Item 3.3 - QueensITEM 3.3 TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP REPORT DATE: 15 April 2021 60 -DAY DATE: 29 May 2021 RE: Otsego — Extra Space Storage TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND Todd Realty, LLC is proposing to acquire the property at 5887 Queens Avenue. The property is developed with four principal buildings leased to various tenants. The developer is proposing to change the use of the property to a self -storage facility converting the four existing buildings and constructing four additional buildings for this purpose. The developer is requesting approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the property from 1-1, Limited Industrial District to 1-3, Special Industrial District, a PUD -CUP related to multiple principal buildings and building coverage, and site and building plan review. A public hearing to consider the applications has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 19 April 2021. Exhibits: ■ Site Location Map ■ Developer's narrative ■ Concept Site Plan ■ Conceptual Building Elevations ■ Landscape Plan ■ Exterior lighting plan ■ Sign plan ■ Grading, Drainage, and Utility Plan 1 ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The industrial development along Queens Avenue between 53rd Street (CSAH 36) and 60th Street in this area initially occurred under Frankfort Township jurisdiction. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan guides a continuation of industrial development with expansion of existing uses and infill development. Redevelopment of a self -storage warehouse use is consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The subject site is zoned 1-1 District. The City established the 1-3 District after adoption of the 1998 Comprehensive Plan to provide for performance standards reflecting the character of the existing industrial buildings in this area consisting of lots approximately three acres in area developed with buildings using metal siding. With the proposed redevelopment of the property, City staff is recommending the Zoning Map be amended to rezone the subject site from 1-1 District to 1-3 District consistent with the guidance of the Comprehensive Plan and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. Surrounding Uses. The table below summarizes existing and planned uses surrounding the subject site. There are existing single family dwellings to the east of the subject site across Queens Avenue. The proposed change of use to a self -storage facility will likely be lower in intensity in terms of on-site activities and traffic generation than the four for -lease buildings occupied by various businesses. The site plan also means that the two easterly buildings will screen almost all of the site activity from view of the adjacent residential dwellings. The proposed use will be compatible with surrounding uses. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Industrial 1-1 District Industrial East LD Residential R-3 District Single family dwellings South Industrial 1-1 District Industrial West -- -- TH 101 Lot Requirements. Lots within the 1-3 District are to be a minimum of one acre in area with a minimum width of 200 feet. The subject site is an existing lot of record that is 3.77 acres in area and has a width of 320 feet exceeding the minimum lot requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Setbacks. The table below illustrates the setback requirements of the 1-3 District applicable to existing and proposed buildings within the subject site. The proposed buildings all comply with the setback requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 2 Queens South TH 101 North Ave. Required 30ft. 10ft. 30ft. 10ft. Proposed 30ft. 20ft. 19ft. 24ft. 2 Buildings. The four existing buildings are all single story structures that are 21 feet in height (measured to the midpoint of the pitched roof) with metal siding and metal roofs. No changes to the exterior of these buildings is proposed with the change in use. The four proposed buildings are also to be single story structures but with a building height of only 10 feet. The proposed buildings also use metal siding, but the developer is adding a stone wainscotting to the east elevations of the buildings facing Queens Avenue. The height of the existing and proposed buildings is within the 35 feet allowed in the 1-3 District by Section 11-87-9 of the Zoning Ordinance. Use of all metal siding for buildings within the 1-3 District is allowed by Section 11-17-4.E.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. Colors are not specified and should be stipulated to limit use of bright or contrasting colors. Landscaping. The subject site is proposed to be landscaped with turf grass, ornamental trees, and evergreen trees in the yard along Queens Avenue and decorative rock in other areas not taken up by buildings or pavement. The proposed landscaping plan complies with the requirements of Section 11-19-2 of the Zoning Ordinance. Access. The subject site is accessed from Queens Avenue, which is designated as a Commercial/Industrial Collector Street by the Transportation Plan. The developer will dedicate to the City a right-of-way easement for the west 40 feet of right-of-way required for Queen Avenue. One 24 foot wide driveway to Queens Avenue is proposed for the facility at the approximately location of the existing site access. The driveway is setback approximately 75 feet from the intersection of Queens Avenue and 59th Street, which is less than the 90 feet required by Section 11-21-6.13 of the Zoning Ordinance, but is acceptable as an existing condition and low volume of traffic generated by self -storage uses. Off -Street Parking. Self -storage facilities are warehouse uses. Section 11-21-8 of the Zoning Ordinance requires off-street parking stalls for warehouses based on the office and warehouse activities within a facility. The proposed office space is 600 square feet in area requiring three off-street parking stalls. The City has not required additional parking for the warehouse area of the self -storage uses as the customer typically only parks their vehicle adjacent to their unit while loading/unloading. The site plan provides for four parking stalls outside of the perimeter fence for parking for an employee or users visiting the sales office. The two parallel stalls on the south side of the driveway provide flexibility that a vehicle pulling a trailer could pull off to the side as well. Within the fenced storage area the two-way drive aisles are 30 feet wide, which allows for a vehicle to be parked adjacent to the building for loading/unloading without obstructing circulation. The dead-end access to the southeast building with storage doors on it west elevation is 24 feet wide which is also adequate for access and circulation. Section 11-21-5.13.1 of the Zoning Ordinance requires a 15 foot setback from public rights-of- way for parking stalls and drive aisles. The parallel parking stalls on the south side of the driveway from Queens Avenue encroach into this setback and must be shifted west. The drive aisle along TH 101 is also within the 15 foot setback, but does not impede visibility and may be 3 allowed under the requested PUD -CUP. Section 11-21-5.B.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires parking stalls and drive aisles to be setback a minimum of five feet from side lot lines. The site plan must be adjusted to shift the drive aisle along the north property line to meet the five foot setback requirement. The off-street parking area and drive aisles are shown to be surfaced with asphalt and surrounded by perimeter concrete curb as required by Section 11-21-7.0 and D of the Zoning Ordinance. The design specification for the off-street parking areas and drive aisles are to be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Outdoor Storage. The site plan illustrates 28 parking stalls within the fenced storage area intended for vehicle, recreational vehicle, or trailer storage. The vehicles and trailers to be parked within these stalls may be allowed provided they remain licensed and in a condition legal for use upon public streets. Fence. The site plan identifies that a six foot high wood fence is to be erected between the building walls at the perimeter of the site to secure internal access to the subject site, in addition to the existing chain link fence on the west ends of the north/south property lines and along TH 101. There is a gate installed at the driveway between the two easterly buildings, adjacent to the sales office. The gate is setback such that there is access to the off-street parking and vehicles stacked waiting to enter the gated area will not obstruct traffic on Queens Avenue. Section 11-19-4 of the Zoning Ordinance allows fences within industrial districts to be either open chain link or metal rods or solid privacy up to eight feet in height. The proposed fencing complies with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. Based on the setback of the fence from Queens Avenue, it is not recommended that decorative fencing be used, but we do suggest black vinyl coated fencing for the front fence section. Exterior Lighting. The submitted information includes an exterior lighting plan showing the location and illumination pattern of proposed exterior light fixtures. The intensity of the proposed lighting complies with Section 11-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. All of the exterior fixtures are wall mounted. The fixtures must have a 90 degree horizontal cut-off subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. Signs. The developer has provided a plan for proposed signage to be installed upon the property. The property is within the Freeway Corridor Sign District established along TH 101 and is allowed wall signs facing public streets up to 200 square feet in area and a free standing sign up to 200 square feet in area and a height of 50 feet. One 30 square foot wall sign is to be installed on the east elevation of the northeast building so as to be visible from Queens Avenue. A 65 square foot wall sign is to be installed on the west elevation of the central west building so as to be visible from TH 101. There is also a proposed 144 square foot, 22 foot high freestanding sign to be installed in the yard adjacent to TH 101. The proposed signs comply with the provisions of Section 11-37-6.F of the Zoning Ordinance. C! Waste Storage. The site plan illustrates a trash enclosure at the southeast corner of the subject site, within the fenced storage area. Section 11-18-4.C.4 of the Zoning Ordinance requires the enclosure to be at least six feet in height and to provide complete screening of the trash and recycling containers. Plans for the waste storage enclosure are to be subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. Grading Plan. The developer has submitted a grading plan for the subject site based on the additional four buildings and parking/circulation areas. Section 11-87-8 of the Zoning Ordinance limits lots within the 1-3 District to building coverage of 30 percent and imperious surface coverage of 85 percent of the lot area. The proposed 62,232 square feet of building area covers 37.9 percent of the lot area. The impervious surface area of the proposed site plan is not identified and must be verified. Building coverage and impervious surface within the subject site in excess of the limits established by Section 11-87-8 of the Zoning Ordinance may be allowed by the requested PUD -CUP provided that the City Engineer determines that stormwater management for the subject site is adequate. The grading plan also includes retaining walls in excess of four feet in height that must be certified by an engineer and require a building permit. The site plan does illustrate installation of a fence at the top of the retaining walls over four feet in height as required. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Utilities. The subject site has been served by on-site well and septic system for utilities. The subject site is within the East Sewer District designated by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan, but sewer and water utilities are not available to the subject site. The developer is proposing to continue use of the well but abandon the septic system and use holding tanks. The City has allowed the use of holding tanks for industrial uses in this area subject to a performance agreement for system maintenance in accordance with Section 9-5-2.D.2 of the City Code. Installation of water and sewer services and a holding tank would be subject to review and approval of the Building Official. Performance Agreement. Section 11-9-7 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that the developer execute a Site Improvement Performance Agreement (SIPA) with the City to provide for construction of the project, completion of any public improvements, establishment of required securities, and payment of applicable fees. The City Attorney will draft a SIPA related to the proposed development, which is to be approved by resolution of the City Council, executed by the developer, and recorded with the property. Criteria. The Planning Commission is to consider the requested Zoning Map amendment and PUD -CUP based upon, but not limited to, the criteria established by Section 11-3-3.F and Section 11-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance, respectively: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. 5 Comment: The subject site is guided by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan for industrial uses. Redevelopment of the subject site as a self -storage facility is appropriate for areas planned for industrial uses. The proposed use is consistent with the Future Land Use Plan of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by existing industrial and residential uses. Self -storage facilities are a warehousing use appropriate for industrial parks with a lower intensity than other industrial activities. The arrangement of the site plan provides that buildings will screen almost all site activity from the adjacent residential uses. The proposed use will be compatible with the area in which it is located. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed use complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The subject site is accessed by Queens Avenue, which is designated as a Commercial/Industrial Collector Street by the Comprehensive Plan. Queens Avenue has adequate design capacity for access and traffic generation of the proposed use. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The subject site is planned for industrial uses and will utilize on-site utilities to the extent necessary minimizing demand for City services consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDATION Our office recommends approval of the Zoning Map amendment, PUD -CUP and site and building plans for the subject site as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from 1-1 District to 1-3 District. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is not consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — PUD -CUP and Site/Building Plans A. Motion to recommend approval of a PUD -CUP and site/building plans for Extra Space Storage, subject to the following conditions: 1. The site and buildings shall be developed in accordance with the plans and information on file with the City subject to stipulations of approval as outlined herein in accordance with Section 11-9-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. The colors of the exterior finish for the proposed buildings shall be specified and are subject to approval of the City Council. 3. The developer shall dedicate to the City a right-of-way easement for the west 40 feet of right-of-way required for Queen Avenue, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. The site plan shall be revised such that the parking stalls and drive aisles comply with the setback requirements from the north and east lot lines as required by Section 11-21-5.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. The vehicles and trailers to be parked within the subject site as outdoor storage shall be licensed and in a condition legal for use upon public streets. 6. All exterior lighting fixtures shall have a 90 degree horizontal cut-off, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 7. Plans for construction of the waste storage enclosure shall be subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 8. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 9. Uses of sewage holding tanks shall be subject to a performance agreement for system maintenance in accordance with Section 9-5-2.D.2 of the City Code and all utility issues shall be subject to review and approval of the Building Official. 7 10. The developer shall execute a Site Improvement Performance Agreement (SIPA) with the City as drafted by the City Attorney, subject to approval of the City Council. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request does not comply with the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. C. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Audra Etzel, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney Site Location Map Overview Legend Roads CSAHCL CTYCL — MUNICL — PRIVATECL TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits C t Parcels TO: Otsego Planning Commission, the Mayor and Council Members From: Todd Jones, Applicant Date: March 30, 2021 Re: Narrative for Redevelopment of 5861 Queens Ave NE Otsego Thank you for reviewing my application for redevelopment of 5861 Queens Ave NE, our full application was submitted on March 30, 2021. We are excited to move this project foreword. The Developer (Applicant) is Todd Realty, LLC and Roseville Holdings, LLC. I am the Sole Member of Todd Realty and a principle of Roseville Holdings, LLC. My background in self -storage ownership and development dates back to the mid to late 1980's. The other Principles in Roseville Holdings and I have owned or developed over the years in excess of 50 self -storage facilities around the county, and in the neighborhood of 30 facilities in the Minneapolis market including Edina (2), Minneapolis (2), Lakeville (2) New Hope (2) ST Louis Park, Bloomington, Cottage Grove, Plymouth, Minnetonka, Eden Prairie and others. We are excited to redevelop the Otsego site into a quality Self -Storage development. I will be personally hands on in all phases of the development. Development Plan Summary: The existing 3.8 acre Industrial zoned site is currently improved with (4) existing 6,000 sq. ft. industrial buildings. Our Development plan calls for the construction of 4 new single level Self -Storage buildings and the conversion of the existing buildings to self -storage use. Building Materials: Although not required in the 1-3 Industrial zoning district, we have proposed an upgrade that includes integral color rock face CMU (Block) with horizontal banding at all wall elevations visible from Both Hwy #101 to the West and Queens Ave to the East. Our intent is to create a high quality image to our potential customers and to the community. Landscaping: Although we have been told that there are not any landscape requirements for this zone, we are proposing to plant 10 new trees along the Queens Ave frontage as well as sod and irrigating the lawn area along Queens Ave (see landscape plan). We feel the enhanced landscaping will dramatically enhance the curb appeal of the site from Queens Ave, which is important to us. Dedication of ROW Easement to the City of Otsego: This property was platted long ago by Frankfort Township, and subsequently annexed by the City of Otsego. Queens Ave Currently crosses over the East side of the property without desired Right of Way dedications in place. Our site plan locates a proposed 40' (and in some cases 50') ROW dedication in favor of the City of Otsego, allowing for a bit of a messy situation to be cleaned up. This dedication of ROW is of significant benefit to the City. Storm water/Ponding: Our Civil Engineer has developed a grading and ponding plan that results in a much better level of control than what exists today (See Civil site plan and related documents). An improvement to the existing conditions is good for all. Management of Facility: The facility will be managed by Extra Space Storage via a third party Management Agreement between the parties. Based in Salt Lake City Utah, Extra Space Storage is the second largest operator of Self -Storage facilities in the world, with over 1,800 locations under ownership or management. After 30+ years of managing our self -storage locations in house, we formed a relationship for Extra Space Storage to assume management of all of our location. We made this transition because we realized they were better than us. The Self -Storage Use: Self -Storage provides a service to the Community, and generally speaking, the vast majority of our customers at this location will come from a 3 or 4 mile radius, so from that prospective it is very much a "Neighborhood Business". Traffic generation is extremely low, often identified as the lowest trip generator of all commercial or Industrial uses, as typically a customer moves in one day and 9 months later (Average length of stay) returns to move out. We pay healthy Real Estate Taxes but are very low users of City services (sewer, water, fire, police, roads and other). Our feasibility studies indicate that there is demand for the scope of project that we are proposing to build, but that with our development demand will be satisfied. Development Schedule: Subject to Planning Commission recommendation for approval and Council Approval on April 26, 2021 and subject to conditions that we feel are reasonable, we plan to close on the purchase of the Property on May 19th. Construction would start shortly thereafter and the project would be complete by year end 2021. Again, Thanks for reviewing our application. If you have any question, please feel free to contact me ahead of the Planning Commission or City Council meetings, or otherwise, I plan to attend both the Planning Commission and City Council meeting. Thanks Todd Jones President Todd Realty, LLC and Roseville Holdings, LLC 4782 nd Street, suite 200 Excelsior, MN 55331 (952) 345-3450 office (612) 309-8703 cell Todd@toddrealty.biz Colliers Architecture, LLC. 1600 Utica Avenue S., Suite 300 St. Louis Park MN 55416 Ph. 952.897.7700 The drawings and / or specifications contained herein are the exclusive property of Colliers Architecture, LLC and shall not be utilized or copied by other parties without prior written consent. Project: CONCEPT SITE PLAN 5887 QUEEN'S AVENUE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was preapred by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the state of Minnesota. David F. Selinsky Date: 03-29-2021 Reg. No. 20483 rroMeM ioix mNen artnmu rc uc Job: 2020.393.0 Drawn By: DWS Checked By: DS Sheet: CONCEPT SITE PLAN SD -1 Colliers Architecture, LLC. 1600 Utica Avenue 5., Suite 300 St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Ph. 952.897.7700 The drawings and / or specifications contained herein are the exclusive property of Colliers Architecture, LLC and shall not be utilized or copied by other parties without prior written consent. Project CONCEPT SITE PLAN 5887 QUEEN'S AVENUE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was preapred by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect underthe laws of the state of Minnesota. David F. Selinsky Date: 03-29-2021 Reg. No. 20483 Issue/Revision I Date renMeb xv Job: 2020.393.0 Drawn By: DWS Checked By: DS Sheet: CONCEPTUAL BUILDING ELEVATIONS SD -2 General Notes: PLANT SCHEDULE I� 1. Refer to Architect's Site Plan for additional Information. EVERGREEN TREES CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONTAINER PTY - owod-m F-xoma H eEw 2. See Civil Engineer's plans for grading, tree removal, utilities, and pertinent site information. y'� ,„.r�mo,"„n�e �5eW101,,.,pl„b 3. Contractor to coordinate all work in the city right-of-way with Hennepin County & City �'�,FJ Pd Picea Clam. -Densara' Black Hills Spruce s' Nt. B&B z - a of Otsego Public Works Departments. ,.. �g a..b„.urT„ewwraw„Ty 4. Protect existing trees to remain from damage during Construction. ORNAMENTALTREES CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONTAINER CITY o1 EEwoo. 5. Place a minimum of 4" Imported topsoil or slope dressing on landscape areas disturbed _ W _ J by construction, to be seeded or sodded (including right-of-way boulevards) unless Ct Crataegusx mordenensls'Toba' To -Hawthorn r Cel. Pa 2 = - ETT.E„,Era..Tae,. specified otherwise.Tree and Shrub planting areas to receive a minimum 12" depth imported W,.exn„� y V planting soil. T�b.a Ms Malus x'Spring Snow' Spring Snow Crab Apple 1- Cal. Pot 2 T.` . •�" w.�weeV1anho�oivi� �,x„ ..a,maoI. xeE1"D-d- ueraeu,n, PIPE RSra1�S own... AlId-MPERTIEE lu r 93Know whars below. , call before you dig. LANDSCAPE PLAN DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING - SECTION 2 CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING - SECTION L7.a NPT TP btu[ L1.0 xor To brw� y / 1 �y I DING PER I �I IL PLANS. I CNIL PLANS. gOOSED ING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING 1I PBUIILDING - , / CIVILUNS.R / RETAINING WALL A ( o I 1 PER CIVIL PLANS. Pd// I f ! I / EXISTING P. _ e SEES L P �NS EXISTING LANDSCAPE TO REMAIN EXISTING LANDSCAPE TO REMAIN __ I Landscape Notes: 1. Tree saucer mulch to be four inches (4") depth natural single -shred hardwood mulch for trees outside of a plant bed. Install per tree planting detail 2. Refer to civil plan sheets for grading, drainage, site dimensions, survey, tree removal, proposed utilities & erosion control. 3. All plant material shall comply with the latest edition of the American Standard for Nursery Stock, American Association of Nurserymen. Unless noted otherwise, deciduous shrubs shall have at least 5 canes at the specified shrub height. Plant material shall be delivered as specified. All deciduous trees are measured at 48" from finished grade to determine tree diameter (DBH). All coniferous trees are measured from finished grade to the top of the. central leader. If no central leader is present on coniferous trees, that plant is rejected and must be replaced immediately. 4. Pian takes precedence over plant schedule if discrepancies In quantities exist 5. The 'Contractor' is the individual or company responsible for performing the work as noted In this plan set. This may be a landscaper, earthwork contractor, or other trade under contract with the Owner or General Contractor. 6. Adjustment in location of proposed plant material may be needed in field. Should an adjustment be required, the client will provide field approval. Significant changes may require city review and approval. 7. The project landscape contractor shall be held responsible for watering and properly handling all plant materials brought on the site both before and after Installation. Schedule plant deliveries to coincide with expected installation time within 36 hours. 8. This plan assumed the company responsible for installing sod, shrubs, and trees is also responsible for providing the planting soil and 'fine grading' in all landscape areas. This also includes clearing, grubbing, excavation, and the Import & spreading of planting soil. 9. The landscape contractor shall provide the owner with a watering schedule appropriate to the project site conditions and to plant material growth requirements. 10. If the landscape contractor is concerned or perceives any deficiencies in the plant selections, soil conditions, drainage or any other site condition that might negatively affect plant establishment, survival or guarantee, they must bring these deficiencies to the attention of the landscape architect & client prior to bid submission. 11. Contractor shall establish to his/ her satisfaction that soil and compaction conditions are adequate to allow for proper drainage at and around the building site. 12. Contractor Is responsible for ongoing maintenance of all newly Installed material unfit time of owner acceptance or for 30 days after installation, whichever comes first. This includes watering, mowing, etc. Any acts of vandalism or damage which may occur prior to owner acceptance shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Contractor shall provide the owner with a maintenance program including, but not limited to, priming, fertilization and disease/pest control. 13. Warranty: The contractor shall guarantee newly planted material through one calendar year from the date of written owner acceptance. Plants that exhibit more than 10% die -back damage shall be replaced at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor shall also provide adequate tree wrap and deertrodent protection measures for the plantings during the warranty period. 14. This layout plan constitutes our understanding of the landscape requirements listed in the ordinance. Changes and modifications may be requested by the city based on applicant information, public Input, council decisions, etc. 15. The landscape contractor shall be responsible for obtaining any permits and coordinating inspections as required throughout the work process. 16. Plant size & species substitutions must be approved In writing prior to acceptance In the field. 17. All edger shall be professional grade black steel edger, 11W thick, Ryerson or Equal. Anchor every 18" on -center (minimum). Submit sample. All mulch to be locallyavallable, single -shred hardwood free of twigs, leaves, and foreign matter. Landscape rock shall be q' local washed river rock over free -draining weed mat. Submit samples of wood and rock mulch for Owner review and final selection. 18. Landscape Contractor Is responsible for coordination with the General Contractor, to protect the new Improvements on and off-site during landscape work activities. Report any damage to the General Contractor Immediately. 19. Irrigation: Landscape contractor shall furnish and install an underground Irrigation system for the new turf area shown. Provide head-to-head coverage using Hunter Irigatlon products. Coordinate with the Owner regarding controller and rain sensor locations. Submit proposed Irrigation laying, Including coverage arcs, to the Owner for review and approval. 20. All sod areas shall be prepared prior to planting with a hariey power box rake or equal to provide a firm planting bed free of stones, sticks, construction debris, etc. Any alternate seed mixtures, rates, & application method noted shall be submitted to the landscape architect for approval. 21. The Landscape Contractor shall furnish samples of all landscape materials for approval prior to Installation. 22. The Landscape Contractor shall clear and grub the underbrush from within the work limits to remove dead branches, leaves, trash, weeds and foreign materials. Remove trees where noted on the plan, Including the stump to 30" below grade. 23. The landscape contractor shall contact Gopher Stale One Call no less than 48 hours before digging for field utility locations. 24. The landscape contractor shall be responsible for the removal of erosion control measures once vegetation has been established to the satisfaction of the municipal staff. This includes sill curtain fencing and sediment logs placed in the landscape. 25. The landscape contractor shall be responsible for visiting the site to become familiar with the conditions prior to bidding and Installation. Coordinate with the general contractors on matters such as fine grading, landscaped area conditions, staging areas, irrigation connection to building, etc. 26. Landscape contractor must prove the open sub -grade of all planting areas after their excavation Is capable of Infiltrating a minimum requirement of 1/4 -inch of water per hour prior to Installation of plant materials, topsoil, irrigation, weed mat, and mulch. Planting areas not capable of meeting this requirement shall have 4" diameter 48" depth holes augured every 36" on -center and filled with MnDOT Free -Draining Coarse Filter Aggregate. Re -test sub -grade percolation for compliance to Infiltration minimum requirement. 27. Unless otherwise noted on the civil plans, retaining walls to be County Materials Co.,'County Block'. split face in buff. Submit engineered wall drawings to the civil engineer for review. Include cap blocks and pre -manufactured comer units of matching finish & color. Install per manufacturers instructions. CALYX DESIGN GROUP Landscape Architecture Sustainable Design Master Planning 475 Cleveland Avenue N. I Sulte 101A St. Paul, MN 55104 telephone: 651.788.9018 Internet: www.calyxdestgngroup.com PROJECT, PREMIER STORAGE, LLC 5861 QUEEN'S AVENUE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 TFIE DRAWINGS, MID / OR SPECIFICATIGN5 CONTAINED HEREN ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROP T OF CALYX DEE IGN GROUP, LLL MID SHALL NOT BE UTILIZED OR COPIED BT OTHER PARTIES, WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. SHEET: LANDSCAPEPLAN I hereby orrery -1 4d, pIE,,. bpe.lnmtl.n. or,podw P, ,p dby......dermy directsupervisionend IhatI m a duly Llmnsed Landscape kdhimct under me Id b Onh..W..+ Minnawd. Pint Name: Benramin O. H,rJ,, ,PIA slenat.m: .ale: oy3w21 1Jmr,se No. 4e0e4 ISSUE / REVISION DATE PEH l ` Issue -01021 JOB: 21-121 DRAUN BT: r'E CHECKED BT, aH L1.0 PROPERTY LINE EXISTING LANDSCAPE TO REMAIN t� i EDGER EXISTING BUILDID LANDSCAPE ROCK BACKOF-CURB TO __....__._ PROPERTY LINE. LANDSCAPE PLAN DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING - SECTION 2 CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING - SECTION L7.a NPT TP btu[ L1.0 xor To brw� y / 1 �y I DING PER I �I IL PLANS. I CNIL PLANS. gOOSED ING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING 1I PBUIILDING - , / CIVILUNS.R / RETAINING WALL A ( o I 1 PER CIVIL PLANS. Pd// I f ! I / EXISTING P. _ e SEES L P �NS EXISTING LANDSCAPE TO REMAIN EXISTING LANDSCAPE TO REMAIN __ I Landscape Notes: 1. Tree saucer mulch to be four inches (4") depth natural single -shred hardwood mulch for trees outside of a plant bed. Install per tree planting detail 2. Refer to civil plan sheets for grading, drainage, site dimensions, survey, tree removal, proposed utilities & erosion control. 3. All plant material shall comply with the latest edition of the American Standard for Nursery Stock, American Association of Nurserymen. Unless noted otherwise, deciduous shrubs shall have at least 5 canes at the specified shrub height. Plant material shall be delivered as specified. All deciduous trees are measured at 48" from finished grade to determine tree diameter (DBH). All coniferous trees are measured from finished grade to the top of the. central leader. If no central leader is present on coniferous trees, that plant is rejected and must be replaced immediately. 4. Pian takes precedence over plant schedule if discrepancies In quantities exist 5. The 'Contractor' is the individual or company responsible for performing the work as noted In this plan set. This may be a landscaper, earthwork contractor, or other trade under contract with the Owner or General Contractor. 6. Adjustment in location of proposed plant material may be needed in field. Should an adjustment be required, the client will provide field approval. Significant changes may require city review and approval. 7. The project landscape contractor shall be held responsible for watering and properly handling all plant materials brought on the site both before and after Installation. Schedule plant deliveries to coincide with expected installation time within 36 hours. 8. This plan assumed the company responsible for installing sod, shrubs, and trees is also responsible for providing the planting soil and 'fine grading' in all landscape areas. This also includes clearing, grubbing, excavation, and the Import & spreading of planting soil. 9. The landscape contractor shall provide the owner with a watering schedule appropriate to the project site conditions and to plant material growth requirements. 10. If the landscape contractor is concerned or perceives any deficiencies in the plant selections, soil conditions, drainage or any other site condition that might negatively affect plant establishment, survival or guarantee, they must bring these deficiencies to the attention of the landscape architect & client prior to bid submission. 11. Contractor shall establish to his/ her satisfaction that soil and compaction conditions are adequate to allow for proper drainage at and around the building site. 12. Contractor Is responsible for ongoing maintenance of all newly Installed material unfit time of owner acceptance or for 30 days after installation, whichever comes first. This includes watering, mowing, etc. Any acts of vandalism or damage which may occur prior to owner acceptance shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Contractor shall provide the owner with a maintenance program including, but not limited to, priming, fertilization and disease/pest control. 13. Warranty: The contractor shall guarantee newly planted material through one calendar year from the date of written owner acceptance. Plants that exhibit more than 10% die -back damage shall be replaced at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor shall also provide adequate tree wrap and deertrodent protection measures for the plantings during the warranty period. 14. This layout plan constitutes our understanding of the landscape requirements listed in the ordinance. Changes and modifications may be requested by the city based on applicant information, public Input, council decisions, etc. 15. The landscape contractor shall be responsible for obtaining any permits and coordinating inspections as required throughout the work process. 16. Plant size & species substitutions must be approved In writing prior to acceptance In the field. 17. All edger shall be professional grade black steel edger, 11W thick, Ryerson or Equal. Anchor every 18" on -center (minimum). Submit sample. All mulch to be locallyavallable, single -shred hardwood free of twigs, leaves, and foreign matter. Landscape rock shall be q' local washed river rock over free -draining weed mat. Submit samples of wood and rock mulch for Owner review and final selection. 18. Landscape Contractor Is responsible for coordination with the General Contractor, to protect the new Improvements on and off-site during landscape work activities. Report any damage to the General Contractor Immediately. 19. Irrigation: Landscape contractor shall furnish and install an underground Irrigation system for the new turf area shown. Provide head-to-head coverage using Hunter Irigatlon products. Coordinate with the Owner regarding controller and rain sensor locations. Submit proposed Irrigation laying, Including coverage arcs, to the Owner for review and approval. 20. All sod areas shall be prepared prior to planting with a hariey power box rake or equal to provide a firm planting bed free of stones, sticks, construction debris, etc. Any alternate seed mixtures, rates, & application method noted shall be submitted to the landscape architect for approval. 21. The Landscape Contractor shall furnish samples of all landscape materials for approval prior to Installation. 22. The Landscape Contractor shall clear and grub the underbrush from within the work limits to remove dead branches, leaves, trash, weeds and foreign materials. Remove trees where noted on the plan, Including the stump to 30" below grade. 23. The landscape contractor shall contact Gopher Stale One Call no less than 48 hours before digging for field utility locations. 24. The landscape contractor shall be responsible for the removal of erosion control measures once vegetation has been established to the satisfaction of the municipal staff. This includes sill curtain fencing and sediment logs placed in the landscape. 25. The landscape contractor shall be responsible for visiting the site to become familiar with the conditions prior to bidding and Installation. Coordinate with the general contractors on matters such as fine grading, landscaped area conditions, staging areas, irrigation connection to building, etc. 26. Landscape contractor must prove the open sub -grade of all planting areas after their excavation Is capable of Infiltrating a minimum requirement of 1/4 -inch of water per hour prior to Installation of plant materials, topsoil, irrigation, weed mat, and mulch. Planting areas not capable of meeting this requirement shall have 4" diameter 48" depth holes augured every 36" on -center and filled with MnDOT Free -Draining Coarse Filter Aggregate. Re -test sub -grade percolation for compliance to Infiltration minimum requirement. 27. Unless otherwise noted on the civil plans, retaining walls to be County Materials Co.,'County Block'. split face in buff. Submit engineered wall drawings to the civil engineer for review. Include cap blocks and pre -manufactured comer units of matching finish & color. Install per manufacturers instructions. CALYX DESIGN GROUP Landscape Architecture Sustainable Design Master Planning 475 Cleveland Avenue N. I Sulte 101A St. Paul, MN 55104 telephone: 651.788.9018 Internet: www.calyxdestgngroup.com PROJECT, PREMIER STORAGE, LLC 5861 QUEEN'S AVENUE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 TFIE DRAWINGS, MID / OR SPECIFICATIGN5 CONTAINED HEREN ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROP T OF CALYX DEE IGN GROUP, LLL MID SHALL NOT BE UTILIZED OR COPIED BT OTHER PARTIES, WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. SHEET: LANDSCAPEPLAN I hereby orrery -1 4d, pIE,,. bpe.lnmtl.n. or,podw P, ,p dby......dermy directsupervisionend IhatI m a duly Llmnsed Landscape kdhimct under me Id b Onh..W..+ Minnawd. Pint Name: Benramin O. H,rJ,, ,PIA slenat.m: .ale: oy3w21 1Jmr,se No. 4e0e4 ISSUE / REVISION DATE PEH l ` Issue -01021 JOB: 21-121 DRAUN BT: r'E CHECKED BT, aH L1.0 l bO W 96ed i SUOISIABa 9k O m m 0 a 3 m F n o w' '3 ' K' N ''d' N 0'0 8'6T V6 ' T a3 a3ul2uzuinTTI UOI23HZXH UTN/xpw UTW/bAV UTN xeDq bAV s-.zun adAZoT120 Taq,22 AipuruinS UOTgPTnaTPO •Aluo uoilenleA3 USISap Jo} UO!IewJo}Ui sigj sap!Aoid pue Slanal;ySp aaluejen8 jou scop out s;onpad suJow •suoi;eliwp aJEMIJOS pue sanjeA aAi13al}aj ae:pns lenpe 'salnlea; 2uiplinq of anp Alen Aew Slanal lg2ll lenpV •papiAold uoilewjojui ay; uo paseq aie paluasaidai Slanal IgSll ayl U99TTL H9STTL 0 006'0 LZZbT `d89TTL Z 0 0 006'0 TtZ6 K99TTL ZT 0 006'0 8628 VZSTTL 9 {] uiav uoT- dzaosaQ 322 sueuinj dure I T-2-4os Tage i A40 ToquiAs aTnpauoS GaTL-Uzuin'j 3-10-2021 ExtraSpace Storage, Otsego, MN - SIGN SIZE & LOCATION PLAN -3 9'X 16' D/F Illuminated Pylon Sign Display Standard Pylon Example Sign Area 144 Sq.Ft. O� Q .\WIN G\i\ES S\GN IMAGES, WG' 00 �Le) aD I� 22g-15gg 612 �HE�'H 931�m (TK PD=/%H S3 HN W1143 V E S2 5' 13' 24., i -1 Dot 6 S%9%0 I %A 0 %0 Raceway Mount LED Illuminated Logo Letter Set Detail Sign Area 65 Sq.Ft. 18' S2 1 1p1 � flj N� S1��� 10 N\G�O DESIGNERS* BUILDERS INSTALLERS of interior& exterior sign systems 226 First Avenue East 9 Suite 9 Shakopee, MN 55379 9 Mark R. Raiche • (M) 612-229-1599 Raceway Mount LED Illuminated Logo Letter Set Detail Sign Area 30 Sq. Ft. ExtraSpace Storage Todd Jones 612-309-8703 5861 QUEEN'S AVENUE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 ❑ Translucent Flex -Face Materia GREEN #2500-106 Brilliant ■ BLACK #2500-022 GREY SW 7067 City Scape LED Illuminated Raceway Mount Logo Letter Set WOOD FENCE 3' HIGH RET. WALL TOW -927.0 BOW --930.0 BUILDING FF=933.5 & HIGH RET. WALL TOW --932.0 / BOW -929.0 6' HIGH RET. WALL TOW --925.0 BOW=919.0 PALLET RACKING 10' ELEC. WATERSHED AREA = 160,938 SQ. FT. 1X (EXISTING) AND 1 P (PROPOSED) NEW TRASH ENCLOSURE a TEL B©Xwe \ X819 818 77 921 920 923922 1 GD \I 40' EASI lA* ACCESS DOORS ALONG W WALL NEW BLDG FF=924.8 OFFICE -11 I I ISI I M ACCESS DOORS I lal I �I ACCESS DOORS J f lal ALONG NDRTN WAIL 63 I SANITARY SEWER 921.0 2.5' HIGH RET. WALL ' Z TOW -927.5 i a o BUILDING BOW -925.0 IN I III LL FF=927.8 ST CB -1 j '� ' r 76 L.F. OF 15" PVC I CB W 012.35 Z 4908.95 TC=924.0 ACCE I v I I INV=920.0 I PALLET RACKING 10' ELEC. WATERSHED AREA = 160,938 SQ. FT. 1X (EXISTING) AND 1 P (PROPOSED) NEW TRASH ENCLOSURE a TEL B©Xwe \ X819 818 77 921 920 923922 1 GD \I 40' EASI lA* ACCESS DOORS ALONG W WALL NEW BLDG FF=924.8 OFFICE -11 I I ISI I M ACCESS DOORS I lal I �I ACCESS DOORS J f lal ALONG NDRTN WAIL 63 I SANITARY SEWER 921.0 µD ALONc�N WALLS O I I I I a,r I I Z 9 110• FL0011 -1 ciI I T FLOOR ST%T 9l!itNE In av I III LL ( j---------99LE9ENrLfl�[� \ s� r FFW931D9 I Ll I ------- NEW BLDG - NEW BLDG INV=915 F CB W 012.35 Z 4908.95 '' ACCE I v I I (n n --- _--- -----I--- I I a u5 N I I FF=926.7 1=926.( __ 2a6 ,a FLOOR Sm -I FF I I L AND USE CITY OF OTSEGO STANDARD PLATES. 931.07 - ----------------i AccEs CROSSING WATER SERVICES. 11) 1 G EXCAVATED TO GRANULAR DEPTH, ALL HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHALL BE KEPT OUT OF THIS AREA. ALONc-90DO1H00w I I ` I ACCESS DOORS ISI ALONG SOUTH WALL I BLANKET INSTALLED. FILTRATION BASIN TO HAVE 6" OF COMPOST MIXED IN WITH THE TOP 1 FOOT OF ON-SITE MATERIAL. USE MNDOT SEED MIX #35-241. Z 926 931 h \C so1 ?j �� \ `925 -21 925 4' HIGH RET. WALL ,1 r ST CB -2 TOW -929.5 2' VALLEY 22 L. F. OF 12" PVC w BOW=926.2 93D 1 GUTTER (IYP) TC=924.4 i' i INV=919.9 ST CIB 3 a ! I ; BUILDING 44 L. F. OF 12"PVC - BUILDING Iao1 i FF=825,7 TC=924.3 C@br1/0.cuRe ,.-m„ FF=930.4 ! a , `RPiI INV=919.4 PALLET RACKING 10' ELEC. WATERSHED AREA = 160,938 SQ. FT. 1X (EXISTING) AND 1 P (PROPOSED) NEW TRASH ENCLOSURE a TEL B©Xwe \ X819 818 77 921 920 923922 1 GD \I 40' EASI lA* ACCESS DOORS ALONG W WALL NEW BLDG FF=924.8 OFFICE -11 I �I RET. V:L SANITARY SEWER 921.0 l I V\� 19.0 .1Ce 1 WATER SERVICE - - -s- - SANITARY SERVICE CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PER CITY SPECIFICATIONS. CHAIN LINK FENCE av VINYLIWOOD FENCE RE -VEGETATE THE SITE WITHIN 48 HOURS OF FINAL GRADING. \ s� r HYDRANT A T IN CB W 012.35 Z 4908.95 .9 9 ♦9 6 ryl.K SANITARY MANHOLE ALL DOWNSTREAM EXISTING CATCH BASINS MUST HAVE INLET PROTECTION. 19 V�9` n AREA CB TC=913.48 U) Z W W C'1 18' FE INV --911.12 V DEDICATION ST. NE '0.65'TO913.0 18' FE INV -910.35 24' FE INV --909.65 SCALE IN FEET 0 30 60 90 15 45 o - DENOTES IRON MONUMENT BEARINGS ARE ASSUMED DATUM PROPOSEDLEGEND I WATER MAIN - -�- -�- SANITARY SEWER ->>- STORM SEWER -w -w -w -w- WATER SERVICE - - -s- - SANITARY SERVICE CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PER CITY SPECIFICATIONS. CHAIN LINK FENCE av VINYLIWOOD FENCE RE -VEGETATE THE SITE WITHIN 48 HOURS OF FINAL GRADING. LIGHT POLE r HYDRANT A WATER VALVE • SANITARY MANHOLE • STORM MANHOLE 0 CATCH BASIN x x x SILT FENCE - - - GRADING LIMITS CONTOUR LINE SPOT ELEVATION DRAINAGE ARROW DETAIL NOTE EXISTING BASIN AND PROPOSED EXPANDED BASIN 2P (EXISTING) AND 3P (PROPOSED) REVISIONS PROJ. NO: 221024 NOTES 1) UTILITIES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE LOCATION. LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND UTILITY PLAN COMPILED FROM VISUAL EVIDENCE (FLAGGING & PAINT MARKS) AND RECORD DRAWINGS (DESIGN SHEET NO. C-2 & AS -BUILT) CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 811 FOR ALL UTILITY, GAS LINE, AND CHECKED: GDJ ELECTRICAL LINE LOCATIONS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. 2) CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PER CITY SPECIFICATIONS. 3) INSTALL SILT FENCE PRIOR TO EXCAVATION AS NEEDED. RNV DEDICATION 4) RE -VEGETATE THE SITE WITHIN 48 HOURS OF FINAL GRADING. 5) THE STREET MUST BE CLEARED OR DEBRIS AT THE END OF EACH DAY. ADDITIONAL SWEEPING // Print Name: G,egNT A JAGodSQy Date: 03/25/21 WILL BE REQUIRED DURING THE HAULING PROCESS. ALL STREETS MUST BE MAINTAINED TO SAFE Excelsior, MN 55331 DRIVING CONDITIONS. MON 6) ALL DOWNSTREAM EXISTING CATCH BASINS MUST HAVE INLET PROTECTION. 7) CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE STOCK PILE AREAS AND CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION AND PROVIDE NECESSARY EROSION CONTROL. 8) PROPOSED SLOPES AS SHOWN ARE NOT GREATER THAN 3:1. 9) USE -CITY OF OTSEGO UTILITY AND STREET CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS" AND USE CITY OF OTSEGO STANDARD PLATES. 10) STORM SEWER SHALL BE AIR TESTED 20 FEET IN EITHER DIRECTION AT ALL LOCATIONS WHERE CROSSING WATER SERVICES. 11) THE FILTRATION BASIN SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC. ONCE BASIN IS EXCAVATED TO GRANULAR DEPTH, ALL HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHALL BE KEPT OUT OF THIS AREA. 12) THE SIDE SLOPES OF THE RETENTION AND FILTRATION BASIN SHALL HAVE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET INSTALLED. FILTRATION BASIN TO HAVE 6" OF COMPOST MIXED IN WITH THE TOP 1 FOOT OF ON-SITE MATERIAL. USE MNDOT SEED MIX #35-241. EXISTING BASIN AND PROPOSED EXPANDED BASIN 2P (EXISTING) AND 3P (PROPOSED) REVISIONS PROJ. NO: 221024 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct aupeMsTon and that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 4w.fa s 9 License No: Z31 B9 JACOBSON ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS PREPARED FOR: Premier Storage Attn: Todd Jones GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND UTILITY PLAN OTSEGO STORAGE DEVELOPMENT SHEET NO. C-2 DRAWN: GDJ CHECKED: GDJ SCALE: AS SHOWN Signature: 478 Second Street, Suite 200 OTSEGO, MN 2 FIELD BOOK: A // Print Name: G,egNT A JAGodSQy Date: 03/25/21 I ..bsonOengreurv.com 21029 HERON WAY (952) 469-4328 LAKEALLE, MN 55044 FAX (952) 469-4624 Excelsior, MN 55331 DATE 03/18/21 Review No. 1 ENGINEERING REVIEW Industrial Subdivision Halt�nsOn for the City of Otsego Anderson by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator Audra Etzel, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Dave Kendall, City Attorney Todd Jones, Todd Realty, LLC Grant Jacobson, Jacobson Eng. & Surveyors Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Date: April 15, 2021 Proposed Development: 5887 Queens Site Location: PID 1188022103 Applicant: Todd Realty, LLC Todd Jones 4782 nd St, Suite 200 Excelsior Developer: Premier Storage Owners of Record: PCR Queen, LLC c/o Robin Richardson 5887 Queens Ave NE Otsego, MN 55330 Purpose: Convert 4 existing buildings and 4 new buildings into self -storage on 3.8 acres of Industrial Zoned Property. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES (but not limited to) TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE CONSTRUCTION PLANS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY & DEMOLITION PLAN GRADING DRAINAGE & UTILITYU PLAN SWPPP LIGHTING PLAN LANDSCAPE PLAN CONCEPT SITE PLAN CONCEPT BUILDING ELEVATIONS STORM SEWER DESIGN/HYDROLOGY �Xlj ►1_IMS) : ` • ulul 0 W Page 2 INFORMATION AVAILABLE Topographic Survey & Demolition Plan Grading Drainage & Utility Plan SWPPP Lighting Plan Landscape Plan Concept Site Plan Concept Building Elevations Storm Water Calculations Additional Information City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map CONSTRUCTION PLANS Topographic Survey & Demolition Plan 1. Provide Correct D&U for Property to South Grading Drainage & Utility Plan 2. Curb between two existing South buildings and between existing East building and New South building. 3. Show easement around Expanded Storm Pond. 4. Note 10 Not Needed 5. Mill Connection of Queens Avenue & Driveway SWPPP 6. No Comments. Lighting Plan 7. No Comments. Page 3 Landscape Plan 8. No Comments. Concept Site Plan 9. No Comments. Concept Building Elevations 10. No Comments. STORM SEWER DESIGNIHYDROLOGY 11. The Storm Retaining Pond must skim the 2 yr. event. 12. The outlet structure must be accessible & not located where "short cut" of treatment could occur. Therefore, South side of Pond is best. 13. Storm Retainage Pond must have post outflow equal or less than pre -outflow for 2, 10 & 100yr. events. 14. Storm retainage Pond must filtrate 1' 1.1" off impervious. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent on the above comments being addressed. Page 4