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Otsego View Summer 2020
2020 SUMMER NEWSLETTER WHAT’S INSIDE! www.ci.otsego.mn.us ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS It’s that time of year again… construction season! Following is a list of projects that will impact travel within the City during the 2020 construction season. Wright County Projects Wright County has initiated both of the following road projects within Otsego. Both projects have major impacts on travel including closures and detours. Visit the City website or the County project websites below to stay current on updates. CSAH 38 (Maciver Avenue to CSAH 19) – csah19.com CSAH 39 (Odean Avenue to Parrish Avenue) – csah39.com City of Otsego Projects Page Avenue Reconstruction (85th Street to 78th Street): This project will be completed as soon as weather conditions allow. 2020 Annual Street Renewal Project which includes micro-surfacing and Annual Street Maintenance Project: Striping and crack filling and patching are part of the street maintenance. There is a map posted on the project page. Parkview Avenue and 88th Street Improvement Project: This project includes construction of two urban collector streets near the southwest quadrant of CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 in order to provide street and utility access for new proposed developments in the area. Updated information on all these City projects can be found on the City website at ci.otsego.mn.us/cityprojects WATER QUALITY 03 SIDEWALK CHALK ART 05 OTSEGO PHOTO CONTEST 09 PARKS & RECREATION 10 SUMMER PARKS & RECREATION PROGRAMS/EVENTS NEW FOR SUMMER OF 2020! VIRTUAL WORKSHOPS PAGE 12 CITY HALL Address: 13400 90th Street NE Phone: 763.441.4414 Website: www.ci.otsego.mn.us Email: cityhall@ci.otsego.mn.us Hours: Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. & Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. PRAIRIE CENTER (Council Chambers) 8899 Nashua Avenue NE TELEPHONE NUMBERS Department of Building Safety: 763.441.2593 Utility Billing: 763.441.2310 After Hours Emergency Service: 1.877.274.6492 Parks and Recreation: 763.235.3148 CITY COUNCIL MAYOR Jessica Stockamp: jstockamp@ci.otsego.mn.us COUNCILMEMBERS Tom Darkenwald: tdarkenwald@ci.otsego.mn.us Jason Warehime: jwarehime@ci.otsego.mn.us Corey Tanner: ctanner@ci.otsego.mn.us Tina Goede: tgoede@ci.otsego.mn.us CITY STAFF City Administrator/Finance Director: Adam Flaherty City Clerk: Tami Loff City Planner: Daniel Licht City Engineer: Ron Wagner Parks and Recreation Director: Ross Demant Street Operations Manager: Kevin Lamson Utility Manager: Kurt Neidermeier MEETING SCHEDULE City Council: 2nd and 4th Monday of the Month. Planning Commission: 1st and 3rd Monday of the Month. Parks & Recreation Commission: 3rd Tuesday of the Month. Heritage Preservation Commission: 2nd Tuesday of the Month. Public Safety Commission: 2nd Tuesday of the Month. *Meeting dates are subject to change; call city hall to confirm dates and times. EDITOR Otsego View Editor: Tami Loff FOR ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES Call 763.551.3705 or email community@primeadvertising.com primeadvertising.com © Copyright 2020. City of Otsego and Prime Advertising & Design, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is a community service and the City of Otsego and Prime Advertising & De- sign, Inc. do not make any warranty of any kind with regard to the services or products of the advertisers herein. The City of Otsego and Prime Adver- tising & Design, Inc. do not assume any responsibility or liability for any of the content within this publication and for any errors or omissions to such content and reserve the right to not publish any material. The costs of the publication are offset by the advertisers. Prime Advertising & Design, Inc. is in control of the advertising content of this publication. ATTENTION PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM CUSTOMERS Irrigation restrictions will be in effect May 1st - September 30th. Addresses ending with an odd number may water on odd numbered days and even numbered addresses may water on even numbered days between 5 p.m. and 11 a.m. Restrictions include no watering between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Violations of the watering restrictions may result in a $50 code enforcement fine assessed on the customer’s utility bill. A 30-day exception is available for newly establishing lawns and landscaping. Please visit the City website, ci.otsego.mn.us, for additional details. Your cooperation is appreciated; water conservation will keep water rates low and help to ensure that an adequate water supply is available. Over the past three years, the average highest day water demand was 4.364 million gallons compared to the average January day of 682 thousand gallons during that same time period, a multiple of 6.4 times more. This equates to each family member and pet consuming several hundred addition gallons per day. For more information about irrigation restrictions, please contact the Utility Billing Department. At H&R Block, we’re available year-round to discuss the tax implications of your life-changing events. Put our expertise to work for you. 710 DODGE AVE NW ELK RIVER, MN 55330 763-441-7666 21410 136TH AVE ROGERS, MN 55374 763-428-0141 STE E STE 106 2 2020 Summer Otsego View WATER QUALITY The way you maintain your yard can have a large impact on reducing phosphorous, decreasing algae growth, and promoting overall water quality for plants, animals, and you. By following these techniques, your lawn will look great and will not be harming nearby wetlands, streams, lakes, or rivers. • Water lawns between 4:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. to reduce evaporation and minimize the potential for diseases to harm your lawn. • Leaving grass clippings on the lawn provides the equivalent of one application of fertilizer per year. • Sweeping lawn clippings from sidewalks, driveways, and streets will greatly reduce the amount of phosphorus that reaches area water bodies. • Maintain a 20-foot buffer of native plantings or non- mowed vegetation from any wetland or stormwater basins to filter out nutrients that cause algae and water plant growth. These plants will also keep geese from your yard. • Wash your car on the lawn using non-phosphorus soap to keep water out of the storm drain and irrigate the grass at the same time. • Use pesticides and herbicides only to the extent necessary and by following the label directions exactly. • Compost containers must comply with City Code requirements and be set back from water or drainage ways to avoid leaching phosphorus directly into the water. • It is illegal to dispose of yard and tree waste with household garbage. Contact your waste hauler for a yard bin or visit the City’s website for information on compost sites. DOGS Dogs are required by City Code to be kept within the boundaries of their owners’ property or otherwise leashed or controlled by electronic device by a responsible person the same as if the dog is leashed. Owners must pick up and dispose of waste from yards and City parks and trails or otherwise be subject to enforcement of nuisance violations. To report a dog running at large, barking dog that is disturbing the peace, or a dangerous dog, please call the Wright County Sheriff by dialing 911. Family-owned and operated by master electricians with more than 30 years of combined experience Full-service electrical contractors specializing in residential, new home construction, light commercial, and underground installations 763.250.5996763.250.5996 || info@guscoelectric.cominfo@guscoelectric.com CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Call Today! 763-746-3400 9200 Quantrelle Ave NW, Otsego, MN Discover the GA Advantage! Life is Better on the River! Independent Living | Assisted Living Memory Care | Adult Day Services Wellness Center www.pressnews.com guardianangelsmn.org 3www.ci.otsego.mn.us CITY OF OTSEGO UTILITY DEPARTMENT Protecting public health and the environment for current and future generations. Customers served - 14,000 Water Production • Annual Water Demand: one-half billion gallons • 8 wells ranging from 300 to 500 feet deep Distribution System • Towers totaling 2.4 million gallons of water storage • 1,000 fire hydrants, 90 miles of water mains, 2,000 isolation valves Wastewater Treatment • West Wastewater Facility: Class B Minor Facility, constructed 2004. • East Wastewater Facility: Class A Major Facility, constructed 1999. • Average daily wastewater treated – 756,000 gallons Collection System • 10 lift stations and 31 pumps, 5 weighing in over 2,000 pounds • 83 miles of sewer mains, 2,000 manholes Staffing and Operations Licensure One Utility Manager: Class A Wastewater, Class B Water, Type IV (Biosolids) One Foreperson: Class C Wastewater, Class B Water, Type IV (Biosolids) Four Operators: Class D to C Wastewater, Class C to B Water, Type IV (Biosolids) 2020 Utility Projects Visit our website at ci.otsego.mn.us/cityprojects for updates WATER TOWER RECONDITIONING Location: 10200 70th Street • Schedule: Present-July 8, 2020 The 70th Street Water Tower was constructed in 2003. It stands over 160 feet tall and can store one million gallons of water. The exterior coating of this tower has met useful life expectancies and is in need of refurbishment. The reconditioning project includes structural repairs, new interior and exterior coatings, and a full painting complete with the updated City logo. Completion of this reconditioning project will provide an additional 20+ years of service! This tower serves municipal water customers and will be out of service during the project. Water pressure will be maintained using pressure relief valves on four hydrants. We ask to please minimize or halt lawn irrigation during this timeframe to prevent pressure loss and service interruption. EAST WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY BIOSOLIDS Location: 5850 Randolph Avenue • Schedule: Present-May 2021 The East Wastewater Treatment Facility is adding a Biosolids Building to further stabilize wastewater solids material and add capacity. The expansion fits long term goals of the site and treatment expectations. The material will meet a Minnesota Class A Exceptional Quality designation and can be distributed for fertilizer. LIFT STATION INSTALLATION Location: 12495 60th Street • Schedule: Complete May 2020 A new lift station was constructed north of County Road 137 within the Magnolia Landing Development. The lift station will collect sanitary flow from several developments and future construction near the area. MUNICIPAL WELL ADDITION Location: Near Otsego Elementary • Schedule: Present-July 2020 A new municipal well is being constructed near the Otsego Elementary School supporting long-term goals of water production needs for the growing community. Included with the project are the piping updates to support capacity. The well design will provide up to 1,200 gallons of water per minute. 4 2020 Summer Otsego View SIDEWALK CHALK ART Guardian Angels Riverview Landing hosted a fun event for families to share their love for the residents and staff along the sidewalk at their Otsego facility. In light of all that is going on, what an inspiring way for kids to get outside, show support to others, and show off their skills. Great job! MAILBOX This is a good time to inspect your mailbox; typically over time a post may rot or rust. Should you need to install a new mailbox, follow these guidelines: • Mailboxes must be mounted a minimum of 48” above street level. • Place the mailbox 6” to 8” back from the curb. • The front of the mailbox should be behind the back edge of the curb. COMPOST OPTIONS FOR OTSEGO • Otsego residents may dispose of yard waste free of charge at the Wright County Recycling Center located at 505 County Road 37, Buffalo MN 55313. Please check with Wright County regarding days and hours of operation via their website at co.wright.mn.us under Planning & Zoning. • Private garbage haulers within the City will also provide a separate container for yard waste for an additional charge. • Otsego residents may dispose of yard waste at the Albertville compost site located off of Maciver Avenue approximately one-half mile north of County Road 137/60th Street (between 63rd & 65th St.) . CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! Did you know it is Minnesota state law that before you start any project that requires digging, you must contact Gopher State One Call? Contacting Gopher State One Call is easy and can be done either online or by phone. Website: gopherstateonecall.org Phone: 651.454.0002 or 800.252.1166 COLOR CODE: WHITE: proposed excavation PINK: temporary survey markings RED: electric power lines, cables, conduit, and lighting cables YELLOW: gas, oil, steam, petroleum, or caseous materials ORANGE: communication, alarm or signal lines, cables, or conduit BLUE: potable water PURPLE: reclaimed water, irrigation, and slurry lines GREEN: sewer and drain lines 5www.ci.otsego.mn.us ‘GRANDPA BOB’ POURS HIS HEART INTO VOLUNTEERING PROGRAM Like more than 200 other local seniors, Bob McFarland serves as a volunteer through the Catholic Charities of Central Minnesota Foster Grandparent Program. What’s even more impressive than the 15 years McFarland has been donating his time is the number of volunteer hours he accumulated this school year. While volunteers serve a minimum of 260 hours per year, McFarland more than doubled that, amassing a whopping 521 hours toward assisting youngsters in our community. And for his charitable efforts, McFarland was acknowledged in early April on National Service Recognition Day. LASTING IMPRESSION Grandpa Bob’s journey as Foster Grandparent has taken him from Long Prairie to Browerville and to his current harbor within Independent School District 728. He helps students at Otsego Elementary School with various classroom studies, including reading and math. He has been known to don playful attire to participate in themed days at school or to motivate students to read. Additionally, Grandpa Bob takes the time to build relationships with and become a pillar of support for children who don’t otherwise have those provisional networks outside of school. Those who have witnessed Grandpa Bob’s influence say his presence in class is an honor. Some also have taken note of the rapport and mutual respect cultivated between the students and their volunteer mentor. FOSTER GRANDPARENT PROGRAM The Foster Grandparent Program started in 1965 under the principle that “seniors have extraordinary gifts and talents to share with children who need extra support.” The nationally recognized intergenerational initiative pairs adults 55 and older with children who need guidance, whether that’s help in school, someone to look up to, or simply a trusted confidant. Foster Grandparents use their knowledge and background to help students learn. They offer 8 to 40 hours of volunteer service each week, or between 260 minimum hours and 2,080 maximum hours per year. Community nonprofit organizations that benefit from the Foster Grandparent Program include daycares, schools, early education programs, day treatment programs, and social service agencies. Hosting sites must agree to a handful of conditions for volunteers, including training, a small stipend, and on-site safety assurance. To become a Foster Grandparent or learn more about the program, please visit www.ccstcloud.org/services/seniors/ foster-grandparents or contact Program Director Stacy Lund at 320.229.4587 or slund@ccstcloud.org. Bob McFarland photo courtesy of Elk River Star News 6 2020 Summer Otsego View BURNING PERMIT Together with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the City regulates burning within city limits in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 4, Section 5-4-4 of the City Code. A burning permit is required for all open burns larger than an a 3-foot by 3-foot area. A burning permit may be obtained at City Hall or from the DNR website at webapps8.dnr.state.mn.us/burning_permits. Once a burning permit has been issued, it is the permit holder’s responsibility to confirm that no burning ban is in effect prior to starting an open burn or recreational fire and the permit holder must be constantly in attendance of the fire. No fire may be allowed to smolder with no person in attendance and the open burn or recreational fire must be completely extinguished before the permit holder leaves the site. ODEAN AVENUE TRAFFIC CONTROL CHANGES PLANNED The Odean Avenue speed limit will be reduced to 45 mph from 55 mph between County Highway 39 and County Highway 38. In addition, an all-way stop will be placed at the intersection of Odean Avenue and 75th Street for pedestrian crossing safety and due to increased traffic on 75th Street. The speed limit and traffic control changes proposed for Odean Avenue were recommended as a safety measure after a study by the City Engineer and City Council review. Odean Avenue has seen significant increase in use and increased development along its corridor. The speed limit reduction will be more consistent with other residential collector streets in urbanized or urbanizing areas of the City. You can find a map of Otsego Residential Collector Streets Speed Limits on the City website. USE TRANSIT FOR ESSENTIAL TRAVEL ONLY #StayHomeMN metrotransit.org/health 7www.ci.otsego.mn.us OTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION INTERVIEW WITH JACQUIE ROGNLI The Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission interviewed Jacquie Rognli and has used this information to provide a historical narrative about the Otsego Newsletter. Jacquie moved to Otsego in 1983 and later edited the City newsletter for 20 years. Jacquie was also a middle school band teacher at various schools in the area and had a studio in her home for teaching lessons until she retired in 2013. Jacquie continues to live in Otsego and now works mornings at the Otsego Target. After Jacquie and her family moved here, she started going to governmental meetings, first Town Board meetings and then City Council meetings after incorporation in 1991. At first the officials at the meetings were concerned because Jacquie was the only person attending and was taking notes! Jacquie recalls that when Otsego was discussing changing from a township to a city, there was a lot of concern in the community. Elk River was seen as the city and people didn’t view Otsego as an important place in its own right. However, Otsego was seeing “leapfrog” development; because local government needs to provide services, the Township pursued becoming a city to have more local control over planning for development and services. Jacquie became a member of Otsego Vision, which was formed during the incorporation process to assess the strengths and the problems of the community. Otsego had an “identity problem” and a goal of the Otsego Vision was to develop pride in the community. This group broke into smaller groups covering Otsego history, public relations (that Jacquie led), and a group planning a community celebration that became the Otsego Great River Road Fest in 1991. Jacquie recalls that there was also a contest to come up with a city logo. The public relations group started an Otsego newsletter. Jacquie tried to get people to write articles, but eventually gave up and wrote almost everything herself, and then worked with the Elk River Star News on publication. Long-time resident Elaine Norin, whose property is now the Norin Landing development and park at the north end of Kadler Avenue, contributed stories on Otsego history. Jacquie thought it was important to have a history column in every newsletter because this gives people a sense of belonging and ownership within the community, and imparts a perspective that they are part of a greater history here. How did Jacquie have the skills to write the newsletter? Jacquie had always been good writer and had good visual and artistic skills. Personal computers were just becoming available. After Jacquie learned computer skills, she used Word to write the columns, not Desktop Publishing. Jacquie went to the Wright County Historical Society and bought Farnham’s History of Wright County and the early histories of the Mississippi River. It was difficult to have pictures in the newsletter as you had to use a film camera to get a clear shot, shoot an entire roll of film, and then have it printed in black and white. The work Jacquie did with the Otsego Vision committee and with the Otsego newsletter was important in the early days of the City to establish the community that exists today. The Otsego View newsletter is a continuation of the work Jacquie started in the 1990s to provide information to residents and expand knowledge of the history of our community. The Otsego HPC is grateful for the efforts of Jacquie Rognli. ONLY FLUSH TOILET PAPER! Please do not flush • Wipes (even if they say flushable) • Paper towels or napkins • Personal hygiene products • Dental floss/picks Cost to sewer budget • Labor to unplug pumps • Added disposal fees 8 2020 Summer Otsego View OTSEGO PHOTO CONTEST The City’s annual contest will open June 1st. The Otsego photo contest is a great way to showcase the beauty and talent right here in our City! Everyone is encouraged to participate: residents, businesses, and students. New this year, we will have TWO categories: • Places – community events/activities, landmarks, streetscapes, buildings • Nature – flowers, critters, weather, parks, sky etc. Contest Guidelines • All photos must be taken in Otsego • Submit up to a total of 12 of your own photographs • Participants will be required to sign a waiver • Contest runs until September 14th, 2020 There will be one winner in each category and the contest winners will be invited to a future City Council meeting to receive their recognition and prize. In addition, the winning entries will be published in the Otsego View newsletter and on the City Facebook page. All photos submitted may be used on our website, newsletter, and brochures. Submit your photo and waiver to the City Clerk at tloff@ci.otsego.mn.us Creating a point of interest. Your home! 5600 Queens Ave, Otsego (2 miles north of I-94 on Highway 101)763-497-4407 FocalPointFlooring.com 12550 W. Frontage Road, Burnsville, MN 55337 • 952-808-1412 Flooring • Cabinets • Countertops • Hunter Douglas Blinds • Design Assistance 10% DISCOUNT! IF YOU SHOW THIS AD 9www.ci.otsego.mn.us NEW FOR 2020 SCAVENGER HUNTS IN THE PARKS VIRTUAL CLASSES/WORKSHOPS FISHING CAMP RUGBY MESSIEST CAMPS COVID-19 UPDATES Dear Participant, Thank you for taking the time to review our program offerings for this summer. The Otsego Parks and Recreation Department’s main focus is the health and safety of our participants and employees. In order to make informed decisions in relation to closures or delays of facilities, programming, and events, our department is monitoring the information from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) about the coronavirus (COVID-19) on a daily basis. We appreciate your patience and support, and we will do our best to keep you informed of delays and cancellations as they occur. Ross Demant - PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR 10 2020 Summer Otsego View 2020 SUMMER PROGRAMS Go online to register for events and programs at otsegoparksrec.com! Otsego Parks and Recreation Department will be allowing participants to register for summer/fall programs while deferring registration fees until it is certain the class/program will take place. WHAT’S INSIDE! 12 VIRTUAL CLASSES 13 SPORTS CAMPS 15 ARCHERY LEAGUE 17 ADULT FITNESS 18 SENIOR PROGRAMS 20 PEOPLE OF OTSEGO 21 PRAIRIE FESTIVAL 23 PUMPKIN PATCH DAY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONERS: • Angie Dehn • Doug Cassady • Jim Breitbach • Angi Hilde • Kitty Baltos • Matt Killam • Elizabeth Benoit OTSEGO PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTORY Parks & Recreation Director: Ross Demant 763.235.3155 Parks & Recreation Operations Coordinator: Nick Jacobs 763.334.3170 Recreation Coordinator: Connie Schwecke 763.235.3148 Cub Grocery Delivery or Store Pickup Grocery shop anytime, anywhere with the Cub Delivery App for pickup in our lockers or delivery! Shop by department, browse the weekly sales, create lists and quickly reorder your favorite items. Place your order and securely pay in the app and choose the delivery time that’s most convenient for you. Grocery shopping has never been easier! 13855 Rogers Dr. Rogers, MN 55374 763-428-6464 Buffalo Elk River Maple Grove MedinaMinnetonkaMonticelloRogersWaconia WE WILL BE OPEN AGAIN SOON While we are closed, visit us online to view our virtual classes – dojokarate.com To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. We are here for your eyecare needs. 763-441-3431 gregory-optical.com During these difficult times, don’t neglect your vision and health. 11www.ci.otsego.mn.us NEW OTSEGO SCAVENGER HUNTS (FREE) ALL AGES It’s time to get out and walk, run, bike and play. New this summer, we will be offering different themed scavenger hunts throughout all city parks and trails. Please check out the city websites and Facebook page to get more details. Prizes will be awarded. NEW SIMPLY FRESH SUMMER CRAFT KITS AGES 3-8 Looking for something fun to do with your child this summer but you’re not the best crafter or artist? This kit is designed for you. It contains four (age-appropriate) craft projects with directions and all the supplies needed to create four wonderful masterpieces. Guaranteed to provide fun and wonderful memories for you and your child! New kits will be offered monthly throughout the summer. Kit contains basic supplies; scissors, markers, and glue are not included. Registration is required. $15 each LOCATION: PICK UP KITS AT PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE NEW OTSEGO VIRTUAL CLASSES ALL AGES We are bringing fitness, education and fun to you! Virtual classes (free or with fee) will be offered throughout the summer. For more information and to register, please visit our website. • Home Alone Workshop • Fitness Classes for Adults, Kids, and Families • Gardening Tips from the Pros • BINGO OTSEGO REC ON THE GO ALL AGES This summer we are bringing the fun to you! Come out to your local park and join us for some fun-filled activities! Activities will include sports, science, games, arts & crafts, and reading! Wednesday will always be at Prairie Park and Thursday will be out at the neighborhood parks. Wednesdays June 17-Aug. 19* 10:00-11:00 a.m. Free *Not meeting July 1 LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE (CHECK IN UNDER SMALL SHELTER SOUTH OF SPLASH PAD) Thursdays June 18-Aug. 6 10:00-11:00 a.m. Free LOCATION: JUNE 18 FRANKFORT PARK JUNE 25 BEAUDRY MEADOWS JULY 9 SCHOOL KNOLL PARK JULY 23 ZIMMER PARK AUG. 6 NORTHWOOD PARK OTSEGO FARMERS MARKET We are back for our second year with a new and more convenient location! Come bring your family and have some fun at Otsego’s Farmers Market! It’s a great way to enjoy healthy living while supporting local agriculture. Thanks to Edina Realty for being our sponsor! Tuesdays June 16-Sept. 8 4:00-7:00 p.m. LOCATION: EDINA REALTY, 8690 PARSON AVE. NE (ACROSS FROM TARGET) SPLASH AND PLAY TUESDAYS ALL AGES Come down and enjoy some free entertainment while you cool off at the Otsego Splash Pad on Tuesdays throughout the summer. All performances will take place at the Prairie Park Shelter. If there is inclement weather, the entertainment will move to Prairie Center. Tuesdays 10:00 a.m. LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK SHELTER, 13355 90TH ST. NE THEATER IN THE PARK ALL AGES Otsego Parks and Recreation is once again teaming up with SOAR and TAG (Teen Advisory Group) to host three performances (two evening and one morning) of Theater In The Park. Anyone 13-19 is invited to audition. Go to www.soararts.com for more information. MADAGASCAR JR FOR BROADWAY Monday July 27 7:00 p.m. Free Tuesday July 28 10:00 a.m. Free LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE GREASE Tuesday Aug. 25 7:00 p.m. Free LOCATION: CARRICK’S PARK, 9050 QUANTRELLE AVE. NE GOLF CAMP AGES 7-16 Golf pros at Riverwood National in Otsego provide professional instruction and supervision in the basics of golfing, which includes proper golf swing, chipping, putting, and etiquette. Wednesdays June 10, 17, 24 6:30-7:30 p.m. $60 Wednesdays July 8, 15, 22 6:30-7:30 p.m. $60 LOCATION: RIVERWOOD NATIONAL, 10247 95TH ST. NE Otsego Parks and Recreation Department will be allowing participants to register for summer/fall programs while deferring registration fees until it is certain the class/program will take place. To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com.12 2020 Summer Otsego View FALCON SPORT CAMPS 2 YEAR OLDS These camps help your child with developmental milestones like running, kicking, throwing, and interacting socially with other kids. Parents and/or guardians participate with their child during the entire camp experience. FALCON SOCCER CAMP Players will start to develop their soccer skills through fun and interactive games and challenges. Mon. & Wed. June 15-July 8* 8:30-8:55 a.m. $35 Tue. & Thu. June 16-July 9 8:30-8:55 a.m. $35 Mondays June 15-July 27 6:00-6:25 p.m. $35 *Not meeting the week of June 29 -July 3 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE FALCON T-BALL CAMP Skills that will be worked on are: hitting, catching, throwing, and teamwork in a fun environment. Mon. & Wed. July 20-Aug. 5 8:30-8:55 a.m. $35 Tue. & Thu. July 21-Aug. 6 8:30-8:55 a.m. $35 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE FALCON TUMBLING CAMP You and your little one will love this camp, packed full of activities that are great for developing large motor skills, coordination, strength, and balance. Thursdays June 4-June 25 5:30-5:55 p.m. $35 Tuesdays Aug. 4-Sept. 1* 5:30-5:55 p.m. $35 *Not meeting Aug. 11 LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE FALCON SPORT CAMP Each night your child will be introduced to a new sport. Skills that will be worked on are: hitting, catching, throwing, and teamwork in a fun environment. Wednesdays June 17-July 29* 5:30-5:55 p.m. $35 *Not meeting the week of June 29-July 3 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT THE PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE Otsego Parks and Recreation Department will be allowing participants to register for summer/fall programs while deferring registration fees until it is certain the class/program will take place. TRANSPORTATION Elk River | Big Lake | Rogers | Zimmerman NOW HIRING! 763-441-4420 www.visionofelkriver.com APPLY TODAY ON FACEBOOK O R GIVE US A CAL L ! • NO WEEKENDS OR HOLIDAYS • PAID TRAINING • COMPETITIVE WAGES • BRING YOUR KIDS TO WORK To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. Energizing the PACE of Business PROMOTING Actively promoting member businesses ADVOCATING Providing advocacy for businesses CONNECTING Building strong business connections EDUCATING Providing essential business resources 509 Highway 10, Elk River, MN 55330 | Office: 763.441.3110 www.elkriverchamber.org | eracc@elkriverchamber.org 13www.ci.otsego.mn.us WILDCAT T-BALL LEAGUE AGES 3-4 YEAR OLDS Registration deadline May 20 Parents and/or guardians participate with their child. Tuesdays June 2-July 14* 5:00-5:45 p.m. $45 Tuesdays June 4-July 14* 6:00-6:45 p.m. $45 *Not meeting June 30 & rain make-up July 21 LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK BASEBALL FIELDS WILDCAT SOCCER CAMP Players refine their soccer skills alongside their future friends and teammates. Our coaches create a fun and challenging environment while focusing on soccer fundamentals and teamwork. Mon. & Wed. June 15-July 8* 9:00-9:30 a.m. $35 Tue. & Thu. June 16-July 9* 9:00-9:30 a.m. $35 Mondays June 15-July 27 * 6:30-7:00 p.m. $35 *Not meeting the week of June 29-July 3 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE WILDCAT MULTI-SPORT CAMP (AGES 3-4) Coaches focus on introducing players to the sports of soccer, t-ball, flag football and basketball through interactive drills and games. Tue. & Thu. June 16-July 9* 9:30-10:00 a.m. $35 *Not meeting the week of June 29-July 3 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE WILDCAT T-BALL CAMP (3-4 YEAR OLDS) Skills that will be worked on are: hitting, catching, throwing, and team work in a fun environment. Mon. & Wed. July 20-Aug. 5 9:00-9:30 a.m. $35 Tue. & Thu. July 21-Aug. 6 9:00-9:30 a.m. $35 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE WILDCAT TUMBLING (AGES 3-4) We help your child refine their large motor skills by incorporating gymnastics through mat exercises, low balance beam, vaults, and tumbling. Thursdays June 4-June 25 6:00-6:30 p.m. $35 Tuesdays Aug. 4-Sept. 1* 6:00-6:30 p.m. $35 *Not meeting Aug. 11 LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE WILDCAT BASIC DANCE (AGES 3-4) Young dancers will learn fun ways to stay active with basic dance movements taught in an interactive and musical atmosphere. Thursdays June 4-June 25 6:40-7:10 p.m. $35 LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE EAGLE SPORT CAMPS 5-6 YEAR OLDS These camps teach different sports, and social skills like taking turns, cooperating, playing fairly and being a good sport. EAGLE T-BALL LEAGUE Registration deadline May 20 Tuesdays June 2-July 14* 7:00-8:00 p.m. $45 *Not meeting June 30 & rain make-up July 21 LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK BASEBALL FIELDS EAGLE FLAG FOOTBALL LEAGUE Registration deadline July 14 Tuesdays July 28-Sept. 1 6:00-7:00 p.m. $45 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE EAGLE MULTI-SPORT CAMP Coaches keep your child active and show them how fun playing different sports can be. Sports include soccer, t-ball, flag football, and basketball. Mon. & Tue. June 15-July 7* 9:45-10:30 a.m. $40 Mondays June 15-July 27* 7:15-8:00 p.m. $40 *Not meeting the week of June 29-July 3 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE EAGLE SOCCER CAMP Coaches focus on basic drills while providing the players a fun workout. Your player will start to develop a basic understanding of soccer while scrimmaging with their friends and future teammates. Mon. & Tue. July 20-Aug. 4 9:45-10:30 a.m. $40 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. NE EAGLE CHEER AND DANCE LINE CAMP Registration deadline July 10 Students will learn basic motions, tumbling, jumps, and dance moves. Our instructors show how to have fun while staying active. Students will have a chance to show off their skills during a flag football game. Each child will receive pom-poms and T-shirt. Tuesdays Aug. 4-Sept. 1* 6:40-7:30 p.m. $45 *Not meeting Aug. 11 LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE Otsego Parks and Recreation Department will be allowing participants to register for summer/fall programs while deferring registration fees until it is certain the class/program will take place. 14 2020 Summer Otsego View To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. TENNIS CAMP AGES 5-12 Our tennis instructors are experienced in teaching kids the fundamentals of the game of tennis. Instruction will progress players through basic shot techniques to shot placement and basic terminology. AGES 5-7 Mon.-Thu. June 22-June 25* 9:00-10:00 a.m. $50 *Rain make-up June 26 Mon.-Thu. Aug. 10-Aug. 13* 9:00-10:00 a.m. $50 *Rain make-up Aug. 14 AGES 8-12 Mon.-Thu. June 22-June 25* 10:00-11:30 a.m. $60 *Rain make-up June 26 Mon.-Thu. Aug. 10-Aug. 13* 10:00-11:30 a.m. $60 *Rain make-up Aug. 14 LOCATION: SCHOOL KNOLL PARK TENNIS COURTS, 15501 83RD ST. ARCHERY CAMP AGES 8-16 The professional instructors at Archery Country in Rogers will be teaching young archers shooting techniques and archery safety. Archery is a great lifelong sport that parents can enjoy with their kids. Thursdays June 11-June 25 10:00-11:00 a.m. $35 LOCATION: ARCHERY COUNTRY, 21135 S. DIAMOND LAKE RD., ROGERS ARCHERY LEAGUE AGES 12-ADULT Coming this summer! Otsego Parks and Recreation and Archery Country are working together to offer an archery league hosted at the archery range in Otsego. This league will allow all of the participants the convenience to shoot whenever they can weekly. There will be prizes for everyone who participates and hands in all eight weeks’ worth of scores. More information is posted on our website at otsegoparksrec.com Mon.-Sun. July 5-Aug. 30 Sunrise-Sunset $30 LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK ARCHERY RANGE, 13355 90TH ST. NE Otsego Parks and Recreation Department will be allowing participants to register for summer/fall programs while deferring registration fees until it is certain the class/program will take place. Lil’ Explorers Otsego Opening This Fall 8670 Parsons Ave. NE, Otsego (Across from Target) LilExplorersChildcare.com Open Monday - Friday, 6:30am to 6:00pm • Providing a safe environment for children ages 6 weeks through 2nd grade • Expansive facilities with large classrooms, indoor gym, onsite kitchen, and four playgrounds • Enrichment programs included in tuition: KinderMusik, Spanish, Lil’ Movers and Lil’ Farmers, Summer program Tour our Rogers or St. Michael locations for Enrollment! Rogers 763.428 . 1 1 4 0 St. Mic h a e l 763.497 . 1 0 2 9 TUESDAYS | 4-7 pm June 16 - September 8, 2020 Bring your family and have some fun at Otsego’s Farmers Market! It’s a great way to enjoy healthy living while supporting local agriculture. We are back for our second year with a new and more convenient location! Edina Realty Parking Lot 8690 Parson Ave NE (Across from Target) Sponsored by: 15www.ci.otsego.mn.usTo register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. To register, please visit www.otsegoparksrec.com FISHING BEGINNER CAMP AGES 7-12 This camp is for beginner anglers to learn basic fishing techniques and skills: knot tying, rigging, casting, and basic fish knowledge and science. A youth angler and an adult family member join us to learn the basics to get started on this amazing hobby that can last a lifetime. Volunteers from the Rogers High School Fishing Team will assist to create a very hands-on experience. Tuesday, June 16, 9:00-11:00 a.m. $40 LOCATION: NORIN LANDING 10599 KADLER AVE. NE CHEER AND DANCE LINE CAMP AGES 7-8 Registration deadline July 10 Students will learn basic motions, tumbling, jumps, and dance moves. Our instructors show how to have fun while staying active. Students will have a chance to show off their skills during a flag football game. Each child will receive pom-poms and T-shirt. Tuesdays, Aug. 4-Sept. 1* 6:40-7:30 p.m. $45 *Not meeting Aug. 11 LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE Otsego Parks and Recreation Department will be allowing participants to register for summer/fall programs while deferring registration fees until it is certain the class/program will take place. Understanding Your Needs, Protecting Your Rights BusinessesBusinesses Business & Corporate Law Real Estate & Nonprofit Law Employment Law Litigation & Dispute Resolution Individuals & FamiliesIndividuals & Families Estate Planning & Probate Family Law & Custody Conservatorships Personal Injury & Workers Comp 763.560.5700 | hennsnoxlaw.com 6900 Wedgwood Road # 200 Maple Grove, MN 55311 FURNACES • AIR CONDITIONERS • WATER HEATERS • IN-FLOOR HEATING ZONING • INDOOR AIR QUALITY • DUCT SEALING • GEOTHERMAL SPECIALISTS 763.428.3677 heatcool2.com MN Lic# PC691106 Visit HeatCool2.com/Spring for a Furnace Tune-Up Checklist & Tips $50 OFFTUNE-UP OR REPAIR SAVE MORE When You Sign a Planned Service Agreement! Not valid with other offers. Must present coupon at time of service. Not applicable toward diagnostic charges. Exp. 8/31/20. OTNLSUMMER2020 Call Today for the Latest Savings on a high-efficiency, variable speed, Bryant Evolution home comfort system. Affordable no-interest financing plans available Keep your COOL with a new HVAC Unit ! Cele b r a t i n g 16 2020 Summer Otsego View To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. ADULT FITNESS DROP-IN GROUP FITNESS - AGES 16+ Register for classes that fit your schedule and purchase your membership pass online! NEW - Easy - Simplified Process. ci.otsego.mn.us Don’t forget to follow us on social media for the latest updates @otsegoparkrecfitness. Our most popular classes are: CARDIO DRUMMING, SUNDAYS, 6:30 P.M. March to the beat of your own drum with one of the latest and FUN fitness trends! Cardio drumming takes a simple movement – drumming – and turns it into a full-body workout that will leave. you smiling, sweating, and feeling great. Come feel like a rock star! Level: all ZUMBA, WEDNESDAYS, 6:15 P.M. Ditch the workout and join the dance party. Zumba™ is a fusion of motivating Latin and international music with dynamic, FUN, and effective cardio dance moves. These easy to follow routines incorporate interval training – alternating fast and slow rhythms – and resistance training. Level: all – Equipment: none LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING SPECIFIC, HAVE QUESTIONS, OR WANT TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO OUR PROGRAMMING? CONTACT US. COUPLES CANOE TRIP Couples will park at Carrick’s Landing (next to Cowboy Jack’s) and be bused to Norin Landing. From there, couples will be guided down the Mississippi River with views of the beautiful fall foliage and wildlife. Canoes, paddles, and life jackets are included. Saturday October 3 10:30 a.m. $50 per couple LOCATION: CARRICK’S LANDING PARK, 9050 QUANTRELLE AVE. NE Otsego Parks and Recreation Department will be allowing participants to register for summer/fall programs while deferring registration fees until it is certain the class/program will take place. “Your Total Floor Store Since 1986” 763.441.4181 9310 Parrish Ave NE, Otsego www.LefebvresCarpet.com The most durable, easiest to clean carpet on the planet.™ Carpet | Wood Floors | Laminate | Vinyl Luxury Vinyl Tile | Ceramic Tile | Countertops 10% OFF Carpet Purchase Excluding promotional products, labor and stocked items. Coupon must be presented at the time of the order. !! Through community support, area youth experiencing homelessness can receive critical services to help them find greater stability and well-being. Open Doors for YouthOpen Doors for Youth Celebrating 5 YearsCelebrating 5 Years of Unlocking Futuresof Unlocking Futures 17www.ci.otsego.mn.usTo register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. ACTIVITY CENTER ACTIVITIES FOR 55 AND OVER Mon. & Wed. (Closed on City Holidays) 10:00-2:00 p.m. Questions about any programs, call the Rec Line at 763.235.3148. LINE DANCING Come learn all the dance moves. Wednesdays 2:15-3:15 p.m. FREE LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE BALANCE, STRENGTH & STRETCH You will work on the three components of balance, strength, and stretch in a class that is mild impact and easily modified. All abilities welcomed. Please bring your own hand weights. Thursdays 9:30-10:30 a.m. FREE LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE MONDAY BINGO Come celebrate and socialize with others at this fun event. Bingo is a great way to keep your brain fit. Prizes will be awarded. Questions, please call 763.235.3148. Mondays 1:00-3:00 p.m. FREE LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE FREE MONTHLY ENTERTAINMENT Mondays 2:30-3:30 p.m. FREE LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE Aug. 17: CODA 50-60s, Sock Hop Sept. 21: Guardian Angels and Krystal Wee, Sing Along Party Oct. 19: The Gallery Trio Vocal Harmony Nov. 30: CODA Holiday Concert Dec. 14: Holiday Party BOOK CLUB For the book list and questions, please call 763.235.3148. Second Monday of the Months, 12:00 p.m. FREE LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE CARDS: FIVE HUNDRED/HAND AND FOOT Mondays 10:00 a.m. FREE LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE CARDS: BRIDGE Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. FREE LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE Otsego Parks and Recreation Department will be allowing participants to register for summer/fall programs while deferring registration fees until it is certain the class/program will take place. 763-425-9666 | osseovacuum.com Quality | Selection | Pricing Friendly Knowledgeable Staff Try Before You Buy! Family Owned and Operated Since 1975 No Appointment Necessary! 763.323.1900borderlines-us.com Residential and Commercial Paving ServicesProviding the highest quality asphalt maintenance services. sealcoating | crack sealing | asphalt repairs | concrete & asphalt apron repair | asphalt paving 18 2020 Summer Otsego View To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. INDOOR PICKLEBALL Bring your own paddle and join other seniors to play. Any questions, call 763.235.3148. Tuesdays 6:00-8:00 p.m. LOCATION: GUARDIAN ANGELS RIVERVIEW LANDING GYM 9200 QUANTRELLE AVE. NE LEARN TO PLAY PICKLEBALL Want to learn how to play PickleBall? This fall we will be offering free introduction/demonstration classes on how to play PickleBall at Otsego’s new Prairie Park PickleBall Complex. For more info, please visit the website or call 763.235.3148. BEGINNER FLAG RUGBY 7-13 YEAR OLDS Minnesota youth rugby instructors will lead this engaging non-contact camp with an emphasis on safety. Rugby is the ultimate team sport with positions for all abilities. Kids will develop good hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness, and quick decision- making skills. Children will be placed on teams and play according to their age. $39 includes shirt and ball Sundays, September 13, 20, 27, October 4 and 11, 3:30-4:45 p.m. LOCATION: OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. SAFE AT HOME WORKSHOP AGES 7 & UP This safety clinic will teach children how to stay safe at home. Recreation staff and Wright County Sheriff will present safety info and be able to have a Q&A. Topics covered: home alone safety, phone safety, and basic first aid. This class will help build confidence and empower our children to keep themselves safe. A Safety Materials Packet will be provided. Thursday, Sept. 10 6:00-7:30 p.m. $20 LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. CAERCAER mission statement: CCommitted to the community, AAssisting with resources, EEmpowering families and most of all, RRelieving hunger. Support CAER Food Shelf The Power of One Act of Kindness By Contributing to CAER Food Shelf $1 Donated = $10 Food Purchasing Power 1 Act of Kindness = A Feeling of Hope 1 Bag of Groceries = A Family Meal One by one, you can help CAER reach its 2020 goal of one million pounds of food received for people in need. Donations can be made online at www.caerfoodshelf.org/donate or via mail at: CAER Food Shelf, 12621 Elk Lake Road NW, Elk River, MN 55330 info@caerfoodshelf.org | 763-441-1020 | www.caerfoodshelf.org Help us feed our neighbors today! Serving the Northwest Communities for More Than Two Decades Dreaming of a Beautiful Lawn? Call Jeremy’s Lawn Service Today! Mowing | Trimming | Weed Control | Fertilizing Shrub Trimming | Ground Maintenance Mosquito Control | Snow Removal Best Lawn Care Service! 612.685.0392 | JeremysLawnService.com Residential | Townhome | Commercial Maintenance 19www.ci.otsego.mn.us MEET THE PEOPLE OF OTSEGO: LOUISETTE GUIMONT: OTSEGO RESIDENT HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN OTSEGO? Since 1986, so 34 years. WHAT OTSEGO ACTIVITIES HAVE YOU PARTICIPATED IN? I love to play bingo and PickleBall, take walks in the park, and bring my great grandchildren to play at the playground! WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COMMUNITY EVENT AND WHY? The Prairie Festival is my favorite event. I enjoy the Otsego Rod and Custom Car Show and the bag tournament the most. I hope they have it again this year, it was so successful. I also enjoy the great food trucks of course, and meeting and visiting with my neighbors. It is a great community event!! WHAT MAKES OTSEGO UNIQUE TO YOU? The location, very accessible to the stores, gas stations, and good restaurants plus the city keeps our streets well plowed in the winter. The city staff are wonderful – that’s a big plus. DOUG CASSADY: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONER HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN OTSEGO? 16 years FAVORITE PART OF OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION SYSTEM? The smaller neighborhood parks used often by the smaller children. They have proven to be a huge part of Otsego’s identity. Neighborhoods really tend to own and protect their parks and make sure everyone using them is safe and happy. WHAT PARKS AND REC ACCOMPLISHMENT ARE YOU MOST PROUD OF SINCE YOUR TIME ON THE COMMITTEE? The new boat ramp and shelter at Norin Landing is a great destination for watching the river, fishing, or launching canoes/ kayaks. It was so underutilized for many years. The Park and Rec Department was able to partner with the DNR to create a very useful access to the Mississippi River. TELL US ABOUT HOW YOU ARE REPRESENTING THE PEOPLE OF OTSEGO? Over the years we have had input from the community at large on our park system and on programs the city provides. Being able to listen to the end users is helpful in developing and growing our wonderful city. NICK JACOBS: PARKS AND RECREATION OPERATION COORDINATOR HOW MANY YEARS HAVE YOU WORKED FOR THE CITY OF OTSEGO? I have worked for the City of Otsego for 4 years now! WHAT IS AN AVERAGE DAY IN YOUR JOB? The great thing about working in the Parks and Recreation field is that no two days are exactly the same. Average days can range from mowing grass to assisting with running special events! Such a wide variety of jobs makes Parks and Recreation an awesome career choice. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PARK AND WHY? My favorite park is Norin Landing, I really like the gazebo with the river overlook. If you haven’t been to this park, it is a must see! WHAT CONSTITUTES A PERFECT WORK DAY FOR YOU? A perfect day involves everyone having fun and getting the job done safely and efficiently. We really have a great staff here at the City of Otsego. We have had many seasonals return for multiple summers. The camaraderie here is outstanding. WHAT PART OF YOUR JOB BRINGS YOU THE MOST JOY? I truly enjoy the special events the City of Otsego puts on for residents each year. Our events include: Egg Hunt, Prairie Festival, Pumpkin Patch, and Santa day. I am always glad to see the smiles and appreciation everyone has for these events. Remember these events are all free, so we hope to see you all there! SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 - 2:30-4:30 P.M. OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE Free wellness exam and nail trim Vaccines available for $15 (rabies, distemper, and bordetella) Microchip with lifetime registration available for $20 Open to the public, but early registration is required. To register, email morgan@twincitiespetrescue.org Saturday, August 22nd, 2:30-4:30 pm Otsego Prairie Center 8899 Nashua Ave NE Otsego, MN 55330 ***Free wellness exam and nail trim*** Vaccines (rabies, distemper, and bordetella) available for $15. MicMicrochip with lifetime registration available for $20. Open to the public, but early registration is required. To register, email: morgan@twincitiespetrescue.org REGISTRATION REQUIRED WELLNESSCLINIC 20 2020 Summer Otsego View To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. SAT URDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2020 2020 WEB: otsegoprairiefestival.com @otsegoprairiefestival The health and safety of everyone involved is top priority. We are considering what the Festival could look like with social distancing guidelines that may remain in place. Announcements will be posted on the event website and Facebook page as decisions are made for the 2020 Prairie Festival. Planning for the 2020 Otsego Prairie Festival is continuing while monitoring the COVID-19 environment. Overnight Boarding 1st dog $32/day 2nd dog $26/day 3rd dog $15/day Overnight Boarding 1st dog $32/day 2nd dog $26/day 3rd dog $15/day Grooming Self Bath $15 Staff Bath $25 Nail Trim $7 Grooming Self Bath $15 Staff Bath $25 Nail Trim $7 Doggie Day Care 1/2 day (1-6 hrs) $15/day Full day (6-12 hrs) $23/day Doggie Day Care 1/2 day (1-6 hrs) $15/day Full day (6-12 hrs) $23/day Open from 7am to 7pm, 7 days a week. Call 763.441.8102 or visit RinTinInnKennel.com Ask about our Doggie Day Care Packages! Ask about our Doggie Day Care Packages! 21www.ci.otsego.mn.usTo register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. MONDAY MORNING CAMPS GET $10 OFF IF YOU SIGN UP FOR MULTISPORT & TUMBLING CAMPS TOGETHER MULTISPORT CAMP 2-3 YEAR OLDS This camp gives an introduction to girls and boys to the fun and excitement of sports. There is no pressure, just lots of fun! Sports that will be introduced will be soccer, t-ball, kickball, and basketball. Mondays, Sept. 21-Oct. 26 (6 sessions) 9:30-10:00 a.m. $40 Mondays, Nov. 2-Dec. 7 (6 sessions) 9:30-10:00 a.m. $40 LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE INTRO TUMBLING CAMP 2-3 YEAR OLDS You and your little one will love this camp, which is packed full of activities great for developing large motor skills, coordination, strength, and balance by using the beam, vault, bar, and mats. Mondays, Sept. 21-Oct. 26 (6 sessions) 10:15-10:45 a.m. $40 Mondays, Nov. 2-Dec. 7 (6 sessions) 10:15-10:45 a.m. $40 LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE OPEN GYM 2-5 YEAR OLDS Busy schedule, but still want to introduce your child to different sports and keep them active? Open Gym is the right fit. No need to register — just come when you can. We will introduce different sports each week and have stations to practice skills with your child. There will be games and other fun things to do. Sports that will be introduced will be soccer, t-ball, kickball, basketball, and more. Mondays, Sept. 21-Dec. 7 11:00-12:00 p.m. $2 day/per child LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE WEDNESDAY MORNING CAMPS FUN & ACTIVE PLAY TIME INFANT TO 5 YEARS OLD Calling all kids up to five years – come to Fun & Active Playtime Wednesday mornings. Games, Sports, Toys and Crafts will be all ready for you to come learn, explore, jump/move around and meet new friends! Wednesdays, Sept. 23-May 12 9:30-10:30 a.m. $2 per child *Please check the website for days that we are not meeting. LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE MESSIEST CAMP 2-5 YEAR OLDS You and your child will love this camp, which is packed full of messy and fun activities great for developing skills. Your child will bring home an awesome masterpiece each week but will leave the mess here! Wednesdays, Sept. 23-Oct. 28 (6 sessions) 10:45-11:30 a.m. $45 Mondays, Nov. 4-Dec. 9 (6 sessions) 10:45-11:30 a.m. $45 LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE Otsego Parks and Recreation Department will be allowing participants to register for summer/fall programs while deferring registration fees until it is certain the class or program will take place. FALL PREVIEW YOUR AD HERE ADVERTISE IN THE NEXT ISSUE! THE BEST LOCAL EXPOSURE: - Direct mails to every home, apartment and business - Provided to new residents - Online at ci.otsego.mn.us! Call today! 763.551.3705 22 2020 Summer Otsego View To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. PUMPKIN PATCH DAY FREE EVENT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 PUMPKIN PATCH The Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission would like to invite everyone to this fun family fall event! There will be free pumpkins given out as long as supplies last! There also will be jumpies, games, and lots of prizes! Please bring a non-perishable food item for CAER. Saturday, October 10, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. LOCATION: OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK, 13355 90TH ST. HOWLIN’ HALLOWEEN Bring your four-legged friend down for pictures, costume contest, and prizes! Saturday, October 10, 12:30-1:00 p.m. Costume Contest: 12:45 p.m. Prize Drawing: 12:50 p.m. LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK DOG PARK, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE AUTUMN CRAFT & BUSINESS SHOW Support local artisans, crafters, and small business owners and get a jump start on holiday shopping. Jewelry, purses, cooking products and samples, home cleaning products, body wraps, local handmade crafts, doll clothes, scrapbooking supplies, stamping tools, clothing boutiques, spices, holiday decorations, blankets, thermal bags, candles, crochet items, hair accessories, rock it anywhere, Tupperware, baby blankets and hats, hot/cold aromatherapy packs, essential oils, skin care, health & fitness, and more! Saturday, October 10 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE DRIVE IN MOVIE: DOUBLE FEATURE Let’s go back to the 50s when drive-in theaters were all the rage. Have a family fun night while sitting in your car and watching a movie. The sound will be played on your car radio as well as outside. Saturday, October 10 6:45 p.m. – Hotel Transylvania 3 (G) 9:00 p.m. – Insidious (13+) LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK BALLFIELDS, 13355 90TH ST. HAITI WAYS TO HELP US CONTINUE TO FEED KIDS DURING THE GLOBAL COVID19 OUTBREAK. fmsc.org 1. Pray for FMSC and our mission. 2. Give now to fund meals to be packed at a later date: give.fmsc.org/COVID-19 3. Shop the FMSC MarketPlace™ online to support artisans and fund meals. 23www.ci.otsego.mn.usTo register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com. PRIMARY ELECTIONS Otsego residents will head to the polls on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 for Federal and State primary elections. The polls open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. The City is divided into three precincts that will vote at two polling places as follows: Precinct 1-A: Prairie Center (former City Hall building) 8899 Nashua Ave. NE. Please use the main entrance. Precinct 2-A: Otsego Elementary: 8125 River Rd. NE. Use door 4. Precinct 3: Otsego Elementary: 8125 River Rd. NE. Use door 4. To determine which precinct you are in, visit the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website at pollfinder.sos.state.mn.us. A map showing the precinct boundaries and polling places is also available on the City’s website. Primary Absentee Dates June 26: Absentee/early voting begins Otsego City Hall, 13400 90th St. NE July 21: Voter pre-registration closes August 4: Direct balloting begins at City Hall August 10: Absentee/early voting ends CITY OF OTSEGO CANDIDATE FILING Affidavits of Candidacy will be accepted for the following City of Otsego offices ($5.00 application fee): • Mayor (Four-year term) • Two (2) City Council Members (Four-year term) Tuesday, July 28, 2020 - Candidate filing opens Tuesday, August 11, 2020 - Candidate filing closes at 5:00 p.m. Th ank you, Otsego! 2020 READERS’ CHOICE WINNER M ember FDIC 763.441.1000 | thebankofelkriver.com John Babcock President/CEO/Chairman Thank you for voting us Best Bank & Best Mortgage Lender! For 135 years, we’ve been an integral part of the Otsego area – both as a nancial institution and a community partner. We’re grateful every day for the chance to provide exceptional service to our customers. Visit one of our ve branches today to learn how we can help you! 24 2020 Summer Otsego View Prime Advertising & Design, Inc. 6450 Wedgwood Road N., Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55311-3649 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PRIME PERMIT NO. 2 ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER