ORD 04-21ORDINANCE NO.: 2004-21 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR PARKING ON PUBLIC STREETS, DITCHES, BOULEVARDS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WITHIN THE CITY OF OTSEGO. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Chapter 8, of the Otsego City Code is hereby amended to include the following Section 3: SECTION 3 ON -STREET PARKING Section: 8-3-1 Purpose 8-3-2 General Parking Prohibitions 8-3-3 Exceptions 8-3-4 Parked Vehicles Impounded 8-3-5 Penalties 8-3-1: PURPOSE: The City Council finds that it is necessary to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Otsego, and to promote traffic flow, that restrictions be placed upon the parking of certain vehicles upon City streets. 8-3-2: GENERAL PARKING PROHIBITIONS: A. General Limit. Parking of vehicles is hereby prohibited for more than eighteen (18) hours continuously on all public streets, boulevards, ditches, and rights-of-way within the corporate limits of the City, with the exception of those streets or highways otherwise provided time limitations in Section 8-3-2.0 of this City Code. B. Trucks and Semi -Tractors and Trailers. Commercial vehicles, semi -tractors, trailers or trucks exceeding a gross vehicle capacity of twelve thousand (12,000) pounds or an overall length of twenty-five (25) feet may not be parked or stored on public streets, boulevards, ditches, and rights-of-way within the City. C. Designation of Parking Zones and Fire Lanes. 1. The Council may, by resolution, designate streets, blocks or alleys, or portions thereof, as no parking zones, as fire lanes, or as five (5) minute, ten (10) minute, fifteen (15) minute, thirty (30) minute, one (1) hour, two (2) hour, or three (3) hour parking zones. 2. The Council may also upon application by the Fire Marshal or an owner, lessee or operator of any building, which building generally attracts numerous numbers of the public, designate and thus establish a fire lane upon private property. The application shall be reviewed and approved or disapproved by the Fire Marshal prior to being presented to the City Council for approval. The designated area, when approved by the City Council, shall effectively become a fire lane. 3. All designated zones pursuant to this section shall be appropriately marked at the direction of the City, at the property owner's expense when on private property, and the City's expense when on public property. Unless otherwise provided within the resolution or application approval, such restrictions shall apply every day of the week, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. D. Night Parking. No vehicle shall be parked upon any public streets, boulevards, ditches, and rights-of-way in the City between the hours of two o'clock (2:00) AM and six o'clock (6:00) AM inclusive, between November and April, including, but not limited to, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. E. Snow Emergency. After a snowfall of at least two and one-half (2-1/2) inches in the City, parking is prohibited on any public streets, boulevards, ditches, and rights- of-way until and after that particular public way has been plowed and the snow removed to the curb line. It unlawful to deposit snow or ice, plowed or removed from private property, onto the traveled portion of a street, alley or public way. F. Immobile Vehicles and Trailers. Vehicles and trailers incapable of movement under their own propulsion shall not be parked or stored on public streets, boulevards, ditches, and rights-of-way within the City. G. Access. No vehicle shall be parked so as to obstruct a public sidewalk or trail or block access to a driveway or block access to a mailbox. 8-3-3: EXCEPTIONS: This Section shall not apply to the following circumstances: A. City vehicles parked in connection with official City business B. Vehicles picking up or delivering products to residential customers, or providing a service to a residential customer. Even in the event of a pick up or delivery, in no case shall any vehicle park for any period of time in any manner which tends to block a designated bike path. C. Police, fire and medical emergency vehicles or public or private utility vehicles parked in connection with official duties. 8-3-4: PARKED VEHICLES IMPOUNDED: A vehicle in violation of this Section may be ordered removed from a public street, boulevard, ditch, and right-of-way by a law enforcement officer. The vehicle may be towed away to a garage, service station or other place of safekeeping as authorized by the City Council as soon as possible to facilitate snow removal, street maintenance, the orderly flow of traffic, fire fighting or other lawful purpose. The vehicle will be surrendered to the duly identified owner thereof upon payment of the required fees for such towing and storage. Removal of a vehicle does not bar prosecution for a violation of traffic or parking regulations. 8-3-5: PENALTIES: A. Any person found to be in violation of any provision of this Section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by penalty established by State Statute for a misdemeanor, and as amended. Each day in which such violation occurs shall be deemed a separate offense. B. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Section, shall become liable to the City for any expense, loss or damage occasioned by the City as the result of such violation, including court costs and reasonable attorneys fees. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 27TH day of September, 2004. CITY OF OTSEGO ATTEST: - 1� IdLan Ju udso , Zoning Administr for/City Clerk Published: River tar News 10-13-04 s,�Ner, Mayor