ITEM 3.2 (A) 10.26.2020 MinutesI tom 3.2 (A) OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2020 Call to Order. Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Corey Tanner (*), Tina Goede and Jason Warehime. Absent: Councilmember Tom Darkenwald. Staff; City Administrator/Finance Director Adam Flaherty, Dave Kendall, City Attorney; Daniel Licht (*), City Planner; Ron Wagner (*), City Engineer; and Sandy Lindenfelser, Administrative Assistant (*). This meeting is proceeding under MN State Statute 13D.021 allowing members to appear by telephone or video conference due to the ongoing health pandemic and state of emergency. For the record, the Mayor, three Council members, and certain City staff were present in -person. Those indicated with a (*) attended via video conference. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Open Forum: Randy Hermann, 14282 91st Street NE; Inquired as to who is going to be the new City Clerk and how are they going to pick this new clerk. City Administrator/Finance- Director Flaherty stated the position is posted on INDEED, the City website and with the League of Minnesota Cities. Mr. Hermann asked if the screen of evergreens are still going to be put in place at the Coborn's site. City Planner Licht said that Rice Company is working with the property owner and it is in the plan for evergreen trees between the Coles residence and to the south as well as along the property owner to the west. CM Warehime asked if this will be done this fall or in the spring. City Planner Licht stated they may want to wait for spring installation for plant livability reasons. Maria Harju, 13830 85th Street NE; Ms. Harju, who also owns a rental property in Otsego is concerned about safety and crime rising in Otsego due to the increase of new buildings being built. Ryan Thomas, 15198 96th Street NE; Mr. Thomas is also concerned about the criminal activity in Otsego and the response time of our police. Calls have been made to the City regarding problems near the County Park and nothing done. Mr. Thomas questioned as to why the deputies were not patrolling the area when people were driving through road closed signs and not using the posted detours. CM Warehime said good effort was made to try to monitor this, although the problem should be over now due to the roads being now open. Mr. Thomas inquired as to where all the CARES money is going, stating it would be nice for it to be of some assistance for homeowner repairs. City Administrator Flaherty explained that the city was allotted the CARES Act by the State, with assistance to local businesses being one of the primary uses. The City has a policy in place that outlines eligibility for the grant program. The Treasury Department has very strict criteria as to how is the funds can be used and the City is not allowed to give assistance of CARES money to homeowners. Deputy Jason Oltmanns said the City has been proactive in making the expansion to the Sheriff's Office with adding the increased number of patrol hours. Deputy Oltmanns patrols the city and will respond to any 911 call that comes in during his shift and will attend to complaints regarding traffic issues as well as trying to understand the many concerns of residents including vehicle break ins. Page 1 of 3 Item 3.2 (A) CM Warehime stated we need to be proactive to the crime in Otsego. Unfortunately, our city was taken advantage of by perpetrators targeting vehicles that were unlocked. Monitoring our surroundings and be proactive about what is going on around us will be helpful. Maria Harju, 13830 85th Street NE; Ms. Hadu isn't feeling safe, is uncomfortable and doesn't want to be a target. She thinks the City should require background checks for all rental property. City Attorney Kendall said background check requirements are the responsibility of the landlord. Some cities have a rental housing ordinance where background checks are a requirement. Mayor Stockamp commented on the concerns from Ms. Harju and Mr. Thomas and recommend they attend Public Safety Commission Meetings. Gary Inman, 7272 O'Dean Avenue NE; I have lived here for 33 years. It's election time and is curious to know more about elections. It seems that according to internet posts, there seems to be an issue with the council. Seems that there is something going on here with talking behind others back, someone has to straighten it out. This is a nice city. The road department seems to be keeping up and the plows are doing well, he's just concerned about the council. 2. Consider Agenda Approval. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty requested Item 4.1 be removed. CM Warehime motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by CM Goede. Roll Call: Voted in favor; Goede, Stockamp, Warehime and Tanner. Voted against; none. Motion carried 4-0. 3. Consent Agenda. 3.1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. October12, 2020 Meeting. B. October 12, 2020 Special Meeting. 3.3 Adopt Resolution 2020-69 Appointing Election Judges for the 2020 Elections 3.4 Special Assessments: A Approve Resolution 2020-70 Adopting Special Assessments for Parkview Retail. B Approve Resolutions 2020-71 and 2020-72 Adopting Special Assessments for Waterfront Improvements. 3.5 Accept the Resignation of the City Clerk. 3.6 Approve Liquor License for Coborn's. 3.7 Call a Special City Council Meeting on November 12- Canvassing Local Election Results. 3.8 Adopt Ordinance 2020-16 Regarding Regulation of Recreational and Special Vehicles. 3.9 Authorize City Staff to Issue a Request for Proposals for Study of City Facilities. 3.10 Adopt Resolution 2020-73 Appointing Ballot Board for the 2020 Elections. 3.11 Project Payments: A Pay Estimate #6 (Final.) for the Well No.9 and Pumphouse No.1 Improvements. B. Pay Application #6 for the East WWTF Biosolids Project. CM Warehime motioned to approve. Seconded by Goede. Roll Call: Voted in favor; Goede, Stockamp, Warehime and Tanner. Voted against; none. Motion carried 4-0. 4. Utilities. 4.2 Water Tower No.4 — 70th Street Trunk Watermain (Wagner. 10/26/20 Item 3.2 (A) A. Presentation of Bids and Recommendation. B. Adopt Resolution 2020-74 Accepting Bids and Awarding Project. City Engineer Wagner presented the materials that were distributed at the dais this evening. CM Warehime reminded City Engineer Wagner about the utility rate study that has just been completed and to try to keep within the budget. City Engineer Wagner said there are items that can be added or subtracted that would allow this to be kept within budget. CM Warehime asked if the City has worked with Widmer Construction, LLC in the past. City Engineer said we have not used them in the past although work has been completed by this company in Rogers and Maple Grove. City Engineer Wagner is contacting Rogers and Maple Grove in question if Widmer Construction, LLC has favorable results as bids were just opened today. Answers to Widmer Construction, LLC favorable results should be received by tomorrow. CM Warehime asked if a motion is needed tonight. City Engineer Wagner said this project needs to move along in hopes to have it completed by Thanksgiving. A motion could be accepted tonight contingent of the answers to the responsible work results of Widmer Construction, LLC. CM Warehime motioned to accept bids and award the contract for the 70t" Street Trunk Watermain to Water Tower #4, City Project No. 20-09 contingent upon the City Engineer determining that the low bidder is a responsible contractor. Seconded by Goede. Roll Call: Voted in favor; Goede, Stockamp, Warehime and Tanner. Voted against; none. Motion carried 4-0. 5. City Council Reports and Updates. 5.1 Commission Liaison Updates. A Heritage Preservation Commission Liaison CM Tanner. CM Tanner stated that the last meeting was cancelled due to lack of quorum. B. Parks & Recreation Commission Liaison Mayor Stockamp. Mayor Stockamp reviewed the last meeting, which included discussion of the Pumpkin Patch event, the upcoming program guide and the Santa Day event C. Planning Commission Liaison CM Darkenwald. CM Darkenwald was absent City Planner Licht stated there have been no meetings since the last City Council meeting. D. Public Safety Commission Liaison CM Warehime. CM Warehime reviewed the last meeting, which included discussion of ambulance response times, review of the fire study, and discussion of golf carts on City streets. CM Warehime further commented on the shouldering work completed in Mississippi Shores, noting that unfortunately it has already been damaged by vehicles driving on the shoulders. 7. Staff Reports and Updates. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty updated the number of absentee ballots mailed is approximately 4,800 to date. Direct balloting begins tomorrow. 8. Adjourn. CM Warehime motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Goede. Roll Call: Voted in favor; Goede, Stockamp, Warehime and Tanner. Voted against; none. Motion carried 4-0. Adjourned at 7:53 PM. Mayor Jessica Stockamp ATTEST: Sandy Lindenfelser, Administrative Assistant 10/26/20