RES 2021-12 Policy - Fleet ManagementCITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 2021-12 ADOPTING A FLEET MANAGEMENT POLICY WHEREAS, the City previously adopted a City Vehicle Use policy on April 24, 2006; and WHEREAS, the City has made certain revisions at the recommendation of the League of Minnesota Cities; and WHEREAS, the City has changed the title of the policy to Fleet Management policy; and WHEREAS, a policy such as this ensures the safety and well-being of City employees, facilitates the efficient and effective use of City resources, minimizes the City's exposure to liability, monitors the use of City - owned vehicles and assists in complying with regulations relating to City vehicle usage; and WHEREAS, the City Council has met to discuss and review the Fleet Management policy; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the Fleet Management policy shall be in force and effect upon the date of adoption of this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. That the Fleet Management Policy as attached hereto is hereby adopted effective immediately. 2. That the following City policies previously adopted are no longer in force and effect: a. City Vehicle Use Policy; adopted April 24, 2006 ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 8th day of March, 2021. MOTION BY: Darkenwa 1 d SECONDED BY: Goede INFAVOR: Stockamp, Dahl, Darekenwald, Goede, and Moores OPPOSED: none CITY OF OTSEGO ki Jessica L. Stockamp,lMayor ATTEST: llil')! �1111 AudraE!t-�el, City Clerk CITY OF sego MINNESOTA FLEET MANAGEMENT POLICY 1. POLICY To ensure the safety and well-being of City employees; facilitate the efficient and effective use of City resources; minimize the City's exposure to liability; monitor the use of City -owned vehicles and to comply with regulations relating to City vehicle usage. 2. USE OF CITY VEHICLES A. Only City employees are authorized to operate City vehicles. B. All employees that hold a commercial driver's license as part of their employment are required to be registered with Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) CDL Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse. C. Gasoline for City vehicles must be obtained from the Public Works Department facility. D. City vehicles are to be used as necessary to conduct business of the City and its operations. E. Employees shall not operate City vehicles for personal use. F. The use of City vehicles for overnight and out-of-town travel shall be allowed pending a supervisor's approval and if the purpose is related to City business. G. All drivers and passengers must wear seat belts and obey traffic laws. H. When cargo, materials, or tools are being transported, the vehicle operator is responsible for assuring that all items are properly secured. I. Employees are strictly prohibited from operating a City vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and are likewise prohibited from using prescription or over the counter medication which may impair their ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. J. Vehicles interiors shall be kept free of litter and debris. The physical appearance of the vehicle must create a good impression. K. The use of tobacco products is not permitted in City vehicles. L. Employees must comply with any preventative maintenance programs which may be required by the City. 3. TAKE-HOME VEHICLE A. The operations of a take-home vehicle to and from work does not constitute work time and the employee is considered off the clock until they arrive at an approved work assignment. B. All employees assigned take-home vehicles will live within 30 minutes of their assigned reporting work location. Exceptions can be granted in writing by the supervisor. C. Any employee on vacation, leave, or suspension is not authorized a take-home vehicle. D. Supervisor approval is required before an employee can take a vehicle home. E. When assigning a take home vehicle, the supervisor shall note that one of the following two criteria are met: 1 I Page a. Vehicle is equipped with tools or instrumentation that are essential in an emergency response situation. The employee responds directly to the scene of a time sensitive situation and is trained to use the tools and equipment. b. An employee's responsibilities require that they perform certain job functions on a regular basis outside of their normal assigned schedule. 4. PASSENGERS AND ANIMALS A. City vehicles are permitted to transport non -employees for City business or when attending training, conferences or a City sanctioned event. B. No one under the age of 16 is permitted to ride in a City vehicle unless necessary as a direct result of the job. C. Elected and appointed officials, volunteers, interns, and part-time employees are permitted to ride in City vehicles. D. Transport of animals' is prohibited. 5. CITATIONS A. Any employee receiving a traffic or parking citation while operating a City vehicle shall immediately notify their supervisor. B. The City assumes no responsibility or obligation to pay for any citations issued for a moving or parking violation(s). All fines and costs associated with the citation are the responsibility of the employee. C. The Fleet Committee shall be provided a copy of all citations regarding equipment or safety violations from the employee's supervisor/ department head. 6. OPERATING LICENSING A. Employees operating a City vehicle shall possess a valid driving license during times of operations. B. Operators of vehicles or equipment requiring a special class license (CDL) and/or endorsement, shall possess the same prior to operating such vehicles or equipment. 7. ALTERING VEHICLES A. City vehicles will not be altered in any. B. No City vehicle shall have any personal stickers, signs, flags, or any other similar attachment placed on or affixed to the vehicle. C. Vehicles must be affixed with the City or Department logo. 8. VEHICLE INSPECTION A. All employees will perform a "walk -around" of the vehicle to see if there are any visible problems prior to it being driven each day. B. The employee shall check to make certain that all vehicle safety equipment including headlights, turn signals, brake lights, and windshield wipers are functioning properly. C. Any vehicle damage beyond normal wear and tear or that includes defects affecting the safe operation of the vehicle must be documented and reported to the employee's supervisor. 21 Page D. Employees must comply with any preventative maintenance programs. 9. VEHICLE ACCIDENTS A. In the case of an accident or incident involving any level of damage and no other parties were involved, the employee driving the City vehicle or equipment shall immediately notify their supervisor and fill out a City of Otsego Accident Report Form. B. When the accident involves another vehicle or an injury, the appropriate Law Enforcement Department shall be notified to obtain a full accident report. a. The employee must not admit fault for the accident, and defer all legal questions to their supervisor, the City Administrator, or the City Attorney. b. Also, the involved employee will need to fill out the (League of Minnesota Cities) Vehicle Accident Report Form. c. That employee's supervisor will need to then need to fill out the Supervisor's Report of Accident form. d. If the employee is injured in the accident, First Report of Injury forms will need to be completed and submitted to Human Resources. e. Any employee involved in an accident while driving a City vehicle must submit to a drug and alcohol test, as provided for in relevant provisions of the applicable City Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy. C. All appropriate paperwork must be completed by the employee involved in the accident and submitted to the Fleet Committee for review whenever there is damage to a vehicle or equipment owned by the City. D. If the City employee is determined to beat fault, disciplinary actions maybe taken. E. The City shall not be responsible for any increase in the employee's automobile insurance premium because of an accident or fine. 10. USE OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES A. Employees shall follow the State of Minnesota Hands Free Law. 11. USE OF PRIVATELY OWNED VEHICLES A. There are times in which the use of an employee's personal vehicle is preferable because either a City vehicle is not available or because the useof a privately owned vehicle is deemed more efficient. B. The use of a personal vehicle to conduct official City business shall be reimbursed at the established IRS mileage rate. C. Travel considerations must be approved prior to conducting travel and in accordance with the travel policy. D. Drivers using a personal vehicle for City business shall carry adequate personal vehicle liability insurance as required under Minnesota law. E. The City assumes no responsibility for damages to privately owned vehicles. 12. SAFEGUARDING ISSUED EQUIPMENT A. Employees are responsible for safeguarding City -issued equipment associated with their assigned vehicles. This includes (but is not limited to) issued equipment which is normally 31 Page left in the assigned vehicles. The employee shall ensure that all equipment is safeguarded prior to parking/leaving the vehicle. B. The City will assume no responsibility for personal property stored or left in a City vehicle. 13. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS A. Employees must forward a copy of their driver's license to the Human Resources Department and/or their supervisor as requested or when there is a change to their license. In the event of a license suspension, vehicle use privileges will be terminated. B. Employees who operate any City vehicle are responsible for notifying their immediate supervisor of any restrictions, limitations, or other change intheir driving status. 14. POLICY HISTORY This is the current and most recent version of the Uniform Policy. Previously: ADOPTED: March 8, 2021 41 Page