02-09-2021 Public Saftey Meeting MinutesOtsego Public Saftey Meeting Date: 02/09/21 Time: 1830 hours Call to order: 1833 Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp & Council Member Tina Goede Commissioners: Chairman Bill Adberhalden Vice-Chair Dan Freiberg David Greeman Paul Fields Jim Breitbach Greg Hubbard - Absent Vern Heidner John Braun - Absent 1.Approve Agenda: Motioned by Bill Adberhalden and seconded by Paul Fields 2.Approve meeting minutes from November 10th, 2020. Motioned by Bill Adberhalden and seconded by Jim Breitbach. Approved Unanimously. 3.Open forum-No one presented Elk River Ambulance No one present - Data provided last month (Data provided quarterly) Allina Health Ambulance No one present - Data provided last month (Data provided quarterly) Centracare Health Ambulance No one present - No data provided. Still waiting on 4th quarter times from 2020 (Data provided quarterly) Albertville Fire Department January - 41 calls for service - 18 calls for service in Otsego. 2020: 414 calls for service for Albertville fire.158 calls in Otsego. Since 2010, there has been a 61% increase in calls for service for Albertville fire. Chief went over the year end report for 2020. Average response times. 2020 average response times: Dispatch to on scene times: EMS calls: 9 minutes. Fire: 13 min- utes Posted a hiring process - Hiring up to three new fire fighters. Each fire fighter completes 300 hours of training and time per year Calls for service volumes did not change for 2020 Rogers Fire Department Brad - 6 calls for service in January for Otsego - Annual report with be received next month - New engine coming in August/September. Traffic report - expecting more I-94 work this year. Calls for service were slower in 2020, believed due to covid Elk River Fire Department Mark Dickinson and Joe Libor - Joe Libor is a new Deputy Chief - Libor Introduced himself to the board. Mark discussed a new program/position in the department called “community risk reduction program” which was started to help educate and reduce call volumes in the city. 7 calls for service in Otsego for January 2020: Elk River had 508 calls for service last year including Otsego - Calls for service increase about 3% every year - 92 calls for service in Otsego. Calls for service volumes did not change for 2020 WCSO No one present (critical incident today in Buffalo) - Data provided Discussions: Last meeting minutes - mayor wanted it noted there was an error in the discussions - we discussed picketing not “picnicking” - City ordinance passed regarding picketing. The city council has not made decisions about the golf cart/off roadway vehicle ordi- nance - they want to complete a survey with the community after hearing from members during the public safety meetings. More discussions to come in the future. David Greeman - Discussed to purchase signs to support our pubic safety departments - Discussed to sell the signs and use the proceeds to provide a scholarship. Mayor said she will need to discuss it with city administrators to move forward. Public safety interviews this week: Will know the results at the next meeting Next meeting March 9th 2021 Adjourn 1956 hours: Motioned by Dan Freiberg, Seconded by David Greeman