05-08-12 OPC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes May 8, 2012 Present: Jason Warehime, Dana VanDenBerg, Paul Fields, Denise Andrusko, Meghan Anderson, Jessica Stockamp. Police Officer: Officer Rob Gongoll Meeting called to order at: 6:30 p.m. Informational Handouts reviewed- Received and reviewed. Agenda: APPROVED MINUTES from: April meeting -Approved OPEN FORUM (5 minute limit): City and Boondocks are looking into more lighting on County RD 42. Law Enforcement Update: 5 fires in Otsego, Police dog Buck passed away and Saber will be taking his place. OLD BUISNESS: Road Clean-up was postponed until June 12 th meeting due to weather. Police Commission Vacancy- Still open. Posted on Otsego City web site. McGruff Volunteers — Meghan is keeping a list of people willing to be McGruff. NEW BUSINESS: Road Clean-up will be our next meeting June 12 weather permitting. National Night Out- Jason and Meghan are working on donations. We will discuss further during our July meeting. City Council Meeting Updates: ® April 23, 2012 — Paul — The Boy Scouts were honored. ® May 14, 2012 — Meghan - Nothing to report City Council Meeting assignments: ® May 29, 2012- Jason ® June 11, 2012 - Meghan Meeting Adjourned 7:35 p.m. Our June 12 meeting at 6:30 will be Road Clean up weather permitting.