RES 13-08RESOLUTION No.: 2013 CITY of OTSEGO COUNTY of WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE MUNICIPAL WATER AND SEWER RATES FOR THE THREE YEAR PERIOD 201 2015 EFFECTIVE WITH THE MARCH 13, 2013 B ILLING WHEREAS, The city of Otsego provides municipal water and sewer utility services to many of the residential areas within its city boundaries, and WHEREAS, the utility rates charged to the users of the systems rust be sufficient to finance all expenses related to its operation including operating expenses, debt service costs and anticipated future capital replacement costs, and WHEREAS, the City has completed a comprehensive utility rate study conducted with the assistance of professional consultants, and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the results of the comprehensive utility rate study and has determined that is financially prudent to set the utility rates for 2013 — 2015 to finance all utility related expenses. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City council of the City of Otsego that the water and sewer utility rates attached as Exhibit A and Exhibit B are approved for the gears 2013 2015 effective with the larch 13, 2013 monthly billing period. MOTION Y: HEIDNER SECOND BY: DARKEWALD ALL IN FAVOR: STOCK, HEIDI ER, DARKEI MALL , WARE IMES HRE ER THOSE OPPOSED: NTONF ADOPTED by the city Council of #Fre city of Otsego this 11th day of February, 2013. CITY OF OTSEGO ica Stockarnp, ayor ATTEST: Tani Loff, city Cleric -City of O.tsogo S rn-m ry of 2013 thru 2015 water and sower UtINy rate Molithly Wbter Rates. Flat Rates Motor Si (All Users) 5/8#1 3/411 ;i! 1,511 2.G') #! 4.o # 77 ,# Usage Rates. Residential - 5,000.gallons 51000 - 10,000 -gallons Over IQ,000 gallons Commercial - 10,000 gallons 101000 - 50'r000 gallons Over , ' a (Ions City Property 5,000 gallons 5,000 - 10,000 allfl Ovdr 10,000 gallons Irl«rt - 10, l l o ns - Over 10,000 ll -on 2013 2014 2015 8.20 8,41 8.62 0 8.41 8-162 25700 25,63 2-6127 50.00 51,25 52,53 7#00 7618 78,80 150.00 153,75 157,59 37500 -884.3.8 a93,98 1.54 1,58 1,62 1,64 1,68 1.72 1164 1.68 1,72 1,54 1,88 � 1,64 1.68 172 1164- x .6.8 1,72 1,54 .. 1,62 1+64, .. 1.64 1„68 1372 1.64 • .68 1472 -1#68 ,7 City of Otsego Summary of 2013 thru 2015 water and sewer utility rate Mbnthly Sewer Rates 2013 Flat Rates Muer Size (AII.wers) 2014 2015. SA'# 718 -8.27 80 3/4 7,88 8427 ;- OU M7S 16x54 17.36 1.51' 39.38 41.34 43,41 .0" 78,75 r-6'9 �6,82 3,0" 157.50 165,38 173;64 • 11 393,75 413.44 434,11 Usage Rates All Wage per 1,000 gafledn printer usage from mid November h mitt Pebruary 4.88 5,13 5.38 All customers without a usage history Flat Rate 32,00, X3.60 35..28 Commordal sewee ehararo boiged on the monthly water usage