11-10-20 OHPC Minutes OTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING Minutes Tuesday, November 10, 2020 7:00 PM Call to Order 7:06 PM. Roll Call Commissioners: Chris Wilson, John Waldron, Cara Husak, Toni Seroshek, Gail Anderson City Council: Corey Tanner via cell phone screen share Absent: Kathy Beaudry 1. Consider Agenda Agenda Approved. 2. Minutes Review Commissioner Gail made the first motion to approve. Commissioner Chris seconded that motion. Minutes approved for September. 3. Congratulations to the happy couple! Recognition for Chris Wilson and John Waldron’s new marriage! 4. New Reporting Requirements Send all meeting minutes to new contact aflaherty@ci.otsego.mn.us Send all newsletter posts to Ross. 5. Photos for Coborns Commissioner Toni was contacted by Dennis Holt, VP Marketing of Coborns to donate pictures for the new Coborns of Otsego. The 1931 plot map now can be seen in the entrance. 6. Cara’s Murder Article Commissioner Cara will make the updates on the article and send to Ross for future articles in the Otsego newsletter 7. History Webinar/Zoom Classes The Parks and Recreation has asked the HCP commissioners to create learning content for classes for the public. The content will need to consist of Presentation material like a ppt and a narrator. The Commission came up with a few ideas that the public may be interested in learning more about:  McDonald Farm House/Family  Elaine Norin – genealogy and history of OHPC  Round Barn 1  Town Hall/School House  Bootlegger & Murders  Park Signs Overview  Buildings kids can recognize and how they were built using the materials of the times Commissioner Cara to ask Adam or Dan Licht if there is a city branded slides or logo available to use for Zoom Meetings. 8. Article acknowledging Arlene Holen Commissioner Chris gave an overview of the history of a founding mother of HPC Arlene Holden. Commissioner Chris will look at the obituary to gain more information on Arlene for an article to acknowledge what she did for the city of Otsego and Heritage days. 9. Ordering Books on the City Website Commissioner John brought to the HPC’s attention that books that are available to order on the City’s Website are hard to find/order. City Councilman Corey Tanner will ask Adam if we can move it off of the purchasing portal or if the link to order can be moved to a more publicly viewed page. 10. Computer for HPC City employee, Rob Snavely will hook up the Park and Rec office printer/scanner to interface with OHPC's computer for easy file transfer. We can expect this work within the next months. 11. Book Checkout and Archiving Commissioner Chris created a checkin/checkout book where we can check out books and as we read, we take notes. This will help to create the bibliography for the book to upload to the archiving database. The database being considered is www.musarch.com. 12. Future HPC Meetings Due to the limitation of meeting in person and gathering in large crowds because of Covid, it is recommended that we meet via online meeting. City Councilman Corey will look to see if Zoom is available for our meetings. Commission Adjourned at 8:15 PM. Commissioner John made the first motion to approve. Commissioner Chris seconded that motion. Written by Cara Husak 2