ITEM 4.1 Design Contract for West WWTF Phase 1Ot�efF o "o MINNESOTA V Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Utilities Utility Manager Neidermeier October 26, 2020 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Schaefer and Neidermeier City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty AE2S Engineer Schaefer 4.1 STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. X Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City Staff is recommending City Council approval of Design Contract for West WWTF Liquid Treatment Phase 1 (Project). ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Residential development continues throughout Otsego and specifically within the West Wastewater Treatment Facility service area. As of mid -October 2020, the West WWTF included 3,091 platted and 2,676 permitted RECs. The West WWTF expansion initiation trigger was 2,402 RECs with a goal of being operational at or before 3,302 RECs considering the current treatment capacity of 3,428 RECs. The project is anticipated to require over a year of design and two construction seasons with targeted operational completion at the end of 2023. This target schedule for operational completion accommodates an average of 209 RECs/year over the next three years. For context, the West WWTF service area added 245 platted RECs in 2020 through mid -October. The project scope, associated design and bidding phase professional services scope/fee were discussed at the September and October meetings of the Public Works Subcommittee. The project scope generally includes the improvements of the "West Liquids Phase 1(WL1)" project described in the Otsego Wastewater Master Plan (February 2018). The master plan conceptual plan will be further developed and refined through preliminary design and drawings and specifications will be prepared as part of final design phase services. Additionally, the administration building previously identified in the "West Liquids Phase 2 (WL2)" project is included in this current scope. The project is anticipated to include the following components: • Lift Station No. 3 Upgrade / Capacity Expansion: • Existing Preliminary Treatment Building Capacity Expansion • New Fine Screening Building • Odor Control • New Membrane Bio-Reactor Tanks and Building (core capacity expansion) • UV Disinfection Capacity Expansion • New Effluent Aeration System • Reuse Water System • Civil/Site/Stormwater improvements • Related electrical, controls, structural, HVAC, and plumbing • Administration Building, Shop, Garage Space o Needs analysis and corresponding water/wastewater staffing plan through 2030 • Miscellaneous Related Tasks o Wastewater flow/load/phasing confirmation o Discharge permit negotiation o Funding coordination o West WWTF Biosolids Alternatives review for future construction impacts to site layout (unloading pipeline / west driveway / independent option) o TWAS hauling —contact vs self -perform analysis • 30%/60%/90%/Final Design Milestones and Bidding The City Attorney is in the process of reviewing the contract terms and conditions. City Council approval will be contingent upon his final review and recommendation to execute the contract. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Scope of Services POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve Design Contract for West WWTF Liquid Treatment Phase 1 (Project) in the amount of $2,291,000 contingent upon the City Attorney's final review and recommendation to execute the contract. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: Fund 602 — Sanitary Sewer Utility Yes City of Otsego - West Liquids Phase I Project Preliminary Design, Final Design, and Bidding Scope of Services October 15, 2020 (DRAFT) Introduction: The project scope generally includes the improvements of the "West described in the Otsego Wastewater Master Plan (February 2018) of capacity of 1.75 MGD (currently 0.66 MGD). The master plan conce,p,t"u 11 al and refined through preliminary design and drawings and specificafiidn! design phase services. Additionally, the administration bulldirevious Phase 2 (WL2)" project is included in this current scope ,The'p''roject is an i lji components: • Lift Station No. 3 Upgrade / Capacity Expansioh; �" y, o New Submersible Pumps. o New Electrical and Contnojs,;, • Existing Preliminary Treatment BI�i�rig'(P�TB)., o New Coarse Screening Equip' ent � "'"h Ih o New Vortex Grit Unit, Pump, acid Classifietly(jet' o Note that the 4 ' e reis'potential for t I he1' PTB fiurtctior o insteadof,Plhase 2 asl�previously plad ,l IIj' �I, • New Fine Screen9r)g Buildrng:�j L< o 2 mm Fine Screens antl;Conuev,ance eduibment Eva te'the, poter'itl�lrfor a Jet -Vac' for external septic / haol�d waste) • Ncondary Biological,Treatmerjtl 14 o '' A'rtaerobic Zone4" I ' J li o Anoxic Zone ), _iquids Phase 1 (WL1)" project n. an average wet weather flow I plan will be further developed will be prepared as part of final �,q,e,ntifiecl in the "West Liquids 'c patecl to include the following Natering of screenings) to be consolidated in Phase 1 loading area (internal city use only, not intended o Aeration Zonq lr �; j,r' ,, , o Post Anb' icILo11'e o MBR Tanks o Enhanced Nutrient Removal Recycle • New MBR Equipment Building: o Mixed Liquor Recycle and Waste Sludge Pumping o Permeate Pumping o MBR Blowers o MBR Backpulse System o Secondary Treatment Aeration Blowers DRAFT: Otsego West Liquids Phase I Design and Bidding Phase Services • o Chemical Addition Systems o Membrane Cleaning Systems o Air Compressor System UV Disinfection: o New UV Equipment in Existing Building New Effluent Aeration Tank and Building: o Effluent Aeration Tank and Diffusers o Effluent Aeration Blowers o Note that existing oxidation ditch tank(s) will be eval tanks and effluent aeration blowers may be located �l Reuse Water System o Booster pumping system o Disinfectant residual feed o Piping systems Electrical Improvements o Power Feed Capacity o Emergency Power 'I '�l` i P,�i�' o Solar (evaluation only, io.', bgr,,ate provision fo�rhfut, Controls o System architecture for n Site improvements o Civil ° ' ' I,,+ , ' °il ,for use as effluent aeration MBR building re/separate solar installation) awn or Native Grass Mix) site layout considerations; driveway evaluation it is to rri�Ab1', hey e"diision regarding the driveway vs pipeline; "er,would be co�lnstructed with this project, but the site layout will P, �1 , �Hfig,04red based upon the decision rminE't,Iiming/trigger for initiating west driveway/pipeline (assumes based trigger) of (Automated Gate) o Stormwaterilrrl'p'rovements ■ Go"all''of obtaining/ maintaining "no exposure" designation o Electrical o Gas Related electrical, controls, structural, HVAC, and plumbing WL2, non -process portion o Administration Building ■ Offices, workstations, computers ■ Lunchroom area DRAFT: Otsego West Liquids Phase I Design and Bidding Phase Services ■ Training room ■ Lockers to Shop ■ Evaluate location / co -location within other buildings (i.e. within MBR Process Building) ■ Size/need o Garage Space IN Vehicle parking for a tanker truck plus additional trucks and equipment (assumed to be the same or larger than the East, WWTF general purpose garage) o Needs analysis and corresponding staffing phasing,(20'y,ear level vs buildout) ■ Scope currently assumes build -out Annualized combined Water and WasteW "ier Ukilities Staffing Plan through �° d 2030 " o Note: existing Control Building open spd, ill be further "fiH16' 6,! with additional Ill controls and electrical gearJi i," . Scope of Services: Preliminary Design t, • NPDES Permitting (assumes salty discharge environmental assessmlent workshe'.0Ifor W • Funding Coordinatio 111i(State Revolvin'j)"funo • Review Influept Mows anc) Loads (2020 LiffS confirm/coordinate design 0,rjget capacitiy �" �I • Lift Station No. 3 Capacity An �tlXsi 4 • BiosQlids,Ht andling Ap�ro�c� (fufiure�sife»Cori m a t » �o� +Westi WWTF Independent biosolids,i( Ma ster Plan(eve) alternative n) bmittal and associated Plan Coordination) to 'ideration) ption for independent dewatering and lime stapmzavon ■ Cto mlpar,e to cutr'erit,infrastructure basis with Biosolids Building ntrance RoadrANlternative's Evaluation (New Road vs Remote TWAS Pumping/Fill tation) o Evaluate and recommend approach for hauling of TWAS (contract vs self- perfored),ya'$Well as tanker size and phasing to Evaluatetnear term TWAS loadout approach (i.e. indoor TWAS tanker loading • Administration, SHiip and Garage Phasing and Needs Analysis, Planning, and Preliminary Design o Water/Wastewater Staffing Plan through 2030 • Preliminary Treatment Phasing/Redundancy Considerations • Odor Control Evaluation (Biofliter vs GAC) • Secondary Biological Treatment Train Sizing Evaluation • MBR Equipment Pre -Procurement to Two site visits to MBR facilities • Preliminary Design Review Workshop DRAFT: Otsego West Liquids Phase I Design and Bidding Phase Services o Design Review o Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost • Documentation 0 30-percent Design Deliverables ■ Basis of Design ■ Unit Process and Equipment Sizing ■ Process and Instrumentation Diagrams ■ Conceptual Site and Building Layouts o Subcommittee Presentation ■ Biosolids Option ■ Preliminary Design l�'�;"" Final Design • 60-percent and 90-percent design review worksho s o Design Review (can use 3D facility models) o Updated Opinions of Probable Cost +�. • 'J MPCA Coordination r + " , • B3 Requirements il • Documentation i „i Ihf 0 60-percent Design Deliverables (drawQs,,gnd sp4e fications) 0 90-percent Design Dehve�,ables (drawings"aod specifications) o Final Design DeliverablesIl(cle6wi,ngs and spedifibat�ons) o Subcommittee Presentation s (two hssumed) t° If ' , o Council Presentation ��'Ij �� ' !"'i ji'!i o Ali i� Bidding� w • Distribution of'EYectronic Bid.Documentsl4'i'J� • Advertisement of,Bidding on`�;�ity Websit� nd AE2S' QuestCDN • Issue Addenda i Me iu r. I I I • Schedule and Lead P'r.����4��ettng+, ll (I 11 lI u I 1 I • ttend i� Opgn�ng l • I'Prepare Award Recommendation Iti ��.;,1 • DounciI Presentation"o, Award Recommendation Construction''IaN'lPost-Construction Phases • Reserve'cj for future useI Project Basis and Assumptions: • Geotechnical investigation will be coordinated by AE2S but conducted by others. • Updated site survey will be coordinated by AE2S but conducted by others (City Engineer). • Project delivery method will be traditional design -bid -build. • Project will require NPDES permit modification and environmental assessment worksheet (EAW) for liquid treatment capacity increase. Salty discharge / chloride permit variance application is assumed. EAW "inside the fence" is assumed, i.e. entrance road not part of the current construction phase. DRAFT: Otsego West Liquids Phase I Design and Bidding Phase Services • New buildings will be designed in Revit (3D). Retrofit buildings will be in either 2D CAD or Revit depending on the extent of modifications. • Project will trigger B3 requirements (aggregate building square footage over 10,000 sf) • No expansion of laboratory facilities Project Schedule: The following is a projected project schedule: • Scope Negotiations August/Sept/Oct 2020 • Contract/Notice to Proceed November 2020 • Preliminary Design January -June 2021 • MBR Pre -Procurement April 2021 • 60% Design July -November 2021 • 90% Design ljr November 2021bruary 20 • Final Design March -April 20z, • Bidding May 2022 3,1' � • Construction Initiation June 2022 • Substantial Completion November 203� • Final Completion December 2023 Note: Schedule assumes that meetings/W6tKsho0s will be virtual, asvneeded, due to ongoing COVID-19 guidance and requirements but that COVID,19 has' 6i qfl r}al impact orb e overall design schedule. Professional Services Freres V7 PreliminaryDesj n;"y ;� , , ,,, ,T $584,000 F'j,n,al Design'.; , ,;;;, u i 19 ii, + ' $1,507,000 B34";i;,111 $91,000 Bidding";, ' ,� ,, $109,000 CA/RPR, P,9 ,t-Consti'uctibp Reserved for Future Total ' . , ,, " � $2,291,000 DRAFT: Otsego West Liquids Phase I Design and Bidding Phase Services