ITEM 1 Resolution 14-01C17Y 0Ot e F 0 MINNESOTA g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION ...................................................................... ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Public Works PRESENTER(s): City Engineer Wagner AGENDA ITEM DETAILS REQUESTOR: City Engineer Wagner Request for City Council Action MEETING DATE: January 6, 2014 REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Administrator Johnson I Item 1 RECOMMENDATION: City Staff recommends adopting Resolution #2014-01 which supports the construction of and participation in a portion of the funding for the Improvements to 70th Street, from Labeaux Avenue (CSAH 19) to Maciver Avenue. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No I No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: 70th Street, from Labeaux Avenue (CSAH 19) to Maciver Avenue was improved from a gravel street to a paved street in 2008 as interim solution to the increase in traffic volumes from the adjacent land being developed. This project shaped the existing inplace gravel road and provided a paved surface and some additional drainage. The improvements did not include revising the road to meet stated aid standards. With the completion of the 70th Street project from Martin Farms Avenue to Oakwood Avenue (CSAR 37) in 2015/2010 it as anticipated that an increase in traffic volume can be expected along 70th Street, from Labeaux Avenue (CSAR 19) to Maciver as a more continuous east -west route is provided to regional traffic. The intentions of the improvements to this portion of 70th Street would be to bring it to State Aid Standards and will include widening of the road to provide additional shoulder width, changing the vertical alignment, adding a multi --use off street shared trail, etc. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ❑ ATTACHED: ® NONE POSSIBLE MOTION .:........................................... Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to Approve Resolution #2014-01. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: ❑ YES WAS Funds Region 7W Federal Funds N NO (2018 Project) 403 — Collector Street Fund ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: RESOLUTION NO. 2014-01 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE CONSTRUCTION OF AND PARTICIPATING IN A PORTION OF THE FUNDING FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO 70T" STREET, FROM LABEAUX AVENUE (CSAH 19) TO MACIVER AVENUE WHEREAS, the portion of 70th Street, from Labeaux Avenue (CSAR 10) to Maciver Avenue, will require improvements to safely accommodate the anticipated increase of traffic volumes associated with the completion of the new connection of loth Street to CSAH 37 to be completed 2014 and 2015; and WHEREAS, completion of and funding of this project will provide a more continuous and safe, regional east -west route NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO MINNESOTA: 1. Supports the construction of the above mentioned project; 2. Supports funding for a portion of the local share cost of the above mentioned project. Adopted by the council this 6th day of January 6, 2014. Motioned By: Seconded By: All in Favor: Those opposed: Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, clerk ot388resSupporting Construction and Funding of loth Street(CSAH 19 to Maciver)