ORD 2021-06 Amending the City Code Regarding Alcoholic Beverage LicensesORDINANCE NO.: 2021-06 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE REGARDING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 4-1-4 of the City Code (Alcoholic Beverages - Types of Licenses) is hereby amended to add the following provisions with subsequent sections renumbered accordingly: F. Off -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License: An off -sale intoxicating liquor license may permit the sale of intoxicating liquor. 3.2 beer, and wine by an exclusive liquor_ store_ at retail, in -the -original package, for consumption off the premises only. Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION BY: Darkenwald SECOND BY: Goede ALL IN FAVOR: Stockamp, Dahl, Darkenwald, Goede and Moores THOSE OPPOSED: none ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 22"d day of February, 2021. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: &&nfy Jessic L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: -' Audra Etzel, City Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss COUNTY OF SHERBURNE Diane Erickson being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that he/she is the Publisher's Designated Agent of the newspaper(s) known as: Star News with the known office of issue being located in the county of: SHERBURNE with additional circulation in the counties of. WRIGHT and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02. (B) This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) once each week, for 1 successive week(s); the first insertion being on 02/27/2021 and the last insertion being on 02/27/2021, MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICES Pursuant to Minnesota Stat. §580.033 relating to the publication of mortgage foreclosure notices: The newspaper complies with the conditions described in §580.033, subd. 1, clause (1) or (2). If the newspaper's known office of issue is located in a county adjoining the county where the mortgaged premises or some part of the mortgaged premises described in the notice are located, a substantial portion of the newspaper's circulation is in the latter county. By: Designated Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 02/27/2021 by Diane Erickson, Notary Public Rate Information: (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: $23.00 per column inch CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO.: 202146 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE REGARDING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSES, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 4-1-4 of the City Code (Alcoholic Beverag- es — Types of Licenses) is hereby amended to add the following pro- visions with subsequent sections renumbered accordingly: F. Off -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License: An off -sale intoxicating liquor license may permit the sale of intoxicating liquor, 3.2 beer, and no by an exclusive liquor store at all, in the original package, for consumption off the premises only. Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION BY: Darkenwald SECOND BY: Goode ALL IN FAVOR: Stockamp, Dahl, Darkenwald, Goode and Moores THOSE OPPOSED: none ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 22nd day of February, 2021. CITY OF OTSEGO BY:Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Audra Etzel, City Clerk Published in the Star News February 27, 2021 1118369 Ad ID 1118369