02-21-12 OPC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes February 21, 2012 Present: Joel Torkelson, Jason Warehime, Dana VanDenBerg, Rob VanDenBerg, Paul Fields, Jessica Stockamp. Police Officer: Officer Kevin Yauk Meeting called to order at: 6:35 p.m. Informational Handouts reviewed- Received and reviewed. Agenda: APPROVED MINUTES from: January meeting- Approved OPEN FORUM (5 minute limit): Joel Torkelson informed the Police Commission that he will be resigning as of March 15t Law Enforcement Update: Nothing noteworthy. OLD BUISNESS: Neighborhood Watch Program- An article will be posted in the next Otsego View regarding the program with contact information. Jessica informed us to watch the Otsego web site to see all the new changes that will be happening in the near future. There will be a Citizen Complaint Action Center tab for people to voice their concerns or complaints and someone from the city will follow up with all complaints or concerns. NEW BUSINESS: Police Commission Terms should be reviewed annually, suggested to be held during our October meeting to review remaining terms and renewal requests. Motioned, voted and approved an addition to the Police commission bylaws that allowed the removal of an excessively absent member, such as: Any member of the Police Commission that is absent from 3 consecutive meetings may be dismissed by a majority vote of the commission, or by a majority vote of the City Council, or by the Mayor. Calendar of Events: Easter Egg Hunt (3/31.12) Otsego View Submission Dates — Submission dates are: Feb 2 (spring), May 3 (Summer), July 19 (fall), October 4 (Winter). Road Clean up will be tabled for a later meeting. City Council Meeting Updates: • January 23, 2012- nothing to report • February 13, 2012 — nothing to report City Council Meeting assignments: • February 27, 2012 —Jason • March 12, , 2012 —Paul Meeting Adjourned 7:35 p.m.