ITEM 3.10 Davis Preserve ParkRequest for se� Ot - o City Council Action MINNESOTA AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council name the park located in the Davis Mississippi Development `Davis Preserve Park' and the park located at the Waterfront East Development `Carrick Waterfront Park.' ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? 1 IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No 1 No BACKGROUNDIJUSTIFICATION: At their meeting on October 2013, the Parks and Recreation Commission directed staff to work with the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) to research names for the parks located in the Davis Mississippi Coves development and the Waterfront East development and present recommendation. Below is history that the Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission researched regarding both parks. Park within Waterfront East: The earliest commerce was a trading post operated by Samuel Carrick across the Mississippi from Elk River from 1850-1854. His customers were the Winnebago Indians who camped in the area. He also established a ferry at the same location in 1854 and the area became known as 'Carrick's Prairie.' In 1851 Carrick had taken a claim and started a farm, the first farm in Wright County. By 1554 he was operating Carrick's Ferry by his trading post and was so well known in the area that the open land just south of his claim was called Carrick's Prairie.... Samuel Carrick never married. When President Lincoln called for volunteers during the War Between the States, he responded. During the 4th Minnesota's advance on Atlanta he was captured. When he died in Andersonville [prison] in 1554 he was 31 years old." Also, the area is known as Waterfront Park so we thought it would be good to keep that in the title along with a historical designation. "Landing" may be the City's designation for any park on the river. The HPC and Parks and Recreation Commission both recommended incorporating the historical name `Carrick's Prairie with the name that people currently refer to the park has `waterfront East'. Park within the Davis Mississi i Cove Development: Joseph Davis was a native of Lowell, Penobscot county, Maine, born in the year 1523 who reached manhood on a farm in his native state. At age 30 he carne to Minnesota where he engaged in farming, lumbering and was a fireman on the first steamboat that ran on the Upper Mississippi called the "Governor Ramsey" and commanded by Captain Rollins. Joseph and his wife Emeline (Spencer) Davis had 13 children. Orion, one of their sons, left home at age 15 and engaged in farming, lumbering, and river driving. In 1894 he returned to the home farm with his wife and children and operated the farm and looked after his parents until their death, when he inherited the farm. Many of Joseph and Emeline Davis' descendants still live in the area and are active in the community. The HPC and Parks and Recreation Commission felt using the Davis name and Nature Preserve were important when naming this park. Staff recommends that the City Council name the park located in the Davis Mississippi Development `Davis Preserve Park' and the park located at the waterfront East Development `Carrick Waterfront Park.' SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ATTACHED x NONE MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) Motion to approve naming the park located in the Davis/Mississippi Development `Davis Preserve Park' and the park located at the waterfront East Business Development `Carrick Waterfront Park.' BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: I BUDGETED: ❑ YES ■ ■ e,