ITEM 3.3A Pay Estimate #5 Municpal Builders40 Otkgo MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner September 28, 2020 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 3.3a STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: i' THE CITY OF OTSEGO: Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. X Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends City Council approval of Pay Estimate #5 to Municipal Builders, Inc. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: This payment is being made for work completed through September 20, 2020. Well drilling is completed and all testing has passed. The well has been reconnected to the trunk line along CSAH 42. The control panel has been installed and tested. The driveway has been completed including the paving. Only vegetation remains to be established. In accordance with Minnesota Statute, the City is withholding the maximum of 5% retainage of work completed, which accounts to $29,130.01 at this time. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Pay Estimate #5 POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve Pay Estimate #5 in the amount of $118,419.40 to Municipal Builders, Inc., for work completed on the Well #9 and Pumphouse #1 Improvements, City Project No. 20-04. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: Fund 601 — Water Utility Yes PAY ESTIMATE 45 CITY OF OTSE00 Well #9 and Pumphouse #1 Improvement Project September 10, 2020 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 13400 901h Street NE Otsego, MN 65330 RE: Well #9 and Pumphouse if1 Improvement Project Contractor: Municipal Builders, Inc. Award Date: Mar24, 2020 Completion Date; July 9, 2020 Dear Honorable Mayor and Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above -referenced project by Municipal Builders, Inc. ITEM No. ITEM DESCRIPTION E871MATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNITPRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USEUTO DATE EXTENSION 1 Mobillze0on i LS 427,000.00 427,000.00 1.00 $27,000.00 2 Remove Walermaln Pressure Valve Manhole 1 EA $1,200,00 $1200.00 0,00 $0.00 3 Removal & Disposal of Exising Ante6na,Tronsformar, Electrical Molar 1 LS $1.160.00 $1,160,00 0.00 $0.00 4 Cut Offend Dispose Exiting Abandonad Wall Pipe 1 LS $11600.00 OA00,00 0.37 $555.00 5 Abandon Existing W Pipe lnplasn and cap at Main 1 LS $1,800.00 $1.600.00 11100 $1,800.00 8 Mill DBuminouaSurface(IV Thick) 14 SY $30.00 $420.00 0.00 1 $0.00 7 SowIng Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) 40 LF 43.50 $140,00 40.00 $140.00 8 Ramove Bituminous Pavement 35 BY $8.00 $200.00 $6.00 $280,00 9 Remove Chain Unk Fence 12o LF $10.00 $11200.00 0.00 10,00 10 Salvage Aggregate Data Clots 6 28 DY $12.00 $336.00 28.00 $330.00 11 SA. Grading 4 LS $2,600,00 $2,500.00 1.00 $2.600.00 12 lCloseliAggispotaBe so 122 TON 1 $28.00 $3.410.001 119.00 $3.332.00 13 Type SP 12.5 Non Weadng Course Mbdure (2,13) SS TON 4146.00 $9.670.00 64.00 $9.280.00 14 Concrete Pad with Conduits (67h14) 48 OF $60.00 $2,860,00 48.00 $2,880.00 16 Install Boilarde(C9y Supplied) 4 EA $400.0D s1,600.00 4.00 .$1,800.00 10 Connect To Existing watermaln 1 LS $1,200.00 $1200.00 1.00 $1,200.00 17 Install 10' Gale Valve and Box 1 LS $3,000.00 $3.000.00 1,00 33,800.00 18 OUcge Iron FltOnge 205 LBS $6.00 $1,710,00 286.00 $11710.00 19 10'Watermaln Ducile Iron CL 52 120 LF $137,00 $10,440.90 120.00 $16,440,00 20 610 Cleanup, Ealabilshment Turf and Controlling Erosion 1 LS $3.500.001 $3,600.001 1.00 43,600.00 21 IT.sling (Pressure and Bacteria) 1 LS $760.001 4750.001 1.00 $750.00 Total Bid Schedule "A" 492,39R00 $77,103,00 ITEM NO, ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USEDTO DATE EXTENSION 22 Mill &Drive 24'Casing 80 LF $105.00 $16,600.00 81.00 $15,706.00 23 Drill 23' Open Holo 253 LF $105.00 441.745,00 168.00 427.120.00 24 Furnsh& Install 10' casing 255 LF 495.00 $24,225.00 249.00 $23.055.00 25 Furnish& Install Grout 20 CY $650.00 413.000.00 20.00 $13,000.00 20 D011 il'Open Hole 83 LF $125,00 41o,375.00 76,00 $0.500,00 27 Plumb and Alignment 1 LS 5600,00 $500.00 1.00 $500.00 28 Furnish, Install and Remove Development Equipment 1 L8 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 1,00 $3,50a,00 29 Well Development 60 HRS 4395.00 $23,700.00 60.00 44.700.00 30 Haul Siandstora,Away 25 CY $100 4350.00 0.00 $0.06 31 Furnish and Install Weil Screen & Gravel Pack 75 LF $325.00 $24,376.00 00.00 $20.000.00 32 Filters Adapter 1 LS $64,500,00 46490,00 1.00 $64,600.00 33 Discharge Piping 10' Ufa 250 LF $0.00 $1,500.00 250,00 41,600.00 34 Discharge Tee on 18'Casing, Figs, Cap i LS $525,00 0 1,00 4025.00 35 Finnish and Install 125 HP Pump and Motor 1 LS $89,252.00 $0 1,00 $90,252.00 38 Furnish, Instep and Remove Test Pump Equipment i LS $0,600,00 0 1.00 $6,600.00 37 Test Pumping 200 KW&150 HP Pump 5o HRS $105.00 0 33.00 $6,435,00 38 WalorAnalysla$TOMenuWithRaeioAucuncide 1 LS $1.050.00 0 1•o0 M$326.001.00 $1,86o.00 39 Data Logger For Test Pump fie cording 1 FA $325,00 0 1.00 $326.0040 VklaoLog 1 LS $1.400,00 0 1.o0 $1.400.0041 Gamma Lou 1. LS $1,800.00 o 1.00 $1,a00.0o42 O&MmanualWailReport 1 LS $175.00 o0 1.00 5176,00 To1el014 Schadula'13" $335,247.00 1317,932.00 PAY ESTIMATE 116 CITY OF OTSEGO Well #9 and Pumptiouse #1 Improvement Project ITEM No. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USEDTO DATE EXTENSION 43 Remove Existing Pumphouso Pipe and Apprudenoncos 1 Le 44,000.00 44,000,00 1.00 54,000.00 44 Furnish And Install Duct4olionpipe and Appurtomm.es 1- LS -420.000.00 $20,000.00 1.00 $20,000,00 45 Install 8"DedgelMeg Motor(Clysuppled) 3 EA �$400.00 5100.06 2.00 $600.00 46 PainSng And/OrRepoint Ali Ductile Iron Pipe i L9 0,000.06 $3,066.60 1.00- $3,000.00 47 T.IInD(PrussurOand Oadorla) 1 LO $11000.00 $1,000,00 0.00 40.00 Tolat Did Sohedulo"C" $28,000.00 327,800.00 ITEM NO, ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT ;CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USEDTO DATE EXTENSION 48 Control Panolw/VFO and Controls+ Instruments 1 LS $30,000.00 380,600,00 1,00 $80,000.00 49 Panel Waconno lSW 1 La $5,960.00 46,060.00 1,00 55,800.00 60 Qeneratorneceplocle 1 LS $1,933,00 $1,933.00 lAo 41,933,00 61 Electrical Mob, Circuitry, and Install/ misc. 1 Ls $8,110.00 $0,110.00 i.00 58,110.00 52 Fumish and Install Antenna polo 1 LS 31.800.00 $1,800.00 1.00 $1,600.00 53 Elecldoal Main 300A Feeder In CouduO 175 LF $Si.001 40,925.00 175.00 1 $8,925.00 Total Bid Schedule"D" $106,128.00 $106,728.00 Bid Schedule -Minor Wark order N REM ESTIMATED CONTRACT CONTRACT USED TO NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UIJITPRICE AMOUNT PATE EXTENSION i MInoT E1.114.1 and Mechonkot to Chomloal Food Road,( Pump 1 LS $4,750.61 $4,766.51 1.00 $4,T5o Total Bid Schedule -Minor Work Order Dl 44,750.51 44,155.51 Bld So adule.MinorWokOde D2 ITEM I NO, ITEM DESCRIPTION I ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICF CONTRACT AMOUNT USED TO .DATE.__ _ EXTENSION 1 jDaweledn0at non•polahle watermaln connection In CSAH 42 dkch 1 I LS -r 47,080.001 $7,980.001 1.001 $7,980.00 Total Dld Schedule MlnorWark Orderg3 37,980.00 $7,980.00 eld Sc adq e • MInor ork Order 9 3 ITEM No. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USEDTO DATE j::!!!ENS oNi 10'pale Valve 1 EA 58,090.00 58,090.00 1,008,090.00 Total Did$chudulo -Minor Work Order 03 36,090,00 $4,090.00 ITEM No, " ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNITPRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USEDTO DATE EXTENSION t Wall D2 Una Double Check Valve Assembly 1 LS $16,655,68 $10,650.66 1.00 510,65o.68 2 Well#9 Una Double CheckVayaAnsembly 1 LS $10,556.60 $10,550.66 1,00 $10,556.66 3 Well N Una Double Check Valve Assembly 1 LS I 513,097.29 $13,097.29 8.00 $13,097.29 Total Did Schedule - Chang. Order 11 $34,210.61 $14,210.61 Total Rid Schadula"A" $82,392.00 $77,103.00 Total Old Schedule"a" $335,247.00 $317,032.00 Total Old Schedule"C" $20,000.00 $27,800.00 Total Did Schoduls "0" $106,728.00 $108,728.00 TOTALBIDSUMMARY $553,107.00 4529,603.00 Total Minor Work orderpl $4,766.61 $4,756.61 Total Minor Work Order32 $7,980.00 67,080,00 Total Minor Work 6rderN; $0.090.00 $6,090,00 Total Change Ordor#1 $34,210.61 $34,210,61 �$682,000.12 TOTALAPPROVED PROJECT $600,204.12 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE $632,800.12 LESS 5%RETAINAOE: $20,130.01 LESS Pay Estimate 81: $24,226.00 LESS Pay EsUmato 02: $41,118,76 LESS Pay Estimate 93: $123,830,60 LESS Pay Estimate 04: $246 870.45 WE RECOMMEND PAYMENT ON $118,419.40 APPROVALS: CONTRACT4 Ml1NICIP B ILDERS, INC. Qedifi i Iracl I c dl that al toms and amounts are correct tot the vprk completed Signed: to dale. Tiller .ENGINEER: HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Cerii8ca8ol�LEgginagr We.L/caDVR �idpaymeAtforworkandquantitiesasahowr:. ��M:`a��r.:J OWNER: CITY OF OTSEGO Signed: TIDa: Date