Item 7-OHPC Otsego ViewItem 7 “The mission of the Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission is to discover, preserve, interpret and communicate Otsego history and culture to educate and enhance our sense of connection and appreciation for each other, our present environment and our legacy.” Our collection includes hundreds of photographs, audio recordings, self- published family histories, and books. We have some artifacts from the McDonald house deconstruction including a hand-hewn beam and assorted small objects found in the excavation. Much of this collection was established by the original OHPC members like Elaine Norin, Joy Swenson, Norm Schwanbeck, Arlene Holen, Freida Lobeck, to name a few. We are currently digitizing the collection. OHPC-published history books are scanned and are available on the Otsego city website. Most of the photos are scanned but are not organized. The audio tapes from interviews done years ago are also digitized now; we hope to be able to offer their availability to the interested public sometime in the future. We have several photos that are not identified or labelled. We will likely reach out to the public for help labelling those photos, maybe at the Otsego Festival or through the Otsego View. COVID interrupted our plans for interviewing more community elders in Otsego. We hope to start again once it is safe to meet. History is also happening now, so we are interested in new families, new businesses, new organizations that are part of Otsego. It is important to record and recognize this. We are always looking for photographs, family histories, family stories so if you would like to share with us, please contact us through the city. We are not collecting artifacts or physical items. If you have any of those and would like to donate them, we suggest contacting the Wright County Historical Society. Our meetings are the second Tuesday of every month at 7 pm. Like most, we are currently meeting via ZOOM. That information is posted on the city website, so anyone is welcome to join us.