03-09-2021 Public Saftey Meeting MinutesOtsego Public Saftey Meeting Date: 03/09/21 Time: 1830 hours Call to order: 1831 Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp & Council Member Tina Goede Commissioners: Chairman - Vacant position Vice-Chair Dan Freiberg David Greeman Paul Fields Jim Breitbach Greg Hubbard Vern Heidner John Braun 1.Approve Agenda: Motioned Dan Freiberg by and seconded by Jim Breitbach 2.Approve meeting minutes from February 09th, 2020. Motioned by Dan Freiberg and seconded by Vern Heidner . Approved Unanimously. 3.Open forum-No one present Elk River Ambulance No one present - 1st quarter data of 2021 will be provided in April. Allina Health Ambulance No one present - 1st quarter data of 2021 will be provided in April. Centracare Health Ambulance Manager Frank Zinken - Data provided. 4th quarter 2020 (October to December) . Average response time is 10.03 Minutes. 1st quarter data of 2021 will be provided in April. Albertville Fire Department No one present - Data provided - 12 calls for service. Rogers Fire Department Chief Brad Feist - Data provided. 4 calls for service in February (3 medicals and 1 CO alarm). 9-10 minute average response time for the month of February. Chief Feist presented he annual fire report which includes Rogers, Otsego and Corcoran There was an Increase in call volume in 2020. (about 10% increase) A lot of online training for the firefighters in 2020 due to the Covid pandemic, now back to small groups. Elk River Fire Department Chief Mark Dickinson and Mark Wandersee - Data provided. 11 calls for service in February. Most significant fires were a dwelling fire and one vehicle fire. Mark Wandersee introduced himself to the group. Mark is the assistance chief of operations and training. He explained his role and experience. Chief Dickinson inquired about the fire department not being dispatched for some personal injury accidents. Sergeant Oltmanns will follow up with dispatch. WCSO Sergeant Oltmanns - Presentation - Data provided Elections - Jim Breitbach nominated Dan Freiberg to secretary; Second by Vern Heidner. Approved Unanimously. Dan Freiberg nominated Dave Greeman for chair; Second by Paul Fields. Approved Unanimously. Dan Freiberg nominated Jim Breitbach for vice chair; Second by Paul Fields. Approved Unanimously. Discussions: Lions club is moving forward on the fundraiser for the public safety yard signs. Money to be used for scholarships in the future. Next meeting April 13th, 2021 Adjourn 1943 hours: Motioned by John Braun, Seconded by Jim Breitbach