOM OF SEDNEM % OTFTCW M LATERAL CONE RS MD TO PREYIIR EROSION AND SENMEMATpN W1ETE RUNDFF RDN'S Rno MESE COAEMRS E. SDE MCFS RDA00 9X1 BE GPIDEB OR GHETMTSE PROTECTED RIIH SILT FENCER, DIVERSION CWNNLS, OR DIKES AND PIPES V PRfVENr SEDIMENT FROM E GIING WE SRM M THE ACCESS RONS SERE- oMBG R31P6/G,ieyaiS 9X1 BE SUeADED WTH CRUSTED ROCK WHERE THEY ANON E SBN6 PAVED ROLA 005 >. 5055 TPAGIED iFdM ME SMB! MOTOR YRILES OR EOAPNEM SN—BE CIF/NER OIUY FROM PAYED ROADWAY —ES OR MOTEAUENRY IF REDUESIED E GTI', 1XNUOIWT WE DUWTON G CONSIRUCRON. B.DUST CONTROL MEASURER si A FOED WHEN BE PERRMPFw001—f CONOMONS REQUIREM MO/OR DIRO.'TH IFD W E CDM. B. ALL EROSION GQMNL MOSURES SHALL E USED AND WINTNNED FOR WE W WTON OF SGE GORSMUCGON. F CONSMIICUGN OF—DONS OR NRM IVENrB OW ME OR INTERFERE WITH WERE EROSION CONWOL MO Es. TREY SHALL BE RESMON D M SONE THBR INIEHDOI NNCIpN AT TE END OF FMX GY OR AS SOON M ARID GONGTOE NDDW -- NE 10. NL NE DISTURBED DURING EGUEnaCWN SW11 BE RESTENER M SOON M KGREE. MEE MCH WYE BEEN FINISHED GRADED OR MEAS TWT RIVE SION o6MiBED AND FOR WINCH GRADING OR GE BUILDING GO161RUDDON OI—rDIS ARE NOT ACME -Y USDERBAY SHAM BE SEEDED MD UI -HED M SU FORM IN WE FON1MiNG I—GIMHS WITHIN 14 GMS: saaaa, Mus A lE]PORM! SIPAW RL YUH M R�BY FIENG a— M PRO — BE DSC -M a. MD MPEIER AA UNR. RITE IM.1 NOT LE4 T4N To SEEDS MD ORNOT LESS TAN BOS COVERAGE S IF 1HE GRADED MU S MTCPTR 10 BE E-DEURBED/EV= WGHN SIX MONKS. P�VIDE A TNPONRY VNEWRvE CONI WNSISING OF MINNESOTA DERMIYFN� OF WMSMRG-N (1NDOh SEED YNNRE 21-111 (OATS), EXE 21-112 (WINTER A—T). AT A RTE OF 100 POUNDS PFR AGE C. IF —ED NEA WILL NOT BE DEVDOPEO FON A PW00 GRUIER TAN N( MONTHS, PROVDE A SflNl-POOANFNT VEGETANE NIFA OF S® —REMNWT II -112 AT A RITE OF 40 PWNDS PER ACRE D. GRADING SONGS M WE EGIWN SEGURGI6 SWLL BE RMUNER UNDL NRF HAS GRMWTER AND SURVIVED A EU-OAY GROAIN6 PENVO. E REFER M LWOSGPE PUSS FOR PEWMI-NRF RES@ M. F. WHEREVER OTNER —ON MD SEDIIAOn' COMNL PWCGOS ME IWDNWTE TERPORNY ON-SITE SEDNENT 8151X5 TGT CONFORM TO WE CFOR ON -SERE ODENDOI WINS SHALL BE PWADED. c. YUTAN. MNOMULGH MO WMFERS WY NOT BE USED MR STMILOATON N BRINES OR DRMAGE ODCNFS UNLESS THE LONGDUDI- SPE 15 LESS TNM 2 PFRRT. H. RUNOFF 9— BE PEVBTED FROM ENRANG N- STNV SEWER GTOI BASINS PROVIDING WU ME NG NEEDED DURING CONSMUCTON. WXDE SIREN SCAR CATCH BASINS ARE NECESWY FGt SERE GRNWGE DURING MNMUOIONA RT FFNGE OR 9OINENT PFVIEDRON DME. M DETNLED SINE BE INSTALLED MD MNNTNNN NMUND ALL i—K WINS UNGL WE ilii RY MU M THE CATCH BASIN IS RESTORED. it. GRMING MTMUES PROPOSED M BEGIN ANTER OGMSER 15 WTL REWIRE M APPROVED PWSNG —UIE WE NEA OF AND TNT ME ORY WILL NDDB TO BE DISFARBED AT WE TME OF YEAR WILL BE SETFDELY UMIIED. WE CM WILL ALSO REQURE ADOTOIAL ENSION 00— D—ES, I.E. TENFGWY SEDIMIN WINS, 00RMMT SEEDING AND HKII WOES OF MPUQUGON OF BORT S® AND MUL- 12 DETER SLWKET AND RPWP SHNL BE INSTALED ON WE DONNSTRUM SIDES OF N- STORY SERER OUREIS 24 XOTIPS AFTER COFSMUCGON M INDICTED AND DETAUS. NL RPWP SRN- BE INSWLED WITH A RTN MAMBUL MEMWG WE MNWT SPECffIG1K1N6 FDR RPRM ND FRTER W RW 11 EROSION FIV-1-9lLLL E IISTNLID AND 1WMNNED AIDUXE WE PER --OF ALL PONDS WDMW OR ADWGOIr 10 WE MU 10 BE cRAOED U— NR WE TRIBIITAM NEA 10 WE PoMDS E RESTORE➢. 14. TO MNMIDE EROSION. ALL &I SIDHN- PES BBE DGAEED WITH A MN/DM SSBG CROAKY] SIWW EROSION CONTROL HANKERS ON STNED SGD. 1 ILCUMUUTON OF ALL 4DNI- OCWRRING N FORMS, NONM SEWERS AND DGCHEE 900E BE REMOVED PRIOR TOA WRING ND A rEF COMPLRON OF GRWING ACIMT¢ 1S EROSION NNWOL Ills AND O.D. S— BE REMOVED ONLY —TIE MFA WS REGIVID fEU1 STMGOATION OR M DIIECIFD BY WE CDM. GRADING NOTES, 1. THE EO— SINLL VSD WE SME REVIEW ALL COSTRUGTION DOCUMENTS AND TELO VEFFY WE -NG CON — AROft To BADBD. No MOUONAL COMPEN M WILL BE GIVEN FOR WIXN TNT GOULD RIVE Hd DENGTED BY A SERE VIER OR GONDBKGON D00UIDEM IE ER. 2 WE BFDy(GRWND GFORLATION WM PNEPMER BY SUNDE RIND SURVETTNG. 952 -BBI -2155. NoIE SURVEY NFGNMW SWININ 5 FROM A 5110 SONY AND A 2620 SURVEY HE0,1E BY 9ROE IND sLTeY016 SURVEYS WERE OWBND AT WE Pta f UNE BEIM'EET RARE VEN ELFDOTAM SCNO. AND WE PNP09D OIECA MIOOE SCX00. COOPMROIt SHNL SEnWY a— NFL%BAATdI 9KBN E —.m LABOR TO START OF (XIISRICRON. NO ADORIOHN. C01Pd5IDG1 WILL BE AEO DEB POR MY 693FS TNT GNU. RIVE BER PEVFNIEO BY PDEGNNG WE ABO£ ]. D 19 THE CIXD LT00.'S RL4YTISBuru s A ITN WE IDGTION OF N- ED<SGNC UNDIES. WE ' MM r ON VERRY WE IDGTON. U -VA ON MD NMR ALL E%INNG , OR IF b HOURS BEFORE COSIRUCIION STIAiS. WE ENCINFE /AOIREG OR OA'XER ODES NOr GUAWHIFE TNT ALL TILE MUIIES A.AE RIPPED, OR IF RIPPER. ME SIIOWN NRRECILY. 00MAGT CORER ONE AT 851-y51-oc02 f➢ft FlfLo LOGTNC ETOHIIXG UIIUnER. COMMA MIM OWNER F OYN.E OCCURS DUE TO CONSIRUCnOR 4. PROTECT ADL METING MUCNRES MD UGUn6 MIH ME NOT SCHEDULED NR RMN- 5. NOTEY CRY BUDDING IN— BEFORE WENGNNG MG IXGVATON WOW( m11YFNCEs WE COMPACTOR SHIL- .—N ADL MPU.—E PERMITS PROM TO STMT OF WNBRt1 N. B. ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS SNOM M -00, NR EUMPM ARE A BE UNDIDEMOD M YEW 018.00. 7. ALL SPOT U£RTIOIS ALONG TIE CLED-UNE INDICT: WE EIEVAIOTH N OF E .uTTR UN -ESE NOTED OWEBREE 1NO LMDSCMED SLOPED Mf M DB£ID 3:1 (] FEEr 14—M I Mor VERWA) UNLESS NOTED ORBI.S- 9. AC —ISIS —ING MFRS S—NOT RIVE E—Es N .WY DI—ONTNT EMC® 2i 10.PROVIDE POSUNE OMNAGE FROM BUILDINGS AT ALL Tub 11. UPON LOIRLTOI GTE WONC AND MIRY RGI WE CRMUCnXt GFNL 00— TNT ALL GRMING NO MM -r WM PDFONER IN WOO DANOE WAIN WE AlilphD DRIVING AND MUn' I'ERNM M AS -BUILT DBUDING AND UBDIY AAAI SYL E PERFDIEED BY A 1EG51QED LND SUNLTOX NRED BY 1XE COMRIVROR. SMREY SWDL E PRGDED TE Chi ENflFA i2 PRIOR TO ISSUMCE OF BANDING PENME, ALL NFGESSM,` EA09ON CONTROL DEMOB MUST BE IN PV[£ MD NNLTIO M W LL INSPEEr WE SE M 0EIERME In STABERY FGI BUMNG MIMES. IF WE PUBLIC MIRI6 RIVE Nor BEEN NEW -LED AT THE PORT, T WY E NECESSMY M eWWW BUILDING PERMIs FOR VWIOIS Los To &LOB WE CONTWDOR MEOIIATE SOME TO PERFORM TIS RCN. 11 ALL DEHDS GEARED N WE PROGLQ OF CLE -No AND CARTING WE SITE Si— BE RENOVED FROM WE BGE, WE INCUJM TREES AND SRJBS UNDER NO CIRCUI6FMDEG SNNL THIS TYPE OF WT E BURRED OR BURNED ON WE SIZE 14. WE LONTRMTUR NAY SRP MD S—GE TOFSOL MR PMENIVL RE -SPREADING ON WE SIZE, E MPROVER BY TME UNDSGPE MCHITECT AND/OR SPEOFIGTKNa SIX NEMER OF TDPSI%L - AFTER COMPMRON - SINE BE RE-SPRUD PRIG' M 5®NG MO LIUICXINO EXCFS TOPSNL WY BE RENOVED FROM ME sE PRO.IDING WERE IS MEOWIE MFGGL REUMRNG M PRIFERLY FINISH WE SIZE M NOTED ABOVE WE TOPSOL SIR -W. SIOCKRUNG MID RF-ERVDIN. SHNL E DONE N AGCOROVRE TI. AND NOTED ON, TIE MPROIER GINONG PVN AND SPFLRCATTH INONS. E CONIRICIOR SNI- FTO THE EWWR. ND FOR Mrr SSPED—ONS FSATOPSOIL IL OR —rDNB TEDUIREN- 16I11 CARTING WOUVROS s— E CONDUCED IN A MMIER TO MINIMM WE FIOIFHGN FOR SOE EROSIM EROSION COMNL ADEURER SHALL E INBGLED To FROR rr SERIMEM FROM RUNNING OFF ONTO IDAGFNF Mi—ANY GIYfE M ADAGENT PROPER IES MUST BE COIREGIED AND RESTORED M SOON M PERMISSION IS RIMED WE TIE A rr PROPERLY G-MR(S). IC IF CONSTRUCTION OF WE SE WORK PROCEEDS W ROU OI WE WINTER MOMHS NNY DIMERED MEAS WIBGE WE BUDDING FOOIABNE ME M E NIIYL-Y InNIMED MOR M MAWN 1, M FOLLOWS MEAS PUNNED M FEAR D— —EFnB E To RIVE Dues5 BASE I—, ALL OMER TSURBER MEAS ME M BE SEEDED. STRAW MUMH I—ED, MD DSC—GRED. 17. WNER MULLBN. ITA SWe WIGHNG SHNL BE DEFINER M MUMH WDERUL SFRFAD NFDt WE TOP OF SNOB SO TNT WE MULCH LEETS WROUGH THE SNOB AND .C. TO WE EXPoSED NNIS "a FROIDN GROUND MULCHING BHALL E DEFINED M —N WIEANL SPIE N'FR FROIDI a— MI11GH WT]EVS TNT DO Nor fEOWE DISC -ANCHORIN. X10 WE NIL WY BE PVDER BRFWW WoRGTIOR IULGH —ODDS TWT REQUIRE OEC-ANOIORNC WYBE ANCHORED WITH MDRNIILC NIL ETAMUIERS OR WY BE FRI DER To WE BOL BY MPLTNG WATER AT A RITE OF 2000 G -ONS PR ACRE OVER WE MH -H M A SUAYTTUDON FOR DEC-NICIDRING. IM WE CONTRACTOR sRNA UNE THE DET — AREA M MICR M POSSAI F WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332 MinnwMSmc. Suirc W300D SNnr Paul.MN 55101 WalM.awra 1 65122T �,3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 F— (763) B43-0421 www.bkbm.com CITY SUBMITTAL exl�inel Hlexday �wl�m euxl.m enNuae GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 2.000 TTP O, CAST ON 01-UNEXT _ 9l>,BI FT. \V...q— NA\------------ L — - = - -- \ 9�---------- 4 NINHOLE FlN-m 081 WITH NPRAP s-- .14 919- _ .41 �� IETNNING WNL SPor E E9ATOM I I I I --.-��=—�-=9.19--•�— �=-J// // �/' \ --- --� -- —fir— — 09— —"� -,P_ MJ 85TH ST. 7V€ — � . � TBA\TU INOVS �'-- N,e, P AVT H axs _ v ,w F. arte — si __vEv_—O`>•'diSf'®` Psr�-S �xiO '$ ,:(1''Z --B - YaYv_TOF- - -- iE M — - - -------- , 4 NINHOLE FlN-m 081 WITH NPRAP s-- EA PITON CONTROL BLANKET (1DIPoRM51 —M CONTROL BLWKET (Pai -ERG _ .41 �� IETNNING WNL SPor E E9ATOM 9'Or ELLVAnoN SqL BPRNG ,®-e ¢ CONCRETE WA9plrr ARG r \ eaax \ .. •NII — .«L, / -+' \ - MATTMT- EESHEETC -004 y 1 GRADING DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.001 — ---- / I ., / ML Ne / — — — —I- 1 ABBREVIATIONS 9 BN —.1, Null BW Bolloen d wel CR CaleA Bevin CONC Cenueb F]AV a— IRO Ell Fxl,Vnq ih Floc Bewfbn IML HIeA Wahr LeN INV hM ISE loee, Floc aew,bn Mel( Mwlmum MH Male MM Minimum MAL Nemwl Wq lMl Plc Pey.3mn Inc. RCP ReMlemtl n I,te Rq iW TeP d well WA. WoeAod PROPOSED PLAN SYIA80L5 mN51M1r.TON UM(S 9LTATON rFNCE PROPBDY uNE NAl[N— SN1T:m UXE (APPROX) PRGPosm mNmua DR.UN TILE SIORII IETNNNG WNL GTCH BASIN �.�.�.�•�•� iE M — - - -------- , 4 NINHOLE FlN-m 081 WITH NPRAP s-- EA PITON CONTROL BLANKET (1DIPoRM51 —M CONTROL BLWKET (Pai -ERG .41 �� IETNNING WNL SPor E E9ATOM 9'Or ELLVAnoN SqL BPRNG ,®-e ¢ CONCRETE WA9plrr ARG \ eaax \ .. •NII — .«L, / -+' \ - MATTMT- EESHEETC -004 y 1 GRADING DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.001 — ---- / I ., / ML Ne / — — — —I- 1 ABBREVIATIONS 9 BN —.1, Null BW Bolloen d wel CR CaleA Bevin CONC Cenueb F]AV a— IRO Ell Fxl,Vnq ih Floc Bewfbn IML HIeA Wahr LeN INV hM ISE loee, Floc aew,bn Mel( Mwlmum MH Male MM Minimum MAL Nemwl Wq lMl Plc Pey.3mn Inc. RCP ReMlemtl n I,te Rq iW TeP d well WA. WoeAod PROPOSED PLAN SYIA80L5 mN51M1r.TON UM(S 9LTATON rFNCE PROPBDY uNE NAl[N— SN1T:m UXE (APPROX) PRGPosm mNmua DR.UN TILE SIORII IETNNNG WNL GTCH BASIN �.�.�.�•�•� iE M — - - -------- , 4 NINHOLE FlN-m 081 WITH NPRAP s-- EA PITON CONTROL BLANKET (1DIPoRM51 —M CONTROL BLWKET (Pai -ERG IK]CJ( CdbTRUCIK)N ENrRANCE gWNN£ RUW ARROW �� IETNNING WNL SPor E E9ATOM 9'Or ELLVAnoN SqL BPRNG ,®-e ¢ CONCRETE WA9plrr ARG r \ eaax \ .. •NII — .«L, / -+' \ - MATTMT- EESHEETC -004 y 1 GRADING DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.001 — ---- / I ., / ML Ne / — — — —I- 1 ABBREVIATIONS 9 BN —.1, Null BW Bolloen d wel CR CaleA Bevin CONC Cenueb F]AV a— IRO Ell Fxl,Vnq ih Floc Bewfbn IML HIeA Wahr LeN INV hM ISE loee, Floc aew,bn Mel( Mwlmum MH Male MM Minimum MAL Nemwl Wq lMl Plc Pey.3mn Inc. RCP ReMlemtl n I,te Rq iW TeP d well WA. WoeAod PROPOSED PLAN SYIA80L5 mN51M1r.TON UM(S 9LTATON rFNCE PROPBDY uNE NAl[N— SN1T:m UXE (APPROX) PRGPosm mNmua DR.UN TILE SIORII IETNNNG WNL GTCH BASIN �.�.�.�•�•� iE M — - - -------- � ■ NINHOLE FlN-m 081 WITH NPRAP s-- EA PITON CONTROL BLANKET (1DIPoRM51 —M CONTROL BLWKET (Pai -ERG IK]CJ( CdbTRUCIK)N ENrRANCE gWNN£ RUW ARROW �� IETNNING WNL SPor E E9ATOM 9'Or ELLVAnoN SqL BPRNG ,®-e ¢ CONCRETE WA9plrr ARG SCALE 1.- 30' Sf�W101 SEwEA HEIS NOf SNOWH Otl PIAN WY RiAaVE RIAIOEF ors WHSIRlICBOl1 IGIM1tn6 NSTNL NET VC& M PRDIECII011 PEA RTNIs {/CS.D00. S/C5.000. AMO B/G5.0P0 GN NL SIOIN NIEIS TMT MAT RIID1£ RUNOFF. R2F1n ro am 1---= I2U CPIDPG KFYEO NOTES — NOTES ARE D0— BT ® BR PIAN. QI Nor US m TNS SRSI 02 NSTALL ffiT N!L£ RFPER Tl OETAR 3/C5.000 ANO ]/CS.PoO. ]Q NSINl NLEr Se— PR01ECriX RD- TO DETNL 4/CS.Ooo. 5/CSABB. a/CSOW. 40 NOT USM TMS SHEET. O RLTRATON I—I(S) MD WATER OULLAY TREATKEM PONDS) ARE 1D BE CDNSIRU—I AT THE me BF GIYOING OPEFATG1S ONCE THE TIBBUTMT MG'S FINN. STMIUZATON HAS BEER PbTNlm. PEFm TP DFTNL 2/-1 — RL—Cr 3 CRO55 SmnPX MD DE- a/a.oD4 Toa FlLTRenw+ aAax /, aa,s sEcnox. CO TRAFflC IN FlLTPATIDN MEAS) 5 NOT AIiDWED AFTETt MFA HAS BEEN IXGVATEO. PRIOR To FINAL ABILIIATION, 1O05E11 SqL WITH MENWICAL TILLER. FILTPATION ARFA(5) ME NOT APPROVED LiORROW SfTES AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR TELPORARf SEDIYEM E4LSIN S) ONCE BASINS SUBGRADE ELEVATION F4-5 BEEN .&I -A . SHN.L INSIN 5 FILTRATE AT A MIN111UM PATE OF 1 -INCH PER HOUR USING A TION TEST BEFORE FINAL ACCEPTANCE PERCOLATION TEST %IA L BE SIGNED BY A REMMEDGIEITEWNICGL ENGINEER AND SUBMITTED TO THE CITY AND ENGINEER FoR REVIEW BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL Q IISII21 MN/POr 3885 GIECORY ] TERPoRARY 511UW FILER EIKSDN CONnroL BlM'KET. Q Nm USm TRIS SHEET. J' WMHm"/5] STONE MOW: MD ON EACH PIPE aF RPE. Nm aELOW PIPE. ND. DRAW TTI.S ROCA PACA TSTAIL ME}>p M —E RAI- PNi FlLTPAT N NIx LIMTON BASIN PINNINGS. NI -]OF STIeUC110N SMD T5w A PSNL 15-ZSS CONPOST r2'1 1 FILTRATION BASIN DETAIL NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 AND ENGINEERS 332 —wu Smz , so4e TP1008 —Ped,MN55101 woNwum 1 651.7M3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 643-0420 F�r: (783)843-0 421 .okbm.com CITY SUBMITTAL GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.001 N 30' 15 0 30' 60' SCALE 1.- 30' Sf�W101 SEwEA HEIS NOf SNOWH Otl PIAN WY RiAaVE RIAIOEF ors WHSIRlICBOl1 IGIM1tn6 NSTNL NET VC& M PRDIECII011 PEA RTNIs {/CS.D00. S/C5.000. AMO B/G5.0P0 GN NL SIOIN NIEIS TMT MAT RIID1£ RUNOFF. R2F1n ro am 1---= I2U CPIDPG KFYEO NOTES — NOTES ARE D0— BT ® BR PIAN. QI Nor US m TNS SRSI 02 NSTALL ffiT N!L£ RFPER Tl OETAR 3/C5.000 ANO ]/CS.PoO. ]Q NSINl NLEr Se— PR01ECriX RD- TO DETNL 4/CS.Ooo. 5/CSABB. a/CSOW. 40 NOT USM TMS SHEET. O RLTRATON I—I(S) MD WATER OULLAY TREATKEM PONDS) ARE 1D BE CDNSIRU—I AT THE me BF GIYOING OPEFATG1S ONCE THE TIBBUTMT MG'S FINN. STMIUZATON HAS BEER PbTNlm. PEFm TP DFTNL 2/-1 — RL—Cr 3 CRO55 SmnPX MD DE- a/a.oD4 Toa FlLTRenw+ aAax /, aa,s sEcnox. CO TRAFflC IN FlLTPATIDN MEAS) 5 NOT AIiDWED AFTETt MFA HAS BEEN IXGVATEO. PRIOR To FINAL ABILIIATION, 1O05E11 SqL WITH MENWICAL TILLER. FILTPATION ARFA(5) ME NOT APPROVED LiORROW SfTES AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR TELPORARf SEDIYEM E4LSIN S) ONCE BASINS SUBGRADE ELEVATION F4-5 BEEN .&I -A . SHN.L INSIN 5 FILTRATE AT A MIN111UM PATE OF 1 -INCH PER HOUR USING A TION TEST BEFORE FINAL ACCEPTANCE PERCOLATION TEST %IA L BE SIGNED BY A REMMEDGIEITEWNICGL ENGINEER AND SUBMITTED TO THE CITY AND ENGINEER FoR REVIEW BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL Q IISII21 MN/POr 3885 GIECORY ] TERPoRARY 511UW FILER EIKSDN CONnroL BlM'KET. Q Nm USm TRIS SHEET. J' WMHm"/5] STONE MOW: MD ON EACH PIPE aF RPE. Nm aELOW PIPE. ND. DRAW TTI.S ROCA PACA TSTAIL ME}>p M —E RAI- PNi FlLTPAT N NIx LIMTON BASIN PINNINGS. NI -]OF STIeUC110N SMD T5w A PSNL 15-ZSS CONPOST r2'1 1 FILTRATION BASIN DETAIL NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 AND ENGINEERS 332 —wu Smz , so4e TP1008 —Ped,MN55101 woNwum 1 651.7M3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 643-0420 F�r: (783)843-0 421 .okbm.com CITY SUBMITTAL GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.001 I I I I I I N ABBREVIATIONS 9 ce BY Banti Mwk BW BoNom a Well MCM1 avan CONC a— FIF/ .1 -a.wuan Fa1WNq FTE FlnNM1M Floor Dewlbn xqn war tr.l IM/ Mvrt IJE Lover Fler Devvllan NAK 4N onM1ole NW Minimum MAL NOmwl War I�rel P.0 PoyJ,ryl rWmpe• 30' 15 0 30' 60' HCP T.Nlemtl Cenuvb Rpe rw ov a wa1 w.o. Wea: SCALE 1' - 30' PROPOSED PLAN SYMBOLS CONSrM1C1mN uNRS FENCE .......... --)E—x— PI 1eY LINE NAT01 UNE — — 5AWLIrf LINE (I—) ROP199m .—UR DRNN TRE -------- --->--- - a— RETNNINC WALL GTCH W ■ � YN9fpLE FlARm END SECTION WM1 EROSION LYp9PoRIRt) 9INM£f CTWMR ER0310r1 ooV`oL BLWIRT (PEWYN9FNf) RTO( --N FNIRINfE ORNFLICE f1DN AIBiVA' �� PETNN- WALL SPpf FIEVAwON IIWim IliJl�ti �r E1J:VAl10N 490Y SOIL eORWG a D]NCRER WASHOUT AIFA role: SIOIW SEATa HEIS NOT SHOMI ON RAN WY R3.4TE RM90rF TR011 CONSrRICHIXI ACIMIIfS HSTALL PAEf SD]YFM PRODDf10N RA DETJRS �/CS.DDD. 5/p.0o0. No B/G3.000 pl ALL SIOr01 xLErs nAAr YAr Rm4r£ R9xar. RE�Frn ro seET LzooD FOR DmsaN CttRRt HOIFS No CRAOE9O NOf6. K�NO� KEYED NOrm ANE DENOTED rW [§ m RAN. 01 11— ROCK CONSIINLTori ENiRN9OE REFTN Te WT I/— I!] B9srALL Sar TENO6. — To DErA1L 2/fS.OW Arm ]/.— Q INSrNL WL£f 5m1YENT PROIELIIIXL — To CETNL 4/CSOOD. 5/CS.oOq B/C•IM. © NINNESOrA'S N OP —N. CDN. 510RIMATm PERMR fIXt Cd61181C11Tri..'aY fDR YORE OEtNLS SE1F COMNHm CONCRE2 WASHOUR OH CONCRETE DENVuiY 1RUCK3 IS AN ,v:crrrrrslE ALn-mumE ro DN-srtE mNrNNNENr. � rmr usm 1N1s sIYEr. QI INSTALL YN/DOT ]BBS GIEGORY ] TEJ@GRARY STRAW FlBER FI SON LONIROL BLWNEf. �] Nor USm THIS SHEEP. NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NIN Elk River, Minnesota 55330 11 "0 1 332 M nnenu Suer. Sam W2000 Sam PAa.MN 35101 wdd.ewm 1651W 3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 Fax: (763) 843-0421 wNYW. bl le-com CITY SUBMITTAL vmr eeuy uM ws pen, v,arnwm m.m=n... dMa q„< n unen n0 mm wpmvwm ora pa I.m um„am � NeWn A. —II r. 52208 JuIY tT.2020 BKBMk'2MeO Dale: JuIv 17.2020 Dawes. WH Geck NPA KVIN GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.002 `\ — 1 — — 1 ��\ — L I I— ��•.�\ AAT WINE S\iEETCT. �)2\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\\\�\—\T\�\ �\ 7\ a I /I / .,.\ i i ,«3 i�i0 i I � � / \\\ `\\ •\\ \ \ \ ,., \\\ \ \\\\ \'Y,�\ \\ \\\\ \ b I� '°i�il \,,�`\\ l 1 7 f710 9 .e.•. \ \ \ \ / / .,«.. I / •,. \ \ \ �\\ \ \ \ \ .vie\ I � \ \ ! . / I •w ,..�.\\ , k � �•��� \ \\ \\\ \ \ \\`�`\\ \ \ \\ o I 1 � tea, \ ❑ 17 \ \ \ \ \ \ ev\ /pw \\ 51RN6N3 K 2 F ---C� \ SII>. \ \ \5 \ PROP64 URDINC N.. \ 00 (ARCA. 100.00) ❑ \ I aZ I - � \ I I ,----- I I a!a!m6 4lRK 5 I \ \ \\ I \. •�\ \ �'� 1 L.a. w. o u �13 / � .ab e9� \�It ✓ / R/ 31 \I \ .,„ 8r3 yRD ' ''moi �'I / „� � // \: �� -, ; \ \ r/'�\/� �•�/� I PN a /9' •v «.b ATCH LINE SEE SHEET 2. 06 1 GRADING DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.00 - ABBREVNnONS Du —1, ueM IAT sena" m weu CCa can mae xc e.e, TIF/ o..mue IX FiIaDN fFE FlnI,NM Floor O,w,bn NWL HNH Wolr LM IM' Inwl uE �.� Teor a...ubb NV( ux u.bHel. uw x Ne�INm NWL ww.. I.,n PIC PdSMrryl GIo4c� RCP r mro�wD ce RP. 1W P M Wdl o w.a wea w PROPOSED PIAN symso CONSIRUCOON uK05 _w / 9 TAAON MM i PROPEAIY uNi, W1CH UNE SNNC3r, LOE (APPROX) PRSOSm mxNua -------- �e Mwx nT slMa RETNNWC WALL GTCX BASRI ■ • AVI4KIT • WED MD =ON ERo51M1 CMA,AL aINKET (iFr1PoRARh I� a I /I / .,.\ i i ,«3 i�i0 i I � � / \\\ `\\ •\\ \ \ \ ,., \\\ \ \\\\ \'Y,�\ \\ \\\\ \ b I� '°i�il \,,�`\\ l 1 7 f710 9 .e.•. \ \ \ \ / / .,«.. I / •,. \ \ \ �\\ \ \ \ \ .vie\ I � \ \ ! . / I •w ,..�.\\ , k � �•��� \ \\ \\\ \ \ \\`�`\\ \ \ \\ o I 1 � tea, \ ❑ 17 \ \ \ \ \ \ ev\ /pw \\ 51RN6N3 K 2 F ---C� \ SII>. \ \ \5 \ PROP64 URDINC N.. \ 00 (ARCA. 100.00) ❑ \ I aZ I - � \ I I ,----- I I a!a!m6 4lRK 5 I \ \ \\ I \. •�\ \ �'� 1 L.a. w. o u �13 / � .ab e9� \�It ✓ / R/ 31 \I \ .,„ 8r3 yRD ' ''moi �'I / „� � // \: �� -, ; \ \ r/'�\/� �•�/� I PN a /9' •v «.b ATCH LINE SEE SHEET 2. 06 1 GRADING DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.00 - ABBREVNnONS Du —1, ueM IAT sena" m weu CCa can mae xc e.e, TIF/ o..mue IX FiIaDN fFE FlnI,NM Floor O,w,bn NWL HNH Wolr LM IM' Inwl uE �.� Teor a...ubb NV( ux u.bHel. uw x Ne�INm NWL ww.. I.,n PIC PdSMrryl GIo4c� RCP r mro�wD ce RP. 1W P M Wdl o w.a wea w PROPOSED PIAN symso CONSIRUCOON uK05 �.�.�.-•-.� 9 TAAON MM --- , — - - PROPEAIY uNi, W1CH UNE SNNC3r, LOE (APPROX) PRSOSm mxNua -------- �e Mwx nT slMa RETNNWC WALL GTCX BASRI ■ • AVI4KIT • WED MD =ON ERo51M1 CMA,AL aINKET (iFr1PoRARh I� EROSION COMPoL aMIIRT (PFAWNEN!) ROIX CMSIRII CTKIN ITN OO MWNN£RSYw .VR6W EI�FATION WNL SPor ���®l Y,At 11 SPm EIEUA ®-. SOL DOSING >e CMICIRTE WASHOUT NFA SCALE 11- 30, ii a! sewn "cis N>r sxam a v!NI WY FFAFTE R11T10PF fH(IY L0161R1M:OM N:mSn¢ 1f6rI11 NILT sEauart PROIECnON PFA RiNLS 4/C5.000. S/CS.0T A!D !/C5.000 UI NL StUN NIEIs TNAT WY REtm£ RUX!.FT. tg¢: aro sREr avoo �irsoL xores A•o o+rnNc KFYFn NOTES IQ NDIEs NF MNo1FA IX ® ON— Nor NR.W.Nor um THIS SHEET. ❑3 P6 SIT P REFER TO Ol I 2/CsA00 AND 3/f3A00. 3❑ P6rN INLET smIN PRORCnMI REFER TO R 4/aSA00. 5/M.=. 6/CSDOO. ❑4 Nor usm ms sRET. ❑5 Nm usm THIS srai ❑I —S KN/OOi 3655 GTECORY 3 1F1,PoRMf STRAW FlDER Erd6gN CONTROL a -- Q- w CON- WNL REFER TO SIRUCIURLL —S !OR Do— w TO ARCHnECn1RN. RAMS mR RNuNO AND F PRoiEA00N. NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NIN Elk River, Minnesota 55330 1� AND ENGINEERS 332FO .Sv Suter W3000 Sera Pall. 55101 -1— 1013317713 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 FF: (763) 643-0421 y bkbrn c rn CITY SUBMITTAL GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.003 N 30' 16 0 W. 60' SCALE 11- 30, ii a! sewn "cis N>r sxam a v!NI WY FFAFTE R11T10PF fH(IY L0161R1M:OM N:mSn¢ 1f6rI11 NILT sEauart PROIECnON PFA RiNLS 4/C5.000. S/CS.0T A!D !/C5.000 UI NL StUN NIEIs TNAT WY REtm£ RUX!.FT. tg¢: aro sREr avoo �irsoL xores A•o o+rnNc KFYFn NOTES IQ NDIEs NF MNo1FA IX ® ON— Nor NR.W.Nor um THIS SHEET. ❑3 P6 SIT P REFER TO Ol I 2/CsA00 AND 3/f3A00. 3❑ P6rN INLET smIN PRORCnMI REFER TO R 4/aSA00. 5/M.=. 6/CSDOO. ❑4 Nor usm ms sRET. ❑5 Nm usm THIS srai ❑I —S KN/OOi 3655 GTECORY 3 1F1,PoRMf STRAW FlDER Erd6gN CONTROL a -- Q- w CON- WNL REFER TO SIRUCIURLL —S !OR Do— w TO ARCHnECn1RN. RAMS mR RNuNO AND F PRoiEA00N. NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NIN Elk River, Minnesota 55330 1� AND ENGINEERS 332FO .Sv Suter W3000 Sera Pall. 55101 -1— 1013317713 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 FF: (763) 643-0421 y bkbrn c rn CITY SUBMITTAL GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.003 / ' I I I /I / 140K .4 ABBREVIATIONS BM Be eM1 OMoh � BaNe/n W WOP � M1 BRWn CONC uA ELEV Dawlbn IX F 9 Fh Fl.. Md Floor D°Mbn NM. High Wales LM IM> bnwrt ITE er Floa DevRllPn MAN MaJmum Mx ohel. MN Mi0lmum Nemwl wn.r LMI RVC PdyA,ryl CNc44° RCP To C­­Flpc W Top M W Wall w.D. w.a,.MI PROPOSED PIAN AYMBOLS CMOSIRIICnON U41R—•—•—•—•—•- 9LTATON PFMCE--- FNOF—f LINE IN --- 1E-- — — WTCH UNE SNYCUf UNE (APNNN.)-------- PIm . CONTOUR ONA N —----)— .m — — SIIXG S—P, RETNNING WNL GTCN B 91N ■ MNONILE RAP —N MTI IPEROSION 001,171HOL I� BLWKLT 0-POPA" LI BiNM (PERWANDR) RTX CONSINUCTION ENIPNILE ORIlNi1£ iLOW APROW' �� RTNNIWNL SPOT ON f1EVATOH IR1nC SPOT FLEVATON ML BORING �� CONCRETE WASIpUf AREA N 30' 1a^ 0 30' 60' SCALE 1'. 30' SI�OI✓tl SEVER HEIS HOf SAOMT UI PLW WY REtnVE PlNldi Fl �0016TMI4Tg1 IGIMTFS NST21 HLLT MENr PROfELT1011 PEA DEINL4 4/FSCGq 5/R.DOD, tiU B/R.000 ON NL SIpN NIE'IS 1WT WY PD.PAE ]IOFP. � TO SLEET 8000 FOR fA05MN LIXnn0. NOTES NO GRI➢114 HOLES. KFYFO NOTE NLYEG NOIEB AAE ..- aY ® ON - �j INS -L RTX COISRBICIIOH FNIRMICE PEFOR TO DErNL 1/C5DD0 f0 INSTALL SILT PN10E REFER TO OETNL 2/CSDOO AND 3/Gi000. O INSTALL IN SFDIMINT PPO—IN. RETTR TO OEfNL 4/G.000. 5/C5.OD% 6/Cs— © APPRO%OMrS LOGTON OF IENPORART CNnANED CONCRETE WASH our BN. 'Mo THE MINNESOTAY NPOES FNFAAL SNRIWATEA FBIMR fnN COHSIRUCION ALRV1IY fOfi MORE OEfARi SSS COMNHED CONCRETE WASHOUTS ON CONCRETE DEINEIEf 1RICM5 IS NO ADrFPr . ALTERWTK TO ON�TE CIX?ANMEM. O ;LIRA ON aASIN(S) AVO WAIFOt OULLTY 1RFAlMINf POtO)(5) ANE TD RE CONSIINCIFD T ITE FNO OF GRADING OPFAATIXIS ONCE THE TRIBITPARY APFA'S TNTC SrAMLOATIXI HIS BFIII INSTN3ID. R_ M L 12/15.002 FOR FlLTWTpNBASINS) CROSS SEC— CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC IN FlLTQ(. AREAS) IS NOT ALLOWED AFTER AREA HAS BEEN EXCAVATED. PRIOR TO FINAL STABILfUTION, IDOSETI SOIL WITH YECIiWIGL NOT APPROVED BORROW SITES AND ARE NOT TO USED FOR TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BISIN(S NICE B•WN S SUBGRADE ELEVATION HAS BEEN EXCAVAR SHALL ENSURE THAT a.NN(S) FILTRATE AT A MINIMUM RATE OF 1—INCH PER HOUR NG A PERCOLATION TEST BEFORE FINAL ACCEPTANCE PERCOLATION TEST SHALL BE SIGNED BY A REGISTERED GEOfEG(NICAL ENGINEER AND SUBMITTED TO THE CRY AND ENGINEER FOR REVIEW BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL. ❑P INSTALL MN/DOr SSSS GT60RT J ,T]1POFMY STRAW CONTROL BV1MEf. QO NOT USED THS SHEET. 10' ld' PETER TO VNOSLIPE 'T 941 PUNS TOR SrABILRAnON rp EVAnON {1.00 FlLTrunon M. GEOT:NTILf FlLhA F MN/DO 3]33 TYPE 1 (TYP) UNCOMPACIED 23 -INCHES IMPORnD CUSTOM MINED E -INCH PFIROMTEO DRUN TIE SUBGRADE. SOIL BLEND OF SON SAND. =X MIN ROCK PACK SPACE 10 -FEET ONGONIc COMPOST. PLACE IN 12-15' .G ACROSS BOTTOM OF BASTH RAND TANPEO. SUBMT MIN NSN SHOP DRAMNG FOR MPPOVAL 2 CNOCNWO 510.NE 3 WASHED ♦15] STONE ABOVE AVD 0.N FKH SICf OF PIPE HOT 9BDW PIPE Nom: DAATN T L. AOCB PACB DRTAD. EFEA TO UNDSCME PWI FOR FlLT H BISON PWOIHGS. pL FN NSTiVC110N S.WO 5x is ' is- CDMPasr �FlLTRATION BASIN #1 DETAIL #1 DETAIL NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 1931d Ave NVV Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332 Mn:wou Svea. SWu W2000 SMm1SOL NEIN 55101 .1d . 1 651 =77713 BKBIVI ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown DP.. Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 F�W:(763)843-0421 bkbm.Com CITY SUBMITTAL GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.004 .NJa �<I I W� � I I :Mr•�, I _ 4 PROPENIY IINE MT ZINE �•• �• 3Q Nsr W -HENT PRUINIMN. -R To oEfNL a/O 000, 3/03.000, 6/C5.000. PPOPosm —IN pWN TLLE ---C&D— --_>__- 51[NM s— —ANUIo WALL aQ Nm Usm TMs sxFET. GIN BASIN ■. 151 1 I. R.YEDW wsmDON I \ \ \ �/ \ i �'/ / X919 �/ /1\ I I4 la< IppI NII. NRIND a ^ �• . I 'a ea / •na 9 - I I•I dry/ ' / eta / I � � .NJa �<I I W� � I I :Mr•�, siLTATN MM NOT us m THIS SHFEr. PROPENIY IINE MT ZINE �•• �• 3Q Nsr W -HENT PRUINIMN. -R To oEfNL a/O 000, 3/03.000, 6/C5.000. PPOPosm —IN pWN TLLE ---C&D— --_>__- 51[NM s— —ANUIo WALL aQ Nm Usm TMs sxFET. GIN BASIN ■. 151 1 I. R.YEDW wsmDON I \ \ \ �/ \ i �'/ / X919 �/ .fn., J„i � ✓.fa, / r. Sear F1tVADN ®� NII. NRIND a ^ �• . I 'a ea / •na / .,,aa / / �'1 / •9� dry/ ' / eta / , / / Lam� lir/L _ice __MATCH LINE SEE EET C2.0 eM!!7 wA ° ITNH- 9u.45 ff. ' .,.� I I I a Pi cxun u N rtncE � wSS � I �„lll • �1 e �. a •/) j l I I I I I I Sax"E� I.,a / I •, •, �� I I E D •a \I - - i I• I .•e• I \.vma II .vw .J,f-, .,n I .,u., I .asz> .vaz, I .vua I .,ul .va«,I .e,¢, ``F `I `.,asi � w° I filo 1, N, I m" I I I., I I I / �'I � •°°�.a,A g_ 1 GRADING DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 2.00 ABBREVIATIONS eu :2. uah ew eox<n, m w<p a cm<n e<Yn CONC � nm4 Elft aw,l°n IX EuiWliq fFE nnl,Mtl Floor Bewtbn Hve. Hi9n Wear I.°.I INV Inst � u am m«r Ba,vtbn ua ux uvnx<I. YW YlNmum NWL Numd Wo,r Lml PW: P<IyNn51 GYna. IMP T., .1 W oona,Ee Flp• 1W Tap <, W<II wa. wa,Ao<, PROM— PIAN sYmao oONSIRUCIIN Imos -•-•-•-•-•- siLTATN MM NOT us m THIS SHFEr. PROPENIY IINE MT ZINE �•• �• 3Q Nsr W -HENT PRUINIMN. -R To oEfNL a/O 000, 3/03.000, 6/C5.000. PPOPosm —IN pWN TLLE ---C&D— --_>__- 51[NM s— —ANUIo WALL aQ Nm Usm TMs sxFET. GIN BASIN ■. NN1HUu: . Q Nor usm TMs SHnT. R.YEDW wsmDON \ \ \ �/ \ i �'/ / X919 �/ .fn., J„i � ✓.fa, / r. Sear F1tVADN ®� NII. NRIND a ^ �• . I 'a ea / •na / .,,aa / / �'1 / •9� dry/ ' / eta / , / / Lam� lir/L . a 1 .pxi, \\ • \ \ \ \ \ \ y \ I \I // • .,Bas\ Aye, 01 a o. •,"1 NIU UIIUTY EASBIEIIT / 2 D R oNNNAOE \ —/ NIU [mIITY FAafNFM T �1 eM!!7 wA ° ITNH- 9u.45 ff. ' .,.� I I I a Pi cxun u N rtncE � wSS � I �„lll • �1 e �. a •/) j l I I I I I I Sax"E� I.,a / I •, •, �� I I E D •a \I - - i I• I .•e• I \.vma II .vw .J,f-, .,n I .,u., I .asz> .vaz, I .vua I .,ul .va«,I .e,¢, ``F `I `.,asi � w° I filo 1, N, I m" I I I., I I I / �'I � •°°�.a,A g_ 1 GRADING DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 2.00 ABBREVIATIONS eu :2. uah ew eox<n, m w<p a cm<n e<Yn CONC � nm4 Elft aw,l°n IX EuiWliq fFE nnl,Mtl Floor Bewtbn Hve. Hi9n Wear I.°.I INV Inst � u am m«r Ba,vtbn ua ux uvnx<I. YW YlNmum NWL Numd Wo,r Lml PW: P<IyNn51 GYna. IMP T., .1 W oona,Ee Flp• 1W Tap <, W<II wa. wa,Ao<, PROM— PIAN sYmao oONSIRUCIIN Imos -•-•-•-•-•- siLTATN MM NOT us m THIS SHFEr. PROPENIY IINE MT ZINE �•• �• 3Q Nsr W -HENT PRUINIMN. -R To oEfNL a/O 000, 3/03.000, 6/C5.000. PPOPosm —IN pWN TLLE ---C&D— --_>__- 51[NM s— —ANUIo WALL aQ Nm Usm TMs sxFET. GIN BASIN ■. NN1HUu: . Q Nor usm TMs SHnT. R.YEDW wsmDON a—ANI¢ OrilPoOi nARr) 0 FTMSINONnNIL BLWMEr (PEAWNFNf) NO( COtE'IRUCIMN EXI,WME OPAIIY E i1DW NEtOYI El­£'ATON WALL �r Ip���i w[SiJN`. Sear F1tVADN ®� NII. NRIND a (%INCREIE WASHour ArsA iTl 30' 15 0 W. 60' SCALE r - 30' XOIE STNV SEYIFA HEIS Mor SHVMI N PLW WY IELF]VE NIIIOxF Flioel CR4rt111CD0I1 N:rMn6 ERT/21 HEr SIDIIFNi PWDEMnOt1 PEP DETNIs 4/Ca.00p, a/a.o64. AIU a/ca.Doo oN Au slug NIER 1HN NAY Ra3TE RUNOFT. X10 5NE£r 62000 fIXi EA0.9tN Igf6 NU CNLMIO IIOIEs. 1 KEYED NOTES 'Ii. -D N_ — D- Or R N —N. IQI NOT us m THIS SHFEr. Q NSTN1 51 T FFNCE REFDI To UEENL 2/r3.00o AND 3/c3A00. 3Q Nsr W -HENT PRUINIMN. -R To oEfNL a/O 000, 3/03.000, 6/C5.000. 4] Nor Usm Is SHFET. aQ Nm Usm TMs sxFET. 0p Nor usm TMs SHIEr. oa . Q Nor usm TMs SHnT. NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 331 Ma Shea.Suis— SYn,YaW,1.O155101 xvY,amm 1 151-2 3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 F�r:(763)843-0421 bkbm.com CITY SUBMITTAL GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.005 a N NEW OTSEGO ABBREMATIONS MIDDLE SCHOOL eu e»la� wart zi— \ .» \ / -911/ �� k'�• .vw, \ IX EUWIq MA.TGH LINES€ HE 003 / �� / \ im\ \IjI \\ \\w \\ \\ _/ v / / � / / v/w.e— / a—sa—/—� a/y ./.�Am,E/�%lio /�`'P w�. •/I �,,\ ..w.,Gw,\�/ .«�u•• /7`'�/ =�,,,.._ ,«.->�-°:°»w°��° ,.�iL- '��< :.�»NI ,. T.i,sEd"° '^ ,/„'"./�'./v(• v1.�n��I, ."•.�vrw�. .vwwA—°'^ , /"i.y$,,.—/,,/ ' ) — ./—v.,,«,✓••—w• —`�' e° w :�\E.�\_ '_ _ _ _ uTwsE nIluxrmoe�°.P»n.rnmtem wPe°wwm„I.w..w°I n ' Otsego, MN 55330 =i— I_— x'°" Maciver Avenue N E 95IM/ IN 0— XP.°w`1.1 mn Independent S c hool 075 o so 60'DIStfICt #728 A1'11500193rd Ave NW SCALE 3D r \ ` a.> / w° j' y,>ye_%�G\Ka\� m m Elk River, Minnesota 55330 ice{ L I �✓ ..w.� ' ' i 1 al i � ` PaavosPn PI Au _�-...ao� '( ✓' / / _ 9.e' & a I q n, smml morn races xar slmm a Pl w �.. _ _ i _ — l ; - _ _ _ _ - wr 4zFAe RINar EnaM L>,ramucnax yw /r/.sa...f'1'�•..r..._-91)�„!,a // °.'V 'g1Y /-�D /°°RI' `M\ \ \ \ I I I .°I I ! / - I m /41M /o.aN6 NSTNL NET 4GIQR I(\�lµ / WNa1RICWDN UMIR PIKaEC110N FFR DE1NL5 4/CS.DD0. /,,,..,..r' /•ew: ., / \o” : �. sro. AM a/cs.00D ox Au snaN °e-avv I / ,••,.. �{ ,w �'� /✓ // /,rsv ' '„/,,v/ i/ AN9 / \ 1p1d� \ \ia...s 9 I z �, 1 9LT"TDN RICE )E— N1E15'NI IMY REQ,£ RUHDFi. .w,l !" ! "M •"'T M1 f // j//� %iy^� / //meg l�, I«{�\ \ \ I @wfWG. . .s n c= A .». �M7CH INE f. ».,."I /A/ / / .. / �/..w.. / — ��Pe4YLl:NT `{'Ii.. 1uxE N—) --�----- • • .r•"' T"Y i \ \ � �. / �„� vHA.l_ / / i i — �� \ \ ° Rw d� z : I °v'F�'G ' fP0PO5m mxiDUW � rr —N E ___-)___ A I : A r /�9- .«a, \ \ \ \ \ •y.+� 11\1u �q .I I •vWA—/mn ELEV.ITDN_a{I J"— _• / / I •' 7I I ,b I I : I I = 1 v : 510X11 SEWER �]~ ��xIM1roL IMII rN2U �IU1G tKl L I E / •,w: .,we •) ,.... \ \.»,R \ \ \ d. \ \ \ oa/De/// •, I `I] m .,V =HM `s`4" Er H IN To BE P-1—E: �EHIUY UNE UNLEBs 7HERW6£ WIN � SNDYM. \ �'�— - B- \ $ " \�81� \ • \ \ +v `- T �v w i / •� I , I I EROSIDx (axpoRw* M� / w • I W WOLD ARCHITECTS / p.n'a / /»n, \ \ •vn \ \\ ', }` ` .f vw�w '� i°M� / ° II 9ANKET (PmMNENT) AND ENGINEERS / .v,,, . «, P� p1°' PGE \ » .w,.l \ \ \ •el,s �P�Mi �i_ �- 2 b' I .wa, I I 't ,I - I I O I dWtYGE fLQN IMOW —� 331 Mum Paul,MN 55101�� RE NN NG wA 4Of Ic® I \ 4 '• ` \ •�, i ;I I ,�, li;, , Ems, RDx R,tltl`. tl45 j/ ... _ ia \\,. "'„ry�� -` , �/ /w„\�I• \ I it SOIL FIDRMG1651 ll1 T3r D ® I E .vwa p xYEAtNNO v"Y vu,r J«, PGE 'W —\>.f _4ieL IF a /.«,., �., ° \ 'Y \ •T'' iR> I - •°�s I I ..w, •,w, ' \1�,DNN� x« ° :�.'� »ADD GWPs -EE ' '� °» _� . °' \ �" � � � \ Y µ< � • \ \ e" Z 1 s \ I� iD OMLY \ /°,° v:y° v T °°a C0.EtEu .v i •q�,� vwe Is O _U,III }.-I I l w •' wT� w ' O /HeM, ,R,,v,/i a, E • ZwU „,IrNcO„US v '//•eww°e.. «va -vw., MY •,wa wA\ \w.0 °'°S.�\ Y • ,�:°, f I\\ w.'I \—��USuiv:/\'I�° .»i.i ,.,p\1��\ �\t� \ '\S\ I4I \ II III1I 9 16i B Y 4 ENGINEERS KEYED NOTES \� \ �\ O xO16 NE OExNm er ® ax wN. M 20 Eadeli s MN Di,, Suke 700 v1,1 ! / ° / » ° •�'�Dx � / , n \ », \ !! », 1 1147yilll NOT Us m THIS 91EEE Phone: (763) 843-0420 „a •• I \.,n \ \ \\ • ! \ ❑2 INB— AI.T fIIK£ REEFN To OETA4 2/O6.o00 IND 3/GADO. Fax: (763) 843-0421 E�°° .° •ew °'°d '� .1 u > a,o/u uw iet.o • \ °1� a \ a, vui I 1111 ° ❑3 r6rN1 MIST —INENT vRORLnIXL REF➢i ro OEfNI 4/CS.00a. s/n.0aa. s/CS.OW. 1MNN.bkbm.com SH / raw // n4 a�«°e ° ° �� \ \ a� \ \ \ \ ? r I..w «° ❑ ) z,.x.A lv ♦ NOT us. IRIS EET. NOT usm THIS SHEET. N - M1 .. ,., °�/ m° d „ ;"w° • \.\ 1. °,Y'�1'° .w.. \.\«`.v \ \ .,.,s « \ w,., \\ • ill 111 Q DT Usm ,HIS SHEET. IN,'IA, 6 «c9,•• »u \ '4 '9 .«>v �aI I ,y, Iwvn ❑T xm u4n 1HIs sxEET. O ViIiJTY EASaIENTSw 1/4 YI�dk i I ` • ur nE alsaw ° „IXC I' .w,�aD°' ., ' \ END-I, .«I. o L»c N„Ip can \ w --d"°' w ° •° �i,...v, / . �v.,l .w.i .«., 4 . ixi, , / / / IcanalElE '� •,•,• , I / ' I CITY SUBMITTAL aWGY/1ETAL/2A55 RG(dM6 \\ �� w ° "9' cc I I I 'w.a I/ »yl .awa1 vb0 • PRAIRIE NEW QdENTARY ANO NIDA'E SO'IOLE // ,;q{IEl ®' T ,.' I ITM 9001 sT AE / 1Et I Iner,gwWUNMNIspm. m.dn�mm a,.eewll.m Kevin A. Sex�l YNa ° , CONQi �G • // D Num; 53208 July 11, 2020 E /,a1 —F °w'. mnC01(CRETE OON �y3 ANG. DRAINAGE. AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN aKaM . 2D„D 30 Dale: July tT 20 Dmwn: w — xPA a,Nn GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 02.006 1 UTILITY PLAN C3.000 UTILITY PLAN C3.000 N NEW OTSEGO ABBREVIATIONS MIDDLE SCHOOL SRBLTURE HEENM SIRUCNRE ON CASnNG RY INVERT RPE LENOIII, OWIEIfA, SLOPE !MUPS—NN EIEVAIM- EIEVATON(s) IXT BY Bmpe York CB CW"M1 BaFin ID (INCHES) lYt£ (Nom OONC CBMr-e 5111E F1 IX MH R -1]8T HE - 825,80 290 V. °F r PVC O 1.05; Wi IQ ON I -N. Imn Rpe F1EV Bwvtlm Sx - ea6x Otsego, MN 55330 "R R 4S MR —M _NE - 82865 250 LF. OF S PVC O 1.06; SSRI 03 r5E FlNMW fbor a -- HDPE HIBIe aS.Ty PONMML". Madver Avenue NE SSA% ia w NH R-1]81 964.8° SW - 0.W.2H -- NE - 93156 200 V. OF S PVC O 1. 5 SSMC N 0M —1 EIA% NRtlmum —.1. SW - B3A11 SSWR 0. 40" LOI R -1]3J 846OO E - 9Mm 232 V. OF SRC O 1.51E SSVR /] N -931.21 950 V. a 0' Pk .1.05; SSWR 91 MH YN Ynimum PIC PoyAml ESbp68 RMNMcW CmaR1. Ra Independent School RCP flD R°" = 1w 50 0 100 zoo 5 -93608 --- SSMt /5 40' MII R-1]33 916TB E U,F. OF S' PVC O 1.3BK SSAR /0 District #728 SCALE 11-100, rd Ave NW sswR p es'"'YF. NA w - e361e --- �S.Wm Elk Rveer,r, Minnesota 55330 Elk River, 55118 p 4B" MH R-1]33 946m W' N 0.16.11 b V. OF S P1C O i.6.R SSNR /8 OPLIiY NOTE FOR WORK IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: Smllery 1. mLLCW ML CRY OF OTSEGO 6TAWA5 AND SSWp BB NA s - 91)50 ---- CanSeeUm SPECi1GlON5. 2 P -R To CONSIRUCnON, CONIIYLIORS ME ro COOIOINAIE ML WORK —IN RIGNT-OF-WAY AND OBrMM ALL AfiHJCNBE PDRIITS. HmL:_ NOTES: 1. CO°NOIMY SEANCE CONNECTION UO TONS AT THE WILOINC WITH 1NE Y—I— OONTP. CN RNR ro CONBIHUCIIIXL NO MORONM. COMPOSATIOI WLL BE MIDWID ml nl' Pl eu µecTFa KFYFn NOTES KETED No— NE OENOIFD eY ® ON PWM. FDR OICORRHAIm WOOS O WSLV1 BINS BT 0 -NOM IEE. PIILIDW ALL OR' aF °IsE O STMDMS AN. BF—ONS. 2 COORDWME UOUIY INSTMEARON WRH SOUCRRM PRIOR 10 START OF CDISIRUCOON. UIBIIIES SHML NOr BE Pl9WEID WRRN THE IDN1 OF INFLUENCE OF MOSIRUCRPM BLFYERis. NO ADOnOHAL COMPENSATION NLL BE PRONOD FOR UNOOORONMFD WCN. 2 WSfN1 FRE --MID BIOS VALVE PO3DW Nl CITY OF 015Em SrM6VED5 AD SPECNCAnOS REFER To DOOR.14/fSADD. 1. ALL -- SCE CONN—ONS WRM Lf SS THEN 5 FEET OF LINER — TME roP OF x F STALL 8 -INCH —REE BEND WIM TIWVsr BIDGKHO. FDI211W ML OIY OF DREC° WOLD ARCHITECTS THE BUIWIWI To nCN S— BE I 11E BE SERvCETHE POINT WHI M SFINICf —UNS 5 FEET OF O STANDMOS MD SPFGIHGnOxS. REFER TO DEALS 1/OS003, 2/fS.ON, M10 3/G5.00.1. AND ENGINEERS PPoOR 10 -Sf° IW1°l OM I—Iw °hR PFRM�Ox FTmu ARLHnEcr oR EEKaxEER © INS— 81NCH BY 4 -NCH TEE. Fuunw ML On OF alsFm srANDVAs AND ECRIGRONS 332 MY—s—SN,e W2Um {. PROTECT AW IX6UNO SnNCNRES AND UTIllII6 WHICH ME NOT SCRmCm ro BE _ REFER HNCH WIDCE V VE mucW ALL Om OF 014fY3 STMDM85 MD SPEOFlGIONS REFER 10 DETNL 1S/5.000. SMRT Pud N4H 55101 S. ALL SEWER MD WATER CROSSINGS SOUL IYVE A MINIMUM VERIICM --N OF 15 TELT A0 --SRM 1 OF 10 FFEr. mLLON ALL HOLTX DfPMTMENT AND CRY OF -- AU WRCHT C°UN11' STADARDS ❑j WSrM1 HNCH 43--- BEND WOX WHAT BIDODNG muar All COY OF OTSEm STM6AIA5 AND SPEon—ONS. REFER ro DEIMS 1/CSAW, 2/S.W3, AND 3/CSA°3. .1-1 65102]]7)3 6 ALL WATER WINS SHALL BE DU.CO£ IRON PIPE CLASS S2. UNUESS NOTED OnBRMSE ]. ML MCN ML SMLL HAVE A YNNUM DEPTN OF °OJEn CF ]5 REEF OVER TOP OF O STUB HNCH OOMEBFC WA SIMCE TO WRH- SFF T OF PROPOSED BUUOING. Fou— ALL COO OF XSECO STM0M05 AND SPIEDF-BONS WATER WIN. O INSlNL 5 -INCH WEDGE VKVE FOLION ALL CRY OF 015£0 STADVOS AND SPfOFlCATONS e. PRONDf THRUST 1-11 ON ML WAIEA MNN PER LILY OF Of SEA. PROr10E REFER To DELL 1J/SAOO. YmHWCM J RESTIH — ON ALL BEINpS, VMVEB TEES, PWS AND HYDPMlr c.m INS— 5 -INCH 45 -DECREE BEND WTM THRUST BuCCONG. fOUDN ALL CRT OF 015ECO O 9. SMI— sEWER RPING — BE SDR >5 fVC UN ESS NOIID OMFRMSE STADMmS MO Spaondn°x6. REFER 10 DEEMS 1/LS.003, 2/5.003, AND 3/S.ODB 10. SRRM SEINER RPING SHALL BE Rf]NFORCm OONOEIE PEE (RFP). UNLESS NOm IO 6 -INCH OOMESRC WATER S RVILE ro WRHIN S-R£T OF PROPOSm BUILDING FOu— OMEAUWSE. ML 12 -INCH THROUGH 1 -NCH RCP SIGN SNEER PPE SHALL BE CN55 5. ZffRPE — THAN 10 -INCH — BE CUSS 3 UNIL6 NOTED 01HBRWISE ALL EZoSEINER RPE —FLS EITFNDED To TNf BUBDING FOR ROOF DRNx SERNCES Sl -11 �B CRY OF OTSffA SrMMRDS M0 sPEOFYnON& INS— B -INCH BY 8- TE£ FODU'M 111 CITY OF OISECO STADARS AND ssECBYnas EwIE 4D PNt 11. CUMES,m° 14CFDIIX°UE 12 INR OHLTC�W��V�YE iollDW ALL CIY OF °19E0 STMDYAS MO SPEORGIONi ECiONS SH- I -E FABRIC µ0H RWMP MN µOAROS. AS EFER Too DETM1m. 12 DEZMM.IOS sHALL COORONATE Ill WOTM WRX GM. FIECIRC, IElE Ox ATO n CONNECT za• Rd ro nOSTNG MAYIDEE Grmur sW. AROUND onwlxc. BKBIM = 1F1FFpONE MM MES PROP TO SONT OF CONSIRUCF- 13. RHDE PROPOS➢ GRADE I— EMSRNC SMML VR1ro5 IS PROPoSED ro BE IflWESm, 14 SNB B -MCN FRE R20RTTON UNE TD —NIN 3 -FEET OF I—POsm BUILONC. mLIAY NL CRY OF I—SO STAMPS MD SPmF — ENGINEERS s COMRILIOt SOUL CCO - WTM I i- OMER FON TRE UDWOBNO OF nE FASTEN.15 UIIIM TO PRXDE THE MIRMUM NaFR REQUIRED AT No .--COST TO THE OWWIi BO— a� CH 22}°EOEE BEND -H THRUST BIDCIOMG FDLLDW ML OW OF oneeo STMDyAS MD SPECFlGTONS. RESER N DEEMS 1/—. 2/..= MD 3/ 5.061 — 6120 EB4e Brown Suite 700 14. ALL P aF 1U SIO- SEWER SISTER UC`.OFD 'MIH- OF THE NQ INS—— RY OF ORSECO -H MS 1. 2/F06065. ANDC µ� AND N9 BREFER 55340 Mlnne: 53 H NFEET OCSL ER LME SONS BE RE WITH MN PLWBING CODE ACCORDBEREIR OR WOOER SAND TO DEEOND SPEOFlGn I/O VC / (763) 84 Phone: (763) 843-0420 OOXNmF STD M YST 15. A.IL JOINS C C M —a SEWER SYM SINE BE OM RUBr OR MN PWYBING OLOE, R RUBBER 1] INSRLLL —INCH BY 8 -INCH lFE mLLD'W ML CRY OF ORRXI SIA6YS5 MD SPECFICARIX6 FSK: 763 843-0421 ( ) CE WRIER HUNT N CE To CE E N DRS M M -CH BA INj MUST BE USED ro YNE WAIFA TONT CONNECIIOES ro OLEs. O WSfHL iSINCH BUnOELY VMVE fIXIAA' ALL CM OF OISGm STA 6W05 M° wWw.bkbm.com S ARE AN, AO O1HFR STRU— . pE M WARE -STOP OIOMNG RING ARE A ALLFPTIHE Me CEMENT MOrIM .CIES ARE PERM— ONLY FOR REPMIS AND SPECS—ONS.ISHNC REFER ro °ETRE 9/CS.W3. CONNEYTNE OONNm OFIXFORM 11Nf5 OONSR WHIM SUCH MINIS 1QE IN5191L 18 -INCH PWG. FOLm'W ML CITY OF OISGm SrMDYT61 AND SPECIFlGIIOS RMEO 16 THE NIXCmUND UNmRMTON WAS REPMm BY B 9VNO SURVEYING R 51-851-2155. NOTE SUPNEY IxrolNAliOM AW A RE SURVEY MDA SHOWN S 2020 SYtBY PUONOE A SUOE LVO SIF£1CIS SURVEIS WERE LWBFm AT nE O ICNTON OF ONS AND SWRARY Blu SEIMCE REFER ro SAMBA P SEWER TAKE FOR INwTn P3LVAEONS AND PIPE SRES SNB ro WRHIN 5-:FkT OF PROPOSED BUIWIHG TMSHOWN Is OfSE WC6PMA �f SMO NYFRT ElEVAION NIN IiLVHCII GRDWCEOM RBOR ro YDOE SCIOC_ Co— 9YLL —SUN- INFCRMnDN PROF To STMT OF OOHSAIN:fICM. NO NWBIIOEYL CO.— WILL BE PRONOFD FOR LDF�TON OP PRONSED NODE °PVN LEN. REFER ro SNRY SEW EA TMLL EOR IEhERr AMV 616 116E cam NAVE BEII1 PR.VFNIFD BY PET61N51NG TIE ABO.£. 21 ❑HEV llg5 N01 PIPE 505. mO01WDr UDCAnON MO F1F'A110H W1M EEOLAYnB. wIrTRACTm PR0T1 ro — TIE aMr of cO1n RucllDx. L INSTALL SUMP -C1 BI9N WITH SNOUT, EN—D. OR MPROVm EO W. REFER TO DET 13/5.001. 9CORE OBLL FASTING UFT-SrABON NAHOIE FOR PROPOBm RPE COINECDO. REFER TO SMRAM SEWER TMIE FOR INVERT ELEVAAONS AD PIPE S — IIATALL RUBBER BOOT SEM AT OPENING FCLLON ALL CITY OF OIHL9 S—RDS MD SPECIFlCAnC6. Q CONNECT ORA- HUE OF FU—FON BASIN To MMHOli AT IM'INr F]EVATON 911.]5. ® -5TML PQBMETER DRMN TBL ROPER TO DEfNL 13/S.DOL PRONOE SCUD RPE AN WATER VONT CONNECTIONS ro 10 -FEET OF ERHIX SIDE OF AW WATER CRI59Nos PFR MN RUMSNG ® -STALL MFlLIPARON BISN DRMH ni c REFER 10 GEMS 2/—MD 2/C204. 220 INS— ➢PAM n1E AT LOW PCINT CroH BASINS. REFER TO DEME 10/O5.°01. CONIR—DR SNML INS— ]2 -INCH MANGE IN UNE WRH .-MG 30 -INCH — RPE 0 MPROOWTE PlVFItT OF OOSFNC PIPE b 83153. PROR M BETA nON OF MMOOLE. CONIRAOOt SHML CONTACT CN8 EN I — WITH —INVERT FIEVATIOM. FOLLOW ALL OIY OF OiSFLO STMDVOS AND .—I- PEOFlGIONS—I— -I—TO IXSIINC 1SIN5 WMFR IMM. FDLDW ML CITY OF arscm srA2owcs MD --- REAVVE OTSCm ST 011 PL G A °D CONNECT 1D F]651WG a-- W.ATnt N. no— ALL CRY OF OF OTSEGO CITY INS— IS -DEGREE BEND WTIH nHRISr MDONG. CFOIJUX ML CRY PCoo- ® O SEAL. DRMN TLE FROST PRIIFD°oH AT sTOOP"SUBMITTAL Q IN— TRENW —N. REFER ro —I- 1°/LS— Q IN— ODER— ROOF OWN PIA ® CORE OPLL BASIN° Groff BISON —I— FOR PROPOSED RPE COUNECTAN. ROPER TO STORM OVER TRUE FOR -YFNT E11V TONS AND PIPE SU6 GROUT SEM. MOUND OPFIING FCUuV ML CnY OF -EGO STMOMOS AND SPECIFY HOS ® RUN— EYSTNG CASTING FOR IROPOSno CURB REMOUNT AD RFPVCEMEM. OONiMOOt SNALL PSOIEoF EJOSTNC WATERYNN T ALL T01ES CURNG NSTI-- OF O SARARY SEINER AT NO ,10DIROILe1 COSY ro ONNER InvaywaMuagNpen. spepneegnv,maT.n eap um, an.,evmmee wpmism enegellen, Q OONRYOdt SHALL REIN— RRPM AD RESTORE M OIGI— OONDIIIONS u,e..uel..epge Wa<p Yx R O SrMDVAS R SP6 GOo. ONS REFER To OEFNL 18/5.0°1. fC1fM' NL CRY OF °ISfW UTILITY PLAN C3.000 N eaeREVIOn .q BY Bend Mah m CNd Basin I of Canmele DIP WCNe Uan Flq F1EV peweon I FEE Fl�iiMd Flaar EMeUan NOPE MVA OneRy PWyeDONm INV IrmM1 IIA% NmEnun YN YanMY uw Irtmm�m Prc PabM1nyl cNam. no D"°wn D`n` Pk. 30' 15' 0 30' 60' SCALE 1'- 30' 1 UTILITY PLA C3.00 PROPOSED PLPN SYMBOLS CONSIRUCipN LANDS-.-.�.�.-.- PWPERIY- SAWCUf YA1CX IBIS - � � - 5'INRMr SEWER �—}— WA1EA PIPE � I DRNN IRE------- SmRY Ms NYDPANr uEANour GTOH TFASIN ■ —OM NRED END SECWN WITH .PRM SEYIFR — aF/ 1 wD-DA7� UTIM NOTES FOR WORK IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: 1. M -0-0-- -u Ill CI1YDF DISPLD STWi0-- APPl1PERYIIs. xOILs. N� PETER m SEET FLOW FDR llnlll'/ NEYEO NOTES — NOIFs IRE OmOTM BY ® ON PlN1. lM NOT —0 TMS SNET:T. ® NOT ISTD THIS SXEEr. ❑� xm lsm Txs sHEEr. M4 Nm tsm THIS SHEET. MG uor Ism TXIs sxEEr. Me rlor ISm T16R sHEEr. p NOT lam 1M5 SHEIS. e❑ NOT USED THS SHETT. Mo Nm Ism THS sxFEr. 10 NOT Ism TMs SHEEP. it NOT MED THIs W-. 13 NOT —D IRIS SHEET. J OD— 2{' RCP TO FxSRNG NWHOIE GROW SFAL —ND OPEN— n" xm usm THs SHEET. fs NR ISm TMs SXEET. 1s xrn Ism TMs sXEM. 17 NOT lam —SHEET. IG Nor usm 7165 sxEEr. Q Nm ISM THS SHOO. ® NOT ISTD EMs aHET:T. i1 NOT USED TMs SHEET. ® xm ISm TMs aXEEr. ® INW lam TMs .— w NOT USED THS SH— M. Nm 115. TMs .— ® .STALL wFeJMTKIN IYSW ORNN 165 RFFFR TO OEWIS 2/C2W1 AND 2/C2001. Q Nor Ism THIS SHFET. MID NOT USED TMs aHEEf. Q NOT lam EMs SXEEl. Q NM ISM IMS aHF£f. Jl NOT USED TMs SHEET. ® Nm Ism TNS SHF£T. Q Nm lam THS SHmf. Q Nor USED TMs 41— ®. NOT —0 THIS SHEET. li] NOT USE➢ THIS SHEET. Q Nor Ism TMs sxmT. ® Nm Ism Txls sx¢T. O .STALL DRVN TR£ CIF/N OI RFPFA TO O—L 15/—. FTNl11W ALL CRY OF OISEGO STINDNDLS Wi0 SPMSIGNONS. NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 101, WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 333 Minaewm s—SWR W3000 Siln. PwLMN SJIDI wdYecmm 1 651 —M3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 EarleBrown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763)643-0420 Fax: (763)843-0421 www.bkbm.com CITY SUBMITTAL UTILITY PLAN C3.001 SIORN SEV.FR TABLE Lek SIINI�IURE SIRUCNPE pum90N (wwFS) NFFNAX CASING TYPE FTEVATXwRELEVA ON(5) PIT£ La1Cw, DIAMETER, SUIPE ! HIXT UPSrRFAY S1RUClUPE NPP SDN /BOO IX IX E � BJ6G0 --- BJE7[1 N � B20.W __ W S36W s � •J1.70 GIF. OF 24' RCP O 6G2( SIRY Bmf S'NOI rew AC NN NAVA Ne -5] 9]650 N831.7s S 95EW 11 LF. 6 {' PVC O 0.56( DRAIN WIE CQINEDIIW sTNN F. 24 iFS NA SE - 93D.W IJe LF. OF 2{' RCP O 6.x STRN (701 51101 Fe00 Ir— NA — sJAW 270 LF. OF tY RCP O 1.501( SIRM rWl UTILITY PLAN C3.001 1 UTILITY PLAN 3.00 eee6meuor(s nq BY BnN Yp k CB CWdr Ealn DNC DOrc 1 DIP Du tIN mn Rp• DF' Deratlen IX E Wn0 RE nN•M1M NfpM1 .-It, HDPE mIt, Hy PolyeuBlene qN Mar[ INK Nm YH —I YIN HnMum Prt PoMtrryl G RD RppT Orel Canmb Rq PROPOSED PIAN SYMBOLS DNSIRU-TD UNITS -1 PROPERIY UNE ........ - SNYCIIf UNE (ARI—)-------- NAICX STRY'01 SMRARY SEW FR � DRAM nuE —__ scala �.. __— nEMour GTCII BA9N ■ WNHOLE -m /.DO FlIAm DID Sil'110H WITH RYAPM -- BISD E 81'.60 s- b V. OF12' RW O D.SOL SRN 0D1 N SCALE T - 30, ITr1LnY NOTE FOR WORK IN PUSUC RIGHT-OF-WAY: 1. FDUDW ALL CDY OF DISECD srMOMos AND sPEdRGTDNS. 2 — lU DNSTHUCIDN. DNTWCTORS ARE TD OEUN HATE ALL WORN—IN RI.-- IND WTNN NL NVUCIBE PDNRS 5� REFIIE 10 9WET Q000 i0R MIIfY NOTES. KEYED NOTES NE- NO— ME DENDIFD BY ® ON PUIL Qt NOf USm 1F65 SHEEP. Q NOT USm n115 SHFET. Q] NOT USm nus 91FET. Q4 Na usm nll5 sHEET. �s Nor usm TMs sxEET. Qu NOT usm THIS S1FEf. ❑� Na usm Tens sxEr. �a Nor usm THIS sEEr. 0 Nor USED THIS swEr. i0 Nor USED THIS SxEEr. 11 Nor usm IRIS SHEEP. 14 NOT usm THIS SHEET. nNor USED THIS sHE4n. 11 Nor USED TMs SHEET. 15 NOF Usm TMS a- 16 NOT Usm TNES SHEET. lr NOT UsED THIS SHEET. IB NOT USED TMS 91EET. Q NOT USED 1M5 SHEEP. .1 Na usm Tu5 SXFET. 41 NOT USTD 1H5 SHEEP. ® RSFALL SuNP C nYf EMN WON SNOUT, I—ROH00D. OR AP— 00— REFER l0 OEFNL I]/QDt. Q9 N. Usm TMS SHEET. Q NOT usm THs SHEET. ® HOf usm Ills SHEET. ® NOr USED 1H5 sHEEr. QD NSTNL DUN TIE AT IoW PONT =11 al51Ns REFER TO DETAIL Io/M.Nn. Q NOT usm nlls SHEET. ® NOT USM TMs a— Q Nor usm TMs sEEET. ]I NOT USm THO SMEEi. ® NOT USED THIS 511 T. Q NOT UM THS SHEET. Q NOT USED Ms SHEET. ]q DRE 01uM DOSING —H — NMHOE FOR PROPDSED RPE DOINECDN. REFER To STORN SE VER TAKE MR INVERT DEYATDNs AND PIRE Was. CROuT SFA- ARDNO OPD11N0. mUIIN ALL CITY OF OISED --Da AND SPECNIGRONs. ® RDNR— IXISIBIG —DNC FOR PRDPOSm CURB RENO✓AL MD IEPLY. 1FM. QP NOr us. THIS SHEET. Q NOT USED VIS SHEET. Q Nor USED TMS SHEET. NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Madver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332MnmmNs .Swm WtOCO SNnr1N4MN55101 wd,i•emv 1 551 247 7773 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Eade Brown Dr.. suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 Fax:(763) 843-0421 www.bktNn— CITY SUBMITTAL C3.002 s1vN sEWEx TABIE SIRUCNRE s1RNOlue: NSM --. NB E1£VAROI EIEYATIDN(5) RPE 1E111O111r pAEEIm, — t N— UPaIOEAN SINUCTUTE ONO s, TYPE STRY'01 Id' MSUNP R -SOB) B41]2 NB 835A1 ]D LF OF 2V RCP O —K — F. . STRN 1801 b'MHINP R -]Dl 84288 W 030.05 -m /.DO IX IX -- BISD E 81'.60 s- b V. OF12' RW O D.SOL SRN 0D1 SIRN PM W UH R-251.5 9124b N :8!8.48 E 8]0.48 54 LF. GF 1T RCP ...x SII01 102 MW POZ 48' NH R-25!6 81!.15 W B30.]fi --- E p30.]fi 145 LF. OF 1Y RD' a 050; SRN 090! SR4Y (Al 4a' NH R-45]5 WS.B5 W 94018 E BNlB 145 IS. OF 12' RCP O 060; SRN PG sON PO4 2Y D R -2V5 94{.50 W sm.02 - NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Madver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332MnmmNs .Swm WtOCO SNnr1N4MN55101 wd,i•emv 1 551 247 7773 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Eade Brown Dr.. suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 Fax:(763) 843-0421 www.bktNn— CITY SUBMITTAL C3.002 83RD PROPOC D PI AN SYMBOLS CONSIHUMON UNFE - - PHO- UNE SAWCUT UNE (APPAL) ��------ ------- - - NAICH UNE �^ sAHRAer sexrn WATEW RPE-(---F- - �� OPNN TILESTURM SEWED REWYNG WN N f]EVATON ELEV TA ON(s) RPE IENmH, gANEIFR, SLOf !EM UPSIISAN SIF--HE( SRW pm RRE NYOONr NAHOOF GTf VAVE M auN6D GTCH BlSIN ■ MANHOLE NA RAKED END SECIIdI WITH NR6P STaI PDO SEWER INVERT FI£/MON II®\ R -303T N 30' 15 0 30' 60' SCALE 1' - W. RIGHRIGHTY NOTES FOR WORK IN PURIIC F -OF -WAY: 1. FOI D AEE. OnY OF mBECO VANIR ANO sPFdFlGTpN£ 2 PRRIR TO CONSIHIlC110N, .MPIDIORS AR£ TO COOIONATE A Wo. WITHIN RIOHr-OF- Y ANO OMAN ALL PERM.. KEYED NOTES KEYED NO16 ME OEHmED BY ® ON PI.Vl. Q1 PSEHL B -WW BY 6-IHCH IEE fIX1DM ALL Cn3' O msEGD SrMDAR0.s ANO SPECFlGROS ' �2 OSEA1 FIRE MIUNI AND GTE VALVE FODDW .VL GIY OF mSEso sv NI R AND SPEORCAnON£ REFER TO MEAL 14/CSA00. O Har- arTO 11/CSAD3. DN, HBI 3/C TH sr 19=1014O.19=1014O.FOLLOW 111 CRY OF OSM Sr.- ANO SPELIFK£mNS REDH 04 PSTAL 8 -MACH FW 4 -IRON lFE fIX11M' ALL CRY OF b15EG0 SrMOAR05 AND SPEDIFl - F5 Wb 4 ROI WFM.E vK MuoIr A11 CITY OF oISEDo so -rias IND --HS. HERSH TO DETAL 13/CSA00. O OSrI1L 4-WLH 4.5-aFSREE BDID WIRI THROsr aOC Ett1AY HL CITY OF OTSEGO STAN— HHD SPECIE TKIHi REFER TO DETNS 1/05-, 2/C5= HID 3/0£001 O SNB 4-INLN DONESIIC WATER SPEWCE TO WRHIH 5-F Et OF P OSED BALDING. FDUI I11 CRY OF OISEOo STA4OR05 AND SPEOFlGTpN£ Q NsrA 6-WOI WEDGE VALVE FOLLOW NL CITY OF OISGEO StvN HOs AND SPEDIRGTON£ RFRR TD DML 13/- NEO - 3/0X.0. O pO- Ee6.001 2/-003. Mo 3/- 6 -INN 33 N. FO1DW Ill CITY OF OSEGO -- ANO TO SPo3FIGTpNS RFFFR 10 B DON611C WOER SFIWICE 10 WfRON 5 -FEET OF P oaEO BUIIDIN6 FOLL NL Cm OF -EGO SON0MD5 IND fDIRCATON£ 11 BSrA 8-8101 Of 8-INCN TEE FO103 111 CITY OF OIsELO STAIDA.s AND SPECBIONTO6 12 PBrALL 8-WOl Wt f VALVE F rN HL CRY OF mSGEO sT.WDWO.S AND sPECIRGTON£ REFBR TO OEfHL 13/CSA00. I3 Nm USED THIS sHEEF. 11 SNB 5-INW FIRE PPORDMN UNE TO WnHIH 5-FEEr OF PROPOSED B00DIN6 FTI- ALL ohr OF OnEeo SrANDNO AND Ff RGTpN£ IQ5 Nm 040 THIS SHEET. to NSTALL B -MACH I I3 DEGRED BEND WISH 1HRUSr 81OCKOS FOLLOW ALL CRY OF 014DO SrANOAos AND SPEOFlGmR£ REFER TO OEfALs 1/05003. 26.00Q. HHD 3/Isms D INSTALL -NCH BY 5 -NOL TEE FOIA .LLL Cm OF OIsEGO sONGBaS AND SFECFIUTONS. f0 AL -NCH BI1r1ERN vNL FOLLOW 111 CRY OF OIsL SEANbros HID SPEORG N5. IRFl]t TO DETAL 2/CS. IQB ALL -NCH PWG 931- ALL CITY OF ORaEO SrANONos AND SPMFIGTEN£ TON OF P.POSED SNNRAN SEWER SERVICE PER 10 SANRARY SEWER TA&E FOR I1AERr ¢LVARONS AHO RPE SDE£ SNB ® M Wnrl 5 -FEET OF PROPOSED BOEDIN£ LOOONHE DLT LDGTIIN AND NRRT EEVAOOH HrrF HooRMBOL COHHICIOR PRIOR TO HE STAR 6 .1151P1IC11RH. ❑T IDGTOH OF PROPOSED ROOF OHWN TEM. REFER To SIdW1 SEIER TARE FOR INVERT El£V - AHD RPE SOES fAD1oIHAlE or r IDGTOH NO APART OI ATKN H1H YECWNIOL COHIRILTOI PNM TO THE srMo OF CONSOOCROA ® Nm IISED THIS SHFEt. Q Nm 040 Ills SHEET. Q Nm usEn THIS SHEET. ® NsEH R OEEION U TTI RDl TOO D TML 113s 3MCBlNOG02�Dso -o so PPE ACO 0 WAM PGK NNEonO6 TO 10- OF ® NOT USED THIS SHEET. I STA1 DRNN TBE AT IDN POM GTCH BASIN£ REFER 10 DETAL 10/GS.Om. Q Nm - TH6 a - F. NOT USED TH. SHf£T. QD Nm ISED TNL4 SXFET. ]❑I Nm U4D TH6 SHEET. ® NSrU OPNN TRE 'Fosr PRmFDION AT SLOOPS QD INSTAL TRENCH OHNN. REFER . I -L 10/ ­ INSTILL OvERRDN ROOF OMN PID. ® Nm USED THLS sNan, F. NOT 115. TH. SHEET. Q Nm 1140 THIS SHEET. Q Nm USED THS SHEET. Q OSWAL DRVN TOE CI ­N Olr. REFER TO DETAL 15/C5.Om. FOI 1 N1 GIY OF mYW srANDYOS AND EPEOEGTON£ NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 06 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332 M�nwu5mn.5ui,e OT2000 Silnr 1luLAW 55101 walJaemm 165120 T!/3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr.. Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 Fax: (763) 843-0421 www.bkbm.com CITY SUBMITTAL 03.003 stoRY - TABLE S1R0IpHRE SI.a - .0NoN0H5E5) s) NEENAH CASRNG TME N f]EVATON ELEV TA ON(s) RPE IENmH, gANEIFR, SLOf !EM UPSIISAN SIF--HE( SRW pm -ROOFOF ON NAHOOF S1RM /212 �ON m W - 340.30 ---- SRW pl3 COXNECTON NA W STaI PDO 4a 4H R -303T p13.W0 W •x.22 E - 331.22 222 LP. OF 1Y ROP O 150X SRW B3o4 SIRY /.4 411' NH R-1733 BIS00 E . BSBJ4 1. LF. OF 15' RCP a Se( SRW /.103 N -310.08 32 IF. O lY RCP O 1.00X STRY 1903 SRW /305 2T ® R-4]12 344.70 S - W010 51RN I3Oa 4Y NH R -30B7 WSY W -333.08 SIPII 1902 48' NH R- 944AE W. _. . V O Ir RCP O W%SERV (103 S - 3]7.11 103 V. OF 24' RO' O 64aX STRY 1905 SAMA 1903 4!' MH R-2535 BOAS E- 0.T£83 W - 03X13 T5 lr. OF tY RCP O 1.0PX SRW 1904 SRW FM4 27' ® R -H 841.5a E - 330.53 SIpI (165 48' NN R-3087 N - 83152 84282 EE 130 V. OF la' RW s 0501( 51101 /7M W - BS).88 IF. O 1r RTP O 1.OX SIIW 190 SIKH /108 4e' MH R W2.3'1 E --- s-0.1631 TIl. OF YP4O O2mx SlIW pm sIR111907 RREH. R -K80 -W( WaSI N - 830.78 -_- SERV F. 411' MH RaO81 NW - 8x3 84A111 SW -830.10 54 V O tr RCP O LOOK SIRY (108 -536.31 .LP.EFtYRCPO 56[-/110 STRN /208 2T ® R-2115 814.. HE - 838.. -- SLAY 1910 4Y NH R-3087 NW 83668 844A0 . 0]X. at LF. O 1r POP O 650X SIRN m1 . - 8]X. 88 V OF 1Y RD' O 0.508. SRW Nn4 SERV ml b' NH R-303/ Bb.10 W - 0.1607 05 lj O tr ROP O 666X STW /112 SIIW /112 4Y MH R-251. 04280 S - 9]0.44 Et LF. O 1r Rtp O O..X SIRN /n] NE - WXH 16 LF. OF r PVC a UK sraN (TIO SRW 1913 4Y YH R-2536 042. N - 8.35 STRY 1914 41' NH R-3051 - NW 3S'45 34315 0]8.43 SE - 1. --w 12' HO" O 0.80X BTW (D5 S1RM /115 ]r NH R-3019 04320 NW - _ . L.F. OF;r p(P O O51X S1RY (DB S . 840.09 . LF. OF IY 13P a m1X SRW (P7 SRW (113 21- CB R-2535 04320 E -810.28 n.2 1917 4Y MH R-]031 1-0 W B46D�3 u V O 1Y IBP O O.WX S1RY 1918 SHY 1918 2Y CB R-21)1: 941]0 E - 84655 -- SRW 1918. R-4380-B1f--- NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 06 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332 M�nwu5mn.5ui,e OT2000 Silnr 1luLAW 55101 walJaemm 165120 T!/3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr.. Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 Fax: (763) 843-0421 www.bkbm.com CITY SUBMITTAL 03.003 I I \ D_ Srte4 /.Tw ------------ _________—_ MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 03.003 UTILILY PLAN 03.00 83RD ABBREVIATIONS Bmd 4ah CB Colds Bvin DIP Dorcrels Oudlls Inn Pips ElEV a..eaon IX ESWnp RE FlMeM1W Floor Demon HDPE Mph Owih PoFjaUOlena b\v Imnrt 4N LaN.V. 4MINH Mr.l. P. 4_ 11 PN Pest IndfC .— N'_ VOM P.0 P'13Nnyl Ch NDP R Mentl Lenvsle Pips ND Reer weln PROPOSED PLAN SYM30 00N51 ucrm uH15 PNOPERn' UNE - - sNiCUr uNE 4ATW UNE SMRMY SEW. WATA RPE DRAM TIE STONY SE }-�— RETNNNG WI11 j FIIE NYORNIf t GTE vN.vE M CIFAWOITT G1CN aMN ■ WN.. FUAm END scnaN WIM RIPPM N 30' W 0 30' 60' SCALE 1' - 30' UTILITY NOr6 FOR WORK IN PUBUC RIGHT-OF-WAY• 1. mIIOW ML On OF o15EGU STM_ MIO SPEAFlGTpNS. 2. PRIOR To MNSOEUCIION, 00NIRILIOIb /EE M CCORdNAIE NL WORx —IN Ofl -WAY AND OaTAM NL APPUCN3LE PFWIRS � , ro SKEET 6.ODa Fm unlTrr� NOTES. KEYED NOTES KEYED NorES ME OQgIm W ® ON PWL �j TALL e-NNCH aY e_IH31 lf£ murex AIL CRY OFOISEGO STMaV 5 ME, sp¢RrwnOes. O IAIl FIRE HYIXLWr AN. GTE VMVE in— CITY OF 0151:50 STMH0.saps AND SP¢IFN oNs. REFER M OETNL 14/C5.DD0. ❑j O TML &INCH 15-0¢NEE a— WITH 111RllSr aWOTONO muar I11 CITY OF Oni— SrM04M MO SPET3FlGTbNS. REFER TO DETMS 1/0£003, 2/6.M, Mo 3/05.00.3. 04 Nor usm T0.5 SHEET. 05 NOT USED THIS SHEET. Q NOT Us. 11115 SMET. 0T Nor Usm TOS SHEEP. QE Nor usm THIS SHEET. QF NOT USED TMs SNEEr. 10 NOT usm THS 9RET. 11 Nm usm THIS SHEET. 12 INL &INCH —GEV VE EIX1CM M1 CRY OF OIS EO SrMOFMiS AND SPEOFlGTpNi RFFFIt TO DETM 1]/6.000. O Nm usm THS SHEE, 14 Nor USED THIS SHEET. 15 NOT USER ms SNEEr. I6 I�bTM I� SPEOFlG1pNia— ro __ 1CSOP3, 2/05.—. AND 3/. — IT N ALL m 9-iNO1 1FE FOuD ML COY OF OIS¢0 STMONmS AND SPECIFloor I INL Ts -INCH BUnEi6LY VALVE fOLLDW ML CIfY OF —80 srMOVt05 MO SPEgF1 — NFFER TO OETML a/05.00]. 1Q9 I Aw 16-INCN PWC. muox Iw CITY OF —EO STANDMDS AND SPFDIF-0115 ® NOT Usm TMS SHEET. El NOT Us. TIIs SHEET. R. NOT usm TMs SHEET. Q Nor us. TMs .— F241 NOT USM T SHEET. ® NOT Usm — SIEEf. ® NOf USED THIS SNFEf. �D INH 00NN TIE AT IDW POWr GToH fiASINS REFER TO DErNL 10/6.001. Q NOT usm TMs 91EEf. Q Nor usm THIS SHFEf. ® RE —CH Pwc Mn CoNNECr M MSONO 8-I1431 WATER MAN. FOUR ML CNF OF ORGm STMOM00 MO SPECLFlGnIXS Q NOT Usm TITS SHEET. ® Nor USED TMs SHEET. ® NOT USER TMs SR£T. Q NOT USED THIS SAIUM ® mor um TMs SHEET. ® NOT USED TITS SHEET. Q Nm usm THIS sNeEr. Q -EN SH.NT. RpNSTM1 MRPM AND RESTORE TO ORIG— CONDMONS. Q NOT USED Tis s1WET. NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332Mnnem. ,sohe W2Ow san.P.455101 .]deem. 1 651 7M3 BKBIVI ENGINEERS c 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 Fax: (763) 643-0421 _.bkbm.com CITY SUBMITTAL UTILITY PLAN 1 C3.006 Review No. 1 Halcanson Anderson ENGINEERING REVIEW Commercial Lot for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Dave Kendall, City Attorney Thomas Baranick, IDS #728 Patrick Triggs, Wold Architects & Engineers Kevin Bohl, BKMB Engineers Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Date: July 30, 2020 Proposed Development: Otsego Middle School Street Location A portion of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of S19, T121, R23. of Property: South of 85d` Street NE and East of Maciver Avenue NE Applicant: Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Avenue NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 Developer: Independent School District #728 Owners of Record: Independent School District #728 Purpose: The Independent School District #728 School site is a proposed approximate 44.4± acre site for a Middle School with athletic facilities within the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), and (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer) TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE PRELIMINARY PLAT FINAL PLAT CONSTRUCTION PLANS DEMOLITION AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN UTILITY PLAN PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN CIVIL DETAILS 631,1909W.1121 LANDSCAPE PLAN STORMWATER MANAGEMENT WETLANDS OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION PAGE 2 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2329.03 Middle School -REVIEW PHASE\ot2329.03 RVW1.1.docx INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plat for Otsego Middle School, dated 8/12/2020, by Sunde Land Surveying Final Plat for ISD 728 Otsego Middle School Addition, received 8/12/2020, by Sunde Land Surveying Construction Drawing for New Otsego Middle School ISD #728, dated 7/17/2020, by BKBM Engineers and Wold Architects and Engineers. Wetland Delineation Report for Elk River ISD #728 E-8 School Site, dated 7/27/2005, by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company, Inc Hydrology Calculations for Otsego Middle School ISD #728, dated 7/17/2020, by BKBM Engineers. Draft Geotechnical Evaluation Report for Otsego Middle School ISD 4728, dated 7/16/2020, by Braun Intertec. City of Otsego Engineering Manual Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of Lefebvre Watershed, March 1999 City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 PAGE 3 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2329.03 Middle School\A-REVIEW PHASE\ot2329.03 RVW1.1.docx PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. The preliminary plat shall include the following existing conditions; a. Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision. b. Location, size, and elevations of existing sewers, watermain, culverts, and other underground facilities within 150'. c. Boundary lines of adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land, identified by name and ownership within 150'. d. Locations and results of soil borings, percolation tests, etc. 2. The preliminary plat shall include the following proposed design features; a. Locations and size of proposed sewer lines and watermains. b. Gradients of proposed streets, sewer lines, and watermains. c. Location, dimension, and purpose of all easements. d. Layout, numbers, lot areas, and preliminary dimensions of lots and blocks, and outlots. e. Minimum front and side street building setback line. FINAL PLAT 3. Drainage and utility easements are missing from the plat. a. A minimum 10 foot wide drainage and utility easement is required along the Maciver Avenue and 85h Street right-of-way as well as along all property lines that abut adjacent unplatted land. b. A minimum 20 foot wide drainage and utility easement is required over all watermain and hydrants, sanitary forcemain, and shared/trunk gravity sanitary sewer (centered on the pipe). 4. We recommend the playfields and possibly the hill to the east of the driveway from 85th Street be platted as Outlot(s) instead of being included in Lot 1. 5. Relocation of the existing trails along MacIver Avenue and 85th Street shall maintain a boulevard separation from the back -of -curb and shall include dedication of additional right-of-way or trail easement, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS 6. The cover sheet shall include the following additional information; a. Contact persons name and phone number for the School District, Wold Architects and Engineer, and BKBM Engineers. b. Approval signature line for Ronald J. Wagner, City Engineer c. Benchmark(s) and datum. The E-8 school used the 1988 NAVD datum and the City's Maciver and 85th Street project used the 1929 NGVD. An equation relating these two datums will probably be necessary. d. New school address will be 8300 Maciver Avenue, Otsego, MN 55330. 7. A date or revision date of the plans would be helpful as would a sheet legend. PAGE 4 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2329.03 Middle School\A-REVIEW PHASE\ot2329.03 RVW1.1.docx 8. Plans (all sheets) shall be signed by a registered professional engineer. DEMOLITION AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 9. The areas where the existing bituminous trail and turn lanes are proposed along 85' Street and Maciver Avenue will impact existing storm sewer (pipe and or catch basins). a. 851h Street turn lane: i. a new catch basin will be needed in the new curb line and the existing structure will need a new frame and casting (bolt down) per Otsego Standard Plates 307 and 309. b. Maciver Avenue turn lane; i. a new catch basin will be needed in the new curb line and the existing structure will need a new frame and casting (bolt down) per Otsego Standard Plates 307 and 309. ii. the new turn lane will be over the existing trunk storm sewer pipe which is HDPE pipe. HDPE pipe is not allowed under City streets. The portion of the pipe under the new turn lane shall be replaced with RCP or Polypropylene pipe per City standards. Cover over this pipe may also be an issue. Verify a minimum of 2' of cover can be achieved over RCP or 3' over Polypropylene pipe. GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 10. Maximum slope allowed is 4:1 slope unless approved by City Engineer (note 8, sheet C2.000). Sheets C2.002 -C2.003 appear to have slopes steeper that the 4:1 along the east property line. 11. Filtration Basin 2 appears to have ponding within the 85th Street right-of-way. Grading shall be revised so that the 100 -yr HWL is entirely outside of the right-of-way. 12. Revise the rim elevation for the outlet structure for Basin 2 to be at or above the 2 -yr HWL. 13. The Emergency Overflow (EOF) shall be labeled (location and elevation) for Basins 1 & 2. The hydrology model has EOFs of 941.9 and 939.1 respectively. 14. The filtration basins shall have the NWL (bottom), 2 -yr, 10 -yr, and 100 -yr HWL elevations labeled. 15. The HWL for Filtration Basin 1 does not agree with the Hydrology model elevation. 16. Slope labels would be helpful along the parking and driveway. A minimum of 1 % over paved areas and 0.6% in concrete curb and gutter is recommended. UTILITY PLAN 17. Storm sewer connections to the existing Maciver Avenue and 85th Street are being proposed. Some water was anticipated to come from the Middle School site and has been PAGE 5 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2329.03 Middle School -REVIEW PHASE\ot2329.03 RVW1.1.docx accounted for in the pipe sizes. Storm sewer design calculations with drainage area maps are required to verify the downstream pipes can accommodate the proposed runoff. 18. The existing lift station along Maciver Avenue is only an interim lift station design to temporarily provide service to the E-8 School. This lift station should be able to handle the new middle school as well but is not a permanent facility. The two forcemain pipe located near the watermain stub to the middle school site along Maciver Avenue shall be extended through the site to the east property line. A long-term permanent gravity sewer system shall be design and installed in anticipation for the interim lift station decommissioning. Please see attached for a potential option for current and future conditions. The forcemain lines shall be covered by a minimum 20' wide easement centered on the pipe. 19. Profiles are required for all watermain lines. Profiles shall show proposed finish ground and minimum 7.5' cover over the watermain as well as all other utility crossings. A minimum of 18" vertical separation between and sewer crossings is required but 24" is required from storm sewer unless 4" of insulation is provided. 20. See comment #11. 21. The existing 8" PVC drain pipe to existing STRM 4900 shall be removed when the new 12" pipe is connected. 22. Hydrant coverage appears insufficient. A maximum spacing of 300' (150' radius) is required to cover the entire building. 23. The watermain around the school shall be 10 inch diameter (min). The 8 inch "loop" coming from the south along Marlowe Avenue is sufficient. The 16 inch watermain shall be extended all the way to the east property line. 24. The 15 inch pipe invert into STRM 4100 shall provide a minimum of 0.8 points fall (The existing 36 inch pipe invert is at 931.49 so the new 15 inch pipe should be at 932.89. 25. The hydrology calculations have a 14.2" hole for the rim of structure STRM #101. Verify that this is the correct opening size for the Neenah Cast R-2535 called out. Also, the draintile invert is missing from the storm sewer table for STRM 4101. PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN 26. See Comment #9. 27. The trail on the east side of the entrance off 85h Street shall be realigned to be straight across from the west pedestrian ramp. Same goes for the north side of the entrance along Maciver Avenue. All pedestrian ramps shall be ADA compliant. 28. Note #6 is missing from sheet C4.002. This note refers to the typical section of the turn lane. A turn lane typical section detail is not in the details on Sheet C5.002. The existing 85'h Street and Maciver Avenue street section is; 2" wear course 2 1/2" Non -Wear course PAGE 6 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2329.03 Middle School\A-REVIEW PHASE\ot2329.03 RVW1.1.docx 8" Class 5 (modified) 14" Class 3 or Class 4 (clean sand... not select granular) 29. Note #31 is incorrect. All hatching in the City streets shall be 24" wide and spaced 20' apart. CIVIL DETAILS 30. The typical section for the light and heavy-duty pavement sections calls out limestone class 5. This is acceptable but is difficult to find near Otsego. 31. Include City of Otsego Standard plates 202, 202a, and 309. S WPP PLAN 32. Provide name of certified SWPPP designer and copy of certification. LANDSCAPE PLAN AND DETAILS 33. No comments. STORM SEWER MANAGEMENT 34. A map with drainage areas and labels associated to the hydrology model is need to fully check the calculations. See comment #19. 35. Storm sewer design calculations shall be submitted for the pipes directly connecting to the City system (i.e only the pipe east of the 85th Street entrance). WETLANDS 36. The wetlands on this property were delineated with the original E-8 School project. The Notice of Decision dated 8/24/2015 is still valid and found no wetlands in this portion of the site. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 37. Statement certifying the environmental condition of the site including the presence of any hazardous substance as defined in Minnesota Statutes 115B.02, Subd 8. 38. Street lighting shall be installed along MacIver Avenue and 85th Street as required by Section 8-8-4.B.1 of the City Code. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above comments being addressed. PAGE 7 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2329.03 Middle School\A-REVIEW PHASE\ot2329.03 RVW1.1.docx