ITEM 3.6C OPC 11.14.13 MinutesOHPC Minutes 11-14--13 ITEM 3 - Present: Chris Wilson, Toni Seroshek, Lisa Fahay, Jamie Plantenberg-Selbitschka, John Noll, Gail Anderson, Mayor Jessica Stockamp. Meeting is called to order at 7pm in the City Hall. Last meetings minutes were reviewed and a change was made in sentence three:..."It was noted that the next meeting will need to be changed from November 12 because of a conflict with Council meeting dates." The Commission unanimously agreed to approve of the minutes after this change is made. Additions to agenda: 1) Jim Stockamp will make a request on behalf of the Otsego Lions -Club. . 2) An annual report of the oHPC has been submitted by City Planner Dan Licht and needs to be reviewed for approval. Prairie Center Update: Mayor Stockamp announced that a Commissioners Appreciation Dinner will be held in the remodeled Prairie Center on Wednesday, Dec. 11, 6:30pm. Commissioners will receive invitations. Tonight after the meeting Jessica will give us a preview of the Prairie Center. Names for new parks: Gail had sent to the Commissioners, Mayor and City Planner background on the history of the two newest Otsego parks from oHPC materials and some suggested names. After discussion the Commission agreed to forward the following names for consideration to the Parks and Recreation Commission: Davis Farm Park and Waterfront Park- Carrrick's Landing. Toni will send the materials regarding our recommendations to Parks and Recreation Commission. Revision of books for reprinting: Toni followed up on Lisa's offer to rebind if we update and revise some of our Otsego history books. Toni suggested that the Otsego Cemetery book might be the easiest book to start this process and the Commissioners agreed. We would need to digitize the print and get it to Lisa. Lisa would then get a bid on printing and her family would bind it. We would also need to take new pictures of higher quality. Jim Stockamp (and Logan) joined our meeting. Jim, representing the Otsego Lions, requested using the old Otsego ballot boxes as collection boxes for donated eyeglasses and hearing aids. We discussed ways of preparing them for use while maintaining the integrity of the ballot boxes. The Commission approved the motion for the Otsego Lions to use the ballot boxes. The 2013 Annual Report of the Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission prepared by City Planner Dan Licht was presented to Commissioners. It was reviewed by the Commissioners and approved after two corrections: John Noll's current email is: nolll'ohn111@yahoo.com and Lisa Fahey's address has changed to: 5614 211th Avenue NW, Nowthen, MN 55330. Meeting was adjourned at 8:50pm. The next meeting is scheduled for December 10 at the Prairie Center at 7pm. Gail Anderson, Recorder