Item 3.2 - JK StorageITEM 3_2 TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP REPORT DATE: 15 April 2021 60 -DAY DATE: 14 May 2021 RE: Otsego —JK Secure Storage TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND JK Secure Storage, located at 6700 Jansen Avenue, is proposing to expand onto the vacant lot to the west of its current lot. The proposed development would add eight additional self -storage buildings to the current eight buildings already constructed. The applications submitted for approval of the proposed development include vacation of existing drainage and utility easements, preliminary and final plat, a Planned Unit Development — Conditional Use Permit for multiple principal buildings, and site and building plan review. A public hearing to consider the applications has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 19 April 2021. Exhibits: ■ Site Location Map ■ Architectural plan ■ Civil plan set dated 01.25.21 (7 sheets) ■ Preliminary Plat ■ Final Plat ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is zoned 1-2, General Industrial District. Self -storage facilities are considered to be warehouse uses. Warehousing is allowed as a permitted use within the 1-2 District. The proposed expansion of the existing self -storage use to include additional principal buildings on one lot is allowed as a conditional use in accordance with Section 11-16-3.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. Buildings. There are eight existing self -storage buildings upon the subject site and the proposed expansion involves construction of eight additional self -storage buildings for a total of 114,200 square feet. The submitted building plans do not identify proposed exterior finish materials, which must include masonry as required by Section 11-17-4.E.1 of the Zoning Ordinance for principal buildings within the 1-2 District. The colors for the proposed additional buildings are also not specified and must be consistent with the colors used for the existing structures Landscaping. No landscaping plans has been submitted. Existing landscaping consists of turf grass outside of the areas taken up within the subject site by buildings and pavement, which complies with Section 11-19-2 of the Zoning Ordinance. There are shade trees planted along Jansen Avenue that should be continued the width of the south property line. A landscape security is to be submitted to ensure installation of the required landscaping. Lot Requirements. The table below outlines the lot requirements of the 1-2 District. The proposed lot complies with the minimum lot area and width requirements for the 1-2 District. The area of the proposed lot will be reduced by dedication of right-of-way for the permanent Jansen Avenue cul-de-sac, but not to the extent that it will not comply with the minimum required within the 1-2 District. The proposed lot and building improvements comply with the requirements of the 1-2 District. Setbacks. The table below outlines the setbacks required within the 1-2 District applicable to the subject site: ROW Min. Lot Min. Lot Max. Side/Rear Area Width Building 5ft. Coverage Required 2.00ac. 200ft. 50% Proposed 8.05ac. 520f. 33% The area of the proposed lot will be reduced by dedication of right-of-way for the permanent Jansen Avenue cul-de-sac, but not to the extent that it will not comply with the minimum required within the 1-2 District. The proposed lot and building improvements comply with the requirements of the 1-2 District. Setbacks. The table below outlines the setbacks required within the 1-2 District applicable to the subject site: ROW Side Parking ROW Side/Rear 30ft. 20ft. 15ft. 5ft. The edge of the drive aisle along the north property line 10 feet. The north property line is separated from the right-of-way for 1-94 by railroad right-of-way making the proposed setback consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The site plan complies with the setback requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Access. The subject site is accessed via one driveway to Jansen Avenue. The existing access will continue to serve the expanded facility. The drive aisles at the perimeter of the proposed buildings and between the door sides of the proposed buildings are at least 30 feet wide. The N east -west drive aisle between the north and south oriented buildings are 20 feet wide, which is the minimum required for fire access. Self -storage facilities that are unattended do not require off-street parking stalls as patrons will park their vehicles in the drive aisle next to their unit to load/unload. Section 11-21-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance requires the drive aisle to be paved with asphalt or concrete surface. Section 11-21-7.1) required the drive aisles to provide perimeter concrete curb. An asphalt surface and perimeter concrete curb are shown on the submitted plans, the specifications for which are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Fence. The existing self -storage facility is enclosed by a perimeter fence with a gate at the driveway entrance from Jansen Avenue. The fence is shown to be expanded to include the additional site area, which must be adjusted to be outside of the easement dedicated for the Jansen Avenue cul-de-sac. The existing fence is metal rod along Jansen Avenue and chain link on the other three sides. The decorative fencing should be continued along the south lot line. The six foot high fence complies with Section 11-19-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance and a fence permit is required prior to construction, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. Signs. The submitted plans do not include any information about changes to signs upon the property. Any proposed signs must comply with Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and require issuance of a sign permit prior to installation. All signs are to be subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. Exterior Lighting. The submitted plans do not include any information about exterior lighting to be installed upon the property for the expanded facility. Any additional exterior lighting must be installed using a 90 degree horizontal cut-off and a photometric plan illustrating the intensity and illumination pattern of proposed lighting must be submitted to verify compliance with the provisions of Section 11-16-6.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. All exterior lighting is to be subject to review and approval by the Zoning Administrator. Right -of -Way. An easement was dedicated to the City to make the cul-de-sac terminus of Jansen Avenue a permanent improvement as part of the Otsego Industrial Park 6t" Addition approval to the west of the subject site. The easement for the Jansen Avenue cul-de-sac should be shown as right-of-way on the proposed preliminary/final plat and dedicated to the City. Dedication of right-of-way for Jansen Avenue is to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Stormwater. The developer has submitted plans for grading, drainage, and erosion control for the proposed development. All grading plan issues are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. The proposed combination of the two existing platted lots includes a request to vacate the existing drainage and utility easement dedicated over the common lot line. This easement serves no public purpose upon combination of the two lots and may be vacated. The 3 preliminary and final plat provide for dedication of new drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of the proposed one lot and over stormwater drainage facilities, as required by Section 10-8-12 of the Subdivision Ordinance. All drainage and utility easements are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Utilities. The subject site is within the West Sewer District, but utilities are not available south of 1-94. Any utilities would need to be private on-site septic and well systems. However, the existing facility does not have private utilities and none are proposed as part of the proposed expansion. Development Contract. Section 10-10-4 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires that the developer execute a Development Contract with the City to provide for construction of the project, completion of all public improvements, establishment of required securities, and payment of applicable fees. The City Attorney will draft the contract related to the proposed development, which is to be approved by resolution of the City Council and executed by the developer, and recorded with the property. Criteria. The Planning Commission is to consider the application for a conditional use permit to allow multiple principal buildings on one lot based upon, but not limited to, the criteria established by Section 11-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The subject site is guided by the Comprehensive Plan for industrial uses. Self - storage facilities are a low intensity warehousing use appropriate for areas planned for industrial uses. The proposed use is consistent with the Future Land Use Plan of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by existing and approved industrial development. Self -storage facilities area warehousing use appropriate for industrial parks. The proposed expanded self -storage use will be compatible with the area in which it is located. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed use complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. M Comment: The subject site is accessed by 651 Street (CSAH 37) via Jansen Avenue. CSAH 37 is designated as a major collector road by the Wright County Long Range Transportation Plan and has adequate design capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the expanded self -storage facility. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The subject site is planned for industrial uses and will utilize on-site utilities to the extent necessary minimizing demand for City services consistent with the 2012 Comprehensive Plan and Capital Improvement Plan. RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends approval of the applications to expand the JK Secure Storage facility subject to the conditions outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval of vacation of existing drainage and utility easements, a preliminary and final plat for Otsego Industrial Park 7th Addition, and a PUD -CUP and site/building plans for JK Secure Storage, subject to the following conditions: The site and buildings shall be developed in accordance with the plans on file with the City subject to stipulations of approval as outlined herein in accordance with Section 11-9-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The exterior materials for the proposed self -storage buildings shall comply with Section 11-17-4.E.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. Landscaping: a. Areas of the subject site not take up by buildings and pavement shall be planted with turf grass. b. Shade trees shall be planted the width of the south property line consistent with the spacing of existing trees, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 4. The specifications for the asphalt surface and perimeter concrete curb shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. Fencing: The fence shall be adjusted to not encroach upon the right-of-way easement dedicated for Jansen Avenue. b. Decorative metal fencing shall be used along the south lot line consistent with the existing fence. C. All fencing shall comply with Section 11-19-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 6. All signs shall comply with Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. All exterior lighting shall comply with Section 11-16-6.0 of the Zoning Ordinance subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 8. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. Right-of-way for the Jansen Avenue cul-de-sac shall be dedicated on the preliminary plat and final plat subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. All easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. The developer shall execute a Site Improvement Performance Agreement with the City subject to review by the City Attorney and approval of the City Council. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request does not comply with the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Motion to table. C. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Audra Etzel, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney 31 Site Location Map Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL MUNICL P RIVATEC L — TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits ❑ c ❑ t Parcels Torrens COLUMN ORIENTATION MIRRORS T iIS VIEW AT RIDGE k BEYOND. - --- 3 - STARTER BAY ---- ----- TYPICAL BAY L ne fractural fractural fractural ne 1 T(�w) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 DF DF ®DF DF OF DF DF DF® OF DFOEOD DcDcDC 5991010178 5991010318 59920 $882010318 5992010518 5992010716 [zT DOOR SCHEDULE CITY CODE TYPE E1 ROUGH OPENING (REF.) MANUF. DESCRIPTION COLOR 2 DB ROLL—UP 3'-8" x 8'-0" TRAC—RITE e . 5992010118 5993010118 5992010316 DC 5881010518 5992010518 4'-0" x 8'-0" 5992010716 A C2 5991010718 5991010518 5992010518 5992019318 5992010118 5850000318 NOTE COLUMN ORIENTATION IN STARTQi BAY ROLL—UP 8'-8" x 8'-0" 8'-8"x 8'-0" TRAC—RITE e . NON—OPERATIONAL DOOR COLORED 42 A F1 A C1 B F1 9'-0" x 8'-0" 9'-0" x 8'-0" TRAC—RITE e . ROLL—UP DOOR COLORED 2 DG ROLL—UP 8'-8" x7'-6' 5992010516 5992010318 A 2, 5B91D10318 5991010118 5992010116 E E1 se5oaao316 5993010776 DG 5991010318 I DH 5991010718 DG B FD_QDI DF ® DF ® DF ® DF DF OF DF OF ® DF ® Om0 I F2 FLOOR PLAN FOR 9'-4" EAVE 1 /4:12 PITCH, MINI STORAGE BUILDING #8 1 /8" = 1'-0" ROLL -UP DOORS MEET ASTM E330 END WALL ELEVA TION rr END WALL ELEVA TION SIDE WALL ELEVA TION 1/8"=1 '-0" RENS/ON u �a �v. N r � FaF_ a b u ts (7 ubgaaa c m °gaze' 'moo < at5?a e w z [zT DOOR SCHEDULE CITY CODE TYPE SIZE ROUGH OPENING (REF.) MANUF. DESCRIPTION COLOR 2 DB ROLL—UP 3'-8" x 8'-0" 3'-8" x 8'-0" TRAC—RITE e . ROLL—UP DOOR COLORED 6 DC ROLL—UP 4'-0" x 8'-0" 4'-0" x 8'-0" TRAC—RITE/eq. ROLL—UP DOOR COLORED 4 DEDD ROLL—UP 8'-8" x 8'-0" 8'-8"x 8'-0" TRAC—RITE e . NON—OPERATIONAL DOOR COLORED 42 OF ROLL—UP 9'-0" x 8'-0" 9'-0" x 8'-0" TRAC—RITE e . ROLL—UP DOOR COLORED 2 DG ROLL—UP 8'-8" x7'-6' 8'-8" x 7'-6" TRAC—RITE e . ROLL—UP DOOR COLORED 2 DH ROLL—UP 1 9'-0" x 7'-6" 9'-0" x 7'-6" 1 TRAC—RITE a ROLL—UP DOOR COLORED ROLL -UP DOORS MEET ASTM E330 END WALL ELEVA TION rr END WALL ELEVA TION SIDE WALL ELEVA TION 1/8"=1 '-0" RENS/ON u �a �v. N r � FaF_ a b u ts (7 ubgaaa c m °gaze' 'moo < at5?a e w z Sheet N. Al [zT E' E 6 z pa z m zFow s t w o o e A Amo K Date 09/23/2016 D awn 6y CAH Sada Non N. P33713 D Order No. Sheet N. Al INTERSTATE 94 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — . — . _ . — • — • — ' — — — — B.N.S.F. RAILROAD \ � I \ \ \ I \ \ \ 2 \ \ I'd JANSEN AVENUE N.E. P:1Projects\Projects - 2018\12185070- JK Secure Storage\C. Design\Drawing Files\12186070 C1.dwg I .J SYMBOL LEGEND REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SECTION. KEY NOTES 1O REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE FABRIC, POSTS, AND FOOTINGS. 0 SAWCUT, REMOVE, AND DISPOSE OF EXISTING CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER. DEMOLITION NOTES J 1. Verify all existing utility locations. 2. It is the responsibility ofthe Contractor to perform or coordinate all necessary utility demolitions and relocations from existing utility locations to all onsite amenities and buildings. These connections include, but are not limited to, water, sanitary sewer, cable tv, telephone, gas, electric, site lighting, etc. 3. Prior to beginning work, contact Gopher State Onecall (651-454-0002) to locate utilities throughout the area under construction. The Contractor shall retain the services of a private utility locator to locate the private utilities. 4. Sawcut along edges of pavements, sidewalks, and curbs to remain. 5. All construction shall be performed in accordance with state and local standard specifications for construction. 0 NORTH 0 20 40 80 cd —d m A 3 a - V/�rn o L � �., ! 0 m ) 0 w C m._•o JWmr'n%om g W W Z n/ W W o rn Z U Q < G W � W O Q Y W � o O co U v W z W Z Z (9 Lu �OOWU') J U) < m of LU 0 Uz(9 D W Qfn N Q Yoo Nco a` I hereby certify that this plan, specifications or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineer under the laws offttthh/e/state of Minnesota. Thomas J. He,.nh.ff, P.E. Dale: 01.25.21 Reg. No.: 25520 Re, Data Description Project# 12186070 Drawn By: KBK Checked By: TJH Issue Date: D1.25.21 Sheet Title: DEMOLITION PLAN -Sheet: I C 1 INTERSTATE 94 — B.N.S.F. RAILROAD _• x� X X C6 (22 TYP) 1 2o, C6 40' �\ 40' n \ F o 30' \ Z (n \ \s v U- O It CID LL O3 f;- f 30, \\ LL a d lL F� 20. m L f � C6 \ \ \ P:\Pr jecls\Projects - 2018\72186070 - JK Secure Storage\C. Design\Drawing Files\1218607D C2.dwg z: D lid -� " \tz' I z. �o � 20' it CD LL. 1 CR LL 20' \ C6 2D' \ ° _ jq 40' C61 I I I C6 (22 TYP) I POND I II.. \ .asp . . . . . . a—. . _ .. _ . . . . .. — .. ase- . . J `f I �xx—x —cox x 1s-c�m 1 C7 JANSEN AVENUE N.E. SYMBOL LEGEND NEW BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SEE DETAIL 1/C6 • NEW BOLLARD SEE DETAIL 4/C6 — X NEW 6' HIGH FENCE SEE DETAIL 1/C7 0 NORTH 0 20 40 60 — d n � m CE a i E rn /^ d z v - r 5 H _ •�� m on m C m�'Vo Jw �En U)� o UJ W z W W o (� Z o Q W U aZ !W!^ W O VJ O Z W ain 3. c)~ op C) f` U vW Z W Z Z (D LU 0 O ir Z cM0 U) I-- Ly z M 0 "z( w¢cn NQY00 O I` N I hereby certify that this plan, specfications or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Tk,N ff�v� homas 1. Date: 01.25.21 Reg. No.: 25520 Re, Date Description Project* 12186070 Drawn By: KBK Checked By: TJH Issue Date: 01.25.21 Sheet Title: PAVING AND DIMENSION PLAN Sheet: C2 _ I FO --.------------,_._----- _-----------._.68.02 TC \��_ Cji/HWL=967.58 ---'------ -_ 4 (NP) / r // --,- -- ---68.22 TC 67.77 GL BOTTOM=964.75 .. ----- 70.09 TC C7 - �-_ 68.42 TC 67.97 GL /1- ,\ ---- 69.84 GL 69.29 TCI 69.85 TC 68.17 GL - s7n 9R Tr. aso cL \ X X - n - ==-=-68.52B.��_��'� 66.06 TC• LEGEND I ! i 70.608-� - -.-- J• -� I II J �`" / TCURB CIT / / , /\'" \�• - - - - 950 - - - - EXISTING CONTOURS / PLL 950 �65.25 GL' PROPOSED CONTOURS -MAJOR INTERVAL C7 I / ems- �\\ ���\ \\ \ � � .. 1 LL / I ED RS - MINORINTERVAL 94 - _ -___949---_ 70.00 GL f. 70so8 \\ •. :� \ :.[�9. �. 70.12 TC GRADE BREAK GRADE BREAK LINE LINE INTERSTATE - <-i% GRADESLOPE 0 13 SILT FENCE 68.90 B \ \ \ 69.80 B \ \l 69.40 B \ ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/RIP-RAP 69.58 B \ \ \ I 69.90 B \\\ INLETPROTECTION - RAILROAD = ' 69.248, 68.62 B I I I 68.90 B / I 69.20 GL \' - -' -' B.N.S.F. ------------ { \ __- - --.---------_ _\ ------ --,_,------- - _ EROSION CONTROL BLANKET _- - ---- o------- /--- aro---- _-_ \ C _ _�------._-- 6 _____ (`---------------' --- ---. ----------- ---0 -- ---- � �DND N - `� 66.70 TC' � - (TTP)- ---`•-'"'s--- -� 66.20G[-'-- 66.24 TC 4 - r � � 7 `--� CONCRETE WASHOUT STATION _ I FO --.------------,_._----- _-----------._.68.02 TC \��_ Cji/HWL=967.58 ---'------ -_ 4 (NP) / r // --,- -- ---68.22 TC 67.77 GL BOTTOM=964.75 .. ----- 70.09 TC C7 - �-_ 68.42 TC 67.97 GL /1- ,\ ---- 69.84 GL 69.29 TCI 69.85 TC 68.17 GL - s7n 9R Tr. aso cL \ X X - n - ==-=-68.52B.��_��'� 66.06 TC• --X--X I ! i 70.608-� - -.-- J• -� I II J �`" / TCURB CIT / / , /\'" \�• 66.12 B10 \ / ZR 70.86 1 / PLL / �65.25 GL' . 4 (TYP) / q\1� C7 I / ems- �\\ ���\ \\ \ � � .. 1 LL / I � Y)O 1 J yf 70.25 TC / \ 70.20 B / \\ III hlfN./ J 70.00 GL f. 70so8 \\ •. :� \ :.[�9. �. 70.12 TC , �/ �� 1 1 69.67 1 1 j69soBs� LL 68.90 B \ \ \ 69.80 B \ \l 69.40 B \ 69.58 B \ \ \ I 69.90 B \\\ \ 69. 5TC \ ' 69.248, 68.62 B I I I 68.90 B / I 69.20 GL \' I Z � 69.44 B '69.27 B _ m M 68.90 TC � 68.65 GL zQj (D11 /ILL - ) NLL. _o 0 o 0 -3'CUR Too o \ I �P) 70 / J/ C7 7 68.36 TC 68.11 GL I / POND 11 O 68.15 TC/ / HWL 6.31 ! NW -964.0( BfTOM=? 67.90 GL �. /! EVEMINPP .00 \ 6..74 GL C7 66.02 B' .. - 65.29 GL _ - 65.656_ 3'CURB CUT'--'� ..'_ .. - .. .G- - .. - .. - • 66.12 B` - \ 65.00 G ass / 66.25 B' 65.99 TC I / 65.49 GL ,6 6.28 B' \ 65.70 GL \ /3' CURB CUT I / 66.01 B` r I I 65.00 G 6.31 TC` 655.81 GL` I I 11 t/ I I l q (NP) 1 6B.40 B e� I tl J I 1 1 I ! I 1 1 1 J I I 11 1 I 1 1 1 1 ' / 66.06 TC• 65.90 B I I 65.56 GL' ! i I -65.80 B` Ci I 1 / 165.75 TC' / �65.25 GL' _65.32 B' 65.05 GL TCURB CUT i 67.S0 G \ \ 67.50 G\ q / 67.50 G' \ \ 67 \ i P:\Projects\Projects - 2018\12186070 - JK Secure Storage\C. Design0ravi ng Files\12186070 C3.dwg 67.50G 63.30 G (4 TYP) JANSEN AVENUE N.E. I / 6 SPOT ABBREVIATIONS: 1058.00 8 B - BITUMUNOUS G -GROUND GL -GUTTER LINE TC - TOP OF CURB HP - HIGH POINT C) - EXISTING TO BE VERIFIED GRADING NOTES 1. All elevations with an asterisk (7 shall be field verified. If elevations vary significantly, notify the Engineer for further instructions. 2. Grades shown in paved areas represent finish elevation. 3. Restore all disturbed areas with 5" of good quality topsoil and seed. 4. All construction shall be performed in accordance with state and local standard specifications for construction. EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. For Erosion Control Notes, see Sheet C7. 0 NORTH 0 20 40 80 ti 2 � m @ � 9 w C -5. D a L C V7 O! d Zv C - L o'o�v`0 - C D=V0 JW mr'nvJm g W W z n/ W W O U Q az W�/'��zwo VJO'^ o Q LU Y VJ c) ~ O � o U � UW Z W Z Z cgWo E3OOWU') J U) i-- W I� W 5 fn Q fW N Q Yoo C) P- N a` I hereby certify that this plan, specifications or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Pmfessional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Thomas J. Herkenhoff, P.E. Date: D1.25.21 Reg. No.: 25520 Rev. Date Description Project *12186070 Drawn By: KBK Checked By: TJH Issue Date: 01.25.21 Sheet Title: GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN Sheet: C31 B r 1 I r I 1 r I I I I 1 67.64 TC` 6�. I 1 1 1 I II igI �m C7 ! 1 l 1 1 1 I 67.50 G I I 1 1 i 67.S0 G \ \ 67.50 G\ q / 67.50 G' \ \ 67 \ i P:\Projects\Projects - 2018\12186070 - JK Secure Storage\C. Design0ravi ng Files\12186070 C3.dwg 67.50G 63.30 G (4 TYP) JANSEN AVENUE N.E. I / 6 SPOT ABBREVIATIONS: 1058.00 8 B - BITUMUNOUS G -GROUND GL -GUTTER LINE TC - TOP OF CURB HP - HIGH POINT C) - EXISTING TO BE VERIFIED GRADING NOTES 1. All elevations with an asterisk (7 shall be field verified. If elevations vary significantly, notify the Engineer for further instructions. 2. Grades shown in paved areas represent finish elevation. 3. Restore all disturbed areas with 5" of good quality topsoil and seed. 4. All construction shall be performed in accordance with state and local standard specifications for construction. EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. For Erosion Control Notes, see Sheet C7. 0 NORTH 0 20 40 80 ti 2 � m @ � 9 w C -5. D a L C V7 O! d Zv C - L o'o�v`0 - C D=V0 JW mr'nvJm g W W z n/ W W O U Q az W�/'��zwo VJO'^ o Q LU Y VJ c) ~ O � o U � UW Z W Z Z cgWo E3OOWU') J U) i-- W I� W 5 fn Q fW N Q Yoo C) P- N a` I hereby certify that this plan, specifications or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Pmfessional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Thomas J. Herkenhoff, P.E. Date: D1.25.21 Reg. No.: 25520 Rev. Date Description Project *12186070 Drawn By: KBK Checked By: TJH Issue Date: 01.25.21 Sheet Title: GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN Sheet: C31 INTERSTATE 94 - B.N.S.F. RAILROAD PONDINFO HWL=967.58 - BOTTOM=964.75 VBPE-'-IRV=9p6�4.75 asci' �(0 Z(0 CO +Y71;XPA P:1ProjeclsW rojects - 2018\12186070 - JK Secure Storage\C. Design0rawing Files%1218607D C4.dwg \ C6 ST CB 1 \RIM=9i INV = 9E r< e- 0 eST CB 2 RIM = 967.16 C6 INV = 964.04 16 LF 12'NDPE,\ INV=964.OAPOND I TOP 987.00 HWL=966.38 BOTTOM=961.00 I V INV= 964.00 �..s..-..-.._.. INVI 964.0 I e--.._..-.. ..-..... 7 A3 L�D C6 I 28 LF 12" RCP @ 0.49% X - OUTLET STRU E 6 RIM =966. TOP WEIR = 965.36 C6 8" ORIFICE = 964.00 INV = 964.00 JANSEN AVENUE N.E. I I I I I #J LEGEND O STORM MANHOLE O CATCH BASIN CURBINLET ® FLARED END O SANITARY MANHOLE q HYDRANT N GATE VALVE 8 BOX ® WATER SHUTOFF E LIGHT POLE CN CABLE UNDERGROUND LINE - . - QE ELECTRIC OVERHEAD LINE LIE ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND LINE FO FIBER OPTIC UNDERGROUND LINE GAS NATURAL GAS UNDERGROUND LINE SANITARY SEWER PIPE )) STORM SEWER PIPE T TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND LINE I I WATERMAIN PIPE DRAINTILE PIPE UTILITY NOTES 1. It is the responsibility ofthe contractor to perform or coordinate all necessary utility connections and relocations from existing utility locations to the proposed building, as well as to all onsite amenities. These connections include but are not limited to water, sanitary sewer, cable TV, telephone, gas, electric, site lighting, etc. 2. All service connections shall be performed In accordance with state and local standard specifications for construction. Utility connections (sanitary sewer, watermain, and storm sewer) may require a permit from the City. 3. The contractor shall verify the elevations at proposed connections to existing utilities prior to any demolition or excavation. 4. The contractor shall notify all appropriate engineering departments and utility companies 72 hours prior to construction. All necessary precautions shall be made to avoid damage to existing utilities. 5. Storm sewer requires testing in accordance with Minnesota plumbing cede 4714.1109 where located within 10 feet of waterlines or the building. 6. HDPE storm sewer piping shall meet ASTM F2306 and fittings shall meet ASTM D3212 joint pressure test Installation shall meet ASTM C2321. 7. All RCP pipe shown on the plans shall be MNIDOT class 3. S. Maintain a minimum of 7 W of cover over all water lines and sanitary sewer lines. Where 7 %' of cover is not provided, install 2" rigid polystyrene insulation (MN/DOT 3760) with a thermal resistance of at least 5 and a compressive strength of at least 25 psi. Insulation shall be F wide, centered over pipe with 6" sand cushion between pipe and insulation. Where depth is less than 5', use 4" of insulation. 9. Install water lines 12" above sewers. Where the sewer is less than 12" below the water line (or above), install sewer piping of materials approved for inside building use for 10 feet on each side of the crossing. 10. All watermain piping shall be class 52 ductile iron pipe unless noted otherwise. 11. See Project Specifications for bedding requirements. 12. Pressure test and disinfect all new watermains in accordance with state and local requirements. 13. Sanitary sewer piping shall be PVC, SDR -35 for depths less than 12', PVC SDR -26 for depths between 12' and 26', and class 52 D.I.P. far depths of 26' or more. 0 NORTH 0 20 40 80 cd $ - d n r .o a Z L �ino � " - 2;tm w i ow Vo Fink W W Z W W o Q Z - U Q Q Z WWwo O Q LU U) o n C5 � 0 LU Z W Z Zc9Wo OO W (LOO J COQ m U Z W W Q (n Yoo CV Q N CD P a` 1 hereby certify that this plan, specifications or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a tluly licensed Professional Engineer underthe laws of the state of Minnesota. 4K I df Thomas J. Herke"hoff, P.E. Date: 01.25.21 Reg. No.: 25520 Rev. Dare Descfiph n Project#. 12186070 Drawn By: KBK Checked By: TJH Issue Date: 01.25.21 Sheet TrIle: UTILITY PLAN Sh-e C4 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) NARRATIVE PROJECT DESCRIPTION / LOCATION THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF BUILDING GRADING, UTILITIES, AND DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION. THE PROJECT SITE IS LOCATED ON THE WEST END OF JANSEN AVENUE NORTHEAST IN OTSEGO, MN. THE PROJECT INCLUDES: •GRADING *NEW BUILDING/BITUMINOUS 'TURF ESTABLISHMENT •PONDING PLANS THE PLANS SHOW THE PROJECT LIMITS. ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS NA PUBLIC WATERS LOCATED WITHIN 1 MILE OF THE PROJECT BOUNDARY AREA IDENTIFIED IN THE TABLE BELOW. RECEIVING WATERS IMPAIRMENT NA OUTSTANDING RESOURCE VALUE WATERS (ORVWs) OUTSTANDING RESOURCE VALUE WATERS WITHIN 1 MILE OF THE PROJECT BOUNDARY: NA CALCAREOUS FENS THERE ARE NO CALCAREOUS FENS WITHIN 1 MILE OF THE PROJECT BOUNDARY. ARCHAEOLOGICAL, HISTORICAL, AND ARCHITECTURAL RESOURCES THERE ARE NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL, HISHORICAL, OR ARCHITECTURAL RESOURCES WITHIN THE PROJECT BOUNDARY. ENDANGERED AND THREATENED SPECIES REVIEW THERE ARE NO ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES IDENTIFIED WITHIN THE PROJECT BOUNDARY. TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD (TMDL) WATERS THERE ARE NO TMDL WATERS WITHIN 1 MILE OF THE PROJECT BOUNDARY. LAND FEATURE CHANGES TOTAL PROJECT AREA DISTURBED: 4.00 ACRES TOTAL EXISTING IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: 0.30 ACRES TOTAL EXISING PERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: 3.70 ACRES TOTAL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: 2.90 ACRES TOTAL PROPOSED PERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: 1.10 ACRES TIMING OF BMP INSTALLATION THE EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS SHALLL BE INSTALLED AS NECESSARY TO MINIMIZE EROSION FROM DISTURBED SURFACES AND CAPTURE SEDIMENT ON SITE. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY DEMOLITION AND/OR CONSTRUCTION. DRAINAGE COMPUTATIONS SEE STDRM WATER CALCULATIONS REPORT. P:Nrojects\Projecfs- 2018\12186070 - JK Secure Storage\C. Design\Drewing Files\12186070 C5- SWPPP.dwg PROJECT CONTACTS PROJECT ENGINEER: LARSON ENGINEERING TOM HERKENHOFF 6261 9TH AVENUE BE ST. CLOUD, MN 56304 320-4285824 OWNER: JK SELF STORAGE BRENTON KENT 111 EVERGREEN DRIVE BARTELL, MN 56377 320-092-0384 CONTRACTOR: TO BE DETERMINED EROSION CONTROL INSTALLER AND MAINTAINER: TO BE DETERMINED MPCA 24 HOUR EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: 651549-5451 800-022-0798 CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE GOVERNED BY THE PROJECT MANUAL. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP AND MAINTAIN THE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE RECORDS. PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NA SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES 1. INSTALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 2. COMPLETE THE REMOVALS AS NOTED ON THE PLANS. 3. CONSTRUCT ALL TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS. 4. CONSTRUCT DOWNSTREAM STORM SEWER. 5. CONDUCT SITE GRADING. 6. TEMPORARILY SEED DENUDED AREAS PER NPDES REQUIRMENTS. 7. CONTINUALLY STABILIZE THE NORMAL WETTER PERIMETER OF ALL AREAS WITHIN THE 200 LINEAL FEET OF THE SURFACE WATER OR THE PROPERTY EDGE. 8. COMPLETE PERMANENT STABILIZATION. BMP PROJECT QUANTITY ESTIMATE (QUANTITIES ARE AN ESTIMATE ONLY AND MAY VARY) SILT FENCE: 440 LF TEMPORARY TURF ESTABLISHMENT: 0.55 AC PERMANENT TURF ESTABLISHMENT: 1.10 AC EROSION CONTROL BLANKET: 4000 BY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE: 1 EA STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS 1. THE CONTRACTOR WILL NEED TO IDENTIFY AN EROSION CONTROL SUPERVISOR IN GOOD STANDING WHO WILL BE KNOWLEDGEABLE AND HAS THE APPROPRIATE MPCA LICENSURE IN THE APPLICATION OF EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL, BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. 2. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHOWN THE EROSION CONTROL PLAN ARE THE ABSOLUTE MINIMUM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TEMPORARY EARTH DIKES, SEDIMENT TRAPS OR BASINS, ADDITIONAL SILTATION FENCING, AND/OR DISK THE SOIL PARALLEL TO THE CONTOURS AS DEEMED NECESSARY TO FURTHER CONTROL EROSION. ALL CHANGES SHALL BE RECORDED IN THE SWPPP. 3. THE EROSION CONTROL SUPERVISOR WILL WORK WITH THE PROJECT ENGINEER TO OVERSEE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SWPPP, AND THE INSTALLATION, INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER CONSTRUCTION AS REQUIRED. THE BMP MEASURES SHALL REFERENCE CITY BMP DETAILS. 4. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT. 5. THE CONTRACTOR WILL DEVELOP A CHAIN OF COMMAND WITH ALL OPERATORS ON THE SITE TO ENSURE THAT THE SWPPP WILL BE IMPLEMENTED AND STAY IN EFFECT UNTIL THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT IS COMPLETE, THE ENTIRE SITE HAS UNDERGONE FINAL STABILIZATION, AND A NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT) HAS BEEN SUBMITTED TO THE MPCA. 6. THE CONTRACTOR WILL PREPARE A WRITTEN WEEKLY SCHEDULE OF PROPOSED EROSION CONTROL ACTIVITIES FOR THE PROJECT ENGINEERS APPROVAL. 7. THE CONTRACTOR WILL PREPARE AND SUBMIT SITE PLAN FOR THE FOR THE PROJECT ENGINEERS APPROVAL FOR WORK IN CRITICAL AREAS AS IDENTIFIED ON THE PLANS OR AS REQUESTED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER. 8. ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO ANY REMOVAL WORK AND/OR DISTURBING ACTIVITIES AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL THE POTENTIAL FOR EROSION HAS BEEN ELIMINATED. 9. ALL EXPOSED SOIL AREAS MUST BE STABILIZED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO LIMIT SOIL EROSION BUT IN NO CASE LATER THAN 14 DAYS OR AS REQUIRED BY THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY ON THAT PORTION OF THE SITE THAT HAS TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY COMPLETION. 10. WORK IN DRAINAGE SWALES OR THE NORMAL WETTED PERIMETER OF ANY SURFACE WATER WILL REQUIRE STABILIZATION WITHIN 24 HOURS OF CONNECTION. THESE AREAS WALL INCLUDE ALL AREAS THAT DRAIN WATER WITHIN 200 FEET FROM THE PROPERTY EDGE OR POINT OF DISCHARGE TO ANY SURFACE WATER. RAPID STABILIZATION WILL BE USED IN THESE AREAS. 11. DITCHES AND EXPOSED SOILS MUST BE KEPT IN A SMOOTH ROUGH GRADED CONDITION IN ORDER TO BE ABLE TO APPLY EROSION CONTROL MULCHES AND BLANKETS. 12. ALL EXPOSED SOIL AREAS WILL BE STABILIZED PRIOR TO THE ONSET OF WINTER. ANY WORK STILL BEING PERFORMED WILL BE SNOW MULCHED, SEEDED, OR BLANKETED. 13. SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ESTABLISHED ON ALL DOWN GRADIENT PERIMETERS BEFORE ANY UP GRADIENT LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES BEGIN. THE TIMING OF THE INSTALLATION OF THE SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES CAN BE ADJUSTED TO ACCOMMODATE SHORT-TERM ACTIVITIES SUCH AS CLEARING AND GRUBBING, OR PASSAGE OF VEHICLES. ANY SHORT TERM ACTIVITY MUST BE COMPLETED AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE AND THE SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE ACTIVITY IS COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NPDES PERMIT. A. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THAT IT FOLLOWS AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO A SINGLE CONTOUR TO CAPTURE OVERLAND, LOW-VELOCITY SHEET FLOWS DOWN GRADIENT OF ALL EXPOSED SOILS AND PRIOR TO DISCHARGING TO SURFACE WATERS WITH THE SILT FENCE J -HOODED AT A MAXIMUM OF 100 FOOT INTERVALS AND SHALL CONTAIN NO MORE THAN 1/4 ACRE OF DRAINAGE AREA. B. DITCH CHECKS WILL BE INSTALLED AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION. TEMPORARY DITCH CHECKS WILL CONSIST OF USING ROCK DITCH CHECKS AND ROCK WEEPERS IN FRONT OF CULVERT INLETS. C. SEDIMENT DAMAGE FROM STOCKPILES WILL BE MINIMIZED BY PLACING A ROW OF SILT FENCE 6 FEET FROM THE TOE. D. ALL EXPOSED STOCKPILES LEFT FORA PERIOD OF TIME SHALL BE TEMPORARILY STABILIZED ACCORDING TO THE NPDES PERMIT REQUIREMENTS BUT IN NO CASE LATER THAN 14 DAYS. 14. STREET SURFACES SHALL BE SWEPT WITHIN 24 HOURS OF DISCOVERY OF SEDIMENT OR TRACKING WITH A VACUUM OPERATED BROOM SWEEPER. NO OPEN -BROOM SWEEPERS WILL BE ALLOWED. 15. STORM SEWER INLETS WILL BE PROTECTED WITH THE APPROPRIATE BMPS FOR EACH SPECIFIC PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION. 16. THE CONTRACTOR WILL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS REGARDING POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGEMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION, WHICH WILL INCLUDE PROVIDING: A. CONCRETE WASHOUT FACILITIES(PROCESSES ACCORDING TO THE NDPES PERMIT REQUIREMENTS B. SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND REMOVAL C. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT D. HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE CONTAINERS AND SPILL KITS •• INSPECT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE ONCE EVERY 7 DAYS DURING ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION AND WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER A RAINFALL EVENT GREATER THAN 0.5 INCHES IN 24 HOURS. RAINFALL SHALL BE MEASURED USING AN ONSITE RAIN GAUGE. 17. BUILDING PRODUCTS WITH POLLUTANT POTENTIAL SHALL BE STORED UNDER COVER (PLASTIC SHEETING, TEMPORARY ROOFS) OR IN SECURE CABINETS TO MINIMIZE CONTACT WITH STORMWATER. 18. CHEMICALS (PESTICIDES HERBICIDES, FERTILIZERS, TREATMENT CHEMICALS, ETC) SHALL BE STORED UNDER COVER (PLASTIC SHEETING, TEMPORARY ROOFS) OR IN SECURE CABINETS TO MINIMIZE CONTACT WITH STORMWATER. 19. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND TOXIC WASTE (OIL, GAS, PAINT, ETC.) SHALL BE STORED IN SEALED CONTAINERS IN A STORAGE AREA WITH RESTRICTED ACCESS. STORAGE AREAS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT PER MINNESOTA CHAPTER 7045. ALL DISPOSAL SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE REGULATIONS. 20. COLLECTION, STORAGE, AND DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE SHALL COMPLY WITH MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATIVE RULES 7035.0300 TO 7035.2915. STORAGE OF GARBAGE, REFUSE, AND OVERSIZE WASTE SHALL COMPLY WITH 7035.0700. RENOVATION AND DEMOLITION OPERATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH 7035.0805. 21. PORTABLE TOILETS SHALL BE MANAGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATIVE RULES CHAPTER 7041. 22. FUELING OF VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT WILL BE PERFORMED IN A DESIGNATED, CONTAINED AREA. SPILL KITS SHALL BE READILY AVAILABLE AND DISPOSAL SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE REGULATIONS. SPILLS WILL BE REPORTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA STATUTE 115.061. 23. WASHING OF VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT WILL BE PERFORMED IN A DESIGNATED, CONTAINED AREA. RUNOFF FROM THE WASHING AREA SHALL BE CONTAINED IN A SEDIMENT BASIN AND WASTE SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE REGULATIONS. 24. CONCRETE AND WASHOUT WASTES (STUCCO, PAINT, RELEASE OILS, CURING COMPOUNDS, ETC.) SHALL BE PERFORMED IN A DESIGNATED, CONTAINED AREA, SO THAT WASTES DON NOT CONTACT THE GROUND. LIQUID AND SOLID WASTES SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE REGULATIONS. A SIGN SHALL BE POSTED AT THE WASHOUT AREA FOR IDENTIFICATION AND INSTRUCTIONS. 25. DEWATERING OR BASIN DRAINING ACTIVITIES OF TURBID OR SEDIMENT LADEN WATER WILL BE DISCHARGED TO TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS WHENEVER POSSIBLE. IN THE EVENT THAT IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO DISCHARGE THE SEDIMENT LADEN WATER TO A TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN THE WATER MUST BE TREATED SO THAT IT DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT RECEIVING WATERS OR DOWNSTREAM LANDOWNERS. 26. THE CONTRACTOR WILL NEED TO PROVIDE A LICENSED EROSION CONTROL SUPERVISOR WHO CAN INSPECT THE SITE FOR NDPES PERMIT COMPLIANCE. MAINTENANCE OF ALL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) WILL BE REQUIRED AS SET FORTH IN THE PREVIOUSLY NAMED SECTIONS. A. THE EROSION CONTROL SUPERVISOR WILL NEED TO CONDUCT ROUTINE INDPECTIDNS OF THE ENTIRE CONSTRUCTION SITE AS REQUIRED BY THE NPDES PERMIT B. DATE AND TIME OF INSPECTION C. NAME OF PERSONS CONDUCTING INSPECTIONS D. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TAKEN E. DATE AND AMOUNT OF ALL RAINFALL EVENTS GREATER THAN 0.5 INCHES IN 24 HOURS F. DOCUMENTS AND CHANGES MADE TO THE SWPPP G. MAINTANENCE ACTIVITIES 27. MAINTENANCE WILL BE PERFORMED WITHIN A PERIOD PER PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. A. SILT FENCE REPAIRS SHOULD BE MADE WHEN IT BECOMES NON-FUNCTIONAL OR SEDIMENT REACHES 1/3 THE HEIGHT OF THE FENCE B. INLET PROTECTION DEVICES SHOULD BE REPAIRED WHEN THEY BECOME NON-FUNCTIONAL OR SEDIMENT REACHES 1/3 THE HEIGHT AND/OR DEPTH OF THE DEVICE C. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN MUST HAVE THE SEDIMENT REMOVED ONCE THE SEDIMENT HAS REACHED 1/2 THE STORAGE VOLUME D. TRACKED SEDIMENT MUST BE REMOVED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF DISCOVERY OF OFF SITE TRACKING ONTO PAVED SURFACES E. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING ALL BMPS UNTIL WORK HAS BEEN COMPLETED, SITE HAS GONE UNDER FINAL STABILIZATION, AND THE NOTICE OF TERMINATION HAS BEEN SUBMITTED TO THE MPCA IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT 28. BURNING OF TREES, BRUSH, OR OTHER VEGETATED MATERIAL IS NOT ALLOWED WITHIN THE PROJECT BOUNDARIES. 29. THE CONTRACTOR MAY SKIP TEMPORARY OR RAPID STABILIZATION METHODS IF THEY CHOOSE TO STABILIZE AN AREA WITH PERMANENT STABILIZATION WITHIN THE APPROPRIATE TIME FRAMES OUTLINED IN THE PERMIT FOR THE DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES. 30. IF TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT COVER WILL NOT BE ESTABLISHED BY NOVEMBER 15, PROVIDE ADEQUATE MEASURES TO CONTROL SPRING EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION. 31. ALL SEDIMENT DEPOSITED INTO A WATER OF THE STATE MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY OR AS REQUIRED BY THE NPDES PERMIT. 32. OUTLETS INTO SURFACE WATERS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH ENERGY DISSIPATION WITHIN 24 HOURS. ALL RIP RAP SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A FILTER MATERIAL OR SOIL SEPARATION AND COMPLY WITH THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 33. A 50 FOOT NATURAL BUFFER SHALL BE PRESERVED ADJACENT TO SURFACE WATERS. IF WORK ENCROACHES THE SURFACE WATER AS A COMPONENT OF THE WORK, REDUNDANT SEDIMENT CONTROLS SHALL BE INSTALLED. 34. ALL INFILTRATION AREAS MUST BE INSPECTED TO ENSURE THAT NO SEDIMENT FROM ONGOING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS REACHING THE INFILTRATION AREA AND THESE AREAS ARE TO BE PROTECTED FROM COMPACTION DUE TO CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT DRIVING ACROSS THE INFILTRATION AREA. ONLY LOW IMPACT EQUIPMENT SHALL BE ALLOWED IN THE INFILTRATION AREAS WHICH SHALL BE STAKED AND MARKED OFF. 35. ONCE THE PROJECT IS SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETED REGARDING TURF ESTABLISHMENT, SEDIMENT LOGS SHALL BE PLACED BEHIND THE NEW CURB AND GUTTER TO PROTECT AGAINST FURTHER EROSION WHEN THE NEW HOMES ARE CONSTRUCTED. c� = in C m CD v 3 0 d N z CD= L Cino�v`0� - C �IWmrnvim 9 RALLY O W W Z W W Z Q M v z n U <>z r�W/ W Z.6 VJ O z W Y ' 0 CD O CO U v W ZW Z Z Q W - OwU) O J U¢z )i m X LU U Z 0 W LU V) T- Q foo O I, N Cf) a` I hereby cer8fy that this plan, specifications or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. / Thomas J. Herkenhoff, P.E. Date: '.'Reg - No.: 25520 Rev. Date Description Project t. 12186070 Drawn By: KBK Checked By: TJH Issue Data: 01.25.21 Sheet TiBe: SWPPP Sheet: C5 (VERIFY SECTION WITH OWNER) NEW 1 12" BITUMINOUS WEAR OVER /—NEW 2" BITUMINOUS BASE `EXISTING SUBGRADE SOIL BITUMINOUS 1 PAVEMENT SECTION C6 NOT TO SCALE NEW 12" CLASS 5 BASE AGGREGATE (VERIFY DETAIL WITH OWNER) EW 6" O.D. CONCRETE- FlLLED STEEL POST PAINTED YELLOW EW BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT EW BASE AGGREGATE I I EW 18" DIA. POURED CONCRETE FOOTING STING SUBGRADE SOIL a BOLLARD DETAIL C6 NOT TO SCALE BACKFILL WITH NEW 12" 12" GOOD QUALITY TOPSOILANDSEED SLOPE NEW BITUMINOUS PER FT. PAVEMENT - II �I �I PRECAST INVERT SHOULD BE 112 III i DIAMETER OF PIPE AND BENCHES NEW BASE SLOPED 2" TOWARD INVERT. AGGREGATE ' EXISTING SUBGRADE SOIL SURMOUNTABLE CURB z & GUTTER DETAIL C6 NOT TO SCALE BACKFILL WITH NEW 8" 12" GOOD QUAD TOPSOIL AND SOD 6" SLOPE NEW BITUMINOUS PER FT • PAVEMENT Ilf_ 11=III ����'•• '� °'.; '`. NEW BASE AGGREGATE `-EXISTING SUBGRADE SOIL B612 CONCRETE s CURB & GUTTER DETAIL C6 NOT TO SCALE P:\ProjectsNr jecls-2018\12186070-JK Secure Storage\C. Design\DraMng Files\12186070 C6-C7.dwg PLAN =R'OF PIPE AND BENCHES ,2" TOWARD INVERT. -E STEPS SHALL BE PLACED T OFFSET HOLE IN TOP SLAB IG DOWNSTREAM. :;K STRUCTURES ARE ALLOWED CASTING AND COVER: R-4353 A OF 2, MAXIMUM OF 5 =TE ADJUSTMENT RINGS WITH FULL MORTAR BETWEEN EACH AND -LAR ON THE OUTSIDE. NO SHIMS MATERIAL ALLOWED. :XTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL. AST REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB ITH 2 BEADS OF RAM-NEK. ITS IN MANHOLE TO HAVE RUBBER GASKETS. -E STEPS, COPOLYMER POLYPROPYLENE WITH 112" GRADE 60 STEEL RCEMENT OR EQUAL, 16" O.C. T CONCRETE SECTION CE ALL BE CUT OUT FLUSH SIDE FACE OF WALL. FIGHT CONNECTION TYPICAL) A SLAB THICKNESS IS S" FOR 14' .^_.....INCREASE THICKNESS 1" FOR EVERY 4' OF DEPTH GREATER THAN 14', AND REINFORCE SECTION WITH #4 REBAR @ S" E.W. OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE 6 MANHOLE DETAIL C6 NOT TO SCALE MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE PLACED SO THAT OFFSET HOLE IN TOP SLAB IS FACING DOWNSTREAM. NO BLOCK STRUCTURES ARE ALLOWED GRADE 1" BELOW IU TRANSITION. MANHOLE FRAME &COVER: NEENAH R-3237, TYPE L GRATE (SURMOUNTABLE CURB) MINIMUM OF 2, MAXIMUM OF 5 CONCRETE ADJUSTMENT RINGS WITH FULL BED OF MORTAR BETWEEN EACH AND A4" COLLAR ON THE OUTSIDE. NO SHIMS OF ANY MATERIAL ALLOWED. • PLACE EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL. 6" PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB. Y� SEAL WITH 2 BEADS OF RAM-NEK. ALL JOINTS IN MANHOLE TO HAVE 'O' RING RUBBER GASKETS. MANHOLE STEPS, COPOLYMER POLYPROPYLENE 5" MIN. PLASTIC, WITH 112" GRADE 66 STEEL REINFORCEMENT OR EQUAL, 16" O.C. m VARIABLE PRECAST CONCRETE SECTION ¢ 8"PRECAST SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BLOCK > TO TOP OF THE PIPE SHALL BE USED WITH SIZE AND DEPTH PROHIBIT THE e`0 FABRICATION OF PRECAST UNITS. 8" MINIMUM SLAB THICKNESS, 6' MINIMUM DIAMETER PRECAST CONCRETE SLAB, REINFORCED WITH i>4 REBAR Q 8" E.W. TGROUT BOTTOM SECTION WATERTIGHT CONNECTION (BOOT, TYPICAL) CATCH BASIN a MANHOLE DETAIL C6 NOT TO SCALE PROVIDE 3 CUPS TO FASTEN TRASH GUARD TO F.E.S. HOT DIP GALVANIZE AFTER FABRICATION. FLARED END 7 SECTION DETAIL C 6 NOT TO SCALE TIE LAST 3 JOINTS ON INLET AND OUTLET. IF NO APRON IS USED TIE THE LAST 3 SECTIONS OF PIPE. USE 2 TIE BOLT FASTENERS PER JOINT INSTALLED AT60 FROM TOP OR BOTTOM OF PIPE. USE S/8" TIE FOR PIPE SIZES 12" TO 27". USE 314" TIE FOR PIPE SIZES 3D" TO 66". USE 1" TIE FOR PIPE SIZES OVER 72". NUTS AND WASHERS ARE NOT REQUIRED ON PIPE SIZE LESS THAN 21". TRASH GUARDS WILL BE REQUIRED ON 18" OR LARGER PIPE. SIZE OF PIPE BARS BOLTS "O" 12" TO 18" 3(4" 518" T- 21 " TO "21"TO 4Z' 1" 314" 6" 48"TO 72" 1-1/4" 1" 12" za•raAx � 1 O PROVIDE 3 CUPS TO FASTEN TRASH GUARD TO F.E.S. HOT DIP GALVANIZE AFTER FABRICATION. FLARED END s SECTION DETAIL C6 NOT TO SCALE GRANULAR AND ENCI s GRANULAR BEDDING DETAIL 26 NOT TO SCALE � N S m Cf)0)rS a L rn /L V) o v r - \V•��monm JC aJ SUN wm�1t��, R W WZ NWWO QZ -, U Q Q Z �Jw�/�wZ. VO Z W Q (1) Y '~ O t -- co U v W z W Z Z C7 w O WZID 0 LU L0 LU Z CO fn¢M Of w Z W 0 U W QU) N Q Yoo Nto I hereby certifythatthis plan, spec cations or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. / Thomas J. Herkenhoff, P.E. Date: 01.25.21 Reg. No.: 25520 Re, Date Description Project#: 12186070 D—n By: KBK Checked By: TJH Issue Date: 01.25.21 Sheet Title: DETAILS sheet C6 (VERIFY DETAIL WITH OWNER) CHAIN LINK FENCE FABRIC 3" O.D. TERMINAL POST -I TENSION BAR - TENSION BANDS SPACE 15" APART MAXIMUM TOP RAIL IBOTTOM RAIL 10' MAX. 12"OXS'CONCRETE FOOTING (TYPICAL) 1 FENCE DETAIL C7 NOT TO SCALE WOVEN FILTER FABRIC MN/DOT CLASS III RIP -RAP SECTION A -A NOTE: FW300 MIRAFI FABRIC OR EQUAL QA-) RIP -RAP AT OUTLETS NOT TO SCALE PAProjects\Projects - 2018\12186070 - JK Secure Storage\C. Design0rawing Files\12186070 C6-C7.dwg 400 MICRON FILTER BAG IN EACH BASKET INFRASAFEINLET s PROTECTION DEVICE (OR EQUAL) C7 NOT TO SCALE WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT (OPTIONAL) METAL, WOOD POST, OR STAKE. 8' MAX. SPACING, 2' INTO GROUND. DIRECTION OF RUNOFF III NATURAL SOIL ENGINEERING FABRIC FABRIC ANCHORAGE TRENCH. BACKFILL WITH TAMPED NATURAL SOIL NOTE: DEPENDING UPON CONFIGURATION, ATTACH FABRIC TO WIRE MESH WITH HOG RINGS, STEEL POSTS WITH WIRES, OR WOOD POSTS WITH STAPLES SILT FENCE 41 INSTALLATION DETAIL \.7J NOT TO SCALE MIN. 6" OF 1" TO 2" DIA ROCK. MNDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 3733 TYPE V PERMEABLE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC BENEATH ROCK 18" MIN. HIGH CUT-OFF BERM TO MINIMIZE SILT RUNOFF FROM SITE. VARIES: FULL WIDTH OF EXISTING DRIVEWAY OPENING OR 20' MIN. WIDTH. s ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE C7 NOT TO SCALE SL OPE INSTALLATION 1. PREPARE SOIL BEFORE INSTALLING ROLLED EROSION CONTROL PRODUCTS (RECPs), INCLUDING ANY NECESSARY APPLICATION OF UME, FERTILIZER, AND SEED. NOTE: WHEN USING CELL REED DO NOT SEED PREPARED AREA. CELL. EED MUST BE INSTALLED WITH PAPER SIDE DOWN. 2. BEGIN AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE BY ANCHORING THE RECP's IN A 6'(15 CM) DEEP X 6' (15 CM) WIDE TRENCH WITH APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) OF RECPs EXTENDED BEYOND THE UPS LOPE PORTION OF THE TRENCH. ANCHOR THE RECP's WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES APPROXIMATELY 12" (30 CM) APART IN THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. BACKFILLAND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTER STAPLING. APPLY SEED TO COMPACTED SOIL AND FOLD REMAINING 12" (30 CM) PORTION OF RECPs BACK OVER SEED AND COMPACTED SOIL SECURE RECP's OVER COMPACTED SOIL WITH ARM OF STAPLESISTAKES SPACED APPROXIMATELY IT (3D CM) APART ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE RECPs 3. ROLLTHE RECP'a(A.)DOWN OR(B.) HORIZONTALLY ACROSS THE SLOPE RECTI. WILL UNROLLWITH APPROPRIATE SIDE AGAINSTTHE SOILSURFACE. ALL REC. MUST BE SECURELY FASTENED TO SOIL SURFACE BY PLACING STAPLES/STAKES IN APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS AS SHOWN IN THE STAPLE PATTERN GUIDE. WHEN USING THE DOT SYSTEM , STAPLES/STAKES SHOULD BE PLACED THROUGH EACH OFTHE COLORED DOTS CORRESPONDING TOTHE APPROPRIATE STAPLE PATTERN. 4. THE EDGES OF PARALLEL RECPs MUST BE STAPLED WITH APPROXIMATELY V-5' (5 CM -125 CM) OVERLAP DEPENDING ON RECPS TYPE. 5. CONSECUNVE RECP's SPLICED DOWN THE SLOPE MUST BE PLACED END OVER END (SHINGLE STYLE) WITH AN APPROXIMATE 3" (7S CM) OVERLAP. STAPLE THROUGH OVERLAPPED AREA APPROXIMATELY 1T (30 CM) APARTACROSS ENTIRE RECP's WIDTH. NOTE: 'IN LOOSE SOIL CONDITIONS, THE USE OF STAPLE OR STAKE LENGTHS GREATER THAN B' (15 CM) MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROPERLY SECURE THE RECPs. Category 4 Erosion Control Blanket: FILTER AREA G.5 FT' LLIE POST. or approved equal. OVERFLOW AREA Jo.G FTe Polypropylene Polypropylene MAXIMUM OVERFLOW RATE (@ 7' HEAD) 3.00 CF5 NORTH (0.73 kg/300 m2) approx. wt. (0.73 kg/300 m2) approx. wt. MAXIMUM OVERFLOW RATE(® 13'HEAD)4.00 CF5 T 0.50 LBS/YD2 Photodegradable BASKET WEIGHT (EMPTY) 1 LB It BASKET WEIGHT (FULL-APPROX.) 170 LB5 8' The type of anchors used to secure the blanket to the -2ao4c aRen"om WOVEN FILTER FABRIC MN/DOT CLASS III RIP -RAP SECTION A -A NOTE: FW300 MIRAFI FABRIC OR EQUAL QA-) RIP -RAP AT OUTLETS NOT TO SCALE PAProjects\Projects - 2018\12186070 - JK Secure Storage\C. Design0rawing Files\12186070 C6-C7.dwg 400 MICRON FILTER BAG IN EACH BASKET INFRASAFEINLET s PROTECTION DEVICE (OR EQUAL) C7 NOT TO SCALE WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT (OPTIONAL) METAL, WOOD POST, OR STAKE. 8' MAX. SPACING, 2' INTO GROUND. DIRECTION OF RUNOFF III NATURAL SOIL ENGINEERING FABRIC FABRIC ANCHORAGE TRENCH. BACKFILL WITH TAMPED NATURAL SOIL NOTE: DEPENDING UPON CONFIGURATION, ATTACH FABRIC TO WIRE MESH WITH HOG RINGS, STEEL POSTS WITH WIRES, OR WOOD POSTS WITH STAPLES SILT FENCE 41 INSTALLATION DETAIL \.7J NOT TO SCALE MIN. 6" OF 1" TO 2" DIA ROCK. MNDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 3733 TYPE V PERMEABLE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC BENEATH ROCK 18" MIN. HIGH CUT-OFF BERM TO MINIMIZE SILT RUNOFF FROM SITE. VARIES: FULL WIDTH OF EXISTING DRIVEWAY OPENING OR 20' MIN. WIDTH. s ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE C7 NOT TO SCALE SL OPE INSTALLATION 1. PREPARE SOIL BEFORE INSTALLING ROLLED EROSION CONTROL PRODUCTS (RECPs), INCLUDING ANY NECESSARY APPLICATION OF UME, FERTILIZER, AND SEED. NOTE: WHEN USING CELL REED DO NOT SEED PREPARED AREA. CELL. EED MUST BE INSTALLED WITH PAPER SIDE DOWN. 2. BEGIN AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE BY ANCHORING THE RECP's IN A 6'(15 CM) DEEP X 6' (15 CM) WIDE TRENCH WITH APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) OF RECPs EXTENDED BEYOND THE UPS LOPE PORTION OF THE TRENCH. ANCHOR THE RECP's WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES APPROXIMATELY 12" (30 CM) APART IN THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. BACKFILLAND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTER STAPLING. APPLY SEED TO COMPACTED SOIL AND FOLD REMAINING 12" (30 CM) PORTION OF RECPs BACK OVER SEED AND COMPACTED SOIL SECURE RECP's OVER COMPACTED SOIL WITH ARM OF STAPLESISTAKES SPACED APPROXIMATELY IT (3D CM) APART ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE RECPs 3. ROLLTHE RECP'a(A.)DOWN OR(B.) HORIZONTALLY ACROSS THE SLOPE RECTI. WILL UNROLLWITH APPROPRIATE SIDE AGAINSTTHE SOILSURFACE. ALL REC. MUST BE SECURELY FASTENED TO SOIL SURFACE BY PLACING STAPLES/STAKES IN APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS AS SHOWN IN THE STAPLE PATTERN GUIDE. WHEN USING THE DOT SYSTEM , STAPLES/STAKES SHOULD BE PLACED THROUGH EACH OFTHE COLORED DOTS CORRESPONDING TOTHE APPROPRIATE STAPLE PATTERN. 4. THE EDGES OF PARALLEL RECPs MUST BE STAPLED WITH APPROXIMATELY V-5' (5 CM -125 CM) OVERLAP DEPENDING ON RECPS TYPE. 5. CONSECUNVE RECP's SPLICED DOWN THE SLOPE MUST BE PLACED END OVER END (SHINGLE STYLE) WITH AN APPROXIMATE 3" (7S CM) OVERLAP. STAPLE THROUGH OVERLAPPED AREA APPROXIMATELY 1T (30 CM) APARTACROSS ENTIRE RECP's WIDTH. NOTE: 'IN LOOSE SOIL CONDITIONS, THE USE OF STAPLE OR STAKE LENGTHS GREATER THAN B' (15 CM) MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROPERLY SECURE THE RECPs. EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. Owner and Contractor shall obtain MPCA-NPDES permit. Contractor shall be responsible for all fees pertaining to this permit. The SWPPP shall be kept onsite at all times. 2. Install temporary erosion control measures Cinlet protection, sift fence, and rock construction entrances) prior to beginning any excavation or demolition work at the site. 3. Erosion control measures shown on the erasion control plan are the absolute minimum. The contractor shall install temporary earth dikes, sediment traps or basins, additional siltation fencing, and/or disk the Soil parallel to the Contours as deemed necessary to further control erosion. All changes shall be recorded in the SWPPP. 4. All construction site entrances shall be surfaced With crushed rock across the entire width ofthe entrance and from the entrance to a point 50' into the construction zone. 5. The toe of the silt fence shall be trenched in a minimum of 5". The trench backfill shall be compacted with a vibratory plate compactor. 6. All grading operations shall be conducted in a manner to minimize the potential for site erosion. Sediment control practices must be established on all down gradient perimeters before any up gradient land disturbing activities begin. 7. All exposed soil areas must be stabilized as soon as possible to limit soil erosion but in no Case later than 14 days after the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceased. Temporary stockpiles without Significant silt, clay or organic Components (e.g., clean aggregate stockpiles, demolition concrete stockpiles, sand stockpiles) and the constructed base components of roads, parking lots and similar surfaces are exempt from this requirement 8. The normal wetted perimeter of any temporary or permanent drainage ditch or Swale that drains Water from any portion of the construction site, or diverts water around the site, must be stabilized within 200 lineal feet from the property edge, or from the point of discharge into any surface water. Stabilization ofthe last 200 lines' --must be completed within 24 hours after connecting to a surface water. Stabilization of the remaining portions of any temporary or permanent ditches or swales must be complete within 14 days after connecting to a surface Water and construction in that portion of the ditch has temporarily or permanently ceased. 9. Pipe outlets must be provided with energy dissipation within 24 hours of connection to surface water. 10. All riprap shall be installed with a filter material or soil separation fabric and comply with the Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. 11. All storm sewers discharging into wetlands or Water bodies shall outlet at or below the normal water level ofthe respective wetland or water body at an elevation where the downstream slope is 1 percent or flefter. The normal water level shall be the invert elevation ofthe outlet ofthe wetland or Water body. 12. All storm sewer Catch basins not needed for site drainage during construction shall be covered to prevent runoff from entering the storm sewer system. Catch basins necessary for site drainage during construction shall be provided with inlet protection. 13. In areas where concentrated flows occur (such as swales and areas in front of storm Catch basins and intakes) the erosion control facilities shall be backed by stabilization structure to protect those facilities from the concentrated flows. 14. Inspect the construction site once every seven days during active construction and within 24 hours after a rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches in 24 hours. All inspections shall be recorded in the SWPPP. 15. All silt fences must be repaired, replaced, or supplemented when they become nonfunctional or the sediment reaches 1/3 of the height of the fence. These repairs must be made within 24 hours of discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow access. All repairs shall be recorded in the SWPPP. 16. If sediment escapes the Construction site, off-site accumulations of sediment must be removed in a manner and at a frequency sufficient to minimize off-site impacts. 17. All soils tracked onto pavement shall be removed daily. 18. All infiltration areas must be inspected to ensure that no sediment from ongcfng Construction activity is reaching the infifiration area and these areas are protected from compaction due to construction equipment driving across the infiltration area. 19. Temporary soil stockpiles must have silt fence or other effective sediment controls, and Cannot be placed in surface waters, including stormwater conveyances such as curb and gutter systems, or conduits and ditches unless there is a bypass in place for the stormwater. 20. Collected sediment, asphalt and concrete millings, floating debris, paper, plastic, fabric, construction and demolition debris and other wastes must be disposed of properly and must comply with MPCA disposal requirements. 21. Oil, gasoline, paint and any hazardous substances must be properly stored, including secondary containment, to prevent spills, leaks or other discharge. Restricted access to storage areas must be provided to prevent vandalism. Storage and disposal of hazardous waste must be in compliance with MPCA regulations. 22. External washing oftrucks and other construction vehicles must be limited to a defined area of the site. Runoff must be contained and waste properly disposed of. No engine degreasing is allowed onsite. 23. All liquid and solid wastes generated by concrete washout operations must be contained in a leak -proof containment facility or impermeable liner. A compacted clay liner that does not allow Washout liquids to enter ground Water is considered an impermeable liner. The liquid and solid wastes must not contact the ground, and there must not be runoff from the Concrete washout operations or areas. Liquid and solid wastes must be disposed of properly and in Compliance with MPCA regulations. A sign must be installed adjacent to each washout facility to inform Concrete equipment operators to utilize the proper facilities. 24. Upon completion of the project and stabilization of all graded areas, all temporary erosion control facilities (sift fences, hay bales, etc.) shall be removed from the site. 25. All permanent sedimentation basins must be restored to their design Condition Immediately following stabilization of the site. 26. Contractor shall submit Notice of Termination for MPCA-NPDES permit within 30 days after Final Stabilization. ci m cd d n n C m 3 a L E rrr � Arno L =�co�vL' - "��m onm m U JWmn,cnG R W W Z NWWO Q Z U Q Q Z W Cao z LU Q U) Y' N O (D CO V v LU ZLU Z Z 0LUo QJo�° - U) < Z W U W Q U) N Q Yoo Nto r I hereby certify that this plan, specifications or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineer under the laws ofthe state of Minnesota. / Thomas J. Herkenhoff, P.E. Date: D1.25.21 Reg. No.: 25520 Rev. Data Description Project* 12186070 Drawn By: KBK Checked By: TJH Issue Date: 01.25.21 Sheet Title: DETAILS Sheet: C7 Category 4 Erosion Control Blanket: North American Green 5150 erosion control blanket or approved equal. Top Net Bottom Net Polypropylene Polypropylene 1.5 lbs/1,000 ft2 1.5 lbs/1,000 ft2 NORTH (0.73 kg/300 m2) approx. wt. (0.73 kg/300 m2) approx. wt. AMERICAN Straw Fiber Thread GREEN 0.50 LBS/YD2 Photodegradable EROSION CONTROL PI -11 (0.27 KG/M2) G -I -d SOLUTIONS 14649 HIGHWAY 41 NORTH Staples/Anchors: EVAN -E. IN 4Tr25 The type of anchors used to secure the blanket to the -2ao4c aRen"om ground shall be Steel wirel l Gauge 1"wide x B" long. EROSION CONTROL BLANKET s C7 NOT TO SCALE EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. Owner and Contractor shall obtain MPCA-NPDES permit. Contractor shall be responsible for all fees pertaining to this permit. The SWPPP shall be kept onsite at all times. 2. Install temporary erosion control measures Cinlet protection, sift fence, and rock construction entrances) prior to beginning any excavation or demolition work at the site. 3. Erosion control measures shown on the erasion control plan are the absolute minimum. The contractor shall install temporary earth dikes, sediment traps or basins, additional siltation fencing, and/or disk the Soil parallel to the Contours as deemed necessary to further control erosion. All changes shall be recorded in the SWPPP. 4. All construction site entrances shall be surfaced With crushed rock across the entire width ofthe entrance and from the entrance to a point 50' into the construction zone. 5. The toe of the silt fence shall be trenched in a minimum of 5". The trench backfill shall be compacted with a vibratory plate compactor. 6. All grading operations shall be conducted in a manner to minimize the potential for site erosion. Sediment control practices must be established on all down gradient perimeters before any up gradient land disturbing activities begin. 7. All exposed soil areas must be stabilized as soon as possible to limit soil erosion but in no Case later than 14 days after the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceased. Temporary stockpiles without Significant silt, clay or organic Components (e.g., clean aggregate stockpiles, demolition concrete stockpiles, sand stockpiles) and the constructed base components of roads, parking lots and similar surfaces are exempt from this requirement 8. The normal wetted perimeter of any temporary or permanent drainage ditch or Swale that drains Water from any portion of the construction site, or diverts water around the site, must be stabilized within 200 lineal feet from the property edge, or from the point of discharge into any surface water. Stabilization ofthe last 200 lines' --must be completed within 24 hours after connecting to a surface water. Stabilization of the remaining portions of any temporary or permanent ditches or swales must be complete within 14 days after connecting to a surface Water and construction in that portion of the ditch has temporarily or permanently ceased. 9. Pipe outlets must be provided with energy dissipation within 24 hours of connection to surface water. 10. All riprap shall be installed with a filter material or soil separation fabric and comply with the Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. 11. All storm sewers discharging into wetlands or Water bodies shall outlet at or below the normal water level ofthe respective wetland or water body at an elevation where the downstream slope is 1 percent or flefter. The normal water level shall be the invert elevation ofthe outlet ofthe wetland or Water body. 12. All storm sewer Catch basins not needed for site drainage during construction shall be covered to prevent runoff from entering the storm sewer system. Catch basins necessary for site drainage during construction shall be provided with inlet protection. 13. In areas where concentrated flows occur (such as swales and areas in front of storm Catch basins and intakes) the erosion control facilities shall be backed by stabilization structure to protect those facilities from the concentrated flows. 14. Inspect the construction site once every seven days during active construction and within 24 hours after a rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches in 24 hours. All inspections shall be recorded in the SWPPP. 15. All silt fences must be repaired, replaced, or supplemented when they become nonfunctional or the sediment reaches 1/3 of the height of the fence. These repairs must be made within 24 hours of discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow access. All repairs shall be recorded in the SWPPP. 16. If sediment escapes the Construction site, off-site accumulations of sediment must be removed in a manner and at a frequency sufficient to minimize off-site impacts. 17. All soils tracked onto pavement shall be removed daily. 18. All infiltration areas must be inspected to ensure that no sediment from ongcfng Construction activity is reaching the infifiration area and these areas are protected from compaction due to construction equipment driving across the infiltration area. 19. Temporary soil stockpiles must have silt fence or other effective sediment controls, and Cannot be placed in surface waters, including stormwater conveyances such as curb and gutter systems, or conduits and ditches unless there is a bypass in place for the stormwater. 20. Collected sediment, asphalt and concrete millings, floating debris, paper, plastic, fabric, construction and demolition debris and other wastes must be disposed of properly and must comply with MPCA disposal requirements. 21. Oil, gasoline, paint and any hazardous substances must be properly stored, including secondary containment, to prevent spills, leaks or other discharge. Restricted access to storage areas must be provided to prevent vandalism. Storage and disposal of hazardous waste must be in compliance with MPCA regulations. 22. External washing oftrucks and other construction vehicles must be limited to a defined area of the site. Runoff must be contained and waste properly disposed of. No engine degreasing is allowed onsite. 23. All liquid and solid wastes generated by concrete washout operations must be contained in a leak -proof containment facility or impermeable liner. A compacted clay liner that does not allow Washout liquids to enter ground Water is considered an impermeable liner. The liquid and solid wastes must not contact the ground, and there must not be runoff from the Concrete washout operations or areas. Liquid and solid wastes must be disposed of properly and in Compliance with MPCA regulations. A sign must be installed adjacent to each washout facility to inform Concrete equipment operators to utilize the proper facilities. 24. Upon completion of the project and stabilization of all graded areas, all temporary erosion control facilities (sift fences, hay bales, etc.) shall be removed from the site. 25. All permanent sedimentation basins must be restored to their design Condition Immediately following stabilization of the site. 26. Contractor shall submit Notice of Termination for MPCA-NPDES permit within 30 days after Final Stabilization. ci m cd d n n C m 3 a L E rrr � Arno L =�co�vL' - "��m onm m U JWmn,cnG R W W Z NWWO Q Z U Q Q Z W Cao z LU Q U) Y' N O (D CO V v LU ZLU Z Z 0LUo QJo�° - U) < Z W U W Q U) N Q Yoo Nto r I hereby certify that this plan, specifications or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineer under the laws ofthe state of Minnesota. / Thomas J. Herkenhoff, P.E. Date: D1.25.21 Reg. No.: 25520 Rev. Data Description Project* 12186070 Drawn By: KBK Checked By: TJH Issue Date: 01.25.21 Sheet Title: DETAILS Sheet: C7 OIr6j�ar, Owner: CUMMINGS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 11, LLC. �� �•F 8j o D��Gy 1 \ � prainege a unuty_Fasement ra,DateD woo I \ to ;f \, Iti. :I <'" f�_•: r; ._mom ,•�. 0 8 in wN,ana• ua-r(ssI/a(hnlo�ro ! I , � ��� °®� S N'1• . - , - y a West OYarter axner dBul(dln9 Si— 34, Twp. 121, Rng. 24 East Quarter comer Dr - (Lest Iron Mpmment) S— 34, Twp. 121, Rng• 24 ND, I REVD:IONS SINCE NTIAL DATE OF DATE (Cast Iron Monument) O SET IRON PIPE WITH CAP STAMPED'DELEO 40341• • FOUND IRON MONUMENr QQ GOVERNMENT SECTION CORNER MONUMENT (P) DIMENSION PER UNDERLYING PLAT OF RECORD THE UNO OGO INDUSTRIAL 41H ADO OMNIS PER OISEGD IXg15TRIAl PARK 47H ADOmON ARE SHOWNAS iHUi ImLESS OfHERNLSE NOIID: I I I _5r_1, eL_-- euera..a...n,.er LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 1 a 2, Block 1, Otsego Industrial Park 4th Addition, Wright County, Minnesota. Existing Property Site Address: 6700 Jansen Ave NE, Otsego, MN, 55301 Current Zoning = 1-2 General Industrial Part of currrent County Tax Parcel ID = 118-163-001010 a 118-163-001020 BUILDING SETBACKS General Industrial District 1-2 Principal Structures: 66 feet from Township Road Centerlines (or 30 feet from R/W) 20 feet from side yard lines 25 feet from rear yard lines There was no evidence of wetland observed within the area to be platted. Topographic features shown hereon are from field surveys completed on 10/01/2018 and aerial mapping by Wright County. Access to property will be provided via an existing driveway to Jansen Ave NE. VICI BNSF RAIU 65TH Sr NE ([R 3T) C7 J SEC 34, TW121, RNG 24 NO SCALE „� aewf IHEREBYCERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SURVEY, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION Preliminary Plat of .«ea AND THATIAMADULY REGISTERED ANO SURVEYOR ' OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK SEVENTH ADDITION OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK SEVENTH ADDITION KRAMER LEAS DELEO euarer... • ...�eee ..9 siflnemre: �.,.../rTOle 03/12/2021 For property at: Jansen Ave O Z ....e.. .. «a u a S-1 J. D,I—, AN Lit— No. 40341 Dace City of Otsego, County of Wright,WriState of Minnesota w PROJECT N 0 . K E N T B 1 8 0 2 Located in Section 34, Township 121 North, Range 24 West vLi N ��� ' '•' . ••.• CONTACT INFORMATION Owner and Developer- ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING \ Brenton Kent P.O. Box 428, SYSTEM ��nTVQ SECTION EINE OF SEC. 34, TWE 121, RNc.:4 Surveyor's Note: \ I res \ •QT ,, Sar56377 ell, MN, 92-03 Phone: _ Phone. 320 492 0384 BEARS MGM 89.50' 06• EAST See Civil plans by Larson Engineering, Inc. dated 01/21/2021dd for other improvements and \ B ° g \ NS \ �N TF�s Land Surveyor- 0 60 120 proposed finished grades. �\- \ �qj �� •F - R � � qT Sam DeLeo Kramer Leas DALeP.C. SCALE IN FEET \ _ %1q 13 North 11th Ave.. St. Cloud, MN 56303 Phone: 320-259-1266 OIr6j�ar, Owner: CUMMINGS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 11, LLC. �� �•F 8j o D��Gy 1 \ � prainege a unuty_Fasement ra,DateD woo I \ to ;f \, Iti. :I <'" f�_•: r; ._mom ,•�. 0 8 in wN,ana• ua-r(ssI/a(hnlo�ro ! I , � ��� °®� S N'1• . - , - y a West OYarter axner dBul(dln9 Si— 34, Twp. 121, Rng. 24 East Quarter comer Dr - (Lest Iron Mpmment) S— 34, Twp. 121, Rng• 24 ND, I REVD:IONS SINCE NTIAL DATE OF DATE (Cast Iron Monument) O SET IRON PIPE WITH CAP STAMPED'DELEO 40341• • FOUND IRON MONUMENr QQ GOVERNMENT SECTION CORNER MONUMENT (P) DIMENSION PER UNDERLYING PLAT OF RECORD THE UNO OGO INDUSTRIAL 41H ADO OMNIS PER OISEGD IXg15TRIAl PARK 47H ADOmON ARE SHOWNAS iHUi ImLESS OfHERNLSE NOIID: I I I _5r_1, eL_-- euera..a...n,.er LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 1 a 2, Block 1, Otsego Industrial Park 4th Addition, Wright County, Minnesota. Existing Property Site Address: 6700 Jansen Ave NE, Otsego, MN, 55301 Current Zoning = 1-2 General Industrial Part of currrent County Tax Parcel ID = 118-163-001010 a 118-163-001020 BUILDING SETBACKS General Industrial District 1-2 Principal Structures: 66 feet from Township Road Centerlines (or 30 feet from R/W) 20 feet from side yard lines 25 feet from rear yard lines There was no evidence of wetland observed within the area to be platted. Topographic features shown hereon are from field surveys completed on 10/01/2018 and aerial mapping by Wright County. Access to property will be provided via an existing driveway to Jansen Ave NE. VICI BNSF RAIU 65TH Sr NE ([R 3T) C7 J SEC 34, TW121, RNG 24 NO SCALE „� aewf IHEREBYCERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SURVEY, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION Preliminary Plat of .«ea AND THATIAMADULY REGISTERED ANO SURVEYOR _ O K� ^ w. UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK SEVENTH ADDITION KRAMER LEAS DELEO euarer... • ...�eee ..9 siflnemre: �.,.../rTOle 03/12/2021 For property at: Jansen Ave O Z ....e.. .. «a u a S-1 J. D,I—, AN Lit— No. 40341 Dace City of Otsego, County of Wright,WriState of Minnesota w PROJECT N 0 . K E N T B 1 8 0 2 Located in Section 34, Township 121 North, Range 24 West vLi PLAT AREAS +/ ENTIRE PLAT - 8.08 Ac. BLOCK 1 - LOT 1 = 351,93 sf (8.081;,C.) N ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING aYSTEM A56IIM. THAT THE EAST -WEST QUARTER SECTION LINE OF SEC. 34, TWP. 121, MG. 24 BEARS NORTH 89'50' 06' EAST 0 60 120 SCALE IN FEET R I Fart -west q mrtw section Line of Section 34 :I 4119.23 --- ---- N 69' S0' 06' E 5260.37 ---- West Quarter comer of Sit. 34, Twp. 121, Rig. 24 (Cast Iron Monument) KLA KRAMER LEAS DELEO 3URVEYING - ENGINEERING - PLANNING NRAINE 0.G .Y. OLGNR & OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK SEVENTH ADDITION �N s? B \ TFiQs w NSF T,gpF \ \ 04fq'ON \ Np 9 \\\�.•'--- 567,X". 010 pOral er nyNo. Utility Easement vacated\ `\ \ 6 �7 .. 1h `\ \ In S6. •;ti 4 PROPERTY BOUNDARY MONUMENT LEGEND O SET IRON PIPE WITH CAP STAMPED'DELEO 40341' • FOUND IRON MONUMENT Q GOVERNMENT SECTION CORNER MONUMENT (P) DIMENSION PER UNDERLYING PLAT OF RECORD KNOW ALL PERSONS BYTHESE PRESENTS: That Donna Mae Smith, a single person, owner of the following described property situated in Otsego, Minnesota: Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego Industrial Park 4th Addition, Wright County, Minnesota. That Donna M. Smith, as Ttustee of the Donna M. Smith, Revocable Ttust Agreement dated February 1, 2013, as amended, owner of the following described property situated in Otsego, Minnesota: Lot 2, Block 1, Otsego Industrial park 4th Addition, Wright County, Minnesota. Have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK SEVENTH ADDITION. In witness whereof said Donna Mae Smith, a single person, has hereunto set her hand this day of . 20_. Donna Mae Smith STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 by Donna Mae Smith, a single person. (Notary Signature) (Notary Printed Name) Notary Public County, Mlmesota My commission expires In witness whereof said Donna M. Smith, as Trustee of the Donna M. Smith, Revocable Trust Agreement dated March 16, 2004, has hereunto set her hand this day of , 20 . Donna M. Smith, Trustee of the Donna M. Smith, Revocable Trust Agreement dated February 1, 2013, as amended STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTYOF This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20_ by Donna M. Smith, Trustee of the Donna M. Smith, Revocable Trust Agreement dated February 1, 2013, as amended, on behalf of said Trust. (Notary Signature) (Notary Printed Name) Notary Public County, Minnesota My commission expires THE PER DOErR5LYEGIN0GNDUSTRWE ANDX nnAECRETILN AE 5110NIAST11US UNLESS EM NOTED: or—=— I I I �pLPL-- SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION I Samuel J. DeLea do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and Labels are Correctly designated on this plat; that ell monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be Correctly set within ore year; that all water boundaries and wet Lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 5D5.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public Ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of , 20 Samuel J. DeLeo, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License Number 40341 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF STEARNS The foregoing Surveyor's Certification was acknowledged before me this day of . 20 by Samuel J. DeLeo, Licensed Land Surveys; Minnesota License Number 40341. Sidney Theis Notary Public Stearns County, Minnesota My Commission expires January 31, 2022 CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA This plat of OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK SEVENTH ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held on this_ day of 20_, and said plat is in Compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd.2 . Mayor Clerk WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby Certify that In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021 Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this _ day of , 20 . Might County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20_ on the land herefnbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutere , Section 272.12, there ano delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day of 20_. Wright CountyAuditor/Treasurer WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER By: Deputy I hereby certify that this instrument Was flied in the Office of the County Recorder for record on this_ day of . 20J at o'clock _. M., and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. - Sleeve as Document NO.- Might o. . Wright County Recorder 03/12/2021 DRAFT Review No. 1 ENGINEERING REVIEW Industrial Subdivision Halc�nson for the City of Otsego Anderson by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator Audra Etzel, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Dave Kendall, City Attorney Brenton Kent Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Date: April 15, 2021 Proposed Development: Otsego Industrial Park Seventh Addition Site Location: Portion of NE 1/4 of NE'/4 of Section 34, Township 121, Range 24, and a portion of the SE 1/4 and NE 1/4 of Section 34, Township 121, Range 24 generally north of CSAH 37, south of I94 and BNSF RR and west of Otsego Industrial Park Applicant: Developer: Brenton Kent Brenton Kent Owners of Record: Donna M. Smith Revocable Trust c/o Brenton Kent P.O. Box 428 Sartell, MN 56377 Purpose: Otsego Industrial Park Seventh Addition is 8.05 acres being replatted from Otsego Industrial Park 4t1 Addition, Lots 1 and 2. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES (but not limited to) TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE PRELIMINARY PLAT FINAL PLAT EASEMENT EXHIBIT CONSTRUCTION PLANS DEMOLITION PLAN PAVING & DIMENSION PLAN GRADING & EROSION CONTROL PLAN FINAL PLAT OF OIP7 SWPPP DETAILS STORM SEWER DESIGNMYDROLOGY SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION Page 2 INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plat for Otsego Industrial Park Seventh Addition, dated 3/12/2021, by Kramer, Leas, Deleo, P.C. Construction Plans C1-C7 Final Plat for Otsego Industrial Park Seventh Addition, by Kramer, Leas, Deleo, P.C. Easement Exhibit Storm Water Calculations Additional Information City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map PRELIMINARY PLAT Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision shall be shown on the plan. (21-6-2.B.2) Missing I-2 for surrounding property. 2. Ownership does not match Wright County GIS. 3. Curbing is missing in NW corner of site. FINAL PLAT 4. Show cul-de-sac easement. EASEMENT EXHIBIT 5. No comment. CONSTRUCTION PLANS Demolition Plan (Sheet Cl) 6. We have received Wright Hennepin Cooperatives Electric Association's acknowledgement of consent to release the electric transmission over the NE corner of the plat. 7. Show final plat for OIP7 rather than OIP4 for lot lines and easements. Page 3 Paving & Dimension Plan (Sheet C2) 8. Curb required in NW corner of site. 9. Easement for cul-de-sac shown with adjustment to storm pond and fencing. Grading & Erosion Control Plan (Sheet C3) 10. Silt fence revised to go around cul-de-sac. 11. Install concrete mat at storm pond EOF. 12. Internal slopes are minimal (0.5%). Grading and paving will require special attention for proper storm water flow. Final Plat of OIP7 (Sheet C4) 13. Show as Final Plat of OIP7. 14. Slope of 12" RCP from FES leaving storm pond near I94 to larger storm pond located near Jansen Ave NE is extremely flat (0.19%) and does not meet 3 ft/sec self-cleaning velocity and will likely require maintenance (flushing) from time to time. SWPPP (Sheet C5) 15. No Comments. Details (Sheets C6-C7) 16. No Comments. STORM SEWER DESIGN/HYDROLOGY 17. No Comments. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent on the above comments being addressed. Page 4