ITEM 4.1 ISD 728 Otsego Middle SchoolP OtsTeVF o MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 14 September 2020 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Planner Licht City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty City Engineer Wagner City Attorney Kendell 4.1: ISD 728 - Otsego Middle School STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. X Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. X Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of a Zoning Map amendment, preliminary/final plat, PUD-CUP, and site/building plans for the Otsego Middle School. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No Held by Planning Commission 17 August 2020 BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Independent School District 728 (ISD 728) has submitted plans for development of a proposed middle school facility for grades 5 to 8 to be located at the southeast quadrant of Maclver Avenue and 85th Street. The subject site is 44.37 acres that was platted as Outlot B, Otsego E 8 School Addition approved by the City Council on 26 October 2015. The proposed Otsego Middle School development requires consideration of a Zoning Map amendment, Planned Unit Development -Conditional Use Permit (PUD-CUP), and preliminary/final plat. A public hearing to consider the applications was held by the Planning Commission at their meeting on 17 August 2020. Representatives of ISD 728 and Wold Architects were present as the applicants. There were no public comments and the public hearing was closed. The Planning Commission had no questions or issues. The Planning Commission voted 7-0 to recommend City Council approval of the applications subject to the conditions as presented. The zoning and subdivision approvals are to be subject to execution of a development agreement drafted by the City Attorney and approved by the City Council at a future meeting. I SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: ■ Planning Report dated 9 September 2020 ■ Engineering Report dated July 30, 2020 ■ Final Plat ■ Findings of Fact and Decision (Zoning Map) ■ Ordinance 2020-13 amending the Zoning Map ■ Findings of Fact and Decision (Plat/PUD-CUP/Site and Building Plans) POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THEM IN UTES: Motion to adopt Ordinance 2020-13 amending the Zoning Map and approve the preliminary/final plat of the ISD 728 Otsego Middle School Addition, a PUD-CUP, and site and building plans for the Otsego Middle School subject to the conditions as stated by the Findings of Fact and Decision as presented. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: NA TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT - Updated TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP REPORT DATE: 9 September 2020 ACTION DATE: 15 September 2020 RE: Otsego — ISD 728 Otsego Middle School 11946914 0310%, Independent School District 728 (ISD 728) has submitted plans for development of a proposed middle school facility for grades 5 to 8 to be located at the southeast quadrant of Maclver Avenue and 85th Street. The subject site is 44.37 acres that was platted as Outlot B, Otsego E 8 School Addition approved by the City Council on 26 October 2015. The proposed Otsego Middle School development requires consideration of a Zoning Map amendment, Planned Unit Development -Conditional Use Permit (PUD-CUP), and preliminary/final plat. A public hearing to consider these applications has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 17 August 2020. Exhibits: ■ Site Location ■ Building elevations and exterior materials (2 sheets) ■ Building floor plans (2 sheets) ■ Paving and Geometric Plan (7 sheets) ■ Landscape Plan (6 sheets) ■ Grading Plan (7 sheets) ■ Utility Plan (7 sheets) ■ Preliminary Plat (7 sheets) ■ Final Plat ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The 80 acre property northeast of Maclver Avenue and 80t" Street was acquired by ISD 728 in 2006 for the purpose of developing both elementary and middle school facilities as guided by the following policies of the Comprehensive Plan: ■ Assist the school districts in locating sites for new facilities that are accessible, compatible with adjacent land uses and natural environment amenities, and offer the necessary land to meet the physical needs of the school use. ■ Promote school site design that results in the facilities becoming neighborhood and community focal points and gathering areas. The subject site is located within West Sewer District and guided for institutional land uses by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan in accordance with Resolution 2015-64 adopted on 26 October 2015 at the time Prairieview Elementary -Middle School was developed. Development of the proposed Otsego Middle School is consistent with the land uses guided by the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The subject site is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District consistent with the property being platted as an outlot at the time Prairieview Elementary and Middle School was developed in accordance with Interim Land Use policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. Development of the proposed Otsego Middle School requires consideration of a Zoning Map amendment to rezone the subject site to INS District, which allows middle school facilities as a permitted use. ISD 728 is also requesting a PUD-CUP related to lot performance standards and building exterior materials, which will be outlined in subsequent paragraphs. Consideration of the Zoning Map amendment and PUD-CUP are to be based upon, but not limited to, the following criteria: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The 2012 Comprehensive Plan establishes goals to provide for proper school facilities by working with School District officials to meet the needs of existing and future populations. The proposed Otsego Middle School addresses the increase in population occurring in Otsego (and the overall school district) and planned future growth needs. The proposed Otsego Middle School is also consistent with the policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan to develop facilities at locations where they will be neighborhood and community focal points, are accessible, and will be compatible with adjacent land uses. 2 The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The table below summarizes the existing and planned land uses surrounding the subject site. The proposed Otsego Middle School will be compatible with existing and future land uses in the area, which is bounded by major collector roadways on 2 sides and planned to be surrounded by future low density residential neighborhoods. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential A-1 District Agriculture Rural Residential East LD Residential A-1 District Agriculture South Institutional INS District Prairieview Elementary/Middle School West LD Residential A-1 District Agriculture 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The development of the proposed Otsego Middle School will comply with the applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: Existing streets accessing the subject site include Maclver Avenue and 85tn Street, which were completed in 2019 as residential major collector streets in accordance with the Transportation Plan. The capacity of Maclver Avenue and 85t" Street provides necessary connectivity and access for the proposed Otsego Middle School with adequate traffic capacity. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The City has adequate capability, including sanitary sewer and water utilities, to serve the proposed Otsego Middle School within the West Sewer District. Exterior Materials. Section 11-17-4.D.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that the exterior finish of the north and west elevations of the proposed building that face public streets consist of 65 percent brick, stone, glass walls, or textured precast concrete panels. The other building elevations are required use these materials or precast concrete panels, rockface block, and/or EIFS materials for 90 percent of the area of each elevation. The building is to have 2 types of brick, glazed glass walls, 4 types of finished metal panels, and an architectural precast panel to create a varied appearance for the exterior of the building on all of the elevations that is enhanced further by its sectioned design to minimize mass. The use of Grade A materials on the north elevation is 51 percent of the wall area and 62 percent of the wall area on the west elevation facing 85t" Street and Maclver Avenue, respectively, which is less than required by the Zoning Ordinance. The east and south elevations of the proposed building comply with the exterior material requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 11- 17-4.F.3 of the Zoning Ordinance allows exceptions to the material requirements subject to the following criteria being met: The proposed building maintains the quality in design and materials intended by this title. b. The proposed building design and materials are compatible and in harmony with other structures within the district. C. The justification for deviation from the requirements of this section shall not be based on economic considerations. The proposed exterior materials are durable and of high quality used as part of the overall architectural design of the proposed building that is an aesthetically pleasing design for a structure of this size. Furthermore, the proposed architecture and exterior finish of the Otsego Middle School is complementary to that of Prairieview Elementary -Middle School located on the same campus. Economic considerations as the basis for the choice of materials in the architectural design for the proposed building is not evident. The proposed architectural design for the Otsego Middle School satisfies the criteria established by the Zoning Ordinance for the use of the proposed exterior finish materials. Building Height. The proposed Otsego Middle School building has 2 floors with a total area of 168,698 square feet. The building is 39.8 feet in height, which complies with the 40 foot height limit for principal buildings within the INS District. Landscaping. The submitted landscape plan provides for installation of an extensive number of trees along Maclver Avenue and 85t" Street, around the building perimeter, along the interior driveways, and within parking lot islands. The sizes of the proposed plantings comply with the requirements of Section 11-19-2.13.3 of the Zoning Ordinance and the types of plantings are appropriate for the subject site. Areas of the subject site shown to be sodded or seeded with turf grass, including the ballfields and playfield areas, are also identified on the landscape plan to have an irrigation system installed as required by Section 5-7-3.B.4.b of the City Code. The sloped area at the northeast corner of the property is to be planted with native grasses. M Lot Requirements. The minimum lot area required for middle schools within INS District is 30 acres. There is no minimum lot width requirement in the INS District. The subject site is 44.37 acres exceeding the minimum lot area requirements established by the Zoning Ordinance. The intent to subdivide subject site as a lot for the building and off-street parking areas and outlots for the playfields and preserved area at the northeast corner of the subject site. The area of the lot and outlots are to be considered together under the PUD-CUP in relation to compliance with the minimum lot area requirements for a middle school within the INS District. Setbacks. The table below indicates the setbacks required in the INS District and that the proposed site plan complies with the applicable setback requirements to all property lines. Maclver 85th East South Ave. St. Required 30ft. 30ft. 100ft. 100ft. Proposed 620ft. 810ft. 300ft. 160ft. Vehicle Access. The subject site abuts Maclver Avenue and 85th Street, which were both constructed as major collector streets in 2019. The primary access and parking areas are on the west side of the building accessed from Maclver Avenue, whereas bus drop off and service vehicle access to the receiving area of the building are accessed off of 85th Street to separate the traffic flows. The paving and geometric plan shows a widening of the public streets at the driveway accesses to accommodate striping for left and right turn lanes into the subject site. The parking area driveway is designed to allow for 2 outbound traffic lanes and 1 in -bound traffic lane at Maclver Avenue for efficient movement and to minimize congestion during peak traffic periods. Buses and service vehicles will enter and exit the site at 85th Street via a 2-lane driveway to access the east and south sides. A 20 foot wide fire access driveway extends around the northeast and southwest corners of the building for emergency vehicle access. Pedestrian Access. There are existing trails on the east side of Maclver Avenue and south side of 85th Street abutting the subject site. Construction of the turn lanes at the site accesses will require relocation of the trails to accommodate the additional roadway width. City staff recommends that the trails be shifted to maintain the existing boulevard width along the public streets for separation from traffic. Additional right-of-way or trail easement will be required to be dedicated on the preliminary and final plat for this purpose. A trail connection between the proposed Otsego Middle School and Prairieview Elementary -Middle School is shown on the paving and geometric plan. City staff recommends that the paving and geometric plan for the subject site be revised to include a trail along the south side of the public/staff parking area from Maclver Avenue to the building and along the west side of the bus and service vehicle driveway from 85th Street to the building. 5 Off -Street Parking. Section 11-21-8 of the Zoning Ordinance requires 1 off-street parking stall per 7 students based on the designed capacity of the building for elementary and middle school facilities. The proposed Otsego Middle School has a design capacity of 1,200 students that equates to a parking requirement of 172 off-street parking stalls. The paving and geometric plan illustrates 299 off-street parking stalls to the west of the building and 32 parking stalls on the east edge of the bus corral east of the building. There are 8 disability van accessible parking stalls close the main building entrance on the west side of the building to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The number of off-street parking stalls exceeds the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Consideration may be given to not constructing the 37 parking stalls on the south end of the west parking lot to reduce hard surface. Parking stalls are 9 feet wide by 20 feet deep and accessed by 24 foot wide drive aisles as required by Section 11-21-7.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. The parking areas, drive aisles, bus corral, and the fire lanes are all paved surfaces with perimeter concrete curb and striping as required by Section 20-21-7.C, D and F of the Zoning Ordinance. Exterior Lighting. Section 11-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes performance standards regulating exterior lighting requiring that all light be cast downward and that glare to public streets or adjacent properties be prevented. A photometric lighting plan for the subject site indicating the location and illumination pattern of proposed exterior lighting will need to be submitted with application for building permit to verify that proposed exterior lighting complies with Section 11-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 8-8-4.13.1 of the City Code requires installation of street lighting every 660 feet along major collector streets. Street lighting installed with the 85t" Street-Maclver Avenue Improvement Project included street lighting only at intersections. With platting of the subject site, the exterior lighting plan for the proposed Otsego Middle School must include installation of the street lighting along Maclver Avenue and 85t" Street in accordance with the City Code. Signs. Section 11-37-5.D of the Zoning Ordinance provides that uses within the INS District are allowed 1 freestanding sign with an area up to 100 square feet and up to 20 feet in height is allowed and must be setback a minimum of 10 feet from any property line. There is no limit on the number or area of wall signs for the proposed E-8 school. The landscape plan (Sheets L1.001 and L1.002) show monument signs at each driveway entrance. Allowance of 2 freestanding signs is appropriate given the separate entrances to 2 collector streets for the subject site and will aid in providing direction. Installation of freestanding and wall signs upon the property requires issuance of a sign permit approved by the Zoning Administrator. 0 Trash. The floor plan for the proposed Otsego Middle School includes an engineering and receiving area at the northeast corner of the building, which is accessed via the service truck/school bus access from 85th Street. Section 11-18-4 of the Zoning Ordinance requires any exterior trash container storage be screened from view within an enclosure constructed of the same material as the principal building. Details regarding trash storage and plans for an enclosure using materials consistent with that of the principal building are to be submitted and are subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. Preliminary/Final Plat. The subject site is Outlot B, Otsego E 8 School Addition. The subject site must be platted for development of the Otsego Middle School and a preliminary and final plat has been submitted for the site as 1 lot. City staff is recommending that the preliminary and final plat be revised to plat only the building and off-street parking areas within a lot and plat the outdoor playfields and undeveloped northeast corner of the subject site as outlots. A revised preliminary and final plat are to be subject to review by City staff prior to City Council consideration of the applications. Park and Trail Dedication. Section 11-8-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance establishes provisions for dedication of land or cash fees in lieu of land for development of the City's parks and trails system that would allow the City to require ISD 728 to dedicate 12% of the land being platted or an equivalent cash fee to the City to be used for park development purposes. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan and Parks System Master Plan policies promote joint use of City parks and school recreational facilities to maximize the benefits to both residents and students, who are constituents of both the City and School District. The proposed Otsego Middle School building is to include 3 gymnasiums, rooms for health and fitness, as well as boys and girls locker room facilities. The landscape plan illustrates an improved baseball field with backstop and outfield fences, dugouts, and bleachers; a large turf area for playfields; a hard court area with 2 basketball courts and other court sports; and an area designated for possible future tennis courts. These facilities and programing of them for community use contribute to expanding the parks system in Otsego available to the public and satisfy the intent of the City's park dedication requirements in accordance with Section 10-8-15.F of the Subdivision Ordinance. No park dedication is to be required for the proposed preliminary and final plat. Utilities. The proposed Otsego Middle School is to be served by municipal sanitary sewer and water utilities. A temporary lift station and forcemain was constructed along Maclver Avenue north of 80th Street with the Prairieview Elementary and Middle School project to provide service to that facility as well as for development of the subject site. The proposed Otsego Middle School (and Prairieview Elementary School) will eventually have a gravity sewer connection to the northwest at such time as a permanent lift station is constructed at Mason Avenue and 87th Street and trunk sewer is extended with development back to the ISD 728 properties. Trunk forcemain lines will be constructed across the ISD 728 7 properties to convey wastewater from the Mason Avenue/87t" Street lift station to the existing interim lift station (that would be removed) within the existing drainage and utility easement platted across Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlot A, Otsego E8 School Addition and the subject site. The utility plan for the proposed Otsego Middle School must anticipate the need to connect to the future gravity trunk sewer at the east property line. Water service for the proposed building is connected to the existing services for Prairieview Elementary and Middle School and looped around the proposed Otsego Middle School insure adequate water supply and water quality for the proposed building. Locations for fire hydrants are to be subject to review by the Albertville Fire Department and approval of the City Engineer regarding fire protection. All water pipes are to be overlaid by drainage and utility easement. ISD 728 is to pay sewer and water availability charges for the platted area of the subject site as a condition of final plat approval, as well as sewer and water connection charges at the time a building permit is issued, in accordance with Chapter 6, Section 1 of the City Code. Grading. ISD 728 has provided a preliminary grading plan for development of the subject site. The grading plan provides for storm water basins along the west and north lines of the subject site abutting Maclver Avenue and 85t" Street. The stormwater basins are sized to provide for water quality, infiltration, and rate control such that water leaving the subject site after development is not greater than predevelopment conditions. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. ISD 728 is required to pay a storm water impact fee for Otsego Creek based on the net area platted of the subject site as a condition of final plat approval. Easements. Section 10-8-12 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of 10 foot drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of the proposed lot to be subdivided for the proposed Otsego Middle School building and off-street parking areas. Drainage and utility easements also must be dedicated over storm water basins, the proposed water service loop, and future forcemain location within the subject site. The preliminary and final plat must be revised to include the required drainage and utility easements, which are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Development Agreement. The City Attorney will prepare a development agreement related to the proposed Otsego Middle School plat and site development to provide for construction of the project, completion of all public improvements, establishment of required securities, and payment of applicable fees. The Development Agreement is to be adopted by resolution of the City Council and executed prior to recording of the final plat. RECOMMENDATION The proposed development of the Otsego Middle School is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. City staff recommends approval of the applications as outlined below. POSSIBLE MOTIONS Decision 1— Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning Outlot B, Otsego E8 School Addition to INS, Institutional District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and criteria of the Zoning Ordinance. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance criteria. Decision 2 — Preliminary/Final Plat/Site and Building Plans/PUD-CUP A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of a Preliminary/Final Plat, PUD-CUP and site and building plans for the ISD 728 Otsego Middle School Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service; the City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. The site and building plan approval and the stipulations, limitations, and conditions therein shall be applied to the property in question as a formal agreement between the applicant and the City in accordance with Section 11-9-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. Relocation of the existing trails along Maclver Avenue and 85t" Street shall maintain a boulevard separation from the back -of -curb and shall include dedication of additional right-of-way or trail easement, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. The paving and geometric plan shall be revised to include a trail along the south side of the public/staff parking area from Maclver Avenue to the building and 0 along the west side of the bus and service vehicle driveway from 85t" Street to the building, subject to review and approval of City staff. 5. A photometric lighting plan that complies with Section 11-16-5 of the Zoning Ordinance shall submitted with application for a building permit and is subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 6. Street lighting shall be installed along Maclver Avenue and 85t" Street as required by Section 8-8-4.13.1 of the City Code. 7. All signs shall comply with Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and shall require issuance of a sign permit prior to installation, subject to approval of the Zoning Administrator. 8. Any outdoor storage of trash containers shall be screened from view within an enclosure constructed of the same exterior materials as used for the principal building in compliance with Section 11-18-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 9. All utility plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. ISD 728 shall pay sewer and water availability charges for the platted area of the subject site as a condition of final plat approval; sewer and water connection charges shall be paid at the time a building permit is issued, in accordance with Chapter 6, Section 1 of the City Code. 11. All grading, drainage, and erosion control plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. ISD 728 shall pay a storm water impact fee for Otsego Creek based on the net area platted as a condition of final plat approval. 13. The preliminary and final plat shall include dedication of drainage and utility easements as required by Section 10-8-12 of the Subdivision Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 14. ISD 728 shall execute a Development Agreement with the City prior to recording of the final plat, subject to review of the City Attorney and approval of the City Council. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is does not comply with the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. 10 Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney ISD 728 - Otsego Middle School Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL ID- MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits ❑ c ❑ t ❑❑ Parcels rwo, 1 SOUTH ELEVATION -CITY SUBMITTAL o iz za EAST ELEVATION CITY SUBMITTAL o iz• za• 4 NORTH ELEVATION -CITY SUBMITTAL o it za• Independent School District #728 New Otsego Middle School CITY SUBMITTAL ELEVATIONS Comm No: 192245 06 NORTH ELEVATION description area percentage image Grade A Brick 1 - Utility Size 777 ft2 12% color: capital iron spot Brick 2 - Utility Size 1,467 ft2 21% color: beige Glazing - Curtainwalls & Windows 1,289 ft2 18% subtotal 3,533 ft2 51% Grade B Architectural Precast 90 ft2 1 % color. matched to brick 1 Independent School District #728 EAST ELEVATION New Otsego Middle School description area percentage image Grade A Brick 1 - Utility Size 5,191 ft2 33% color: capital iron spot Brick 2 - Utility Size 1,832 ft2 12% color: beige Glazing - Curtainwalls & Windows 2,612 ft2 17% subtotal - Grade B Architectural Precast color: matched to brick 1 9,636 ft2 62% 107 ft2 1 % - subtotal 90 ft2 1% subtotal 107 ft2 1% Grade C Grade C Metal 1 -Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 1,092 ft2 15% Metal 1 -Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 2,430 ft2 16% color., dark grey color: dark grey Metal 2 -Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 1,073 ft2 15% Metal 2 -Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 1,168 ft2 7% color: light gray color: light grey Metal 3 -Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 1,308 ft2 18% Metal 3 -Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 1,542 ft2 10% color: blue color: blue Metal 4 - Steel Profile Panel 0 ft2 0% Metal 4 - Steel Profile Panel 681 ft2 4% color: dark grey color: dark grey subtotal 3,437 ft2 48% subtotal 5,821 ft2 37% TOTAL 7,096 ft2 100% TOTAL 15,563 ft2 100% SOUTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION description area percentage image description area percentage image Grade A Grade A Brick 1 - Utility Size 1,132 ft2 8% Brick 1 - Utility Size 3,410 ft2 19% color.' capital iron spot color: capital iron spot Brick 2 - Utility Size 4,627 ft2 32% Brick 2 - Utility Size 2,919 ft2 16% color: beige color: beige Glazing - Curtainwall & Windows 4,116 ft2 29% Glazing - Curtainwall & Windows 4,553 ft2 26% subtotal 9,875 ft2 69% subtotal 8,941 ft2 61% Grade B Grade B - Architectural Precast 128 ft2 1% Architectural Precast 132 ft2 1 % color: matched to brick 1 color. matched to brick 1 subtotal 128 ft2 1% subtotal 132 ft2 1% Grade C Grade C Metal 1 -Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 988 ft2 7% Metal 1 - Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 4,662 ft2 26% color dark grey color: dark grey Metal 2 - Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 1,159 ft2 8% Metal 2 - Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 701 ft2 4% color: light grey color. light grey Metal 3 - Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 1,315 ft2 9% Metal 3 - Aluminum Rainscreen Panel 718 ft2 4% color: blue color: blue Metal 4 - Steel Profile Panel 785 ft2 6% Metal 4 - Steel Profile Panel 636 ft2 4% color: dark grey color: dark grey subtotal 4,247 ft2 30% subtotal 6.717 ft2 38% Total 7/232020 4:37:50 PM BIM 36011192245 - ISO 728 - New Otsego Middle School/192245 New Otsego Middle School (Cent.[).,t BIM 360:11192245- ISO 72B - New Otsego Middle SchooI1192245 New Otsego Middle School (Centrel).rvt 14,250 ft2 100% Totals 17,731 ft2 100% Material Tabulations Comm No- 192245 r I ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL COLOCATED SERVICES SENSORY Q DCD PHY ED STORAGE UI FI;R.SFFICE GIRLS TOILET CUSTODI BOYS TOILE E ® BOYS LOCKERS OFFICE HEALTH FITNESS RECEPTION ASO I EBD GYM C GYM B MAIN LEVEL OVERALL 1 T„ = zo,_o„ I D 15' INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC INSTRUMENT II VOCAL MUSIC STORAGE GYM A GIRLS TOILET II PESTORAGE CHILLER BOILER DATA ELECTRICAL OUTDOOR STORAGE L..I OFFICE RECEIVING COOLER KITCHEN FREEZER CAFETERIA �RY STORAGE ART ART ❑ DESIGN LAB WARE WASH OILET OFFICE C TEE FABRICATION LAB TABLE STORAGE FACS CUSTODIAN STORAGE --- LOCKERS --- --- _-- FLEX LAB SCIENCE RLS TOILE ELEVATO GIR STORAGE PLANNING �P. TOILET PLANNING GIRLS TOILET MEDIA OFFICE SCIENCE BOOKS] SPECIAL ED 0YS TOILET MEDIA I SPECIAL ED 'BOYS TOILET COMMONS .}}:1 OILET Id - DATA CONF FLEX CONF TECH OFFICE MEDIA LAB SCIENCE :ONFERENCE ------ ------ o_ I FLEX N CLASSRM CLASS CLASSRM CLASSRM CLASSRM LD =CLASSRMCl..RMLASSRM CLASSRM Independent School District #728 New Otsego Middle School Li ML PLAN Comm No: 192245 Wol �� UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SUBMITTAL I I � = 20_," I o tsso' �u MECHANICAL , X, u MECHANICAL MECH IELEC STORAGE CLASSROOM WORKRM BOYS TOILET ELEC OUNGE CLASSROOM CLASSROOM MECHANICAL ESL I IN READING I CLASSROOM I CLASSROOM TERVENTI AVID I INTERVENTION I CLASSROOM I CLASSROOM I CLASSROOM STORAGE PLANNING SPECIAL ED PLANNING �u �1 i SPECIAL ED CLASSROOM I CLASSROOM 1 CLASSROOM 1 CLASSROOM I CLASSROOM MECHANICAL SCIENCE SCIENCE SCIENCE LD Independent School District #728 New Otsego Middle School 1111' G ►1 NOT,17 \ rem �R 1 PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.000 ABBREVIATIONS BEncl, York .NO C,nmb E2LV F.N�n nE FIN.N.e FToor Berolbn vAx u6am�m umlmNm RN nP. T2piml uxuuTcg ulnn«om u PROPDSM PUN SYMBOL CC__CN UMIIR PROPERIY UNE SAWLUf UNE CAP,-) MOUNT UNE RMORM. WALL - ---- HFAW CUIY NNMINWS PAVEMENT CONCRETE CONCRETE/SIOEWAIIt PR .©.'...'..' NNMINOIS - M CURB MO GUnER ...-CURB MO CUnER PIDErs11EIV CURB PATP ICC49BIE PARKING maoL SGN PMKDS SAL COUNE N 100' w 0 1w 2W SCALE 11 - 100E PAVING AND GEOMErR11C MASTER KEYED NOTES MEYED NOTES ME OEllOTFD BY ® ON RAN. �1 MOB1 8812 CONCBCE CURB AND GUMM REFER M DEOL 2,1 5 O NSAL BIMIINOUS 1RAL REFER TO o l0/CB.002 Q INSTALL HEAW-NRY BGUNNOUB PAVEMENT. REFER M DECAL S/CBA02 © DSou. 8818 CNTCREIE CURB AND GUnEE REFER M DEOU. 14/C5A02. R� NSUL BMEBAL FEW. REFER M O 1/MD05 AND LMOSCAPE MCHRELTURAL PIONS AID SPECU IKINS ❑E NSALL .-INCUS PA4EMEM, INTENT IS to WtoN D1S1NG PANENEM SECANT. FOR NI- PURP0.4S REFER To omai- /CSML ❑) B6EN1 MT CONCRETE CURB. RISEN M CUM. 3/MA Q N- CO- PAVFYEM. REFER To OCAL R/CSA02 Q INSIl1 NTENOM MNOEIE CURB REFER 1O D-L 1/C0.002 O NSAL MNCIB E WAJL - ro DETAL I/CS.M2 11 SIFIDYNP�MNpS-22)]50 AND MN/- SEMDARO PURE 70.1a CARTEL CURB P.WP. PEFER 1O MN/DOE 12 NSAL ACESSBIS PMKING SICK REFER M DECAL 7/OS.M2 n NSAL PRELAT NMCREIE WHEEL STOP. REFER To EEAL It/C5.002 14 NMT SOMT FEIA REFER To DCAL 1/01A04 AND ONDFME ANHIIECRIRLL PLUS MD SPEOPIW NS 15 NSCUL 1.1 -DUTY INTUNNOUS PANE16]TF. REFER M DETAR 4/M= 16 NSALL BLSKE1641 CCURTS REFER M DETM. 4/C5.E3 AND I ID PE MCHREC uR PINS AND SPEORICKTWNS. n NSALL COIN MUME STRIPING. REFER M OEEAE 6/CS.MS IS NSALL NOR SCOTCN SBEIPING. REFER M DECAL 7/EB03. 1E STRIPE CRDSSWAIN MP W. 2C NDE AND WHITE IN COIEIR Q -PE L NE DELMEATKN. 4' MOE AND WHITE IN C01DR Q PAHE TRAEFTC - AND NC81OE AE SFNWN. ® WSO L STOP SGN PER MNMUTM RI-1. REFER M DCAL 7/C5. FOR SIGN POST AND MUM ­ FBI 111 L DO Nor FMCS SIGN PER MWUICD M-1. REFER M DETAL 7/C5A02 FOR WON POST A MUNOARON. 24 NSAL - TURN Y MON PER MN IUTM Rl-5. REFER TO OCAL 7/M.- FOR SINS POST MD RAIFASRNL ® NSAL M- IURN ONLY S. PEN LeTYUTCO R]-S BEFER to REAL )/CSAD2 MR SON - ANC FOUNDATIGN. 25 PANE NO PMNWC MG 4' WIDE SNIPES, WHITE IN COI- SNIPING FOR CROSS NMrCH SUA. E M SHOWN SPA® 4' MIM. QL INSTALL CONCRETE VA1LY GIfnER REFER M OCAL B/M-. ® INSIl1 SURAKNIMME CURB. REFER TO DCAL 1]/CSCO2. Q MiNIS MURK ARE Nor IN CONAYLr MD ME SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. ® SINCE MUBIE Y UINN UNE OELINFATKKL STRIPING SI4 BE 4' RIDE WTIH 4' BE-1 STRIRS AND -RN N MUCR, NYENS1" SHOWN ARE to CFNIER OF NEAA BETWEEN MPES. 81 PANE NO TRAFFIC AREA, 4' WIDE SIUFES, Y tM IN MLOR. STRIPING FOR CROSS 1CH SWL E SII M e MART. ® BSMLE SMONM 10-FEET TWNS M1 FROM BB1B To EM12 CURB SECTION. Q NSAL SMMrN I— t1BM g0N FROM SIRYCUNTMIE CURS M B612 CURB SECTON. p Mi SMOOTH IO-FEET IPA oN FROM - CUM to BB12 CuRe SECTION. ® PANE BUS PMNNG S.WS. REFER ro OETNL 5/CS.003. ® NSAL MNCIUE NABBCTMCE STRIP. REFER M DECAL 2/CSA04. Q INSTAL CONCRETE NAWRCTMCE SNIP MO NANIEIYNCE MRS. REEFER M DCAL 4/C5.OD{. Q REFER ro SRRUC m PLSIS FOR IDMNG DOOC MD STIRS. ® INSTIL RMOORI IO-FEEr IPAIBTION FROM INTNWYL MNCREIE CURB TO BR12/861E NITS SEMON. ® INSTIL SYDoni 10-FEBT 1RAMSTION FROM INTEGRAL MNCRETE CURB To SLAT CURB SECTION. FQ1 INSTIL SMCOtH 10-FEET IRNBRDN FROM I ­:NY MNCNETE CURB to CURMOUNrMLE CUM -NI. Q REFER TO STRUC AU RAMS FOR SMP DECAL Q NSALL 25-FODr HINT FLAG PNE REFER TD DECAL 4/-- REFER M LWOSCME RAMS FOR PLANRRS AND BENCH OGRESS ® MEALL a- PARKING SNIPING, ♦' WEE. EWE BNPM ro BE INS1 L BEFORE BUS SMPNG. y TARFA FULL HMW INTEGRAL CO C CURB AND SCREMUC W BE FWSx MEN PROMMD PAVEMEM. nUUM N OF 10'. PAVING NOTES: 1.OLL NMEMIONS ARE M FACE E CURB UNLESS NOTED OmEFNME 2 AL CURB MD OUTER IS to E 8812 MNCRCE CURB AEA CtRiER UI - NOTED OIH-I No SIOEWAK 6 To HAVE YIXE TYN A 2R CROSS SWPE OR NONE - A Si MNGBWINLL -E. 4. ETER TO IACHRECIURAL PUNS FOR PROPOSE" BUWNG ""'. E. LLOw AL CITY W CIEBO R IUNa MO SPEORC I S WHEN MUCING IN PUBUC ROW OF WAY. 6. ALL PMNNG SF S ME M BE B FEET WE BY 20 FEET TONG UNLESS NOTED OBERAISE 7. -BR E A SHALL BE ""' PER IMOE ISECIKIN 5D2). WNN£ INO PMNINC I-E WOUW OMIRUCE A CUTS PMP OR ADC®NE RMM TTO PNRUNO RIWL E PRINTED ON 1HE S013ADE OF THE ACCESS NSE B THE CC_ IS to MMALT OE C11Y OF OSEM PREI_MR THE E r PLACENEM OF FIRE W45. VE11BW-0ANED CURBNG MO NO PARKING MEM FOR FIRE PROIFCAON PJRP M B. REFER TO RTRUCIIIRLL PLATS FOR SnO ETAIS. ALL WILE ME ToBE CENICED ON 11HE D0016. IM IILSCIIL MPROPNATE IXPAESION MATFAML WHE1E MNCRLTE IS ALNCENE IO BUILOING FACE 11. ILL _ANEN R MD 601ATON .- SINLL E SAID PER SPECIE -OARS. 12 MMOI NEW PA IENE IHTD MX IG PAVEMENC. NO ABRUPT GRADE iRARSMNS OR -ING OF WATER WILL BE A. 1]. WouH OCH NNEW CONOiEIE WRB /!10 OI111ER INTO FATSTINC. NO ABRUPT GRADE 1WNSNONS OR PoNDING OF WATER WILL BE N10WE0. to MAILH NEW SIDEA'ALIT INTO F10511NG 9DEWALK NO ABRUPT GRACEIRAAIINNNI b OR ]NG OF WAIFR MU -BE AIDNFD. 15. SAWCUT COSTING Co NTPIPA=-. SI " AND CURB AND GUETM ro NEAREST 11 -CRC- NEMO UUS WITH SIZE DEMOURON _R AND MNSiRUMON EIAB61GaL 16 NST U ORME ENmMCE PFR MI' OF OCSEM SMDARE AND SPEOF- - MUIIW N1 OEI' OF OISEGO RMUIEYFNIS FOR TRAFFIC Co I 17. REFER TO 9tOFlCA110H5 FOR QUOE VE ATNRI CUT'EY PEOUEElQOS R6aR to R/mE21E OF AIB-RISE wTERYI, BI WOCROU D I PANENENIR/SEY/NPA 1 E B.LNGR O ND NF10 SURN WM A ZINK) W GUNDE AND W SURCE. 851-66I-2455. NOTC S BRE INFO6IAINNT B SHOMI S n7A11 A U. SIIRrEY AND A io2o SURhY FIIOYE BY SNE LWO SIWNCp6. SLFNETS WETS OONENIID AT TIE PROPEFTIY UE EIWEFIT FpIW6E NEW' FLFIIENTA S SCAIOOL MO THE- N. 014C0 NOIXE IS ro MIOP/4 Ot SMLL NII6FT SlA£Y NFaTOMTRN S10NH rs ILLUMIE PRIOR srMF OF MTSIRIKTIW. N. AOEMTUL MIW'DISATNXT WILL E PRONOFO idi NO SSIES TENT MIILO f1.QE EF)T RENIInEO BY PERNENtIG TIRE MO,£ NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Madver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 115D0 193rd Ave NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332MnnmMSoen.S W1OW SeimlfuLMIN 5510E wo[U . 1651 E277)73 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 Fan: (763) 843-0421 -.bkbrn.00ln CITY SUBMITTAL emS m,uyuxws�p v. �annlw+we�..an I.m e ayum n .1 C4.000 ABBREVIATIONS 9 BN B.rcM1 Noh mNC Cmuete EIEV Dewlbn I IX Edellnq fFE MIeM6 Flan DwNbn WX xulmum ux uNm.m R I - M. TO TyPkal 1fdU1OD Wnnrela M nual en UnlfP�m I PROPOSED PUN SYMBOLS mNSlaurnaN uwW—•—•—•—•—•— PROPERTY UNE — — SAWM W1CH UNE .m _..... ... _. aDlm BOIMNIX.IS PAVELEM mNDRETE BINWNOUS 1RVL MT mPa AND GUnm SUIWWNfABIE dEPB MO fJJTim PEDFSIrbW mm NANP MlES9BU: PARIDIiO watt SICH P irm STALL muw N 30' W 0 30' W, SCALE 1' - 30' ro sHEEi Cf.000 TOP PANNO PAVING AND GEOMETRDC MASTER KEYED NOTES KEYED Nmm ARE Dmmm W ® DN PLW. Qt Nm LISm THIS SHEET. 02 INSTIL. B—NOM — NE F01 TD DEf11L 10/C5.002 sQ NOT IISED THIS SHEET. Q xsrALL Gem C0.NDlRTE .. AND W1rIm. NEPW To DETAR 1{/GS.m2 I� INs— BA4aALL rvm. RFFFA TO DETAIL 1/05A05 AND LVIDSfIPE MCHIImIURAL PUNS AAD SP O BUMINOM INSTNl INMINOus PAVe1EM, Br1ENT Is TO W1DH EYTSIDir PAVFNFM SECmN. FOR BIDDING PIIXPDSES REFER To pETNL /Cs.m2 O NOT Ism THIS SHEET. Q NOT IISm Txls SHEm. Q Nor USED TXIS SHEET. 10 Nor Ism THs SHEEP. IQT Nor USED THIS SHEEP. 12 Nor Ism THs SHFEr. T3 Nor USED THIS sHE .. H Nm usm — SHEET. tl Not us. THIS SHEET. Q Nor usm THIS sNEsr. 11 N. Usm THs SHEET. [FBI NOr L6ED THs SHEET. Q N. Ism THIS SN— ® SWPE LUTE DELNI—N. 4' WIDE AND WHITE IN COmR. Q Nor WED mIS SHEET. ® NOT ISm ms SHEET. ® NOT l6m 1X6 SNFFT. Q NOT L6m THIS SHEET. ® NOT Ism rxs SHEET. ® NOT L6FTD 1Hs SHEET. Q NOT USED rxIS SXE£T. 0 Nor Ism DIIS SHEET. Q NOT Ism THIS SN— ® STRIPE mUS.E YELDW UNE DEIT 1-014. SII6PP10 STALL BE 4' WUE WITH 4' EEIWF N SWIPES AIID YFILI'A' IN COIA0. ...So. SHOMI Ifs m C— OF AAFA [iE1riFD1 01 PNM ND 1PI}T1C MFA 4' WIDE SWIPES. YEIEEIW IN mIDR SWPINO FOR CROA WTON S`BE SPIfID 4' IPIAr. ® Nor USED THIS sXF£T. M. Nor usm THIS SHEET. Q Nor Ism IS SHEET. ® Not USED THIS sH— ® Nor Ism 1NI5 sN— I?] NOr lsm Txs SHEET. p NOT usm THIS SHE1T. ® Nm USED TXs sXEEr. ® NOT Lem iHs SHEm. N Nm Ism THIS SHI— QK NOT USED 1Hs SHFET. Q Nor Ism THIS SHEET. QN Nor MM THIS SHI- NOT Ism is SHEET. ® N. USED THs SNFfr. 1 PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.00 NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River. Minnesota 55330 ,W101 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 3RNS-Sues.SWn Ol0Do0 SNm P.4L 55101 wolUocmm 1 6510ZI 3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis. MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 Fax: (763) 843-0421 NYwNv.bkbm.com CITY SUBMITTAL PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.001 ASBREWATIONS 9 BY GDNC Cenaele EIEY Bwvlbn F% EueUrq flE M. Nt Flea Dewl6n m.... MIN R Ra6INem ttP. Typkal NNYUICO M m Yonud an Unlfolm PROPoSE I PLAN SYMBOLS CONEMUCROH UMIIS—•�•�•�•�•� PROERIY LINE SNNCUT MNE (APPROR.)- - - - - - - - — U. — �— BEN HOUe PAVFNFN( PAVc?1EMT M/SIDMALK BD HOU3 RWL FIAT Wf✓0 AND GUTIFR MABLE CURB ANDYCUnER Pmf51RW CURB RAMP ILCESSIBI£ PMNNG SIGN PMI(WG STAL U. N 30' 15 0 301 60' SCALE 1e- W, SHEET U.000 iOR PAMHG PAVING AND GEOMErffnc MASTER KEYED NOTES tr T D NOTES ARE DmOITD BY ® ON RAN. �1 1— BB12 mNCfETE OURS AND GmTE1L PETER TO DETIS. 2/.— lZ INSTAL BRUMINOUS T RISER TO DETAA 10/CS.W2. �0 INSTAL HEAVT-WTY BENNTNOUs PAWNQHT. REiRR TO 0E 5/Ga00T. © PETAL INI. OONCfRTE CURB AND GmiElt REFER TO OETNL 14/CSA02 �5 INStAL Bl4bIL RTm. REII)i 10 DETAR I/C5.005 AND W&SrME MCHOE — —S ANO .a—- p NO U.S. NB SHEET. Q NO USED N. SHEET. Q NO usm NIS SNE1:T. Q NO usm NIS S.- 10 NO usm NIS SHEET. 11 INS- RETER TO MN/DO SfµMR0 PIAN 55- 7.250 ANDBNN/DDr SMIlD1RD­ MRPNUllf1 R P. 12 NOT USED THIS SHE£f. no Nm Esm NIs sxEn. u N. USED THIS Man, Q NOT L6m NIS M— Na LSE➢ NO; SHEET. 17 NOT USED THIS SHEET. Q NOT L6m THIS SHEET. Q SOEIM GROSMNK STOP BAR W WIDE AND W IN Oom ® STRIFE WlE OEUNEATON. H- WIDE ANO W IN COmR 21 PAM TPATIC ARROW A10 YERBUDE m SIVOWIT. ® INSTALL STOP SIGN PER YNMIRCO R1-1. REFER TO 0E 7/Cs002 mR SIGN MST AND EOUNDATpN. 7 Not USED THIS SHEE . Z HIM usm NIS sNF£T. ® IPOST AND RWTURN ONLY SIGN PER NNYUECD R REFER DETAL 7/C5.002 FOR SIGN Q Not 14m THIS SHEET. Q NOT US. THIS sNF£T. Q NOT 16EE➢ N. SHEET. Q NOT USED NIS SHEET. O STRIPES MID YEll�l1N IN CIXDR DI�YE2TRSIONSS I— — TO CENTER OF .V✓FA BElWEo1 SREIF F 0 PALM NO T nO AS a WIDE SIRPFS. Y ON IN 00— SIPPING MR MOM HATCH s— BE SPALE➢ a MART. ® INSTALL SNOOK 10-RET TNNSMN FRON B518 M 8612 OURB AND CUffFR SE- N. ® Nm IlSm NLS SHFEf. Q% NO 16m NIS SNFEf. ® NO USED THIS SHE.. Q — usm NIS SHEET. Q NO 14m NIS SHEET. Q NOT lbiD NIS SHEET. Q NOT USED THIS SHEET. Q NOT L6m NIS SHEET. t1 NOT L6m THIS SHEET. ❑u Not IISm THIS SHEET. Q NOT IAm THIS SHEET. Q Nm I.S. THIS SI— Q Nm usm Nis SHEET. Q NO 16m THIS SHEET. 1 PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.00 NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NVV Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332M ..Sem.S W O Sump LiIN55101 wdJswm 1 6512 n73 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 Fa (763)843-0421 Tv Okbm.com CITY SUBMITTAL nnWaq miU'u'ugi�dm/� N�om'mm�negnlem �eH uav,ca PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.002 I 83RD m i ABBREMATIONS 9 BM 0•� Noh CONC Cmmate Er Dew bn IX iFE FinfeMtl Flom Dwotbn uNw M 41N R RRJIUem TyPiwl MNW MNNUICD W— Manual on Unlronn PROPOSED PIAN SYMBOL CONSTRUCRIXI U—-•-•-'-'-'- PROPERTY UNE - - B— UNE (IPPCOIL)-------- MATCH UNE •- ^' RETMNING WML HEAW OIIIY BRUIDNOUS PAVEHEM CONCRETE SIDE — CONCRETE PANEMEM= FlAT CURB ANO -UREA SURMWMABIE CURB INO GUnER PmF51RM1 CURD RAMP ICLF9BLE PARKMG SYMBOL SIGN PMiKINC Sml COUNT N 30' 15 0 30' W, SCALE P - W 1f� ro s aEPTn EEr m.BBo FTR PAMNa M01¢ PAVING AND GEOMETRnc MASTER KEYED NOTES IOEYm NOfE6 ARE oFNOTFD BY ® ON PLW. QI !-TALL 8512 CONCI3TE CURB N61 GUDm. REFER lO DEmL 2/CS.CO2 NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332 NO -soma suta W10to SMmH .MN55101 .widaemn I65122JT3 Q2 Nm usmnHls sOUnr, BKBM REFER XFAW-H �3 INSTALL IY BINYTNOUS PAVF31ENf. TO OETNL /CSA02 © Nm 16m Txls sx¢r. ENGINEERS (] n ul.MD ma`^tBu>_ ... RrtBx o o raL 1/cxoa5 MD I.wosrwE ARCHnmtuRSL nwrs 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Q INsr- NOSE -DOWN Cu. SrO110R. REFF)t To DEBUL a/-- Minneapolis, MN 55340 Qi PSMLL FUT CONCRETE Phone: (763) a43-0420 Fax: (763) 843-0421 Q INSTNL CONCRe:IE PAVFJIFM. REFER FO ML 8/-- W W W.bkbrn— Q BSTML BiIEORAL CONCAEIE MRS. REFER TO OETML t/CS.CO2 Q INSTALL CONfAETE WA11L R— To — t/CS- 11 INSTALL PEOESIRIW CURB RMRP. RFFFR To DETML B/CSCO2 FOR PARMin CURB RAMP. Oana TD MN/DDT so—RD PUW 5-28J]50 HID MN/COT STAIOWD RATE JOTS. 12 Na use, R16 SxEEf. it NOT USER 1N6 SHEET. 1V Nor USED 1HS SHEEP. Is Nm Ilsm 1H6 SHEEP. 1E NOT USE➢ 1H6 SXFET. 11 NUT IlSFD THIS a — 15 Nor IISm 1HIs SHEEP. 18 NOT USED 1H6 SNFEf. ® Nm ISm 1H15 aH— 0 Nor ISm 1HI5 BNEEf. ® NOT USED 1HR SHEET. ® Nor USED Is W. i] Nor USED 1NB SHE1S. ® NOT- - SN— CITY ® NUT USm 1Ha 91— Q INSTALL CONU3JE VMl Y I;(R1ER. 0— TO DEr. e/CB.00J. 13/C5 Q NB IT- sUR1NIUNVaUE CURB. REFER TO OETML Ao2 SUBMITTAL 8❑ NOT usm 1HIs SHEET. Q Nor — THR SN— S-31Nm Ilsm V. NOT IA 1HI5 SHEEE Inm muyuelul pnmie.a a Q INSTALL SMOOTH 10- TRAIT K n— SURMdIMAB1E CURB 10 B812 CURB SFLIpN. eab Uwna.e uun EE .nennlcm Q INB— SWOTX 10-FQT RtMlSITK)N iR011 FlAT CURB lO BB11 CURB SETRIXL ,,.enmeXnaue.waa uN ® PMm BITS PARMWD I1UB. lESFR n0 DErAR 5/.—. ® INST- CO— IWMDWICE BTRIP. REFER A DETML 2/C5JX14. Nevin0.BOM1I Q INSTML CplCIETE N.UNTE-CE BTRIP AND MMNTFWNCE CURB. REFER n0 OETML 4/CSADA nec B2208 July 1T, 2020 HQ REFER W BRIUCaXUL P—S FOR CONING BOCK AND B— OF b— — —FEET TRWMBON FROM INIECWL CONCRETE CURB no B612/BBte WFBI TLfIIXL ® BbT SUCOM —FEET nWNS110N FROM INTFGRII. CONCRETE CURB n0 RAT CURB FECDoR. 1 Da— SMCORI 10-FEEf TMV9T1oN FCOM INImM1 CONCRETE CURB RI SURMdIM191E O CURB SECINN. Q RFFFA lO S1RUCn8M1 — FDR STlIOP pETAd Q IN ALL 23-fo0f HUH nAG Ft11E REFER no DETML 4/CSAOV. QN REFER TO IANOSGPE PUNS FOR FVJOms ANO BENCH DETML4 INSTALL BWE PARW10 —NG, a WIDE BWE SRtIRNo TD BE INSrALLm BEFORE R6 O SIIBRNG. ® Nm Wm D16 SXFIT. BKBMB' 3M80 Gale: Juh 1T.2mO Dawn' WH (Tech NPA Bath PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.003 • ABBREVIATIONS 9 BY BemA Mmk CONC aanM.eE FLIT pawlMn IX EilAU�N FFE M1�Mtl Flmr E.wsen 14Av YR4mum ION gnlmum R Rutlluv TYP. MR, MHYUICO MinnwvtR Yonuol m u PROPOSED PLAN AVUBO S CONSTRUWIXI UNITS--•--•-•- PRIP UNE - - SN UNE (APPAL) -------- .,CH UNE -•- •-- •� - RENNING WNL a— OUTY BINIANOUPAVENER CONCRETE PAVEMFNT/SIGE_ FlAi CURB INO CUTIFR SURMOUNTABIE CURB AND CUTER PEOFSRN CUM RWP ALC I-E —N. BOL SIGN PN _ STNL CHUM N w 19 0 w W. SCALP T - w >se� REFER TD lEEf C4.DW wR w,wa NOIFS. PAVING AND OMETRTI MASTER KEYED NOTES KE'ED NOTES ARE DIXOBD BY ® ON — �1 Ms 8912 CONCRETE CURB AND CURTER. REFER TO DEAR 2/CS.W2 02 INSTNL BRUMNOUS 71 N REFER TO DEAR 10/OSA02 Q3 I— HEAW-0UTY BITUMINOUS IRAVEANt. REFER M DENL /CSA02 04 BE— BOIS CONCRETE CURB AND CURTER. NE7R TO DEM. 14/CS.002 ❑S I— B 4HALL ... R_ TO D_ 1/(5— AND VNDSCA^E ARcxREL _ —S AND SPECI—NS. O INEI11 BRUMNOUS P ENENT, ITEM M TO WATCH EXISING P VENENT SECTION. FOR BIDDING PURPOSES REFER TO OENL /C5.002 Q 46TNL RAT CONCRETE CURE REFER TO DENL 3/WA02 Q INSRALL CCN2ITE PAVE — REFER TD DETNL 9/..— Q Ban— RREGPAL CONCRETE CURE REFER TO OETNL 1/CSA02 Ina I— CONCRETE WAU. REER TO DEDIL I/— O I— PEDESTRIW CURB RAMP. NEaR TO DETNL B/OEW2 me PARALLEL CURB RAMP. REFER TO MN/COT GTANONIU PLW S-2BT950 ANDMN/OOf MANDAM PRATE TOX It INSI l ALCESN1 -GM SIGN. REFER TO GE A. 7/W.002. 13 INSTALL PRECAST CONCRETE WMFL SMP. REFER TO DETNL 11/CO. 14 INSTAL SOME HELD. REFER TO DOAL 1/CSDO4 AND VNOSGPE ARCNBIETURAL PEE AND SPEC—N. IS INSf UGM-DUTY BRUMINWS IYVENEM. REFER TO CETAL 4/CS.W2. 0 GRPUNS AND L C � REFER TO OETAL {/CSDO] AND ANDSCI ARCERIFLTUML 11 INSTNL MOR SQUARE SIRPING. BORER TO DETAIL 5/CS061. Q INSTAL HOP SCORM STRIPIM REER TO DENL 7/0DW. Q SNPE MOSSWAIX STOP BAA 2{' WEE AND WHITE IN WIDE Q SIMS IANE DELNFATION. 4' WIDE AND W IN COLOR Q PNM TPo6FTC ARROW AND VEaBAGE AS SNIOWN. ® INSTALL SIGN SIGN PEA 4NMUICO R1-1. REFR TO DEAR 7/CS.GO2 MR SIGN PfSf AND FOUNDATION. O INSTALL W NOT ENTER SIGN PER WMUIW NS-1. REEL TO DECAL 7/CSM2 MR SIGN POST AND MNDADON. 0 WRITE LETf TURN ONLY SICK PER NNNUICO P15. REFER ID DEAL 7/CEW2 MR SIGN POST AN O MUNMMON. ® INSTNL RIGM TURN ONLY SIGN PER NNNUTM RO-S REFER TO DENL 7/CSA02 FOR SIGN PAST AND MUG—M. O PNM NO M NO MG {' WIDE SREPES, WHITE IN COLOR STRIPING F CR 5 —N SHN1 BE AS SXONN SPACED 4• APAM. Q INSrmu CORM TE vA r CRipt NEFER TD DEAR B/CB.003. ® INSTALL SURMOUMABIE CURB. RIE Et TO DEAL 13/CSAO2. Q TENS COURTS ARE NOT IN CONTIILeDr AND ARE W MI TOR REFERENCE ONLY. ❑SI STRIPE WUBIE YELID•N THE DEIINFATION. SISPNG SNNL BE 4' WIDE WITH 4' BEIWFEI SIRIRS AND YeLa1W N COIDR. CYENSIONS SHOWN ARE Ta CENTER OF AREA ffl'MEII SIR,— O PANT BE1 C AREA WIDE STRIPES. IE oN IN CORDR SIRIMOD Me CROSS NArM ® INSTNL SYOON 10-FEET TRNSIIgN FRNI 8G15 TO B512 CURB SECTION. MI INSTALL SMOORH tO-FEET TRANMN RION SURMWMABIE CURB TO B612 CUM SECTION. Q NOT USED MIS SHEEr. ® Na USED THIS SHEET. ® INGTNL CIXMTE NNNiENNICE SIRP. REER TO I—L 2/W.WA i?] INSTAL WNC EIE MN NAICE STRIP ARID AWNIENANL£ CURE REFER ID DEAL 4/CS.WA QH NOT USED THIS SHEET. O NSNLL SMCOIH tO-FEE ITOOS TION MM IMF AL CONCRETE CURB TO B512/B51B CUM SFON. ® NMALL S— ID -FEET --N MM IXTEGRLL CONCRETE CURB TO FlAT CURB SECWN. NGRALL SMOOTH 10i 1INISIIION FROM TNTEDRN_ CONCRETE CURB TO SURMOUNG I CURB SECRON. Q NOT USED THIS SHEET. 0 Nor USE) THB MEE. QN NOT Use) 1HIS SII— 0 NOT USED THIS SHEET. ® TAPE1 MU. HELM aREGI A CONCRETE CURB AND SIDE— TO BE NISH w PROPOSED PAVEMEM. 1RANSIRq. OF 10'. 1 PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN 4.004 NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NIN Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332 �nnwM Suer. Sire W 20 W Sum PuJ.MN551G1 wulda�wm 1651=7M3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown DT., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 1143-0420 Faa: (763) 843-0421 N v.bkbnn.00m CITY SUBMITTAL 1 nep.�rza�uv unlaepm e,eaw�wwmeneuYelem s elN uam.a EER PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.004 ABBREVIATONS BemASMork mNC Lanaeb I ELEV aewUe ExI.UMn rtE nm.re n� owuD� — — � — ItAX MCWnwn RM R ftPadlu.— IMNYUT:D 4�nnwal N Morc,�al an UnNerm MIX I I PROPOSER PLAN SYM90 c I coxsmucnoN uulrs--•--- PROPERLY UNE FIX S—rr UNE CAPP—) --- —NiNc wRi I xuw oun BINMNdA PAVdEM ICONCRflE I PAVpAFM/SIOEAYL( :•'_; I f r CURB AND GUrIFR NTRMWMABLE CUPS AND OUTER IPFD6TIS.R WFa RWP I - ACC4�BlE PARgNC =M� SIGN IPAPMNG STALL COUNT N 30' 15 0 30' W, SCALE 1'- M, m o — c4.DOD POR PARRD PAVING AND - OMErRn - kM6MEE KEYED NOTES NEYm NOIPS ARE O o ED B ® ON P AN. V F1 Nm l6m -Is SR— yly QE INSTALL BITUMINOUS TU4. REFm M O L 10/0s— xDr usm Mis sx¢r. pp�� E+ YY Q Nm usm MIS sHarr. QS Nm Usm me sR— Q Nm ISm MIs Sxfff. p Nm USm MIS SNLET. ¢ Ds Rm usm Ms sx¢T. It 0 xor Ism nl�s sxEEr. ' L io RDr Ism nus sxFFr. LIB C] Rm Ism Ms sxPET. I /II / ' �f - a Nar osm TR. .— 0 xar usm ma sx¢r. IµD s-nu—il�Nsm. Pfiflt to OETNL 1/Cs.m4 MID LNlD3VPE NCHIIECNRAL PANS / �� \ / — .. ,,..�• / ......—..m_____..,...,.._....._._..___......^....._.__,_...—.._.._____,.,.._e_.�.,._._-... .�...�...�"� / \ \ �_ � I � \ �_ •.•:•: s 12' 10 35 fr :ii is i I i ••' ! I 15 INsr- UDM-DUTY —NDUS PA—Rt. REPFR M DT:TAR 4/C.SW2 is xm usxn MIs sxtEr. n xar usm nlls sxmr. u Nm usm .Is a Nar usm .'s SHEET. �m Nm usm Ms sNE£f. Q N. IAm TIR SHf£T. �ONC 31 I I?J Nm Ibm MIS SXEff. 0 Nor IAm M6 SHEET. \ e \ PnC 1>J Nor IAm T16 SHFEf. 17 NUT 6m THIS \ \ Nor US. MRCS SHE£f. Q Nor USm TRM a — Fr�'IR` 0 Nm Ism MLS SHEET. �\ ❑zv Nor usm Mis SHHEr. ® Nor USED MS SHEET. \\ I \ 3t N. USm THIS sIM.. YI] N. sm TNs sxE£T. Qlf N. USm MIS SHFEr. p Nm Ism MIS SREEf. ® N. VSm MIS SHF£f. \ ® Rm usm MES SHFEf. Q Nm Ibm MI5 SRam Os rmr user Ms sx¢T. Q Nm Usm M4s SR— ® Rm IbT➢ M6 SHEET. 11 Nm IAm M6 SHEET. Q Nm IAm MIs SXFET. 0 Rm Ism Ms SHEET. QN Nm Ism Mm SHEET. ❑u Nor USm MLR SHEEP. ® Nm USm MIS SHEET. 1 PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN 4.00 I - NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Madwer Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 331 Min nwn smn. Swz F]A W Sum]Lu1, ATN SSIm welJveaw, 16311D7T/3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Or., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 643-0420 Fax: (763) 643-0421 bkbrn CITY SUBMITTAL PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.005 _ _ MATCH LINE SEE SHEET C4.003 / I IP IP P PDE RIP RAP I I B py� d>'N PUYGRtl.MW POE � "W I p NYDP �. 0- —� \ R �''u. o I l 01TlNulaJs EMPY P � � \ \ aN mil`+ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0W191aI Owl MI O \ 1�- o II �J p f I IRON m'T a, P I� � EDNc [ONO Cp C R4 CDNCRETE ��/ CNlC conc +� /j PRAbP� NEW ESEMENTARY AA'D Ip00/E SpICOC /ISiG WOM SY A•£ r ABBREVIATIONS am . e.xM1 Nak DDND O.nmse El£V a— -.- n IX Ep fPE FlO.r w% Y.4mum wN wmm�m P bdiu. TP. 7.- YNIJUfDD w�n...m Y..pa >, umrpml PROPOSED BOI c .NSIXurnp! It——•—•—•—•—•— P FeaTY uNE — — SAWM LINE (APPI-------- WlU1 IINE �^ PEwxwc wJ1i art anY H IXpS PAVkLQR COHORFIE MMPAV­/SI_ MT LLft3 ANO EUYIFA Sul—, LYRD3 ANO t#Inat PLD6'fISW pum RAMP JDQS951f PMI@1G SYLDIOL SIGN PA _ SYALL COUNT N w is 0 as w SCALE 1.- W, Pr�tm ro st¢r ca.DDD raR PAxxD t1pR5. 4FEf. xo�r - xoPN PacPaan Tws NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 115DO 193rd Ave NIN Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOID ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332 �n nwu Spxl, Sula W10(a Sum Prv1,MN55101 wnlJaemm 1 65122 7 3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 043-0420 F—. (763) 843-0421 bkbm.-. CITY SUBMITTAL InereeraM mNiuulwapmia m..e�m+tlem ewilun iry uansa ­r SP209 D.N JuIY tT, 2Vd COND ns WALL CDNGREiE / D0I1CRfiE 1 PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.00 eXeN»: sago Dale: Juiv tT. t030 D..: wx Check NIA P M PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.006 as J 'PAVING PER = y 'TOSEED TYPE Pc _i__1wL4j1t1111_11_1I11[ F 111 f ROCK MULCH i \ DOCK MULCH _TURF SO4 wl- 7"' 'j INS— G I CIVIL PLANS. 4 —2'CONCRETE MAINTENANCE EDGE� �_ QOD I fN ? -A TURF SOD oi. PROPOSED SCHOOL BUILDING IF -A AREA SEE ENLARGEMENT_j ENTRY PLA7 Q ENTRY N SOD— A W� —TURF RE 101 1.,--,. i ��i EDGE _ n' 2CONCRETE MAINTENANCE EDGE go PAY NG'PlIR CIVIL PLANS I. 15' . ... .. Pe� . ......... t Ik\ I. EXISTING LANDSCAPE TO REMAIN Ar 1,.AW PLATTE N FUN v OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL 12220 80th Street Otsego, MN 55330 Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, MIN 55330 WOUD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS BKBM �Z ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN SS430 Phone: (763) 843-04 0 E­ (763) 843-0421 —.bkbnn­ City Submittal PRELIMINARY BENAMIND.—NERG. a—, 1Check nu LANDSCAPE LAYOUT PLAN SOUTH L1.002 Native Seed Required Maintenance - 3 Years: Heave Grna ern Fah N6m,ra (Indium b<gl-.... Ne nw,bn3) Yw 1 Ea[pbpahment laprnnp avedmYl: 1) P,epae a le - Lab Apol -May. 2) s.nd-May 1-Jana 1. Neinanence: 1) Mory (se ixhes)-eary]0 days aaerpmMing.eil September 30. ?)Weed Carol-moei9ahouH help caMml anmulwaeN. SPIX MaYlM1blke etc. Eambtl.hnanc Ireu a<edby: 1)Prepaa sae -late A,qun early Sananbe, x)sned-lam SSpanlwfmfine:e.,p. Neintmena (follonWg�caa 1) Maw (6JinAas)- bM. May.Juno antl JNy. 27Wae Cmaml-n,eWng anuM keepm,watwwds tlown apol epnYaiinme etc. EvoWa[lom 2)) Gam: ¢ap�aaa 19.6�krmAn apart ^I�' 0�lmwpl darma4 Mar.rpal. 3) Ma,ivaaR+s see ofn 11,in. 1 , u9. dJ If Here is atWsh of pronlhkmn bsaidc. mor m acean,Y V.2 Naftnn nr,: 1)Mon (68 k,cl,esl a,e kne Lcfnem Jua 1-Asgun154efneweedzsetaaQ 2)Wead Campl-snot NmeN ke-asmMwade done. spot.pry m'alln etc 3) some o..a ma Y nor rewne mu<n ma�nlenm... ne ..cone ynar. 1) Carer copwillbepore urkna wan Mxetcoo uaed'mab0 plmrnp. 2) GnzsezfomiM dumps 1U incMaapan b dnl-by W1 ah.. S�aixxerzn,snm of gre�v,MW flan imt�iudelc~i w9uvu. marwmd etc). Yem3 , any dnecev+ay. 3) wind Cabot - SP n spay ar'W ks. nc. 4) sites aaiy d. n d requhe mum mYMenance an antl )war. End-: i) PlantiN aMuB begin kakiN &ea pane-ml9assa. ibxen en. Nehnw,eme: 1) Weed L'Mbel-SpMzyaYmislW Hc. 2)aummp ry5 warroumnl .Mein.. aping ant fall # p.v.k. >) Hayng 133 year mtadpn)mm summerasadyma AnennewM Iwmi„g(mryv,bmnde 1pr Wm'ug) <) enmbgNm yaam b a mww,u mlymm up roupn+opki,Nams. Seeding Installation Method: SeeBng MMods M.1md 1. Dn,' a dung Oro T,Iba50es This Htl+e'ffi„hN'metMdfar�Ci,gmPraParad silm,:urha0vxe onm (amen prd)eds fit Site Prepnetion-The aim aMWtl be p,epa,adby kmnvg IopaaT m a mvimuns daps, d13 intln. 8)f Iber-lmeafan is at 20D hasadmamaraloagererd,emnmerdatim ea 1010.10 (NPhO emnerd9 gads aalyeh at 20D IbsFicn. C)sadlnndluion_Seed afmsH le i,maH waM1aa,opaeativ chat tlaceeamly -me.ple seed. be darted.101m seeds mrdumNmhked QN:6 fheaeedr9 and cp,tan dropsmduAafor acedansurenel rat(&iaanded. Thed,apseederslwuM be equipped wiNadnparka axanblyb sRaise -od rnnlact _ E)Pa.,.g-a0an dapsegndWPaa wmitll�a cuopadkar. Me me His .. he mmpadad kDoavlg Me zecdrg In ensue seadiusoii o n a. F)MWch- The neshard be muk1 Hard di-dwM kAomm cmrp.ddm The maiden! muld,'a MrvDOT Type i el a rob of 29(.Mane. Also sea kmors, smskn mod for additional 'oml aeon. NATIVE SEED MIX: TYPE A Seed in bottom of barb In disturbed areas TYPE A (unless olherwlse noted on cld plans). shall be: M.DOT #39-241 Seed ml,on, for at soils, drilled Inm the topsoil layer at 36.5IM per eve. Submit seed Ink for approval. Grading and Emalon Control par Civil Plans and Spaciriafi.ns. Add 2016s per acre of M.DOT 21-111 Oa. Cover Crop. Common Name scientific Name Rate(Ibfac) Rafe Qrgrha) %ofiAu (by Weight) SeedBJ sgft big bluestem ArMro on erardii 2.00 224 SA8% 7,35 Indian Arsdani Siorghashrunt rrutans 2.00 224 SAB% 8.82 sideaats graddia Boute/oua Curti duly 1-60 120 439% 3.53 [Mile bluestenn Schizauhyrium L60 1.79 439% 8.02 noddlant wild tvv, Elyromer oanadersis LIT 1.31 320% 223 slenderwhe rass ue trash makes 1.0 1.12 2. % 2.53 kaim's brome Bmmue kalmfi 050 0.56 1 1.37% 1,47 rie din eed spouriabiolus, ht,fturplaplit O-OT 0.00 0.18% 0.39 sWitcfigreces NIP- aw. 0.06 0.07 0.IL% 0.32 Grasses Subtotal 10.00 1121 27.39% 35AS black ed ausan Rudbeekta hirfa 031 0.35 0.86% 1056 le .:fie clover Date. u urea 0.19 021 051% 1.03 Early Sunnower Helix is hefitrith ides 0.13 0.15 0.34% 025 blue gianthyssop Agausba.he tioeni-Ism, OAS O.OT 0.15% 1.82 lead Plant Amp ha can-.- 0.06 0.07 0.15% 025 Canada milk vetch Aatra s.... demes. 0A6 1.07 OA7% am white ..laver Dales randda 0.06 a.07 0.17% OA4 Canada tick trefoil Desmodium Carden.. 0.08 0.07 0.13% 0.13 stiffsunnonmer HeDamthua ciRprus OAS 0.07 0.1T% OAS wild her of Monad. fishrbca 006 0.07 0.17% 1.61 stiff oldenrod Or oneucan rigicluen 0,06 0.07 OAT% 0.94 smooth aster 3 m h olrichu. faem 0,06 0.07 OAT% 126 vemin Verbena Shicb 006 OA7 OAT% 0.64 ,.[it- .)-and- mi..urea 0.06 0.07 0.15% 023 common milkweed A-f D_04 0.04 OAD% 0.06 br oth flm0 c-cl A.d ias tube7osa 0.04 0.04 0.10% 0.06 bluevemin Verbena hasbta 0.04 0.04 0.12% 150 roU h blazing star 1-tains SuIpera OAS 0.03 1 0.08% 0.18 teat blasing star ustris ostaeN OA3 0_03 0.09% 6.13 heath aster Symphyohiclwm erceides 0.03 0.03 0109% 230 Forbs Subtotal "0 1.69 4.11% 23.89 Data Aver saliva 25.00 26.02 6B5D% 11.14 Cover Crop S.blotal 25.00 28.02 685D% 11.14 Total 36AO 40.91 100.00% 70A9 PmP-. General mesic Prairie mix far native roadsides, rvation a ram lanH s ecological restoration, or Planting Ares aligrass Aspen Parklands, Prairie Parkland, and Eastern Broadleaf Forest Provkfee i. MnIOUT Districts 2 west 38. 4 Metro. S. 7 8 B. NATIVE SEED MIX: TYPE B ®Seed oumMe of abrm basin In dbWrbad areas TYPE B: (unless olM1emlce noted on tiv0 PMm). sMl be: MnDOT #35-221 ned mbu-for dry soils, ddlla i Into the topsoil layer M 36.5 lbs per ;re Submit- mkfor approval. Grading and Erasion Control per CIvO Plans and SpecMtiens a. Ind We an additional 1 Dlbs. per acre of N.H. Fumes Add Miss per eve of MnDOT 21-111 Oafs Corer Crop. Common Name scirnt.c Name Rate Obrn) Rate(kplha) 11byOf atht) Seedaf agft td4-la mar. Doalelova narimendoi, 3.00 3361 S22% 6.61 little blueatem schhurchyrtum am 3.00 336 SSl% 1653 nodding Wild rye u Mdamrs 1.00 1.12 2.71% 1.91 kalm'a Imo. Bromus Iishou 0.73 GAZ 2.00% 2.14 big bluest.. Md.-rdii 0.70 0.78 1.92% 2.67 Inman gmaa hasbum note., 0.70 O.TS 192%. 349 blue gram. so.efoue nsilis O.50 OAS 1.1% - Koelere meverrthe 0.2s 029 0.69% 18.37 praise dropaeed s olus hetem 0.12 0.13 034% 0.73 Graasea S,Wtotal 10.00 1121 27.42% 6930 black-eyed ease. Rudbeckre bhb 0.31 035 0A4% 1032 purple imsere clover Del. u ura SAO 021 0.61% 1.02 hoary vervai. verbena a(ricre 0.13 0.1s 1 0.34% 129 lead lent am hea.-. 0.09 0.10 aIS% OA2 blue giant hyoop masceftf k has, ... 1.07 0.17% 2A7 bUfterflymilkweed ASopaoaa ludoems. 0.06 0.07 0.17% 0.10 Canada milk vetM Asfra alas.-ad..ha 0.06 0.07 0.18% 0,40 bird's root coreopaia Co a have 0.05 0.07 0.16% D21 white prokle raver DaW aJdids 0.06 U.07 0.15% 939 Cte adeecktntoil Dee.odv'um-.ad- 0.06 OAT 0.14% 0.13 ati0sunfl-or JIall-m a ucMams 0.06 0.07 0,17% GAB YaDtlbemsmol Mon.rrt ffic. . 0.06 0.07 0.16% 1A2 stiNolde-nd Ob'oneumnr' D.06 0.07 0.16% GM IsmeJlowered boded ton ue Pensrecaon mandiffilonu. 0.06 0.1`7 0.17% 032 smooth sane kwh-1.- 0.08 1 0.97 0.17% 126 mu h blaurin Star Lratrrs -a- 0.04 1 a." 0.12Y. 025 groym,ldermod Sorrde Caen -fie 0.04 O.D4 OAO0 3A6 heath afiter syrnphyobrshum eticWdre 0.04 O.B t 0.10% 258 FmDa SUWo[el 1.50 JAH 4.09% 2696 Cab Aver serve 25... 24.02 fi0.49% 11.13 Cover Cropsomptel 26.gg 24.02 6SA9% 11.13 Total S6.SO 40.91 100.00% 9739 Purpose: General dry pmbie mix tornative roads. non s. ea, eeologial natorationa or eom<rvalum Plamong Arco: TatOras Aspen Parklands, Prairie Par7Jand, and Eastern Bradlee( Forest Provinces. MNOOT Obhteb 2 wear 3B Metro. fi T a a. NOTES: 1. Refer to Sheet 1-1.001 for North Landscape Layout Plan. 2. Refer to Sheet 1-1.002 for South Landscape Layout Plan. 3. Refer to Sheets 1-1.003-1-1.006 for details, notes and schedules. 3. Refer to Civil Engineer's plans for grading, drainage, and site plan information plus Concrete specifications. 4. Contractor to coordinate all work with ISD 728 Public Schools and Elk River School District Staff. 5. See written specifications for additional requirements, TURF SEED W-no don We Nan,Tm Seeded A,aSafiapb, Twb Cily Seea ampenY'Tdr TUR Seed Mk, sroked Into ine Iopmlkyeral4oD.a Ins per eve. Subdue seat) Ink kreppmval. Gratling a,W Eroelon antra pa CNp RmaaM SperMatloa. 30%2-Mile.11 .Tap Fecae 3a7.Raind race Tal Posme t0% Boredree Cping Red Fame o%arty perenn. "an DS%Tin. RanwckY aWaanu Seeding Maintenance: Seeding Installation Method: r.,yaeu,e,mrys�dr=. x�n I Mechanically dal Wd seed into connector prepared seed bet). Ensure Hill makes no less than 3 passes in opposing directions, including 1 na m�e�n:m ewoma�anw aaoremnvme„aWsu2nanea, pas diagonally. Ensure seeded area soll is property compacted and -.a light muion cover applied to the Surface per MnDOT Seeding rnrwT m.a.ar�naaa. Specifications B requirements. Add Cudes Net -Free straw emalon Na.,mmummam.4oze.m blanket on slopes of 5-1 or steeper. WASTE/RECYCLING RECEPrAILE� ." . '.: `',' ' `` ? Irrigation Performance Requirements: CAST -IN -PLACE SEAT WALL, - SEE DETAIL 1. IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHOULD AVERAGE 40(+/.) PSI AT THE BASE OF ALL SPRINKLER HEADS. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IF EXISTING BICYCLE PARKING RACK, PRESSURE DIFFERS. BUILDING PRESSURE IS NOT KNOWN. SEE DETAIL - Sa 6 Pe AW M 2 ','1;'".: 2 IRRIGATION CONTRACTORTO PREPARE FULL IRRIGATION LAYOUTPLANS FORLANDSCAPEARCHRECT'S REWEW.LAYOUr WORKAS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE. THE CONTRACTOR MAY MAKE MINOR ADJUSTMENTS TO THE LOCATION AND SPACING AS NECESSARY TO ODA E ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS. HEAD LOCATIONS SMALL BE FLAGGED AND REVIEWED BY THE LANDSCAPEARCHITECT PMORTO r H I4 1725SI I$ ACCOM 3 3. COORDINATE SLEEVING AND IRRIGATION PIPE I HEAD INTERNAL PLUMBING INSTALLATION WITH THE WORKOF OTHERS. - - A ALL MATERLMA SMALL BE INSTALLED AS DETAILED ON DRAWINGS. (HOWEVER IF THE CONTRACT DRAWINGS MoDRSPECIFICATIONS GO NOT THOROUGHLY DESCRIBE THE METHOD ORTECHNIQUES TO BE USED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW THE INSTALLATION MEfHODSISSUED CAST -IN -PLACE RAISED BY THE MANUFACTURE ALL SUCH LITERATURE MUST BE SUBMITTED M HOURS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION FOR REVIEW ANDAPPROVAL BYTHE SEAT WALL & PLANTER, SEE DETAIL G.QE".'. ,, :;' '. , LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.) WOOD MULCH S. CHECKAND VERIFY ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED SITE CONDITIONS,UTILITIES, AND SERVICES PRIORTOTRENCHING. a ' rut 6. LATERAL PIPING TO BEA MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES DEEP AND MAINLINES A MINIMUM OF iB INCHES DEEP. 30 7. ALL MAINLINE PIPING AND LATERAL PIPE OF I-1/2" AND LARGER SHALL BE PVC(SDR 26/CLASS 160), HOWEVERTHE IRRIGATION FEED FROM THE y-� BUILDING INTO THE LANDSCAPE SHALL BE COPPER ALL OTHER LATERAL PIPE OF 1-11V AND SMALLER MAY BE POLYETHYLENE ALL TEES AND ELBOWS SHALL BE PVC(160 PSI). INCLUDE THRUST BLOCKINGAT TEE AND ELBOW POINTS. Q 4 JQ•:., p� ,. o: �.,, •�j;. 9. ALL SPRINKLERS SHALL BEAS NOTED ON DETAIL 8SPECIFICATION. LL LL .. a O:• '..Q: ,.(��-..' flr.: p: -:(i<,; ., ,+' ., .....'. . `.'..'•'"�)v' ,'.: ., 10. ADJUST HEADS FOR GRADE, AS NECESSARY, AFTER TURF GRASS HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED AND ALL SETTLEMENTAT HEADS HAS OCCURRED. O + - •': ' �, " '' 11. ALL AUTOMATIC CONTROLLERS, RISERS, BACKFLOW PREVENTERS AND HOSE BIBS SHALL BE SET PLUM. SPRINKLER HEAD RISERS, QUICK CL i • cy..: TuttF'sua COUPLER VALVES AND ALL VALVES WITH STEMS SHALL BE SET PERPENDICULAR TO FINISHED GRADE. Q PLAZA AREA '. j - 12. CONTROL VALVE WIRES, INCLUDING THE GROUND WIRE, SHALL BE#12 GAUGE U.F.U.L APPROVED DIRECT BURIAL UNDERGROUND CONNECTIONS O Z �� ,. �•, '>-1; .,Q... '1k1f2E RtEliJi OY2CEN1. Mi SHALL BE MADE WITH 3-M WIRE CONNECTORS (OBY)OR APPROVED EQUAL. N cl�Q Qi+. aL�: .Q �}v',. S cs 13. TRACER IS TO BE PLACED OVER ALL MAIN AND LATERAL LINES. . ;�.•v�'t$' �: WOOD -WIRE w PAVING PER CIVIL PLANS q= � .: • p �.E Q �}' MULC1 1. PLACE ALL VALVES IN APPROVED VALVE BOXES. CAST -IN -PLACE RAISED 15. USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL THREADED JOINTS. (j SEAT WALL& PLANTER, SEE DETAIL 16. BRAND EACH VALVE BOX WITHrHIGHLETTERINGSHOWINGZONENUMBERANDCONTROLLERLETTER(EXAMPLE'A3'J.THISSTAMPISTO MATCH THE ZONE SHOWN ON THE PLAN UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY LANDSCAPEARCHITECT. Sa •,. .,.• ;. ..'^;" 17. F OWNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF SYSTEM INSTALLATION CONDUCT PERFORMANCE IN THE PRESENCE D 6 :,. ia. CONDUCT AND DEMONSTRATE WINTERIZATION AND SPRING START-UP PROCESS TO OWNER IN THE FALLOF COMPLETON. Hr t. 19. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL BE NOTIFIED TO VERIFY TRENCH DEPTHS BEFORE BACKFIWNG. 20. IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE MECHANICAL ROOM WATER CONNECTION POINT WITH MECHANICAL ENGINEERAND PLUMBING WASTEIRECYCLING CONTRACTOR. 30 RECEPTACLE 21. AFTER INSTALLATION OF DRIP IRRIGATION PIPE IS COMPLETE AND PRIOR TO SODDING OR MULCH INSTALLATION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO REVIEW THE INSTALLATION OF THE DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM. 8'BACKLESS Pe Aw M 2 e BENCH,TYP. 2 1 141 22. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO AGUUST HEADS IN THE FIELD To ENSURE WATER DOES NOT SPRAY THE BUILDING FACE OR PAVED ARIEkS. o e° ENTRY 23. COORDINATE LOCATION OF ROOFTOP -MOUNTED ATMOSPHERIC MOISTURE WITH OWNER ANDARCHREDT. 24. COORDINATE LOCATION OF SLEEVING UNDER PAVED AREAS WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR, EARTHWORK AND PAVING SUBCONTRACTORS. 25. SUBMIT LAYOUT PLAN AND PRODUCT DATA TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW ANDAPPROVAL PRIORTO INSTALLATION. 26. 2T. IRRIGATION BID SHALL INCLUDE (1) FALL SHUT -DOWN AND (1) SPRING START-UP (SPRING OF THE YEAR FOLLOWING INSTALLATION). THIS PROJECT WILL USE HUNTER COMMERCIAL IRRIGATION PRODUCTS. 2 O^ 2 ^0' 0' 2a. PROVIDE THE OWNERWITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR CONTROLLER. POST IRRIGATION ZONE LAYOUT MAP AT Vida"HUTTO THE CONTROLLER FOR REFERENCE. 29. PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH AN AS -BUILT PLAN (PAPER AND CAD.DWG) UPON COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION. ENTRY PLAZA AREA ENLARGEMENT: SCALE: I" = IO'-o" NORTH OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL 12220 80th Street Otsego, MN 55330 Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, MN 55330 n WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS Sax nlw-s-s,a:waa00 .f 11uI.MN SSmI BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55430 Phone: (763)843-0420 Fax: (763) 843-0421 www.bkbm,COm City Submittal PRELIMINARY rereb�ms a�msucN�4o� ewii aytt+npeasW t'remasvpa anmM mu• m. taw. anne sine o, sawesmw DETAILS AND NOTES L 1.003 NIUWCI: PdFREEd)NGMH MOD9:WLTXRT DEBCwPIDN: FRDpIC1;FlIGMUEN01 fRN¢All1MMiM SGi: iMSL DLTM IK.Y Rw01UNNSE C01PAE1E auLvmrs I. wTer<sux:.�xummearrswxNexomn rsaLnxerssNUYAnn¢ 2 SUNNNA]'XTOYIANa£ixFRWA�RM'µYxPINNaFR14 M S�i91ENA4f0AlOG11[YURCONLILi0.YN3l l.91FNA16HMSbNIPA[IOAl01iUlAEAt®On,X Ww�NWPDMA9EAW L�PNNI. FRONT ELEVATION: 1 SF' BACKLESS BENCH DETAIL too Nor ro scA ISOMETRIC . � I SRI 3S spbsOnEebvs sT sroa none TOP VIEW THE IANOSCAPEOCIN ACTOR IS RESPONSMLEFOR —^. s FURNISHINGAND WSTAWNG PRECASTCONCREIE SPLASH BL0LK6 UNDERPLL RAM LEADERSWRHIN '•� i y�l� THE WORR TRB.EEr SPIASHBLOCNS WoR AWAY FROMTHE BUILOWG. ENSURE LANDSCPPE SIDE VIEW END VIEW EDGER IS,EMT0ALL0WSTo WM AnR. ADGRAIE WTO IAWNARPAS. PLANVIEW: GENEPALCANRUCiORTOFURNNHAND U. DERO'CAMPUS PAgl0.n'8ICYCLEPACNS.3URFACE MOURLSEESNEPIONFIXi LOGMMSPAf G,ANO DuARIm. MPOWDERGWTelAGl( r MCIDuxnxG: wRrncE DuwmlYa INSr4LAn0.41NADWARE:SrAINLESSSTEELTYPIfF1 NBMCH CONGiEIE OUSZ-8 LTFASIENERS.wfPOSENO MOVE—R-NLHTHREADSABwETHE BMr.PAIM BUA TO MATLX BICYCLE BDU WD nNISH. SIDE —AMR; OEIo-MARA LOGMINs FOR Awawu Pwoa TD IxsrnLUnDN WYm.pEaofAMltaexa,laia nBICYCLE RACK DETAIL BG 0 RBHDPDRAxxGBFEWAxDAPPNww ulDDDa Blwc� PnwaxG cAPAcm: n 61 too N PRECAST CONCRETE SPLASH BLOCK DETAIL 6 PLAZA ELEVATION'A-AA' OT To — t, xorTo srwLE 7 GAME SHADE ANND CANTILEVER DUGOUT ,.00 B 20' FOUL POLE WITH GROUND SLEEVE ,• NMTOSGw.E xorroNwE i LUJIIIIII�N__= IIIIII�_.1 2' �. � l- 3 WASTE RECEPTACLE DETAIL 1.00 xor rosw.E mna. pMPA1EXlMFRwcarACIE DESL9PIKK1 aNFILENWw, D.W0R6iIwCYDSIG rrmvlprmssu4a¢a.mn ME [IXet Po1YDEP[MTSJJ% I. rorwxwurxmn�EnwFsremxacrovuAeunsmrssraulvtt L Nb1NFa4C1MiANFF1mARYLARWvµ INLNiDDA88q S e£XIIENMAALDGTLNO,AIGMiOYIIER 0. 91ERM1SbGStWIRY.0Ri0N]IGE0.4�J1LL.NWNIPN WwIM1A9EA'eIM0AN14 SINGLE POST GOALSETTER BASKETBALL X560 EXTREME SERIES, S" SQ. IN -GROUND POLE, 61Y ACRYLIC BACKBOARD, STEEL HD BREAK -AWAY RIM, AND NYLON MESH NET. BACKBOARD PADDING: BLACK POLE PADDING: RED WRAP -AROUND POLE FOOTING SIZE PER POLE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. MIN. DEPTH: W BELOW GRADE. ACRYLIC BASKETBALL BACKBOARD AND HOOP, ONE PER END. 4 TOTAL FOR PROJECT. COLORED ASPHALT COURTS: FOREST GREEN. ALL MARKINGS TO BE NCAA COLLEGIATE REGULATION DIMENSIONS. 2' WHITE FREE THROW LINE-NCAA COLLEGIATE 2' WHITE THREE POINT ARGNCAA COLLEGIATE 2'WIDE WHITE BOUNDARY STRIPE, TYP, FOLLOW NCAA COLLEGIATE SIZE REGULATIONS. REFER TO CIVIL ENGINEER'S PLANS AND DETAILS FOR COURT PAVEMENT AND STRIPING DIMENSIONS. SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS FOR ALL SPORTS EQUIPMENT SPECIFIED. 6 BASKETBALL COURT DETAIL HALF -COURT SHOWN 1.0 xorrOswE e 4'-0' CHAIN LINK OUTFIELD FENCE DETAIL ,.00 xoTTDsr..,E NOTES: 1. Refer to Sheet L1.001 for North Landscape Layout Plan. 2. Refer to Sheet L1.002 for South Landscape Layout Plan. 3. Refer to Civil Engineer's plans for grading, drainage, and site plan information plus Concrete specifications. 4. Contractor to coordinate all work with ISD 728 Public Schools and Elk River School District Staff. 5. See written specifications for additional requirements. OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL 12220 80th Street Otsego, MN 55330 Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, MN 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 33xMWwavSm.SWv Wx000 A4�>SW.,A1N71t4, .�wxmm I Asl xn7P3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Sulte 700 Minneapolis, MN 55430 Phone:(763) 843-0420 FF(763) W-0421 .bkbrnc City Submittal PRELIMINARY + ��wur<pan�xUxaUv,vmwn blbnpeieM DETAILS AND NOTES L1.004 DETAILS AND NOTES: Landscape Notes and Requirements: 1. Tree saucer for individual trees outside of a plant bed to be four inches (4") depth Western Red Cedar mulch for trees outside of a plant bed. Install per tree planting detail. Do not place mulch against tree trunk. Remove wire and budap from top third of root ball before final soil back -fill and mulch. Dyed or Colorized mulch is strictly prohibited. 2. Refer to civil plan sheets for grading, drainage, site dimensions, survey, tree removal, proposed utilities & erosion control. 3. All plant material shall comply with the latest edition of the American Standard for Nursery Stock, American Association of Nurserymen. Unless noted otherwise, deciduous shrubs shall have at least 5 canes at the specified shrub height. Plant material shall be delivered as specified. 4. Plan takes precedence over plant schedule if discrepancies in quantities exist. 5. All proposed plants shall be located and staked as shown. 6. Adjustment in location of proposed plant material may be needed in field. Should an adjustment be required, the client will provide field approval. Significant changes may require city review and approval. 7. The project landscape contractor shall be held responsible for watering and properly handling all plant materials brought on the site both before and after installation. Schedule plant deliveries to coincide with expected installation time within 36 hours. 8. All plant materials shall be fertilized upon installation as specified. 9. The landscape contractor shall provide the owner with a watering schedule appropriate to the project site conditions and to plant material growth requirements. 10. If the landscape contractor is concerned or perceives any deficiencies in the plant selections, soil conditions, drainage or any other site condition that might negatively affect plant establishment, survival or guarantee, they must bring these deficiencies to the attention of the landscape architect & client prior to bid submission. Plant bed drainage concerns during plant installation shall be brought to the attention of the Owner and General Contractor immediately. 11. Contractor shall establish to his/ her satisfaction that soil and compaction conditions are adequate to allow for proper drainage at and around the building site. 12. Contractor is responsible for ongoing maintenance of all newly installed material until time of owner acceptance. Any acts of vandalism or damage which may occur prior to owner acceptance shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Contractor shall provide the owner with a maintenance program including, but not limited to, pruning, fertilization and disease/pest control. 13. Warranty: The contractor shall guarantee newly planted material through TWO calendar years from the date of written owner acceptance. Plants that exhibit more than 50% die -back damage shall be replaced at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor shall also provide adequate tree wrap and deer/rodent protection measures for the plantings during the warranty period. Prune dead wood at 11 month and 22 month warranty review periods - use wound paint on trees. 14. This layout plan constitutes our understanding of the landscape requirements listed in the ordinance. Changes and modifications may be requested by the city based on applicant information, public input, council decisions, etc. 15. The landscape contractor shall be responsible for obtaining any permits and coordinating inspections as required throughout the work process. 16. Plant size & species substitutions must be approved in writing prior to acceptance in the field. 17. Irrigation: A new irrigation system is required. Irrigation contractor to provide a cost for a new commercial -grade, irrigation system, including sleeving under pavement to parking islands. Verify water service pressure and check local codes regarding building connection for irrigation. Irrigation contractor is to submit a proposed irrigation layout plan that utilizes a new connection in the proposed building mechanical room. Install controller, rain sensor, and plumbing connections to meet current plumbing code. Ensure head -to -head coverage of all turf and planted areas. Use commercial irrigation equipment with fully adjustable stream rotor and spray heads (see spec). Submit equipment cut sheets for approval. Coordinate as -needed sleeving under paving with excavation sub -contractor. Coordinate plumbing requirements with mechanical contractor. Ensure irrigation system is installed and functioning prior to installation of landscape materials. For newly landscaped areas not irrigated, the landscape contractor is responsible for watering and maintaining new plants and turf until establishment, through use of temporary irrigation, tree watering bags, watering truck, etc. 1B. All edger shall be professional grade black steel edger, 1/8" thickness. Anchor every 1 8"on-center (minimum). Submit sample. 19. Landscape Contractor is responsible for Coordination with the General Contractor, to protect the new improvements on and off -site during landscape work activities. Report any damage to the General Contractor immediately. 20. Unless otherwise noted/indicated, all landscape beds to be "'Inch die. local clean buff limestone over weed mat. Install per detail. Submit mulch sample for approval. 21. Where noted/indicated, landscape beds shall receive 4" depth of single -shred hardwood mulch. Do not install weed mat 21. All planting, seeding, and sodded areas shall be prepared prior to installation activities with a harley power box rake or equal to provide a firm planting bed free of stones, sticks, Construction debris, etc. 22. Turf Sodding and Seeding activity shall conform to all rules and regulations as established in the MnDOT Seeding Manual, 2014 edition, for turf bed preparation, installation, maintenance, acceptability, and warranty. Turf Seed installation to include TWO years of maintenance in the bid price. This includes mowing, weeding, & spot -spraying invasive weeds no less than 3 times per year. Maintenance also includes re -seeding bare patches larger than 3" in any direction, and fertilization no less than twice per calendar year. An acceptable stand of seeded turf is lush, full, and weed -free. 23. The Landscape Contractor shall furnish samples of all landscape materials for approval prior to installation. 24. The Landscape Contractor shall clear and grub the underbrush from within the work limits to remove dead branches, leaves, trash, weeds and foreign materials. 25. The landscape contractor shall contact Gopher State One Call no less than 48 hours before digging for field utility locations. 26. The landscape contractor shall be responsible for the removal of erosion control measures once vegetation has been established to the satisfaction of the municipal staff. This includes silt curtain fencing and sediment logs placed in the landscape. 27. The landscape contractor shall be responsible for visiting the site to become familiar with the conditions prior to bidding and installation. Coordinate with the general contractors on matters such as fine grading, landscaped area conditions, staging areas, irrigation connection to building, etc. 28. See Site and Civil plans for additional information regarding the project, including infiltration area soils and sub -surface drainage requirements and performance. 29. Topsoil Requirements: All graded areas of the site that are designated on the plan set for turf sod shall have no less than 6" of imported top soil, areas designated for shrubs, trees, and perennials shall have no less than 12" of imported top soil, meeting MnDOT classifications for planting soil for trees, shrubs, and turf. Slope away from building. 30. Landscape contractor must prove the open sub -grade of all planting areas after their excavation is capable of infiltrating a minimum requirement of 1/4-inch of water per hour prior to installation of plant materials, topsoil, irrigation, weed mat, and mulch. Planting areas not capable of meeting this requirement shall have 4" diameter X 48" depth holes augured every 36" on -center and filled with MnDOT Free -Draining Coarse Filter Aggregate. Re -test sub -grade percolation for compliance to infiltration minimum requirement. BACKOFCURB. PER LANDSCAPE NOTES . V OF EDGER IS EXPOSED ABOVE GRADE ///A WF I I 1 - 1 SUB_G ETOORNNAWAY FROMITCHBUILDING WALLS & CURBS. NOTES SEE PLAN FOR CROSS SLOPE DIRECTION. ROCK MULCH WIDTH VARIES, SEE PLAN, nPLANT BED / MAINTENANCE EDGE DETAIL 1 xol6x o µco. Fa h'= xe sE UP U. mEEWnE 11 rox,xATnGSIrewxElEvmPgssr& �� rlxEemr awmmsoE r#TME `= axD.MaAP Z DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING - SECTION 1.W Hot TDscuE xEY1BNTCBUYBE E641.W 11N1CH uYF e mlSaEtE� Nk v EW S (A)NOD TO EXISTING SOD DETAIL ,. HgTTg.UIE • 1110�`�,So - 0 �!�UHRLIB PLANTING - SECTION �BB.ML,RadHAxT .uxrNsoskFxxo,Es. i [i:•::•::•::':::.....::': 7 TYP. PERENNIAL PLANTING - SECTION 1.0o NOTTOsc-PLE PLANT SCHEDULE EVEERRG�GFEEN TREES CODE ANICAL NAME COMMON NAM S� COMAWER Ott { � PD Plea gMun'Oenaati B6ck HIIB SD,urz e'Hgc B&B P, t 1 PPS Phusp.nd.ms. Pnnaemv Ph. 6'HS, B&B to \/OVERSTOflYTflEE COOS TPNILALNPME COMMON NAME SIZE COMAINEA } M Amr rvbeun,'NOMno.d' N.almv.a..Pk 25'CaL Bfl8 6 Am Acerxlreeman0'Malmo' Celabmtl.n Maple I— Bfl8 2a N A®rxrteemanll'sMnne' Sienna Glen Mepk 2S'CaL E&B 2s Br BeNaa Nara RN., BIRA, ID HL SIB 7 C. CEltls. aeemalN Common H.k 2T Get B&B 2z Ga KeNucky Cotleevea 2S CaL B&B ,. PI .Palos--kiea o.wh, Aspen S5 B&B 2s oe ove-psold. ki-Plnoak 2 L B&B s Or Ouelwa rvb. Ndlbem Rea O.k 2A CaL B&B 2S Ts nm ametlm,a'Semry' s.nby Und.. 2.5-G1. B&e IB O/RNNAMMEEN-TREES coOE BOTPNICALNPME MMON NAME SIM cOMAINER Ott Ma M..c I...mW. Amur Y.- 2S Gel. B&B 18 147 0 Ms MNuax spMgs. sp,, S.-0.1, ApPl. IS.- B&e 31 O Syenpa reticNaM'N.,.1, Wary Silk Japanese Tim We 24 CaL B&B 2B sHRUBS BOTANIGLNAME COMMON NPM S. O.-WER Ott ORg OE Rh.....tl®GmL.N' OR-F.Sn Sumac Sg.L PM a7 (D S. sMraeaxbumalaa MNonvwnelai ANM,ry Wale,er S'l.. 3,M. Pm 12 ANNIlALSTERENNWa COOS BOTANICALNAME COMMON NPME SIM COMAINM OTV OAv Aa.r-.Pvpk' W.oa.-PNAM, I gal. Pot 2S OH, H.me,­'Fnmysalm' R.by-D.yr, - PM 3z 0 Pe Phmsub- E.-Blue' ERX„ala Blue C.ping PNIm Igo PR AD OAge Rudkka 9lde'GPMMNm' Back Ey. Susv, 1S.1. PIX W GM/s`ysES CODE TANILAL NAME COMMON NA sRE CONTAINER O_tt V 1ep2 MLso,tlbusslne,u6'Pumu,escens' nem. Grass +gaL Pal 36 GROUND COVERS CODE eOTANIULNPME GAMMON NPM sRE COMAINEA SPACWG 31. Landscape contractor to provide nursery pull list (bill of lading) including plant species and sizes shipped to the site. Additionally, the NOTES E landscape contractor shall provide nursery stock traceability, proving none of the materials provided contain or are genetic strains of the 1. Refer to Sheet L1.001 for North Landscape Layout Plan. Pn P®pmlen.m'Aem1ml' Kena,.kv B1Pegl ..a ,.z.a.,aan neonicotinoid family including acetamipdd, clothianidin, imidacloprid, nitenpyram, nithiazine, thiacloprid and thiamethoxam. 2. Refer to Sheet L1.002 for South Landscape Layout Plan. 32.Retaining wall engineering by others. Unless otherwise noted, retaining wall block to be County Materials Co., County Block Split -Face in 3. Refer to Civil Engineer's plans for grading, drainage, and site plan Buff. Submit engineered wall drawings to Civil Engineer for review and approval. Include cep blocks and pre -manufactured corner units of Information plus Concrete Specifications. matching finish and color. Install per manufacturer's guidelines. 4. Contractor to coordinate all work with ISD 728 Public Schools and Elk River School District Staff. 5. See written specifications for additional requirements. DETAILS AND NOTES: 3 CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING - SECTION Hor,DsraE u-- WWx�l. S H AVNM P L,% •Nw nm� - uckcmAHwRoI fl.sl -pEpya o�H e+°sY<oHSMEe. PLAN VIEW IZMIR MMMMMMM.TI►' - - - ■ENLARGEMENT SECTION VIEW 7 �rF 0 ' •' ram„ i OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL 12220 80th Street Otsego, MN 55330 Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River. MN 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 33: AtG.wv Svar.3W � CVSoaO . Inc u1.MN 55101 ..xeumm 1631 xnTn3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis. MN 55430 Phone: (763) 843-0420 Fax (763)843-0421 ww.v,bkbm.com City Submittal PRELIMINARY Nwq� u. W.p."m��. a,ewtl,rx pswmaM F""a.ewp. aN�mura`u. N.amueseNmmbr+� DETAILS AND NOTES L 1.005 N NEW OTSEGO KEYED NOTES ABBREVWnONS MIDDLE SCHOOL IEY'FD NOTES NF DENOED w ® ON PUN. BY Bs,d IMAM Q INSTALL ROOK GOSRRUGION EMRMCE REFER M DEAL 1/G51IW. CB CWN Bwin COND COMn18 EEv awnOR ❑2 INSTALL PERIMETER EROSION CONTROL BEER To DEGAS 2/00.000 MD ]/OSOCO. Or E—D IN A IINUET SEDNENT PRDIQ.TON. BEFER TO DEALS 4/GBEG0, AND 5/CS HWL High Weis 1a 1 Otsego, MN 55330 uwMr waa um Maciver Avenue NE y APPROXIWE LOCATION OF TEFORMY DDONWD CONCRETE WMSH Our BIN. RE4t MN M„nMla TO WE MINN ES9rA5 NPDES/SIDS GETIDUL SONIWATER RGUAD FOR GONSTRUCIION ACTMIY Ma MORE [GOALS Z CONOUNED CONCRETE WM9IOUS ON CONCRETE DELVEY TRUCNS E M MCCEPTMLE ILTERWTVE FD ON -SE CONDOMM M. tRON11Ni N„DwN W„br Iwl WD P„IFVUeI chN t ❑5 fiIWEON BASINS) OIG WAFER DUALLY TRFTYENr PONDS) EK TO BE CONSIBUDGED --ON RCP RNDI„rce6 CenverN R �, O, 2�� Independent School N15 BEEN MI5. R6TT IOON OF GRAOING TOEFML T/C2.1XIE1 FOR fILIIfAATONSRISIN f2 District #728 SECTION AND _ 2/C2CO4 FDR F_ ON B.N , sEDnON. CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC IN FILTRATION S IS NOT ALIDWED AFTER Mimi SCALE p - w 11500 19W Ave NW AREA HAS BEEN EXCAVATED. PRIOR TO Fl STABILIZATION. LOOSEN SOIL WITH MEDHANICAL TILLER. FILTRATION ARFA(5) ARE N T Elk River, Minnesota 55330 APPROVED BORROW SITES AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FTN2 TE]IPORMtT' SEDIMENT BASIN(S) ONCE aWN(S) SUBCRADE 0"ATION APPROXIMATE OISNREED AREA IS 50.41 ACRES HAS BEEN EXCAVATED. CONTRACIOR SWILL ENSURE THAT BASIN(S) FILTRATE AT A MINIMUM RATE OF 1-INCH PER HOUR USING A PERCOLATION TEST BEFORE FINAL ACCEPTANCE. PERCOLATION TEST SHALL BE SIGNED BY A REGISTERED GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AND SUBMITTED TO THE CITY AND ENGINEER FOR REVIEW BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL. © I�VA NETMN/COT NNE GTECORY ] FEMPORMRY 5 MEN EROSION CMTTOL , , ❑j CAST IN CONC IDE WML REFER W SWUG7UO PINS MR DEFNLS. IEFEN N ARCHIDECTUHIL PLUS FOR PIING AND FNL PRQECRON. . EROSION CONTROL NOTES, 1. ALL EROSION DOMROL FACIUnES SHAL BE INSrMLED PRIOR M MY SIDE —'NO OPEDATONS. WE CRY ENGINEERING DEPARIMEM MUST BE NOIIFET UPON WNftERON OF WE INSGMIAWON OF UNE REGUBED EOSON 00— FMMTS MD PRIOR To MY GRADING OP TOH BONG CONMENCES. THE CONIRAGIOR IS RESPONSSIE TO SCHEDULE A R EE L00 RUCTION GRADING MEETNG ON-SM WHN WE tltt. F DYMGOI OR —OVED DURING CONSTRUCTION, All EROSION COMIOL FMURES SHML BE RESIDED AND IN R-E AT THE END OF — GY. 2 My EROSION CGORG. FACTURES BEENED NME55MY W THE GUY; BEFORE, DURING OR AFFFN WE LADING A rrES, SHML BE INSTALLED T WIOR 5. NOOOEVU PDlEVIA TIGS SXN1. BE RIDE FROM THE OEVAIOIS SNOM ON THE APPROVED GRIDWG NMI. WIDNOUr PRIOR MPWNN. FROM WE CML fNDNFFR. l R SEES GREATER WMN 1.0 ORE, M PEOUBED BY WE MPG PERMR REWIRENEMS, WE POLAR MPIIGM 4UGr NEEP AN EROSION CONTROL INsPEGRON LOG. INSPECION MUST BE MADE ONCE —EVEN G15 AN WIRON 24 W RS MTER EYl]lt RVN OTNr. WE PEREMON RECORD MIST BE MADE AVADABE TO WE CRY WITHIN U HOURS OF REDU— FLOWS FROM GvEREGI CHMNEIS OR RPM (TEGD OR ERNWEND SHML BE ROUTED M SEDIMDN rDN BASINS OR APPROPRUM ENEMY 6. Des—M PBOVEWT WMGMRF WSEDWENr TO 0=M uA RAL CONE RS MD TO PREFSIT ERSION AND SEIDUUMAMXN W1EM RUNOFF ROWS Rno THESE CDA _ B. SITE ADCE9 RODS BI— BE SPADED OR OTUEFNISE PROIECIED WITH SILT FENCES, DMRSIGH OHMNOS, OR DINES AND PIPES TD PREVEM SEDIMENT FROM E DrNG THE SIZE VM THE ACCESS RO.IlS SE- MGG RO1r5/pRIVEWAYS EHVL BE SURFACED WW CRUSHED ROCK WHERE THEY MUCHN E SBN6 PAVED FROM WE>. FORS TESIME, TROY . SIRE BY T WE YEHIGS OR EDNPMEM SXNL BE C1E/NED diY fRW PAVED ROIDWAY SUIFMR OR MURf iRDUENRY IF REWESIED BY Gn', TIROUDIWr WE DUWTON OF CONSIRIGION. B. DUST CONTROL MEASURES SIWL BE PERFORMED POUOOIf1 WHEN MNOMONS REONRE Mo/OR AS DIRECTED BY T CRY. B. ALL EROSION CON REEL MESURES SHML W USED AND MMNTMNED MR WE W WTON OF SGE CONSRIOnON. IF CONSWUCIIDN GPOUGGONS OR NRM EYRWS ROOMS OR INTERFERE RTN THESE EROSION CLNIROL MEWURE% THEY SHALL EE RESTORED M SERVE WIER INIEHDOI FIINCTON AT TIE END OF VCH GY OR M SOON M RED Go—ONG NEEM' ACCESS 10. NL AEE DISIIRBEO DURING GGUEnaGWN Sh- BE RESTDRES M SOON M POSSMUL MFAS WMCH WYE BEEN FINISHED GRADED OR AREAS TNT RIVE SEEN D6TURBES AHED FOR INCH GRADING OR GE BUIUWE COHSIRUMN OPOUT01NS AIE NOT ACTIVELY UNDERMAY SHAM BE SEEDED MD MULCHED M SE FORM IN WE FMEDMNC PMIGNMHS WITHIN 14 GYS A A11 SEEDED AAFAS SXN1 BE ETHER MULLED AND NC D D6C-AHORED OR COVERED W FEW GLMKES M PRDIECT SEEMS AND UIID EROSION. IEPORIR! STRAIN YUICN SHML BE --a. AND MPLIES AT A UNIFORM MTE OF NOF LE4 TMN TW TONS 1. ACRE AND NOr USE TLH BGW COVEPIGE R IF TE DRAOED MG S "oROMo 10 BE RE-D0R08E0/OEVIIDPED MTIHW SIX MONTHS, PRNOE A TEMPOIURY VECEATWE COMER CONSBRRG OF MINNFSOFA DENOMENR OF TRMSPoR 14 (YNOOT) sFED YDNRE 21-111 (DAIS), OR 21-112 (WINGER WHFAI). AT A RATE OF IM POUNDS PFR AGE C. IF GRADED AIEA WILL No' BE DEVnOPES FOR A PW00 GREATER TON SO( MOMIHS, PROVOE A SELL-POOMNFNr VEGETTHE NIFA OF SEED MIXTURE MN OOr 22-112 AT A RITE OF 40 POUNDS PER MIRE. D. GRIMING BONDS OR WE EGIMMEM SECURMS S— BE RETUNED UNRL TURF HAS GESMWEED AND SURVIVED A SG-OAY GRMMNG PERI00. E REFER TO 1MDSCAPE PIONS FOR PERNM M TURF REF@ Gh. F. —EVER OMER EROSION AND SEDI.— CONTROL PRACRGR ME IWDEOUTE —Pow- ON -SEE SEDNEIT BASINS TUT CONFORM TD THE CRI19U FOR ON-SRE DERENRDN BASINS FULL BE RWVDED. G. MUTAI. MENWUU1L MD WNIFRRS WY Nor BE USED FOR GTWILOATION W FINALES OR DRMIFGE DTCNES UNLESS THE LONLXNDPYL SLDPE 15 LESS WRM 2 PETeaNr. H. RUNOFF SHML BE PREVENTED FROM ENRRNG ML GTGTN SEWER GTGM BASINS PROVIDING WU ARE NOT NEEDED DURING CORMUCCON. WHERE STORM SERIES CATCH BASINS ARE NEGSWY FGR SIRE DRMWGE DURING WHER UGONA SET FEND OR SEDNENr PROTECTION DEVICES M OETMLED SlLL1 BE INSFMIED MD MNNTMNED MOUND ALL E—H SASH S UNTIL WE iiii ARM M WE CATCH BASIN IS RESORFD. It. GRD NG -MS PROPOSED TO BEGIN AFTER OGOBER 15 WBL REWIRE M APPRNQD PRISING SGIEDULE WE MEA of AND TUT WE GIY WILL ALLDM TD BE DBNRBED AT WE RIME OF YEAR WILL BE SEVERELY UMIIED. WE GIY WELL MS REOUIE ADGRONM FROSON DOMROL DEVISES, 1.E, TEMPORWY SEDIMENT BASINS, CORMANr SEEDING MG HIGH W1ES OF MPUGTON OF BOW SEE) MD MU11]L 12 FILTER BLOKE MD RIPWP SHALL SE INSTMIED ON THE DONN WIMN SIDES OF AEI. STORY SEINER WHETS 24 WME AFTER CONSIPIIDION M IN— AND DETMED. AIL RIPWP SWLL BE I TALED WITH A MM WTERLLL MEERW THE MNWr SPECRIGlOt6 FOR NPRAP MO FRTER W ERVL 11 ODSON CONDO. FADIURES TRIMUGR SMLL BE IHSTAILGT MNTM D 1WNED MOUND WE OF ALL PONIDS —UN OR AOYDENr M WE MA MBE GRADED UM THE TRIBRIRY MEA 10 WE PoNOS S RESTORED. 14. M MINIMIZE EROSION, AIL &I SLDPES S­BE COMEFED M11H A MN/WF SSSG GW.W TEOW ] STEROSION CONING. HAHKETS OR STAE® SOD. 5 ILCUMUUWON OF NIL 9DNENr OCCORRING W PONDS, STOR SE596. AND DIIE NES SHAL BE REMOVED PRIOR M. DURNG AND MTUI GIMPLETGH OF GRADING IGTMT¢ 1G EROSION DONIXOL ME15 MD DEVICES SWUL BE RMWvED ONLY MTBR THE MCA WS REGhED Ri- SoUUMVION OR M DEMOTED BY THE GAYr, GRADING NOTES: 1. THE CONTPADOR FULL NSn WE SIM REVIEW ALL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND n D VER1 WE E]IS'RNG —ONS FAKIR To NGDO No MONONM 0OMPI 6 rDN RILL BE GAO! MR WIXtt TUT COULD RIVE HIIi IGWDFIm BY A SITE VIER OR DDNSWUCDON DOCUTAEM IEVIEW. 2 WE BMYOROUND GFORIMGN WM P(E.PMPo BY SUNDE WIG WRVOFNG I52-m1-249. NOTE SURVEY NiIRIATION SOAW S FROM A =10 SWNEY MD A 2020 SURVEY PA'DAE GY SHOE 1.YD SUMtYG6, SURVEYS WERE CLX M AT WE RaRFBIY UNE IETMEEM RUNE vior EEGORARY SGIOD. MO WE PROPOSED DIFFER MEDIE SCXOG. CMOACON SOUL VERWY SI— WMRM" D1 SOMA 0 ACCOWE PRIOR TO START OF DGWWU MK. NO ADORIOHM COIPENSI,TKNI RILL BE ANOMIE➢ FOR ANY ISSUES THAT COULD RIVE BEEN PREVFMIEO BY PE FONEMG THE ABO£ ]. R IS THE CIXD T00.'S RESPONSE— s ASCE TIN WE IDGTON OF ALL FXSRNC WE EN THE CDWRACTOR SHAL VERRY WE IDGWON, FEEVA DI MO CORN ALL EISW F LODUES b HOURS BEFORE C CORRU GON SFIAIS. WE ENGINFEt, MD111ECr OR OA'XES DOES NOT GUMMTFE UUT ALL THE MUIIES ME MOPED, OR IF RIPPED. ARE SHOWN CORRECTLY. COMMGr CORER ONE AT 651-151-D102 MR FlFU LOGTNC ETBSIIXG UIIURES. COOMr MIM OWNER F OYNGE OCCURS DUE 10 CONSIRUCnOH 4. PROTECT AIL FASTING STRUCTURES MD UILNIES MIGH ME NOT SCHEDULED MR REMOVAL 5. NOMY CRY BUDDING INSPEGDR BEFDRE TRENCHING AND IXGVMON WON( COMMENCES WE COMPACTOR SHILL GBOUN AEL MP— PER -OS Pal. TO STMT OF CONSIRUC . S. I11 POT BR SoIONS SHORN M 100, FOR -MARE A BE UNUEREPOOD M MEM 7. A11 SPOT DEVATOIS AIDW WE CURB-UNE INDICATE THE EEVTON OF WE GUrrak UNLESS NOTED DEREGRGE S. NO LMDSCMED SLOPES ME TO E(GED 3:1 (] FEET WREOMAL TO I RIOT VFRnQMj UNLESS NOTED ORIFRMU E. S. --IS. PMKING WEAS SOUL NOT RIVE SLOPES W MY DIRECTION THAT EO:ED 2i tO. PROWOE POSnNE OMWGE FROM BUIUNS AT ALL— i1. UPON CORFlETIGU OF IRIS CORD M0 MIRY MONK. THE GOWPIDIOR SHALL G]TEY TINT ALL GIOING MD UUUY WGM WM PFRDNES IN WCONDMOE WHIN ME AERNVED CAWING MD UIUIY PERUM M M-BIKLT GRADING AND UIiUY RAN SIMLL BE PERFORMED BY A REOFFERED I/!O GMMM,Dh NRSD BY WE WNRACOR. SURVEY SOUL BE PRDOED . Chi FDAlFET. i2 PRIOR TO ISSWMCE OF BUILDING PWIGS, ALL NECESSMO' EROSION CONTROL DEVICES MUFF BE IN RAGE AND NNLTIONINO W LL INS — WE SITE TO DETERMINE M SU OURUrY FOR BU UBW MTMRES. IF WE PUBLIC UOUMS HAVE Nor BEEN @SUITED AT WE Po . O WY BE NECESSIRf M e"GUIEW BUILDING PEBIR FOR VWI015 LOTS TO ALEMY WE CONNWMnEF ADEQUATE SPICE ID PERFORM WE MOM. IM ALL DEMSS GEARED W THE PRINCES OF CUE ING AND GRDING THE STE SNML BE REMOVED FROM THE STE THIS INDWDEF TREES AND SHRUBS UNDER NO CIRCUMSTMCES SHML THIS TYPE OF WTERW. BE BURIED OR BURNED ON WE SiE 14. THE CONIDUGOR WY STRIP AND S—GE TOPSOIL MR RMNiME RE-SPRFADIW ON WE SIZE, F WPROVEO BY THE V ME-E ARCHREG MD/OR SPEOPIDDRONS SD WCXES OF 1DPSDL - AFFEB COEIPACTOH - SHML BE RE -SPREAD POOR M "'E" MD LIUUXING FXCE9 lOPS01L WY BE REMOVED FROM ME SIZE PROVIDING WERE IS MEDUIE TOh L REWNIW M PROPERLY FINISH THE SIZE M NOTED ABOVE WE IOPSGL STRIPPING, SROGID•IUNG MID RF-SPRUOIN. SHML SE DONE W ACCORONX.E TO, AND NOFED ON, WE APPROVES GRIMING PUN AND SPEGRDONS. WE OONIPKIOR SH— REFER TO THE LWpSUPE B-FINS AND SPEDRGWONS MR MY SPECIAL TOPSOIL OR RANDNO REOUIRENMIS. 13. I11 GRADING GPERMONE SHALL BE CONDUCED IN A MANNER TO MINIMM WE PJmWIM FOR SIZE EROSIDL EROMON WHIRJL MEASURES SHALL M INSTILID To REVENr SEDIUM FROM RUNNING OR OHIO ­GMRRGRMRFM. MY DUE To ADMCEM PROPERRES MUST BE CORREGIED AND RESTORED M SOON M PERMISSION IS GTAMED fA(IY WE MD rr PROPERTY GWIIER(5). IC IF CON —ON OF WE SITE WORK PRUCFEE THROUGH TIE WINTER MONTHS, MY DISTURBED MEM OURIDE WE BUDDING fD01fl4Ms ME N BE oNAMELY ErMWED MO R M LIARGI 1, M FOLLOWS MESAS PUNNED To Rah— P VEROB ME To HAVE CIASK 5 RISE INSTMIID; ALL NIEA LSIUNBED MES ARE M BE SEEDED. SMAW YUMH PLACED, AND DSO -MAJORED. 17. COINER MULLING 1>A SWe MULCHING FULL BE DETNES M MUMH WTERUL SPREAD OVER THE TOP OF SNOW SO Ii- WE MULCH MEETS W RO UW THE SNON MD SIDS To WE EKPOSED SOILS "a FROZEN 4REUN. MULCHING 5WLL GE DEWED AE MUDH WlE1NL S'RE N'FR RM02EN GROUND. WICH WIEEMS TUT DO Wr fEGU RE MSC-WCHDENG WD WE SOIL WY BE P EO ernour WoRGTOH MULCH WTFRWS TUT HEGURE DISC-ANGOMM WYBE ANCHORED WIIH MDRMNC COIL STABUZEM OR WY BE FRIDEN To WE SOUL BY WPLTNG WATER AT A M1 OF 2000 GMEDNS PER ACRE, WEIR WE MLALN M A SUBSIUMN! FOR oBC-NIDHORING. to WE oo— SHML UMR THE —RBED AREA M MUCH M PO 901E 1 GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 333 AAnnwM Smc. Suirc W12ppD SMnr Paul.MN 55101 —]J — 1 6512YA T7 3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 Fa (763) B43-0421 NYww.bkbm.com CITY SUBMITTAL .�rcegW.elEvwlem,m'�w�m eunl.m e dNuw..e BKGMN�20180 GO. Dale: Julv iT. 2M0 Dea m: WH GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.000 1 ) I __ I) �I I 'fin tr � •� /� / • ' / I IF T� - - - - 1 GRADING DRAINAGE ' AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.001 I I I I I \I � E \I �I I I � I II ABBREVIATIONS 9 SY —.1, — BW BoUpm d Wp8 CR CBIeA I. CONC CenmeSe DEV a— F% 61vV�N ffE IRO IFloc Bvwfbn IRV XIpA Water LeN Invert lh lover Floc aewlbn MR MYm mum MaY MN Ylnimum ITAL Namwl Walr lMl Plc Paylayl ml�nc. RCP ReYlamtl n nle Rq iW Tep d Wall WA. WoeAod PROPOSED PLAN SYME10L5 mNSnelr.TON OM(IS �.�.�.�•�•� 9LTADON fFNCE M Hi PBOPBDY ONE IM1W UNE � — — S—Ut UXE (APPBWL)-------- RmPDsm mxmua � piNN nlE smeu IETNNBIO WALL CATCH BASIN ■ • WNHOLE —SECOON —NPFAP PND WITHN _ION CONTROL BIAKEi (ITDIPoRMY) EROSION CdPROL aANKEf (--ERG ROfX CdbTRUCIK)N ENIRAN gWNN£ ROW ARROW �J• El£•AnON WNL SPOT IR,ue SPOT ELLVAnoN SISL B(HURs ¢ CONCRETE WA51pUr ARG N 30' 15 0 30' 60' SCALE 1e- W, 1101E SfOgl SEWER BAETS NOf 9NWN OH PLAN WY I£faVE BIWIOEF ET1DM WHSIRlICDOl1 ACINinno MRNL NET SDKYEM PROIECI1011 PEA DATNtS {/C3.000. S/CSOCO. AIO B/C3.000 Ox NL SIOIN NLEIS 1NAT YAY 1✓EG11£ HUNOPT. � ro sm cEDoo cu11BaL xans AND rJunelc KEYED NOTES 10:Ym — ARE DER01m tM ® DN PVR. QI Nor USED TF6S SNOT. 02 EbTALL — FENCE BEER TD OETAR )/C5.000 AND ]/C5.000. ]Q NSrNl MET Se— PROIECrIX BEH1F TO OETNL 4/C rI. 5/—. B/BS000. 40 NOT BSm nBS SXEPT. O RLT 11 a (S) MD WATER OUWIY TBEADIW PoND(S) ARE M BE CONSIRU—) AT THE END DE G-SNO OPDtAnORS ONCE THE neBUTNrf MEKS Pi- STMxAAnDN NAS BEER NSINlm. REFm To DETNL ]/C2.001 — RL-11 eAI 3 CFASS SECIXIX MD OETAh a/a.oD, Foa FlLTRAnw+ aAax /I uc�s SFLTIDN. CO TRAFflC IN FILTRATION AREAS) 5 NOT ALLOWED AFIT]2 AREA HAS BEEN EXCAVATED. PRIOR TO FINAL ABDfUDA lDOSE) SOIL WITH MECHVIICAL TIMER. FILTRATION ARPA(5) ARE NOT APPROVED LiORROW Sff6 AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR TELPORARf SEDIMENT BASIN 5) ONCE BABIN(S SUBGRIDE ELEVATION FUS BEEN EXCAVATED. SHALL BISIN S FILTRATE AT A MINIMUM PATE OF 1-INCH PER HDUR USING A TION TEST BEFORE FINAL ACCEPPNCE PERCOLATION TEST SNALL BE SIGNED BE A REGISTERED GEDTEDHNICAL ENGINEER AND SUBMITTED TD THE CITY AND ENGINEER FOR REVIEW BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL 08 INSINl YN/Wr 3885 GIEGOM ] TFYPoRARY 511UW FIBER FAOSBN CONnroL BlM'KET. Q NUT USED THIS SHEET. ]' WASHED^/5] SrONE OME PIPE Nor Bi— PIPE Nam: DRAII'R TR.A ROCA PACA nSTA1L nE}TR TO V.VDSCME RAIL Fqi LIBATION BASIN PI.V:IIHGS. STBUCIION SMD 25W A PSOL 15-ZSS COMPOST 2'� FILTRATION BASIN #2_DETAIL NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River. Minnesota 55330 •AND ENGINEERS 332 MnnwuSuew, Su've MZOM Seim Ped,MN 53101 woM¢wm 1651327 JJ]3 BKOWN ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 Fax: (763) 843-0421 wwwbkbm.com CITY SUBMITTAL GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.001 I I I I I I I I \\ I I 1 N ABBREVIATIONS ce BY aanN MarE eW BoNan a Well came earn CONC Canv�M FIF/ a.wuan FN,uip FTE 1119 M1 Floor am,bn NKL xqn war trel IM/ Mvxt IJE Imm Flaur aevvlbn NAK 4N -onM1ol.1a NN Minimum NWL Namwl Wales I�r,l KP Ralirf Grope° 30' 15 0 30' 60' RCP R,I, w Cenm,b Pip, rx TAP a wa1 w.o. waa,aue SCALE 1' - 30, PROPOSED PLAN SYMBOLS WNSIMICIMN MNns 9LTAlION Fl]iCE .......... 1-1UY uNE NA-1 uNE SWleuf ..E (APPI✓O1L) Pa'POSm .—UR ORNN TIRE — — — — — — — — --->--- - a— REr-1. WALL GTCH 91 ■ NN1fp1E RAIED END SECIIDN WON WPRM EROSION M£CTWMR 9INf (TFAIPoRIRt) ER051011 CIXaPoL 91NIRT (PEWNArlaff) RTO( COr61RDCn0N FNIRINfE ORNLLICE RAY ARPVN �� PETNN- WALL SPDf FIEVAWON Ilid�ti C SPor LLEVAl10N dEt--. SCIL e0RR1G a O]NCROE WASlpuf ARFA role: snag sEAER ncrs Nm slam ox E1Ax wr REL9YE RM1GF EWON mraTRucnoN AGIMDfS EhTN1 NEf SEAYFM PRDRDfIDN PEA R1N�4/CSDDD. 5/p.000. AMJ e/e3. ON NL SIIX51 x1E15 TLMr NAr RIIET£ xuxGr. fE�Em ro SHEET eeDDD na1 umsaN CCf11Ra. HDIFS ND GPADHO NOf6. K�NO� KEYED NOim ANE Dmono RY ® m RAN. 01 11— RDCK CDNS orloN ENiRNlCE R To WAR 1/GS001 Q2 NSr— SILT Ra— REFER ro DETAL 2/OS.OW —1 3/r5.D0R Q3 I -A, — SMIME R PROLELLIIXL REFER TD DEENL 4/CS000. 5/CS.D 9/G.DW. © .—As N DP ES/SOS [SNDYL 510RIR1'ATEA PERMR f[x Cd61181CRONNACIMIY fIXl YORE DETNLS SEIF .—N. GINCRE2 WASHOUR ON GINCREIE DENVNiY TRUCKS L4 AN ADDEPrne1E ALn-mumE ro DN-srtE mNrNNMENr. � Nar usm 1H1s sNET. QI INSTALL MN/DOf ]ee5 GTD�RY ] 12J@ORARY SIRAW FlFER FI SKIN LDNIRDL BLWNEf. �] Nor usm THIs SHEEP. NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Madver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NIN Elk River, Minnesota 55330 33� M nnenu Suer. Sax W20W Sam Paul.MN 35101 wdd.ewm 16512,7T 3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 Fax:(763) 843-0421 —.bkbm.—rn CITY SUBMITTAL very eauy mM ws pen. >psaewm v.mm vm iNu��vunev m,mmvwvw� anal.m Nevin A. —II r.-1 Jul, 11. 2O20 BKDMk'2meO Dale: Juiv 1T.2020 Dawn'. WH Geck NPA Kux GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.002 I /--cft r- - - - - ---- w 3 T. 9-4 77 �1 Qi 0 1 \ 3 .aw \ \ \ \ / / .,«. I / •' \ \ \ �,«\ \ \ \ \ \ ..fie\ I \ \ \ \\ 9FD BUR.DINC ' \ _5r / I „4� I PROPd— \ \ � \ \ \ � \ FF6 947.00 \ \ \ :. (ARCA. 100.00) saiii pl 5 mu 5 I \ \ \\ I \ •� ' Nu \ 4n, \ \ l 2 u r « I I _ I � ,,,, \ I i i I, , I I I.N„ .,w> \ I _ Imo' �_\• � �,.,9�� '� ;�, «., SIIIY P555.pM9 1 \I \ \ .,, , 8r3RD \ \ \_��� siRN Poi / � / •- /r� I \\ / _9' / /' � � Y'•- ��� — — \ — — � I I � — - -ATCH LINE SEE SHEET Q.006�unul+j•��—,— — „y. — — �,;!� �r 2 1 GRADING DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.00 - ABBREMITONS a. mn.n u.n ON e.n.m m w.0 ce taco man wxc ea. E1EV o.,wu. IX E4allN fFE FlnI,NM Floor a..w.n xwL xqH w.ra LM INV Inwl TE � �r Toor a.wu,n I" ux u.nn.i. uN YIN NwL ww.r i.,n Plc Pd,M,O'� Glertc ale RCP T.InromD Co Rq 1W Tep M Wdl n w.a w.,NNrt PROPOSED MAN SYMSO CONSIROCOON limns -•-•­.- 9 TARON MM --- ,. _ - - PROPERTY TINE NAICH uNE - — -- SAWPAIr uxE (APPROX) PR\,POSm mxmua -------- �e smra srvm Rrtuxwc wuL ,.—� Gli>I a1SW ■ AW4pT FLNe, oo =ON IIrrNaINIQT (iE91PoPAli() I� EROSION COMRIL DLWIRT (PFAWNENT) ROOC CpS1R11CilON a+Tw+W> OPNNME FlSYA AR✓OW —il L�iEVNAriox wuL sPor ®+ SPOT EIEMA ®-. SOL DOSING Se mNCIRIE WASHOUr ARE, N 30, 16 0 m. W. SCALE 1, - 30, NOM.Y SEW9Y IAklS XOf SNOWN OH RAH YAY IELEIVE RlR10ff molt L0161RlICROH ACIM116 HSrNE HET — RmIEPFIi RiNLS 5T/CsZ? 4/C5.000. 3/C3.000. AtD !/C5.000 ON NL StUN NIEIS THAT YAY IrF$,£ RUKFT. scEr avoo a �ro irsoL xores ,vo o+rnNc KFYFn NOTES K— NOTES ANE D— IX ® - Nor ❑1 Nor use, T SEEr. ❑2 NSf SIT flOKi R6FR TO Ol A 2/CS.000 AI 3/f3.000. Q NsrA I— Se,INENf PROTmnCtE REFER TO R 4/aSAOO. 5/M.=. !/o D [] Nm usm T s am ❑5 Nor um Ills sNei ❑I -- YN/OOi 3EB5 G11xORY 3 1F11PoRARf SRUW FlDER FFOSNIN CONTROL DUN— ❑j Ql N CONC WALL RERR 19 SIRUCIuftLL FLWs „Nt OEfAl15. IEFER To ARCHITECTIIPN. RAMS mR FIRING AND r PROOZ m NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NIN Elk River, Minnesota 55330 1� AND ENGINEERS 332 AOn n°w«S— Slit« W2000 San.Au1.MN55141 -1— 1 0129,7713 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 FF (763) 643-0421 y bkbm.com CITY SUBMITTAL GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.003 � ii.:O: •� ■■■■ ■■■■ IMMOM OWN MOMM MMono EMO ■■■■ MEMO II l 41' Ili '■ ■' mmum MEMO ■■�� - -- _- _- _- i No .- --_� i MMI i s:. I. ■ --Ile ,I . MMMM li IN MME EMO' MMME ■0 ■■_■ ME ■■ ■■WAon , ME �m ABBREVIATIONS BN Be eM1 OMoh BY, BaN.en N W.r M1 B.Wn CONC uA ELfN Dawlbn IX FW9 fiE n„I.H.d Floor D.Mbn NWL High Wales LM IMF bnwrt IiE er Floa a.wDPn MAX M hJ . f MX MN Mi01..lmum PVC N.—H Wo1r Lml PoIXA,ryI CNI.4d. PCP PWromM CPncnl. np. lW T., M W.II w.D. a.ai.ML PROPOSEp PL SYMAOIS oAi51RUCRON UMns---•-•-•-•- 9LTAnON PENCE --- PKWfR1Y TINE H--- 1E— � - - WTEN UNE SUYCIrr LINE (APRNIL)-------- PTIOPoSED ._LN NWN TYE----)--- SIIXG SEWER RETAINING WAIL —N B SW .}—rr ■ MAIRIOLE FINED ENC S—IN WITH RIPRIP EROSION CONIIIOL BLWKEr (i"PoRARG aLiNM (PEANAHENT) R1a( DONSINUCTION ENIPAIILE DRIlNA1£ iLOW AfdtON' �� RTNNIND WAIL SPOT f1EVAnOH IIA'rnC �fiaG`. SPOT ELEVADON SoL ROPING dXHCRETE WASHIOUT AREA N 30, 1a^ 0 30' 60, SCALE 1• - 30' sliowl SENEn raps Nar sxowx a PLW WY REaIVE Plaldi GADY�CIX6TPWOa1 PROTECTS. N EF1 HILT MOOD PROTECTION PEA OETNL4 4/FSGGq 5/R.00D, ANO B/R.dp ON NL SIaN NIfS 11NT WY lEl.Pl!£ NCFF. REF�EA ro sR:ET c2.DDD FaR EAGGaI CONInOL NOTis AIO fJtl➢114 HONES. KFVFO NOTE IQY D NOTES ARE DENOTED BY ® ON PLATE I]j INSTALL RNX COHSTRIICTION ENRMNOE PPSDI TO DETAIL 1/C5D00 f0 INSTALL SILT PENCE REE" TO DETAIL 2/-- AN. J/Gi000. iA] 5% IN a/C UMMMPM PROTECTION. REFEiE TO DETAIL 4/C5.000. © APPROXWATE LOCXDDN OF 1E31PORARr CONTANeI CONCRETE W OUr SIN. REFER ro THE MINNESOTNS NFTES PN- STdNWAI" F"MR Fai COHSTRUCIDN ALRV1IY fOTi MORE OETARA SOF COMNNED CONCRETE WASHOUTS ON CaiLRETE DEINEITf 1RUCN5 IS AN IDFFPTABIE AI.IEAWTNE TO ON�1E CONTNNMEM. FRIRRION aABIN(SA ANO WATER OUAUIY AE:AIMINT POtal(5) ARE TD O BE CONSIiNCIFD T 11E DID OF GRADING OPPRAAa15 ONCE THE lPIB11aR! AREA'S nNAL STAMLOARa1 HIS - INaTN3ID. REF" ro L 12/f5.002 FOR FILTRATION BASIN(5) L0.055 SECTION CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC IN RLTRATTON AREA(5) IS NOT ALLOWED AFTER AREA HAS BEEN EXCAVATED. PRIOR TO FINAL STABILIZATION. LOOSEN SOIL WITH MECHANICAL SPIES AND ARE Nor APPROVED BORROW AREARE NFLIONOT BE USED FOR TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN NICE BWN S SUBGRADE ELEVATION HAS BEEN EXGVAR SHALL ENSURE THAT BISIN(S) FILTRATE AT A MINIMUM RATE OF 1-INCH PER HOUR NG A PERCOLATION TEST BEFORE FINAL ACCEPTANCE PERCOLATION TEST SHALL BE SIGNED BY A REGtSTERED GEDTECHNIGL ENGINEER AND SUBMITTED TO THE CRY AND ENGINEER FOR REVIEW BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL. O INSTALL MN/DOT 30a5 CATEGOPt 3 ,"POINRY SRUW C)NiROL BV1MEr. I]] NOT - TH6 SHEET. '-1-1.'---1�-10' PEFEAro VNDSLIPE ID. 0.G O.G /`PUNS i0R STABILRAnON / r'"n0N -WaEs aF RLTrunon Ma GEOTEX11Lf FILTER FASINC. M111 37M TYPE 1 (TYP) UNCOMPACTEO 23-INCHES IMPORTED CUSTOM MIXED A -INCH PFIEOM DHUN nLE SUB-E. SOIL BLEND OF SOX SAND. 20X WI1N ROCK PACK SPACE 10-FEET ONCONIC COMPOST. PLACE IN 12-15' .G ACROSS fIOnON OF SASTN RAND TAMPED. SIIBMO MIX NSN SHOP DRAWING PON MPNOVAL 2 CNOCNWE 510.NE 3 WASHED AS] STONE ABOVE NOI 0.N FKH SICf OF PIPE HOT 9aDW PIPE Nam: DTtATN T L. AOCB PACB DATAIM EFEA TO UNOSCME PW1 FCR nLT H BISON PARINGS. pL F N NSiPUC110N SAND5aPsaL is-iXsX coMPasr / 2 \ FlLTRATION BASIN #1 DETAIL NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193Td Ave NVV Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOL) ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332 Mn.wo,a Svea. SWu W2OOD SMm1SW.MN 55101 w.Na.mm 1 6512277T13 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr.. SuRe 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 FF (763)843-0421 W bkbrnD CITY SUBMITTAL ��LTLIi z_ GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.004 iTl 1 II •� x S I I¢¢ I I I I I I� I / I I / I FT. MATCH LINE SEE EET C2. _— __0 ' •Da / / '•e/ waif' / / ew / / aaa/ ,/ / NI ��_ ./ I III L � / � i / •, /g�' �`u / � ..., / // ; 1 �� «.f Mo unurr EAswwT = o, a rr oaAWACE _ / • \\ ' \ .as MU ADLITY Gb£YENT / 1 0 L y sB" •.m,M I , .,,..n �..,,I ...<e I .,«.. .«.w laze .,aiv I .aw Nxf IvMo .vaq r /'_" GC9ENe .Ws, 1 \ .swv ,w, I «•>A .v F v.v _ � � / I II I I Ik — I II I I I I I - 4 9 ° E. I ,w, / I , •, � aENQI 1i ' � I � -.,eel ..�{ .,A, I .W,a i .,«. .,«.I .,we i.,.,< .,.,> II .„{. ,.,, I\ ., N.. �,w., � ,�. ••a., , ..... / � P syI��Q� _ I wl 1 GRADING DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 2.00 ABBREVIATIONS eu e.nee u<h Ea Boawn of Wv9 a cm<n e<an WNC � na.He EIEY ,wUm IX Eui iN fFE nnlvMtl Floor Dewibn HWL Hi9n Wolr I...I INV InrwE � u am m«r Dewtbn AVX ux u,nl�<I. YW YlNmum NWL Numd Wolr Lml PVC P<I)Nnyl GYna. aCP T.,.1W ConweEe Flp• 1W Tap W<II WA. W<a,<ut PROPOCFn PI eY �+,BO e CDNbfRUCIIWi DNnS siLTO N MM —.�.—.�.�.� �< PMPBIIY TINE WICH TINE -• — —•• �• PPDPOSFD CONnIuR pWN TIE ---�� --_�__— SIDRII se— —AN- WALL Glgl [N9W ■. NNIHaIE FlMFDW w sECIIDN nARr) F--] aiWl¢ OrilPoOi EmsIDN CONIIML BLWNEf (PEAWWFNf) FIX9( CDtE'IRUCIpN EXIIWME OPAIIY E nDW NEtOW 6�£'ATON WALL SPOr Ip���i W[SiJD`. SPof FIEVADDN ®-. AIL BaRINe a mNCReiE wASxour A)L, 30' 16 0 W. W, SCALE r 30' XOIE STlN41 SEWFA HlEls MOf SHo'MI M PLW WY IELF]VE RUNDEF FliD,I IXIf4rt111CRaN N:fMn6 MSrALL HEf SIDIIQIf PWDECnotl PEp 9ETNI5 4/CSA90. b/tl.090. AtU b/c5.004 a ALL Sn=N NIER 1HAT NAY REIa,E aUNEFT. 10 SNEEt G2990 — EA69tN Igf6 NU CP.aDEIe N016. 1 KEYED NOTES —ED NE16 ME EENfRED er ® M PLW. Qt Nor USE) i Er SHEET. Q NSTALL .1 fIIiCE REFEa TO aETNL 3/G5.009 N41 b/c5.00b. ]Q 96rALL WLLl sEDINEM PRDIECIIbN. ae'EA To DEENL {/Cb.— 5/—. 6/C5.— Q Nor — Is SHFET. bQ Nor Usm iHls SHF£f. De Nor use, -s sHEET. a , FZ] for NS SHE. NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS IN M.—Sven.Swa— San,W,h 55)UI — 1 151-2 3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 F�{:(783)843-D421 .okom.com CITY SUBMITTAL GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.005 ' , R N NEW OTSEGO A66REMATIONS MIDDLE SCHOOL ,I/ /x` CFI Ca1nx amin /° I \� '/1 .vnx -9♦T/ ^,♦u♦ %��'� M���y��� `/ , � I I �d.v F3EV aw,tbv \ \ _\_•"'__ - --_ _ _ / _ _ /_ _ _ _ _ �� •,» Pests nx n.�a rwo. o,wwn Otse o, MN 55330 MFeTGH LINE S'� a _003 i %� / \ _ _ _ _ _ Mac 9er Avenue NE Ed^`'I' .•.."�r� _ _..... _ _ _ ,_,� 111} w, /� Inn- x4n iv /7j INV >m \ \ / 7"' >�.s,.�- I ' �I •�° xwL xmmd wel.. lMI j\ _ `` / L �.«,a°" / /✓", •«d «,.\ 1 I «, /», \ / / /' ����,,,,,/,,,' •• •"'�•«•- ~ / I .wat v'a / ,S° ° •v». \ I / lr PTnP efWallM 00 30' so' Independent School NIOxIg District #728 —ny_• \-,w SCALE 1 30• 115DO 193rd Ave NW r- 13.»e /� -�" a / I \ ` a., / 11 j° �� `F"wbx o Elk River, Minnesota 55330 T ✓' � w>, i / �' I ' ° � I I "-- —.�s� k � I,a,° W I_,m i al � q.,, eaovosFn PI eN sn.:aolc sorrel morn raps xm slwm a Pwl � — w� ' % � � � /���'��Y L-{ � - � ✓ .wn� 141 �� � e♦p"rt � �,».a— \ \ & � � � I I ��, NOIE. I ' �. � jr♦ — � _ � i i _ i _ — - - - - _ _ wr RPLETE RLNOIF PA(NI ommucna[ _ y»r/•sa,•.f'1'....r....-91)�,,/o // ,♦Y '9N' /-fie /«¢I' `M\ \ \ \ I I I I • - I m /41MR6 NSTNL NfT 4GYEM I(\�I♦a WNSRBCRGN UMnS ppplEClpN FFR pEfNLS 4/C5.000. /,,,-,,..•" /•,w: , / \o" : �. s/o.aoo. AMY Imo,£ a/cs.000 na ox Au sN .�ii, °.° �'� /✓ �/ / °°L0 ' ,•/Ax —_ / — _ \ \ i�..s_°•±° = I v, 9LT"TON RICE N1E15 1x"T IMRUHOFi. MAMH nr ENE v� j/ ,....r i .,♦�. I ° ,,,u�l swcur u NE N—) ------ — • \ » —N n £ ___ 4 9 ro 9f£f CLaO R R EAG4R .ewAm B ON-1;" IdI L I i / / I .v»t •„a, ., v»a. \ \. , \ \ „y 1 ' \ \�,♦\♦q�y��� I �/�/301�y,�I '� i / / // •9 I I I 1 III m =11 WIN ■ � To BESN[MH.PROPIXIY E UNLESS OIHERW6£ / — — -a♦s� \ ' \ \�I "°a\ \ \\,♦fix` �,,; °•�°''° �" 9 / /• I • I I aQi,♦�ina (nwPoRw* WOLD ARCHITECTS / /o . \ \ •„a \ \\• `' ` ,'.. ' �,.rr — 1 ' I III 9INKET (PmMANEN0 AND ENGINEERS / .vY° . «a °'°' P�°169 \ « •Ca.l ` \ 1 �\ 1u,/ ��_ '= 2 .vu, II xst ,I I O I dWNAGE fIRW /MOW �)` 331M nevna Soem, Sdm W2000 // a. GeE P� . I ' \\ \ ���\�9,A. ' '\ 1 I i •III J Sum PuJ.MC155101 _ �• • ELEVATON Il4Ltl0 /� „w ° ®' w des / °»° a° , , \ w ��� •} v µ��i ,ya �.' ^ ` «„ \�I • \ II iI v SOIL kIORIN60N ®-r vaMaemm 1 651 XoM3 ® I ° u •v»A p xYtAt,1xO , PLAY vu,r J,♦a PGE 'W �\,a _4iaa�wrF a /.«,., G» • \ ,� 41 I ..», •,». • \N,I,wous °LL , :sk/ waoo GwPs °cE °» , —c . ' �e \ Y .»., •� , \ 'c" \ \ III x ., / , ° — � � � °� M I N US _ �p"♦AL ••0141� , ! Z 1 s \ rOOMLY \ /LLv�ii f 1.�Pd�•Jd1T'�Ey,ft ♦u .v , » °».e °.°S.1'l �I 1 .v \Ix «,p\�\•1,�•T�� \ 'III \ - III BKBM ENGINEERS UM♦- I I 1i R„ IrK„ ° °�'v»i / «v.♦ v♦va •v», M ♦c,` \\ \� .«i.l 1 \ \yy� \\ I I II 9 KEYED NOTES O _ I ' tow • ° / a, ., Y , N O U S •,»e A •,♦u \♦,° •°♦°' '« ° '!».I Nv /F' s„1 I I IRtEo xa1F5 ME Odmm 0Y ® d1 R)JI. 6120 F�fle Brown Dr.. Suite 700 ' » / a vµ, s I 1 u ars Y \ Sa77ii..q Minneapolis, MN 5534D ;oN •1 { e_ .� / �v n •wa, \ v \ �;w> I I I 1 NOT usm THIS 91P£E Phone: (763) 643-D420 •.1 ul•i , .� I \.,u. • \ \ \ ' f \ I I III ° O ING— sLT fII+¢. Re- ro 31— 4/LSODO Nor 3/aAOO. Fax: (763) 643-0421 / ,♦ „,ey ,� (,.�'L ` / /"-"x.�\«a, =u♦ �p.o m ..»., \\ ° wd= .w\ \ »., ,»a ° \\ \ \ I 1 • I..w ••♦e, wa O )bNOTAUs N- 4nIYENf PRORLnIXL REfEA TODEENL 1/CS.000. s/n.a00. a/CS.OW. wwrV.bkbm.eom uS °qxa.: Le l° ..xix ♦ xor usm THE sHlxr. .,� / ❑s NOT Usm THIS SHE£f. r! ., w B1°�/ », d" ' \.\. w, :yA, .we \� •° , \ \ .,a: ««,.,\\ • III I III Dr Nor usm TWs sxEn. ° n «a9,•• yy, \ ,j .«,♦ a, I,�° �T NOT U4n lxIs sK— .,� �.°� �.\ �a, \ I I IyyI I iiyTl, I Nsl « Wv e / / L l»• ,»eO>px 41P C x 9°°,• -�T. \ N. FT'IXINNAGE I .x♦I., iI7'•♦I I I„'� N+OURUTY.—ENT I Ir 1,x ..a: wop or• m�• rTad nealsaw° sr m 4 ' 1\UW worA � / \ 1 ...ax �14� � » v� e I / I �5 x i P«al .v♦.3 .«., �� vxio / / ICIXxIXiETE '� '••a° = I«' / ,ai CITY SUBMITTAL awGY/1rtTA[/2A55 BM(dM6 \\ ��», p1t"5 cc I I I ]j«.a II «yl .awl,♦s, • PRAIRIE xkil'QdENTARY ANO YIOLEE SO'IOLY // ,,,E1 WI ®',.' I )TM 90nl ST AE / 1E• I Inerm/»my NNNlsp». m.dn�•,m •,.,,ewll.m Kevin A. eex�l ,� , CONOT �,C • // G w�: 6Y108 JuIY 1r, mEO UETE °»,a.♦• P µ. ° t •!„a .x CON 1 v, ,veto " \;m� RIlk— '= �, .//i////ice,. /%ii��` �.♦a °le "I LNG. DRAINAGE. AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN aKaMx.:N„R 3u Duk: Julv 11. =O)O Dawn: w LTeck NPA NrN GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.006 1 UTILITY PLAN C3.000 N NEW OTSEGO ABBREVITIONS MIDDLE SCHOOL SIRUCNRE STBLTIRE OBId90N HEENM CASnNG EIEVATI(N INVERT aEVATON(5) RPE IENGIH, OWIEIfA, SLOPE !NEAT UP51AFlM SMUCNRE BY Bnpe YRrN CB CW"M1 B"Mn ID (INCHES) IYfE OONC CUM eN AT11t /1 IX YH R-173] HE - B23,S0 190 lF. K S PVC IN 1.ID5; Wi J. ON Ouctll. Imn Rpe fl£V Bmvtlm sw - _55 Otsego, MN 55330 ssYR 02 Rtl' uH R-1733 w1.ro NE - uoe g5 250 Lfi OF S PVC w 1. SSMI p rFE FlNRM1W fbor a-- NDPE HIBM1 aR.ny PbIOWM71.". Madver Avenue NE SSME to AB' NH R-173] 93r.Y0 SW - LTFH NE - RJ1.Y 140 V. OF f PVC O 1.651 SSWR N PN Imart CIA% NRtlmum SSMA H b" LOI R-1733 9RL00 SW-B320 E - 93AM N - 93A21 232 V. 6 S PVG w 1.O5TE SSRX IP 23W V. DF 6' PVO . 1.ID5; SSWiE WS 4H YmxoM MINYnimum PVC PcyAml fSbWSR R.INmcW CmmR1. RpeIndependent School RCP RD "°" °dn 1w 50 0 1001zoo SSMt M HB' MII R-171i 9A4TB - 93Ba9 E - BT.OR --- 79 LF. OF B' PVC w 1.3&%, SSNw fS District #728 SCALE 11 - 100e 115DO 193rd Ave NIN SSYM p Sml "ry �.k. NA w - l0619 --- Elk River, Minnesota 55330 SSM p 4B" MH R-171T 9MLm W' 93114 N BM.T{ --- b V. OF 8• PVC w 1.15; SSWR /B IITj NOTE FOR WORK IN PUBLIC RIGETT-OF-WAY: SmllRry 1. FODUOIV NL ClIY OF OTSEGO STMeAAioS Me SSNI ma CanRa.Um NA s - 91)30 --__ SPEETitGlANS. 2. PRIOR TO OONSIRUCOON, OONIIVOIORS ME to COOIAIHME ML NORK WITHIN RIGNT-OF-WAY AND OBtID! ALL Al'PIACIHE PWIITS. ImLITY NOTES: 1. COORDIMtE BERMCE CONNECT ON UOo TONS AT THE WILOINO WITH 1NE YEiIVNICIl OONT tOB RRIOR to OONSniUCiION. Me ADDITIONAL CON -ON - BE MIDWID ml O1' Pl eu µecTFa KFYFn NOTES KETEO ,,_ NE DE"OIEO 9Y ® ON— fpt NICIXIRe- WDIS O WSTM1 B-INCM BY W-NOT TEE. FoODA' ALL CITY OF 01ssno STMOMiOS ANO sPEC9M OS 2. 000ReNA1E UOUIY INSLWATCN WON STR C PMOR 10 SPAT OF OOISMUCOON. UnIIOER SHML HOT RE elTMEID WORN THE IDN1 OF INRUENCE OF MY STWACNRAL EUENEOS. NO ADYOOILAL COMPENSATION WILL BE PROMOm FOR UNWOROINTFD W 2 WSfN1 ME HYORMT MID BIOS VALVE P9ITDW - Sitt OF 01SESO STMDVEDS Me SPEC91 TONS. RSPFR t0 OETML 14/f5A00. ]. ALL SEWER Bev. OONNETT- With LESS THEN 5 FEET OF LOVBE WEIt TXE roP OF PIK BE NBUIUMED, I ON SIN- BE INS-M FROM tHE N5 F STALL WINCH HS-OmREE BEND WIM TRUST BIDLKHG, muAR M1 OnY OF OTSESO O WOLD ARCHITECTS TO THE POINT WHI THEBEN ATFMNS FEET OFNEenON THE SEIMCE AT THE BUILOIW S NMIAY AND sPoo-OM . REFER To DEEARB 1/GS003, 2/f3.0O1, M1ID 3/G5.003. AND ENGINEERS PRIOR 10 INSIW1TIXi � INSU-IATIW- PBEM_IOM Fl(Ou ARCHIIELT OR EAYRNFER ©TALL WINCH BY hPKH TEE. fOUDM M1 CITY OF OSFTU STMOMES ME EOP-OtS 332 MNnn"M S,mn, SN,e W2UW {. PROTECT AW EK6RNG SMUeFURFS Me UTIIAIIES WHICH ME Net SCNEOULED ro BE _ REFER HNCH W13/ V VE muar ALL CnY OF 014Ih SrMDM✓OS MD SPEOP1G1tONS � REFER le DETAE 13/G5.000. Silm OWN, NOS 55101 S. ALL SEWER MD WA1FR CROSSN. SOUL INVE A MINIMUM VERIICM sfPARATON OF 15 iF1T TOIAROOMM sEPM ' OF 10 FEET. FOLLOW Nl HEALTH OFPMtMFM MO dIY OF OTSEOO MD WTSCNT OOUNtt SNNDMOY. ❑j WSrM1 HNCH 13-DECREE BEND WIIX THRlSr BID IONC. iONDM ML CnY OF OTSEGO STM6VA5 IND SPECIRCATONS. REFER To DOTAGE 1/CSDW, 2/C5.003, Me 3/C5D03. xoldee mm i 65122)7T13 L ALL WATER MANS SEWL BE DUCAL£ IRON PIPE 0,es 52. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ). ML WRIER MAN SENLL HAVE A MINWUY DEF1N OF COVER OF 75 FEET OVER MP OF O STUB HNCH OOUSSnC WA SER- To WTiHN SFT T OF PROPOSED SUBUDING MUU,t ALL LOY OF OTSEm ST -. MD SPEIS_oNS OUTER WIN. O IN- 5-IMe. WEDGE VALVE FO- ALL CITY OF 0154£O SrM0V5LS me SPfO.-S. e. PROWDf THRUST 1-11 ON ALL WTEA MNN PER LILY OF OTSEiA. PROWOE L REFER TO DES13/OSA00. Mm - J R6TI - ON ALL BENDS, VMVEL TEES, PWGS AND HYDMNt LEADS. INSrMl BENCH KS-DESREY BEND WnH THRUST BWOONG. fOIIDN ALL CIIT OF 01SEOO O 9. SMOMY SEWER PIPING e- BE SDR >5 PkO UNLESS NOTED OMFRMSE SrMIDMAs Me SPEe.Fl NS. BFFER TD DTMS 1/LS.W3, 2/05.003, AND 3/M.003. 10. STORM SEWER RPINO SHAW BE !ENFORCEOONCIETE Pd'E (REP). UNLESS VOTED tO 6 11 DOWSOC W TER SERJILE To W'IIHIN S- OF PRORKm BUILDING FOLLOW' OTHER M112-WCH THROUGH 10-NCH RCP SIORI SEWER PPE SHALL BE C- S. RCP RPE Uv OER TIAN 10-INGN SIN L SE CUSS 3 UNIF55 NOTED OTHERWISE ALL BEZo SEWER RPE TNT IS E CIEHDED TO TIE BULMNG FOR ROOF DRM! SERALES SI M �B CITY OF OISEGO STMOMUS Me SPEOPIGTOM 11 INSOIL SIN CH BY B-WCH tEE Muloa I1L UIY OF OISEOD St NDMOS AND SF__ BE scxEWIE M PVG 11. MN -ED M101 AS E 12 INR� ro ONCCHSEERME E FOLLOW ALL CnY OF OTYfO STMOUAS AND SPECIF-S ECIANS SHEND NAKp4FDwl[OU£ fIBdC RWNP PER % OETNIID. 12 OONIRECI016 sHN1 COORdNME Nl WOtM WOX GAS, BECIRC. IElE Ox MID 13 OONHEOT TH' RLP ro nOSnNG NMeAtE liX1Ur SENT. /ROUND OPDJIXG. BKBM 1F1�1ONE OOMPMIES - TO SLANT OF COMSIRUL 13. WHDE PR3MSED GMOE OVER EMSONC SMU1 VIRATES a PROPOSED TO BE UONERm, 11 STUB B-MCH F E PROTmnON UNE TO -LAIN B-FEET OF PROMBED BUIL➢ING FOLlD1Y ML - OF OTsmO STMOMDS Me SPEOFRX/ ENGINEERS OONOULTOE SOUL. CWROR . WITH UnNIY OTHER _ THE IDWQdNO OF THE E45TTNC IInIM M PRMOE THE MIYMUM COMER REWIRED AT Me M-0D COST to THE OWWIL 1S BOFr a� CH 22}OESEE BEND W H THRUST BmCKJIG FOLLOW ML CnY OF MSSG STMDURES Me SKoFR BONS. REFER TO DIMS 1/CSAA3. 2/..= Me 3/ 5.061 6120 Earle Brown Suite 700 14. ALL PORIgNS OF THE SISN SEWEH SYSSIN ACCO WIE 1DMRT DF THE BUILDING N9 BREEER 1. 2/05001 µee ITY OF a 55340 M7nneapD 5, 53 I VI CODE YEE BE 7ESTEO IN ALOORDMLE YIITH MN PW OR OUTFIT SMe SWTOTMDMDD.SSµD SPEOFRG ro DEEMS I/O / 84 Phone: (763) 843-0420 OOXNFDII ONS STO AS 1 15. V.IL JOINS C o M STORM SEWER SYSIF31 SE D SI ENT RUBBERr OR MN PWNBINC COOC MPPOVID RESLLNt RU 1] INSTLLL 18-INCH BT B-INCH RE FOLLOW ML CITY OF OTSFLU sIMOYSY MD SPECIFlCATIX6 Fax: 763 843-0421 ( ) OUTER TGNT W IDCORDWCE E N CE MUST BE USED ro MME WATES TMHt CONNECTIONS ro CTCH BMINj O WSTML ib-INCH BUnF1U1Y VM.VE fIXl1M' ALL CM OF OISGFO STMAI¢IDS MO wWNv.bkbm.com S ME AN, MO OMES SSUCNRS4 pE9UENT ME ESTOP ED N1 RING ATE S .eLLFPPm c MR, O CEMENT MO MIIrTS ARE PE FOR REPMIS Me sPECIFlC R61BE ro 9/CS.W3. CONMEATNE. -ONLY . WTI" SUCH MINTS OONNM-R OF IXSIWC 0N6 OONSOSLT NCNS. 1QE IN5o1116-INCH PWC. fTKIEMI ML diY OF OISCm stMDYSS MD SPECIFlGIIIXS LuoV O 11 THE BMXCROUNe UNE: -WAS F1EPMm BY 9B V SURLYING Ez-MI-2MS. NOTE S SUN IXFAWMION SHOWN S fPW A m10 MBNEI MD A 2020 SElLN PROMOE M SUME INTO SIRLlO16 SUMEYS WERE LWBm AT TE O IdNTON OF PRO Me SMRMY SEINES SEANCE REFER RT SANOIItP SEWEIE TMLE FOR INVFIT FLEVAE-r MD PIPE SRES SLAB ro WRHIN 5-:FT OF PROPOSED BUIWIHG Y UIE BO N O O TIE "N Is OTSEOJ REMWE YEW BFOESUR SHOW" Is ACOUROD COg6NTE FAILLE OSU MO INERT FIEVTAN WTI" IiLINHCII IKMHICTM PIWFIt ro TE OF, OOFSIRU4 nM INFOOL YOIXf SCHOOL. QTUMeGTOR . VWFr SURLY IXmRIATON mteS, STMf 6 NNSIPULTIe NO AOdUlOIY1 CPER5elKK1 WILL ff PROMOFD FOR TON OP PROPOSED HOOF DRVN OEM. REFER RI STORMAN SEWER TMIE FOR IM9it OX ROOF a Mr ®6 THAT COULD MAVE �1 REYTNIFD B! PEHUMINC 1K Aeth£ 11 EU ❑ E>flATd6 N41 PIPE SOR. R m- FFACT BIAMIO! AND E04Rr F1F'A11M WITH rEONhnu. wIrTRACTm PROM ro TE srMr of celn RucIIDx. 23 INSTMI SUMP CTO1 BMIN WITH SNOUT, QAMgpOD. OR MPROVED - REFER TO D- 1S/CS.00t. 23CORE DROLL FASTING UFr-SNBON MWHOIE MIR PROPOSED PIPE CpMECTpN. REFER TO SMOMO SEWER TMIE MR INVERT ELEVATORS MID PIPE SLOES NEON RUBBER BOOT SEAL AT OPENING MUON ALL CITY OF OTSMO TANDVEDS Me SPEOIFlGTp6. NQ CONNECT DRAIN ME OF R-FON SMN ro WNHOIE AT NVERT ELEVATON Be- ® INSrI11 PERMEIER ORNN TLE ROPER TO DETML 13/CSDOL PRWIDE SWe RPE MO WA1FR 1NRIr WNN-0NS ro 10-FELT OF EIIHFIt SIDE OF AIL OUTER CR059Xes PER M RUMBINC I?] WSTML WFlUMTW OWN DRUM IIIE REFR TD OETAl15 2/Czm1 LAID 2/C20W. 2T0 WSTAEL DRAW TIE AT IOW PoWT 0 T I-Na. REFER M DETNL 10/05.001. CONSM:fOR 9S 0 1 72-INC SHNI. IMH MMNDUE IN UNE W N IX6TINC -INCH ROP RPE MREOTDWTE PlVFltt OF DOS11NG PIPE a 95133. PRIOR M NETMOION OF MM4pLE. LONIRAOTOIt SHML .- CNL ENOI - - -INVERT EAEVTpN. FOLLOW ML COY OF OTSEGO STM- Me .PmFl- O Pe10vE lII-NCH -1 MD CO - TO EKBIINC 1B-INCH WTEII WN. FOLLOW M1 CITY OF arscm srA2owcs Me SPEDIFT _ REAVVE T MMOWOS MO Oe o nhSIWG s-- WMER WAN. M- ALL CITY OF INST IS -INCH -DEGREE BEND WITH THRUST SDCYNG. fWLAV ML CRY OF OTSEGO W A CITY °WSTML...RLLFROSTPI1Ot o.TBroOP SUBMITTAL Q IN- TRENW OWM REFER ro DfTML 10/LEDGE. Q WSTM1 OVER- ROOF OCNN PIA ® CORE ORLL FASTING - BISON -I- FOR PROPoBm P. _ECRDN. REFER To STORM SENEIt TMLE FOR INVERT EUVOTIONS Me PIPE s S GROUT SEAL MOUND OPEEWG MU,V ML COY OF - StMOMDs Me SPECIFIOAT ® RBN- IXISfNG CASTING FOR PROPOSED OURE REN- AN REAHIOEMEM OONMAOTpE S" Pgnoet EASnHG WATERY/JN T ALL TWFS DU N,G I StAU ttON OF O SWRMt SEWER AT NO AOOIn011e1 COST ro OWNER InwaymaMupgHpen. mepbeWnv,mar.m eap ume an.,evm mee ml>nWVm meuellem Q OOMRMIOR SOUL. MIN- RRPM AND RESTORE M ORK:INM OONDIIIONS u,e..uel..epge Raep Mx R TO"i REFER TD eTM 15/Cf.001. fi%lDN NL COY OIS4LV O StMOVAS AND SP6 OF UTILITY PLAN C3.000 1 UTILITY PLAN C3.00 N NEW OTSEGO ABseeAauobs MIDDLE SCHOOL I eY Bend Moh CO CNd basin .11 Cananle I DIP OuceY kan Flp. aF' aewan FIXTa E�uan.a naa, ae.aean Otsego, MN 55330 HDPE MIN O-Wtr Pelt'.". Maciver Avenue NE IN/ 1-1 uAx u�Inam NH NonMN uw Inalm�m P.c Pob"^r cName DP DenaM. Pae 30, 16 0 30, �, Independent School District #728 SCALE 1• - 30' 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River Minnesota 55330 PROPOSED PLPN SYMBOLS CONSIRUCipN UNIR-.-.�.�.-.- PROPERIY- SAWCUf YAroX IBIS - � � - 5'INRMr WA1FA PIPE � I DRNN TR£------- SmRY Ms NIDPANT uEANour OATOH EDSIN ■ -OM il/RED END SECRDN W H WPRM SEYIFR IM9lf aEVA IXl wP-DA� IffILOY NOl'6 FOR WORK IN PUBl1C RIGHT-OF-WAY: 1. muaw Ill CITY OF OTSFLO STWiDNAS INO aEOM—' 2 ..R TO OOHSIRUCIION, mNRUpIORS - m COONMNATE ALL WOPI — Wa F-WAY IND OafNN ALL APPUCURE PEIWnS 1 N� PEFER ro slaer caaw FOR anon NOIEs. NEYEO NOTES — NOIFB IRE OF - ar 10 NOT USm TWS afar, ® NOT -D THIS SHEET. ❑� xm usm Txs sHE1a. Di NOf usm THIS a- ❑e uor usm TXIs sxEEr. ❑e rlor usm ras aEEr. p Nor USm 1H65 SHEEP. e❑ NOT USED THS SHEET. ❑e Nor ism nos a- 10 NOT USm THIS aE1S. it NOT MED THIS 12 NOT USED THIS amY. 1J DO— 2{' RCP TO COSONO -OM OROUT SELL MNUNO OF— " xm usm THIS sHEI:T. fs NR IAm THIS mmf. 1e xrn usm me sXEm. IT N. IAm TIES aE1:T. le Nor usm TILLS aEEr. Q Nor Ism rills mam, I?] NOT - Me amr. xl NOT USED THIS SHEET. ® xm IB1m Tins ..- Im.1 Nm IAm THIS .- w NOT USED TITS SH- ® Nm 115m TIES amr. ® — NFILDNTpN a- gtNN TDE PFFIIt TO OmN15 2/C2001 WIO 2/C20OA Q NOT ISED THIS a- []ID NOT USTD THIS SHEm. I] NOT IAm 1Ws aEEl. xor Ism - sxm. Jl Nor USED THIS SHEET. ® Nm Ism - .- Nor Ism we SHaT. Q N. USED - a- ®. Nm Ism THIs amn ® NOT uma THIS SHEm. p xor usm THIS amY. ® Nm usm Txls amT. li] wsfALL DRVN TR£ CIFMI OIIT. RFTFA TO O-L 15/C5.o01. FUU.Oa ALL ORY OF OISE00 STINDIJiaS m. SPmIE1G .. WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 3N tAnnemm s-'. S- W2000 Siln, PwLMN SJIDI wdYecmm 16J122)T3 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone:(763) 843-0420 Fax: (763) 843-0421 www.bkbM.Corn CITY SUBMITTAL SIORN SEV.FR TABLE Lek SON�IURE SIRUCNPE pumaW (wwFR) NFFNAH CASRNO TYPE F12VATXM REIEVA ON(S) PIE£ La1CM, DIAMETER, SmPE ! HIXT UPSOIFAN SIRUCNIE NPA 51101 /B00 IX IX BXT[I E —90 N � B20.W W : MOO s � •JI.JO --- a LF. OF 2{' RCP O ae2; SIRN /e01 S'NOI fen 4r NH NAAU ea-s7 9]650 N ::31.Ts a � a100 19 LF. 6 {' PVC O OEO>L DRAM WIE --mSINK /!00 24 FES NA SE IJf.00 IJe LF. OF i; RCP • Z-( sne, (!01 saw Few 1Y PFS NA E - IJA00 2T0 LF. OF tY RCP • 1.sOX STU rWl UTILITY PLAN C3.001 M.- 1 UTILITY PLAN 3.00 eeesmeuor(s nq BY BnN YR k CB C•Id Ealn DIP D- 1 DIP Du tIN mn Rp• Fl£' aeratlm IX ErWnp RE nN•M1M Fkur '.w HDPE NfpM1 DemHy PolyUB1ene MH M• M1eI pCY Mar[ NCO YH • YIN NlnMum Prt PoMvryl G RD Ranr Ovl Canmb Rq PROPOSED PLAN SYMBOLS CONSREULTON UMIIs �•-•-•-•-•- PRO4RIY UNE SM— UNE (MI—)-------- MATCX UNE ... .... SMRN[f SEWFR � Daux nuE —__ srORx �.. __— clEMom GTCII S�9N ■ WNHDLE F1Mm QD Sln1O1 WRH RY'fNP N 30' 16 0 M. W, SCALE T - 30, 11r1LnY NOTE FOR WORK IN PUSUC RIGHT-OF-WAY: 1. EOUDN HL CDY Df o19•:L9 SrMDVV05 AND SPfnFlGTMINS. i PRgR 1D COHSINUCIbN, CONiP/CIORS ARE To OEUN -OF-WAY HATE ALL WJRN —IN Wa AND WFNN ALL APPUCAfiE PFIOIR0. NDIL IETIIE TO SWET Q000 iDR MIIfY N016. KEYED NOTES —ED Nm ME DENORD BY ® ON PUIL 01 NDE Usm T wm. ID Nm usm lips s1EEf. Q! NOT Usm T115 SHEET. QA Nm usm nll5 sREr. �s Nor usm — s1EET. Qo Nm usm 1HI5 91FEf. ❑� Nm usm THIS sREr. na Nor usm THIS 51EEr. OB xm USED THIS sN Er. IB Nor USED THIS SHEEP. II Nor usm THIS SREf. H Nm USED THIS s—. 1! Nm USED THIS slEEr. N Nm USED IRIS eNDO% 15 NOT Use) TMS spar. to NOT Usm — sIEET. IT NOT Usm DIIS SHEET. 11 Nor Usm THIS slEEr. Q NOT USED TNIS SHEET. AQ Nm usm — .— NOT USD We WEEL ® RHSMLL SINP C of EMN WPM SNOm, ENARg100D. OR APPROVED FLUN_ R6W TO OML I!/QDO1. Q9 N. Usm — SHEET. Q NOT usm TWS 91F£f. M. Hm usm Ills SHEEP. ® Nm usm nos SHEET. QD DSrNL DUN MIE AT uM POINT GTCH BASINS RERER M DETAIL 10/M.W1. Q NOT USED THIS SOLI. ® NOT USED TMs sHan% Q Nor usm we sREr. !I Nm USED TH6 9EEr. ® NOT USED THIS Q NOT USED nos SHEET. Q NOT Usm Wa SHEET. !q CORE DIBM MVN4 GTCH BASN WNHOE FOt PROPDSED RPE CONNECIpN. flfFElt To SIORN sENER TAa1E MR INIWr EILYATpNS AND PPE ST M GROW S-- AROUND OPBNOI0. mUIIN ALL CITY OF OISECO sTMDWDS AND sPEC.--. ® REINRUL IXISIp1D G5RN0 FOR PROPOSm Was RENO✓AL AND IEPLY. HEM. QP NOT USED MS SHEET. Q NOT USED 1M5 MEEL Q Nm Usm TMs SEEP. SIGN Q:AR TABIE SiRIICNAE 51RUCNRE DN —. (INO e, NAM NB TYPE EILYAROI EIEVATION(s) RPE IfNORI, DIAIEIER, — R N— UPSIREW sn'u RE —m PN b'MSUNP R-!DB) BHS]4 . Ns B35A1 300 LF. OF N' NOR O —K — F. SRN /B01 b'MHINP R-]DBl B12pp W 030.05 SIR4 FROD IX IX ppypp N p%.M E BlB.m -- o= SRN Own SRN % M W YH R-4515 1H24b N BOR.HB E Bl0.K !St V 614' RCP O aSD1G SARI PD4 SIR. 0- 1R' NH R-45ls 81l.1! W B!0.]fi E � B!0.]fi --- 125 LF. OF 1Y R� a 0.SO; SRN PD! —. 0— b' NH R-45]5 W1e5 � WE .-Va 145 lF. RF 12' RM O RSO; SRN PO{ SRN PD4 4Y CO 72V5 B4f.50 —41.02 - NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 115DO 193rd Ave NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332COmumms .U. W1000 S•Mh455101 wn[o 1151.777 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Eade &own DL, suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 Fax:(763) 843-0421 www.bkbm.com CITY SUBMITTAL C3.002 83RD PROPOc ❑ PI AN SYMBOLS WNSdUCIION UNITS - - PNOPDRY LINE SAWDUf NNE (APPNOIL)-------- -•----- - - MATCH LINE -^ sMIRAer sexrn WATEW RPE-I---F- - �� DPNN n.STURM REWHNO WM RNE NYdONT GTf VALVE M CLFINdR GTCN BASIN ■ M NHOM fWtEO EN0 SECITdA WITH RN'P P SEWER INVERT FIEYAPON III®\ N 30' 15 0 30' W, SCALE 1' - W. FOIIDW ALL dTY OF OnEGO VANDN ANO SPFDFlGIpN£ PRIOR To Cmi51HI1C110N, WMPNDORS ITS TO COONdNATE AIL WORK WITHIN RIOHF-OF- Y MND OBTMN ALL IPPIlC4dE 1DNIT3. KEYED NOTES KEYED mums M mNmm BY ® W RNI. Q1 NShcl B-- BY 5-INCH TEE FdIDN ALL Cnl' OF ORFDO SrANDARas AND SPECFlGRIXS �2 ISTA1 RRE HYDIVNI AND GTE VN.VE FdEOW.NL WY OF mSEW sv ND R AND SPIRD G N£ REFER To DETML 14/01DOX O DENIES To 11/CSAD3u� OOJ, MID 3/Ca04T. sr dDCWN4 FOLLOW- CRY OF -M-MSt.- AND SPED1FIGigNS RFFIIi 04 NSDW. 8-WW BY 4-IRON TFE fIX1EM' Ill CITY OF OREW SrMm4RO5 AND SPEdfT - �5 WS 4-N21 W vK MuoIr ML CITY OF DREW so-rias AND SF£CIRGTONS REFER To DIT 13/CSA00. O DSTA2L 4-Nd1 45-na�FLR2£ BnID WRH THRUST aOC NL CITY Y OF ORaiJ STANI FDS AND SPIDD TgHi ffi- to Wy DI-S 1/C5.O , C5J03. MID 3/CEWE O SNB 4-INCN DOM6TTC WA1FR SFJMCE To WRHN 5-FEEr OF FROPCt4D BUIIDINO. FDUA I11 CRY OF OISECo STMNYROS AND SPEgnGTTDN£ Q ObTlll ,IRDN WEWE VALVE Fd1DW NL CITY OF OROED STANDMUS AND SPECIRGPON£ REFER TO DML 13/C5.000. W ❑F DETA65 eIR. /a.0O3 2/. �L -AND 3 THR -N. FdllM' Ill CITY OF OREW SPAN- AND SPQSFIGTpNS RFFFR To 10 SNB 5-INN DONESRC WAIFTt SFTNCE A WRHN 5- r OF PpmOSED BUIIDIN4 FD l NL Cm OF DREW STANNRas AND SPEdn-Fl. 11 NsOM 5-NCH BY 8-INCN TFE FDIIDN I CITY OF O DD STMIOMOs AND SPECPKAPd4 12 P6TALL B-NCH Wt f VALNE FDLIDW ML M of OISGEO ST.WDW45 AND -IF-- REFER TO OETML 1]/CSAW. I0 Nor USED THS SHEET. 11 STUB 5-INCH FIRE PI✓ORDWN UW To WRHH 6-fEET OF PROPOS D BdIDIN4 FOLLOW ALL UIY OF O1S£W STANDARDS AND Ff RGTDN£ IQS Nm ISm THIS SHEET. a -NCH I I3 DVQI E IPTAD WITH THRUST 6IDCpN4 FOLLOW ALL CRY OF 01 00 sDWDMAS AND SPECInDAMN£ Iff- TO m I/D5.003. 2/CSJO3, AND 3/CS.W3. D INSTALL -NCH IF( 5-Ndl o FOLLOW ML M OF oREW SdNGRW AND SPECFlUPONS. fa ML -NCH BUTIERRY VALVE FOLIDW I CRY OF OTSr•ED SFAN4NA5 MID SPECIFICATdNS. R R TO DETML 0/CS.W3. IQa ALL -NCH PW FOI D ALL CM OF ORaED STM DA AND SPEDFIGTTDN£ TON OF PROPOSED SWRARY SEWER SERVICE RFfER To SNRtARY SeIr R TABIE FOR IIA4:Rr ¢EVAPONS AND RPE SAES. SNB ® To WIMN 5-FEET OF PROPOSED BUEDIN4 COdbNAIE ETN.T IDGtI(IN AND NNERT FlF/Al1oH WIm IFCW3d1 CRPPKTOR PI5d1 m 1NE s0(D K WFISIPlIC11R1. ❑r IDGPOH OF PROPOSED RWF -N IFM. RFFm 10 SIda1 SLWER TARE FOR I- a£V O S AND RPE 5@S WOIAINATE o% r rDdTH1A MO IIPNRT EEEVATDN WON MECWNItlI CONTD idt ReLYi 10 PIE sDRT OF o IRUCRdI ® Nor USED THS SHEET. Q Nm IFSED THIS SHEET. 0 Nm USED THIS SHEET. ® NsE POEEI ON` D lI � To DML 113S 3MCBIN0002WDPE0.'O)E sOuD PPE AND WATEW PORT CONNorroNs TO 10- OF ® NOT USED THIS SHM. 0 NSTML DRMN TYE AT ION PdM GTCH G9NS IPFFTt 10 I-L 10/GS.Om. Q Nm Iism THS MEET. Q NOT USED THIS SXFET. QD Nm IHD THS SHF£T. ]QI Nm USED THIS SXFET. ® aSr DRNN TEE FROST PRo1fOIlON AT STOOP£ QD I StM TR NCH DUN. REFER To I-L 10/CSDO3. Q NsrM oiEn ROOF aRAN PAD. ® Nm LL4D THIS SHEET. F. NOT USED TNS SHEET. 0 Nm ISEO THIS SHEET. 0 Nm USED THISSHEET. 0 NSTNL DUN l0E CIFAN 011r. N R To DETNL 15/C5Am. FDL- NL M OF mSEW STANDYAS AND SPECIRGTION£ side, SE1WP TA SIIUI IpNRE SIXUCiURE dMd51W (NQWS) NEENAH CASRIO TPE 11 -ON FLEV PA ON(s) RPE IENmH, dAMEIFR, SLOPf ! N- UPSREA, SIFNCNRE s11N Pm CON OOFORON NA -- SIR, 02 FOOF C-M NA W - 8Qw ---- SRN m3 CON-D. W - So81 E3D3 4!' MR R-3087 WSW 'A' E - W31.22 ZZZ Li. OF 1S It. a 45.1 3RN f- Soo /304 48' MR R-1733 BISW E - Y]11J4 N - e10.08 150 - d"15' RCP a Se( SRG /305 a2 Lf: d-lr RD' a 1.D0; SWIM f- SRWE /305 2T CB R-4312 844.70 S - 910.T0 sRN I3Oa 48' MR R-30B7 I4 sa W - 1RR.OB STPII nD2 411' MN R- 844.02 W - 8815 S - 0.TE11 b V OF lr RCP a W% STR, (I43 tOl V. OF 24' RUP a 44aK SR51 FD5 STFM 4DO3 4B' MR ,_a 810. e E - UID W 9 - INI&O 75 lr. OF tr Rm a 1.ODK aFaM in 4 sIRM /N4 27' W R__ W1.58 E - 0.TN.SB STHI mS 48' MN R-3087 W232 N-4T 52 SE - B3).62 W - 0.TEN8 I- V. OF 18' R09 s 03ido 51151 mIS rF. G 1r RCP O I.., SIIN mS SIRII /R19 4e MR R E S - W3ES! T ll. OP B" POD a Emx SIIW /107 ainM pm ORANp R-KYO-W( Ob5/ N - 530.7Y -_- SIR1A in. 45' MR Ra0S7 W?<I NW-a- w - •30.10 5E - S3E31 bL V OF tr RCP a LOOK SPRY fm 70 - OF la' RCP O ` K SPN me SIR, POS 2T ® R-2ET5 B14.W NE STAY mD 48' MR R-]097 N44.W NW 9 AN - 3EB5 SE - 53E(q at LF, a 1r R. a 45d( SIRM m1 OS LF. OF Ir RD• O 0.50W. SRN m4 sTRM ml 48' NH R-303A R 1D NE - 93 7 W - 0.T6R7 -- 55 IS. 6 tr Rm a 4545 SDN m2 STRIA m2 48' MR R-251. 542W S - 930.4{ Nf - 53EH 22 IJ• 61r RD' a 0..K SIR,iot3 18 LF. OF C POD • 488; SiRM mN STHM m3 48' MH R-2S15 B42.W N - •JN'.1S STRM m4 48' MR R-DOS' 3 15 - 3" SE - 1A1B.43 I- - OF 12' RfA a OJO; SMI m5 sTRM m5 7r MR R-30B7 WS20 NW - IND. s _ N44OB 4J LF. d= IY p(P a OStIO 31RM me .-OF 1r rlo' a OJT; SIRM m7 SRN m8 21- W R-2535 843.30 E - N40.28 SIHI m7 4!' MR R-305�aj W B44D�.1 u __OF 1r RCP a D.51X SiRM m5 SIR, me ZY CB R__SRN# 31 R-45B0- SN - 4T85O --- NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 115D0 193rd Ave NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 06 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332 M..nwuSmu.Sdrt W2Dm Silm 15uL A0N SA01 wa1Jo I012277773 BKBM ENGINEERS 6120 Earle Brown Dr.. Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 Fax:(763) 843-0421 www.bkbm.com CITY SUBMITTAL C3.003 I I \ D _ Srte4 /.Tw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ MATCH LINE SEE SHEET C3.003 1 UTILITY PLAN C3.00 83RD ABRREMATIONc Bmd 4ah CB Colds Bvin DIP Dorcrels Oudlls Inn Plps ElEV a..e.on IX ESWnp N. FlMeM1W FNw ',IJ0. HDPE Mph Dwih PoFjaU0lena b\v Im.rt .N -.1. MIN 4H P.r.l. Mlnlmum Pest C . IndfVCM P.0 P'lyvinyl h RCP R Mentl Lenvsle Pips RD Reer weHn PROPOSED PLAN SY430 CONSniumm uMns PROP UNE - - SAWCUT uNE (MPPIDC)-------. M_ UNE SMRMT SEW' 3. 4 WATER RPE DRMI TIE STORM R'NNNG WNL j FOE xYORNTf t GTE vN.vE M ClEJ101Tr urox aMN ■ MANHOLE FUR' ENO SECIIIXI WRX RIPWP N 30' W 0 30' 60, SCALE 1• . 80F UTILITY NOr6 FOR WORK IN PUBLIC RIGHF-OF-WAY• 1. f01lOR NL On OF o0EG0 STM_ MO SPEAFlGTpNS. 2. PRIOR TO CONMUOFION, WNTReLnFFRS NE M CCORdNATE All WORx YIIININ RIOfl -WAY AND OBTAN All APPUCN3LE PFWIRS � , ro sNEE2 c].ODa Fm unllrr� xDrrs. KEYED NOTES KEYED NorES ME Deal' aT ® ON PIL �j IN1 e-xNCH aY ._INCH lf£ fOIl1YM AIL CRY OF OIs'0 STAND4RB ME, sR¢Rrwnoes. O INL FIRE HYIXdWr AN. GTE VALVE Fo_ ALL CRY OF OT]ts0 STNWRpS AND SMIFN oNs. REFER M OETNL 14/C5.000. ❑j IAII. &INCH 1O-OEONEE BEM- WRH 111RllSr .'LTDNC. fOLLON ALL CRY OF ORiEIA SrMONDS I11D SPELIRGTbNs. REFER TO DETApS 1/01-1, VCS.OD3, AND ]/G5— Q4 Nor us' TF.S SHEET. 05 NOT USED THIS SHEET. Q NOT Us' TNS 9EEf. 0T Nor US' TF05 SHEEP. Q. Nor u5' THIS SHEEP. Q NOT USED MS SIF£r. 10 NOT US' T IS SHEET. 11 Nor US' THIS SHEET. 12 INL &INCH —GE V VE FIX1CM ALL CRY OF OIS EO SrMOF395 AND SPEOFIGTpNi REF' TO — 1]/T3—, O NOT use, TNS SIEE, 14 Nor USED THIS SHEET. 10 NOT US' ms SHEET. 161 � B-INCH I—— BEND WRN THRUEr BILCN F9uAY ALL CRY OF OIS1D0 SrMDYAS AHID .P.FIGTgNi — ro OETNLS 1/CS—, 2/CS.005, .AND O/G.OW. IT N ALL 1B-WCII BY .-HNOI 1FE FOuI ALL CRY OF OTSEGO STM— AND SPECIFIoo` T TALL -NC BUf1ERLY VALVE fOLLDW NL CM OF OHSO' STMDMOS MO SPEgF1 — REFER TO D¢NL p/Cs,OO], 1Q9 I N1 Is-INCIF P... '110N N1 CITY OF OISCEO SfANOMOS MD SPFfaFlGnplS ® NOT Us' TMS SHEET. El NOT USED rills SHEET. R. NOT use, Ills SHEET. Q NOr Us' T05 ­ F241 NOT US' TOES SHEET. ® NOT Use, —SHEEP. ® NOf use, TOs SXFEf. �D I DRNN n1E AT IDW POWr GTCH fiAUNS REFER TO DEOJL 10/05MI. I?] NOT Us' M. SHEET. Q Nor Use, THIS SHFEf. ® R.— .-H P MO CWNEOf N F30511NC .-INCH WATER NNN. RM1AY NL CRY OF Drw' srMDwps MD sP¢P1GnaHs I?] NOT USe, TIIs SHEEP. ® Nor Use, THIS SHF£f. ® NOT USED T05 SHEEP. Q NOT USED THIS SHEET. ® NOr use, TMs 9ff£r. ® NOT US' TILES SIWEr. I>] NOT us' THIS s im. Q -EN sH.NT. RBNSTALL MRPM AND RFSHORE TO ORIG— CONDMONS. Q NOT USED — SHEET. NEW OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL Otsego, MN 55330 Maciver Avenue NE Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Ave NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332Meeem.s ,sd W3OW saio..455101 .]deem. 1 551227M3 BKBM ENGINEERS c 6120 Earle Brown Dr.. Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55340 Phone: (763) 843-0420 Fax: (763) 843-0421 _.bkbm.com CITY SUBMITTAL UTILITY PLAN C3.006 Review No. 1 ��Hal«nson 1��Anderson ENGINEERING REVIEW Commercial Lot for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Dave Kendall, City Attorney Thomas Baranick, IDS #728 Patrick Triggs, Wold Architects & Engineers Kevin Bohl, BKMB Engineers Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Date: July 30, 2020 Proposed Development: Otsego Middle School Street Location A portion of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of S19, T121, R23. of Property: South of 85d1 Street NE and East of Maciver Avenue NE Applicant: Independent School District #728 11500 193rd Avenue NW Elk River, Minnesota 55330 Developer: Independent School District #728 Owners of Record: Independent School District #728 Purpose: The Independent School District #728 School site is a proposed approximate 44.4± acre site for a Middle School with athletic facilities within the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), and (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer) TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE PRELIMINARY PLAT CONSTRUCTION PLANS DEMOLITION AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN UTILITY PLAN PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN CIVIL DETAILS SWPP PLAN LANDSCAPE PLAN STORMWATER MANAGEMENT WETLANDS OTHER CONSIDERATIONS PAGE 2 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2329.03 Middle School\A-REVIEW PHASE\ot2329.03 RVW1.1.docx INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plat for Otsego Middle School, dated 8/12/2020, by Sunde Land Surveying Final Plat for ISD 728 Otsego Middle School Addition, received 8/12/2020, by Sunde Land Surveying Construction Drawing for New Otsego Middle School ISD #728, dated 7/17/2020, by BKBM Engineers and Wold Architects and Engineers. Wetland Delineation Report for Elk River ISD #728 E-8 School Site, dated 7/27/2005, by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company, Inc Hydrology Calculations for Otsego Middle School ISD #728, dated 7/ 17/2020, by BKBM Engineers. Draft Geotechnical Evaluation Report for Otsego Middle School ISD #728, dated 7/16/2020, by Braun Intertec. City of Otsego Engineering Manual Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of Lefebvre Watershed, March 1999 City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 PAGE 3 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2329.03 Middle School\A-REVIEW PHASE\ot2329.03 RVW1.1.docx PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. The preliminary plat shall include the following existing conditions; a. Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision. b. Location, size, and elevations of existing sewers, watermain, culverts, and other underground facilities within 150'. c. Boundary lines of adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land, identified by name and ownership within 150'. d. Locations and results of soil borings, percolation tests, etc. 2. The preliminary plat shall include the following proposed design features; a. Locations and size of proposed sewer lines and watermains. b. Gradients of proposed streets, sewer lines, and watermains. c. Location, dimension, and purpose of all easements. d. Layout, numbers, lot areas, and preliminary dimensions of lots and blocks, and outlots. e. Minimum front and side street building setback line. FINAL PLAT 3. Drainage and utility easements are missing from the plat. a. A minimum 10 foot wide drainage and utility easement is required along the Maciver Avenue and 85th Street right-of-way as well as along all property lines that abut adjacent unplatted land. b. A minimum 20 foot wide drainage and utility easement is required over all watermain and hydrants, sanitary forcemain, and shared/trunk gravity sanitary sewer (centered on the pipe). 4. We recommend the playfields and possibly the hill to the east of the driveway from 85th Street be platted as Outlot(s) instead of being included in Lot 1. 5. Relocation of the existing trails along MacIver Avenue and 85th Street shall maintain a boulevard separation from the back -of -curb and shall include dedication of additional right-of-way or trail easement, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS 6. The cover sheet shall include the following additional information; a. Contact persons name and phone number for the School District, Wold Architects and Engineer, and BKBM Engineers. b. Approval signature line for Ronald J. Wagner, City Engineer c. Benchmark(s) and datum. The E-8 school used the 1988 NAVD datum and the City's Maciver and 85th Street project used the 1929 NGVD. An equation relating these two datums will probably be necessary. d. New school address will be 8300 Maciver Avenue, Otsego, MN 55330. 7. A date or revision date of the plans would be helpful as would a sheet legend. PAGE 4 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2329.03 Middle School -REVIEW PHASE\ot2329.03 RVW1.1.docx 8. Plans (all sheets) shall be signed by a registered professional engineer. DEMOLITION AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 9. The areas where the existing bituminous trail and turn lanes are proposed along 85 h Street and Maciver Avenue will impact existing storm sewer (pipe and or catch basins). a. 85th Street turn lane; i. a new catch basin will be needed in the new curb line and the existing structure will need a new frame and casting (bolt down) per Otsego Standard Plates 307 and 309. b. Maciver Avenue turn lane; i. a new catch basin will be needed in the new curb line and the existing structure will need a new frame and casting (bolt down) per Otsego Standard Plates 307 and 309. ii. the new turn lane will be over the existing trunk storm sewer pipe which is HDPE pipe. HDPE pipe is not allowed under City streets. The portion of the pipe under the new turn lane shall be replaced with RCP or Polypropylene pipe per City standards. Cover over this pipe may also be an issue. Verify a minimum of 2' of cover can be achieved over RCP or 3' over Polypropylene pipe. GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 10. Maximum slope allowed is 4:1 slope unless approved by City Engineer (note 8, sheet C2.000). Sheets C2.002-C2.003 appear to have slopes steeper that the 4:1 along the east property line. 11. Filtration Basin 2 appears to have ponding within the 85th Street right-of-way. Grading shall be revised so that the 100-yr HWL is entirely outside of the right-of-way. 12. Revise the rim elevation for the outlet structure for Basin 2 to be at or above the 2-yr HWL. 13. The Emergency Overflow (EOF) shall be labeled (location and elevation) for Basins 1 & 2. The hydrology model has EOFs of 941.9 and 939.1 respectively. 14. The filtration basins shall have the NWL (bottom), 2-yr, 10-yr, and 100-yr HWL elevations labeled. 15. The HWL for Filtration Basin 1 does not agree with the Hydrology model elevation. 16. Slope labels would be helpful along the parking and driveway. A minimum of 1 % over paved areas and 0.6% in concrete curb and gutter is recommended. UTILITY PLAN 17. Storm sewer connections to the existing Maciver Avenue and 85th Street are being proposed. Some water was anticipated to come from the Middle School site and has been PAGE 5 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2329.03 Middle School -REVIEW PHASE\ot2329.03 RVW1.1.docx accounted for in the pipe sizes. Storm sewer design calculations with drainage area maps are required to verify the downstream pipes can accommodate the proposed runoff. 18. The existing lift station along Maciver Avenue is only an interim lift station design to temporarily provide service to the E-8 School. This lift station should be able to handle the new middle school as well but is not a permanent facility. The two forcemain pipe located near the watermain stub to the middle school site along Maciver Avenue shall be extended through the site to the east property line. A long-term permanent gravity sewer system shall be design and installed in anticipation for the interim lift station decommissioning. Please see attached for a potential option for current and future conditions. The forcemain lines shall be covered by a minimum 20' wide easement centered on the pipe. 19. Profiles are required for all watermain lines. Profiles shall show proposed finish ground and minimum 7.5' cover over the watermain as well as all other utility crossings. A minimum of 18" vertical separation between and sewer crossings is required but 24" is required from storm sewer unless 4" of insulation is provided. 20. See comment #11. 21. The existing 8" PVC drain pipe to existing STRM #900 shall be removed when the new 12" pipe is connected. 22. Hydrant coverage appears insufficient. A maximum spacing of 300' (150' radius) is required to cover the entire building. 23. The watermain around the school shall be 10 inch diameter (min). The 8 inch "loop" coming from the south along Marlowe Avenue is sufficient. The 16 inch watermain shall be extended all the way to the east property line. 24. The 15 inch pipe invert into STRM #100 shall provide a minimum of 0.8 points fall (The existing 36 inch pipe invert is at 931.49 so the new 15 inch pipe should be at 932.89. 25. The hydrology calculations have a 14.2" hole for the rim of structure STRM #101. Verify that this is the correct opening size for the Neenah Cast R-2535 called out. Also, the draintile invert is missing from the storm sewer table for STRM #101. PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN 26. See Comment #9. 27. The trail on the east side of the entrance off 85th Street shall be realigned to be straight across from the west pedestrian ramp. Same goes for the north side of the entrance along Maciver Avenue. All pedestrian ramps shall be ADA compliant. 28. Note #6 is missing from sheet C4.002. This note refers to the typical section of the turn lane. A turn lane typical section detail is not in the details on Sheet C5.002. The existing 85th Street and Maciver Avenue street section is; 2" wear course 2 1/2" Non -Wear course PAGE 6 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2329.03 Middle School -REVIEW PHASE\ot2329.03 RVW1.1.docx 8" Class 5 (modified) 14" Class 3 or Class 4 (clean sand... not select granular) 29. Note #31 is incorrect. All hatching in the City streets shall be 24" wide and spaced 20' apart. CIVIL DETAILS 30. The typical section for the light and heavy-duty pavement sections calls out limestone class 5. This is acceptable but is difficult to find near Otsego. 31. Include City of Otsego Standard plates 202, 202a, and 309. ,,WPP PLAN 32. Provide name of certified SWPPP designer and copy of certification. LANDSCAPE PLAN AND DETAILS 33. No comments. STORM SEWER MANAGEMENT 34. A map with drainage areas and labels associated to the hydrology model is need to fully check the calculations. See comment #19. 35. Storm sewer design calculations shall be submitted for the pipes directly connecting to the City system (i.e only the pipe east of the 85th Street entrance). WETLANDS 36. The wetlands on this property were delineated with the original E-8 School project. The Notice of Decision dated 8/24/2015 is still valid and found no wetlands in this portion of the site. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 37. Statement certifying the environmental condition of the site including the presence of any hazardous substance as defined in Minnesota Statutes 11513.02, Subd 8. 38. Street lighting shall be installed along MacIver Avenue and 85th Street as required by Section 8-8-4.13.1 of the City Code. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above comments being addressed. PAGE 7 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2329.03 Middle School\A-REVIEW PHASE\ot2329.03 RVW1.1.docx —I \_ NW CORNER OF SW /-1 /4 OF SEC. 19. (WRIGHT CO. C.I.M.) =--�4/. 44 � S89 °2903 "E 449, 407.80 �,r'S5.44 ' I i N48 °09'54 "E �I �— HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER PARCEL 3, CITY 0 50 OF OTSEGO ROAD R/W PLAT NO. 3. \N W N V W~ 0 o w °' Jv �►U \ O "'t- N 0 Z e LI-J > < J 50 I I 11, F_/0.00 1 N89 04746 "E 40 ISD 728 OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL ADDITION —N LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. 19, T. 121, R. 23 ^,^ Tl / ^T 0 24 `� i--f-7 l -,L4J O `) 0 0 Z OUTLOTA n l — S89 °2903 "E 867. l6 / V L_ e o 410 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT- - I 9, KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Independent School District No. 728, a political subdivision under the laws of Minnesota, fee owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: --- Outlot B, ISD 728 OTSEGO E 8 SCHOOL ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. _ ------ Has caused the some to be surveyed and platted as ISD 728 OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL ADDITION and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use the public way and/or the drainage and utility easements as created by this plat. 1 In witness whereof said Independent School District No. 728, a political subdivision under the laws of Minnesota, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer on this day of __________- 20__. By: ------------------------------its -------------------- STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF ___________ OUTLOT3 N Q - N90 000'00 "W 294.75 N90 °00'00 "W 268.441 r'r­28.28 S45 °00'00 "W N N90 °00'00 "W / 0 N I;\ 33.00 _DRAINAGE AND---�z 000�� o a p ;ram _I UTILITY EASEMENT ��j N90 000'00 "E a �Q �d's 7. l8 `\ o. LOT 1 /. O0'00"E 5.00 I °11 W hZ o:zw�Z F- Q J `-W0 D O JD 0 r N9000 W0 '- 97.00 ',.Tl' pwN90°00'00"W 542.86 �- - - `y - �c 9600S45°00'00 "W h I/0.00 0 0d - -Q'N90 °00'00 "EBL OCK I \439.50 '' `00�b 0 5 o Z w ww Z h Q J a � � r �I 0 N 40 \ h oQ) N90 000100 "E ' 33.50- N LINE OF SW 1/4 OF_ N90°00'00"W SW 1/4 OF SEC. 19 SDO 00 00 W ° ,_ g0.47- \ ° S00 00 00 E 39.99 j 29.62 - ------ -- � ;6 .0 -` -FOUND IRON --- N90 000'00 "W 272.26 --"- 21 5 ` _ ° - - - SPLti #n4900 r 5 609.79 I N90 000'00 "E 624.79 � 0L � I , h O �, ` W Z J `v W � 1E 6 0.3$ 4 Z_ 00 0 0� I J O < U) U) I , . OUTLOT CI I I u2 0 Z - ai o0 ~ 30 U) I / CU N ca LJ _ h-- I r In 4 3 Zo-� ` 1339 46 ~~( Z c' �1 W 0 �Ld 0 T 0 017�Q� Y► I 0wa' 0 s 4 LdaYM� wwmmm , I o T I DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: BEARING ORIENTATION: • DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT — — — J EAST LINE OF OUTLOT B, ISD 728 OTSEGO E 8 SCHOOL ADDITION, IS O DENOTES 1 /2 INCH BY 14 INCH IRON MONUMENT 100 0 100 200 ASSUMED TO BEAR SOUTH 00 DEGREES SET AND MARKED WITH PLS NO. 44890 Being 10.00 feet in width and 04 MINUTES 53 SECONDS EAST adjoining public ways and 10.00 feet OO DENOTES FOUND GOVERNMENT MONUMENT in width and adjoining lot lines, SCALE IN FEET unless otherwise shown on this plat SECTION 19, T. 121, R. 23 T T �� N �\ �\ L J_ —1 VICINITY MAP NOT To SCALE This instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of __________- 20__, byNo. 728, a political subdivision under the laws of Minnesota, on behalf of said political subdivision. Printed Name Notary Public,My Commission Expires County, Signature the of Independent School District I, Leonard F. Carlson, do hereby certify that I have surveyed or directly supervised the survey of the property described on this plat; prepared this plat or directly supervised the preparation of this plat; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of the surveyor's certification are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this _______ day of _____________- 20 COUNTY OFThe foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this Leonard F. Carlson, Professional Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 44890 day of __________, 20___, by Leonard F. Carlson, a Professional Land Surveyor. Notary Public, Minnesota My Commission Expires January 31, 20 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, OTSEGO, MINNESOTA Be it known that at a meeting held on this _____ day of _______________- 20___, the Planning Commission of the City of Otsego, Minnesota, did hereby approve this plat of ISD 728 OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL ADDITION. By: -------- Chairperson CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA This plat of ISD 728 OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this ______ day of __________- 20___, and said plat is in compliance with Minnesota Statutes Section 505.03 Subd. 2. By: ---- Mayor By: ----- Clerk WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this ______ day of ----------- 20___. ----------------------------- Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this ______ day of ----------- 20___. Wright County Auditor By: ------ Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this _. 'clock __.M. and was duly recorded in Cabinet No._____, Sleeve_______, as Document No. Wright County Recorder PRELIMINARY day of SUBJECT TO REVISION 20___, at ifSUNDE LAND SURVEYING Dated this _______ day of _____________- 20 COUNTY OFThe foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this Leonard F. Carlson, Professional Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 44890 day of __________, 20___, by Leonard F. Carlson, a Professional Land Surveyor. Notary Public, Minnesota My Commission Expires January 31, 20 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, OTSEGO, MINNESOTA Be it known that at a meeting held on this _____ day of _______________- 20___, the Planning Commission of the City of Otsego, Minnesota, did hereby approve this plat of ISD 728 OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL ADDITION. By: -------- Chairperson CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA This plat of ISD 728 OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this ______ day of __________- 20___, and said plat is in compliance with Minnesota Statutes Section 505.03 Subd. 2. By: ---- Mayor By: ----- Clerk WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this ______ day of ----------- 20___. ----------------------------- Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this ______ day of ----------- 20___. Wright County Auditor By: ------ Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this _. 'clock __.M. and was duly recorded in Cabinet No._____, Sleeve_______, as Document No. Wright County Recorder PRELIMINARY day of SUBJECT TO REVISION 20___, at ifSUNDE LAND SURVEYING 0 OtSaF O MINNESOTA CD APPLICANT: ISD 728 8 Sep 2020 FINDINGS & DECISION Preliminary/Final Plat PUD-CUP Site/Building Plans APPLICATION: Request to for approval of a preliminary/final plat, PUD-CUP, and site and building plans for the proposed ISD 728 Otsego Middle School. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 14 September 2020 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is Outlot B, ISD 728 E 8 School Addition, City of Otsego, County of Wright, State of Minnesota. The property lies within the West Sewer District and is guided for institutional land uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned INS, Institutional District; Middle school facilities are a permitted use within the INS District subject to site and building plan review in accordance with Title 11, Chapter 9 of the Zoning Ordinance. D. The applicant has requested approval of a preliminary/final plat, a PUD-CUP, and site and building plans for the proposed Otsego Middle School. D. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the request with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 11-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The 2012 Comprehensive Plan establishes goals to provide for proper school facilities by working with School District officials to meet the needs of existing and future populations. The proposed Otsego Middle School addresses the increase in population occurring in Otsego (and the overall school district) and planned future growth needs. The proposed Otsego Middle School is also consistent with the policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan to develop facilities at locations where they will be neighborhood and community focal points, are accessible, and will be compatible with adjacent land uses. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The table below summarizes the existing and planned land uses surrounding the subject site. The proposed Otsego Middle School will be compatible with existing and future land uses in the area, which is bounded by major collector roadways on 2 sides and planned to be surrounded by future low density residential neighborhoods. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential A-1 District Agriculture Rural Residential East LD Residential A-1 District Agriculture South Institutional INS District Prairieview Elementary/Middle School West LD Residential A-1 District Agriculture 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: The development of the proposed Otsego Middle School will comply with the applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: Existing streets accessing the subject site include MaclverAvenue and 85`h Street, which were completed in 2019 as residential major collector streets in accordance with the Transportation Plan. The capacity of Maclver Avenue and 85rh Street provides necessary connectivity and access for the proposed Otsego Middle School with adequate traffic capacity. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The City has adequate capability, including sanitary sewer and water utilities, to serve the proposed Otsego Middle School within the West Sewer District. E. The planning reports dated 13 August 2020 and 9 September 2020 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC, are incorporated herein. F. The engineering review dated July 30, 2020 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson, Inc., is incorporated herein. H. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on 17 August 2020 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice; based upon review of the application and evidence received, the public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission recommended by a 7-0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service; the City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. The site and building plan approval and the stipulations, limitations, and conditions therein shall be applied to the property in question as a formal agreement between the applicant and the City in accordance with Section 11-9-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. Relocation of the existing trails along Maclver Avenue and 85`h Street shall maintain a boulevard separation from the back -of -curb and shall include dedication of additional right-of-way or trail easement, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 2 4. The paving and geometric plan shall be revised to include a trail along the south side of the public/staff parking area from Maclver Avenue to the building and along the west side of the bus and service vehicle driveway from 85th Street to the building, subject to review and approval of City staff. 5. A photometric lighting plan that complies with Section 11-16-5 of the Zoning Ordinance shall submitted with application for a building permit and is subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 6. Street lighting shall be installed along Maclver Avenue and 85th Street as required by Section 8-8- 4.13.1 of the City Code. 7. All signs shall comply with Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and shall require issuance of a sign permit prior to installation, subject to approval of the Zoning Administrator. 8. Any outdoor storage of trash containers shall be screened from view within an enclosure constructed of the same exterior materials as used for the principal building in compliance with Section 11-18-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 9. All utility plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. ISD 728 shall pay sewer and water availability charges for the platted area of the subject site as a condition of final plat approval; sewer and water connection charges shall be paid at the time a building permit is issued, in accordance with Chapter 6, Section 1 of the City Code. 11. All grading, drainage, and erosion control plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. ISD 728 shall pay a storm water impact fee for Otsego Creek based on the net area platted as a condition of final plat approval. 13. The preliminary and final plat shall include dedication of drainage and utility easements as required by Section 10-8-12 of the Subdivision Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 14. ISD 728 shall execute a Development Agreement with the City prior to recording of the final plat, subject to review of the City Attorney and approval of the City Council. MOTION BY: Warehime SECOND BY: Tanner ALL IN FAVOR: Stockamp. Warehime, Tanner, Darkenwald, Goede THOSE OPPOSED: None ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 14`h day of September, 2020. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor Attest: By: Tami M. Loff, City Clerk 4 0 OtSaF O MINNESOTA CD APPLICANT: ISD 728 8 Sep 2020 FINDINGS & DECISION Zoning Map Amendment APPLICATION: Request to amend the zoning map to change the classification of land included within the ISD 728 Otsego Middle School Addition. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 14 September 2020 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is Outlot B, ISD 728 E 8 School Addition, City of Otsego, County of Wright, State of Minnesota. The property lies within the West Sewer District and is guided for institutional land uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District; the applicant is proposing to amend the Zoning Map to rezone the property to INS, Institutional District for the purposes of developing a middle school facility. D. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the request with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 11-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The 2012 Comprehensive Plan establishes goals to provide for proper school facilities by working with School District officials to meet the needs of existing and future populations. The proposed Otsego Middle School addresses the increase in population occurring in Otsego (and the overall school district) and planned future growth needs. The proposed Otsego Middle School is also consistent with the policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan to develop facilities at locations where they will be neighborhood and community focal points, are accessible, and will be compatible with adjacent land uses. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The table below summarizes the existing and planned land uses surrounding the subject site. The proposed Otsego Middle School will be compatible with existing and future land uses in the area, which is bounded by major collector roadways on 2 sides and planned to be surrounded by future low density residential neighborhoods. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential A-1 District Agriculture Rural Residential East LD Residential A-1 District Agriculture South Institutional INS District Prairieview Elementary/Middle School West LD Residential A-1 District Agriculture 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The development of the proposed Otsego Middle School will comply with the applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: Existing streets accessing the subject site include Maclver Avenue and 85`h Street, which were completed in 2019 as residential major collector streets in accordance with the Transportation Plan. The capacity of Maclver Avenue and 85`h Street provides necessary connectivity and access for the proposed Otsego Middle School with adequate traffic capacity. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The City has adequate capability, including sanitary sewer and water utilities, to serve the proposed Otsego Middle School within the West Sewer District. E. The planning reports dated 13 August 2020 and 9 September 2020 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC, are incorporated herein. The engineering review dated July 30, 2020 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson, Inc., is incorporated herein. H. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on 17 August 2020 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice; based upon review of the application and evidence received, the public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission recommended by a 7-0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. 2 DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED. MOTION BY: Warehime SECOND BY: Tanner ALL IN FAVOR: Stockamp. Warehime, Tanner, Darkenwald, Goede THOSE OPPOSED: None ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 14`h day of September, 2020. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor Attest: By: Tami M. Loff, City Clerk 9 ORDINANCE NO.: 2020-13 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR LAND INCLUDED WITHIN THE PLAT OF ISD 728 OTSEGO MIDDLE SCHOOL ADDITION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. The official Zoning Map of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the property legally described as Outlot B, ISD 728 E 8 School Addition. Section 2. The property is hereby rezoned from an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District designation to INS, Institutional District designation. Section 3. The Zoning Map of the City of Otsego shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Zoning Administrator shall appropriately mark the Zoning Map on file at City Hall for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance, and all of the notations, references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to Law. MOTION BY: Warehime SECOND BY: Tanner ALL IN FAVOR: Stockamp. Warehime, Tanner, Darkenwald, Goede THOSE OPPOSED: None ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 14th day of September, 2020. CITY OF OTSEGO 11-ATS Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami M. Loff, City Clerk