12-08-20 OHPC Minutes
Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
7:00 p.m.
Call to order 7:00pm
1. Consider Agenda
a. Agenda approved
2. Minutes review
a. Commissioner Chris approved 1 Commissioner Gail seconded that
motion. Minutes approved for November.
3. ZOOM meetings
a. Continue with Zoom Meetings until further notice.
4. Updated Otsego city website
a. OHPC Site lists cost of Books
b. Can click on the links to order the book.
5. Review price of books
a. Pricing of the books needs to be the price on the website
b. Suggestions on Pricing
i. In the beginning and Family Farm, Holt Diary years can be
ii. Commissioner Chris’ book stays same price
iii. Market to sell
1. Commissioner Toni will ask Coborns, Commissioner
Cara to ask 101 Market if they would sell the books
6. Decide if we want pdf files of books on city website
a. Can add PDF to City Site
i. Add link to download on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and
Otsego city of Otsego Website on the
ii. Commissioner Toni will check in with Barb on adding PDFs to
b. Could offer to school librarians at Elk River Schools and Kaleidoscope
i. Commissioner Chris can supply the email list of librarians to
download PDF.
7. Creation of OHPC Facebook Page
a. Mayor Jessica Stockamp will check to see if it is possible
b. Would need dedicated staff
8. Archiving system
a. Museum Archive - all data will need to be on OHPC Room Computer
b. Corey indicated the Rob is going be setting us up with a newer
computer with internet and printer connection
i. Will need wifi to download
c. Other database that we could use is Collective Access and Pass Perfect
(phasing out in Wright Country Historical Society
9. Talk with Ross re ZOOM history classes
a. Will need to know what to do
Commission Adjourned at 8:00pm
Commissioner John made the first motion to approve. Commissioner Chris
Written by Commissioner Cara Husak