Item 6.1TPC The Planning Company 1L _ ►l • TAND 11 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: TPC FILE: BACKGROUND 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com Public Safety Commission D. Daniel Licht, AICP 7 January 2021 Otsego — City Code; Special Use Vehicles 101.01 The Public Safety Commission has received requests to consider making allowance for operation of ATVs and golf carts upon City streets. The Public Safety Commission was provided background information on this issue in the memorandum from our office dated 3 November 2020 at their November meeting. For these vehicles to be operated on City streets, the City must adopt an ordinance and permit process as required by Minnesota Statutes 169.045 The winter edition of the Otsego View included information requesting comments from the public regarding operation of ATVs and golf carts on City streets. Copies of the emails received to date are attached hereto. City staff has also posted information regarding the January 2021 Public Safety Commission meeting on Facebook requesting additional written comments or welcoming comments to be provided at the open forum portion of the agenda. Exhibits: ■ Emails received December 2020 (15 pages) CONCLUSION The Public Safety Commission should review the public input as to allowing ATVs and golf carts to be operated upon City streets and consider the following actions: Motion to recommend the City Council direct City staff to prepare an ordinance to allow for operation of special vehicles upon City streets for further review by the Public Safety Commission. ■ Motion to recommend to the City Council that no action be taken to adopt an ordinance allowing operation of special vehicles upon City streets. ■ Table for further discussion at a future meeting. C. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Bethany Benting, Deputy City Clerk David Kendall, City Attorney 2 D. DANIEL LICHT From: thielen25 <thielen25@aol.com> Sent: Monday, December 21, 2020 1:08 PM To: ddl@planningco.com Subject: ATVS We are definitely in favor of allowing ATVs and golf carts on the city roads. We've noticed that the cars tend to slow down through the neighborhood when they see the golf carts. D. DANIEL LICHT From: Carol Lamphere <carolann6096@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 7:21 PM To: ddl@PlanningCo.com Subject: ATV/golf cart road use I just wanted to write a quick note to let you know that I am in support of allowing ATV's and golf carts on the city streets. I have read other cities ordinances and believe Otsego can develop a safe plan for this to happen. Thank you for your consideration of this, Carol Lamphere 14807 95th St NE Otsego, MN 763-242-6096 D. DANIEL LICHT From: Mark WOLF <m.wolf@kurita-water.com> Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2020 10:16 AM To: ddl@planningco.com Subject: Golf carts and ATV's Hello, I am sending this email to support the use of golf carts and ATV's on city streets. I have both and I think they are a great alternate method to go the local convenience store or gas station. Big Lake allows with a permit. I would think long and hard about the permitting process. What does the city gain by adding additional regulations/permits. ATV's are already required to be registered (with registration required to be displayed to the rear of the machine) with the DNR. Thanks. Mark Wolf 1658158th Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 This e-mail message and all attachments transmitted with it contain confidential and proprietary business information owned by Kurita America Inc. and intended solely for the use of the addressee. The transmission of this e-mail may be legally privileged. If the recipient of this message is not the intended person or entity, you are hereby notified that any reading, dissemination, distribution, copying, or other use of this message, its contents, hyperlinks, and attached files of any kind is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by a reply to this electronic mail message and delete this message and all copies and backups thereof. All rights to the information contained in this e-mail are reserved by Kurita America Inc. D. DANIEL LICHT From: Debbie Alt <bdalt@hotmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 9, 2020 6:18 PM To: ddl@planningco.com Subject: Motorized golf carts on city streets I see no problem with golf carts on residential city streets in Otsego. The carts are very quiet, and cause minimal damage to roads and shoulders of our roads. We may want to limit hours of operation to sunrise to sunset, but many do have headlights and tail lights. They should be required to follow the rules and safety laws that govern bicycles, and other slow moving vehicles on our roads. I use my golf cart to help with lawn chores and to keep in touch with my neighbors. As an older person with some mobility issues, I find it a very fun way to keep in touch in the community. I am not sure whether they should be allowed on park trails but I would like to be able to use mine there. Thank you for your time. Deborah Alt. balt@hotmail.com Sent from my iPad D. DANIEL LICHT From: Jan Block <jblock503@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 9, 2020 2:18 PM To: ddl@planningco.com; Joel Block Subject: ATVS and Motorized Golf Carts Good afternoon - By way of introduction, my name is Jan Block. I am an Otsego resident along with my husband and two young children. I understand there is a motion to loosen restrictions of motorized vehicles and ATV's on our roadways. I am writing in support of allowing these vehicles to be on the streets. If license and insurance becomes a requirement, then we are happy to oblige. We have both a golf cart and a 4 -wheeler and it is a great family time together. Nothing makes me happier than seeing a young man, riding his 4 wheeler with a fishing rod to head down to the river. As a parent, I would restrict my child from crossing any major roadways. We also are very courteous to others who are driving a wheeler or golf cart - giving them the right of way. It seems like it should be welcomed and encouraged by local authorities as long as it's done responsibly Thanks so much for taking letters. I realize this is a day late and I'm so sorry, but wanted to still send something over. Warmly, Jan and Joel Block 10156 Jandel Ave NE Otsego MN 55362 Mississippi Pines Association resident Jan M. Block www.janblock.me "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened"- Dr. Seuss D. DANIEL LICHT From: Barb Williams <BWilliams@ci.otsego.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, December 8, 2020 2:47 PM To: D. Daniel Licht (DDL@PlanningCo.com) Subject: ATV's, Golf Carts H! Dan, We're writing this as residents of Island View Estates for tonight's meeting - throwing my support out there for all things on tires. Q On the pro side, we don't feel safety is an issue other than possibly to the user(s) since they are defined as vehicles and not meant to share the same space(s) as pedestrians, can't reach unreasonable speeds and would be confined to neighborhoods (well, until they want to fly across C.R. 39 to get to the actual golf course ...for dinner, of course. But devil's advocate for a moment here, there have been 2 very serious accidents, both involving ATVs. 1) Years ago (probably mid 90's) Two early teen girls heading north down Kadler, turned right onto Kahler, began to fishtail (it had just started to rain so they were in a hurry) and overcorrected, flipping the ATV, throwing the passenger into a rock head first at 10070 Kahler. 2) Last year, Troy Engels was airlifted after the ATV he was riding on crashed into a tree, ejecting him headfirst into it. Both of these were awful events but by and large the percentage is quite small so I vote YES!!! Cheers to peelin' & squealin'. Barb & Jene Williams 10180 Kahler Ave NE Otsego, M N 55362 D. DANIEL LICHT From: Stephen Shea <sshea52@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 8, 2020 9:21 AM To: D. DANIEL LICHT Subject: ATV's and Motorized golf carts - Article in Otsego View HI Dan, I hope this email finds you healthy and safe. As the President of our Townhomes Association and as a resident of a community surrounding Riverwood National Golf Course, I feel as if this email is necessary to seek additional clarification as to the recent article wherein the use of such machines is prohibited on city streets. Many of the residents here may very well cross over and or drive down a city street (County Road?) in order to gain entrance to the golf course and to play a round of golf. Is there an Ordinance that has been passed that deals with such a situation for Riverwood Golf Community owners? Does current City Ordinance apply to, and/ or adequately deal with the need to allow for such use by owners of property within the Riverwood Golf Development? I would appreciate any feedback you may provide regarding this topic, as there may be many people wondering if action needs to be taken; in the form of meeting attendance or providing written commentary. Thank you Dan. Happy Holidays! Stephen Shea cell 320-894-8424 D. DANIEL LICHT From: Walt Lee <Ieeww50@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, December 5, 2020 11:51 AM To: DDL@planningco.com Subject: Golf Carts, ATVs, and Otsego City Council meeting Attachments: ohv_regs.pdf Hi Public Safety Commission, I am writing in regards to golf cart and ATV/UTV usage on city streets. I have been a resident of Otsego since 1988 and watched it grow to the great city it has become. I feel that ATV/UTV should be allowed on our city streets providing they follow state guidelines for ATV/UTV usage on city streets and be street legal. The state has guidelines that I have attached. The largest problem I have noticed over the years are young people going where they shouldn't go as in areas posted non -motorized vehicles and following traffic laws. Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter. Walt and Bonnie Lee D. DANIEL LICHT From: Kevin Sirmons <drsirmons@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 8:10 PM To: ddl@planningco.com Subject: ATVs and golf carts Hl, I'm at 9995 James Ave. NE. We may opt may not be able to attend the Public Safety Commission meeting, in part due to the pandemic and we are wondering off it will be broadcast. Second, with regard to the ATVs and gold cart use, our personal / family view is that vehicles with lighting should have lights on while on city roads, and they should be allowed on roads with speed limits less than 40 MPH. Other stipulations could be added, but I think they have great benefit within certain communities and neighborhoods, and Mississippi Pines is an example of those. Going between Norin and Mississippi Pines down Kadler might be an issue but I personally feel that it decreases wear on roads, decreases emissions from vehicles, and keeps speeds lower than in a car or truck. They are generally safer, but visibility of some golf carts and 4 wheelers may be very limited due to lighting. I agree with reflective tape addition or as a requirement; lighting; rear view mirrors on golf carts; and speed limits for each of those vehicles while on city roads. 30-40 MPH was a consideration for the types of roads on which they could be operated. Thank you for your time, Kevin and Cindy Sirmons Kevin Sirmons, MD, NRP, FAAFP Emergency and EMS Physician Sirmons Medical, PLLC Diplomate, ABFM and ABPS-BCEM Fellow, AAFP Medical Director, Emergency Medical Solutions, LLC Director of Medical Response Operations, Rescue Task Force, LLC 612.919.4550 ronindoc@me.com drsirmons@gmail.com D. DANIEL LICHT From: Joseph Lewerenz <JLewerenz@Magnumlog.com> Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 11:13 AM To: ddl@planningco.com Subject: ATV and Motorized Golf Carts To Whom it may Concern, I am a resident in Otsego and would like to availability of using my golf cart on my neighborhood streets. I personally have added Insurance & safety devices on my cart including Head lights, Slow Moving reflective sign, Tail lights & strobe lights for Excellent visibility of my cart. It is in excellent condition with working brakes. If you meet certain parameters like I have taken I see no reason to not be able to get a permit to ride on the streets in a safe manor. As a tax paying citizen of Otsego I would like to see this get put into effect for My City. I take my Cart to Different tractor shows and meet all their criteria to run it in public spaces I see no reason I can not be able to go around my Neighborhood. Joe Lewerenz Driver Recruiter Direct: (763)780-7544 Cell: 651-308-0119 111111111WAGNt/M D. DANIEL LICHT From: Offerman, Alan <Alan.Offerman@stantec.com> Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 8:43 AM To: DDL@PlanningCo.com Subject: ATVs and Golf Carts - Public Safety Input Dan - I am writing in regards to the recent request for public input to the public safety committee for the use of ATVs and Golf carts on city streets. Generally speaking, I do not see a huge issue with the proposal. For face value it offers an alternative way for residents to travel within the neighborhood with seemly no major issues. However, it also opens a can of worms that the public safety commission and council needs to consider. 1. More often than not, I see unlicensed drivers (children) driving fast, not obeying traffic signs and sometimes carelessly on city streets even today. How will this be addressed? 2. Will it be clear where the ATVs and Golf carts will be allowed? Me living on the west side of the City, could I drive it all the way to get groceries at the new Coborns? If the argument is for neighborhood travel it should to be limited to that only. 3. Will this only be limited to ATVs and Golf carts? In my neighborhood in particular, regularly ATVs and dirt bikes drive through. Sometimes people think that because a four wheeler is ok a dirt bike is too. 4. People often think about 4 wheelers and golf carts being quite, what about the 2 stroke four wheelers? They can be very loud. 5. Will they be allowed on all City streets? Some are 30 mph and some are 55 mph, not many golf carts can drive near the speed limit and may cause a safety issue. 6. Will all vehicles be required to have lights and a horn? Helmets? Seat belts if equipped? A lot of golf carts do not have lights, will they be allowed to drive at night? 7. Will people be required to have insurance? I am required to have insurance on my truck on city streets, same should be for every other vehicle traveling in the public right of way. 8. What are the ordinances of our neighboring cities? Not everyone is aware of the boundaries and it could potentially lead to confusion, misunderstanding and may be difficult to enforce for the Wright County Sherriff. I would support an ordinance that allows 4 wheelers, UTVs and golf carts on city streets as long as it addresses all of the issues mentioned above. Thanks! Alan Off erman, PE Civil Engineer Mobile: 651 308-9560 Alan.Offerman@stantec.com Stantec The content of this email Is the confidential property of Stantec and should not be copied, modified, retransmitted, or used for any purpose except with Stantec's written authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies and notify us immediately. D. DANIEL LICHT From: SAM CATAPANO <lifgozon@yahoo.com> Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 8:43 AM To: ddl@planningco.com Subject: ATVs and Golf Carts Please do not allow these vehicles to operate on City Streets. Many of the homes around me have drainage ponds in the backyards... and the streets are unfortunately the place most of the kids from age 5 to 16 congregate to play. In addition we already have the age 16 plus kids and adults illegally riding ATV's and motorized dirt bikes on the streets...... It is a very dangerous situation .... I have witnessed many close calls with kids playing on the streets or darting down driveways into the street. These neighborhoods have enough traffic... cars, mail , garbage trucks, many delivery trucks UPS, Speedy, Fed Ex, Amazon etc. Many of the residents and visitors park on the street which coupled with the driveways being filled with cars, boats , campers and trailers produces very limited visibility for the cars legally driving on the street. It is a very dangerous situation already. In addition to the aforementioned safety issues.... it is very annoying to hear ATVs driving back and forth in front of your home. If people want to drive ATVs ...I suggest they move to the country or hit the thousands of miles of trails in the State. If people want to drive Golf Carts .... They should go play golf. Please do not change the ordinance which prohibits operation of these vehicles on City streets 11 Sam Catapano D. DANIEL LICHT From: Barger, Brad D <bbarger@gosuburban.com> Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2020 6:37 PM To: ddl@planningco.com Subject: Atv/golf Attachments: IMG_5321 jpg; ATT00001.txt City Planner I live on Jalger Ave NE and would be in favor of allowing ATV : Golf carts allowed in neighbor hood roads as long as current traffic speeds etc are followed. I heard it was a good success in Big Lake. Thank you Brad Barger 9937 JaIger Ave NE 612-889-0820 This communication constitutes an electronic communication within the meaning of the Electronic Communications Act, 18 USC 2510, and its disclosure is strictly limited to the recipient intended by the sender of this message. This communication may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient and receipt by anyone other than the intended recipient does not constitute loss of the confidential or privileged nature of the communication. Any review or distribution by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, please contact sender by return electronic mail and delete all copies of this communication. D. DANIEL LICHT From: kirschner10 <kirschner10@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2020 5:41 PM To: ddl@planningco.com Subject: AN & Motorized Golf Carts I'm a resident on the 5800 block of Quenroe Ave NE. I am for allowing a permitting process and allowing such machines to operate on the city streets. I use an atv for plowing and assist other family friends in the area with their driveways as well. I work in public safety for cities that have adopted such ordinances and in my 12 years experience have rarely encountered an issue. I have been a DNR safety instructor for ATV and snowmobile and encourage people to use them safely. Thank you for considering this issue and notifying us that you are doing so. Kyle Kirschner Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone D. DANIEL LICHT From: John Ryder <rockenryder@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2020 3:19 PM To: ddl@planningco.com Subject: ATVs and Golf Carts I am in favor of allowing ATVs and Golf carts on city streets where speed limits are under 45 mph, have head lights and tail lights. Can't be used past 7pm. Are not loud. Thanks for progress on a fire Department. Next we should work on a Post Office. Blessings, John Ryder sent from my I phone 9385 Odean Ave NE Otsego, MN 55330 In God we Trust