09-08-20 Public Safety MinutesOtsego Public Saftey Meeting Date: 9/08/20 Time: 1830 hours Call to order: 1836 Roll Call: Council Member Jason Warehime, Mayor Jessica Stockamp & Council Member Tina Goede Commissioners: Chairman Bill Adberhalden - Absent Vice -Chair Dan Freiberg David Greeman Paul Fields Jim Breitbach Greg Hubbard - Absent Vern Heidner John Braun 1. Approve Agenda: Motioned by Dan Freiberg and seconded by Vern Heidner 2. Approve meeting minutes from March 10th, 2020. Motioned by Dan Freiberg and seconded by Jim Breitbach. Approved Unanimously. 3. Open forum - No public comment Updates: Elk River Ambulance No one present - No Data Allina Health Ambulance No one present - No Data Centracare Health Ambulance No one present - Data provided. Albertville Fire Department No one present - Data provided. Rogers Fire Department No one present - Data provided Elk River Fire Department No one present - Data provided. WCSO Deputy Jason Oltmanns provided updates on community crime & arrests. Discussions: Golf carts being driven on public roadways. The board discussed the city ordinance and sev- eral board members asked Deputy Oltmanns laws/rules governing golf carts. Old business: Requesting Ambulance Data for each 911 call. The City Council is requesting the data be presented simi- lar to how the fire departments presents their data. Not averages. New business: Fire Study discussions are set for the next meeting Next meeting October 13th, 2020 Adjourn 1939 hours: Motioned by Dan Freiberg, Seconded by David Greeman.