RES 13-61CITY of OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION No: 2013-1 RE SOLUTION APPROVING 2013 PROPERTY TAX LEVY COLLECTIBLE IN 2014 WHERE, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 275,065 requiring adoption of a pmliminary property tax levy by September 15 of each year the City of Otsego adopted such a levy o September 9, 2013 for collection In 2014 to suppolt various operating budgetsof the City; and WHE RE ASon December 9, 2013 the Otsego City Council held a publlc meeting at which citizens re invited to comment on the proposed levy and resulting operating bu et 'or the 2014 scat year, THEREFORE 9 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF TSEGO� WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA THAT: the following sumf money be levied for collection In 2014 upon taxable properties in the City of Otsego for the following purposes: General Government $41001,315 Tax Abatement 23,000 GO b ro e ent Bonds 2003A 10%'000 00 Improvement Bonds 2004 75,000 GO Improvement Bonds 2006B 100,000 Public Works Building Bond 2010E 20 Total Tax Levy 4 5 aQO;- =LO MOTION made by Council Member Heidner and SECONDED by Council Member Warr i e. IN`AVOR: Stockamp, , ei or, Ware i e OPPOSED,: Dar e w ld ATS` Council this 9t" day of December, 2013. the Otsego City ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF 4TSECJ v�1 0 Je Hca Stockamp, Mayo