09-08-20 OHPC Minutes1
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
7:00 PM
Call to Order 6:55 PM.
Roll Call
Commissioners: Chris Wilson, Cara Husak, Kathy Beaudry, Toni Seroshek, Gail
City Council: Corey Tanner, Jessica Stockcamp
Absent: John Waldron
1. Consider Agenda
Agenda Approved.
2. Minutes Review
Commissioner Gail made the first motion to approve. Commissioner Cara seconded that
motion. Minutes approved for March.
3. Catch Up!
City Councilman Corey Tanner gave an update of City News
Approval to hang the Bank of Elk River pictures in the Otsego City Hall.
As part of gaining Otsego Historical artifacts, City Councilman Corey Tanner will
visit the Dist. 112 Richter school and connect with the family to check about a
school house window that may be available to save.
Legal Release was written and approved by the city attorney. This will be needed
for future OHPC interviews and photo projects for written consent. Final
review/approval will be tabled until next meeting.
4. Ostego Festival is cancelled this year due to Covid.
5. SHPO Conference
The conference is now online and free. The HPC Commissioners have volunteered to
attend at least one of the conference classes and report back to the Commission on
what they learned. Dates of the event are 9/15, 9/17, 9/22, 9/24, 9/29 and 10/1.
Information can be found on the Preserve Minnesota Annual Conference webpage.
6. Camcorder tape – Heritage Day 1999
Cory will bring his camcoder to my house to see if we can get a digital copy of the video
tape we found of Heritage Day 1999.
7. Digitization
a. Tapes and some transcripts – Commissioner Toni has copied all tapes to mp3 and
wav files.
b. OHPC books and photos – All books except Chris's book and "Daisies" have been
scanned and are searchable PDFs. Almost all photo albums have been scanned. Photos
that do not have identification on them, we will need to find out what to do with them.
Ideas: have Commissioner Kathy take a look at them.
c. Photo Albums
d. Socialization – Tami is invited to our December/January HPC Meeting to discuss the
placement of the Photos and mp3 files. Placement ideas: post them in the “Otsego
View” newsletter, post on city website and/or post on Facebook page.
8. History Webinar/Zoom Classes
The Parks and Recreation has asked the HCP commissioners to create learning content
for classes for the public. The content will need to consist of Presentation material like
a ppt and a narrator. The Commission came up with a few ideas that the public may be
interested in learning more about:
McDonald Farm House/Family
Elaine Norin – genealogy and history of OHPC
Round Barn
Town Hall/School House
Bootlegger & Murders
Park Signs Overview
Buildings kids can recognize and how they were built using the materials of the
10. OHPC Projects for Tabled for Next Meeting
a. Murder article for the Otsego View – Commissioner Cara presented an article in
March. She will make spelling updates, send for review and will seek approval in
the October Meeting.
Commission Adjourned at 7:48 PM.
Commissioner Chris made the first motion to approve. Commissioner Gail seconded
that motion.
Written by Cara Husak