Otsego View Spring 20212021 SPRING NEWSLETTER WHAT’S INSIDE! www.ci.otsego.mn.us OTSEGO PROJECT UPDATE 05 NEW FACES AT CITY HALL 06 LOOKING AHEAD 10 PARKS & RECREATION 13 SPRING PARKS & RECREATION PROGRAMS/EVENTS NEW FOR 2021! FREE SUMMER EVENTS page 15 There is a new pedestrian bridge that was recently installed at Carrick’s Landing. This bridge was a joint project between the City of Otsego and Guardian Angels. The concrete for the deck will be poured this spring, and the bridge will be open this summer! CITY HALL Address: 13400 90th Street NE Phone: 763.441.4414 Website: www.ci.otsego.mn.us Email: cityhall@ci.otsego.mn.us Hours: Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. & Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. PRAIRIE CENTER (Community Center and Council Chambers) 8899 Nashua Avenue NE TELEPHONE NUMBERS Department of Building Safety: 763.441.2593 Utility Billing: 763.441.2310 After Hours Emergency Service: 1.877.274.6492 Parks and Recreation: 763.235.3148 Wright County Sheriff’s Non-emergency: 763.682.1162 CITY COUNCIL MAYOR Jessica Stockamp: jstockamp@ci.otsego.mn.us COUNCILMEMBERS Tom Darkenwald: tdarkenwald@ci.otsego.mn.us Tina Goede: tgoede@ci.otsego.mn.us Brittany Moores: bmoores@ci.otsego.mn.us Jeff Dahl: jdahl@ci.otsego.mn.us CITY STAFF City Administrator/Finance Director: Adam Flaherty City Clerk: Audra Etzel City Planner: Daniel Licht City Engineer: Ron Wagner Parks and Recreation Director: Ross Demant Street Operations Manager: Kevin Lamson Utility Manager: Kurt Neidermeier Building Official: Todd Geske MEETING SCHEDULE City Council: 2nd and 4th Monday of the Month Planning Commission: 1st and 3rd Monday of the Month Parks & Recreation Commission: 3rd Tuesday of the Month Heritage Preservation Commission: 2nd Tuesday of the Month Public Safety Commission: 2nd Tuesday of the Month *Meeting dates are subject to change; call city hall to confirm dates and times. FOR ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES Call 763.551.3705 or email community@primeadvertising.com primeadvertising.com © Copyright 2021. City of Otsego and Prime Advertising & Design, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is a community service and the City of Otsego and Prime Advertising & Design, Inc. do not make any warranty of any kind with regard to the services or products of the advertisers herein. The City of Otsego and Prime Advertising & Design, Inc. do not assume any responsibility or liability for any of the content within this publication and for any errors or omis- sions to such content and reserve the right to not publish any material. The costs of the publication are offset by the advertisers. Prime Advertising & Design, Inc. is in control of the advertising content of this publication. At H&R Block, we’re available year-round to discuss the tax implications of your life-changing events. Put our expertise to work for you. 710 DODGE AVE NW ELK RIVER, MN 55330 763-441-7666 21410 136TH AVE ROGERS, MN 55374 763-428-0141 STE E STE 106 A NOTE OF THANKS To all the Election Judges, Thank you! This was a year of firsts for the Otsego City Clerk’s office. It was the first time the city conducted the presidential primary, held absentee in-person voting at City Hall, and prepared elections during a global pandemic. Through all these firsts, we want to acknowledge everyone who helped us accomplish a successful election year. There are not enough words to thank the Election Judges of Otsego. Without them, Election Day would not function, nor would Otsego have been able to offer absentee/direct balloting here at the city. These individuals, who are also community members, put in countless hours to make sure ALL of us could vote. To the election judges who worked 40+ hours a week to ensure Otsego residents could vote in- person or early by-mail early, we extend our deepest thanks! You made sure the voting experience was a smooth and exceptional one for the residents of Otsego. There is not enough praise to express our gratitude. Without you, this could not have happened. From the early morning shift to the late night close out, the Election Judges made sure all individual voices were heard. Here’s to keeping our democracy flowing. Thank you to Wright County Election staff for all your support. You spent endless hours helping to prepare us with supplies, knowledge, and direction to ready our polling locations and election judges, and you kept us informed on the ever-changing subject of elections. Also, thank you to all of the City of Otsego staff who stepped outside their normal jobs to help ensure a smooth process. City of Otsego Clerk’s Office 2 2021 Spring Otsego View A STATEMENT FROM YOUR MAYOR Greetings Neighbors! I hope this spring Otsego View edition finds all of you well. I am often asked by residents about local organizations that they can get involved in or meet people in our community. So, I have decided to take this opportunity to share information on a few great clubs that are very active in Otsego. The Otsego Lions Club chartered in 2013 and takes an active interest in the civic, cultural, and social welfare of the community. They undertake projects and raise funds to provide financial assistance to people or groups within our community. Otsego Lions meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at Otsego Prairie Center and a Zoom link is available to attend online. For more information about Otsego Lions, please check them out at otsegolions.weebly.com, on Facebook at facebook.com/otsegolions, or send an email to get the meeting link ahead of time at otsegolions@gmail.com. The Rogers Otsego Dayton Women of Today just celebrated their 1st year anniversary in December. The core description of the Women of Today is “We are women, making the world a better place by serving others in our community, and providing members the opportunity for personal and professional growth and developing friendships with other women who share similar interests.” Women of Today strives to assist women, children, and other charities that make an impact on our communities and our state. The Chapter offers support through fundraising events, helping create community awareness, and assisting in other opportunities. RODWT Chapter currently meets virtually the third Tuesday of each month. During warmer months, they will try to meet in person in local parks. Guests are welcome and asked to pre-register so they are expected at the following link: rodwt.org/meeting-registration. If you would like more details about the RODWT Chapter, please visit rodwt.org, on Facebook at facebook.com/RODWOT, or email for more information at rogersotsegodaytonwt@mnwt.org. The Otsego River Riders Snowmobile Club started in 1998 and is located right here in Otsego. The club works alongside the City of Otsego, Wright County Snowmobile Association, and MnUSA to groom trails, educate the public, handle complaints, and most of all enjoy the sport of snowmobiling. The Club’s ongoing efforts provide information and opportunities that will enrich the sport of responsible snowmobiling for generations. The Otsego River Riders Club meets on the first Thursday of the month between October and March. For meeting locations or more information about the Club, contact them at otsegoriverriders.com or email otsegoriverriders@gmail.com. If you are interested in doing something that doesn’t involve as much of a time commitment, the City has options available that can be done individually or with a smaller group of friends and neighbors that involves working to clean up heavy traffic roadways and parks. For further information on those type of options, feel free to email RDemant@ci.otsego.mn.us or KLamson@ci.otsego.mn.us to discuss what is available depending on your time commitment and size of group. Looking forward to springtime again in Otsego and hope that you and your family remain safe and healthy. Whatever it is you worry about, I can help with the policies and advice to keep you fearless. With customizable coverage to match your needs and budget — plus tools, tips and discounts to help keep costs down — I’ll help protect your car against the unexpected. Let’s find auto insurance that fits you. Contact me today. American Family Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. & its Operating Companies 6000 American Parkway, Madison, WI 53783 ©2020 018107 – 2/20 – 13015596 Todd Shatusky, Agent 9201 Quaday Ave Ne Ste 201, Otsego Bus: (763) 241-9229 PR O T E CT Y OUR C AR A GAIN S T “OOPS” AND “OH NO” Committed to providing quality plants, flowers and organic vegetables at affordable prices! Va r t y s GREE N H O U S E Family Owned & Operated 763-441-2519 | vartysgreenhouse.com 13192 192 Ave NW, Elk River Mon-Fri 9am-8pm, Sat 8am-6pm, Sun 11am-4pm 3www.ci.otsego.mn.us A STATEMENT FROM YOUR SHERIFF Sean Deringer Wright County Sheriff Within the City of Otsego, Wright County deputies responded to 8,684 calls for service during the 2020 calendar year. A common phrase we hear when talking with citizens related to calls for service is “I’m not sure if this is worth reporting” or “I didn’t want to be that person, it’s probably nothing anyway.” In either of these cases, I would respond by saying if you observe something unusual, something that strikes you as odd, call us and let our deputies respond to check it out. We ask of you: “If you see it, hear it, report it.” As a general rule, anything called in to 911 should be serious in nature or in reference to an emergency situation requiring immediate response by police, fire, or an ambulance. Other calls, or even questions, can be placed by calling our non- emergency line at 763.682.7600; both will connect you to one of our dispatchers 24 hours a day, seven days a week. With the growth happening in the City of Otsego, it is important to stay vigilant in our neighborhoods. Wright County deputies are on patrol 24 hours a day and seven days a week in Otsego. We will be working to ensure your safety, but we will always appreciate your help. We ask that you take an active role in your community by getting to know your neighbors. The rate at which Otsego is expanding means there are a lot of new people. Welcome them and get to know the people living and working in your community. With the Otsego residents and the Wright County Sheriff’s Office working together, we can prevent crime from taking place in our city and neighborhoods. As the weather warms up, many people will be heading back outdoors. Your safety and the protection of your property are important to both you and to the Wright County Sheriff’s Office. Ensure your vehicle doors are locked and valuables are not left visible inside. Close overhead garage doors and lock service doors when you are not outside or in close attendance. As a resident, you all know your neighborhoods best. If you observe something or someone that seems suspicious for your area or it generates a safety concern, call us and let our deputies check it out. Let’s work together to make a safer, stronger, and closer community. MARK YOUR CALENDARS Egg Hunt – March 27 Touch-a-Truck – June 1 Farmers Market – June 15 Spring Cleanup – TBD (This will be the City’s first annual spring cleanup and it will be held at City Hall.) These are a few of the deputies that you will see out patrolling in Otsego. 4 2021 Spring Otsego View STORMWATER POLLUTION: ILLICIT DISCHARGE What is Stormwater? Stormwater is water from rain or snow that flows across our yards, driveways, and streets and into the storm drains and ditches. These drains and ditches then direct the water directly into our waterways. Anything besides stormwater in these drains is considered an Illicit Discharge. What is Illicit Discharge? An Illicit Discharge is any contaminant that enters the City of Otsego’s storm sewer system. Examples of Illicit Discharge include: yard waste, pet waste, trash, sediment from construction sites, chlorinated pool water, paint, commercial car wash wastewater, gasoline or oil, and sewage. Why is Illicit Discharge harmful? Stormwater is not treated before entering our lakes, rivers, and streams. All the contaminants in stormwater affect aquatic life. For example, yard waste is a source of phosphorus, which contributes to algal blooms. Sediment clouds our waters, making it difficult for sunlight to reach native aquatic plants. Pet waste contributes to harmful bacteria, and chlorinated pool water can be lethal to some aquatic species. How do I know an Illicit Discharge is occurring? Possible indicators of an occurring Illicit Discharge include: unusual color or cloudiness, strong pungent or musty odor, floating debris, surface scum or foam, oil sheen, and dead fish. What Should I do if I see Illicit Discharge? Please call Kevin Lamson with the City of Otsego at 763.441.4414, and describe what, where, and when you saw the Illicit Discharge. Salt Pollutes When snow and ice melt, the salt goes with it – washing into our lakes, stream, wetlands, and groundwater. Once in the water, there is no way to remove the chloride, and it takes only one teaspoon of salt to permanently pollute five gallons of water. Some tips to reduce salt use: • Clear walkways and other areas before the snow turns to ice. • Scatter salt so that there is space between the grains. A coffee mug of salt is enough to treat an entire 20-foot driveway or 10 sidewalk squares. • 15 degrees is too cold for salt. Most salts stop working at this temperature. Use sand instead for traction. OTSEGO PROJECT UPDATE 2020 was a strong year for new home construction in Otsego with a total of 403 single family homes, which was the most new homes built in a year since 2006. The City expects residential construction to continue with additional phases of Harvest Run East, Hunter Hills, and Meadows of Riverpointe, as well as several new subdivisions. The City will begin construction of Water Tower #4 at 70th Street (CSAH 38) and McAllister Avenue. The project is planned in accordance with the City’s Water System Master Plan and funded by users of the water system. Water Tower #4 is expected to be on-line in Spring 2023. Construction of a new off-street trail on the north side of 70th Street between Kalland Avenue and Labeaux Avenue (CSAH 19). Reconstruction of the existing trail along Odean Avenue between 85th Street and 70th Street. The City is initiating a study to analyze the immediate and long-term space needs for Public Works and City Hall facilities. The City Council selected the firm of Wold Architects to assist the City with the planning process and design services for a phase 1 project. Wold Architects has previously worked with ISD 728 on the Prairie View Elementary and Prairie View Middle School projects within Otsego. Street Projects Wright County will complete improvements to CSAH 39 between Odean Avenue and Page Avenue in 2021. Construction this year is to include a roundabout at CSAH 39 and Odean Avenue, as well as a trail on the south side of the roadway between Odean Avenue and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42). The construction plans and project updates are available at co.wright.mn.us/189/Highway. Microsurfacing of MacIver Avenue, Mason Avenue, and segments of 80th Street, Page Avenue, Park Avenue, 84th Street, and Quam Avenue and streets in the Kittredge Crossings neighborhood. 5www.ci.otsego.mn.us NEW FACES AT CITY HALL Audra Etzel, City Clerk WHERE DID YOU WORK BEFORE COMING TO OTSEGO AND FOR HOW LONG? I most recently worked for the City of Rockford as their Deputy Clerk for twelve years and right before that, the City of Greenfield for one year. Prior to that, I worked in the private sector mainly doing accounting. TELL EVERYONE A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY. My husband, Brad, and I raised our daughters, Megan and Natalie, in Rockford Township. We have a two-year-old grandson, Stanley, who keeps us on our toes. We spend much of our free time up north in Backus, Minnesota, where we enjoy the lake. Besides my love of family, I am an avid genealogist. This year, Brad and I will celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT WORKING FOR THE CITY SO FAR? I have already met so many wonderful people. Everyone has been very kind and generous with their time to share their knowledge of Otsego. HAS ANYTHING SURPRISED YOU SO FAR WORKING FOR THE CITY? What Otsego has to offer! I knew the City was big and growing, but every day as I drive through town, I see the beautiful land, resources, parks, trails, businesses, schools, and homes. Otsego has great leadership and an awesome team. I look forward to growing and learning more about the City of Otsego. Jeff Dahl, Council Member WHY DID YOU RUN FOR CITY COUNCIL? I felt that as a Council member, I would be able to contribute positively in my community. I also wanted to be involved in a way to ensure property taxes and water quality are priorities during the decision-making process. TELL EVERYONE A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY. I am married with three kids and I have lived in Otsego since 2013. I moved here from Brooklyn Park and grew up in Crystal. My hobbies include working on old cars and playing video games with my kids. WHAT WOULD YOU TELL SOMEONE WHO IS LOOKING TO MOVE TO THE CITY OF OTSEGO? I would encourage them to move here by telling them about the growth the City has seen and also highlight the parks and natural resources the City has to offer. HAS ANYTHING SURPRISED YOU SO FAR SINCE YOU HAVE BEEN ON THE CITY COUNCIL? Not too many surprises yet. The only thing that has taken a little getting used to is the amount of time that the Council spends outside of regular Council meetings. City employees and elected officials work hard together to make sure that the city is well taken care of. Brittany Moores, Council Member WHY DID YOU RUN FOR CITY COUNCIL? I decided to run for city council because I wanted to be able to help make decisions for our community. I wanted to be an advocate for the City of Otsego. We are growing in population and many of the residents have young families like myself. I would like them to grow up in a community that is safe and takes pride in where we live. TELL EVERYONE A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY. I have a family of five. My husband and I have been married for seven years. Three children – my stepdaughter is starting college in the fall and we are so proud of her. My daughter is in first grade at Otsego Elementary and is happy to be back in school. My little guy is in preschool and loves his time at home. We love using our parks and participating in community activities! WHAT WOULD YOU TELL SOMEONE WHO IS LOOKING TO MOVE TO THE CITY OF OTSEGO? I would tell someone who is looking to move to Otsego that this community is growing in many areas and that Otsego relates to many people and continues to make residents a priority. There is so much opportunity for everyone who lives here. HAS ANYTHING SURPRISED YOU SO FAR SINCE YOU HAVE BEEN ON THE CITY COUNCIL? Nothing has surprised me yet since I have been on the City Council. I am just impressed with what the council has done over the years for our community and how hard they have worked. I have noticed how our City Staff values the residents of Otsego and wants to help in any way they can. 6 2021 Spring Otsego View COVID-19 VACCINE UPDATE FROM WRIGHT COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH On December 30th, Wright County Public Health began vaccinating Public Health Nurses in preparation to support the broader vaccination efforts of our local health care providers. The initial focus was to vaccinate individuals in the priority group(s) in Phase 1a. Wright County Public Health will continue to follow the latest federal and state guidelines for vaccinating additional priority groups. In light of the changing COVID-19 vaccination guidance and to hopefully reduce confusion, we think it is important to remind residents about local resources that provide the latest vaccine and other COVID-19 updates. Links of Interest: • State of Minnesota COVID-19 Vaccinations: mn.gov/covid19/vaccine/index.jsp • Find My Vaccine: mn.gov/covid19/vaccine/find-vaccine/index.jsp • Wright County Public Health COVID-19: co.wright.mn.us/945/Coronavirus-COVID-19 Additionally, in an effort to provide residents with ongoing vaccine updates, we have created an electronic vaccine newsletter. This newsletter will be emailed out at minimum, every other week. Those interested to sign up can do so on the Wright County Public Health COVID-19 webpage. If you utilize social media to stay informed, we have you covered there as well. You can find Wright County Public Health on Facebook. Our updates are shared on the Wright County Twitter account as well. Those who have additional questions can call our information line at 763.682.7607. Wright County Public Health Nurse, Alison Dudek, administers a COVID-19 vaccination to Kristie Rathmanner, Wright County Public Health Nurse. TAX TIME IS HERE! 763.392.7766 | 10603 171st Ave NW, Elk River jplanglais@langlaisaccounting.com With over 30 years of experience, our team has the Knowledge and Expertise to ensure professional, accurate, high-quality service You probably don’t want to hear this, but it’s time NOW to prepare your 2020 income tax returns. • 2020 was another year of significant tax law changes. • My customers love and trust the personal attention I provide. • I appreciate each and every customer and will provide you with excellent service. • I provide tax preparation service for individuals as well as small businesses. This year, please consider allowing me to provide your tax preparation and e-filing services. 7www.ci.otsego.mn.us ELECTION 2020: OTSEGO’S POLLING PROCESS For Otsego residents, voting in 2020 was a little different: a more convenient location, several voting options available, a global pandemic in full swing. Nevertheless, the overall process proved successful, thanks to the folks who helped keep everything rolling. Voting “One of the biggest changes was that the city took on absentee voting,” said Bethany Benting, Deputy Clerk for the City of Otsego. “Residents could get a ballot mailed to them or come to City Hall, whereas before they had to go to the Government Center in Buffalo.” And the absentee ballot was a popular method for voting in November. Of the roughly 13,000 registered voters in Otsego, Benting said about 5,000 or so asked for absentee ballots. “I feel like half of the residents did absentee or direct balloting in 2020,” she added. Absentee. Direct balloting. In-person voting. What’s the difference? Benting explained: • Early absentee ballots are picked up by or mailed to a voter. You then fill it out and put it into a secrecy envelope and sign off on it. You need to provide your Social Security number or driver’s license as proof of identification, and we then verify the ballot has been received. The voter does not place it into the tabulator machine but can track its progress at www.mnvotes.org. • Voters can opt for direct balloting within seven days leading up to the election. Any resident can go to the designated venue – which may or may not be your regular polling place – pick up and fill out your ballot, and then run it through the tabulator. You’re still voting early, so the same forms are required as if you were filing an absentee ballot. • The last option is in-person voting on election day. This is when you would go to your polling place, receive and fill out your ballot on-site, and place it into the ballot tabulator. Benting also noted that voters wishing to place their ballots into a tabulating machine should refrain from requesting an early absentee ballot. Any early absentee ballots will need to be voided before an in-person vote can be cast through either direct balloting or day-of voting. Judges Election judges help to guarantee that the rights of the voters are protected on Election Day and help ensure the voting process runs smoothly. “They are responsible for the administration of all election procedures in the polling place,” Benting explained. Head judges are also qualified to perform all the election judge functions but go through additional training to manage extra duties. “Essentially, our head judges act as supervisors of the polling place,” Benting said. She added that her gratitude for all those who have ever served as an election judge is immeasurable. “In the state of Minnesota, I feel like we absolutely couldn’t have a fair election without our election judges,” she said. Because of how fast the city is growing, Otsego will always need more election judges, Benting added. Visit the city’s website at www.ci.otsego.mn.us and contact Audra Etzel or Bethany Benting for more information on the voting process or to request an application to be an election judge. 8 2021 Spring Otsego View STAFF HIGHLIGHTS Sandy Lindenfelser (Administrative Department) I’ve worked for the City of Otsego for over 19 years in the Administration Department as well as assisting in the Building Department and Utility Billing. I’ve lived in Otsego for 38 years and have enjoyed watching the city grow. In my free time, I enjoy camping, fishing, and spending time with family. Mackenzie Alger (Streets Department) I have worked for the city for five years in the Street Department. The favorite part of my job is plowing snow. I grew up in Delano, and in my free time, I enjoy bow hunting, hiking, fishing, and anything outdoors. I also just started a podcast dedicated to the outdoors called Border Outdoors! Robert Small (Utilities Department) I’ve worked for the City of Otsego for five years. In those five years, we have learned to adjust to the growing demands as I’ve watched the city grow and continue to develop. I’ve lived in Buffalo for twenty years where I’ve raised my family. My favorite pastimes are shooting hoops with my three boys, collecting sports memorabilia, and boot hockey. Ross Demant (Parks & Recreation Department) I have worked for the Otsego Parks & Recreation Department for almost nine years. I am grateful to be able to work with such an outstanding group of people. When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time with my wife, Dawn, and my children, McKenzie and Colten. And when my family is sick of me, I enjoy spending time camping, mountain biking, and hiking with my dogs. Creating a point of interest. Your home! 5600 Queens Ave, Otsego (2 miles north of I-94 on Highway 101)763-497-4407 FocalPointFlooring.com 12550 W. Frontage Road, Burnsville, MN 55337 • 952-808-1412 Flooring • Cabinets • Countertops • Hunter Douglas Blinds • Design Assistance 10% DISCOUNT! IF YOU SHOW THIS AD 9www.ci.otsego.mn.us LOOKING AHEAD Financial Planning The Otsego City Council approved a number of operating budgets, set the property tax levy, and adopted its ten-year Capital Improvement Plan at the December 14, 2020 Truth in Taxation meeting. The approved tax levy included a reduction in the City’s tax rate, so taxpayers will only see the City portion of their property tax increase to the extent of any property value increase. One of the interesting additions to the budget for 2021 will have the City conducting a community survey, the responses to which will help gauge resident satisfaction and to obtain resident preferences to help guide future decisions. The approved budget looks to build upon the service levels expected from our residents and businesses. The City’s continued focus on financial planning has earned an AA+ credit rating from Standard and Poor’s Global Ratings, which is the second highest rating a City can receive. Capital Projects As part of Otsego’s strategic vision to responsibly be prepared for growth, the City continues to focus planning efforts on infrastructure improvements and financing of them. The City provides project updates in the quarterly newsletter, through social media, and on the City website. During 2021, the City will be constructing a fourth water tower, which will be located near CSAH 38 and McAllister Avenue, identified by the City’s Water Master Plan to meet current and future service needs. Improvements at the City’s East Sewer Treatment Facility started in 2020 will be completed in 2021 to provide for improved handling and treatment of biosolids material. In 2021, the City and Wright County will collaborate on Phase 2 of the CSAH 39 reconstruction project. This second phase will include the construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Odean Avenue, the expansion to four lanes between Odean Avenue and Page Avenue, and the installation of pedestrian walking trails along the south side of CSAH 39. Upon completion of the roadway and trail construction, the City will also be installing landscaping improvements at each of the roundabouts and in certain roadway medians. Technology The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly stressed the importance of technology and being able to provide alternative methods for conducting City business including submission of documents, forms of payment, community engagement, and attendance at City events. Due to the allocation of CARES Act Funding, the City will be offering a few new tools in this regard for residents and businesses in 2021. The first improvement is the installation of video cameras and microphones in the City Council Chambers. These new tools will allow the City to better capture the meetings, share the information, and engage the community in electronic City Council meetings. The second improvement will be the ability for residents and businesses to submit building permit applications and supporting materials via electronic means, also with the ability to pay for and receive your permit electronically without having to make a trip to City Hall. These improvements are currently in process of being installed and implemented; however, the goal is to have them available to the community as soon as possible. These improvements are being funded entirely by monies allocated to the City through the Federal CARES Act to aid local government in response to the COVID Pandemic. Growth & Development According to the latest population estimates from the Minnesota State Demographer, Otsego’s population is 18,130, which represents a 33 percent increase since the 2010 Census. The City is anxiously awaiting the results of the 2020 Census, which may have its own local impacts, including new congressional district boundaries, county commissioner district boundaries, voting precincts, and polling locations. Residential development continues to be the primary driver of growth as we enter 2021, with new single family home construction permits totaling 403 during 2020. In addition, the City permitted for construction 170 units of market rate apartments, which aligns with the City’s Strategic Plan of having diverse housing options. The apartments are currently under construction near Target and Coborn’s, and will help spur additional development of retail, restaurant, and service businesses within the City’s primary commercial area. Industrial development activity continues to be attracted to the City, with available land, competitive taxes, and access to infrastructure being areas of strength. One project currently under development is Michels Corporation, located at the intersection of Kadler Avenue and 73rd Street, which includes the construction of office space, warehouse space, shop space, and outdoor storage. Another project recently approved by the City is for GCC of America, who will be constructing a regional cement transfer facility along the railroad south of interstate 94 and west of CSAH 19. 10 2021 Spring Otsego View The City will continue to focus efforts on expanding commercial and industrial developments, as they provide employment opportunities, provide service options to the community, and diversify the City’s tax base with anticipated continued strong residential construction. Parks & Recreation In collaboration with Guardian Angels Riverview Landing, a pedestrian bridge and Mississippi River overlook amenities will be installed at Carrick’s Landing Park during 2021. Following the City’s Park and Recreation Master Plan, a number of park improvements will begin the planning stages in the coming year, including park and trail wayfinding signage, river accessibility improvements, pedestrian trail construction, pedestrian trail rehabilitation, and athletic field improvements. The Parks and Recreation Department includes a Program guide in each quarterly newsletter. Staff has continually been working to provide safe and innovative recreational opportunities and community events during the pandemic, so please stay tuned to the program guide, website, or social media to learn about the latest offerings. In Closing On behalf of the City Council and City Staff, I would like to thank the two outgoing City Councilmembers, Jason Warehime, who served two terms, and Corey Tanner, who served one term. Each of them has played an important role in guiding the City of Otsego during their respective terms. The City Council will be joined by Brittany Moores and Jeffrey Dahl, as well as continuing to be led by Mayor Jessica Stockamp, all of whom were elected this past November. The City is thankful for all of the great working relationships with Wright County, the three School Districts serving Otsego families, and our neighboring Cities and we look forward to exploring new partnership opportunities to continually better our communities. Looking for ways to connect with the City? Be sure to check out the City website, the quarterly Otsego View newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, and the City of Otsego mobile app. Everyone at the City is looking forward to another busy year! – Otsego City Administrator Adam Flaherty 2021 SPRING CLEANUP Wednesday, May 5 - Friday, May 7 | 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Residents of Albertville and Otsego will need to present identification to verify residency and drop items off at Metro Appliance Recycling at 16403 60th Street NE in Otsego. Items accepted and the cost for residents: Residential appliances . . . . . . . . . . .$10 / each Televisions/monitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$25 / each up to 25” Televisions/monitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$35 / each up to 32” TVs over 32” and consoles . . . . . . . .$75 / each Electronics and computers . . . . . . .$5 / each Miscellaneous electronics . . . . . . . .$ .35 / pound Scrap metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FREE Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FREE Passenger car tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6 / each Passenger truck tires: . . . . . . . . . . . .$12 / each Fluorescent bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ .50 / each Cell phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FREE Items not accepted include: paint, oil, antifreeze, camper fridge, yard waste and household garbage. Contact Metro Appliance Recycling at 763.241.8787 with questions. 6900 Wedgwood Road, Suite 200, Maple Grove “Understanding Your Needs, Protecting Your Rights” 763.560.5700 | hennsnoxlaw.com Individuals & Families Businesses & Non-Profit Estate Planning Probate Elder Law Family Law • Custody Conservatorships Litigation & Dispute Resolution Business & Corporate Law Real Estate Nonprofit Law Employment Law 11www.ci.otsego.mn.us PROPERTY TAX AND VALUATION NOTICES Beginning in March, property owners should watch the mail for the following tax-related items: 2021 Property Tax Statements Wright County will be mailing the 2021 property tax statements soon. Although each property within the City of Otsego only receives one property tax statement, there are actually three entities that comprise your total property tax bill. The chart shown is the distribution of taxes for a median value residential property within the City. If you would like more tax information for your property, please visit co.wright.mn.us/proptax and search for your property. 2022 Market Value Notice Wright County will be mailing notice of the estimated market value and property classification which is used for calculation of property taxes payable in 2022. Minnesota law specifically requires that the value and classification of real estate be established as of January 2nd each year. The Wright County Assessor works throughout the year to estimate the market value of each property. Market values are continuously changing based on economic conditions, property improvements, quality of finishes, etc. The market value estimated by the Assessor should be at, or very close to, the amount the property would sell for if placed on the open market. If you believe the estimated market value and/or classification of your property was determined incorrectly, please follow the instructions on the notice and contact the Wright County Assessor’s Office at 763.682.7367. Please note this is an important first step in the appeals process. After contacting the Wright County Assessor’s Office, if you continue to believe the estimated market value and/or classification of your property was determined incorrectly, you may continue your appeal. This is done through the City of Otsego Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting. This meeting is scheduled for Monday April 26, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. and will be held at the Prairie Center, located at 8899 Nashua Avenue NE, Otsego, MN 55330. For more information, please contact the Wright County Assessor’s Office at 763.682.7367 or visit their website at co.wright.mn.us/134/Assessor. !HelloOtsegofreshfreshfresh K r e m a r k a b le Welcome to a 15700 88th Street NE | Otsego, MN 55330 763-328-1700 | coborns.com Discover incredible variety and remarkable service. We strive to become your new, favorite grocery store. You’ll find all the convenient services you need, in one stop, including: 020521_CobOtsgNwslttr_7_75x4_5_2047  Groceries Caribou Coffee  Fuel  Pharmacy  Liquor  Farmer’s Market  Fresh Deli  So much more!  Popcorn Shop grocery shopping experience! We’ve been bringing families together since 1921 . Let our friendly team help make your family meals memorable today! 12 2021 Spring Otsego View COVID-19 UPDATES Dear Participant, The Parks & Recreation Department understands how difficult the past year has been on a lot of you. Please know that we are doing everything we can to offer a full slate of recreation programs and events for you and your family. We will be monitoring the Governor’s orders daily to ensure we are offering innovative but safe programming. Also, we are always on the lookout for new program ideas, so please reach out to us at recreation@ci.otsego.mn.us if you have any new and exciting ideas you would like us to know about. Ross Demant - PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR 13www.otsegoparksrec.com 2021 SPRING/SUMMER PROGRAMS Go online to register for events and programs at otsegoparksrec.com! Otsego Parks and Recreation Department will be allowing participants to register for summer/fall programs. Pre-registration is required for every event and program. No on-site registration will be allowed. WHAT’S INSIDE! 15 SUMMERTIME TUESDAYS 16 THEATER IN THE PARK 18 SPORTS CAMPS 23 GROUP FITNESS 22 PEOPLE OF OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONERS: • Angie Dehn • Doug Cassady • Jim Breitbach • Angi Hilde • Kitty Baltos • Matt Killam • Elizabeth Benoit OTSEGO PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTORY Parks & Recreation Director: Ross Demant 763.235.3155 Recreation Coordinator: Connie Schwecke 763.235.3148 Parks & Recreation Operations Coordinator: Nick Jacobs 763.334.3170 We strive to inform and empower our patients to live a healthy, well-balanced life. Our women’s health services range from prevention, obstetrics and infertility care to breast health, abnormal periods, menopause and more. To learn more, go to stellishealth.com or call 763.684.8300. We specialize in you. Complete Women’s Healthcare Family Medicine, Nurse Midwives & OB/GYN 14 2021 Spring Otsego View To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. 18 SPORTS CAMPS 23 GROUP FITNESS 22 PEOPLE OF OTSEGO FREE SUMMER EVENTS OTSEGO FARMERS MARKET We are back for our third year with a new and more convenient location, Otsego Coborn’s. Come bring your family and have some fun at Otsego’s Farmers Market! It’s a great way to enjoy healthy living while supporting local agriculture. Please check the website for the market schedule with all the fun and entertainment. Thank you to our sponsors, Coborn’s and The Bank of Elk River. TUESDAYS: JUNE 15-SEPTEMBER 28, 3:00-6:30 P.M. LOCATION: OTSEGO COBORN’S, 15700 88TH ST. (CORNER OF CTY. RD. 39 & 42) EVENINGS IN THE PARK ALL AGES Mark your calendars and plan a family fun night at Prairie Park. Come down, bring a picnic, play at the playground, cool off at the splash pad, and then enjoy some free entertainment. Tuesday, June 1 TOUCH-A-TRUCK 6:00-7:30 p.m. Monday, July 26 SOAR Regional Arts CINDERELLA 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 10 Raptor Center - Birds of Prey (Eagle) 6:00-7:00 p.m. ALL PERFORMANCES WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE PRAIRIE PARK SHELTER, 13355 90TH ST. NE OTSEGO TOUCH-A-TRUCK ALL AGES What a great way to kick off the summer with this chance to crawl inside and interact with all of those really cool trucks and equipment you see every day!! (Fire trucks, police cars, dump trucks, and much more.) You will get to meet Chase at the K-9 demo by Wright County Sheriff. Other activities also will include the North Memorial Health Air Care, which will have a helicopter landing and take-off, and a visit from the Wright County Sheriff to answer all your safety questions. A huge thanks to the Wright County Sheriff, Albertville Fire, Elk River Fire, Vision Transportation, Plaisted Companies, and Collins Brothers Towing. Tuesday, June 1 6:00-7:30 p.m. Free LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE SPLASH AND PLAY TUESDAY ALL AGES Come down and enjoy some free entertainment while you cool off at the Otsego Splash Pad on Tuesdays throughout the summer. All performances will take place at the Prairie Park Shelter. If there is inclement weather, the entertainment will move to Prairie Center. TUESDAYS AT 10 A.M. June 8 Raptor Center – Birds of Prey June 15 Kidsdance – Fun interactive DJ June 22 Circus Manduhai Mongolian Circus June 29 1st Responders Day – K9 Chase July 6 Bronini – Interactive Fun Magic July 13 Tricia and the Toonies Music & Comedy July 20 Kid’s Day Color Race July 27 CINDERELLA – SOAR Regional Arts LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK SHELTER, 13355 90TH ST. NE THEATER IN THE PARK ALL AGES Otsego Parks and Recreation is once again teaming up with the SOAR and TAG Teen Advisory Group to host two nights and one morning performance of Theater In The Park. Anyone 13-19 is invited to audition; go to soararts.com for more information. CINDERELLA Monday, July 26 7:00 p.m. Free Tuesday, July 27 10:00 a.m. Free Wednesday, July 28 10:00 a.m. Free LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE INTO THE WOODS JR Tuesday, August 24 7:00 p.m. Free LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE OTSEGO REC ON THE GO ALL AGES This summer we are bringing the fun to you! Come out to Prairie Park and join us for some fun-filled activities! Activities will include sports, obstacle courses, science, games, arts and crafts, and reading! After class, continue enjoying the park playgrounds and newly updated splash pad. Thursday, June 17-July 29 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK SHELTER, 13355 90TH ST. NE 15www.otsegoparksrec.comTo register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. ANNUAL EGG HUNT Hop on over to Prairie Park for our FREE Annual Egg Hunt Event on Saturday, March 27. We made some egg-citing changes at our Annual Egg Hunt event. This year, you will be able to hop, skip, and jump along the Prairie Park bunny trail to collect your candy-filled eggs at our EGG Chute Stations (COVID SAFE). Please remember to bring your own basket or bag. After you collect all your eggs and candy, you can greet, wave, and take a selfie with the Bunny. A bike drawing will take place and the winners will be notified. The bunny trail will be “egg marked” for families to stay socially distanced. Face masks will be required to anyone over 5 years. Preregistration is required and we will need to limit the number of participants, so please register early to guarantee a spot. Time slots will be 9:00-9:45 a.m., 10:15-11:00 a.m., and 11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. PRAIRIE RAT RACE This challenge is an adventure race for everyone, where teams of 2-6 individuals (dogs may participate but must register as an individual) complete as many of the fun and unique challenges as possible. Teams will be given one week (April 30- May 8) to complete the challenges. Teams must wear their race buffs in the challenges for the points to count and take a picture as proof. To earn team points, you will be required to upload all challenge photos by May 8. The more challenges you complete, the more points you earn. The team with the most points will win the grand prize. Please visit our website for more info and the list of all the fun challenges. RACE WILL TAKE PLACE APRIL 30-MAY 8 $10 PER TEAM (HUMAN & DOG) LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE. SPRING SHOPPING EXTRAVAGANZA Save the date for a fun day of shopping for unique gifts for you or someone else. Everything from health and fitness to purses and more! Support local artisans, crafters, and small businesses. GREAT MOTHER’S DAY GIFTS! We are looking for vendors; please check out our website. Saturday, May 1 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Free LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT THE PRAIRIE CENTER PARKING LOT SPRING EVENTS AND PROGRAMS Quality • Selection • Pricing Friendly Knowledgeable Staff Family Owned and Operated Since 1975 No Appointment Necessary! 763-425-9666 | osseovacuum.com Try Before You Buy! what we do FULLSERVICE MARKETING AGENCY PRINT & PROMO WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENTDIGITAL MARKETING COMMUNITY ADVERTISINGBRANDING& IDENTITY Fully Charged Creative Powerhouse Fueled by passion and integrity, we build partnerships, fi nd solutions, and move businesses forward. 763.551.3700 | primeadvertising.com 6450 Wedgwood Rd N #100, Maple Grove FREE MARKETING CONSULTATIONS 16 2021 Spring Otsego View To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. SPRING EVENTS AND PROGRAMS INTRO TO FLAG RUGBY AGES 7-10 OR 11-13 Rugby coaches will lead this engaging non-contact camp with an emphasis on safety. Rugby is the ultimate team sport with positions for all abilities. Kids will develop good hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness, and quick decision-making skills. Participants will learn rugby fundamentals in a fun, all- inclusive camp. Sundays, April 25-May 23 3:00-4:15 p.m. $25 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE GOLF CAMP AGES 7-8 Golf pros at Riverwood National in Otsego provide professional instruction and supervision in the basics of golfing which includes proper golf swing, chipping, putting, and etiquette. May 11, 18 & 25 6:30-7:30 p.m. $69 July 14, 21 & 28 6:30-7:30 p.m. $69 LOCATION: RIVERWOOD NATIONAL, 10247 95TH ST. NE SAFE-ON-MY-OWN CLINIC (Getting Ready for a Safe Summer) AGES 7 & UP This safety clinic will teach children how to stay safe at home. Otsego staff and a Wright County Sheriff will present safety info and be able to have a Q&A. Topics covered: home alone safety, phone safety, and basic first aid. This class will help build confidence and empower our children to keep themselves safe. A Safety Materials Packet will be provided. Wednesday, May 5 6:00-8:00 p.m. $20 LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE NATURE CAMP AGES 3-5 This camp is all about being outside, having fun, and learning all about nature. Activities will include: nature crafts, games, exploring, and stories. Mondays, May 3-24 9:30-10:15 a.m. $35 Tuesdays, May 4-25 9:30-10:15 a.m. $35 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE MULTI-SPORT CAMP AGES 2-3 This camp introduces kids to the fun and excitement of sports. Your child will develop skills in a fun and supportive environment. Sports that will be introduced are soccer, t-ball, kickball, and basketball. Mondays May 3-24 10:30-11:15 a.m. $35 Tuesdays May 4-25 10:30-11:15 a.m. $35 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE For more information 763-276-1761 | Jenna@LilExplorersChildcare.com | LilExplorersChildcare.com 8670 Parson Ave. NE, Otsego, MN 55330 All-Inclusive Program • All Meals (Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks) • Summer Camps and Field Trips • Indoor Gym • Enrichment Programs: Lil’ Farmers, Lil’ Movers, Kindermusic and Kindergarten Readiness NOW ENROLLING Ages 6 weeks through 8 years Let Us Do the Shopping for You! 763.241.7900 northcentralinsurance.com 16854 Hwy 10 NW • Elk River Auto, Home, Business, Life, Health Insurance Request a Quote Today Peggy Schumm, CPA, President E-mail: peg@cpapss.com 750 Central Avenue E, Suite 201, St. Michael, MN 55376 763-497-7817 |Fax: 763-497-9995 | cpapss.com LET OUR EXPERIENCE WORK FOR YOU! 17www.otsegoparksrec.comTo register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. FALCON SPORT CAMPS 2 YEAR OLDS These camps help your child with developmental milestones like running, kicking, throwing, and interacting socially with other kids. Parents and/or guardians participate with their child during the entire camp experience. FALCON SOCCER CAMP Players will start to develop their soccer skills through fun and interactive games and challenges. Mondays & Wednesdays, June 14-June 30 8:30-8:55 a.m. $35 Mondays, June 14-July 26 6:00-6:25 p.m. $35 Not meeting the week of July 5-9 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE FALCON T-BALL CAMP Skills that will be worked on are: hitting, catching, throwing, and teamwork in a fun environment. Mondays & Wednesdays, July 12-28 8:30-8:55 a.m. $35 Tuesdays & Thursdays, July 13-July 29 8:30-8:55 a.m. $35 Wednesdays, June 16-July 28 6:00-6:25 p.m. Not meeting the week of July 5-9 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE FALCON ULTIMATE NINJA CAMP This camp is all about Ninja fitness and activities, keeping your child engaged and ninja active all in a fun and safe environment. Tuesdays & Thursdays, June 15-July 1 8:30-8:55 a.m. $35 Wednesdays, June 16-July 28 5:30-5:55 p.m. $35 Not meeting the week of July 5-9 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE FALCON TUMBLING CAMP You and your little one will love this camp, packed full of activities that are great for developing large motor skills, coordination, strength, and balance. Thursdays, August 5-August 26 5:30-5:55 p.m. $35 LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE FALCON SPORT CAMP Each night your child will be introduced to a new sport. Skills that will be worked on are: hitting, catching, throwing, and teamwork in a fun environment. Mondays, June 14-July 26 5:30-5:55 p.m. $35 Not meeting the week of July 5-9 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE “Your Total Floor Store Since 1986” 763.441.4181 9310 Parrish Ave NE, Otsego www.LefebvresCarpet.com The most durable, easiest to clean carpet on the planet.™ March 11-May 4 Carpet | Wood Floors | Laminate | Vinyl Luxury Vinyl Tile | Ceramic Tile | Countertops 10% OFF Carpet Purchase Excluding promotional products, labor and stocked items. Coupon must be presented at the time of the order. OTNLSP2021 !! Through community support, area youth experiencing homelessness can receive critical services to help them find greater stability and well-being. Open Doors for YouthOpen Doors for Youth Celebrating 5 YearsCelebrating 5 Years of Unlocking Futuresof Unlocking Futures 18 2021 Spring Otsego View To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. WILDCAT SPORT CAMPS 3-4 YEAR OLDS Wildcat Sport Camps help build your child’s confidence by refining their physical skills and abilities and teaching them how to work together as a team. WILDCAT SOCCER CAMP Players refine their soccer skills alongside their future friends and teammates. Our coaches create a fun and challenging environment while focusing on soccer fundamentals and teamwork. Mondays & Wednesdays, June 14-30 9:00-9:30 a.m. $35 Mondays, June 14-July 26 6:30-7:00 p.m. $35 Not meeting the week of July 5-9 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE WILDCAT ULTIMATE NINJA CAMP This camp is all about Ninja fitness and activities, keeping your child engaged and ninja active all in a fun and safe environment. Tuesdays & Thursdays, June 15-July 1 9:00-9:30 a.m. $35 Wednesdays, June 16-July 28 6:30-7:00 p.m. $35 Not meeting the week of July 5-9 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE WILDCAT MULTI-SPORT CAMP Coaches focus on introducing players to the sports of soccer, t-ball, flag football, and basketball through interactive drills and games. Tuesdays & Thursdays, June 15-July 1 9:30-10:00 a.m. $35 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE WILDCAT TUMBLING We will help your child refine their large motor skills by incorporating gymnastics through mat exercises, low balance beam, vaults, and tumbling. Thursdays, August 5-August 26 6:00-6:30 p.m. $35 LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE of Albertville 6050 LaBeaux Avenue NE, Albertville 763-497-4211 | acehardware.com WE CARRY ALL THE BEST BRANDS in bar-b-que grills and outdoor power equipment Stop in today and check out our selection of Grill & Patio and Lawn & Garden Mon-Fri 8am-8pm Sat 8am-6pm, Sun 9am-6pm 763.595.1615 TheTipsyChicken.com 13479 Business Center Dr, Elk River LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED SCRATCH KITCHEN Providing predominantly organic ingredients in our fun farm-style dishes and craft cocktails. Breakfast on weekends only. T IPSY CHICKEN ESt. 2017 KITCHEN & COCKTAILS ORGANIC • ETHICAL • HUMANE • HEALTHY breakfast • LUNCH • DINNER $10.00 off $30 or more Restrictions apply; see server for details. Expires 5/31/21. TheTipsyChicken.com 19www.otsegoparksrec.comTo register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. EAGLE SPORT CAMPS 5-6 YEAR OLDS These camps teach different sports, and social skills like taking turns, cooperating, playing fairly, and being a good sport. EAGLE MULTI-SPORT CAMP Coaches keep your child active and show them how fun playing different sports can be. Sports include soccer, t-ball, flag football, and basketball. Mondays & Wednesdays, June 14-June 30 9:45-10:30 a.m. $40 Mondays, June 14-July 26 7:15-8:00 p.m. $40 Not meeting the week of July 5-9 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE EAGLE ULTIMATE NINJA CAMP This camp is all about Ninja fitness and activities, keeping your child engaged and ninja active all in a fun and safe environment. Tuesdays & Thursdays, June 15-July 1 9:45-10:15 a.m. $35 Mondays & Wednesdays, July 12-July 28 9:45-10:15 a.m. $35 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE EAGLE CHEER AND DANCE LINE CAMP 4-8 YEAR OLDS Students will learn basic motions, tumbling, jumps, and dance moves. Our instructors show how to have fun while staying active. Students will have a chance to show off their skills and perform on the last night of class. Each child will receive pom poms and T-shirt. (Registration Deadline July 19) Thursdays, August 5-August 12 6:45-7:30 p.m. $55 INTRO TO FLAG RUGBY AGES 7-10 OR 11-13 Rugby Coaches will lead this engaging non-contact camp with an emphasis on safety. Rugby is the ultimate team sport with positions for all abilities. Kids will develop good hand- eye coordination, spatial awareness, and quick decision- making skills. Participants will learn rugby fundamentals in a fun all inclusive camp. Sundays, April 25-May 23 3:00-4:15 p.m. $25 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE FISHING BEGINNER CAMP AGES 7-12 This camp is for the beginner anglers to learn basic fishing techniques and skills: knot tying, rigging, casting, and basic fish knowledge and science. A youth angler and an adult family member join us to learn the basics to get started on this amazing hobby that can last a lifetime. Volunteers from the Rogers High School Fishing Team will assist to create a very hands-on experience. Wednesday, June 16 9:00-11:00 a.m. $40 Rain makeup June 23 LOCATION: NORIN LANDING, 10599 KADLER AVE. NE GOLF CAMP AGES 7-8 Golf pros at Riverwood National in Otsego provide professional instruction and supervision in the basics of golfing which includes proper golf swing, chipping, putting, and etiquette. Tuesdays, May 11-25 6:30-7:30 p.m. $69 Wednesdays, July 14-28 6:30-7:30 p.m. $69 LOCATION: RIVERWOOD NATIONAL, 10247 95TH ST. NE TENNIS CAMP AGES 5-12 Our tennis instructors are experienced in teaching kids the fundamentals of the game of tennis. Instruction will progress players through basic shot techniques to shot placement and basic terminology. AGES 5-7 Monday-Thursday, June 28-July 1 9:00-10:00 a.m. $50 July 2 rain makeup Monday-Thursday, August 9-12 9:00-10:00 a.m. $50 August 13 rain makeup AGES 8-12 Monday-Thursday, June 28-July 1 10:00-11:30 a.m. $60 July 2 rain makeup Monday-Thursday, August 9-12 10:00-11:30 a.m. $60 August 13 rain makeup LOCATION: SCHOOL KNOLL PARK TENNIS COURTS, 15501 83RD ST. 20 2021 Spring Otsego View RECREATION LEAGUES 3-6 YEAR OLDS WILDCAT T-BALL LEAGUE (AGES 3-4) Registration Deadline May 15 Parents and/or guardians participate with their child. Tuesdays, June 1-July 6 5:00-5:45 p.m. $49 Tuesdays, June 1-July 6 6:00-6:45 p.m. $49 Rain makeup July 13 LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK BASEBALL FIELDS EAGLE T-BALL LEAGUE (AGES 5-6) Registration Deadline May 15 Tuesdays, June 1-July 6 7:00-8:00 p.m. $49 Rain makeup July 13 LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK BASEBALL FIELDS EAGLE SOCCER LEAGUE (AGES 5-6) Registration Deadline July 14 Tuesdays, July 20-August 24 6:00-7:00 p.m. $49 Rain Makeup August 31 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE SIGN UP FOR BOTH T-BALL AND SOCCER LEAGUE AND GET $10 OFF! REGISTRATION DEADLINE FOR THE SUPER SPORTS COMBO SAVER IS MAY 15. *ARCHERY LEAGUE AGES 12-ADULT Coming this summer! Otsego Parks and Recreation and Archery Country are working together to offer an archery league, which will be hosted at the archery range in Otsego. This league will allow all of the participants the convenience to shoot whenever they can weekly. There will be prizes for everyone who participates and hands in all eight weeks’ worth of scores. More information is posted on our website at otsegoparksrec.com. Mondays-Sundays, July 5-August 30 Sunrise-Sunset $30 LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK ARCHERY RANGE, 13355 90TH ST. PAVING THE WAY WITH CONCRETE RESULTS! Asphalt and Concrete Driveways Concrete Patios, Aprons, and Sidewalks and more! aurora-asphalt.com - 763.493.2976 16200 US HWY 10, Elk River CUSTOM DOOR REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION 763.287.0279 HOMESTORYDOORSMN.COM 0% FINANCING*UP TO 12 MONTHSSPECIAL OFFER DOOR REPLACEMENT MADE EASY VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 14188 Northdale Blvd., Rogers, MN • DIGITALLY MEASURED DOORS • FACTORY FINISHED PAINT • NO MESS, NO HASSLE • 2-3 HOUR INSTALLATION • REMOVAL OF OLD DOORS • FREE INSTALLATION Interior and Exterior Door Replacement Made Easy! 21www.otsegoparksrec.comTo register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. MEET THE PEOPLE OF OTSEGO: ASHLEY SCHWENINGER (RESIDENT) TELL US HOW LONG YOU HAVE BEEN A RESIDENT, WHY YOU CHOOSE TO LIVE IN OTSEGO, AND YOUR FAVORITE PROGRAM OR EVENT YOU HAVE ATTENDED. I grew up in Otsego and my husband and I decided to move back 8 years ago and raise our children here. We love the small-town community feel while still having all of the amenities close by. We have participated in many of the Otsego events such as the Pumpkin Patch and Santa’s Workshop but our favorite event has to be the Prairie Festival! The car show and fireworks are a family favorite! WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO IN YOUR FREE TIME? Our family loves all the parks and walking trails Otsego provides. We enjoy them all year long. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE OTSEGO PARK OR PLACE TO GO AND WHY? Our favorite park is definitely Prairie Park, love to take our dogs to the dog park, enjoy the splash pad in the summer, and use the Archery Range. We have even been able to host school events at the park. Otsego is an amazing community to live in. KITTY BALTOS (PARKS & REC COMMISSIONER) TELL US HOW LONG YOU HAVE BEEN A RESIDENT OF OTSEGO, AND WHY YOU CHOOSE OR WHAT YOU LIKE ABOUT BEING A PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONER? I have lived in and around the Monticello area for 35 years. We moved to Otsego proper almost 6 years ago. I met Ross Demant, the Park and Rec Director, when I was managing the Monticello Community Center. I was impressed with his creativity and passion, so when a position opened up on the Park and Rec board, I jumped on it. WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO IN YOUR FREE TIME? In my free time I like to walk, read, and travel as often as work allows. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE OTSEGO PARK OR PLACE TO GO AND WHY? My favorite place in Otsego is actually two of our river parks, Norin Landing and Carrick’s Landing. They are both excellent examples of using the river for the community’s enjoyment. REVOLUTIONARY SPORTS COACHING COMBINED ACTIVE SPORTS INSTRUCTION TO CHILD DEVELOPMENT BEST PRACTICES PRODUCING A FUN LEARNING ENVIRONMENT. For more information regarding Revolutionary Sports, please see pla-it.com. REVSPORTS LACROSSE DAY CAMP RevSports Lacrosse is a fundamental skills class that includes focus on catching, throwing, ground balls, shooting, and defending. Small group sizes are used for a more fun and active environment. Class begins with a warm-up followed by a fun active game, and always ends with an age-appropriate scrimmage. All equipment provided. This class will be offered in a socially distant way for the current COVID-19 environment including limited class size and adjusted activities. Monday-Thursday, August 2-5 KinderStars Ages 4-6 Years 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. $79 SkillStars Ages 7-11 Years 1:00-3:00 p.m. $79 LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE REVSPORTS LACROSSE INSTRUCTIONAL CLASS RevSports Lacrosse is a fundamental skills class that includes focus on catching, throwing, ground balls, shooting, and defending. Small group sizes are used for a more fun and active environment. Class begins with a warm-up followed by a fun active game, and always ends with an age-appropriate scrimmage. All equipment provided. This class will be offered in a socially distant way for the current COVID-19 environment including limited class size and adjusted activities. SESSION I: Thursdays, May 20-June 17 SESSION II: Thursdays, June 24-July 22 KinderStars Ages 4-6 Years 5:30-6:10 p.m. $59 MightyStars Ages 6-9 Years 6:15-6:55 p.m. $59 SkillStars Ages 9-11 Years 7:00-7:40 p.m. $59 LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE, NINJA WARRIOR OBSTACLE CAMP REVSPORTS NINJA WARRIOR OBSTACLES RevSports Ninja Warrior Obstacles is an instructional class that will provide activities to advance your movement, strength, and agility skills. Training uses similar obstacle concepts as seen on the show, modified to a gym setting, and with an 8-foot ninja training structure. Focus is on developing balance, speed, and strength skills to accomplish the obstacles that makeup the obstacle course. Each session is challenging, but FUN! All equipment provided. This class will be offered in a socially distant way for the current COVID-19 environment including limited class size and adjusted activities. Monday-Thursday, July 19-22 TotStars Ages 2-3 Years 9:00-9:30 a.m. $59 or 5:30-6:00 p.m. $59 KinderStars Ages 4-6 Years 9:45-11:45 a.m. $119 or 6:10-7:10 p.m. $79 SkillStars Ages 7-11 Years 12:30-2:30 p.m. $119 or 7:20-8:20 p.m. $79 LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE NEW OTSEGO PICKLEBALL COMPLEX The official Prairie Park Pickleball Complex Grand Opening will be this spring. The complex has four fenced courts with wind blocking screen and shaded seating. A great place for people of all ages. Check the city website for a schedule for the open house, leagues, free classes, and tournaments. 22 2021 Spring Otsego View To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. ADULT FITNESS AND ACTIVITIES REGULARLY SCHEDULED MONTHLY CLASSES AT PRAIRIE CENTER AGES 12 AND OVER We are proud to continue offering virtual and in-person fitness classes and training options to the community. 2021 will continue to bring expansion to the existing fitness program including: Parent/Child fitness activities and wellness classes; Yoga, Yoga Fusion Sculpt, and Intro to Fitness. Sign up monthly for classes that fit your schedule using SignUp Genius. It’s that easy! Follow us on social media for the latest updates @otsegoparkrecfitness. Class sizes are limited at this time due to COVID guidelines. All levels welcome! CLASS FEES: Group Fitness Punch Cards (Electronic) – Each class, unless otherwise specified, is one punch. • 10 class punch card = $45 • 5 class punch card = $30 • Family Pack - 5 class punch card = $45 CURRENT CLASS OFFERINGS: CARDIO DRUMMING - SUNDAYS 6:30 p.m. TURBO KICK - SUNDAYS 5:30 p.m. ZUMBA - WEDNESDAYS 6:30 p.m. INTRO TO FITNESS – WEDNESDAYS 7:30 p.m. Come join us! We can’t wait to meet you and be a part of your fitness journey! NEW! PAWS IN THE PARK PAWSITIVELY POOCHIE MOVIE NIGHT: Bring your four-legged friend and come to Prairie Park Dog Park for a fun night with a movie you both will be sure to enjoy. The movie starts at 8:30 p.m. but head over a little early to socialize with other dog lovers, shop, and grab a bite to eat. More info including food and pet vendors will be on the website. Wednesday, May 12 Homeward Bound Movie will start at sunset (8:30 p.m.) LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER DOG PARK, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE OTSEGO PET EXPO COMING IN AUGUST TWIN CITIES PET RESCUE IS TEAMING UP WITH US AND OFFERING OUR FIRST OTSEGO PET EXPO. Come and learn about pets and their wellness from experts in the field. Other activities will include puppy yoga and classes on pet wellness. Local pet businesses will be here, too! Watch for the schedule soon! LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. Overnight Boarding 1st dog $32/day 2nd dog $26/day 3rd dog $15/day Overnight Boarding 1st dog $32/day 2nd dog $26/day 3rd dog $15/day Grooming Self Bath $15 Staff Bath $25 Nail Trim $7 Grooming Self Bath $15 Staff Bath $25 Nail Trim $7 Doggie Day Care 1/2 day (1-6 hrs) $15/day Full day (6-12 hrs) $23/day Doggie Day Care 1/2 day (1-6 hrs) $15/day Full day (6-12 hrs) $23/day Open from 7am to 7pm, 7 days a week. Call 763 .441 .8102 or visit RinTinInnKennel .com Ask about our Doggie Day Care Packages! Ask about our Doggie Day Care Packages! Call Today! 763-746-34009200 Quantrelle Ave NW, Otsego, MN Independent Living | Assisted Living Memory Care | Adult Day Services Wellness Center guardianangelsmn.org APARTMENTS AVAILABLE Life is Beer on the River! www.pressnews.com Elevate Fitness Build Confidence Boost Self Esteem Sharpen Focus Increase Strength Improve Stamina Now Enrolling • dojokarate.com SPRING INTOACTION!4 CLASSES FOR $25 Call to schedule a class – day and time in advance. Buffalo | Elk River | Rogers Medina | Maple Grove | Minnetonka Monticello | Waconia Virtual class options are available, see us for details. *New students only. *No obligations. 23www.otsegoparksrec.com RAIN BARREL PROGRAM RAIN BARREL PROGRAM OVERVIEW Think spring showers and how you will water your May flowers with your repurposed water from your new Rain Barrel! The Otsego Parks and Recreation department is pleased to announce its fourth annual rain barrel sale. Rain barrels repurpose the runoff water from your roof, and store it in an aesthetically pleasing, rustic looking barrel. This repurposed water can be used to water various plants or gardens around your home. ORDERING DETAILS ORDER DEADLINE IS APRIL 5, 2021 To order, go to the Otsego Parks and Recreation program website otsegoparksrec.com. $60 dollars per barrel. Rain barrel pickup will take place at Otsego City Hall (13400 90th St. NE.) Monday, April 12th, 3:00-6:00 p.m. TREE PURCHASE PROGRAM The Wright Soil & Water Conservation District is currently offering their annual tree sale. Visit www.wrightswcd.org/tree_program.html Thank you, Star News Readers! 2021 READERS’ CHOICE WINNER 763.441.1000 | thebankofelkriver.com John Babcock President/CEO/Chairman Thank you for voting us Best Bank, Best Mortgage Lender, and Best Financial Planner! For 136 years, we’ve been an integral part of the Elk River area – both as a financial institution and a community partner. We’re grateful every day for the chance to provide exceptional service to our customers. Visit one of our four branches today to learn how we can help you! 24 2021 Spring Otsego View Prime Advertising & Design, Inc. 6450 Wedgwood Road N., Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55311-3649 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PRIME PERMIT NO. 2 ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER