08-17-20 Planning Commission MinutesOTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL August 17, 2020 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Offerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Alan Offerman; Commissioners: David Thompson, Charles Foster, Vern Heidner, Jim Kolles; Present via teleconference: Aaron Stritesky, Richard Nichols and Absent: Commissioners: Pam Black; Present: City Council: CM Tom Darkenwald and Mayor Jessica Stockamp. City Staff: City Planner Daniel Licht and City Deputy Clerk Bethany Benting. 1. Announcements: City Planner Licht stated that Commissioners are participating via teleconference in accordance with Minnesota Statute 13D.015. 2. Consider the following minutes: 2.1 Planning Commission June 15, 2020. 2.2 Planning Commission Special Meeting June 29, 2020 Commissioner Heidner motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Stritesky. Roll Call: Those for; Offerman, Foster, Heidner, Thompson, Stritesky, Nicholls, Kolles. Those opposed; None. Motion carried. 7-0 3. Public Hearing Items: 3.1 Independent School District 728: City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. Justin Wendt of Wold Architects and Tom Baranick of ISD 728 were present as the applicants and agreed to the staff report. Commissioner Heidner asked for the planned completion date of the project. Mr. Went stated they would start site work in September and be complete within construction in June 2022. Chair Offerman opened the Public Hearing at 7:15 PM. No Comments were made. Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission August 17, 2020 Page 2 Chair Offerman closed the Public Hearing at 7:16 PM. Commissioner Foster asked how long has a school been planned on this land? City Planner Licht said City Staff and School Staff started discussing potential school sites 2002 and ISD 728 acquired this property in 2006 with the intent of building an elementary and a middle school. Prairie View Elementary school was approved in 2015. Commissioner Foster asked if the school project would move up timing for construction of 85th Street between MacIver Avenue and CSAH 19. City Planner Licht said timing would be a City decision be staged based on area traffic, available funding and progress for development of Hunter Hills. Commissioner Thompson motioned to recommend City Council approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning Outlot B, Otsego E8 School Addition to INS, Institutional District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and criteria of the Zoning Ordinance. Seconded by Commissioner Heidner. Roll Call: Those for; Offerman, Foster, Heidner, Thompson, Stritesky, Nichols, Kolles. Those opposed; None. Motion carried. 7-0 Commissioner Heidner motioned to recommend City Council approval of a Preliminary/ Final Plat, PUD -CUP and site and building plans for the ISD 728 Otsego Middle School Addition, subject to the following conditions as stated in the planning report. Seconded by Commissioner Stritesky. Roll Call: Those for; Offerman, Foster, Heidner, Thompson, Stritesky, Nichols, Kolles. Those opposed; None. Motion carried. 7-0 4. Update on City Council actions. CM Darkenwald updated the Planning Commission on recent City Council actions. 5. Update on future Planning Commission Agenda items. City Planner Licht updated the commissioners on possible future agenda items. 6. Adjourn. Commissioner Stritesky motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. Roll Call: Those for; Offerman, Foster, Heidner, Thompson, Stritesky, Nichols, Kolles. Those opposed; None. Motion carried. 7-0 Adjourned at 7:25 PM. Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission August 17, 2020 Page 3 Alan Offerman, Chair ATTEST: 0, &,4,dflA Bethany Benodg, Deputy tjArk